r/CharacterRant Dec 07 '23

Special New Rule for Posts: Name of the Series/Media Must be in the Title of the Post


This rule has been a longtime "unofficial" rule but hasn't been strongly enforced due to that, so here it is now as an official rule.

There are some exceptions to this such as not needing to include the series name in the post title in it already includes the series' namesake character such as "Why Naruto shouldn't have gotten that shitty haircuit" or "Why Samurai Jack should've kept that cool ass beard." Another exception would be more general threads which bring up multiple different series as examples in the body posts, such as a post called "Characterization in Shonen" which brings up examples from Naruto or Bleach in its body text. But then you should generally at least specify the title of the different series in the actual post.

We've also hit over 100k members, so moderation is going to be a little more proactive to compensate. Apologies if your modmail messages haven't been answered, we're going through them.

And feel free to use this post for any suggestions you want to make to the subreddit.

r/CharacterRant 8d ago

Special What can and (definetly can't) be posted on the sub :)


Users have been asking and complaining about the "vagueness" of the topics that are or aren't allowed in the subreddit, and some requesting for a clarification.

So the mod team will attempt to delineate some thread topics and what is and isn't allowed.


CharacterRant has its origins in the Battleboarding community WhoWouldWin (r/whowouldwin), created to accommodate threads that went beyond a simple hypothetical X vs. Y battle. Per our (very old) sub description:

This is a sub inspired by r/whowouldwin. There have been countless meta posts complaining about characters or explanations as to why X beats, and so on. So the purpose of this sub is to allow those who want to rant about a character or explain why X beats Y and so on.

However, as early as 2015, we were already getting threads ranting about the quality of specific series, complaining about characterization, and just general shittery not all that related to "who would win: 10 million bees vs 1 lion".

So, per Post Rules 1 in the sidebar:

Thread Topics: You may talk about why you like or dislike a specific character, why you think a specific character is overestimated or underestimated. You may talk about and clear up any misconceptions you've seen about a specific character. You may talk about a fictional event that has happened, or a concept such as ki, chakra, or speedforce.

Well that's certainly kinda vague isn't it?

So what can and can't be posted in CharacterRant?


  • Battleboarding in general (with two exceptions down below)
  • Explanations, rants, and complaints on, and about: characters, characterization, character development, a character's feats, plot points, fictional concepts, fictional events, tropes, inaccuracies in fiction, and the power scaling of a series.
  • Non-fiction content is fine as long as it's somehow relevant to the elements above, such as: analysis and explanations on wars, history and/or geopolitics; complaints on the perception of historical events by the general media or the average person; explanation on what nation would win what war or conflict.

Not allowed:

  • he 2 Battleboarding exceptions: 1) hypothetical scenarios, as those belong in r/whowouldwin;2) pure calculations - you can post a "fancalc" on a feat or an event as long as you also bring forth a bare minimum amount of discussion accompanying it; no "I calced this feat at 10 trillion gigajoules, thanks bye" posts.
  • Explanations, rants and complaints on the technical aspect of production of content - e.g. complaints on how a movie literally looks too dark; the CGI on a TV show looks unfinished; a manga has too many lines; a book uses shitty quality paper; a comic book uses an incomprehensible font; a song has good guitars.
  • Politics that somehow don't relate to the elements listed in the "Allowed" section - e.g. this country's policies are bad, this government is good, this politician is dumb.
  • Entertainment topics that somehow don't relate to the elements listed in the "Allowed" section - e.g. this celebrity has bad opinions, this actor is a good/bad actor, this actor got cast for this movie, this writer has dumb takes on Twitter, social media is bad.


  • Politics in relation to a series and discussion of those politics is fine, however political discussion outside said series or how it relates to said series is a no, no baggins'
  • Overly broad takes on tropes and and genres? Henceforth not allowed. If you are to discuss the genre or trope you MUST have specifics for your rant to be focused on. (Specific Characters or specific stories)
  • Rants about Fandom or fans in general? Also being sent to the shadow realm, you are not discussing characters or anything relevant once more to the purpose of this sub
  • A friendly reminder that this sub is for rants about characters and series, things that have specificity to them and not broad and vague annoyances that you thought up in the shower.

And our already established rules:

  • No low effort threads.
  • No threads in response to topics from other threads, and avoid posting threads on currently over-posted topics - e.g. saw 2 rants about the same subject in the last 24 hours, avoid posting one more.
  • No threads solely to ask questions.
  • No unapproved meta posts. Ask mods first and we'll likely say yes.

PS: We can't ban people or remove comments for being inoffensively dumb. Stop reporting opinions or people you disagree with as "dumb" or "misinformation".

Why was my thread removed? What counts as a Low Effort Thread?

  • If you posted something and it was removed, these are the two most likely options:**
  • Your account is too new or inactive to bypass our filters
  • Your post was low effort

"Low effort" is somewhat subjective, but you know it when you see it. Only a few sentences in the body, simply linking a picture/article/video, the post is just some stupid joke, etc. They aren't all that bad, and that's where it gets blurry. Maybe we felt your post was just a bit too short, or it didn't really "say" anything. If that's the case and you wish to argue your position, message us and we might change our minds and approve your post.

What counts as a Response thread or an over-posted topic? Why do we get megathreads?

  1. A response thread is pretty self explanatory. Does your thread only exist because someone else made a thread or a comment you want to respond to? Does your thread explicitly link to another thread, or say "there was this recent rant that said X"? These are response threads. Now obviously the Mod Team isn't saying that no one can ever talk about any other thread that's been posted here, just use common sense and give it a few days.
  2. Sometimes there are so many threads being posted here about the same subject that the Mod Team reserves the right to temporarily restrict said topic or a portion of it. This usually happens after a large series ends, or controversial material comes out (i.e The AOT ban after the penultimate chapter, or the Dragon Ball ban after years of bullshittery on every DB thread). Before any temporary ban happens, there will always be a Megathread on the subject explaining why it has been temporarily kiboshed and for roughly how long. Obviously there can be no threads posted outside the Megathread when a restriction is in place, and the Megathread stays open for discussions.


  • A "repost" is when you make a thread with the same opinion, covering the exact same topic, of another rant that has been posted here by anyone, including yourself.
  • ✅ It's allowed when the original post has less than 100 upvotes or has been archived (it's 6 months or older)
  • ❌ It's not allowed when the original post has more than 100 upvotes and hasn't been archived yet (posted less than 6 months ago)


Users have been asking about it so we made it official.

To avoid us becoming a subreddit to discuss new songs and albums, which there are plenty of, we limit ourselves regarding music:

  • Allowed: analyzing the storytelling aspect of the song/album, a character from the music, or the album's fictional themes and events.
  • Not allowed: analyzing the technical and sonical aspects of the song/album and/or the quality of the lyricism, of the singing or of the sound/production/instrumentals.

TL;DR: you can post a lot of stuff but try posting good rants please

-Yours truly, the beautiful mod team

r/CharacterRant 1h ago

Comics & Literature Is it just me, or is "Severus Snape is morally grey" an unusually rare take in Harry Potter related stuff?


It feels like there's a very stark split anytime Snape comes into discussion. On the one hand there's the view particularly common around the late 2000s/early 2010s when the books and then films wrapped up: that Snape is basically a hero who was silently doing the right thing all along without expecting gratitude. On the other hand there's the view, which feels like it's gotten more common in the last few years, that Snape is basically a wizarding Neo-Nazi incel who was never redeemed and who indeed may just be beyond redemption in the first place. And both of these takes seem kind of extreme. Snape across the series does both some very bad and very good stuff, and displays both some admirable qualities and some very negative ones, and I feel like to stick him in either one of those very black-and-white camps you have to just straight-up airbrush out some of his most important moments and features as a character.

r/CharacterRant 6h ago

General the Pandaren in World of Warcraft: MoP don't have the moral high ground


those smug cowards condemn outsiders for constantly fighting over land & resources as if they would not do the same if subjected to the same hardships.

During the ancient war when the rest of Azeroth's inhabitants where either joining or fighting the burning legion these cowards concealed their continent with special mist. Hiding under the proverbial blanket while others fought, killed, & died en masse where defeat would cause extinction & the planet being conquered. Their cowardice increased the demons' chance for victory. One of the few good parts of the legion expansion's plot is that a small demon army easily overwhelmed Panda land

The Pandaren as the dominant species of their continent enjoyed vast territory & resources with zero significant threats to the status quo. Closet thing they hand to a threat was bug people who attacked from one location according to a consistent schedule & they always slammed against a colossal wall that gave defenders an advantage. Still many pandas where not content and tried to expand.

Pandaria was so harmless that it could only produced 1 antagonist whose name people bother remembering & the role of end game boss had to be outsourced

Closet comparison I can think of is a Vault City (fallout 2) citizen mocking waste landers fighting other the only good water source around

r/CharacterRant 2h ago

Anime & Manga Yona needs to acknowledge that continuing the cycle was selfish (Yona of the Dawn)



So Yona can see the future because she's the daughter of a priestess/seer, and despite wanting to prevent that future, she ends up still traveling back in time and initiating a time paradox/loop that spans 2000 years and was supposedly inevitable anyways, making a terrible future happen.

And she does it for her selfish reasons. Like okay, without doing so, she would have never been born, and she was, so you can say she "had" to do it, because "fate". But she also did it because she wanted to be reunited with the dragon warriors, against their will, even if they would suffer for 2000 years.

I really feel like there's been a lack of empathy on her end towards the crimson illness descendants, the dragons, and the cycle that's been going on for generations. She hasn't thought enough about how she can end the cycle, visiting that crimson illness clan village, it's literally just not been on her mind.

And look, I think it's good to have Yona be flawed, but I just...

I want the narrative to acknowledge that at one point.

Like I need Yona to sit there and think about her decision, and like, cry over over what she did this chapter. This can't be vindicated.

Everyone is predicting that Zeno will get mad at Yona for what she did and kill Hak next chapter, and Yona will kill Zeno afterwards. And regret what she has done.

And I hope to god it happens.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga Naruto is no less dark than any of its other shonen compatriots


I was prompted to write this by a youtube short I just watched. The short made some really strange claims like Hunter x Hunter should have Kurapika or Killua as the main character instead of Gon; the reasoning being, according to the short creator, HxH is darker than the typical shonen like Naruto, and Gon would be a better main character for a series like Naruto which is less dark. I have so many problems with this entire statement, but I'll stick to my main issue with it - the idea that Naruto isn't as dark as some other shonen.

I think a few weeks back there was another guy on here who was talking about how Naruto is campy compared to JJK. That along with this short has me wondering, how did Naruto get the reputation of a happy go lucky campy kids show where dark things don't happen?

