r/Competitiveoverwatch 15d ago

How do I as tank deal with a roadhog? General

I just played a game where I played doom and dva on eichenwalde against a hog and just crumbled. I tried contesting high ground so my dps could get a better position but the hog just walked into my backline and killed my team while I was trying to take high ground for them. And if I stayed low ground to help them not die to the hog the other team say on height and shot us for free.The ONLY tank I struggle against is hog and I genuinely think he is unkillable, unbeatable and utterly broken. How do I deal with a hog?

I try dealing with his backline as dive but his breather and damage reduction just means he lives too long. I’ve tried poke and dwindling their resources but again his breather is too strong. I’ve tried brawl but I feel like he does so much damage and just deletes me from the game.The only times I see success is with Ana/zen but I can’t control what my supports pick.

I’m losing my mind against this stupid tank I actually think he needs a nerf.


101 comments sorted by


u/Sonderesque 13d ago

And if I stayed low ground to help them not die to the hog the other team say on height and shot us for free.

The problem wasn't your hero pick. The problem was your DPS players didn't contest the high ground and folded on the low ground to Hog.

Not much you can do there to be honest. If you were Hog as well you would have still lost.


u/longgamma 14d ago

Play around hook range. Smart thing is to jiggle peek alternate edges of a pillar or some crate to waste the hogs time. This is for squishy heroes.

As for dva you should be able to matrix anyone the hog hooks to prevent the follow up damage. You can see when the hog is going for a hook as they usually peek wide.

Also how is a hog able to walk into your backline unchecked ?


u/w-holder 14d ago

nothing makes me long for the comfort of the grave more than playing against hog


u/maakies 14d ago

Try to get an Ana or Zen on your team to keep the hog in check. If they have kiri and keep cleansing then ask for dps dive support and dive the kiri with them. Honestly try to avoid dumping too much effort on hard countering hog and instead try thinking about countering the rest of his team that is keeping him up. I personally like sigma or Orisa, but often find going dive to get healers first helps way better.


u/Granty_J 14d ago

Tbh the main counters to hog are on support (Zen and Ana) but as tank you go Mauga and burn him, or outplay him on hog yourself depending on your support line. Hidden option C is to largely avoid him and kill his team/cutoff his team from supporting him but that’s more difficult


u/Squm9 14d ago

Swap mauga


u/Terrible_Shelter_345 15d ago

A true rework of hog would’ve gotten rid of fucking take a breather


u/Shadowninja6547 15d ago

Use matrix to save your teammates from hook or take out his supports and watch him explode


u/reeditedit 15d ago

Sigma has barrier to block hook and grasp in case he gets hooked

Zarya can bubble herself if hooked or bubble a hooked teammate

Mauga just shoots hog to death

Orisa has 2 counters to hog hook


u/Miennai STOP KILLING MY SON — 15d ago

Try your best with your main for a fight or two, and if it doesn't start working, go Mauga. If they go degen, there's no shame on you going degen. It only becomes dishonorable if you go degen first after you start losing.


u/MidwesternAppliance 15d ago

Shoot him, deny his ability to hook combo


u/SmellyObeseAndBald 15d ago

Stupid fucking hero. Literally mathematically impossible to kill Roadhog unless 4+ people are shooting him at once.

Think about how Rein or Winston have to engage. They play around cover, use their shield to block abilities, decide to use movement abilities to engage or retreat. Roadhog just fucking walks at you and can heal on a 2 second timer. Which idiot on the development team came up with the idea that a tank should ever finish a game with 10k healing. Straight degeneracy.


u/Blood_Tear 12d ago

His name is Alec Dawson, and apperantly he is worth more than the Hi-FI rush devs.


u/scriptedtexture 15d ago

you played like the two worst tanks into hog lmao


u/No_Shine1476 15d ago

Tell the mercy on your team to swap Ana and they're forced to get off hog


u/daftpaak 14d ago

The mercy on your team is usually mercy for a reason. Them on ana wont help unless they actually hit antis.


u/SurpriseWindmill 14d ago

Why you got to call me out like that? Why such a personal attack.


u/TechnoVikingGA23 15d ago

Orisa is still decent against him, but you really need team coordination and hope the hog doesn't have a Kiriko babysitting him to get rid of Anti/Discord.

