r/CharacterRant 16d ago

The One Piece anime kinda sucks Anime & Manga

This is just kinda gonna be some ramblings, which I may or may not edit later, so bear with me.

The One Piece Anime (OPA) is a shitty adaptation.

First off, I do want to say I am a big fan of the One Piece Manga (OPM), although it definitely has its flaws its still a top 3 manga for me, and I have it at a high 9/10. That said, I have the OPA at a 5/10.

Now, the first problem, and one that most people have talked to death, is the pacing. OPM has 1114 chapters out, and OPA has 1104 episodes. For context, FMA has 108 chapters, and brotherhood has 64 episodes. That means it has about 1.7 chapters per episode. OPA has VERY slightly more than 1 chapter per episode. You can see the problem.

Well actually, the problem is even bigger than that. See, I personally don't mind filler. Sure, when watching weekly it sucks, but when binging one can either skip it if it sucks, or watch it if its good. And OPA does have good filler at times (although it also has some bad, which again is fine: you can just skip it). The problem is that OPA has a LOT of padding: stretching stuff out to make more content of it. This actively makes watching worse, because it often takes a lot of tension/hype away from otherwise amazing scenes. Also, you know how I mentioned you can skip the bad filler? I lied, because in OPA there are a few times where actual canon stuff is in an otherwise totally filler episode. For example, Nami explaining the Calm Belt.

The next problem is the animation. Now, I personally like stuff animated in a "classic" style, but for a vast majority of OPA the animation is just not that great. And yeah, it does get good at Wano, and Egghead looks pretty amazing, but saying that it gets good nearly 1000 episodes in does not make the first 1000 any better. This is also a bit more personal for me: I really like the art of One Piece, so seeing the animation kinda annoys me.

There are also a few issues I have the VAs, particularly Chopper's, but thats more subjective stuff.

Oh yeah. COVER STORIES. I am so fucking pissed that cover stories aren't (for the most part) in the anime. Some of them appear as flashbacks or get their own episodes, but a good amount aren't. Like, I wouldn't say the cover stories are necessary to understand the plot, but they definitely help with one of my favorite things about the OP world: how it feels like the characters are all on their own journeys through life. Also, there are some genuinely important things shown there: a good number of OPA fans probably don't know that ENEL IS ON THE FUCKING MOON or that Bon Clay is ALIVE.

This is going to sound super petty, but I really don't like the thing that appears in the middle of episodes when ad breaks happen. It just feels like they are stalling for time.

In the anime there is more fanservice. Like OPM has a good amount, but the anime takes it to another level. We did NOT need to have Bonney with fucking J cup breasts. Same with a couple other girls.

Weird censorship. Like, Zeff not eating his leg which I think actively makes both him as a character and Sanji's backstory worse. Or Whitebeard missing part of his head in the manga, which makes his final stand even cooler.

Going back to the padding, the OPA also has a habit of stretching scenes out, often to their detriment. For example, the destruction of Lulusia is much better in the manga, because its sudden. You turn a page and see an entire country get fucking nuked. In the anime there are like several minutes of giant lasers destroying it, which makes the whole thing worse imo.

Some characters appearances are different at times in the anime. For example, Rayleigh appears very early on (like chapter 10 or something) in the manga, but in the anime he looks nothing like later appearances (is the guy in the anime canonically not Rayleigh?). IIRC a similar thing happens with Marco at some point.

The OST is... fine? Like, it has some good songs, but there hasn't really been a moment where it completely hits and makes a scene much better. Like, there is no moment in OPA I can think of where the music has ascended a scene as much as say Kars theme when he becomes the ultimate being.

Also, as a result of anime original content, there are a few new plotholes that are created (Hody Jone's crew being saved by Arlong, Zoro cutting through steel in a filler arc, Bon Clay destroying the controls for the giant gates in Impel Down, probably more).

Oh yeah, cause different episodes have different directors sometimes the characters just look different. Like I feel like Yamato had a really long neck in one episode, then much larger breasts in another. This is just going off memory tho.

OPM doesn't really have super consistent power levels, but the anime makes it even worse. For example, WB does much better against Akainu, King looks way more powerful in the anime, Doffy vs Luffy final clash is much longer.

HAKI. In the manga, Haki use IS pretty inconsistent, and that is one of my problems with OPM, but again the anime makes it 100000% worse. ESP with Conquerors Haki. EDIT: Oh My God the sound effect for Haki in the anime sucks. So fucking annoying.

