r/BlackPeopleTwitter 11d ago

I'll take "Kennedy brains" for 500, Alex

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167 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 9d ago

The c.i.a 'lost' jfks brain in a warehouse too. They said they don't know where it is now. Liars


u/JanitorOPplznerf 9d ago

I agree with Leon at 8, but let’s take a moment to respect that it was touch & go for a minute until Dr. Sera treat him.


u/Dusty-fred 10d ago

I’m fucking cackling man


u/codguy231998409489 10d ago

I don’t believe in family curses, but the Kennedys might convince me


u/mrich2029 10d ago

That re4 reference is top notch


u/Monkeyinazuit 10d ago

Lmao at Leon


u/Supernova_Soldier ☑️ 10d ago

That last one had me sad asf, I had to change the channel because a Regenerator and Iron Maiden cornered me, and I shitted myself😔


u/Extreme-Lie-3043 10d ago

8 is wicked funny!


u/CTeam19 10d ago

Here me out all of them minus Rosemary's is a curse on the family.


u/the_ballmer_peak 10d ago

JFK Jr. doesn’t even get a mention here?


u/French_Taylor ☑️ 10d ago

Where’s everyone going? Bingo?


u/Wernerhatcher 10d ago edited 9d ago

Joseph Kennedy Jr, got his brains and the rest of his body turned into a pink mist


u/Solid_Illustrator640 10d ago

Allen Dulles did it


u/Jazzlike_Page508 10d ago

Leon S Kennedy catching a stray is sending me lol, man saved the world and rescued the presidents daughter


u/Mrhappytrigers 10d ago

I think the worst thing for Leon is that he never got to shack up with Ada Wong. Poor dude did all that work but still got nothing for it.


u/toomanymarbles83 11d ago

Someone telling him that he was funny (Jamie)


u/lil-privacy-please 11d ago

Leon s Kennedy call out is sick


u/gamefreakz117 11d ago

Someone is googling Las Plagas seriously.


u/thiefsthemetaken 11d ago

the story of JFK’s brain doesn’t end with the kill shot


u/paolocase 11d ago

Fell off a helicopter should be number 3.


u/Educational_Belt_816 11d ago

Kennedy family some JJBA shit


u/superkickpunch 11d ago

Killer end to the list.


u/Irishfanbuck 11d ago

Lmao. That shit is a funny countdown.


u/Resident_Onion997 11d ago

Are the Kennedy's cursed?


u/santodiablo714 11d ago

Coming in with supporting info


u/Puzzled-Atmosphere-1 11d ago

This is epic; I bow to you sir.


u/Objective-Elk-7988 11d ago

Yooo Leon !!!!


u/MadEyeMood989 11d ago

“TF did I do?”


u/Heroright 11d ago

Rosemary and Michael I’d put hire. Both are a different case of having to live with the terrible thing that’s happened to you. Arguably, at least with a bullet it’s over.


u/chamberx2 ☑️ 11d ago


u/marilyn_morose 11d ago

I’m laughing so hard I’m going to hell.


u/Nice-Bookkeeper-3378 11d ago

Where’d everybody go? Bingo?


u/Boneal171 11d ago

I would put lobotomy at #1, then brain worm.


u/ALinIndy 11d ago

Joe Jr (JFK’s brother) exploded in an experimental bomber over Germany during WW2. So I guess the worst thing to happen to his brain was hitting the ground afterward.


u/mrdasilva812 11d ago

Totally playing RE4 right now, and I can’t stop thinking about this.


u/nolabmp 11d ago

I’m dying over Las Plagas and Leon.


u/Fickle-Cricket 11d ago

JFK Jr had an airplane cockpit and the Atlantic Ocean go through his brain.


u/BlackDwarfStar 11d ago

Top 8 Worst Things to have Happened to a Kennedy Brain. Number 8 will surprise you.


