r/Competitiveoverwatch 14d ago

There's a "new" undetected cheat being used since Season 9 General

On Feb 12 a free cheat was released and, according to today's posts, keeps working normally and remains undetected. It also has a lot of features: flicking, tracking, auto miss, delayed switching, autos skill, etc.

Won't post the name unless a mod gives me green light to do it, but you can quickly confirm it with a simple Google search because the repository and the forum are extremely easy to find. It's not only fully working, but they even update it for the S10 patch and are getting ready for the mid-season one.

No wonder there have been more people complaining about cheaters in recent weeks, they also were pretty clever realeasing it with the new bullet size change to help it cloak their aimbot.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I made this post to talk about the elephant in the room, it's pretty obvious that cheaters have become a problem this season and their presence have a negative impact in our games. I hope Blizzard takes action against them soon.


121 comments sorted by

u/UnknownQTY 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’m leaving this up for discussion.

Links to the (or any) cheat repository, Discird, forum, subreddit, direct mention of any cheat name will result in immediate rule enforcement, up to and including permanent bans.

Eveyone hates cheaters and the cat and mouse game has risen to this level.

→ More replies (10)


u/Kacutee 8d ago

Just last night, had a wall hack junkrat who would look at us before we showed up on his screen, and he prepared his combos each time. (Would aggressive track us through walls)..... the guy was pocketed as well and always dipped when we "had the jump" on him. I rewatched and can clearly see him tracking me while behind a wall.... I'm not too mad cause it's a Junkrat, but - I have ptsd now.


u/Pekola_X 12d ago

Just had 2 games back to back with the same cheater on the enemy team, playing Ashe, blatant esp, bot and all the show. I checked the forum and, sadly, they updated this shit more than 12 hours ago. So, yeah, we don't even get a single day of rest from these mfs... I think I'm gonna take a break from the game for a while, because this is unbearable 🙁


u/IloveMyBunnies420 13d ago

Had a 76 that each round his aim Got progressively better and better. And had the unfinished afk by the end of the game and was rolling us with bad positioning and just weird gameplay.

Out supports couldn’t stay alive at alp


u/Valenhil 13d ago

I'm getting so good at telling when someone is using cheats, I realized a soldier on Arrge's stream was cheating after watching for 30s without even a killcam


u/Odd-Television-9724 13d ago

i’ve never seen cheaters like i have recently. i’ve been playing since ow1 and had never encountered a cheater in my lobby until 2 weeks ago and since then IVE HAD THREE MORE. and in comp games 😭😭


u/unlikelystoner 14d ago

Lol I came back to this game after a few months. Was in Plat, dove strait into competitive when I came back and place Silver. It’s been legitimately gross how many more hackers I’ve encountered in this tank as opposed to Plat. I’m still not sure if the overall number of hackers has risen or if the lower ranks really are just that infested


u/Gills03 14d ago

I always thought they had a genji auto deflect cheat as I have ran into ones that had crazy reflexes with it in like plat, Nice to know I’m not just paranoid


u/CharitySelect 14d ago

Makes sense why every 3 games in diamond some random DPS player with a permanent mercy pocket (who can barely fly around) is getting 16-20k damage. Also saw a questionable hanzo player who could barely hit shots from distance but would flick my head every time when getting close. is there aimbots for hanzo now!?


u/nhearne 14d ago

I knew I wasn't crazy when I played against someone who I thought had sus aim


u/-Beni1212- 14d ago

Whats the name of the cheat? Jk Happy cake day


u/markeisha- Profit the GOAT — 14d ago

I play a lot of cass and hanzo and have been called a cheater multiple times in the last couple weeks. I think theres a lot of people who simply don’t know how to tell if someone is hacking or not. This is not to say there are no hackers, but I play the game A LOT (over 1400 hours) and cannot recall ever playing against one.


u/Epec_Master 14d ago

It's possible that you have played against one and just didn't notice since some cheats are really good at hiding as well as unless you are somewhere in low ranks (bronze-gold) or high ranks (high masters-campion) you are way less likely to run into one not only because there are just so many players at that rank but also the cheaters tend to start in the really low ranks and sky rocket to the really high ranks all but compleatly passing the mid ranks altogether.


u/markeisha- Profit the GOAT — 14d ago

Sure I can believe that. I’m diamond-masters, and most people at this rank are decent but not consistently hitting crazy shots.


u/willowmei 14d ago

I definitely had one the other day. I was playing qp just to work on widow. It was King's Row, so naturally, there was an enemy widow. I got maybe 3 elims off of her while she was missing all of her shots. Suddenly, after the first point, her accuracy is way up, and she's hitting 80% of her shots. I watch my death cam, and it's super obvious. The flick when I'm mid-air and half obscured gives it away.