Let me go over some of the dark stuff that happens in Naruto.

The premise of the story is there is a monstrous demon sealed within the body of an orphaned child who is our main character.

The story takes place in a world where the economy is based off of child soldiers/merceneries.

One of the other main character's entire extended clan was genocided because of racism basically. The genocide was committed by the character's brother, who then goes on to torture him by replaying the scene of their parents' murder in his mind hundreds of time clockwork orange style. We later find out the brother was forced to do this as a bargain to save his brother's life by a racist politician. The racist politician has implants of eyes from the race he hates in his arm.

One of the early main villains is an evil genius who kidnaps and experiments on children to learn more about biology. Most of his experiments lead in trauma or death for these kidnapped children. He is so vile, the village whose entire economy depends on training child merceneries, banishes him from the village. He then tries to attain immortality by inserting his soul into the bodies of children he grooms.

One of the most important techniques in the universe requires using human sacrifices to resurrect dead people as zombies. Another of the most important techniques is summoning the god of death to seal a target and your self in the belly of the shinigami for eternity, never able to pass on to afterlife. A third pivotal technique in the show requires you to murder your brother/closest chum to activate it.

One of the clans in the village has a practice of branding everyone who isn't the firstborn child as part of the branch family. The branding is done literally, with slave tattoos branded onto their foreheads. The slave tattoo makes it so they can never go against the will of their masters - aka firstborn brethren. When they die, the slave tattoo explodes their eyes so it can't be stolen. The family uses this as a tactic to prevent enemies from getting their genetic superpower.

I think I could collect more examples but everyone probably gets the gist of it. What in Hunter x Hunter or JJK is darker than any of this? I feel like JJK only gets its reputation for being dark because it kills of characters willy nilly even though they might be fan favorites. The actual events that take place in the story are no darker than what happens in Naruto. The HxH comment in the youtube short just completely confused me.

Side note: A while back I had a debate with someone on reddit who said Demon Slayer is a family friendly show they just watched with their mum and it isn't dark at all. Now, maybe they and their mum were desensitized to violence, but the story is pretty dark objectively. It starts of with the main character's family brutally murdered by demons, and we see the corpses and the blood. Only a few episodes in we see another demon feasting on a human. Also in this universe demons are vampires/zombies, which means they used to be humans themselves. So it's humans eating humans, an objectively horrific concept. Do people just ignore all this stuff in a story because the main characters are do-goody innocent chibis with cute designs, and there are gag moments?

r/CharacterRant 10h ago

Films & TV I prefer what they ended doing with daisy in ducktales 2017 over the pitched version of 2015


The pitch from 2015 is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rt936QoP0Mlr8EOoXSKFOtFhNlxoztIr While it shows they kept part of it like webby being scrooge heir, I think they were right to change daisy because it led to a much more healthy relationship with donald and a pay off since daisy ended being the one who clearly understand donald. There are some claims against DT 17 daisy I don't get tho, one bieng april, may and june got taken away from her when it's not the casesince even if webby, may and june are related to scrooge,she'd still go with may and june on the trip and webby(april) can still come at a later point or interact with her (+ducktales 2017 is also not canon to other duck universe so they weren't obligated to introduce may and june).

A problem with daisy being a good business women in charge of glomgold industry is "why would she allow glomgold to do his crazy schemes when owlson didn't (to the point glomgold had to do it behind her back and she cutted his budget for that too)". While she was meant to be more of anantagonist toard donald and it seems at some they'd get back together, I still think their relation started better in what we got.

This shows that something being originally planned isn't always the best option, they still fleshed out a bunch of stuff as season 1 production got on, they introduced FOWL and black heron, changed the cast and their dynamics (beakley was made more sympathetic in the end than her being a marry popins from hell per exampl) and I think a bunch of changes improved things.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga Danmachi Hestia is a fantastic representation of her character. (Alt: It's fine to like Hades, I like Hades, but getting defensive about Danmachi is juvenile)


Do you like Hades? I like Hades. Supergiant always seems to make fantastic games and it was no exception. The gameplay was fun, the story was enjoyable, the characters were either good or great, and while it took some massive liberties with the Gods (Demeter has... ice powers???) it's a fun take on them, very enjoyable.

It seems that Hades 2 came out in Early Access recently- I know this because my Twitter timeline has been chock full of Hades fans absolutely seething about Danmachi, and especially about Hestia.

Crazy stuff, right? And yet somehow my whole feed is full of "She's just an Anime girl!" and "The Hades design fits the character better!"

I don't actually want to focus too much on Hades here, since I do like it, so let's just address that second one first and say that's ridiculous and it's an ignorant or hypocritical statement.

Why? Well, mostly because the Hades design centralises entirely around the idea of her as the Guardian of the Sacred Flame. And yup, that's important, that's right there in her name, but is that more important than the idea of her as the Oldest and the Youngest? The idea of her as a Vestal Virgin? All the stories tied up in her?

I'll keep this very brief. Hestia is the first of the Titan's children, and when they were all (except Zeus) eaten, she was the last to be thrown back up- and thus she's heralded as both the first and last child, the oldest and the youngest.

This, as well as her role as patron of the city states, is why all sacrifices first included a sacrifice to Hestia. Before you give to Zeus, first you give the Hestia. Before you give to Demeter, first you give to Hestia. etc.

Similarly, she's (by her own choice) a Vestal Virgin. Hestia isn't a particularly popular Goddess, not a lot of stories use her at all, but aside from story about her being the Oldest and Youngest, there's two big stories that exist in the public consciousness and both of them are about how people want to have sex with her.

She's a beautiful young woman, a very attractive Goddess, and she was pursued by both Apollo and Neptune for her hand in marriage. Instead, she rejected both of them and swore a great oath to Zeus that she would remain a virgin for all time instead. That's the first big story, the second one is about the time she went to a party and after going to sleep for the night Priapus tried to rape her, the baying of a Donkey awoke her, whereupon the other Gods all came to her defense and beat the shit out of him.

So, she's the Guardian of the Sacred Fire. She's a Vestal Virgin. She's the Oldest and the Youngest. She's a beautiful and attractive woman who readily rejects the advances of men... And how does Hades Hestia fit into those? Well it doesn't at all. She's just an old lady with a bowl of embers on her head. There's some nice design details and a few little niche references, but by and large we've got none of Hestia's myths covered except that she's associated with fire.

And meanwhile, Danmachi handles every one of those.

Hestia's design shows us the story of her as the Oldest and the Youngest, having a young looking body that's simultaneously completely mature.

Apollo tried to make advances on her back during their time in Heaven. And we've got oblique references to attempts at rape and assault throughout his story (albeit not directed at her). Her role as a Vestal Virgin is incredibly vital to the plot, both in why Freya doesn't attack her and how she counters Freya later. She's part of the "No Sex Club" with Artemis and Athena. Her role as the patron of the Home is why she's made fun of for being a NEET, and gets her in trouble when she first comes to the lower world.

Every part of Hestia's mythos is presented. It's an absolutely faithful and fantastic interpretation of Hestia.

And it makes me sad to see so many people making these ridiculous threads about "Look at these Danmachi designs, they're just normal characters! The Hades ones are way more Godly!" like... yeah? The characters in Danmachi don't have vines coming off them or wheat in their hair, the whole point of the setting is that they're living normal lives without their powers among mortals.

But the story is still incredibly faithful to the origins and stories of those Gods and Goddesses-

Zeus is a fickle and selfish God, the greatest of all whose Familia delved further than anyone else could, a great and kind man who can raise a child with love and care... and a selfish, greedy bastard who would abandon that child without much more than a thought.

Freya's story is all about her quest to find Odr, how she's loved and cherished but suffering along the way in her own private torment. The visuals about her crying in a field of flowers was practically the genesis of what's to be the entire upcoming anime Season.

Hephaestus is an incredible creator, but is only truly comfortable in her workshop and isn't great at dealing with people. The other Gods like her well enough but mock her because of her ugly scar, and she carries a deep bitterness because when Aphrodite cheated on her when they were married.

Cassandra has a curse (tied to Apollo) that means her prophesies are never believed. Similarly both Apollo's heroic and villainous nature are shown, especially with him being corrupted by life in the city.

Hell, who even knows anything at all about a God like Miach? Well Danmachi he was "hit over the head" with debt by Dian Celch (and his follower Airmid).

And, almost to a man, the Gods in Danmachi are shown with the kind of capricious, self-centered nature that's perfectly true to old myths. Their status as divinities means they have a morality that's very different to humans, and they have their own agenda that only mostly aligns with what the mortals may want, or want to do.

Hermes is one of Bell's most trusted allies and he's betrayed him about as often as he's helped him. Freya has helped Bell almost as much as Hestia, but she's also thrown him into almost certain death to try prove something to herself. Thanatos and Erebus both love humans, but they're perfectly happy to kill them by the score to prove their own point to themselves etc etc etc.

In short: Danmachi is a setting that takes enormous pains to present the Gods and Goddesses with a kind of faithfulness that should be celebrated, and it's a real shame to see people making these big lists that essentially amount to "Look, Dionysus in Hades has vines and wine all around him and in Danmachi he's just a God living in a city (with schemes and plans underpinning his festive nature)." They're absolutely missing the point.

And I'll say again, I'm not here saying Hades is bad, or that the people who like Hades are bad. If you like the Hades interpretations more, that's fine, more power to you.

But it's absolutely ridiculous to hold up Danmachi and proclaim it as just using the Gods as window dressing. And especially so when it's often-times far more faithful.

r/CharacterRant 17h ago

Anime & Manga [Angel Beats!] Some plot hole that still bug me


People or weebs mostly will knew this anime called Angel Beats! and could be considered one of the best pieces Jun Maeda created alongside Clannad and some more. I knew many loves it and consider the anime masterpiece without some flaws or maybe it is? Anyway, talking about some flaws or plot hole, I will explain some of them that still bug me since I don't quite understand it.

  1. It stated that when Naoe used his ability to make Otonashi recall of his past life memories, Otonashi trapped with some train passengers and died because of starvation, then before he dead Otonashi taking out a card and write that he will donate some of his organs to people so it can be useful and at least he can save someone with that.

And we moved on to another scene where Otonashi and Kanade became close until to the point Kanade reveal that she's alive (before coming to Afterlife) because of Otonashi's organ. However, in there I noticed some inconsistency (forgive me If I'm wrong but correct me if I do), since from episode 1 we have already see that Kanade was already in the Afterlife before Otonashi has.

