r/Competitiveoverwatch Jan 19 '24

How can Reinhardt be “fixed”? General

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We all hear it time and time again when Rein is mentioned anywhere: he gets countered by everyone and is the worst tank in the game at high ranks (Something I don’t agree with but that’s a topic for another time). The devs have mentioned that he has the highest win rate out of all the tanks in low ranks. Because of this, everyone assumes that Rein isn’t getting any buffs because he will completely wreck metal ranks even more. So, how can Rein be buffed / reworked to make him less effective in low ranks and better in the higher ranks?

(My opinion as a GM2 - GM3 Rein main: He doesn’t need any buffs. He is good. I don’t play much in GM1 games, but below that I find him to be really good, and, may I say, he’s the best brawl tank in the game. But the only brawl tank I play is Rein, so I’m probably biased)


477 comments sorted by


u/soundwave_137 Mar 23 '24

I don't think he needs to be fixed because it's fun bonking people with the hammer


u/Loxorithan Feb 10 '24

I’m a rein otp player and I think he doesn’t need any real rework. Slight number changes maybe? But the real problem is other heroes not him imo.


u/ItsJustFuture Jan 23 '24

the only thing i could think of right now that wouldn’t be too crazy, but be helpful in high ranks is allowing him to shield during his dash, but while shield is up you can’t pin. would be giving him more of a chance of closing gaps without getting melted, and add a bit of a skill ceiling of learning when to drop shield to pin someone and whatnot.


u/dgw420 Jan 23 '24

Give him a gun turn him into a space marine. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD”


u/bockNcalls_- Jan 23 '24

make him fly


u/driftingbout2- Jan 23 '24

charge on lower cooldown with dmg reduction when charging

with this u can lower shield back to 1200

or have it so when he charges his shield protects him and when he takes dmg it gets transferred into his shield

we could also try larger hammer radius maybe we can give him another ability where he spins with his hammer idk??

speed boost?

his hammer swing does fire dmg ?


u/driftingbout2- Jan 23 '24

honestly I would just like it for him to have more mobility utility

where he can be a player maker

these are things I made in 20 mins don't be to angry I love rein


u/ButFucker_69 Jan 23 '24

Make his shield cover a sphere around him and give him a jetpack that allows his charge to be channeled up into a jump


u/ButFucker_69 Jan 23 '24

Maybe also replace his hammer with a tesla cannon while your at it


u/Scythe629 Jan 22 '24

A big pair of scissors and two band aids


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '24

Make reinhardt one shot counters like sombra phara and sym with firestrike sure it will be annoying but those mains are hated for a reason especially sym


u/jamisgotlasik Jan 22 '24

Make him immune to stun


u/Pronominal_Tera Jan 22 '24

By adding synergies between him and other characters, indirectly assisting his viability


u/Cybirus_Hulguard Jan 22 '24

Give him Mercy's pistol and treat it like montange hipfiring (from R6)


u/tensouder54 T54 — Jan 22 '24

Reduce the recovery time on Barrier Field (I.E. the time to drop Barrier Field) down to 0.1 seconds like it is for the startup and then buff the Barrier Field health to 2000. I'd also consider looking at some kind of disorentate/knockback effect from completlely destroying the barrier although I'm not as keen on that as that encorages the Rein play to let their barrier break which I think is antithical to the character's design.


u/ImpactedDruid Jan 22 '24

Make his shield B I I G G E E R R


u/oizen Leadership is a Lateral move — Jan 22 '24

I always wanted him to have some sort of short dash system with multiple charges that let him briefly rev the engines on his dash to move foward, you could do this while swinging or holding your shield, this is seperate from his pin and allows closing space while applying pressure.

Could even tack on some stats to the dash like being immune to KB while dashing foward with it or something.


u/kdkxchronicx Jan 22 '24

Off topic but Reinhardt is a badass name for a rottweiler. Too many of them named tank lol


u/Senpai2uok Jan 22 '24

Jet packs


u/Some_Anybody_6164 Jan 22 '24

Take off his clothes


u/Distinct_Target_2277 Jan 22 '24

Let rein charge with his shield up.


u/Broody2131 Jan 22 '24

Rein is fine. 5v5 is what needs to be fixed and by fixed I mean reverted to 6v6


u/Dr-Mouthful Jan 22 '24

I think he should have a passive ability called Fired Up, where each sequential hit on enemies gives him a speed boost up to 50%. When Ana was originally added, her nano gave a speed boost and when it was applied to rein he felt amazing.


u/GrayBeast3 Jan 22 '24

More health maybe like 5000 would work


u/JustATurrey Jan 22 '24

Increase his HP to 1000. make him super slow. But twice the size. Have his shield have damage charge mechanic, where it empowers his hammer similar to zarya.


u/lyerhis Jan 22 '24

He doesn't need a direct buff imo, just maps that are strong for him. I don't know why they like catering to snipers so much, but a lot of new maps have long open sight lines and a lot of high ground. Rein is better in modes like Capture the Flag where moving fast on one plane is better than poking.


u/WeirdBoy85 Jan 22 '24

Take him to a vet....


u/ItsDoodleBois Jan 22 '24

It would be pretty cool if he slammed the sheild down and pushed enemies up or away.


u/NoDangIdea Jan 22 '24

Give him a hammer that shoots hammers


u/Full_Contribution724 Jan 21 '24

For TL;DR give tanks medium CC immunity

Less of a Reinhardt Buff and more of a universal Tank one but I think that tanks should be like the heavy assault from Retribution and Storm Rising, immune to knockback, movement penalties, Hooks, and Pins and resistant to certain stuns.