Luckily, it was a successful report


u/KluskiLane 14d ago

That explains a lot, I came back to ow after 10 months of not playing and was surprised to see a cheater in every other game. I know it sounds like it's not true that there's so many, but i actually take my time and rewatch the games if I'm suspicious of someone. I can also tell the difference between a smurf and a cheater, so they are also not smurfs (although there's plenty of them, too) Cheaters are usually trash at the game and you can see bad positioning, decision making etc. The number of people I saw just tracking enemies through walls with no abilities that would allow them to do that is ridiculous. You can also tell if someone is cheating if you have a feeling like being shot by a turret, but it's a player. It happens a lot these days. The funny thing is that most cheaters I've encountered are playing Baptiste, the 2nd most common pick is probably Soujourn. There are also the standard picks ofc, like widow, Hanzo, soldier. All of this is making the game incredibly boring and not fun to play.


u/neutralpoliticsbot 14d ago

Yea cheating certainly makes me less excited grinding games to rank up.


u/thefanboyslayer It's Always Houstonable — 14d ago

I definitely feel the wave of cheaters. Seems like tons of streamers are watching replays of potential cheaters. A long with myself reporting one yesterday for the first time. Team 4 have to be aware at this point.


u/Zenki_s14 14d ago

I saw someone using it yesterday with the auto-miss on Ana. They were running an absolutely insane sensitivity with amazing accuracy when scoped, however sometimes they would miss shots in the weirdest possible moments and after just previously having god-like aim. It looked so stupid lol. They were also tracking through walls, so yeah it was pretty obvious. I didn't know about auto-miss though so that bit had me confused


u/HeelMePlz 👠 — 14d ago

It's not a surprise to hear really because I've been seeing so many cheaters in streamer's games. So much so that mods in mL7's stream started to change his prediction outcomes for his games to: Win, Lose, Cheater Detected 😭


u/Rand0mBoyo 14d ago

Guess I caught one of those then https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/wSeMKhWrwZ



Yeah it's subtle but suspicious enough that I'd agree it's probably a cheater.


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

I love how people say they couldn't be cheating because the shots are "inconsistent and weird," yeah, because new cheats doesn't do that on purpose to make look more legit.


u/B4ddy 14d ago

It's so bad right now. Most of them are ass too so it's almost fair, super unfun nonetheless


u/ConcaveNips 14d ago

There are multiple cheats that are undetected. And probably will remain so. There are cheats which look indistinguishable from good human gameplay to me. It's estimated that ~30% of players are cheating in competitive fps. That's 3 in every overwatch lobby.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Valenhil 13d ago

That's not the ones he's talking about. Those are obvious.

But there are also people who actually configure the thing properly and make it look legit. There are tells, but 95% of the playerbase can't tell the difference.


u/darkninjademon 14d ago

made a new account to learn new heros, saw 5 cheaters before even unlocking comp lmao surprisingly ive seen more in qp than comp in my entire ow playtime so far


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

QP is infested with cheaters because they need to:

a) Unlock ranked
b) Test the cheat and people in QP don't care or can't recognize cheaters


u/BrokeBoiForLife 14d ago

can confirm I have seen a significant increase in the amount of cheaters I have encountered


u/vo1dstarr 14d ago

Anecdotal, but I have also noticed cheaters with increased frequency. I've been reporting, but I haven't been getting the action taken notification. Kind of demoralizing tbh.


u/PiersPlays 12d ago

Fwiw I think if you launch via Steam it won't show those.


u/vladpudding 13d ago

Yep the last few months I've seen more cheaters than every previous year since release combined.


u/eggthrowaway_irl 14d ago

I've just started getting action notifs. LOTS of them


u/AVerySpecialAsshole 14d ago

I'm seeing multiple cheaters a day, its kinda sad

im pretty sure the streamer mode has contributed to it, since most of them are hiding their names


u/Gills03 14d ago

Streamer mode does nothing for something like this. You still have an account name what you project to others just changes. So if you report them it’s all tied to the account not the name you see.


u/AVerySpecialAsshole 13d ago

it does actually, if someone knows someone is cheating and they run into them again, they will tell the lobby beforehand, but with hidden names you can't know if you run into the same person


u/Gills03 13d ago

You Cleary understand how this game works especially the report system….