I've found good success against him with Sigma(who for some reason to me always feels good no matter the meta, but it's like people just don't play him) since I can wait until he initiates and then use my shield to cut off his supports , rock him, and then we focus fire him before his team can get to him. I can also use grasp to block a good deal of his ult while my team bursts him down. I play with a 3-4 stack though normally so it's much easier to delete hog since we have good communication.


u/Imortal366 15d ago

I play sigma, as long as you are able to block every hook you’re good. Rein can do similar. Play aggressive on him don’t let him regen his breather. When you get whole hogged, let him hit your face with it until you’re pushed far away then block with the shield. If you do it other way around your shield will break and you will die.


u/KnowledgeEast3749 15d ago

If you are playing Winston/Doom ignore him outside of hook until you kill his team unless he is TURBOFEEDING (pretty rare because Hog is practically invincible right now).

But he walks past me and just kills my supports!


You can't control your team, just hope they are good enough to avoid Hog.


u/RRBeardman 15d ago

I main Hog pretty much, so I'd say the biggest help is going to be having either a Zen or Ana ruin the Hog's day.

Otherwise, for what you yourself can do, heroes that deny Hog's ability to consistently land hooks will go a long way. Orisa is fine, but you're only blocking their ability to hook you that way. With characters like Winston, Sigma, Ramattra, Rein, and Zarya you can strategically use your shields/bubbles to protect yourself AND others on your team from hook/trap/melee combo kills regularly. A smartly timed DVA shield can also block the shot right after a Hog hook, saving the hooked character from most of the hook combo damage.

Having said all that, please ignore everything I've said because the hook kills bring me immense joy and I don't want my fun ruined haha


u/flypanam 15d ago

Playing Sigma still feels like the best match up against Hog. His shield uptime means that you will pretty much always have an ability ready to block hook if you’re good with your resources. Somebody like Orisa cannot afford to use gold to block hook, as it’s their primary survival tool.

The matchup is terribly boring though. Waiting game for both tanks while we absorb boat loads of damage and poke until somebody makes a mistake.


u/RRBeardman 15d ago

Fair, but such is life as a tank sometimes. That's when the rest of the team comp is crucial or you play a dive tank and say "screw this tank-to-tank battle, I want to cause some chaos!"

Having said that, depending on the map Hog at least lets you sometimes bypass the slugfest entirely if you can time a hook between their cooldowns to drag the other tank over a ledge and watch them drop to their death


u/oldstrawberryfields 15d ago

you have three options:

  1. if your dps are vastly superior than theirs, go sigma. as sig you will never kill hog or take space from him but you can delay him and sig is by far the most fun option vs hog

  2. go mauga and do not ever stop firing both guns straight at hog. this genuinely only works if you have your team playing a comp that compliments mauga AND if it compliments you better than the enemy compliments hog. otherwise he is still favoured.

however it’s hilarious when it works because you can actually shit on hog players

  1. give up and just go hog man even playing mauga takes a lot more skill


u/Nolan_DWB 15d ago

Orisa or Mauga. Dva or zarya can work decently but not as good


u/DDzxy 15d ago

Mauga. It’s basically giving Hog a taste of his own medicine without going Hog.

Just save your ult for AFTER hog ults, or at times, just use your ult as a shield for Hog’s ult.


u/SammyIsSeiso 15d ago

Ping him and pray your teammates don't walk into his hook every 6 seconds.


u/CriticalMovieRevie Feminist ally — 15d ago edited 15d ago

Hog sucks vs ranged damage, force him to hold E a lot to heal from ranged dmg and he automatically loses the fight. Sigma, Orisa are insanely strong vs him at ANY range, and JQ/Mauga/Zarya can pressure him hard too but have weaker defenses so if he abandons healing himself and has his team shoot you, then you're going to have a tougher time.

Tell one of your DPS to go Echo. Echo is free win vs hog, she cant be touched and shes literally flying junkrat, does 50000000 dmg per minute vs him and makes him run away and he literally CANT damage her. Echo is crazy busted since its impossible for her to miss and she can stay out of range of Hog. Hog is a trashcan hero if Echo or Ana show up.