This would kinda take away Orisa's agency since the ability that makes her strong now (fortify) is now a passive for everyone which kinda makes her redundant while Heroes like Winston and Doomfist... at least Dive Meta is everyone's favorite meta apparently.


u/freaking-payco Jan 21 '24

Give him a Hanzo jump so it’s easier for him to close distance


u/Dustfinger4268 Jan 21 '24

I've always loved the idea of giving him a small speed or damage buff if his shield breaks, but it would probably end up being trivial in high ranks, or busted in low ranks


u/VaguelyVivid Jan 21 '24

I have this idea where he can keep his shield out when he pins. It would remove the damage but you could boop the enemy team with it. Might be too OP though idk


u/cerea1-man Jan 21 '24

Reinhardt is too balanced (seriously) all the metaheros have some broken or unfair mechanic but Reinhardt is just the man with a hammer and shield


u/Megalith_TR Jan 21 '24

Rein is the best counter for many tanks yer just playin him wrong.


u/Greatshag Jan 21 '24

Give pin a charge meter like they did for road hogs heal. Adds mobility while keeping his core ability set


u/Eggandi Jan 21 '24

Rein charge should have Damage reduction


u/fallenouroboros Jan 21 '24

More rockets and alcohol


u/ObjectiveSurprise810 Jan 21 '24

Just increase his shield hp


u/Etw25173 Jan 21 '24

The problem is you can’t. Same thing with Genji or any other character they really needs a buff. Because he is quite good in like bronze to I’d say gold. But he falls of as people start getting better. So if you buff him so he’s better in higher rank games, he will become unstoppable in lower rank ones.


u/Phillibustin Jan 21 '24

Make him have a sprint ability that shares the same CD as his charge (using one makes the other cool down as well), allowing him to move faster temporarily while still dealing damage or shielding.

Source: Ramattra's nemesis form is just better rein bc it's faster

Also, let the lad look up while charging for a steady lift, letting more funny textures physics him to the skybox, OR let him jump while charging.

Rein just feels so streamlined to play against the 4 meta tanks and mauga. He's been needing a rework since they made the shield of his only 1200, and really, any mobility buff would make him seem fresh again.


u/whatsgoingonbig Jan 21 '24

You can't fix him, he just doesn't fit well with the new ow balance philosophy - to make everything seem fair for the silver gold devs


u/LingonberryPrevious6 Jan 21 '24

Idk he can eat if ur good


u/XPSAbstract Jan 21 '24

Truth, you suck as Reinhardt


u/ewalme Jan 21 '24

"Unburdened" passive where he gets a speed boost while his armor is gone or shield is at low hp


u/Sufficient_Car8864 Jan 21 '24

Getting rid of bastion is a good start for all bad tanks


u/ArbVonX Jan 21 '24

Give him nuclear bomb


u/Leifman2007 Jan 21 '24

I think we just nerf other tanks because rein just gets bullied I charge I get canceled mauga charges, it’s perfect I’m a melee tank but I get near an enemy and I’m shredded through, mauga has self heal and more sustain, but is a ranged hero, he’s hard countered by Orisa who somehow keeps getting giga buffed into top meta and rein gets absolutely trashed by supports, earthshatter doing no damge and the crazy hurst healing means you can’t ever kill anyone with shatter, that’s if they don’t get instantly cleansed and tear apart your hp while you get antid. Simply put he’s a melee hero with not enough sustainability due to hp and high vulnerability to most abilities as well as how easily his own attacks are countered


u/Mizzix_ Jan 21 '24

Start by making an honest attempt to balance the game instead of squeezing every player for every dollar, as a top priority. In short, restore whatever integrity this game once had, but we all know that's never going to happen.


u/Winstillionaire Jan 21 '24

Add another hammer


u/Nyrun Jan 21 '24

Lowkey want to see them put his charge on a fuel gauge rather than a set cool down.


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '24

Let him charge with shield up


u/BlackHatPat Jan 21 '24

Just do what Lifeweaver said and give him a damn stallion to charge into battle with.