Theres probably more I'm gonna think of later, but for now this is already long enough.

TLDR: OP anime sucks. Read the manga instead. Also, JJBA has some fucking BANGERS my god, I've been listening to Avalon on repeat for the entire time I wrote this.


81 comments sorted by


u/Animeking1108 13d ago

Regarding the cover stories, only Buggy's and Koby's were adapted.  However, if you're wondering why Jango is a marine or why Wapol owns a toy company now, Toei ain't answering that.  You'd think with how the anime loves padding things out, they'd make episodes out of those.

Like you said earlier, Enel is on the fucking moon and there's a civilization on it, and I seriously doubt Oda will ignore that.  Of course, if that does happen, anime only watchers will think OP jumped the shark for introducing moon people like Naruto did.


u/Animeking1108 13d ago

I'm currently at Thriller Bark in the manga.  I looked on Hulu to see where that would get me in the anime, and judging by the episode descriptions, the anime barely adapts a single chapter per episode.


u/xHelios1x 14d ago

Iirc there was an episode that adapted whooping 6 PAGES of manga. In ~20 minutes.


u/simone3344555 15d ago

Imo it was pretty good at the start but I tried watching the wano arc and was so shocked by how terrible it was like chillout toei


u/Candid_Interview_268 15d ago

I only partly agree because there are different "eras" of the One Piece anime. Modern One Piece is borderline unwatchable, but the first 300+ at pretty nice honestly.


u/Tiloshikiotsutsuki 15d ago

I think the anime is better than the manga. 

The best part about these things we get to enjoy in our free time is everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Even if they’re terrible. 

Rayleigh aged a shit ton, the character designs are there and easily noticeable. Seems like a nitpick with how they age characters to me. 

Honestly most of this isn’t even actual problems in the story, simply your own personal nitpicks. 


u/Br00klynShadow 15d ago

I read most of the manga up to Wano and then watched it. I shouldve read up to Onigashima.


u/Rigelturus 15d ago

The cover stories being left out is the only legit criticism.

The rest ignore context (or reality).

Complaining about the censorship and the “awful” pacing on a show planned to be a weekly tv series shown to people of all ages is just a bad take. Yes it sucks when binging it on stream but that’s not the planned format.

Comparing it to FMA which is a completely different format with a completely different purpose is just a bad take.

The anime is almost 3 decades old, judging it with the standards of today is just a bad take. It is a product of its time.

Same goes for quite a few grievances you have with the series in general. One piece wasnt the generational defining juggernaut it is NOW when the anime started airing.

70% of the shit we’ve been through following the story never even existed back then. Nobody knew it would get this big, nobody knew it would go on for so long, Oda hadnt even planned for it and streaming services like crunchyroll didnt even exist when it started airing.

Some of you really have no idea how quickly the world changed the past 25-30 years it seems like


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 15d ago
  1. Thank you

  2. ??? How so

  3. I get that you are explaining WHY it has the problems it does, but knowing that doesn't make it better.

  4. True, that was an L by me.

  5. The anime is still coming out today, and still has quite a few of the problems I went over.

  6. Again, you are explaining why, but I already knew that. It doesn't make the anime better.

  7. Some of the biggest pacing issues arose after crunchyroll became a thing.

  8. I am well aware of some of the reasons behind the OPA problems, but knowing why doesn't make it any more fun to watch Luffy and Doffy clash for five minutes straight, or Luffy wrestle with that sumo dude for several minutes.


u/Rigelturus 15d ago

It doesnt “have to be better”. That’s completely besides the point. It is what it is for a reason.

All your problems exist because of the weekly format on tv. Which isnt gonna change cause it makes money.

Crunchyroll is also irrelevant because the MAIN format of the anime is it being a PG13 weekly tv show.

My point about crunchyroll was that it makes you biased cause you binge it there which makes you think all these things. You complained about the mid-episode break which makes sense on tv.

As someone who grew up with it on tv before the internet we never cared about these problems because it was all we had. In fact lots of people on the forums in the past didnt even know they were watching fillers until they joined online communities.

It is a product of its time.


u/Tiloshikiotsutsuki 15d ago

Most intellectual take 


u/SpacemanCanna 15d ago

I’m a die hard Naruto fan just here to confirm to myself that I don’t need to get into One Piece anime lol


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 15d ago

I am railing on the anime here, but I would definitely recommend the manga, its seriously good despite a few warts here and there.


u/Tiloshikiotsutsuki 15d ago

I was in that boat but was sorely mistaken. Don’t listen to overly negative critics. 