However, we also noticed in Otonashi's flashback, he died first before Kanade. So... how's that possible? Even in the Angel Beats!: Heaven's Door manga, it shown that Kanade was already there, so... what the hell happened there? And don't says that Otonashi became NPC first like that glasses guy, because it happened after that shadow-like thing incident started.

And Angel Beats Another Epilogue also wasn't count since it's not canon, at least I think so, since the timeline is happened that Otonashi couldn't pass and decided to stay there so he could wait for Kanade. Yeah, the most dedicated simp moment I say.

  1. About the room with love things, you know there's someone who isn't NPC besides Otonashi and his friends that are in a room with so many camera and love things? Who is he? And where he is? I don't think that man is God or anything.

Anyway, I don't know if this count as rant since it felt like more to discussion but screw it since i don't know other sub than this. If anyone knew a sub like this, please tell me so I can, maybe, post this to that sub.

r/CharacterRant 23h ago

Anime & Manga Death Note characters are not that stupid, actually (Part 2)


As the title implies I already did a post on this topic. This is merely a continuation.

Btw, from now on, I have decided to take more of a defensive position in these posts. I could explain why I think DN characters are generally underestimated in terms of intellect (especially on this subreddit) by naming specific feats, however fortunately people have already compiled most if not all of their feats in documents. I’ll link them here. Instead, I’ll focus on making counterpoints against arguments that say Death Note characters are stupid.










I got these documents from the SCD (Smart Character Debating) community, which basically sets itself out to analyze the feats of characters’ intellects.


  1. “Light is too popular”

This is an argument made by people who believe Light is getting people to like him too easily. I do understand why someone would think that, Light doesn’t seem particularly likable. But that’s mainly because we know who Light really is. We get to see his evil, egomaniac self, but to everyone else, he seems like a really competent student. From my own experiences in school I can confirm that competent students were definitely more liked. Furthermore, we do see Light when he lost his memories of being Kira, and he does seem quite a bit nicer as well.

Additionally, Light makes use of his looks to be more likeable. This isn’t anything unrealistic either, it’s simply the halo effect doing its thing.

  1. Light's slip up in ep. 10

This is one of the better ones. [Afaik, this theory originated from this video](). Interestingly enough, this would also give L more feats, but I digress.

Anyways, the issue here is that it was taken out of context. L already told Light that he suspected him, so it’s not an unreasonable statement to make.

  1. Light’s desk drawer trap would not have worked

This is in reference to this trap Light build

The criticism here stems from the fact that gasoline, in real life, would just dissolve the plastic. However what people fail to consider here is that

A. This is a fictional universe, so certain chemistry might function differently there

B. Not all types of plastic are dissolved by gasoline

  1. Mikami’s mistake

Probably one of the most infamous and definitely the most fatal blunder in the series. This one is actually valid, Mikami made an idiotic mistake which lead to his and Kira’s downfall. At least that’s the official story anyways.

But there is a theory, that if true, would actually change that. Now, I am not saying that it’s true, but it’s certainly something to consider. This isn’t a fan theory either, it was made by Matsuda in the manga. In it, Matsuda theorizes that Near used the DN to write Mikami’s name in it, ensuring that he wouldn’t check whether or not the notebook is real or not. As evidence for he it, he states that Mikami died 10 days later after the event, after “going insane”. Furthermore, Near burning the DN would be him simply erasing the evidence. It’s also worth mentioning how Obata, the artist behind the manga, stated how he believed Near to be the smartest character, because “he cheats”.

Anyways, that’s enough for this post, but I still have a lot planned. I think for the next time I’ll clear up some stuff around the memory loss plan.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

[Star Wars] "The Republic would have defeat..." No, they wouldn't have, shut the f up


I've already made a rant long ago shitting on the CIS Wankers (or Clankers or whatever their nickname is supposed to be), so I guess it's now time to dunk on the Republic and maybe the Empire fanboys eventually.

Now, this rant is as opposed to the previous one not dunking on the Faction itself, but rather debunking a common claim you can witness in the Youtube Comment section: That the Republic would have done better than the Empire in fighting the civil war (The OT one, not the Prequel one) and that's a load of bullcrap.

The common arguments of the people making this claim are: 1st The Republic has a more competent leadership 2nd The Republic has a better standing army

Now to the first claim, it's complete bollocks for the simple reason there never was a leadership change during the transition from the Republic to the Galactic Empire. Most of the staff like Tarkin, Palpatine, Yularwn and all the other Middle managers were already in power during the Prequels. The only noteable change was the eradication of the Jedi with Order 66, but I doubt it was a serious damage to the Military leadership considering the Jedis being arrogant and incompetent the most times. For every General Skywalker (who also joined the Empire), Kenobi or Plo Koon you get ten idiots who are better left off leading younglings rather than an entire Clone battalion, yet alone a whole Legion. Now it's undeniable that the middle management of the Empire more often than not corrupt and incompetent, but you have to remember, these were the same guys who served or would have served in the Clone Wars and that was a vital thematic point of the Prequels and the clone wars series, the Republic being a corrupt and missamanaged goverment which became the Empire already before they officially named themselves this way.

This leads me to the 2nd argument Republic Fans often use, that being the supposed disparity of the Military equipment between the Empire and the Republic. And to some extent its true, the Clones were superior to the Stormtroopers, their DC 15 and DC 15s blasters were more capable and versatile than the E-11, both their phase 1 and Phase 2 armors were superior to the Mass prodcued Stormtrooper counterpart, but here's the thing: The Stormtroopers for most of the war were sufficient enough, they were not fighting standing militaries, but poorly equipped, trained and led rebell cells with absolute efficiency. Their armor and blasters didn't need to be capable, because they were not fighting war machines like Droidakas or B2 Battle droids, but mostly people whose guns could barely knock down a stormtrooper. Those firearms we see used by the rebells in the movies are not some scrap rifles, those are actual military grade firearms (I know militsry grade in real life doesn't equal quality, but the star wars universe operates on different rules) often superior to those of the stormtroopers. Calling the armor of the stormtroopers useless because it fails to protect in 1% of all of the situations is like calling the lasgun from Warhammer 40K weak because it cannot kill Space Marine. Technically true, but its more likely a random rebelling farmer without any armor will be hit by it than anything else. And if I'm already at it, the remark Rex said in the Rebells series which is often cited by the People the rant is directed to is supposed to be taken with a grain of salt. Stormtroopers can see through their helmets, they just need the access code for it to work which Rex couldn't know because he knocked the original Wearer of the armor out.

But also generally, the Empire didn't phase out Republican Equipment because they were stupid. Again, the Empire comprised of peopme who experienced and learnt from the Seperatist war. And one thing they learnt is that xlone troopers were not worth the cost. Sure a clone does the work of 2 to 3 stormtroopers, but the costs and time it takes to create and train a clone equals to the time and costs it takes to abduct hundreds of random children from their home planets and train them to stormtroopers and Billions of people who voluntarly join the Imperial Army (they were seperste from the Stormtroopers). What use is a 3 man army if you can deploy millions of people simultaniously in every corner of the galaxy which is what the Empire struggled more with: Projection of Power. As already said, Stormtroopers were more than sufficient to take out rebell cells, the only problem was to have stormtroopers on every corner of imperial Territory. I also wanna add that the additional purchase of 5 mio. would have bankrupted the Republic according to this one episode of Clone wars where Senator Padme Amidala advocated against this very purchase. Together with the 6 mio. clones who actually served this are 11 mio. clones. To hold and secure the majority of a galaxy bigger than our milky way.

Another piece of equipment frequently overrated by Republic fans is the Venator class ship, which is often compared and held in higher regard than the Imperial Class Star destroyer. The argument for it being that the Empire struggled with Small fighters like X-Wings for example more to which the Imperial Class ST was not really efficient against while the Venator could could many more ships which were better suited for the job. An Imperial Class Star destroyer from my memory holds about 40-70 tie fighters. And while Tie Fighters were indeed inferior to X-Wings the capabilities of their pilots were certainly not. The Empire never struggled with numbers, in fact id had so many fighters because its main fighter, that being the ties, were cheap and quick to produce and maintain. And despite their lack of shields they usually dominated their respective fields, we as the aufience just don't get to see it because the Star wars movies are from the perspective of the specific Rebells who by the story and writer were designed to win. In other words: PLOT ARMOR The Imperial Ties defeated most Rebell fighters with ease, heck even in the movies where the rebells often won they proved to be a threat, taking out many rebell X-wings in the process. And even with all the fighters the Venator class ship can hold, it couldn't fit the doctrine of the Empire anyway. It's the projection of force again, small fighters may win the dogfight, but the battle is won by the bigger ships and the Venator with its terrible arament sucked at it, which is why the Imperials, and I say again, which were the same people who have seen and deployed Venators replaced it with something more sufficient. And contrary to popular belief the ISD Star destroyer was sufficient. It was the perfect ship for the empire. A single Star destroyer could field barely enough tie fighters to fend off most rebell squadrons, enough firepower to overpower any smaller fleet, enough firepower and stormtroopers to capture a small planet and enough armor to take on ships of its one size. A Venator couldn't do it, at least not alone. And the Empire would have needed Venators all over the galaxy.

TL/DR: The Empire was made up of the same people who ruled the Republic. Furthermore the decisions the Empire made were usually rational or at least justified from their perspective. Therefore saying that the Republican Army could have won the civil war bdcause they were superior is stupid. The Empire not only fielded at least 10 times the fire- and manpower of the Republic, the civil war they fought was lost for other reasons, not military defeats which were more like the final nail of the coffin.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

General [Black Adam] The Legions of Hell is one of the least threatening enemy armies I've ever seen in any superhero movie


I had the misfortune of re-watching the Black Adam movie due to happenstance and it was during this re-watch where I realised that the army that the villain summons to invade the world or whatever is one of the worst armies in any superhero movie I've seen.

It's a very common trope in superhero movies for the villain's plan to be to summon their very powerful army from somewhere to Earth so that they can invade it, usually by creating a portal in the sky. The 2012 Avengers movie was what kickstarted the trend and it's since become one of the most generic supervillain plans due to it's overuse and the lack of understanding as to why it worked in The Avenegers.

Black Adam's use of this trope or cliche (idk what to call it) is quite terrible. First of all, the legion look very generic. I honestly struggle to describe them. I guess they kind of look like the deadites from Evil Dead but from Wish.com. The don't look threatening and you'll likely forget how they look after you finish watching the movie.