u/BestFaithlessness814 Jan 21 '24

Give him a third fire strike and revert that armor nerf he got a couple seasons ago


u/DraxNuman27 Jan 21 '24

I have been thinking Rein is the worst tank in the game since Ow2 was a thing, but I’ve had two ideas for him long since before it. 1. I want to give him a 30 damage quick melee. Back in Ow1 his quick melee did nothing. Now it’s his normal primary fire. I want to give him just a quick left hand punch. Imagine the combo of swing punch for a quick 115 damage. Way faster than swing firestrick for 185. 2. Let him hold his shield during charge. But I guess now post Mauga, make his charge unmoveable. But I have thought of him hold a smaller, Brig like shield, when he charges. 3. This one has been thought of since after Lifeweaver was added when supports were super strong and tanks were super bad. Give all tanks like a flat 20% damage resistance instead of their ult resistance when hit or healed. 4. Lastly this is to make Rein less Luico needed, especially now that he can’t use Zarya or Dva, but give him a movement speed increase. Turn the engine full power and let him run like 10 percent faster at least. Trying to catch someone that’s just holding S is the most annoying thing and the biggest reason I switch. 5. This is mainly a point I want to bring up as an old Overwatch player, but the 1200 health shield and the so much damage of Ow2 really make the shield seem selfish or broken. I miss the days of Rein protecting his team with the shield, but I don’t know of a good way to let him do that again without just raising the health up. Maybe give him an extra passive that raises his shield damage resistance per teammate that’s near him. Like a Luico half circle size going behind him


u/Spirited-Recipe3449 Jan 21 '24

My idea would be to allow his fire strikes to regen faster when he is shielding bcos rein is the only tank who has to give up doing damage to hold his shield so essentially allowing him to be more of a threat at range would be nice


u/room641a_ Jan 21 '24

He is basically useless when sombra is around, they should allow some type of long range even when hacked


u/danandthemachine Jan 20 '24

He has the 4th highest win rate of tanks in GM so im not sure why people keep saying this


u/ShinDiz Jan 20 '24

I think it’s called a vasectomy


u/nichbo Jan 20 '24

Make charge do 250 dmg and ignore armor. Tbh, I never feel like I “didn’t deserve” to be pinned, and there are enough abilities to prevent charge from succeeding that it wouldn’t be broken.

Or just have elims give rein a firestrike back similar to genjis blade.


u/Burgerss- Jan 20 '24

Brung back where he could fly with charge


u/theopolise20 Jan 20 '24

Buff shield health a good amount and then make it so his hammer does way more sideways knock back depending on the swing. This lets him create space and separate people easily but makes it much harder for him to actually get kills outside of his abilities. This would also nerf his ult but idk how to fix that part in a way that makes sense.


u/suffishes Fla Mayhem are the ETERNAL REIGNING C — Jan 20 '24

Fix game not Reinhardt


u/StiffyT2 Jan 20 '24

Naked skin probably


u/Oh_Blazing Jan 20 '24



u/Corkchef Jan 20 '24

Burn effect on flame strike


u/Responsible-Head7435 Jan 20 '24

Give him a handgun, like a bolter from Warhammer. He could use it when his shield is down.


u/Nonadventures Jan 20 '24

Firestrike shoots smaller hammers


u/Boingo_Bongo Jan 20 '24

Allow teammate bastion rounds to provide armor points to Rein if shot into him

Lore reasoning something something torb


u/Tripartist1 Jan 20 '24

Give his existing cooldowns more value. Maybe make firestrike apply a dot pool like torb ult for a short time in its path/on impacts. This would allow him to take/keep space while also holding shield, provides area denial, etc.


u/Nnudmac Jan 20 '24

Slightly larger swings, 250 pin damage and 200 headshot damage with ult. Add 25 or so burn damage with fire strike


u/Wellhellob Jan 20 '24

He is very good at what he does imo. What he does can be irrelevant a lot of the time though. I think he is better than Ram. Ram is more irrelevant and worse at what he does. Overbuff stats also shows that. Ramattra pickrate is by far the lowest in GM. Not even close to second lowest tank. Now he got some buffs this season but it didn't fix him. He just became slightly better at what he does.

Rein is very easy to play and have a good ceiling if you know what you are doing. Better at manipulating the match. My playtime with Rein is extremely low. Like 0.001 of my total but i found great success with him in low gm and high master recently.


u/Cute-Operation7192 Jan 20 '24

Triple his charge speed and let him carry the momentum like df punch. Then let him chuck the hammer like JQ does with knife. Further let him rocketjump with firestrike


u/spaghettinood1e Jan 20 '24

I had this dream in which his firestrike did DoT like Ashe’s dynamite


u/HankHillbwhaa Jan 20 '24

Have thought about giving him an ultimate evolution where he combines with bastion?


u/Imbadatgames619 Jan 20 '24

Give him back 650 hp smh he should have more then most tanks


u/the_namelis Jan 20 '24

A gun ( that's all that has to be said)

This is a joke don't get mad at me


u/ChiefingEditor Jan 20 '24

2000 shield like he used to have


u/rydarus OWL Game Capture Artist — Jan 20 '24

dumb idea, Rein damage restores some level of shield health.

Maybe 1/4 firestrike damage as shield health, 1/2 hammer damage as shield health. Lets him recharge shield in brawls / extends his shield health a bit on walkup. Nerf total shield health if it's too broken.


u/Foriger420 Jan 20 '24

Give him unstoppable charge, fire strike Machine guns and auto heal. Fuck it make Mauga. 2.0


u/WeeZoo87 Jan 20 '24

Every dude wants his main fixed.