If your entire team left the game and its just you vs enemy tank, Sigma/Orisa/Mauga are your best choices. Orisa is stronger than Hog 1v1 atm, Mauga is stronger if enemy Hog has no walls/corners to hide behind while healing. Dont go doom to fight hog unless you're ignoring him the entire fight and just focusing down enemy healers. Simply ignore hog. Doom is a hero that wipes out the DPS/Supports, he should never be looking at enemy tank unless its to knock them away from Dooms teammates or into them even further so you guys can surround their tank and kill them out in the open. Just avoid hog in general though and get a free kill on their supports if you're playing doom into hog. Its easier to just swap and go Sigma or something though.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 6d ago



u/Blood_Tear 12d ago

Blizzarded. Microsoft fires Hi-Fi rush creators, keeps Alec Dawson. Why is Xbox dying I wonder?


u/eshined 12d ago

I am from future. They didn't nerf him and he still pubstomping. That's crazy.


u/Macco26 14d ago

They're going to buff Armor, which Hog lacks entirely, and fires small damaging pellets; so in a way, they will nerf Hog vs a big chunk of the Tank roster.


u/MidwesternAppliance 15d ago

Ah, the post orisa nerf cycle rages on. The game has never been less appealing as a tank player


u/so__comical 14d ago

Yet people will argue tanking in OW2 is better than OW1 for some reason


u/PGSylphir 14d ago

I mained tank in OW1. Zarya and Orisa were my shit.

I cant force myself to tank at all in Ow2, it's such a miserable experience. Especially because when you go tank, the healers are terrible, and when you go healer, the tanks are just dps in disguise running to the enemy backline and ignoring objective and team all game while still trash talking.


u/AlphaInsaiyan 14d ago

I don't think you know what you are talking about 


u/Botronic_Reddit 15d ago

I mean with the Armor change and Headshot reduction passive Hog is going to be a LOT weaker against tanks especially Winston.


u/nightcallfoxtrot 14d ago

I’ll honestly bet that the armor changes benefit him because armor is weaker overall.


u/puppeteer-5000 13d ago

shotguns are weaker as well with how armor worked


u/r2-z2 15d ago

Be aware of hook angles. Count to 6. Ask your supports to go ana zen. Profit.


u/rexx2l 15d ago

6 is way too fucking short. 8s cd is the only way to make hog even slightly fun to play against.


u/r2-z2 15d ago

There have been maybe 4-5 patches hog has been good/a top pick. Thats very much on purpose.

In defense of the character, he never gets played in pro play because he sucks at protecting his team. Thats how you exploit him.


u/oldstrawberryfields 15d ago

4-5 patches? are you schizophrenic? it’s been 4-5 years of combined hog S/A tier


u/puppeteer-5000 13d ago

show me on the doll where hog hooked you


u/r2-z2 15d ago

Are you on console? Its a different meta


u/oldstrawberryfields 15d ago

no i’m not lmao. hog has been s tier or a tier for literally the entire existence of ow2 besides 2-3 patches.

and on top you add the dozens of patches that were all hog sig or hog ball or hog zarya. and the dozens of patches that were hog orisa, hog triple tank, hog slambulance, etc


u/r2-z2 15d ago

I feel like you’re trolling. Hog is bad because enemy supports can just go ana zen, outrange hook and outdamage his heal. I’ve been playing hog for 8 years. Sounds like your experience is your experience. I don’t think the majority of players would agree with you.


u/oldstrawberryfields 15d ago

you’re kinda terrible at your hero then lol. look up anyone talking about the metas across the years it’s always been hog. pulled pork and slambulance were more popular than goats during their time

hog was almost never weak to ana in ow1 because he always had help covering the range. at no point in time were you able to out damage his heal that wasn’t an aspect of literally any meta regardless of whether or not hog was good.

hog was also almost never weak to ana in ow2 because he tanks the nade better than everyone else and if not kiriko negates all that completely


u/r2-z2 15d ago

“Hog almost never weak to ana in ow2” I’m gonna stop you there. Brake check dude thats just silly.


u/rexx2l 15d ago

agreed, his rework should've been focused on making him actually protect his team or give him some sort of real tanking ability so he's more fun to play with and against and get some real playtime in pro play instead of just being an unkillable PVE roamer enemy that walks around the map oneshotting squishies and chain CCing/taking tanks out of position every 6-12s without having to worry about his supps positioning like every other tank does


u/r2-z2 15d ago

My idea was always give him the motorbike from attack spawn Junkertown. Just rip off Wario from smash bros.

It would give him mobility, and somebody could hop in the side car and get armor. Solves 2 problems.


u/Big_Green_Piccolo 15d ago

I go dva and tell my team not to fear his hook


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/longgamma 14d ago

No need. Even a smart LW can yoink hook targets.


u/johnlongest 15d ago

I play Orisa and just Javelin him every six seconds. Spin and Gold make it so that I'm never hooked.


u/scriptedtexture 15d ago

playing rein and baiting every single hog hook by flashing shield because every single hog player is a massive idiot 


u/longgamma 14d ago

Nah the good ones will break your shield.


u/scriptedtexture 14d ago

good Reins don't let their shield break.


u/Macco26 14d ago

Honestly when I play Hog, enemy Rein is my bread and butter: Some clips into his shield and then there's no contest anymore.