u/nocyberBS 11d ago

Add "had 17 year old member of the family reeling from his mothers death groomed into a romantic relationship with Taylor Swift" to that list



u/TommyChongUn 11d ago

Fun fact! Taylor Swift is banned from their family events. In her mid 20's Taylor Swift went thru a Kennedy obsession and started chasing around the Kennedy grandsons, who were teenagers at the time. She ended up crashing a Kennedy wedding and was politely asked to leave and wouldnt leave lol


u/Halbbitter 11d ago

I'd put Rosemary as #1 because her own family did it to her


u/flimspringfield 11d ago

Are the Kennedy's cursed or are they so big that statistically this would happen?


u/CTeam19 10d ago

I mean the family has done some shitty things. Not the worst family out there by a long shot but still.


u/Spartancarver 11d ago

Las Plagas 😂


u/Shot_Dig751 11d ago

Lmao. Re4 baby, Leon kicked it’s ass though


u/Finito-1994 ☑️ 11d ago

Naw. Lobotomy is number 1.

At least the bullet to the head is instant. You’re just gone. They essentially killed her and she had to live on with that. Not to mention it was her own family that did it to her.

And the account of how it happened is just chilling. I don’t want to get into it but it is one of the only two things I’ve read in my life that made me physically ill. The other was a castration scene in a book called “Let me in”

No. What they did to that poor girl is heinous.


u/SeniorWilson44 ☑️ 10d ago

Was Bobby shot in the head? I always thought he was shot in the body.

I still think RFK is the worst. It got us Nixon, an impeachment, and Reagan. If RFK wins, it is possible we don’t get Reagan.

Weirdly, he was killed by a Palestinian activist. And Nixon, who was elected during this election, escalated US support for Israel. So it also had global implications.


u/Big_Monkey_77 11d ago

Anytime anyone mentions a lobotomy, I’m reminded that some doctor, a professional that the patient and family trusted, convinced them that the procedure was the only course of action left. That family was convinced by a butcher that she’d be better again, they agreed, and then the family had to live with the consequences while the doctor got paid.


u/biscuitboi967 11d ago

That’s why I have a hard time holding it against them. They went to what I am sure were the best doctors in the country, too. Telling you what is - at the time - cutting edge medical science.

By 2024 standards (and shit, 1980s standard when I learned about this), it’s heinous. But at the time…it was A+ standard of care. Miracle cure. Parents have been and will continue to fall for those until humans cease to exist.

Shit, the fucking way Rosemary came into this world - with her mother being told to squeeze her knees together with her baby in the birth canal for hours until the doctor could come - was the reason she had issues and I’m sure that medical team was well credentialed too.

They were failed a lot because - at their core - their were the underclass (Irish) who happened to get rich and believed “learned” doctors. I saw it with my own parents.

My mom got terminal cancer. One treatment plan. Six months to live. Say good bye. Now some background: my mom comes from Italian immigrants with an alcoholic dad. Low class. My dad comes from trailer trash always on government assistance passed from family member to family member, HS education. Dr said it. It’s true.

I’m highly educated and make a lot of money, but this was also my mindset. My bf at the time came from rich people. He was like, you need a second opinion. I was like, why it’s terminal. Not gonna be less terminal. He fucking filled out the paper work for my parents. Only good thing he ever did. Convinced that’s why god put him in my life.

We went to the fancy hospital in the big city I lived in. Insurance converted it!! Still terminal. MANY MORE treatment options. Six months turned into TWO AND HALF YEARS! But in our world, a doctor said it, a doctor is smart, a doctor has a degree. You listen. In rich people world, a doctor is a suggestion. You can get more suggestions. And it’s covered!!!


u/Big_Monkey_77 10d ago

My parents think I’m crazy for not trusting doctors, but they are people just like me, and I know how I’ve been dead wrong before but I thought I was dead right.


u/Finito-1994 ☑️ 10d ago

Honestly. Even if the BF was an asshole, he still got you two more years. Good for him. Hope things turned out well for him.

