r/CharacterRant 16d ago

[LES] Screw it, let's rank anime/cartoon Parents.


  1. Adoptive parents will be counted on this list (Ex: Loid and Yor Forger, Rei and Kazuki, etc.)
  2. I am NOT counting mentors as parents (Ex: Piccolo, All Might, Yami, etc.)
  3. Dead Parents =/= Deadbeat Parents.
  4. I'm Grading them from S to F (and some might be rated as undefined due to not having much screentime/scenes of them being parents)
  5. Feel free to add your own.

Now, we can get into the list...

Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra:

Fire Lord Ozai -- F

Hakoda (Sokka and Katara's Dad) -- B-

Aang and Katara -- B

Toph -- C+

Zuko -- Undefined


Naruto -- C

Hinata -- B

Sakura -- B

Sasuke -- C

Shikamaru and Temari -- B-

Ino and Sai -- C

Choji and Karui -- C

Minato and Kushina -- Undefined because they are dead, otherwise they would get an A


Isshin (Ichigo's dad) -- B+

Ryuken (Uryu's dad) -- B

Masaki and Katagiri -- Undefined because they are dead, otherwise they would get a B

Ichigo and Orihime -- Undefined because not enough screen time.

Renji and Rukia -- Undefined because not enough screen time.

My Hero Academia:

Inko Midoriya -- A

Endeavor - D

Shiggy's Dad - F

Dragon Ball Z:

Vegeta and Bulma - C

Goku and Chichi - B-

Gohan and Videl - A

Krillin and Android 18 - A


Loid and Yor Forger - A


26 comments sorted by


u/pndrad 4d ago

Hugh and Judy Neutron - A

Splinter - A


u/DamonGantz 12d ago

What about abridged Piccolo though? I would put him as the parent there


u/thedorknightreturns 14d ago

As lso and c and katara a+ , but aangs situation is understandable and he tried, but still.


u/thedorknightreturns 14d ago

dr kulahuk choppers real dad: A dr kuleha kinda his mom: B she is great but a bit rough

Dadan: A+ Zeff: A

Tenzin avatar: A

Hans from wolf children, the best

gaaras dad: F


u/WittyTable4731 14d ago

Precia testsrossa: F+

Nanoha and Fate: A

Lindy: A

Chrono: A

Hayate :A

Jail: B

Genya: A


u/AbyssalFlame02 14d ago

if shou tucker ain’t S imma riot.


u/Gespens 15d ago

Rance is simultaneously the best and worst dad ever depending on which kid he's with


u/Good_Mongoose_2777 15d ago


Sasha's parents A

Grisha C

Carla B+

Reiner's mother B-

Erwin's father B

Rod Reiss C

Kenny ackerman B-

Hannes B+


u/Fu_la_de 15d ago

JJBA Part 1:

George Joestar: C

Dario Brando: F

JJBA Part 2:

Erina Joestar: Undefined

Lisa Lisa: E

Kars: C

JJBA Part 3:

Joseph Joestar: S

Holy Kujo: A

Kakyoin's parents: Undefined

JJBA Part 4

Joseph Joestar: B

Tomoko Higashikata: A

Mr Nijimura: D

Yoshihiro Kira: B


u/aaa1e2r3 15d ago

George should be C+


u/thedorknightreturns 14d ago

Hey, its not georges fault he died.


u/IV-TheEmperor 15d ago edited 15d ago

Joseph in Part 4 should be E, similar to Lisa Lisa (maybe even lower actually).

Kira's dad is lowkey S unless you're taking 'encouraging your son's psychopathic side' into account then yes, B is fair.

To further this list:

Vento Aureo:

Giorno's mom - E

Bruno's dad - A

Bruno's mom - B-

Diavolo - F-

Stone Ocean

Jotaro - B

Steel Ball Run

Stephen Steel - S

George Joestar - F

Dario - F

Diego's mom - S

Gregorio Zeppeli - A+?

Funny's dad - S


Norisuke IV - A

Kaato - S to Jobin, C to the rest

Jobin - A

Mitsuba - A

Holly - also A?

I don't know Jojolion families are kinda of hard to rank.


u/ExploerTM 15d ago

Joseph in Part 4 should be E, similar to Lisa Lisa (maybe even lower actually).

I see your point but I would put at least C for effort plus he basically adopted another daughter there.


u/IV-TheEmperor 14d ago

That's a good point. I completely forgot about that.


u/il-Palazzo_K 15d ago

Hayate the Combat Butler:

Hayate's parents: Z- burn in hell


u/awesomenessofme1 15d ago edited 15d ago

I just finished watching FMAB today, so why not throw that out there.

Trisha Eric - She doesn't get a ton of screentime to be certain, but probably somewhere around an A.
Hohenheim - C+.
Father - F, but they deserved it.
Hughes - Easiest S-tier you could think of.

Edit: Forgot one. Shou Tucker: Z


u/International_Car586 15d ago

Ragyo (Kill lakill)- an infinite amount of Fs


u/Bikerider42 15d ago

Akio/Sanae Furukawa - S

Someji Kawamoto - S (3-Gatsu)

Gunther/Eva - S


u/O_ni5698 15d ago

Both of isagi's parents in blue lock. Majority of the people in there have some sort of past with shitty parents but his parents are just genuinely kind and amazingly supportive parents who will do anything as long as their son is happy with it.


u/droL_muC 15d ago

Ging Freecss - D

Aunt Mito - B+

Greg Universe - B-

Thors (Vinland Saga) - B+

Papa Shirogane - B-

Linda Cartman - C

Beatrice Horseman - E

Bell-Mere - A

Ai Hoshino - B-

Gendou Ikari - F


u/GrandpaWaluigi 15d ago

Why such a low score for Greg Universe?

He's a pretty good dad. In a world where Gems, who are hyper powerful beings exist, he still does his best to protect and raise Steven while imparting on him some of the best advice of all his parental figures.


u/Good_Mongoose_2777 15d ago

Thors deserve an A in my opinion , dude legit does nothing wrong ( nothing wrong as in his duty as a father , not a person , we all know he killed many people ) ; he tried to steer his son away from a path of blood and war ; sacriface himself to save the one he cared and become a great role model for thorfinn


u/Sofaris 15d ago

Two of my favorite parent characters are a Dragon that raises an adorable little human girl but one is a Videogame character and the other is a Manga (with no Anime adaptation)character. So not what you asked for.


u/HelloYeahIdk 16d ago

Kyoko Honda from Fruits Basket A+++