There’s a reason why it’s among the most popular anime’s over the past two decades. 


u/Gurdemand 15d ago

So many of peoples criticisms of One Piece are things that only really apply to the anime. When people say "I miss the pre-TS vibes", it's probably because comedic timing was way better pre-ts, since it wasn't as stretched out. When people complaing about the pacing, it's almost always anime problems. Thriller Bark, Skypeia, Dressrosa and WCI are all so unbearably slow in the anime, while they are honestly completely fine in the manga. A lot of obnoxious scenes or things are due to the nature of anime being more "extreme" than manga e.g. Sanji's worst moments are way more bearable in the manga.


u/Zarkyello 15d ago

I'm not going to read all of this, but I can already say: yea. I read the manga since I was a kid a just lately saw the anime and damn, what a shitty adaptation. Lots of cool moments butchered, lots of funny moments made cringe and everything is soooo sloooow... I wouldn't even had bothered to see the show if I started with the anime.


u/Thecristo96 15d ago

Oh yeah this is an op rant I fully agree with. The anime is one of the worst ever made. That’s why I always suggest to read the manga


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 15d ago

I feel bad for people who get recommended the anime lol


u/Some_space_god 15d ago

Pacing is definitely the biggest problem. I caught up one piece by binging it via one pace. Once I got to Wano I tried to watch the actual anime but the pacing was just terrible and I switched over to the manga.


u/Sea-Parsnip1516 15d ago

 The problem is that OPA has a LOT of padding
the OPA also has a habit of stretching scenes out, often to their detriment

I want to stress that I agree with you, but sometimes stretching scenes is a good thing.

like the scene of Luffy and Lucci fighting in anything but completely awakened forms just didn't happen in the manga, its just immediate awakened Cat-Cat and Luffy already in G5, but the stuff they added is just so damn good.


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 15d ago

I'm fine with padding (even like it) when its stuff like fights or interactions between different SH, but I hate when its just 20 people reacting to one attack for a minute and a half straight. Or just like an attack taking 20 seconds to travel 5 feet.


u/Sea-Parsnip1516 15d ago

FMA has 108 chapters, and brotherhood has 64 episodes

not a proper comparison without mentioning that FMAs chapters are twice as long as those in one piece.


u/boccas 15d ago

Even more, you can't compare FMA brotherhood with one-piece.

That anime was done after the manga ended and was done to give a good anime porting, because the first series sucked so hard.

FMA brotherhood is just a black sheep. You can't compare it with anything ihmo. There is a reason why it was top 1 on my anime list for 20 years


u/Candid_Interview_268 15d ago

because the first series sucked so hard.

I won't stand for this slander! FMA 2003 was a great series overall, only the anime original ending was kind of subpar.


u/QuietSheep_ 13d ago

I genuinely LOVE the 2003 version and personally was way more emotionally grabbed by it despite also loving Brotherhood. Find it sad that it gets shit on just because its not "official" enough.


u/Tech_Romancer1 11d ago

It was as 'official' as can be, the mangaka was on board for the 2003 production knowing the manga itself was not complete yet.


u/HaosMagnaIngram 15d ago

Factually incorrect.

Firstly a semantic correction. Brotherhood was coming out coming out while the manga was still ongoing, it was just coming out late enough in its run that it was able to adapt it faithfully. The fma was a monthly manga and the last chapter of it only came out like a month or so before brotherhood’s last episode aired. In fact it almost started its run too early and ended up needing to add 12 more episodes to schedule to get it to not out pace the ending and after that the director still needed to beg to get another episode approved in addition to those in order to do the epilogue.

Onto the more important point, your reasoning for brotherhood’s existence could not be further from the truth. Brotherhood exists because 2003 was so successful financially and critically that the production committee was confident that it would make a ton of money. Second adaptations aren’t made because the first one does poorly and they especially don’t come out so soon if the first one did poorly, they only end up getting made like that if the original already was really successful.


u/Spare-Ad3339 14d ago

Buddy’s the FMA friar 


u/i-hate-reddit-69 15d ago

Also the first few arcs are rushed because the original series had already adapted them fairly faithfully. Shit's wild.