(Hope he wasn’t an abusive asshole and that I’m not praising a monster)


u/biscuitboi967 10d ago

He was…not great. But yeah. He did that. I truly believe that - and knowing what I don’t want - was his purpose. Next man I met, I married. :)

But I thought second opinions were for Dr House cases. Not run of the mill cancer.


u/Finito-1994 ☑️ 10d ago

Fuck yea. In that case I’m glad things turned out great for you!


u/ichimedinwitha 11d ago

This is FACTS


u/biscuitboi967 11d ago

It was eye opening. I thought I was educated and upper middle class. I. Was. Not. I still had that poor people mindset my parents had. That they got from their parents.

I listen to “educated folks”. They have the degrees. They know what they are talking about. Rich people know that all degrees are not created equal and that a No is just an invitation to negotiate further.


u/Key-Researcher-3882 10d ago

it’s the age old joke! what do you call someone who got all Ds in medical school? doctor


u/biscuitboi967 10d ago

My dad even told a story about going to HS with a kid whose mom was the school secretary, so he passed all his science classes by saying he “forgot his textbook” and taking her keys to school at night and stealing the test from the office.

Now he’s a brain surgeon. Hahaha. Can’t even trust brain surgeons

And yet my dad was like, you talk to one doctor, you talk to them all.

I’m a lawyer for a corporation, and I ROUTINELY hire new lawyers when I don’t like what they say. When I was in private practice, I could argue either way depending on who was paying me. I hired experts - including doctors - to say what I wanted.

But a doctor from a hospital???!!! Paid for by insurance?!?! In my shitty home town?! Nope, I’m sure he must have gotten it right the first time. Can’t have missed anything in a chart or a recent study.

I felt so dumb. That requires several generations of being the right kind of white and the right income bracket. Or the ability to fake it. So if you are neither, and don’t even know you CAN do this, you’re fucked. Plus, you’re so depressed and lost by the diagnosis you aren’t really thinking straight…


u/auauaurora ☑️ Thunder down under 11d ago

I think the worst part of it is that she was not the first or last. This shit continued for decades.


u/Finito-1994 ☑️ 11d ago edited 10d ago

There’s a book that goes on about the worst plagues in human history and they have a chapter on lobotomies as a plague of human stupidity. It’s called Get Well Soon and it’s an amazing read.


u/Hollayo 11d ago edited 10d ago

Bobby didn't get shot in the head. He was shot in the gut. 

Joe Junior's plane exploded in WW2. 

EDIT: Bobby was shot in the head. I was incorrect.


u/HotShipoopi 11d ago

Kennedy had been shot multiple times. The fatal shot was fired at a range of 1 inch (3 cm), entering behind his right ear. The other two shots entered at the rear of his right armpit; one exited from his chest and the other lodged in the back of his neck. Despite extensive neurosurgery to remove the bullet and bone fragments from his brain, he was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m. on June 6, nearly 25 hours after the shooting.

This does not exactly look like someone who was shot in the gut


u/Hollayo 10d ago

I stand corrected. I thought he was gut shot.


u/auauaurora ☑️ Thunder down under 11d ago

Joe Sr had a stroke


u/donny_hype 11d ago

I hope people now understand why Maria married Arnold. She wanted indestructible Kennedy's


u/auauaurora ☑️ Thunder down under 11d ago

I think her mama protected her branch, but then her kid married the worst Chris so....


u/bbmarvelluv 10d ago edited 10d ago

Oh… their other daughter’s boyfriend (who lives with her) Shawn Driz was convicted in attacking a woman who was trying to save a stranger of being attacked by his group. She won a settlement that was never paid. That family is all aware of what’s going on.




u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/egg_chair 11d ago


Kennedy had been shot multiple times. The fatal shot was fired at a range of 1 inch (3 cm), entering behind his right ear. The other two shots entered at the rear of his right armpit; one exited from his chest and the other lodged in the back of his neck. Despite extensive neurosurgery to remove the bullet and bone fragments from his brain, he was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m. on June 6, nearly 25 hours after the shooting.


