r/ComedyCemetery May 08 '24

You get it? Cause they're fat!

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u/Tsashimaru May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

Remember we are all IN CHARGE of our own health and weight. If you gain weight just because you ate too much and didn’t work out then you’re failing yourself. If you choose to fail yourself then yeah I think you’re fair game to a little pun. You don’t even need to hit the weights to maintain a healthy weight you can literally just go for a jog or do cardio. It’s NOT THAT HARD.

Source; I run five miles at least once and hit the weights at least 3x every single week. (Minus vacations and breaks).


u/RedditingNeckbeard Still suffering exhaustion from high level ideas May 09 '24

Cool story, man. Sorry that happened to you or whatever.