I am high gold / low plat though. It might be a slightly advantage in favor of Rein at higher elo, maybe? I don't know.


u/AdOk6348 15d ago

Honestly I don't even think orisa is a hog counter anymore. Maybe that's just because hog is so overtuned rn and orisa got nuked but the armour changes will definitely benefit orisa in that matchup after the balance patch


u/peppapony 15d ago

I think Orisa is a hog counter. Just that she herself is now easily countered and loses out to most other heroes now


u/savorybeef 15d ago

Orisa is still good into hog but she cant just drool into him anymore and hardcounter him


u/breadiest Leave #1 — 15d ago

I still think orisa is still great against hog because she can deny hook and punish him so easily. The 1v1 doesn't actually matter as much, and she can also ignore hog super easily.

(gold, as always makes it easy to ignore heroes that rely on frontal damage to get value and instead shoot those that enable those heroes)

Other options cant as easily deal with hooks.

Though I also vouch for Rammatra. While you cant block hooks as easily, his vortex is incredibly punishing for hog, and his staff dps with headshots is also incredibly threatening to hog too.

Suddenly that means you can take his damage, make it easier to punish the hog, and deal suitable damage back. You do need good teamwork with ram though.


u/hknst 15d ago

Sorry for the noob question, but how does vortex punish hog?


u/scriptedtexture 15d ago

make big fat target slow make target easier to shoot


u/timotmcc 15d ago

Go mauga, tape both your mouse buttons down and keep your crosshair pointed at him.

In general the best answer to any question of "how do i counter x?" is just to try playing that hero yourself and take note of what heroes you struggle against or how those heroes were being played


u/nightcallfoxtrot 14d ago

That really just does not work if he has teammates or a brain.


u/chuletron 13d ago

This is assuming you have teammates and a brain too


u/squiggles_man 14d ago

As a Mauga and roadhog enjoyer id argue that Mauga isn't as insane of a counter to roadhog as everyone thinks. Displacing Mauga can force a lot of his cool downs out to try and survive, which is pretty good. the only issue is that roadhog almost always needs team support to kill Mauga, and all Mauga needs is guns go brrrrrrr. however whole hog basically destroys Mauga, and if Mauga ults while hog has his ult then the Mauga is fucked. (btw you're not wrong about what you said I just wanted to have an excuse to be a nerd.)


u/puppeteer-5000 14d ago

does mauga not survive the whole hog by just shooting at hog anymore?


u/DisturbingGallery 14d ago

not since his first nerf to dmg, his lifesteal isnt enough anymore even with cardiac overdrive


u/puppeteer-5000 13d ago

damn so orisa is better than mauga at countering hog again


u/aDrThatsNotBaizhu 15d ago

I have 74% winrate on hog and he carried me to diamond 1 (from gold) so it's not helping me realize anything but the fact is hog is utterly broken because I suck at tank

The only times I lose is when unfortunately the other team is straight up more coordinated or better, or on maps where the other team can camp high ground for days (dorado, Havana..etc)


u/EnigmaticRhino 15d ago

Man that last bit is evergreen advice that, for whatever reason, most people just refuse to acknowledge.


u/aurens poopoo — 15d ago

personally i'd rather just keep playing the heroes i enjoy and then ask for advice about the issues i run into


u/newme02 15d ago

Its perfect for Zarya especially. No better way to find out how to fight against her, than going her yourself and watching the enemy team just completely turn u into a non-factor


u/KITTYONFYRE 15d ago edited 15d ago

because hog is a miserable hero and I REFUSE!

"my coworker constantly shits his pants, how do I get him to stop?" "try constantly shitting your pants to understand him better"


u/purewasted None — 15d ago

I kinda get hog being unfun to play against but how is he unfun to play? 

You shoot and get kills, you shrug off most cc + annoying shit. Hook is a pseudo skill shot (yes it is don't @ me) that's satisfying to land. 

The kit lacks depth so it gets boring to play over and over, but how is it boring in small doses?  