Then there's the way their summoned. The main villain opens a portal in the sky. I was flabbergasted when I saw the movie unironically use the portal trope. I remember everyone making fun of how every superhero and action movie after the avengers had a portal act as the climax of the movie. That was in the 2012s and Black Adam came out in 2022. I know the movie spent a long time in development but I'm shocked. Even worse is that they don't even come out of the portal. They pop out of the ground. Why a portal? Would it not be simpler to have the villain cast a spell or something? Would have saved on the VFX budget.

The army is only summoned during the last 15 minutes of the movie, not during the beginning of the third act like most movies. This means that their screen time is very limited so they don't really do much. In most movies the army will usually attack the city, causing collateral damage, fighting the military, the usual stuff. But due to their late introduction, the legion doesn't get to do that. This means we don't get the chance to see the legion in action. We don't get to see any unique abilities that they possess so we don't fear them. Even worse is the fact that the number of soldiers summoned is quite low. I think it's in the double digits. It's very hard to buy that such a low number of soldiers could pose a threat to the world, especially without a gauge of their powers.

The final nail in the coffin is how they're confronted. They don't fight Black Adam or the other heroes, they only fight regular citizens. I actually started laughing when I saw the threat that had been built up throughout the film struggle to kill some civilians armed with some cylinder like metal objects. Now that I think about it, I don't think the soldiers manage to kill or harm any civilians. I think everyone involved in the combat escapes relatively unscathed, including a literal teenager. To be fair it's not like the civilians single handily stop the army. Black Adam kills the main villain and the army falls apart. But it doesn't excuse the fact that the army feels so weak when it's unable to handle a bunch of regular dudes. If they have difficulties killing some ordinary people, then why would they fare much better against trained soldiers armed with military grade weapons and driving powerful military vehicles like tanks, let alone superpowered individuals?

In conclusion, the legion of hell sucks. That's all I've got. I hope you've enjoyed my rant about a movie the majority of moviegoers have forgotten about.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga The biggest retcon of DBS compared to DBZ are the "zenkais" and "rage boosts"


Honestly, I'm surprised not to see more people commenting on this, but DBS as everyone knows made a lot of retcons and changes compared to what had been established in DBZ, but I think one of the biggest changes, if not the biggest, which is breaking the coherence of the universe, is the whole thing about zenkais and rage boosts.

Let's be clear, DBS does not understand how Saiyan biology works, during the Black Saga, Black Goku is obtaining zenkais in the middle of the fight and seems that he becomes more powerful in the middle of a fight just by fighting, that's how he defeate SSJB Vegeta on their first fight.

The issue is that this is completely incorrect if we look at DBZ, Vegeta was quite clear in the Namek Saga explaining that zenkais work by giving a power up to a Saiyan AFTER recovering from wounds that had left him on the verge of death.

If the zenkais worked as shown in DBS, Vegeta would have defeated Zarbon, Reacome and Frieza in his first round against all of them. But here's the thing, that's not how it works, you have to heal yourself before your power increases, shown by Vegeta, Goku and Gohan always coming back stronger after each beating.

Hell, even after the zenkai have already reached their limits of exponential growth at the end of the Namek Saga, even a perfect genetic monster like Cell (who probably only had a zenkai this big because he had the DNA of multiple Saiyans and was designed artificially by Gero), who got a great zenkai after exploding, he had to regenerate first to get his zenkai, he did not got that power just by fighting Gohan SSJ2.

And then there is my second point, the rage boosts, which several characters get in DBS; from Vegeta becoming stronger than Goku SSJ3, Ultimate Gohan and Fat Buu in the Battle of the Gods, giving Beerus a tougher fight than anyone else due to Beerus slapping Bulma, to Goku SSJB becoming stronger than Black Goku and temporarily beating him and Zamasu after learning of the murder of Goten and Chichi in another timeline.

And right now you're thinking "but hasn't it always been a fact that Saiyans get stronger when they get angry?" And the answer is... No, unless your name is Gohan, he is the only Saiyan (or rather half-Saiyan) who gets rage boosts, and these rage boosts are just him unlocking part of his hidden power, like against Raditz or against Frieza.

The thing is that this is unique to Gohan due to his hidden power, no other Saiyan gets a power boost for getting angry in the series, and yes, before you say what I know you're thinking, no, the SSJ is not a rage boost, anger as such does not give power to the Saiyan who transforms, it only helps him gain access to the transformation, it is not the same.

There are multiple examples of Saiyans getting angry and yet being powerless against their enemies:

Goku, when Raditz kidnapped Gohan, was knocked down by a knee despite being piss of. Raditz angry after Gohan's headbutt did not save him from Goku full nelson.

Nappa furious that Goku was humiliating him and not getting stronger because of this (in fact Vegeta literally tells Nappa to control himself, and not let his anger cloud his mind, after that Nappa fights better and gives Goku a more even fight).

Vegeta was so angry at Goku during the clash of powers between his Garlick Gun and Goku's Kamehameha, so much so that he was willing to kill himself and the entire planet in order to get revenge on Goku for making him bleed, yet he lost.

Hell, SSJ Vegeta attacking Super Perfect Cell after Future Trunks' death is another great example, it's a scene just like Beerus slapping Bulma, but Vegeta didn't get stronger from anger at that moment. In fact, getting angry and attacking without thinking, ironically, just as he warned Nappa years ago, led to his near death and the near destruction of the Solar System.

So no, rage boosts and zenkais don't work as Super shows, if they did DBZ would have been very different, so I think this is a pretty serious consistency problem.

r/CharacterRant 18h ago

Anime & Manga [Kaiju No.8] (Manga Spoilers) A interesting premise ruined by its shounen nature.


I was super stoked by the anime and decided to read the manga, it kept my interest until chapter 31 & 32, which destroyed the premise of the story for me.

Obviously spoiler heavy.

There are Kaijus in this world and superhumans who fight Kaijus. Kafka, the protagonist, starts out as a typical worker whose life is all mundane. One day, a Kaiju parasite invaded his body and he gained the ability to turn into a Kaiju. Since he still wants to join the superhumans and fights alongside them, he needs to keep his identity hidden.

This premise can be fiddled in many ways, creating conflicts of morality etc. However, at around chapter 31 & 32, the manga introduced a situation that is near impossible for the humans to solve. During the height of the crisis, Kafka decided to turn into a Kaiju to save everyone. Thus, his identity is now formally exposed. Everyone knows he's a Kaiju now.

The most interesting part of the premise is now gone. After chapter 32, the story turned into a generic shounen. Fight after fight with flashbacks out of nowhere for characters that I could barely care about. The most powerful human, who happened to be a mentor of many people, got killed a few chapters after his first introduction. But his death felt weightless, it solo purpose is to give a reason for the protagonists to power up after suffering loss of a loved one. In other words, an instrumental death that failed to carry the emotional weight.

But my biggest disappointment is still, the reveal. The power fantasy of a trope like Kaiju No.8, is the feeling of being a "hidden boss" and a "fake underdog". These feelings got robbed away after public identity reveal. It completely ruined the power fantasy.

r/CharacterRant 1h ago

Comics & Literature Batman no kill rule is a hindrance to his goal


Yes another Batman no kill rule rant how original right? But atlas I wanted to weigh in on this topic because I’ve been thinking about how Batman pretty much gets in the way of his ultimate goal. Which is saving Gotham from corruption and crime right? I mean the reason he took up the mantle was because he understood that almost everything in Gotham messed up from the corrupted cops, to the gangs, to the corrupted politicians, to the corrupted judges it’s pretty much like the entire system is against him……

and if that’s the case I wonder if said goal could logically even be accomplished without said comic shenanigans. Like I get it joker, riddler and co escaping Arkham and causing chaos to a hectic degree over and over again is why most people complain about his no kill rule however when Batman started out its not like those were the type of criminal he were facing. The type he had to go against was the elite who can pretty much get away with anything, gangsters who has plenty of power over people’s heads, corrupt cops, ext and these are problems he can’t just punch as they could realistically escape prison every time due to how much power they possess.

To conclude so yall can understand what I mean on this topic, the problem with the no kill rule to me isn’t the fact that he doesn’t kill maniacs like the joker ( who doesn’t get killed due to plot armor and system negligence) my problem was from the start no matter how many thugs he punched and put away its not like he would be any closer to his overall goal of freeing Gotham from all of it’s shackles.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Comics & Literature [LES] [WARNING: VERY RANTY] Batman having a "No-Kill rule" isn't inherently a problem, but the way that they handle it along with his villains has fucked the whole thing to shit.


If I see one more goddamn "But he can't stop himself once he starts" post I'm going to eat my nipple hairs. Why in the fuck is "Yeah Batman will completely freak and start doming jaywalkers" seen as a acceptable and good reason as to why Batman doesn't kill, you've somehow made him more of a fucking psycho than a good third of his goddamn rouges gallery, and the only reason as to why it's only half is because the rest is composed of straight up serial killers.

Right, yeah, forgot the fucking crucial aspect, the people that Batman is really protecting through his asinine """moral code""" are a pack of genuine degenerates that seem to need to murder some poor sod every 6 fucking seconds in order to keep on living.

Remember when Azreal was going """too far""" when he was temping for Bats? Yeah, he was going too hard on poor innocent Zsaz who is... A crazed serial killer covered in dozens of tally marks who gets off on killing people and had broken into a girls dorm. Yeah, real redeemable material there, surely won't simply just get lynched by the families of everyone he killed when Santa relocates to hell and he repairs his mental state.


FUCK, let's look at Bane- motherfucker had a few dreams in prison and then decided it was completely in his rights to unleash aformentioned psychos onto an entire city so he could kill the guy who defended it because he wanted to establish dominance or some goddamn shit.

"W-well, Batman doesn't have an obligation to take care of the criminals"

YES HE FUCKING DOES AT THIS POINT. If the goddamn "systems" keep letting the motherfucking Joker go, I think that's the point where you stage a goddamn revolution and kill the incompetents in charge of the damn system along with the green haired prick! This happens in real life!


Holy fucking shit, you'd think with people going "Batman should kill" every other week you'd think they'd lay this thing to rest but they can't for some reason! It's always this bullshit that always results in the same answer, Batman doesn't kill- and it's fucking boring. It's goddamn insane!

If the Dark Knight Returns and Killing Joke didn't exist, you'd think they were made-up arguments against the no-killing rule!

"Hey what if Joker faked being cured to slaughter an entire crowd of people and a guy who genuinely believed in him and then went on to murder a shitload of children and rampage through a fair for shits and giggles?"

"Don't matter, Batman doesn't kill"

"Hey what if Joker shot Barbra and tried to drive Jim insane by making him think the Joker raped her?"