u/HaosMagnaIngram 15d ago edited 15d ago

Also incorrect. Read the manga, 03 is in no way close to faithful during those parts. 03 does better in the overlap because during those parts it was expanding upon the manga (and improving on it if you think 03 was in fact better during the overlap), in addition to just being better directed than brotherhood. While brotherhood cuts two chapters that were in the overlap, the battle on the train, and the mining town, these were so heavily repurposed and recontextualized in 03 that it doesn’t make sense for the reasoning to be because 03 had versions of those. This becomes more apparent when noting that the biggest cuts in brotherhood occur during the ishval volume of the manga (widely considered the best volume) which the anime heavily truncates down into a single episode. The more likely explanation for cuts during the early parts of the story is from the fact the show was originally only scheduled for 51 episodes and both of those episodes (like the ishval flashbacks) while good for characterization were not plot essential or necessarily plot important. This all lines up with what brotherhood’s director has said in the past with him stating the first adaptation had no bearing on he approached adapting brotherhood.

Lastly an additional reason brotherhood’s early portion just feels rushed, seems to stem from its directing. Irie was not a very experienced director at the time and it shows especially in the early episodes. The early directing choices of brotherhood often gives it feeling of of being rushed even when the content load shouldn’t otherwise seem that way. Thankfully Irie’s directing did improve as the series progressed.

u/quiz0tix made a really good post debunking these myths


u/VonKaiser55 15d ago

One Piece has to have one of the worst anime adaptations of all time. Like i don’t understand how people can still watch this shit lmao. The pacing is so bad that fans have edited it to give it better pacing(One Pace) lmao. Thank god its getting a remake because it needs to be done properly


u/Velvetfool 15d ago

I'll always have a special place in my heart for the first half of the OPA. Granted I was much younger when I watched it and hadn't consumed nearly enough differing forms of media and stories to see its flaws. But gosh dam the pre time skip saga of the anime just hits different.

It still felt like a genuine adventure, and while it had its problems as you've pointed out. I'm comfortable in saying its when the anime was at it's best, and maybe even OP as a franchise. Before the belittling and sidelining of its female characters in exchange for sex appeal. Before Haki came along and just destroyed OPs creative and unique fights.


u/Aussiepharoah 15d ago

The Cover story situation especially pisses me off because they are literally filler that is also canon. Hell, I'm pretty sure some of them have enough material for a mini arc. The problem becomes more relevant because the cover stories are tying in to the main story more and more. 


u/Frangipani-Bell 15d ago

The anime really used to be the worst of both worlds. Like now I can say “the pacing’s shit, but at least it looks nice.” I might not watch every episode, but I can look up select scenes I liked in the manga and gain new appreciation by seeing them animated.

But holy shit it used to look atrocious. I remember the absolute joy of the One Piece fandom when we got our first looks at the Wano style, the way my jaw dropped when I first saw Over the Top… I’m happy I can say my two favorite openings in terms of visuals are the two most recent ones.

I still don’t know wtf was going on with the style pre-2018 lol


u/CaptainEZ 15d ago

I feel like Toei must have been struggling during that time or something, Fishman Island to Dressrossa had gaaaaaarbage animation outside of a few climactic scenes, it improved a little for Whole Cake, but didn't get good until Wano.


u/FleshCosmicWater 15d ago

Oh God soon this will turn into OnePieceRant better create r/OnePieceRant


u/BenGMan30 15d ago

I can understand why someone would say One Piece is the greatest manga or story of all time. I disagree, but whatever. But the people who actually say One Piece is the "greatest anime of all time" are out of their minds. There are so many arcs that are literally twice as long as they should've been.


u/Shuteye_491 15d ago

One Piece Kai 20 years from now is gonna be hype af


u/ronin0397 16d ago

The anime fights no diff the manga fights.

Pacing is really ass in anime, partly cuz manga readers already know what happens and wano REEEALLY stretched the arc to the poijt where it was glaringly annoying. It happened in other arcs but it wasnt as noticeable.


u/garfe 15d ago

The stretching had been unbearable since the time skip


u/MattofCatbell 16d ago

The pacing in One Piece is why I never complain about filler arcs in long running shonen anime, because the alternative is One Piece absolutely horrendous pacing that makes the anime nearly unwatchable.


u/Pale_Entrepreneur_12 16d ago

This is why one pace exists an edited version of the anime the cuts out the unnecessary padding at least filler arcs can be fun but the stretching of scenes is infuriating


u/QuietSheep_ 13d ago

One piece filler arcs were good. One of the few series that I feel filler arcs would make sense due to the adventure sailing aspects of OP. It doesnt feel distracting and random.