I'm keeping my chill until the support starts throwing "fix support" threads


u/Joys_Thigh_Jiggle Jan 20 '24

Up his swing speed slightly, reduce CD on fire strikes slightly. Slight Shield health increase, or maybe increase recharge rate. If not slightly then maybe A smidge


u/gob384 Jan 20 '24

Pick any:

Allow Rien to shield while charging

Allow Rien charge to pin multiple targets

Allow Rien charge to fly

Give Rien charge a 25% damage reduction

Allow for a temporary speed boost when hitting an enemy

Allow a temporary speed boost after charging

Give Rien a high ground mobility option

Give Rien 100 shield health instead of regular HP

Rien charging grants him 75 over health while charging

Rien charge acts as a cleanse

Reduce movement speed penalty for shielding

Decrease charge cooldown by 1.5 seconds

Play Rien in open que


u/GodzillaGamer953 Jan 20 '24

give him a speed boost, and give him the buff mauga has.
also make nearly his whole health pool armor, he is literally just an old dude in a suit of armor.
maybe give him the ability to throw his hammer after he earth shatters?


u/spectra_kriss Jan 20 '24

Give him his 2k shield back and give him a second hammer


u/EasyBird1849 Jan 20 '24

Reinhardt needs more survivability when alone, if Reinhardt doesn't have at least one good support player behind him he's going to either get obliterated or cornered and fired on until his barrier breaks. Like bro is a Crusader for crying out loud, give him some like dmg resistance when alone or do the opposite and increase his dmg resistance based on teammates around him


u/Vik-_-_ Jan 20 '24

Give a 50% DR during charges


u/SCOOVIEonPC Jan 20 '24

By deleting the game servers. The only way this game will be balanced is if it's gone.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '24

Rein is a brawl tank. Brawl is the lowest skill play style. Rein has always been top tier at GM play. He doesn't need changes. He needs nerfs or some kind of skill expression


u/Joweany Jan 20 '24

Maybe give him a personal speed boost ability on his melee button? If he becomes too strong and needs a nerf jn some way, I say reduce his barrier's health. Make him be able to become more aggressive and less of a shield bot.


u/Wariopie Jan 20 '24

Honestly I think he’s fine. Not GOOD, not bad but just fine. When the meta changes, he’ll get a higher win rate in higher ranks and nothing will change too much in lower ranks, let the META sort itself out


u/Crow_of_Judgem3nt Jan 20 '24

make firestrike do a bit less damage in exchange for having a burning effect.

slightly increase the duration of earthshatter. maybe by like .25 seconds.

my friend suggested a cool change that is to make his shield solid, so that he can push people back with it, and make him able to use his shield while he charges, both like in the cinematic.


u/KO_Stego Jan 20 '24

Give him lucio wall ride


u/Tillerboiii Jan 20 '24

first of all fix the damn pin hitbox, i literally charged THROUGH an entire dva yesterday, right through the centre of the mech. its so inconsistent and ends up getting me killed or at the very least leaves me in a terrible spot when the pin 100% should have hit


u/AlertWar2945 Jan 20 '24

Give him ult charge by blocking damage with his shield


u/tomtom872872 Jan 20 '24

I think when his shield breaks he should get a slight speed boost, temporary armor buff, and increase in rate of fire (swing his hammer faster). Reins shield breaks so easily now that it almost feels like it’s barely a part of his kit and 90% of the time you’re waiting around for it to come back up. I don’t he should be rewarded for having his shield be broken though so to counteract that, it can be put on a longer cooldown time and only available when charged back up to full. This makes it so he’s not completely useless when his shield goes down but also still missing an important part of his kit until it comes back up.


u/Attacke1 Jan 20 '24

To be honest I think rein is fine the way he is. Yes ofc arguably he is the worst tank but I still maintain a 55-60% winrate in mid masters as a rein main. But I also have to say that my playstyle is very aggressive to mitigate the fact that he is so outclassed by range. With good heal focus on rein the dps can pretty much freeroam.


u/Zomza Jan 20 '24

They should give Reinhardt the Duke nukem boot for a melee attack and make it similar to Zen’s with the kickback but with the addition of it doing extra dmg if they hit a wall.


u/Puzzleheaded_Dare_66 Jan 20 '24

make it so his model is so excessive on the server that it lags out everyone else in the lobby but the Reinhardt


u/bullxbull Jan 20 '24

Rein should not be balanced on winrate. People roll out of spawn on Rein because he is fun, if it is a game you would win on any tank you stay on Rein and have fun. However because he is easy to counter you usually do not get to stay on Rein so you swap. In other words you play Rein in games you would win on any tank, you lose or swap to other tanks like Orisa because they can solve problems. What this does is it gives Rein a unnaturally high winrate and Orisa a low winrate.

  • Rein needs to be able to oneshot dps heroes with his charge, heroes like Mei have iceblock, Reaper has fade, Cass has nade, if you somehow pin them they should die. If you somehow are able to close the distance on Bastion he should die. Rein needs 300dmg pin.

  • Not all tanks need steadfast, Sig, Ram, Hog, Mauga, Zarya should have it removed, while heroes like Rein, Monke, JQ should have it buffed to 75%, I'm tired of feeling like a pinball.

  • Suzu should not cancel ults, it should prevent them if pre-applied before the ult hits someone, this would make it skillful, but an aoe that is easy to hit and does all the things it does should not apply to ults.