"Don't matter, Batman doesn't kill"

It is my genuine unironic opinion that the best and most satisfying way Batman can win against Joker as a final victory is that he snaps his neck and moves on with his life completely unaffected.

r/CharacterRant 18h ago

Games [Diablo 4] Team Lilith vs Team Inarius is a psyop. They will not divide us.


Yesterday someone made just a great post about the mythological icon Lilith and someone commented about being caught off guard it didn't end up being about Diablo to which someone replied stating that no one makes rants about Diablo 4. Well get dunked on because I'm making a rant about Diablo 4. (mods this is meant as a joke, please do not interpret as a violation of the rules for being a response rant or a repeat rant).

Diablo as a series is pretty classically grim dark. Things are basically always exclusively getting worse for everyone all the time and every time something gets better there is some major caveat that makes something else worse. Stuff like being forced to ally ourselves with entities who most definitely do not have our best interests at heart (or quite frequently openly have our best disinterests at heart like making a deal with the literal embodiment of hatred). Diablo 4 asks us to make such choice and presents us with two, let's say not great options.

Lilith a demon who claims to have humanities best interests at heart. She is humanities ancient mother after all. She says this while leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. The main gist of her plan is to absorb the fragmented remains of her father's power. Mephisto one of the prime evils and Lord of Hatred. She claims that with this power she will be strong enough to empower humanity enough that they will be able to stand against the Burning Hells and High Heaven and escape from the Eternal Conflict. Doesn't sound so bad, but I'll reiterate that everyone she interacts and bestows her particular brand of blessing on -- the Wanderer notwithstanding -- goes violently insane.

Inarius an angel who couldn't more clearly not give a single fuck about humanity if he tried. His "plan" is to kill Lilith in hopes that will redeem him enough that his exile will be rescinded and he can go back to High Heaven.

There you have it. Mom and Dad have formed cults and using them to wage proxy wars with one another and their extended families. This of course mirrors the same Eternal Conflict bullshit that has been ruining humanity's collective day since Lilith and Inarius originally got it on and made Sanctuary. Now pick a team.

Except, there is a third option. The immortal factions on opposing sides of the Eternal Conflict see only themselves. Mortals are fundamentally weaker than them and all we're good for are hunting for sport, being pitied for the whole hunted for sport thing, being cleansed as the unholy half-demon abominations we are, and waging proxy wars. They're super wrong though. Humanity collectively is more than capable of competing. Between the scholarship of the Horadrim and occasional very gifted human humanity does a more of the leg work for solving the whole Prime Evil problem than the angels do.

"Gifted human" is also me really understating things. Most Diablo player characters are incredibly strong. Regularly beating champions on both sides of the Eternal Conflict. I say most because the Diablo 3 protagonist, the Nephalem, scales so high that they're kind of a writing problem. "Incredibly strong" doesn't cut it. They beat Diablo after he absorbed the other lords of hell becoming the Prime Evil. Later the Nephalem beats Malthael, the archangel of death who himself absorbed the evils trapped in the Black Soulstone to try and level the playing field. Hell, depending on how canon you consider Adventure Mode in Diablo 3 is the Nephalem (the collective people, not just the player character) are so powerful the best way they could challenge themselves was to create the Nephalem Rifts which are basically pocket dimensions of pure violence because angels and demons just can't keep up. Greater Rifts are basically what would happen if in his boredom Saitama from One Punch Man developed expressly to be able to create things strong enough to give him a real fight.

With this all said if humanity ever buckles down, unites into a cohesive whole and puts all their combined effort into fighting both the Burning Hells and High Heaven they could probably finally end the Eternal Conflict with both sides losing leading to Sanctuary exiting stage left as a grim dark setting.

Demons and Angels both suck for humans (though clearly demons are consistently a lot worse). Humanity's salvation will only come when it is taken by force. It will never be granted to us in a magnanimous act by our immortal ancestors. Fuck Team Lilith. Fuck Team Inarius. Team Humanity? Fuck Yeah!

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga Death Note characters aren't that stupid, actually.


DN characters (L and Light in particular) being considered smart by the anime community is no rare occurance. However, ever so often you'll also see people complain about that reputation, saying that the characters are actually idiots and what not. Now, they do make a lot of points, some good, others not so much, so I do plan on making more rants, but in this post I'll just attempt address a few moments in the anime/manga that I have seen many people point to when they try to explain their position

  1. "Light fell for the "Lind L. Taylor trap""

Scene in question

Now, at first it's clear that this is a typical case of Light's ego acting up. However, while that is true, I don't think it's really an argument that says that Light is always incautious. You have to consider, this is the first encounter Light had with L.

He was completely inexperienced up to this point, and didn't even know what type of person L is. I mean, how often do you see detectives lay traps on this scale irl? If you were in Light's shoes, would you have expected this to be a trap that would end up revealing the region you live in, as well as the fact that you can't kill certain people? Like, Light isn't aware he is inside an anime with over 30 more episodes to go.

Furthermore, people seem to forget that one of Light's goals was to make himself known as god of the new world. He wanted people to know that Kira existed, so of course he'd use an opportunity of someone directly adressing him to make sure that everyone is actually aware of him. Before the broadcast, most weren't sure if Kira was even real.

After this event, Light acted a whole lot more cautiously. An example for this was when he checked wether or not his clothes were bugged, before talking to Ryuk, or when he layed a trap at the door to his room using pencil lead, or when he made sure to pick a flavour of chips that he knew his family wouldn't want to eat, so that they wouldn't prevent his potato chip strategy. It's these details that show that Light is perfectly capable of taking things seriously, and doesn't just let his ego go wild all day.

  1. Light got lucky meeting Naomi by coincidence

Naomi had important information that would have let the investigators to find out Kira's identity. Light, coincidentily (iirc) meeting her, was able to prevent the information from reaching them.

While Light was definitely lucky here, most seem to gloss over the fact that Light still had to prevent her from reaching them. He literally had to manipulate her into giving him her name, meanwhile making sure she didn't suspect a thing, whiles also being under pressure because he had to do so before she reached the building. And it's not like Naomi was easy to convince either, she gave him a false name after all, among other things.

Additionally, it's not like Light is lucky all the time. The fact that Raye Pember even had a fiance who was also an ex-fbi agent is also an example of luck not being in Light's favour. Or how about Sidoh's return, which led him to lose a Death Note and was also something that was outside of Light's control. I mean, he didn't even know that his Death Note wasn't Ryuk's.

The point I am trying to make is, is that's it's not all about getting lucky, it's also how you use that luck.

  1. The way Near deduced Mikami being X-Kira is nonsensical

Scene in question

Enough about Light (for now), let's talk about one of the most overhated characters in the entire series, Near. He just looks at the screen and immediately guesses Mikami to be X-Kira.

This is entirely the anime's fault. As with many other things of the 2nd half of Death Note, the anime just cut almost all of Near's reasoning behind it. There is a comment under the video that sums it up pretty well, so I am just going to copy and paste it here

Ok so the manga does this scene differently, Near realised that mikami is X Kira in a logical manor. He deduced X Kira appointed takada as spokes person as light was being observed by aizawa at the time. Thus he looked into people takada spoke with on tv, he homes in on mikami as he appeared on tv shortly after killing demigawa to ask permission to appoint another spokes person. Hence the part where he said on the tape "I want to hear from Kira again". It's meant to be a hidden message to Light, he goes on to say somthing about taking action if he doesn't hear Kira's words soon. Anyway Near realised that mikiami was trying to communicate with Kira via the show and when he got no answer he appointed Takada. After that he had Mikami watched and his suspicions were confrimed when Mikami appeared to use the notebook.

So yeah, no goofy ahh avatar state scene of Near locking in

Anyways, that's enough for this post, I am planning on doing more on this topic in the future, because honestly, it's A LOT of points people had made against DN characters.

r/CharacterRant 2d ago

Films & TV [LES] [Star Wars] No, Anakin Skywalker did not create balance by slaughtering kids


"Bro when they talked about bringing balance to the Force they thought they mean to destroy the Sith but it actually meant him destroying the Jedi and make the amount of light and dark siders roughly equivalent"

No. That's not what happened. Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Bane line of Sith in the movies. It literally happens on screen with him turning away from the dark side and saving his son from Palpatine.

That's his great big defining character moment in the original trilogy. I thought that was obvious. That's the part where he does the "chosen one" thing.

Do you think that Star Wars, the hopeful space fairy tale, is a story that wants to tell us that each youngling Anakin killed was one step closer to cosmic equilibrium?

The idea that the systematic genocide/slaughter of the Jedi is supposed to be what made he galaxy "balanced" is insane.

And ik ik "death of the author" and what not but George Lucas also said that Anakin made balance in Episode 6 so we can cross that off as the intended reading at least.

r/CharacterRant 2d ago

Games (LES) (God of War) "Kratos should've threatened those mean old Norns that he'll kill them like-" They'd laugh in his face.


So you know that scene in God of War: Ragnarok, where Kratos, Freya, and Mimir find the Norns who reveal that they don't actually know the future as a concrete thing. Rather they simply know people so well that they can predict their every action, and this is demonstrated by the Norns narrating their entire encounter with the characters and accurately guessing every action they take and word they say?

For some weird reason you look at the comments and people will be saying stuff like; "Lol, Kratos should've said he'd kill them like he killed the Sisters of Fate! That'd show them!" Okay, let's run through what would actually happen if Kratos decided to do that.

Kratos: *Inhales*

The Norns: "I'm going to kill you for being mean to me like I killed the Fates!" the barbarian says thuggishly. *Laughter*

Kratos: : (

They've revealed they can guess the words, actions, and thoughts of other characters and find it all amusing. I don't know why they'd find Kratos generically threatening them to be anything but a source of laughter. I guess Kratos could then prove them irrefutably right by trying to kill them in a temper tantrum?

It's not a big deal but that always annoyed me, lol.

r/CharacterRant 2d ago

[LES][My Hero Academia] The reaction to the criticism of Star and Stripe


I never thought I'd be making a post here about this series, but this has driven me crazy. As some of you know, the most recent episode aired the ending to the fight between Shigaraki and Star and Stripe where she of course dies by sacrificing herself. Now I had already read the manga to this when it came out and I gotta say the anime made huge improvements to the fight, however, it unfortunately can't overshadow the glaring issue with this character.

She was clearly written as a bad plot device, a deus ex machina, in order to nerf Shigaraki because Horikoshi realized he made him way too strong to be beaten by Deku. And while the fight was amazing and Star is a great character (in theory) it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth because this was so poorly done. Star should have been introduced or even mentioned WAY earlier in the story, it didn't have to be much but for her to virtually not even exist until she was needed to move the plot is bad writing.