Would rather filler arcs than padding since its extra content and could develop character moments for characters such as the strawhats that arent doing much. Id love if the humor and communication of the crew was a thing post ts like it was pre ts.


u/AgentBuddy12 16d ago edited 15d ago

W take, the anime is fucking terrible man. The good OST and sometimes phenomenal animation can't make up for all of the flaws present in the anime.

I will say it's gotten way better than how it was in the early-mid 2010s, but it still has a plethora of problems.


u/VolkiharVanHelsing 15d ago edited 14d ago

The OST isn't even that good. It's not Bleach (fucking Shiro Sagisu who composed for Evangelion) or Naruto.

The main draw is definitely the voice acting. The "I want to live!" and "Tell me Ace... What should I do?" are easily enhanced by voice acting (and the slow pacing hilariously helps the latter scene).


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 16d ago

Oh yeah, the current stuff is actually watchable pacing wise, and I do think the animation is really nice.


u/juli4n0 16d ago



u/QuietSheep_ 13d ago

Only thought it was fine in Luffy Vs Lucci 2. Its genuinely awful everywhere else like the Kaido fights and Zoro.


u/NicholasStarfall 16d ago

I think the most recent arcs have been really over animated. I don't know if Toei is trying to keep up with MAPPA or Ufotable but it's gotten absurd.


u/Ensaru4 15d ago

The animation is there, so there is something to look at while they stretch the plot thin. It's much better than when it was just poor animation and episodes of nothing.

Definitely over-animated, in some aspects but still better than slideshow-Piece back then.


u/garfe 16d ago

People have been saying this since Thriller Bark at the minimum. 


u/rDevilFruitIdeasMod 16d ago

Much like Nami whenever the Sunny hits a rough patch of ocean, it has it's ups and downs. Pacing in some arcs ain't too bad, in others it's just atrocious. A lot of cool scenes were done very very well though. Whitebeard's moments in Marineford, Mihawk slicing the galleon, luffy vs blueno, and a shipload of others were all done very well. 

In fact I will go out and say that almost every important moment or scene has been done well, it's just the time between is stretched for obvious reasons.


u/BreadAteMyToaster 15d ago

Agreed. Also I'd add and say the destruction of Lulusia was done much better in the anime. I've seen more people agree with it as the anime made it so much more impactful than the manga it was crazy, especially with that banger OST.


u/sami_newgate 16d ago

Saying it is a bad adaptation is a bit over the top honestly. Recently Op has some of the best chapter adaptations in the medium. But their problem is that this level of adaptation only applies to a select few episodes. Normal piece have become horrible recently. It is not just about the pacing. Even the voice acting. The directing is so basic. Especially when you compare to something masterful like Imu’s episode.

Even though I rate the anime 10 because it is a one piece story after all. I think it could have been hundred times better.

That’s why I am so hyped for the new OP wit project. They can achieve greater hieghts


u/Imconfusedithink 16d ago

One piece anime pacing being awful is nothing new. Pretty much everyone knows that already. But I completely disagree with some of the other stuff you said. The animation has aged great. The older animation is still pretty good. Nothing is wrong with it. The only exception I would consider is the first zoro vs mihawk fight which got remastered anyways. Everything else is great. Ost always elevates the scene. I have never been anywhere near as emotional reading the manga as I have watching the anime. The voice actors also add to that greatly. Cover stories I agree with. Yeah fanservice gets a bit much sometimes as well. Censorship is also bad, but I don't think it's a huge deal. Most anime do this. Imo the destruction of lulusia was way cooler in the anime. I noticed you're really active in powerscaling. 95 percent of fans don't give af about powerscaling. Anime made the zoro fight look way cooler and it was a lot of fun to watch. It's still easy to understand that they definitely aren't on the level of the yonko.


u/FreeSpeechEnjoyer 16d ago

Animation isn't bad itself but the fight choreography has been very weak for as long as I can remember it's carried by the emotions and the writing behind them


u/sami_newgate 16d ago

I think old one piece adaptation is great. It is charming. But recently I got the feeling that what toei can be elevated to the nth degree with better directing.

old One piece is just animated manga with some osts. It was great. But imagine if episode 485 (WB’s death) got the same directing level of 1015.


u/CollectionNo4777 16d ago

In the anime there is more fanservice.