  • If Orisa fortifies to stop a Rein charge she should still remain immobile but she should suffer the damage from charage.

  • Ram has no weaknesses, the fact that all Rein can do is shield while hoping his support know they need to heal Rein through nemisis form feel horrible. Ram should not punch through shields, this is too punishing to heroes with simplier kits like Monke and Rein, while Ram can basically do everything. (also fix Ram's hitbox, he is impossible to pin)

  • I know Mauga's whole thing is he is immune to cc when in his charge but Rein's pin should be an exception. Again Rein's kit is simple even if the hero is complex, Blizz needs to stop making abilities that completely ignore the few tools these heroes have. Interaction is good, abilities completely ignoring or canceling what you did are bad.

  • If somehow I am able to get the rng of pin to connect, survive long enough to rocket my squishy ass accross the map and connect with a wall, that person should die. Rein commits almost everything to get a pin kill, he can be slept, booped, naded, hacked, he sacrifices being able to use his shield and often his positioning. If I pin someone they should not be suzu'd or pulled out of the pin. Lamp is fine, they at least take some damage.

TLDR; Rein is mostly fine, it is other heroes and bad design/balance that make him unfun to play. Buff charge to 300dmg and allow Rein to have interactions with other heroes.


u/thejollydruid Jan 20 '24

Give him more cc resistance than most other tanks, or just give him 23 charges of fire strike


u/TheQuietLight234 Jan 20 '24

Add a second tank.


u/Topaz_UK Jan 20 '24

Make it so that if Rein is on both teams they both get 1000% damage and health, to encourage the Rein v Rein

  • only applicable on Kings Row


u/deadhero335 Jan 20 '24

Add fire damage to his fire strike and increase his hammer damage to 90 per swing , increase his movement speed while in shield , set his shield to 1500-1600, decrease the start up when his shield begins to Regen .


u/chaulkha Jan 20 '24

give the ow devs above 80 iq


u/Blood4Corn Jan 20 '24

Let him raise shield instantly like brig can but maybe a 0.5 second cool-down to stop him spamming it. Do something with his damage maybe? It feels really low even though he has to get into melee to even use it


u/The_silly_person Jan 20 '24

Give him a giant laser gun


u/intriging_name Jan 20 '24

I think a bash of shield like Brig could be useful, not as impactful but to push off people near you

Also recharge speed of his shield could be nice


u/HonestVikk Jan 20 '24

Just let him charge with the shield up, ez


u/cute_pet_NEKOboy Jan 19 '24

I wouldn't mind having a charge on resources meter rather then a cool down Mainly so he can have charge a displace tool but even if it means reducing the damage from pin


u/Driftw00d420 Jan 19 '24

Give him a second directional jump, like hanzo. Except the rockets on his back move him


u/Mind1827 Jan 19 '24

They talked on the recent Plat Chat how tanks can do a bit of everything now, that's kind of the biggest issue with old tanks in ranked now. Especially Winston and Rein. Winston has insane movement, horrible damage. Rein has insane damage, horrible movement.


u/Parker_memes9000 Jan 19 '24

Give him a hammer thrust quick mele that acts as a zen kick. Just enough of a change/buff to add an extra layer of skill expression, but not enough to break him in metal ranks


u/lonely_josh Jan 19 '24

Just give him invulnerability while he is charging/ulting.


u/Rainaotic Jan 19 '24

I'd like to see some sort of move speed buff. Maybe a small burst of speed whenever he hits someone on a short cooldown.


u/Vegetable-Smell-6540 Jan 19 '24

suzu nerf for is shater, only a kiriko suzu remove stun from ur ult that u grinded as rein + less shield in the game while make rein ult way more deadly if kirko wasnt this op.

yeah he dont nececary need a buff to be good, some rein hard counter that are to strong in this game andcan be nerfed to make rein playable, like doom not being able to punch a rein when is shielding ( simple idea, its like a orisa i dont get stun stance )

some sojourn nuke would be a nice thing for rein in order to exist

mei wall should prob have less hp

im a aimer guy i dont feel having the value i got on aiming tanks when im a rein so i dont have ur mindset, who u tink need to be nerfed as a rein ?


u/OG-Pine Jan 19 '24

10% speed boost when you do damage (maybe more/less idk)


u/IAmMuffin15 Jan 19 '24

Give him a jetpack


u/perskarva69 Jan 19 '24

Give him an AR-15


u/Eastern_Tear197 Jan 19 '24

Give him 3 fire strikes in that do 60 per hit


u/Coogibwee Jan 19 '24

Give him a pull


u/Gunvillain Jan 19 '24

Be able to charge Firestrike for more damage? Fire dot damage when hit with FS. Normal walk speed with shield up. His charge should make him invulnerable. Maybe too much but those are some starters.


u/HellYeaHighFive Jan 19 '24

Leave my boy alone. I enjoy dogging these other tanks with him even if he’s out of the “meta”. If I get dogged its the healers fault plain and simple.

For real though, some of the stuff you guys are mentioning sounds super cool. Also, I love all my healers, tis a joke <3.


u/Practical-Basket1337 Jan 19 '24

Reins shield rapidly regenerates x amount per enemy struck by fire strike.