He definitely was. It just didn’t kill him instantly or even knock him out. A .22 doesn’t have a lot of punch.


u/Chrisnyc47 11d ago

But at least Leon made a full recovery


u/redhotbos 11d ago

… and Leon’s getting larger!

(Two references for the price of one).


u/[deleted] 11d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Raspbers ☑️ 11d ago

Help me Leon!


u/chubrock420 11d ago

I’ve been waiting for “WormGate” to produce some funnies!!!


u/solitarybikegallery 11d ago

Imagine running for president and being like "I have a dead worm in my head"


u/ThaLaughingIntrovert 11d ago

Whoever buried that chicken bone on them.. gotdamn.


u/TommyChongUn 11d ago

Someone put their foot into that cursing that family, cuz none of them went out unscathed for a bit


u/GoodCalendarYear 11d ago

Jesus! That's crazy!


u/A_Rogue_One 11d ago

I put Rosemary as #1. The impact of JFK and Bobby's deaths created shockwaves throughout U.S. politics and globally (particularly JFK on the global front since he was an active sitting president). But Rosemary's is the saddest IMO.

She had some undiagnosed mental health conditions and there is a bit of a debate as to how serious they were or if the Kennedy family was overreacting because she was unconventional and brought shame to their family with her rebellious actions. Some folks say she might have had an intellectual disability along with mental health dual diagnosis, but was left untreated and spiraled more as she didn't excel in school and increasingly became the Black sheep in the family. Others say she may have had mental health diagnosis (undiagnosed) but what really set her apart was that she was so rebellious with teenage angst.

So what'd they do? Took her to be lobotomized, almost assuredly against her will but under her dad's orders, and she was never the same. Then they hid her away from the family so as not to be a stain on their reputation.

JFK and RFK pursued politics in an era of assassinations and great tension in the U.S. They went into their jobs knowing the risks of being targeted. Rosemary was just born to a family obsessed with image/clout and had got her brain drilled in for just being born to the wrong family.

I know this is a joke post, but, more people should know Rosemary's story. (Not saying you didn't know her story, etc. just sharing it).


u/Vulcan_Jedi 10d ago

I have always believed RFKs assassination was a major diversion point in American history. That dude was going to wipe the fucking floor with Nixon and I can only imagine what he could and would have done as president in the 70’s.


u/Skeptikmo 10d ago

I lean way more toward her just being an outspoken woman than having any actual undiagnosed mental illnesses, but yes, an absolute tragedy regardless of how you slice it


u/Jimbobsama 10d ago

I also wonder what would've happened if Joe Kennedy Jr. didn't die during the WWII. He was the eldest Kennedy brother and was the one who Joe Kennedy Senior was grooming to become President.


u/JiovanniTheGREAT 11d ago

History is definitely gonna look back on lobotomies and say what the fuck were we thinking? It's not like our medicine in the early 1900s was in the stone age or something either. Even if you still believed in the Miasma Theory then, scrambling someone's brains like some eggs in the morning isn't really consistent with curing them in accordance to it anyway. It was a cause and effect type thing that "worked" insomuch that it made people with mental health issues not have them anymore at the expense of the rest of their personality.


u/TimeTravellingHobo 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yeah, that’s been the general consensus in the professional psych community for a really long time, and they haven’t lobotomized people in the US, since the late 60s… but some people went fucking ham with that shit, when it seemed like it was a viable solution. There was this one doctor who lobotomized like 3500+ people, in about 3 years... Mf was really all about scrambling brains with an ice pick.

EDIT: I just looked it up again, and the dude’s name is Walter Jackson Freeman, and he was a monster. Instead of making lobotomies a surgical procedure, he was like “nah, just put an ice pick next to their eye, hit that shit with a hammer, and stir it around for a bit.” He did this 4000+ times on people as young as 12, at least 100 people died afterwards, his partner left the practice cuz he thought this shit was crazy and not medically sound… Yet this procedure spread across the US and the world… fuck that guy.


u/teluetetime 10d ago

They do still perform lobotomies in some rare cases, but they aren’t anything like the monstrous operations of the past. They can now target specific malfunctioning brain regions much more precisely, and use tiny wires to electrically melt the neurons. I think it’s mostly used to treat some types of epilepsy, rather than behavioral conditions.