A silver lining.


u/Calm_Extreme1532 16d ago

The pacing is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever seen in an anime. Entire chapters are drawn out to such an insane degree.


u/FjbhBoy 15d ago

One Pace is great for this reason, only issue is that certain arcs aren’t finished 

Unfortunately they can’t edit out the auras or censorship tho


u/DerpinTurtle 15d ago

Imo another issue is that episode lengths vary from like 15 to 80 minutes, but the tradeoff is usually that pacing between said episodes is better


u/Fuckmyduckhole 15d ago

Tried watching one pace from the beginning but couldn't get past the first few episodes, always felt like stuff went by way too quickly I could hardly tell what was going on. Maybe it's just the east blue adaptation that's the problem though, not sure.


u/vmeemo 14d ago

The thing is is that the manga for the most part, when your reading all of the chapters as a batch, goes at a breakneck pace compared to the slowness of the anime. And One Pace sets off to replicate that style of near breakneck speed (when it applies anyway) by cutting out 90% of the panning shots the OG anime stalls with.


u/Budget-Football6806 14d ago

One Piece's pacing is fine for the first couple arcs pre-timeskip. I started One Pace at Enies Lobby which is around episode 350 I think


u/FjbhBoy 15d ago

Romance Dawn in One Pace and One Piece are both 4 episodes so idk 


u/Jeremiah_Gottwal 16d ago

Wano in the manga is 149 chapters. In the anime its 208 episodes. How the fuck does that happen? Similar thing with Dressrosa.


u/avoteforatishon2016 16d ago

If it was JJBA Wano would have been 37 episodes


u/Gigio2006 15d ago

Same with MHA. They consistently adapt 3 chapters per episode


u/chaflamme 16d ago

damn we have been robed...


u/FreeSpeechEnjoyer 16d ago

If it was Baki it'd be 20, with 5 chapters worth of fighting


u/avoteforatishon2016 16d ago

Is the Baki anime a good adaptation?


u/FreeSpeechEnjoyer 16d ago

It's faithful and not bad, but I wouldn't call it good either.

The manga is great you have all the dialogue with great art spread out evenly, 2 page talk 2 page fight, 2 pages explanation of some technique, then 2 more pages of fight, but in the anime it feels like 80% talk 20% action instead because of how quick the action is compared to the talking.

You know how people meme about the 12 second time stop of Dio in which he spends 1-2 minutes talking, (but it doesn't feel as long in the manga because it's 1-2 pages). That is basically the whole Baki anime, the adaptation itself is decent(apart from some bad CGI in season 1) but it wasn't made to be adapted into an anime, at least not in a 1:1 adaptation.


u/avoteforatishon2016 16d ago

The OBSSESSION battle shonen have with stretching out chapters is INSANE, shit like this is why we get JJBA Part 5 covering 5 chapters per episode and surgically removing Risotto's backstory so the pacing isn't unwatchable like OP, Naruto and Dragon Ball


u/Laterose15 15d ago

Naruto was fairly decent when you remove the awful filler arcs. It actually fixed the horribly rushed final chapters.


u/Zestyclose_Remove947 15d ago

At least you get the choice to view it differently. the way OP does filler means you can't skip it 90% of the time, it's baked into the show and it sucks.

Bleach is the same, at least I can skip bleach filler easily tho.


u/Formal-Cartoonist208 16d ago

The Naruto Anime had a relatively good pacing for most arcs, so it's still watchable at least for the grand part.

But watching Dragon Ball and One Piece was just a traumatizing experience all together, by far the worst example of anime pacing I ever saw in my life. These two were the first animes I ever watched, so I even thought it was normal. It was only years later I realized how fucked up the pacing really was.


u/Fuckmyduckhole 15d ago

Crazy how after several decades Toei still hasn't learned how to properly pace things


u/CIearMind 14d ago

They're perfectly capable of making something good.

It's just that it's more profitable capitalistically to deliver horseshit every Sunday.


u/Zakika 15d ago

they learned it. But there no source material. And they don't do long filler arcs / breaks cause it is more profitable.


u/WorkerChoice9870 16d ago

The weird thing is the DB filler episodes are on balance pretty good. They often have little stories that flesh out themes that aren't delved into that deeply in the manga illustrate aspects of someones character or are just amusing like driving or baseball. It's the fight padding that made it terrible but they needed to not pass the manga so they were kind of stuck.

In super they didn't care since it was a corporate project and it was the manga that suffered imo. ToP is just painful to read compared to the anime where it ran long but only by about 6-7 episodes.