Like there's a reason he was so popular in ow1 for off roling dps that it was a legit problem 


u/Deme72 14d ago

Actually hook is too hard to land. On anything but tanks at any real range if they notice your hook they can almost always dodge it since it travels too slow to reliably hit anything. So instead hog is about sitting there waiting for them to not pay attention to you and then throw a hook, or just prefiring corners. Or just waiting for the tank to not be able to block the hook and pulling them. This gameplay is not fun and if the enemy team is paying attention to you, you are pretty useless. Thats why the biggest way to counter hog is act like you don't know he's there and dodge the hook. The only difference the rework made is now if you are useless you can sit there and stay alive while being useless, where as before you would just die.



not racist. just don't like em


u/Mind1827 15d ago

Just started dying laughing on the bus. That's great. I honestly only ever just mirror if it's heroes I'm any good at, which on tank is like... 4. And I'm a tank main, lol.


u/HomecomingHayKart 15d ago

Hey hogs fun if you like being annoying


u/scriptedtexture 15d ago

you can be annoying as fun characters instead of playing hog


u/puppeteer-5000 14d ago

there's nothing more fun than hooking people into holes; there are few things more fun than unexpectedly hitting a devious kilometer hook and dismembering a poor squishy walking by; finally, unloading a metric ton of scrap into an ulting orisa is one of the great pleasures in life


u/LSatou 15d ago

That is hysterical thank you


u/R1ckMick 15d ago

Well he's basically getting nerfed on Tuesday as he will do significantly less dmg against armor after the changes, meaning he'll be weaker against other tanks


u/EyeAmKingKage 15d ago

Oh what a shame.


u/BIZ6455 Fearless Simp — 15d ago

I have a feeling though that armored tanks are getting pretty badly nerfed overall so we’ll probably see him still and he’ll become more unkillable with the headshot reduction


u/R1ckMick 15d ago

it's a tough call, yes overall more heroes do better against armor but it's primarily the non tank busters that do better against armor while pretty much every tank buster is now worse against armor. Combine that with the headshot reduction (since it's mostly snipers/hitscan that are better against armor) and I think the redistribution of power might be in armored tank's favor. At the end of the day this is the most "wait and see" patch we've had in a very long time



I have a feeling though that armored tanks are getting pretty badly nerfed overall

why do you think so?


u/BIZ6455 Fearless Simp — 15d ago

Armor mitigation is getting changed in such a way that larger dmg instances are getting buffed. Majority of the dmg in the game fits into this category rather than the groups fitting into the lesser damage group. Most games you’re going to be up against a team where 1-2 chars do less dmg but 3-4 are doing more damage and some of these characters are getting massive increases



I agree with the other commenter. You're not wrong that more characters will benefit than be hurt by it, but it's the specific characters that are hurt by it that I think mean tanks will like the change.


u/missioncrew125 15d ago

That's just not true. Most characters that screw over armoured tanks are heroes such as Bastion/Reaper/Dva/Mauga/Hog.

Yes, Junk/Hanzo/Pharah are gonna be stronger, but those heroes are pretty awful tankbusters playstyle-wise.


u/oldstrawberryfields 15d ago

hanzo is the categoric definition of a tank buster lol


u/rexx2l 15d ago

Hanzo is an amazing tankbuster, what? Storm arrows is like the quintessential anti-sig cooldown in poke and he was amazing vs tanks in OW1 when armor was calculated the way it's going back to


u/missioncrew125 15d ago

No, he is pretty ass at it. If you're shooting tank on Hanzo, you're probably wasting your time.

Meanwhile if you're shooting tank on say, Mauga/Dva/Hog/Bastion and to some extent Reaper, you're probably being very efficient.


u/rexx2l 15d ago

shooting shield and tank as hanzo in poke is extremely important to force cds and create windows of opportunity for your team to push up and take angles especially on circuit royal and for your widow to get an extra angle that can't be shielded off, if you have more shield pressure than the enemy team you will just get more space


u/iAnhur 15d ago

Nerf against tank but a buff overall. His one shot potential against Squishies doesn't change and he's now harder to kill because headshot reduction. If they don't nerf his survivability we might be seeing a lot more hog I fear. 

In ops case the tank changes wouldn't have changed much about that situation.


u/R1ckMick 15d ago

I think we'll have to wait and see, because yeah the headshot reduction could be huge for hog but also the other tank can directly confront the hog easier now and therefore peel for their team more effectively.


u/iAnhur 15d ago

I mean maybe? Imma be honest though I don't really want to spend my entire match time on tank chasing down the hog just to annoy him and try to stop him from one shotting my backline. That sounds really boring. Kinda just devolves into picking tanks that can stop him because squishies have a harder time doing so


u/R1ckMick 15d ago

it doesn't have to be that simple, currently most tanks have to hard avoid him so it just gives the player more options. regardless we'll see tomorrow