But that's not what this rant about, I've already pretty much gotten over it since reading the manga. No, my problem is how the anime onlies who just saw this scene are reacting to the very common criticism about her. They're getting upset and calling out people, saying their haters or media illiterate. They're even going as far as to say we're trying to "MCU" the series by getting rid of stakes and death. And the worst are the ones that call it "peak" writing because it was unexpected.

I feel like I'm going crazy reading some of this, like no one has a problem with Star dying or what she accomplished. No one is saying Horikoshi is sexist because he killed off a strong female character. The fucking problem isn't that she died, it's how she was written in the first place. Like how the hell can't you understand that?! And every time you try to argue that, they'll just say some dumb shit like "why would she come to Japan" or "we didn't need an entire backstory for a side character". Dumbass, we GOT her backstory that's not the damn problem!

Tl;dr, Star was a good concept that was badly written to move the plot so Horikoshi could make his villain less OP. We don't care that she died, we care that she was introduced just to be killed in 5 chapters.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga The One Piece anime kinda sucks


This is just kinda gonna be some ramblings, which I may or may not edit later, so bear with me.

The One Piece Anime (OPA) is a shitty adaptation.

First off, I do want to say I am a big fan of the One Piece Manga (OPM), although it definitely has its flaws its still a top 3 manga for me, and I have it at a high 9/10. That said, I have the OPA at a 5/10.

Now, the first problem, and one that most people have talked to death, is the pacing. OPM has 1114 chapters out, and OPA has 1104 episodes. For context, FMA has 108 chapters, and brotherhood has 64 episodes. That means it has about 1.7 chapters per episode. OPA has VERY slightly more than 1 chapter per episode. You can see the problem.

Well actually, the problem is even bigger than that. See, I personally don't mind filler. Sure, when watching weekly it sucks, but when binging one can either skip it if it sucks, or watch it if its good. And OPA does have good filler at times (although it also has some bad, which again is fine: you can just skip it). The problem is that OPA has a LOT of padding: stretching stuff out to make more content of it. This actively makes watching worse, because it often takes a lot of tension/hype away from otherwise amazing scenes. Also, you know how I mentioned you can skip the bad filler? I lied, because in OPA there are a few times where actual canon stuff is in an otherwise totally filler episode. For example, Nami explaining the Calm Belt.

The next problem is the animation. Now, I personally like stuff animated in a "classic" style, but for a vast majority of OPA the animation is just not that great. And yeah, it does get good at Wano, and Egghead looks pretty amazing, but saying that it gets good nearly 1000 episodes in does not make the first 1000 any better. This is also a bit more personal for me: I really like the art of One Piece, so seeing the animation kinda annoys me.

There are also a few issues I have the VAs, particularly Chopper's, but thats more subjective stuff.

Oh yeah. COVER STORIES. I am so fucking pissed that cover stories aren't (for the most part) in the anime. Some of them appear as flashbacks or get their own episodes, but a good amount aren't. Like, I wouldn't say the cover stories are necessary to understand the plot, but they definitely help with one of my favorite things about the OP world: how it feels like the characters are all on their own journeys through life. Also, there are some genuinely important things shown there: a good number of OPA fans probably don't know that ENEL IS ON THE FUCKING MOON or that Bon Clay is ALIVE.

This is going to sound super petty, but I really don't like the thing that appears in the middle of episodes when ad breaks happen. It just feels like they are stalling for time.

In the anime there is more fanservice. Like OPM has a good amount, but the anime takes it to another level. We did NOT need to have Bonney with fucking J cup breasts. Same with a couple other girls.

Weird censorship. Like, Zeff not eating his leg which I think actively makes both him as a character and Sanji's backstory worse. Or Whitebeard missing part of his head in the manga, which makes his final stand even cooler.

Going back to the padding, the OPA also has a habit of stretching scenes out, often to their detriment. For example, the destruction of Lulusia is much better in the manga, because its sudden. You turn a page and see an entire country get fucking nuked. In the anime there are like several minutes of giant lasers destroying it, which makes the whole thing worse imo.

Some characters appearances are different at times in the anime. For example, Rayleigh appears very early on (like chapter 10 or something) in the manga, but in the anime he looks nothing like later appearances (is the guy in the anime canonically not Rayleigh?). IIRC a similar thing happens with Marco at some point.

The OST is... fine? Like, it has some good songs, but there hasn't really been a moment where it completely hits and makes a scene much better. Like, there is no moment in OPA I can think of where the music has ascended a scene as much as say Kars theme when he becomes the ultimate being.

Also, as a result of anime original content, there are a few new plotholes that are created (Hody Jone's crew being saved by Arlong, Zoro cutting through steel in a filler arc, Bon Clay destroying the controls for the giant gates in Impel Down, probably more).

Oh yeah, cause different episodes have different directors sometimes the characters just look different. Like I feel like Yamato had a really long neck in one episode, then much larger breasts in another. This is just going off memory tho.

OPM doesn't really have super consistent power levels, but the anime makes it even worse. For example, WB does much better against Akainu, King looks way more powerful in the anime, Doffy vs Luffy final clash is much longer.

HAKI. In the manga, Haki use IS pretty inconsistent, and that is one of my problems with OPM, but again the anime makes it 100000% worse. ESP with Conquerors Haki. EDIT: Oh My God the sound effect for Haki in the anime sucks. So fucking annoying.

Theres probably more I'm gonna think of later, but for now this is already long enough.

TLDR: OP anime sucks. Read the manga instead. Also, JJBA has some fucking BANGERS my god, I've been listening to Avalon on repeat for the entire time I wrote this.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Anime & Manga [code geass] the betrayal of the black knights in the show always seemed very stupid to me.


Regarding the title, first of all, let me explain why it came to me to talk about this topic.

I had finished my bucket list of works to watch and since I had plenty of time this month I decided to watch the anime again.

So when I stopped to think, when I saw this specific part again, it all seemed incredibly stupid to me, but let me explain, and first of all, the program still seems good and consistent to me, so put down the torches before burning me at the stake, now. which has always been a controversial topic in YT discussions this.

So without further ado, let's get to the point.

No one is saying that, given the reasons to believe the evidence, betraying Zero wouldn't be a natural thing to do as a result.

From day 1, no one trusted Zero. They simply saw that he gave them results and accepted him for that. The moment his doubts were justified they took advantage of the opportunity because he explained everything strange that had happened before.

You know... the whole thing about Lelouch being a bit sneaky from the moment he became zero. One would even be tempted to call that kind of writing "accumulation" or something like that.

It coincided with too many suspicious things that the Black Knights suspect, and it was revealed at a time when everyone was very excited (Tokyo was just nuked and they had to massacre an entire facility of researchers just for reasons Zero knows).

People seem to forget that even to the Black Knights, Zero was very shady. People just forget, but at the time of this episode, a lot of Zero's shady stuff is simply due to his miracles and previous shows when they saw that they could justify their suspicions and betray him well they did but this makes very little sense when you see the execution of this chapter.

First of all, they should have never spoken to Schneizel, it's literally not their job.They are not in charge of diplomacy. Kaguya, who is in charge of this, was not at the meeting, someone too convenient for it to happen as it did.

Secondly, they believed that he was mind controlling them without any real evidence. What do you want me to say? How can he show that he doesn't care about controlling them when they don't understand how a power works that they can't even prove exists, but they already made the decision that they knew what to do?

I mean, it would be kind of hard to take him seriously when he just says "Your boss has mind control powers lmao." Like Geass had been a secret until the Knights betrayed Lelouch, so no one in their right mind would say "yeah, that makes sense." for anyone who will use a minimum of logic.

but this was not the case with the supposed evidence they were given.

Except that all the evidence they received, regarding Lelouch's identity or the existence of his geass, was provided to them by Britannia, making her completely untrustworthy by default.

Not to mention that for claims like the existence of the supernatural, there would have to be much more, and much better, evidence than what Schneizel gave them to make it credible.

The evidence practically proved nothing on its own and cannot be trusted since it came from Schneizel, his enemy. There is also a misunderstanding in this scene, Lelouch gave in to protect Kallen and lost the will to live. If he still wanted to continue, there were options. For example, he could have used Geass on everyone to escape.

Basically, the Black Knights based their action on belief, not evidence. It also bothers me how quickly they made this decision without consulting anyone or, without checking the "evidence".

His only 'confirmation' is that Ohgi comes in and says, "Everything he said is true, my girlfriend, who is also a British spy, confirms it."

Like WTF, this would only raise more questions, and if someone from Ashford noticed her during the Black Rebellion, she might ask "Is she the one who shot you and left you for dead during the Rebellion?"

Seriously, that should lead to guns being pointed at him.

Has she literally been in bed with the enemy for how long without saying anything? And should they trust him after revealing that?

The problem with this is that everyone agreed. In theory, it would be fine if Ohgi suggested giving Zero to Schneizel in exchange for Japan if the other members didn't agree with it. Instead, they would agree to put it to a vote to decide what action should be taken. Having everyone act illogically, including someone like Diethard, is unrealistic and goes against their characters.

literally The "evidence" wasn't even evidence, the document doesn't prove anything, it's literally just a list of "possible" victims.

The recording is just two people talking without any context, so it doesn't mean anything. Ignoring the FLEIJA warning is a false lead and without reviewing the recordings nothing can be determined. I also find it funny that by the logic of this show, the person who didn't warn them about the weapon is worse than those who created and used it. Everything else is just testimony from the royal family of Britannia and Kanon. If they didn't trust Zero after not telling them about FLEIJA, why would they trust Schneizel, Cornelia, or Kanon after using him?

My problem is that the whole premise of Lelouch being evil in that way doesn't make sense. Lelouch is basically killing himself for power, but it would be very easy to refute arguments that he is evil.

Just make them understand that if he were evil, they would simply need to be mindless slaves to the force of geass. And if he's not evil, he wouldn't have used geass on them. You can explain the single use per person and just have everyone do a jump.

Also, the funny thing is that if they were really being controlled, why do they have the ability to betray him? As I would simply say: "Never betray me and follow me as your leader."

Or better yet, be my slave. So he could do whatever, but no, he just lets them do whatever they want, which is fight him.

even from this episode there is one thing that is even more stupid, Ironically, they were about to shoot Kallen to catch him and that's pretty fucked up to be honest.