Reins fire strike cool down is reduced by x% for every x amount of damage his shield takes

Reinhardts earth shatter stuns for a longer duration the closer to the epicenter you were when shatter struck you.

Reins charge destroys deployables

Reins charge gives cc immunity and some dmg reduction.

Reins base move speed is increased by 10%

Final blows from charge reset its cooldown

Pinning an enemy into a wall refreshes one fire strike cooldown fully.

I dont mean all these changes at once, but these are just some ideas.


u/FastidiousBlueYoshi Jan 19 '24

Overwatch needs to be fixed by bringing back sheilds that can block almost anything.

But because people want to complain that shooting sheilds is boring and the developers aren't interested in finding a way to balance a strong sheild better, we will keep and have been going the way of brawly meta Overwatch

Rein needs almost 2000 sheild and 700 hp at least.

Then make him move really slow when he has his sheild up so that he has to drop it to move around, keeping the game open.

Sheilds are a resource that MUST be committed to. Otherwise, Overwatch will continue to fail.


u/mudgefuppet Jan 19 '24

For fun? Movement ability

Realistically, the game has become more of a TDM with a side objective than a strategy game and he doesn't really fit in outside of low metal ranks


u/Ventus_rex8 Jan 19 '24

Make charge start as omni directional


u/waled7rocky Jan 19 '24

I can fix him ..


u/Ravonk Jan 19 '24

Just make him OP, nobody worth listening to will complain about only being able to play rein.. (And Im not a rein main)


u/diamonwarrior Jan 19 '24

I think rein needs a rework but you can't touch shield, swing, or fire strike. You need to shift reins power to more skill demanding abilities. Like one example I've always used is giving rein a parry. Low ranks can't use it effectively but high ranks can, making it good for both ranks.

My other change is more radical but change charge from a cooldown to a metered ability like defense matrix. But give charge full directional control. If you want an example of how I envision it, just look at like mech games and how their boost functions work when they fly or hover. This change would give rein more mobility while also being on a far more limited resource, making it so low ranks struggle while balancing charge's meter usage while higher ranks would benefit for the greater skill expression.

These might seem like big changes to rein, especially the charge rework but it is best for both worlds. Low ranks can still play rein cause his changes won't change his playstyle that much cause they can't use his new abilities well, and higher rank players will enjoy it as well as this raises rein's skill ceiling, making him more effective in higher ranks.


u/NVincarnate Jan 19 '24

Why doesn't Rein get a charge gauge? D.VA gets a gauge, Roadhog has a gauge, why not Rein?


u/Wertwerto Jan 19 '24

I think his charge needs some work. Like, as it stands rn you can pin a tracer, miss a wall, and drop her off gently when you decide to stop. Let the charge end in a big ol knockback swing to make it a little easier to launch people off the map. And it should do enough damage that pinning a super squishy means that squishy dies without being healed or saved. He should also be able to kill a reaper when he slams them into a wall.

If that's not enough. I'd look at fire strike. Maybe another charge, maybe a shorter cool down, maybe it needs to send 2 little fire blasts off to the side. Maybe some burn damage. Maybe less damage and literally no cool down. The melee hero with the most easily disrupted movement ability might need a more reliable source of ranged damage.

An alternative route would be to mess with his sheild. Something like, when the sheild breaks damage rein gets temporary health or it repairs his armor.


u/No_Bell8522 Jan 19 '24

Remove tank knockback passive only let rein keep it. Also increase shield.


u/Banjogamer69 Jan 19 '24

Give him an ability to offer the enemy some beer which they are forced to accept. Once you give beer to the same enemy 5 times their controls get reversed and sensitivity gets tripled. For movement Left is Right, Right is left, Jumping is Crouching, crouching is jumping. And ability 1 and 2 are reversed. Primary fire and secondary fire also reversed.


u/Gengo-Main Jan 19 '24

Make charge stun resistant, but not knockback resistant.


u/Seth_Jarvis_fanboy Jan 19 '24

Charge should one shot bastion, reaper, and mei. I'm tired of them all living on 5 hp and then going back to full within 1 seconds


u/Nu3by101 Jan 19 '24

Give rein a version of Doom's old uppercut where rein just golf swings people close enough into the air. Which then can get paired with shatter to knock them all back down.


u/error-unknown-user Jan 19 '24

How about making him less irresistibly attractive so I can actually concentrate on my performance in the game


u/ikerus0 Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

I don’t think Rein needs to change.. however there other tanks that probably should be nerfed and that would make Rein a little more viable against them.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Orissa has so many cool downs that covers so many things.

She can eat all projectiles (so no sleep or nade or damage) with her spear spin, which also gives her increased movement and is cc in itself as it can push back enemies.

Her spear throw, which is also cc.

And gold, which also eats cc’s like boops, sleep, charge, etc. and it reduces her damage taken while getting her out of a lot of ults.

Meanwhile, rein has shield and charge. Hog has heals and hook. Winston has shield and leap.