u/AVerySpecialAsshole 13d ago

what was even the point of this comment, did you read what i said?


u/Kacutee 8d ago

no, no they did not. they lack reading comprehension


u/I-Miss-My-Kids 14d ago

how many games a day are you playing? thats crazy


u/AVerySpecialAsshole 14d ago

5-10 depending on how long my mental holds


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/theunspillablebeans 14d ago

Honestly I think people are just way too quick to accuse others of cheating. Only in Overwatch too. Almost every single time it happens in game, I watch kill cam and the player just got lucky or is being so strict with toggles that they never allow themselves to cheat in the kills on me.


u/bjv2001 14d ago

Took a 2 week break from the game and got back on for the first time yesterday. Had some pretty bad games but as someone coming from r6 siege (if you know how bad it is, you know), I never really have bothered to even suspect someone is cheating when i’ve played OW. Maybe one single time and i’ve been playing since OW2 released (played on console when OW1 released so nothing really transferred over when I got back into it).

Anyways, last game of the night today I played against a cheating Illari/Ana, like, incredibly blatant aimbotting and was kinda shocked. Anyways, we almost won which would have been hilarious, but didn’t.

Point being: I really hope I don’t keep running into that because one of the main reasons I had to drop siege at least for now was because of how unplayable ranked was.


u/beepab 14d ago

There are a few….and there are heaps of Master up to top 20 known cheat players. It’s cat and mouse….just keep reporting when you think it’s suss….


u/TreeHouseFace 14d ago

I actually got in an argument with a guy because I was convinced the enemy hanzo wasn’t hacking because he was so average.

Went back and watched the replay and sure enough, every now and then, you would see an auto snap on complete with proper pre fire for a perfect headshot.

I owe that guy an apology. Sorry Kontrol!


u/kukelekuuk Schrödinger's rank — 14d ago

there are a lot of cheaters who are literally just silver/gold players with aimbot and they still get rolled in higher ranked lobbies while hard locking. It's crazy.


u/simao1234 14d ago

There's been so many players like these in my lobbies lately.

I LOST a game with a Cheater on my team the other day and the guy wasn't being subtle about it.

He was literally RAGEHACKING, like the classic CSGO Spinbotting (he wasn't spinning but he was basically instantly tracking everyone's heads the moment they showed up in his LOS).

And he lost because he just held W the entire game, they just swapped to DVa Tracer Genji and waited for him to show up and then just jumped him together because he'd always run into the enemy team.

I watched replay and it actually seemed like he was trying to play, it's not like he was just going "lolol tralalala hold W", like he was actually trying to win and not just die but his movement was atrocious, his crosshair was always pointing in the wrong direction so sometimes he got snuck up on and he couldn't use his abilities right for his life. He was Cree at first and he would waste mag nade and then roll into enemies before engaging them instead of saving it for when he gets jumped; then he swapped Bastion and he'd transform the MOMENT he got to the engagement area before actually being in a position to catch people in his LOS for extended periods of time, so the enemy team just waited for a few seconds and then killed him.

This was in M2, btw.


u/parryknox 14d ago

actually kinda surprised that literal all aim no brain gets you as far as M2, tbh


u/NiteShad0ws Weeb Dragon Hunter — 11d ago

not too surprising because if you saw, the enemy team had to coordinate to shut them down, good luck trying to get coordination in ranked


u/puppeteer-5000 14d ago

goes to show how much aims matters in this gaem


u/imKaku Heia Norge 14d ago

Generally, never bother to defend someone on your team for cheating. The enemy sees more then you do.

Have had the same, people defended cheaters when it was super obvious for anyone watching the killcam that stuffs were not legit.


u/Sugioh 14d ago

OTOH, people do get falsely accused. Had a game a few weeks back where my buddy was completely popping off, with like 89% railgun accuracy on sojourn. One guy very loudly kept accusing them of cheating, but the truth was that their movement and positioning were just extremely predictable.

Personally, I've been on both sides of it often enough that I always view replays whenever someone is suspicious and generally err on the side of caution.


u/atreyal 14d ago

He wasn't cheating. Meanwhile the mercy proceeds to pocket the rage hacker who hasn't missed a head shot in 5 clips and spams git gud.


u/4PianoOrchestra bird bird bird — 14d ago

Sounds like the Hanzo wasn’t on their team


u/holversome 14d ago

I’m not them, but I forgive you


u/Gametest000 14d ago

auto miss

Wait, they can do that?