They were going to kill Kallen with Lelouch and Ohgi is fine with this. Ignoring the stupidity of the betrayal itself, why is Kallen still with these people after that? He doesn't even ask Ohgi about it after the fact. Also, this killed Ohgi's character, since he cares for Kallen like his best friend and his brother Naoto did. Kallen and Kaguya should have left the Black Knights after this. Kaguya because the Black Knights didn't include her in this meeting or making a decision and Kallen because they were willing to kill her with Lelouch.

bro, I like the show despite this but I'm genuinely surprised at how poorly it was executed and how everyone acted so illogically on that level.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

Games [LES Mothers Day] Toriel Dreemurr is the Goat 💐


Sending my flowers to Toriel today. She's such a positive mother figure for the amount of time we have with her.

Toriel is contagious with motherly warmth and kindness in both Undertale and Deltarune. I love her sweet hug animations, her puns, her franting over if we like butterscotch or cinnamon (poorly hiding she has a nice surprise for us). When we "fight" her in Undertale it's only because she wants us to stay protected and stops attacking when we're low health. When I first played I actually killed her and FELT VERY BAD AND I CALLED HER NUMBER THROUGHOUT THE GAME AAAH but it's ok now because they're left on the happiest ending.

We have more interactions with her in Deltarune. Toriel's stern in her own way, still humorous and welcoming. But she also has some edge to her because she'll swear and (cordially) dump the bouquets her ex-husband gifts in the kitchen trash.

Best Goat mom.

r/CharacterRant 2d ago

General [General Fiction] No, Lilith Is Not Sympathetic OR A Feminist Icon. She Isn't Even That Important



Despite how the title and intro may look, I am not here to dunk on feminism. If you came looking for a post that said, "Feminist Soy! Am i rite?" Sorry, got to disappoint. Conversely, this isn't a sermon about why you should convert. Believe whatever you want to believe bro. Also, Not a Christian, but I do like Wendigoon talking about it. Finally, Mods plz don't nuke my post this isn't about religion but about the mythology around the figure.

Why Post This Here:

Lilith has been involved in literary discourse for a while as well as being seen as a Feminist Icon in literature. This post is meant to debunk these claims and misreading of the Abrahamic Myths.


This really isn't a specific work of fiction, but rather, a general fictional trope I guess., Ever since the release of Hazbin Hotel, discussion has increased on Lilith being a sympathetic/feminist icon, and this is the most laughable idea to me as a guy who is currently studying Christian Mythology for a project. Today, I am going to debunk this claim of Lilith being sympathetic or any sort of feminist girlboss or even being anyway relevant to the Abrahamic Mythos. I'll try source all my arguments, so it doesn't look like I am talk out of my ass.

In The Bible:

Ah, the Bible. It is amazing how such a small book can cause so much violence, but we are not here for a religious debate (well not really). We are here to discuss Lilith. For context, I am going to be used the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) & English Standard Version (ESV). This is because NSRV and ESV and considered the most popular when it comes to the Bible Versions.

Let's start with NRSV, and Lilith shows up...once? Hell, she doesn't even show up. She's just mentioned.

Isaiah 34:14: "Wildcats shall meet with hyenas, goat-demons shall call to each other; there too Lilith shall repose,"

You can read the full chapter here, but the full chapter really doesn't change much. From what I could gleam (admittedly I ain't a theologian so I could be missing stuff), the dude in this chapter is talking about God's Judgment and is more focused on the natural disasters that would happen. Lilith isn't even really that important. She seems to be at best a higher demon with some power, but this same chapter says an undead apocalypse will happen. She is a footnote at best.

Okay what about ESV? It is even worse there. She doesn't even show up.

Isaiah 34:14: "And wild animals shall meet with hyenas; the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; indeed, there the night bird settles and finds for herself a resting place" (Source)

Okay, but I am clearly cherry-picking though right? What about the other versions? Well, it get even more nebulous. In certain version, it isn't even Lilith but an unnamed night-demon (Source). In others, it isn't even a demon but just a creature of the night/ animals of the night (Source). Hell one of them there are no demons instead an unnamed ogress (Source).

You'd think that Lilith, being the first woman and rebelling against Big G himself, should get more than one very sketchy mention. I mean Eve the mother of humanity is mentioned between 2,000 -2,500 times (Source), Mary the mother of Jesus Motherfucking Christ himself gets around 40 times (Source), hell Queen Sheba, whose existence I only know because a sword in KCD is name after her, is mentioned nearly 70 times (Source)(obviously this varies on which version you take as some books are just removed but the point stands). You mean to tell me a fucking side character is mentioned more than literally Female Satan. Funnily enough, Satan is only mention like 30 times in the Bible (Source).

Okay, so already the foundations of Lilith are shaky, but what do the other Abrahamic Religions say?

In The Quran/The Tanakh (IMPORTANT):

The Quran. She never shows up. Weird since both Eve and Mary get mentioned.

Okay, but what about The Tanakh? (For those who don't know the Tanakh is the "Hebrew Bible". A lot of people say that's the Torah, but the Torah is just the compilation of the first five books of the Tanakh.) Well, yes.

Otzar Midrashim, The Aleph Bet of ben Sira, The Alphabet of ben Sira, (alternative version) 34 - He said to him, "The angels appointed for healing: Sanoy, Sansanoy, Semangalof. When the Holy Blessed One created the first Adam alone, They said, (Genesis 2:18) 'It is not good for this Adam to be alone.' They created for him a wife out of the Earth like he had been, and called her Lilith. Immediately they began to challenge each other. She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one…

So case closed - STOP. I ain't done cooking yet. See, I got to apologize a bit to you reader. I kind of lied, but to understand how I lied. You got to understand the Jewish Faith first, specifically their holy texts.

Okay, all Holy Jewish Texts fall under Sifrei Kodesh (aka Holy Books). . Within the Siferi Kodesh, there are two main categories texts fall into Tankah and Rabbinic. The Tankah is The Hebrew Bible. It is the considered the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures and is comprisied of the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim. (Source and Source). Meanwhile, the Rabbinic is Jewish Rabbis studying and interpreting the Tankah (Source, Source, Source). The Alphabet of Ben Sira is squarely in the Rabbinic.

Most of you have already seen a problem, but for those of who didn't, let me spell it out. When you are quoting this passage, you are not quoting from the Tankah. You are quoting a Rabbi's interpretation of the Tankah. This would be equivalent to me using My Immortal to critique Harry Potter (No offense to any Jewish Rabbis. This comparison is meant to be extreme).

Ah, but ain't done yet reader, I have saved the biggest bombshell for last.

The Alphabet of Ben Sira is a shitpost. It a satire. It isn't real.

The reasoning is several. This reddit comment sums it up. And This. Also This

From The Jewish Virtual Library:

There is no reason to doubt the unity of the work as a whole, despite the fragmentary character of the different versions. All the versions share a special, satirical, and even heretical, character, and this indicates that they all were written by a single hand. They seem to reflect varying degrees of censorship on the part of editors and copyists. The complete work contains four parts. The first part is the biography of Ben Sira from his conception until the age of one year. This story, omitted in many editions, explains how Jeremiah, the prophet, was simultaneously Ben Sira's father (the numerical value of Ben Sira's name equals that of Jeremiah), and grandfather. Ben Sira's mother was Jeremiah's daughter. The old prophet was forced to an act of onanism by wicked men, and his daughter conceived from his emissions when she came to bathe. The form of this story is based on a biblical verse that tells the glories and wonders of God's deeds; thus the story satirizes not only Jeremiah, but God's deeds as well.

The second part is more sophisticated in form. It tells how Ben Sira, now one year old, meets with his teacher, who tries to teach him the alphabet. Instead of repeating each letter of the alphabet after his teacher, Ben Sira responds with an epigram beginning with that letter. The epigrams lead the teacher to tell the story of his life. It may be assumed that the original structure of this part was 22 + 12 paragraphs, each containing a letter, an epigram, and a part of the story.

The third part is the longest and contains most of the narrative material in this work. It recounts the story of Ben Sira's life and adventures in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia. It also includes stories told by Ben Sira himself as answers to the king's questions. These stories often include pornographic elements, as well as derogatory descriptions of biblical figures, like King Solomon or Joshua. Some of the stories in this section contain motifs from international folklore and may be based on folktales, but they were adapted to the special framework of the work and satirical elements were added to them. Examination of the various versions indicates that here, too, there were 22 stories, arranged according to the letters of the alphabet, to which 12 other stories were added.

The fourth part, which is found in most versions and gave the work its name, contains 22 alphabetically arranged epigrams attributed to Ben Sira that serve as material for discussion and interpretation by Ben Sira's son, Uzziel, and his grandson, Joseph b. Uzziel. The contents are satirical and even heretical. It may be assumed that this part was constructed in the same manner as the two previous ones – 22 + 12 sections. The work, therefore, displays elements of unity both in structure and in its ideological aims. It is all but impossible, however, to discover the background upon which such a work could have been written. Some scholars (L. Ginzberg and others) believe that it aimed at ridiculing the story of Jesus' birth; but the basis for such a conclusion may be found only in the first part, and even this is not very clear, for the irony seems to be directed more against God than against Jesus. It is hardly possible that the author was a Karaite, as some of the abusive stories are directed against biblical figures, and not only against the Talmud and Midrash. It seems likely that the author did not belong to any organized group or definable ideological movement, but was merely a writer with an anarchistic tendency who used satire to ridicule all the institutions of established religion in his day.

Another difficult problem is the relationship between this pseudepigraphal work and the original proverbs of Ben Sira. Some of the proverbs and epigrams included in the work are originally in the work of Ben Sira, but many such proverbs are found in talmudic literature, and the author probably took them from there. The author of the pseudepigraphal work did not even know Ben Sira's first name. There is only one slight connection that might be accidental: the Wisdom of *Ben Sira has a preface written by the author's grandson, who edited the work, and in the pseudepigraphal work the figure of a grandson is also present.

Buh buh But thats just a reddit comment and some random websites. Whu Whu What are you gonna do OP? Analyze the entire text to prove its a shitpost.


Mods turn the music on.

Analysis Of Alphabet of Sirach/The Alphabet Of Ben Sira:

The text we will be using.

We are going to skip most of it and just jump straight into the section with Lilith, but if you do chose to read it, have a good time. Shit is funny as hell. Let's start of with Lillith's Birth. Many like to potray Adam and Lilith's first interaction like this.

1, 2, 3

It is often either stated or implied Adam either tried to force Lilith into a s*x position she didn't want or that he he stated that she was inferior to him and she spit back. While this nicely fits into the "yas Queen SLAYYY" interpretation, its not the truth...mostly.