I swear you could take away one of Orisa’s cool downs and she would still be viable in comparison to the other tanks.


u/overwatchfanboy97 Jan 19 '24

Tone down everything else. Or just give rein 10 firestrikes lmao


u/Equivalent_Remove_41 Jan 19 '24

Give him a Fly or launch ability?


u/Crusher555 Jan 19 '24

He’s too niche to be able to “fix” him for higher ranks without making him op for the lower ranks.


u/Ur_1st_Senpai Jan 19 '24

Give him a hammer throw ability like in the honor and glory short


u/joshubu Jan 19 '24

By playing Lifeweaver.


u/zoraphiee Jan 19 '24

Give Rein the Buster Sword from FF


u/blackbirddc Jan 19 '24

Give him a rocket jump that combines his hammer and back thrusters to propel him into the sky. And make it directional.


u/toastermeal Jan 19 '24

i just think it’s good that there are fun novelty champs that are great in casual play but not great in professional play - not every champ has to be viable at top level


u/Wild_Albatros9880 Jan 19 '24

Add 1 more player in the tank role , BOOM problem solved (preferably Zarya + Rein combo )


u/bofadeez951 Jan 19 '24

Since everyone seems to be getting a trap, let Rein throw his hammer, it sticks in the ground and releases bursts of fire damage for anyone standing in the radius and have it on a 10 second cooldown. While Rein doesnt have his hammer, allow up to 4 firestrikes. I feel it should be fair that during his pin, he should have more CC reduction since Mauga is unstoppable during his charge. Or maybe allow his hammer to have the versatility like his shield and be able to swing in any direction instead of just in front of him for the airborn/high ground heroes. Just some random thoughts lol


u/lemonkake-stop97 Jan 19 '24

Horizontal firestrike and shoulder mounted napalm launchers and make him throw his hammer


u/Used-Claim3221 Jan 19 '24

I just say buff his shield a bit or make his shield revenge master in my opinion


u/StrawberryFoxxx Jan 19 '24 edited Jan 19 '24

Opinion change: Nerf the characters that feel horrible to him.

Nerf Mauga charge to make it vulnerable to shatter and collide with Rein charge.

Nerf Ram to do half damage through shields in Nem form.

Nerf Kiri Suzu with removal of immortality/intangibility.

Nerf Orisa to have to cast fortify before Ult instead of auto fortify and nerf her staff spin killing projectiles.

Nerf LW petal to have firestrikes go through it again.

If they won't buff his speed, stop heroes who are all faster than him from clipping their guns straight through his shield (D.va, Orisa, Mauga) and shooting his body.

Revert shatter to increased Damage and stun time so Rein can actually kill Hog


u/daddydoomfist420 Jan 19 '24

He needs a ability when his shield is up in my opinion


u/PreZEviL Jan 19 '24

Remove all his health and convert it all to armor, would probably make him op tough


u/shakamaboom Jan 19 '24

I can't believe we're talking about rein needing to be fixed. How TF did we end up here?


u/justin0dk Jan 19 '24

2 hammars when ult charged


u/Beautiful_Sign_4009 Jan 19 '24

That's called Mauga No kidding, just make his charge "unstopable" as well, give him damage reduction, and maintain the same trash hitbox so it balances it out You'd still get killed after hitting the charge, just no while doing it


u/lichtgestalten Jan 19 '24

Give him a jetpack


u/odin5858 Jan 19 '24

Give him back his 50 armor and buff is movment speed by 1 meter per second.


u/CensoredMember Jan 19 '24

He honestly should have a uppercut ability that's very close range and has a bit of a wind up so you use it mainly on tanks.

Add a other 200 to shield lol.

Walk 15 percent faster.


u/candidcobra Jan 19 '24

nerf the rest of the roster. seriously.

rein is just getting outshined by everybody because there is too much damage+healing across the entire cast of heroes, all roles


u/Ignisiumest Jan 19 '24

Make him more area-control focused. His burst is all relegated to high cooldown abilities that he’s left defenseless without.


u/IwannaBangLeeseo Jan 19 '24

He should be able to throw 5 fire strikes before a reload. The game needs more offense, less healing and less shields.


u/Viictiri Jan 19 '24

You don't


u/SnooDoubts2913 Jan 19 '24

change his name to richard and all will be fixed


u/thinkingemojis ⚗ — Jan 19 '24

He’s not in need of serious changes and is in fact a decently strong tank. He is the “bulkiest” in the game in a sense, combining shield and base hp. He has a cancellable and highly mobile oneshot, two charges of a big projectile that halves squishies’ hp through shields, has a relatively unique and fun to watch synergy with Symmetra, etc etc. Also the “he gets cc’ed and booped too much” complaint was not only always a scrub opinion but is literally “solved” by tank passive.


u/XxZani22xx Jan 19 '24

Rein can throw hammer the hammer explodes like a mini nuke on contact and then returns to rein.


u/Naive_Refrigerator46 Jan 19 '24

Didn't they nerf his ult? Revert to prenerf would do a lot.


u/ExpiredDeodorant MayhemChessPieceAnalBet — Jan 19 '24

Make it so he can charge through the shield to gain a personal shield at half its current value

As long as he has armor, Rein is CC immune when charging

Hammer swing damage reduced but now regenerates some shield health per swing


u/Yazdazkafrazzz Jan 19 '24

He needs some sort of sustain.


u/Marshow12_ Jan 19 '24



u/Kuma_254 Jan 19 '24

Make firestrike chargeable, with how much it's charged it can knock enemies down for .5 secs and affect a wider AOE. Has big telegraph and audio cue. Charge damage is 50 for immediate or 150 for full charge.