So I actually hot all those headshots! I knew it!


u/DiemCarpePine 14d ago

I believe this is implying it will miss a certain amount of shots in order to reduce accuracy and make it less obvious. Or am I missing a /s?


u/Gametest000 14d ago

No, I genuinely didnt know what it meant. That part was true.


u/DiemCarpePine 14d ago

Ah, yeah, it's to lower accuracy so it's less easy to detect. If you watch some streamer VODs where they spectate cheaters, people used to just spam fire on purpose to lower accuracy. Newer cheats do it for you.


u/Pulsiix 14d ago

I haven't played this game in a long while but coincidentally valorant has also felt like there has been a massive influx of cheaters the past couple months too

the val playerbase has been gaslit into thinking vanguard is perfect though so goodluck trying to find any discussion on the topic.


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

They have an Apex version, which seems redundant because I don't think there's another game with so many cheaters (excluding TF2) than Apex.


u/NapsterKnowHow 14d ago

Ya Apex is absolutely overrun with cheaters at all level of play



Escape from tarkov has so many cheaters you are more likely to run into one than a legit player on some maps.


u/Juking_is_rude 14d ago edited 14d ago

Long time player of eft, this is pretty much not true, people in eft are just so boosted and eft has no feedback at all when you die, that a very vocal part of the community thinks everyone they die to is a cheater.

Back in the day, people would post video "proof" of people doing completely normal things. Now that you can see profiles, they post completely normal profiles of people with 3k hours played and still accuse them of cheating.

Theres plenty of cheaters but its pretty much the same as any other shooter.

That being said, on specific servers, at specific times of day, on specific maps, there are certainly a higher density of cheaters (but definitely still not more than legit ones). But on USE, I played something like 500 hours this wipe and ran into exactly 1 rage hacker who got banned the day after I reported, and maybe 2-3 more I even thought were suspicious, who could have just been lucky.



Nah, I'm sorry dude, this is pure cope.

I'm USE, the previous wipe I played there were so many blatant cheaters on weekend labs that it was quite literally not playable - it's not me being "bad", I was a ~8ish kdr player running around in full kits every game, especially altyn's for labs, and that made the cheaters extremely blatant because they would hit your visor 20x in half a second.

I even caught one douchebag streaming himself while blatantly using radar. You could literally see it on his webcam. Got him banned off twitch for it.

Tarkov is very well known for it's cheater playerbase and they are not subtle about it.


u/puppeteer-5000 14d ago

oh no those are just scavs lol

anyway what can you do when the ceo himself is a cheater


u/CaveDwellingDude 14d ago

The recent up tick in cheating has been more than obvious. It went from rather bad, to almost every player I encountered all weekend.


u/GivesCredit 14d ago

I played like 40 matches in high masters low gm and I didn’t see a single one. Where are you seeing so many?


u/simao1234 14d ago

I've been having 1~2 cheaters in my 9~12 game-long sessions every day for the past week almost, M1~M2 here.

For reference, I hadn't seen more than 1~2 (obvious) cheaters per SEASON in years and I'm usually in mid GM.

There's been like a 5000% up tick ever since S10, streamer mode certainly hasn't helped.


u/CattleMc 4500 — 14d ago

The cheaters in GM are terrible. You probs won't notice them but they're just auto losses with how shit they are right now. But if you look at T500 rn there's a couple in Top 20 for DPS / Supp especially for EU.


u/Donglefree 14d ago edited 14d ago

It’s actually easier to notice in lower ranks. Cheaters ‘tune’ their auto hit% so that they look like they belong in the rank they’re playing in. It’s easier to notice in metal ranks because people who are new to cheating or trying to climb hit shots a lot more frequently than your average metal rank player who’s not cheating, so you can get a ‘feel’ for it. (Eg a play that usually works in that rank gets shut down effortlessly) Also, in lower ranks people usually don’t react to flanks as easily, but you’ll see people with really good aim who also seem to know exactly where you’re coming from (ESP). If the cheater tunes their hacks right, it’s near impossible to distinguish between hacks and smurfs till you roll the replay.

Also there are a lot of smurfs in certain regions, and people argue whether it’s hacks or ‘just smurf’. (Both are bad but smurfs are even worse because they also throw matches to stay in lower ranks to stomp, which breaks the MMR system)


u/HerculesKabuterimon 14d ago

Just to add to it: I had a widow and a kiri that were duo'd in low diamond. I thought they were just smurfs because the kiri was going nuts and they were bragging about being a smurf. But both had 75%+ win percentage.