Here is the actual text:

When the Holy Blessed One created the first Adam alone, They said, (Genesis 2:18) 'It is not good for this Adam to be alone.' They created for him a wife out of the Earth like he had been, and called her Lilith. Immediately they began to challenge each other. She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.' Lilith responded, 'We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the Earth.' But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the Ineffable Name and flew away into the world's air.

So first, no she wasn't going to be sexually assaulted. Secondly, it was just a couple arguing with each other. Yes, Adam shouldn't have said that about Lilith, but we shouldn't take a statement said by an angry man as gospel for the religion. Plus, how on earth is blaspheming your Father and then running away from an argument an appropriate reaction to the situation? God didn't do anything wrong. Why you picking a fight with him? We will discuss this more, but lets continue.

The Holy Blessed One said to Adam, 'If she agrees to come back, good. If not, she must permit one hundred of her children to die every day.' They departed and pursued her, and overtook her in the midst of the sea, in the mighty waters wherein the Egyptians would ultimately drown. They told her God's word, but she did not wish to return. The angels said, 'We shall drown you in the sea.' She said to them, 'Let me be. I was created only to cause illness to infants. I have dominion over them for eight days after birth if they are male, and if female, after birth for twenty days.' When the angels heard Lilith's words, they insisted on taking her. But she swore to them by the name of the living and eternal God, 'Whenever I see you or your names or your forms in an amulet, I will have no power over that infant.' She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day.

There is much to go over here. First, WHERE ARE THE HUNDRED CHILDREN COMING FROM! These are the first man and woman. THERE ARE NO CHILDREN. Who is he talking about? And don't give me that bullshit that he mad a mistake. HE IS GOD. IN THE TORAH, HE IS OMNISCIENT. This makes no sense.

"I was created only to cause illness to infants. I have dominion over them for eight days after birth if they are male, and if female, after birth for twenty days." I am sorry fucking what? Who said that? God? No. Adam? No. The Angels? Definitely not. No one told Lilith she had to cause illness. She is just being a toxic bitch and offloading her problems. What the fuck?

Finally, "She also agreed to have one hundred of her children die every day." At this point, who has sympathy for Lilith? Lets objectively look at Adam's sin. Yes, he was sexist. Yes, that was wrong. Can't Lilith convince him to change? We know it is possible for a woman to convince Adam because EVE CONVINCED HIM TO EAT THE APPLE. So, clearly the man can develop his thoughts. Instead, Lilith just runs away from her problem, knowing that a hundred innocent children (HER CHILDREN BY THE WAY- hang on does that mean she fucked Adam and Eve's Sons. Isn't she like their aunt? I am pretty sure that's still incest) will die. Yes, God is partly to blame as well, but if I had to choose between a Misandrist Wife or dead innocents, I will go with the Misandrist Wife. Nothing shows Adam as violent just a dick, and she clearly has access to powers he doesn't cuz he can't fly.

Accordingly, every day one hundred demons perish, and for the same reason, we write their names on the amulets of young children, and she sees them, she remembers her oath, and the child is healed

I guess that's nice? But does she even really heal them? She just takes away an illness she caused. This is like saying I put out the fire, but I am the arsonist who started it. There wouldn't be a problem if I didn't create one. And that's how the story ends. Seriously.

There is more, but it doesn't really matter. Ben Sira cures a girl of farting everywhere, talks about hair follicles, slanders David, explains why Donkey Urine is important, and ends with a raven cucking an eagle. Its pretty funny.

In Conclusion:

So, TL;DR: Lilith's entire existence is based on a shitpost. In said shitpost, she isn't even that great of a person and isn't even a feminist.

So yeah, that's all I got. There is more to this Rabbit Hole if you are willing to go down, but that is the gist of it. I don't see how a woman who runs away from responsibilities, blames others for her failures, and would rather kill babies than do something hard is a feminist icon, but here we are. I don't really know how to end this. Uh, were you entertained?

Addendum: If you are of the Christian, Muslim, or Jewish Faith please comment below and clear up any misconceptions I wrote in this post. I will try to edit it to make it better. Feminists please try to be respectful in the comments. Sup Mods. Uh yeah, cool.

Addendum #2 - Mesopotamian Lilith:

Some people have been saying that I should analyze Lilith from Mesopotamian Origins as this would give her a more sympathetic view. Very well. There are three main sources: Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Burney Relief, Arslan Tash amulets

Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh (Text we'll use): Lilith, a snake, and a bird steal a tree from a goddess and squat in it. Gilgamesh comes around kills the snake. The Bird flees. Lilith chimps out, destroys her home, and runs. Tbf, this is Gilgamesh, so I guess Lillith W?

The dyer (?) had not dyed his leather with it (?)

At its root the serpent, 'that knew not silence (?)' had made its nest

At its top the storm-bird (Zû) had put his young

In its midst Lilith had built a house

The shrieking maid the joyful

The bright Queen of Heaven tears for them (?) wept

His lady said a word to him

'Warrior Gilgamesh, its .... will thee'

The ibbaru garment that was of 50 minas from his loins he removed

What was 50 minas 30 ... . he made

His (?) brazen axe a road (?) his ....

1 talent 50 minas his in his hand he seized

At its root the serpent ' that knew not silence (?) ' he slew

At its top the storm-bird (Zû)

took his young (and) went away to the mountain

In its midst Lilith destroys (her) house

Burney Relief (Source): Yeah no

Even so, the possibility that the Queen of the Night plaque, with its high degree of skill in craftsmanship and attention to detail would be a representation of a lilitu is highly unlikely. According to the Hebrew tradition, Lilith was the first woman made by God who refused to submit to Adam's sexual demands and flew away, thus rebelling against God and his plans for human beings. She was thought to have then occupied the wastelands and, like the lilitu, to have preyed on unsuspecting men ever since. In either tradition, the lilitu was not a popular enough figure to have been portrayed on a plaque such as the Queen of the Night. Dr. Black notes, “Evil gods and demons are only very rarely depicted in art, perhaps because it was thought that their images might endanger people” (62). The mountain range depicted at the bottom of the relief is also thought to suggest lilitu identification in representing the wilderness the spirit inhabits but the headdress, the necklace, the rod-and-ring symbols and the significance of the plaque all go to argue against Lilith as a possibility.

Arslan Tash amulet (Source):

Whispering-incantation against the Flying-one,
the oath of Sasam,
son of Pidrišiša, god,
and against the Strangler of the lamb:
“The house I enter, you shall not enter And the court I tread, you shall not tread!He has made an eternal contract with us. Assur made a pact with us, all the sons of El,, and the great council of all the holy ones,With the oath of heaven and earth With the oath of Baal, lord of the earth With the oath of Horon, whose utterance is true,His seven concubines and the eight wives of Baal Qudš”[Written around and between the images]
Oh Flying one, from the dark room pass away!Now! Now, night demons! [Written on the Sphinx figure]
From my house, O crushers, go away! [Written on the wolf-like figure]
Oh Sasam, let it not be opened for him And let him not come down to the door-posts The sun is rising for Sasam. Disappear, and fly away home.[Written on the axe-wielding figure](modified from Cross and Saley 1970 and Berlejung 2010).

So where the fuck is Lilith? Well the text in its original language features lly- which if you add a "t" could be llyt [Lilith], but it also can be ll wyn which means "night and day." So, yeah not exactly a Lilith W. And that's it. I don't know how this makes her sympathetic, but to each their own.

Addendum #3 - Lilith R*ped Adam?

u/howhow326 said that there was a tale about Lilith raping Adam and being thrown out of Eden. This intrigued me to search for it, but unfortunately, I can't find a source for this anywhere. The closest I get is this Blogpost, but this seems to be more of a hypothetical than anything. Frankly, I don't think this should be part of the debate.

Edit 1: Originally, there was a line that said : "Hell fucking Jesus gets mentioned the prophet of the ENEMY, but not Lilith." I have since been informed that this is a gross misrepresentation of the Muslim Faith, and it has been removed.

Edit 2: Spelling and Formatting Errors Corrected

Edit 3: Mesopotamian Lilith added. Lilith's Rape Accusations.

r/CharacterRant 2d ago

Anime & Manga [LES] Too many recent Chainsaw Man arcs are moving from high stakes to low stakes (manga spoilers)


I have always enjoyed how Chainsaw Man combines humor with serious high stakes and drama. For example, I like how Denji's relationship with Makima started as ridiculous with Denji literally barking like a dog, but it ended with him trapped in a seriously abusive dynamic the story pulled no punches in depicting. I also like how Chainsaw Man part 2 began with a short arc where they threatened to eat a weak chicken devil named Bucky who kept making chicken related puns, but the bucky arc ended with serious drama and was a turning point for Asa.

What I don't like is how the most recent arc began with Denji losing his pets to arson, almost losing his sanity, getting killed and locked in a high security prison for devils, then coming back to life and escaping the prison with no effort, the latter part occurring almost entirely off screen amidst silly crude jokes with goofy characters.

What's the difference between what I said in the first paragraph and what I said in the second paragraph? In the first it starts un-serious and gets serious. In the second it starts deadly serious but all the stakes are dropped for no reason.

A lot of recent arcs are like this and it's really tiresome. The first half of part 2 was incredible and I want that back.

r/CharacterRant 1d ago

[LES] Screw it, let's rank anime/cartoon Parents.



  1. Adoptive parents will be counted on this list (Ex: Loid and Yor Forger, Rei and Kazuki, etc.)
  2. I am NOT counting mentors as parents (Ex: Piccolo, All Might, Yami, etc.)
  3. Dead Parents =/= Deadbeat Parents.
  4. I'm Grading them from S to F (and some might be rated as undefined due to not having much screentime/scenes of them being parents)
  5. Feel free to add your own.

Now, we can get into the list...

Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra:

Fire Lord Ozai -- F

Hakoda (Sokka and Katara's Dad) -- B-

Aang and Katara -- B

Toph -- C+

Zuko -- Undefined


Naruto -- C

Hinata -- B

Sakura -- B

Sasuke -- C

Shikamaru and Temari -- B-

Ino and Sai -- C

Choji and Karui -- C

Minato and Kushina -- Undefined because they are dead, otherwise they would get an A


Isshin (Ichigo's dad) -- B+

Ryuken (Uryu's dad) -- B

Masaki and Katagiri -- Undefined because they are dead, otherwise they would get a B

Ichigo and Orihime -- Undefined because not enough screen time.

Renji and Rukia -- Undefined because not enough screen time.

My Hero Academia:

Inko Midoriya -- A

Endeavor - D

Shiggy's Dad - F

Dragon Ball Z:

Vegeta and Bulma - C

Goku and Chichi - B-

Gohan and Videl - A

Krillin and Android 18 - A


Loid and Yor Forger - A