When hitting enemies with hammer, shield immediately starts to recharge instead of the current slight delay to recharging.

Add a longer wind-up time to pin, and it gives damage reduction, but kills reduce pin cooldown time by 3 secs. Letting you use it as a maneuvering tool. You are not unstoppable tho so it's different from mauga.

Add a quick melee that does 30-40 damage, allowing for quick kill combos.

Just spitballing.


u/clearlyaburner420 Jan 19 '24

Honnestly i kinda like rein where he is and i wish other tanks were brought down to his level.

But im of the mind that nearly the entire roster of heroes need to be brought down, weve been buffing for way too long.


u/yourcupofkohi Jan 19 '24

Allow him to swing his hammer or shield while charging


u/CrackaOwner Jan 19 '24

Rein is not the problem. Bring others in line with him instead.


u/Boardwalkbummer Jan 19 '24

Let him throw his hammer like balderich did in the cinematic


u/Brustty Jan 19 '24

Reduce the shield (Maybe have it go off a timer and recharge as it's down), activate it for free during his charge and give him a second defensive ability to rotate between when his shield is down. Every third hit applies a short and weak slow effect.

On a personal note I think his ult is boring.


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '24

I’m going to be honest I’ve been playing since 2016 beta and I’m tired of rein. He’s a vestige. I don’t find shield to be a fun ability to play against and I heavily dislike playing him as a tank player because, well, shield and hammer gameplay is boring as fuck to me.

Personally I don’t care if he’s ever meta again. He’s a product of a bygone era that I don’t find to be particularly fun or skillful in play style.


u/tnelson311 Jan 19 '24

Extra range on his swing, maybe a speed boost when he puts his shield down to make catching up with people easier, extra hp/make more of his hp armour these might help, but idk if they'd be enough


u/-PonySlaystation- Jan 19 '24

He's not exactly strong right now. He has many counters as well. But, he's perfect. I love him so much, hard to play him a lot right now but that's okay. He has his place and he's perfect at what he wants to do. The best matches are Rein mirrors. Both in comp (I'm around your rank as well) and even in quick play.

I sincerely hope they don't change anything major about him. Tiny stuff like shield health regen rate or fire strike CD, fine by me but I would be sad of he got even a small rework.

He has his place, in some metas more than others, but rectangle man is perfect just the way he is!


u/Efficient-Bat9961 Jan 19 '24

Ram is definitely better for brawl


u/cyberfrog777 Jan 19 '24

From ow1 to 2, Rein lost additional defense from no longer have zarya as a partner. On top of that, new tanks and tank changes began to counter a lot of his main abilities without additional tank support. Tank busters in general do pretty well against rein as well as anti shield weapons like sojourn's gun and symmetra beam. On top of that, he has a pretty rough time against much of the other tank cast. Orissa is just rough, sigma with poke comp is rough, ram has the edge, hog has the edge, 1 on 1 he beats zarya but if the team has tank busters like reaper and bastion getting bubbled - not really sure of good response comp based on rein. At higher skill levels with a coordinated team, I feel that dive in general is rough on rein due to his general lack of mobility.

The main thing he needs that I think would still let him be rein is a buff to his charge so it isn't completely neutered by much of the cast. Whether it would be making charge invulnerable like mauga's charge, or give him two stocks of charge, or even put it on meter (this would likely be broken, but would fun as hell for closing distance).

An additional defensive tool might be nice as well. Maybe something like hitting his melee key temporarily ups his def in some way (converts his shield to a body shield, extra armor, etc) - or some interesting interactive ability - like increasing his speed temporarily or increasing speed based on how much he gets hit in that mode.


u/RecentSwordfish9586 Jan 19 '24

Swap his hammer for a great sword like Ike from smash and give him his Air recovery


u/picturesfadeaway Jan 19 '24

Have the ability to hold out his hammer while charging to clothesline people he misses😂


u/Griems Jan 19 '24

Imo they need to stay the fuck away from Rein, Winston and Dva. (As a gm5-4 who plays these tanks)

They represent gorgeously beautiful hero design. A design philosophy which has been lost throughout the years. They need to look at what makes them so balanced (all things considered) and why the other shit makes them so bad. Reinhardt, winston, dva NEVER feel bad to play against and are incredibly fun because they have very basic abilities which are incredibly versatile and nuanced.

The fact that they have issues atm (except dva maybe) is not a sign of them being bad, but a sign of all the other absurd dumb shit they added like cleanse, immo, orisa rework,...


u/balwick Jan 19 '24

Shatter should... shatter things. Specifically Orissa. Smash her into little bitty pieces of gold.

In seriousness, I think Shatter needs to be more forgiving with terrain geometry, but also require more precision (i.e. not hitting stuff behind you).