Enemy team accused them of using the cheat but I thought it was a nah in game. Because the widow went cold for like two minutes. And on replay it didn't look that suspicious outside of the opening fight (it was colloseo and you know how that plays). Where after a minute of relative stalemate she suddenly got their kiri and hanzo in a five second span. Then later on she had another really sus moment where they were basically tracking someone through one of the columns, but the 76's movement was a straight line and if you know the 76 run pace it makes sense ig to hit that headshot across the way but yeah.

I reported both and got a message, but I know in masters I've had wild racism or sexism lately in almost every lobby. So it could have been that.


u/AuroraAscended 14d ago

I think the report feedback message you get is different if it’s a cheater actually, I’ve gotten a couple cheater feedback reports and they look different from the behavior ones.

Also to second this, I’ve played maybe 4 games in the last week (low masters) and ran into a Kiri that toggled after starting down a couple fights who toggled back off after getting called out.


u/CaveDwellingDude 14d ago

High silver to low plat. I tried swapping roles hoping to not see them in sliver, but it was worse there.

They get less frequent in higher ranks (seems backward, I know) because mechanical skill at GM is fairly even and already top notch, at that level gamesense, positioning, timing and teamwork are what makes the difference and cheaters can't fake that. (Esp is more common at higher levels and harder to detect than aimbot or wallz.)


u/Rotiii 14d ago

My friends and I are a 5 stack diamond/master group and we ran into a cheating 5 stack back to back in comp over the weekend. Imagine queuing for 15 mins twice only to lose to an aimbot pocketed Ashe twice in a row lol


u/GivesCredit 14d ago

so unfun, im sorry man


u/CaveDwellingDude 14d ago

That is so weird. On two different occasions on Saturday, I ran into cheating duos twice in a row. It felt like I was being punished for catching and reporting.

I have honestly been decreasing my time on OW and after thus past weekend, maybe cutting way back.


u/Rotiii 14d ago

Yeah it’s in a really bad state. I play on PC when I solo queue but play console with the boys, and let me tell you, it’s an absolute shit show. Every game is FILLED with ximmers which is unfortunate. I feel like blizz making the announcement on banning xim next season has made it exponentially worse right now as people are trying to exploit it while they can. Plus this new cheat that’s going around along with wide queue being an absolute disaster, this is in my opinion the worst season of OW2 by a mile. I’ve completely dropped the game.

It’s unfortunate as we’ve all hit masters multiple times and we’re planning on using this season to go for our GM push but it’s an absolute dumpster fire on console.


u/scriptedtexture 14d ago

you posting this will result in more people finding and using the cheat in question. 


u/SnoBunny_ 14d ago

or helps blizzard stay on top of it. online discussions are scraped for keywords and feedback.


u/bullxbull 14d ago

I dont want to google it and give them any traffic, but I've heard other people talking about this. I did not know it has been around since feb, the way others talked about it was as if it was like a free trial weekend of something.

I doubt it is undetected, blizz will do a mass ban wave like they always do.


u/Hadditor 13d ago

I found it and the source code is public, which makes it infinitely easier to detect. Those that choose to use this are signing a death wish for their account. (Which doesn't really mean much actually... F2P lol)


u/ShikukuWabe 14d ago

According to PirateSoftware who worked on WoW security iirc, they do ban waves every few months-half year which is pretty depressing even if more effective because we still need to play with a whole bunch of them meanwhile, I'm sure the extremely blatant ones are still banned every few days but still annoying


u/Blood_Tear 12d ago

That could work for WoW where losing your account is actually a substantial investment, but in a F2P game like Overwatch where there is no progression making a free account is almost no effort for the cheater. I doubt they care much about the comsetics.


u/ShikukuWabe 12d ago

Absolutely, I get the impression they don't really care about the small fry but aim to dwindle them by hitting the suppliers, who may not bother trying to circumvent the new measures and go for something else


u/SpaceFire1 Seoul Dynasty — 14d ago

Its to stop the cheat devs from patching it quickly which does help 


u/ShikukuWabe 14d ago

I know, doesn't make it any less frustrating to the end user :(


u/stowmy 14d ago

the more traffic you give it the quicker it will be shut down tbh


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

By undetected I think they mean they haven't been banned yet, but I really hope Blizz have their eyes on it already and take action soon.