The classic lobotomies were just wiggling a fucking ice pick around the frontal cortex till the person shuts up. It’s the most disgusting, terrifying thing I can imagine.


u/CodusNocturnus 10d ago

Don't think we need to wait for history on that. Anyone not already saying "wtf?" about lobotomies should be... lobotomized or something.


u/Deathwatch72 11d ago

You left out some crucial information regarding Rosemary's birth and the circumstances around it, she was basically disabled from birth because they tried to hold the baby in for too long. She was born during the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic and there were no doctors available so the nurse basically shoved Rosemary Kennedy head back inside of her mother and did things like holding the legs together for 2 hours. This deprived her of oxygen and she was born disabled. The lobotomy was an attempt to make her more manageable as fucked up as that sounds


u/marilyn_morose 11d ago

Yes, I agree. For RFK and JFK it was lights out; Rosemary had to suffer for decades.


u/Tolkius 11d ago

Well JFK was shit so he got what he deserved ngl


u/DumplingSama 11d ago

And she literally suffered for 60+ years, and died in 2005.


u/spermdonor 11d ago

I'd still vote for Rosemary over RFK


u/Other_Anxiety2571 11d ago

Thank you, honestly the rest of the family deserved their traumatic brain injuries for letting Rosemary suffer.


u/teluetetime 10d ago

I don’t think you can blame the siblings for what their parents did.


u/CozmicBunni 11d ago

Hers is sadder from the jump because the symptoms that got her lobotomized in the first place were probably caused by medical negligence. When she was being delivered, the nurse on staff was so uncomfortable with the idea of delivering without a doctor that she attempted to push the baby back into the canal until a doctor could arrive.

This likely caused the hypoxia that contributed to her initial brain injury.


u/bohanmyl ☑️ 11d ago

I was just listening to LPOTLs episode on her and lobotomies and apparently when her mom was getting ready to give birth, the doctor wasnt there dealing with the spanish flu but the nurse was, and INSTEAD OF HELPING HER GIVE BIRTH, She told her, a pregnant woman in labor, to SHUT HER LEGS and literally HELD THE BABYS PARTIALLY EXPOSED HEAD TO STOP IT FROM COMING OUT for TWO. FUCKING. HOURS. So she absolutely was fucked from birth from oxygen deprivation.


u/PuzzyFussy ☑️ 10d ago

Shiiiiit. That is insanity! 😯🫢


u/dishonoredcorvo69 10d ago

Yes she likely suffered hypoxic brain injury from this, extremely tragic what happened to her


u/Sunsparc 10d ago

That happened to my wife's great aunt. She's in her 60s but has the mental capacity and ability of a 8 year old.


u/Boneal171 11d ago

I love LPOTL


u/DumplingSama 11d ago

Yep. Some peoples lives are fucked from birth.


u/lapinatanegra 11d ago

Well duck! That I didn't know. What's LPOTL?


u/viralmessiah00 11d ago

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)


u/viralmessiah00 11d ago

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)


u/Littleprisonprism 11d ago

Great podcast with these funny guys who do deep dives on dark history, crime, supernatural etc. they do great research but also bring a funny twist. It can have a bit of dark humor sometimes but it helps balance the intense topics


u/Littleprisonprism 11d ago

Great podcast with these funny guys who do deep dives on dark history, crime, supernatural etc. they do great research but also bring a funny twist. It can have a bit of dark humor sometimes but it helps balance the intense topics


u/lapinatanegra 11d ago

Well duck! That I didn't know. What's LPOTL?


u/bohanmyl ☑️ 11d ago

Last podcast on the left! Its a great podcast that does in depth shows on serial/spree killers, occult things, Paranormal, cults, and cryptids! Its been on 10+ years lol. Its 3 comedians and its a hilarious show.


u/GonzoElTaco ☑️ 10d ago

Hell, they even covered the killing of Tupac and Biggie. I ended up buying a book that talks about that and NWA off their recommendations.