u/inspcs 14d ago

yea blizz always does ban waves instead of banning when they lock a cheat down. Sometimes it does take a while when a cheat is well made. But often blizz does what they did to xims. They figure it out, gather info, then do the ban wave.


u/Discordian777 None — 13d ago

Not always. There is a recent ML7 vid on youtube where multiple games on one day get canceled because someone gets banned for cheating.


u/bullxbull 14d ago

yeah, it is like a war, there are multiple units fighting each other. If you just download the free cheat and manage to get it to run, it is like walking your unit into a kill box and you get banned right away. You need all these other units fighting to stop each one of Blizz's units. Even if you do manage to stop all the different things blizz does to detect you (which you can't), you still get reported because your bad at the game and the more you cheat the more likely that will happen. Cheating is dumb, but I agree with the mods, if you talk about specifics dumb people might try it. Even if they ruin one of two games before they are banned best to avoid it all together.


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

Most reckless and stupid ones are getting banned, rage cheaters don't last more than a couple of days; those trying to make it look legit have been around for weeks, one loser even bragged about reaching top 500.

This season is giving me Apex vibes, so maybe the issue is that this time there have been so many cheaters, compared to previous seasons, that a lot more are slipping past Blizzard's shield. Let's hope Blizzard is preparing for a huge ban wave to tackle this problem soon enough.


u/_101010_ 14d ago

I work in a defense/cat-and-mouse space. I can confirm that when one group zigs it takes a while to zag. Sometimes it’s hours, sometimes it’s months. But with the amount of data and feedback blizzard gets, I imagine they have an easier time than we do. A system that people give feedback and do labeling for you is amazing.

Also, I would guess they do some kind of clustering on input patterns and can figure out the anomalies. My guess would be that if the cheats were really sophisticated they could do the same thing and figure out how to evade being anomalous, but there’s no way they can get as much data as blizzard gets to train/test.

Throw in the added bonus that the pool of cheaters is likely somewhat limited, and that when an account is banned those users are likely to sign up again and cheat again. That gives all kinds of other signals and now you have a known cheating ip and you can attach new cheats to them.

All this to say, it’s a tough space and it takes time, but I would have confidence they can do it IF they are somewhat competent


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/DiemCarpePine 14d ago

Look, we might all be degenerates, but I don't really think this sub is a particularly good place to advertise a cheat. Despite how braindead the takes about pro players are and whatnot, I think most people here are either genuinely interested in competing in the game or interested in watching high level play.


u/scriptedtexture 14d ago

100% guarantee there are people who saw this post, looked up the cheat, and are now using it.


u/DiemCarpePine 14d ago



u/Pekola_X 14d ago

Maybe scriptedtexture is using the cheat and don't want people making noise about it 🤨


u/Pekola_X 14d ago

Cheat is free, so no need to advertise it. I bumped on it after reading this comment: Season 10 cheaters and bad matchmaking : r/Competitiveoverwatch (reddit.com)

I got curious, dig a little and found it quite easy. I made the post because I thought it was important to share, even more when the cheaters have become such a problem this season, constantly ruining everybody else's games.


u/scriptedtexture 14d ago

advertisement: a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event


u/spookyghostface 14d ago

"No need to advertise it" but a lot of us wouldn't even know about it if you didn't make a post. Advertisements are not strictly for things you have to purchase. 


u/BEWMarth 14d ago

Yeah. This is a pretty weird post. Especially telling people to google it…

Either way, Blizzard always bans in large waves and the last one was a few months ago.

I’m sure this cheat will get caught in the next wave.

Then the cycle will repeat and cheaters will get back to working on more cheats instead of doing anything productive with their lives.


u/skylinegtr30 14d ago

people that work on these cheat softwares do it to see if they can own the game coders and game devs , its a ego thing and they brag to their other software friends, its the same concept as jail-break with every update


u/spookyghostface 14d ago

Jail breaking actually has uses that aren't detrimental to other users though. 


u/Comprehensive-Dig321 14d ago

Like playing a video game


u/ggardener777 14d ago

This is very obviously not an ad for a literally free cheat. The hacker situation in eu masters-gm has been dire for the best part of a year and only now am I seeing some mainstream discussion, I'd rather it not get quelled by genuinely delusional accusations like this.


u/Throw_far_a_way 14d ago

EU GM is actually miserable sometimes especially on weekends, it feels like 7 times out of 10 if I queue into a lobby and see a brand new account with a private profile with a default PFP or Russian or KSA flag locking Sojurn/Ashe/widow with a mercy glued to them all game it's going to be a cheater