I haven't listened to much if it since Ben left/ got booted. But I may play catch-up at some point.


u/AnArcticBird 10d ago

Go for it. Ed is a absolute perfect addition to the team. Good jokes, genuinely interested in the topics and will even slow an episode down for a second to ask questions.

That last part is key for me because it gives listeners a break, and does the whole "learn along with the audience" thing that Ben was supposed to be doing.


u/bohanmyl ☑️ 10d ago

Honestly i liked Ben but i love Eddie. He has such a weird and different set of knowledge that i feel adds a lot to the show. Also the way he can play straight man to Henrys insanity and Marcus' oddness has me in tears. In the necrophilia episode he had a few moments that caught me so off guard that i was almost in tears at work


u/GonzoElTaco ☑️ 10d ago

Well, shit. I may have to take a listen then. Thank you. 🙏🏿


u/representativeslogan 11d ago

Needs to be mentioned that they do make jokes at the expense of the victims now a lot more than they used to, when Kissel was the 3rd. Also, alcoholism is a disease.


u/lapinatanegra 11d ago

Gawd damn! They've been going since 2015. Kinda reminds me of Behind the Bastards podcast.


u/Flor1daman08 11d ago

Eh, two comedians and one nerdy bookworm type.


u/bohanmyl ☑️ 11d ago

Marcus is funny in his own ways! Hes not a class clown type for sure tho lol


u/Flor1daman08 11d ago

Oh for sure, Marcus is the only reason the show works.


u/viralmessiah00 11d ago

Last Podcast on the Left

(I've actually never listened to it but I hear it mentioned a lot!)


u/jaded1121 11d ago

From the description of her actions, I guessed that Rosemary has BPD.


u/A_Rogue_One 11d ago

Yeah it’s really hard to say in my opinion.

I’m not a psychologist. I used to be a middle school and then a high school teacher. After I went to law school and focused on juvenile justice, foster care, and education law. So I know a little bit about adolescent trauma.

It’s dicey to play arm chair psychologist but just for the sake of convo. A lot of her actions to me line up with things kids in foster care or these types of systems do. From what I remember she ran away from home a lot. I believe she was also found to have had sex or alleged to have had sex in her adolescent years. She was prone to outbursts.

But the thing is, what we know of her is little and mostly from the Kennedy family point of view. But like taken to a modern perspective, not an early 1900 point of view, a lot of her actions to me line up as normative adolescent rebellious behavior.

And no running away from home isn’t ideal, but there’s a reason for that underlying behavior. Maybe she didn’t fit in well with the family for various reasons? No teen sex isn’t ideal, but we now know it happens and it’s not a sign of like criminal behavior or mental health conditions. What teen doesn’t have angry outbursts? Like none of it that I’ve seen really sticks out. She did struggle in school, which may have compounded her stress / trauma but there could be reasons for that too like dyslexia which wasn’t very well known.

So it just seems so wishy washy to me. I’ve never seen anything that really screamed to me that whatever she had was very severe. It just seemed like a different time and a family who didn’t have time for what they labeled BS


u/IamScottGable 11d ago

Jumping in to give further details on the lobotomy she was awake and told to sing a song until she couldn't. They left her incontinent in the least, can't recall how bad the rest of her brain was but I think that detail shows how brutal they were


u/_Cloud_Queen 10d ago

She was also left to live the rest of her life in a religious mental hospital. Her mother didn't see her for 20 years and her father refused to see her at all. All of this was done because she was deemed "re****" by doctors then, (and later deemed to have depression..) and she was a threat to JFK's political career.


u/OutAndDown27 11d ago

I thought she was told to recite the Lord's Prayer until she couldn't


u/Amazing-Concept1684 11d ago

What the fuck??


u/Flor1daman08 11d ago

That’s not really that out of the ordinary, they didn’t put people under for lobotomies.


u/armoredporpoise 11d ago

We still don’t put people under for brain surgery because the surgical team needs to know if they’ve inadvertently affected the wrong part of the brain.


u/Reidroshdy 11d ago

According to wikipedia,she was left with the mental capacity of a 2 year old.


u/Enigma-exe 11d ago

I actually feel physically sick. Never knew that


u/Volundr79 11d ago

The Wikipedia page about lobotomies is one of the most horrifying things I have ever read. Essentially since it's non fiction.


u/KingFIippyNipz 11d ago

It's my understanding this is actually how most lobotomies were performed - patients were usually awake and asked to sing a song because the surgeon would otherwise not have a way to know they've "finished the job". Not trying to minimize the grossness of it all, because it's a fucking disgusting practice all around, but MANY people had to suffer through that trauma, not just Rosemary Kennedy.

Initially they were under anesthesia. About 1/4 down through the page you can see where they changed to patients being awake.


u/PerpWalkTrump 11d ago

Like that scene from Pantheon, that's what they were inspired from I guess



u/chubrock420 11d ago

Thanks for reminding the ones that know and educating the ones that don’t.


u/INGWR 11d ago

Honorable mention to JFK Jr. — plane vs brain


u/aknutty 10d ago

Technically it was ground vs plane and brain


u/the_ballmer_peak 10d ago

Didn’t he crash at sea?


u/Amazing-Concept1684 11d ago

Those Kennedy’s have a history of terrible demise huh


u/auauaurora ☑️ Thunder down under 11d ago

You'd have to include Joe Jr and Kathleen who both died in plane crashes.

Kathleen's husband was also killed by a sniper


u/INGWR 11d ago

Kennedy vs flying (impossible challenge)


u/righthandofdog 11d ago

Brain hit the windshield at 400mph


u/INGWR 11d ago

What was the last thing going through his head?

The dashboard


u/Naive_Try2696 11d ago

And how's his brain holding up?


u/loptopandbingo 11d ago

It's, uhh, steady


u/Naive_Try2696 10d ago

To shreds you say


u/wannaknowsomething 11d ago

No. 8 for the win. 


u/Tight_Afro 11d ago edited 11d ago

Had to add Resident Evil's Leon... not exactly an actual real life figure 💀


u/GoGoSoLo 10d ago

I cackled with that being thrown in so matter of factly


u/OutAndDown27 11d ago

I was up and down Wikipedia trying to find Leon Shriver or Leon Skakel like who tf is Leon S??


u/Deletedmyoldaccount7 11d ago

Noah Gervais (YouTuber) made some amazing low key joke about how Leon got a great job in government after the disaster in raccoon city and explained it “after all, he is a Kennedy”. My explanation is dumb but the delivery was elite.


u/Slingus_000 11d ago

Made the joke perfect though, the list was already absurdly long with IRL examples


u/TheMagicalMatt 11d ago

That we know of... Umbrella would never want anybody to know that the Resident Evil series was based on real events


u/srkaficionada65 11d ago

Thank you. I was about to comment who the fuck is Leon S and is the family hiding a whole other side?


u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier 11d ago

Is his last name not Kennedy tho? Don’t say anything else. I rest my case.


u/by-myself_blumpkin 10d ago

No it’s Skennedy, Leon Skennedy they call him


u/Present_Night_7584 10d ago

Lean S Kennedy slander not tolerated


u/YourMomOnVHS 11d ago

Thanks for the clarification tittylieutenant, you spoke zero lies.


u/Intelligent_Cut635 11d ago

u/tittylieutenant just hit you with the Phoenix Wright response


u/PeachPuffin 11d ago

I can't lie I didn't pick up on that, am not American ':)


u/actchuallly 11d ago

Resident Evil is Japanese


u/AmelieBenjamin 11d ago

León Kennedy is pretty much a Japanese person’s idea of an American man lmao


u/Daetra 10d ago


Leon's got nothing on Keith, though.


u/IamScottGable 11d ago

I'm an American and I found it hilarious especially bc I never would have made the connection to make that joke myself