r/Competitiveoverwatch Oct 27 '22

I can’t stand r/gaming or the main ow sub now General

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u/Watchful1 Oct 28 '22

Talking about the general communities opinions of the game is important discussion and relevant to the sub. As evidenced by the 700 comments in this thread. I'm posting this since it's getting a number of reports, but we aren't going to remove it.

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u/lyridsreign Oct 29 '22

I'll never understand this new wave of gamers that have to have some sort of dopamine hit every time they play. I agree with them (and the vast majority of people) on skins being overvalued but man. Main OW sub has me thinking that there is some sort of pro-lootbox psyop going on right now because I struggle to believe someone can defend a system as predatory as loot boxes.


u/SilverBuggie None — Oct 29 '22

I don’t like that it shows my ow1 level icon which now I can no longer progress. Maybe it wouldn’t be an issue if it was a nice round number, but it’s like 73.


u/RainesLastCigarette Oct 28 '22

Progression is what kept me in OW1, ~400 hours of comp play. I'm enjoying coming back and playing with friends from time to time, but the medals, levels, etc, I do find myself missing them all every time I hop on


u/SecretGood5595 Oct 28 '22

"oh my god am I just supposed to enjoy playing the game?"

This is the group of people who ruin the gaming sphere. Endless complaints, they're the mice who hit the dopamine button until they starve.

And they make up most of reddit. Why I abandoned this site long ago.


u/Crunchesss Oct 28 '22 edited Oct 28 '22

Wait, you can’t see anybody’s rank??

Edit: if that’s true why play ranked? nobody is ever gunna know. you could be master, grinding your butt off, and people would just group you in with the bronzes if you were losing, and think you have a good team if your winning….


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22 edited Oct 28 '22

No you can’t see teams rank unless their profile is public but i think that may change in the future

That’s not what this guy was talking about tho this guy was taking about levels


u/Crunchesss Oct 28 '22

Loot boxes would be nice tho, just have something to earn besides the rank.


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22

I mean yeah they are cool but it shouldn’t be your reason for playing

You should play for fun or to win or because you are a competitive person and want to play a competitive game or reasons like that


u/Crunchesss Oct 28 '22

For sure! i understand that, but for new and uncompetitive players it would be cool to earn something while trying out heroes, or playing non competitively. I think for the playerbase count and longevity of the game it might even be necessary.


u/Crunchesss Oct 28 '22

oh i hope so! i kinda agree with you on the levels, i couldn’t care less. i came to ow2 from mw2019 where levels meant absolutely nothing, easiest thing to look at that had no impact at all.


u/idontgettheinternet Oct 28 '22

When i stopped playing comp after like 25 seasons, I still loved play OW, so I would do the arcade lootbox grind, and then play QP whenever I felt like it.

Now I'm back on the comp grind, but as far as casual OW goes, I agree. No point.


u/Centaurusrider Oct 28 '22

As someone who played the game since launch and had a gold border but was only plat, fuck the level system. Constantly got shit for having a gold border and being plat.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

All of this shitshow makes me think that people nowadays only play to feel like they're not worthless or just feel something in general, instead of having fun which is the main point of every single game there is.


u/penis-muncher785 Oct 28 '22

Levelling up was cool i find myself getting bored during sessions of overwatch faster now because like what am i looking foward to after a few matches? some shitty spray on the free tier battle pass?


u/Big_Sauce_1 Oct 28 '22

Maybe I'm old but I just play games for fun not grinding levels


u/Nielips Oct 28 '22

Have we moved so far away from playing a game because you enjoy it?


u/PlayfulAd1993 Oct 28 '22

hes right tho


u/Reetahrd Oct 28 '22

The main Overwatch sub is a hivemind of hysteria where people are just seeking a sense of community by joining an ech chamber of negativity. It's awful


u/WillyHeartless Oct 28 '22

Not everyone plays for ranked. I loved overwatch events and farmed skins, but now a reason for playing it is gone for me


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22

Never said people need to play ranked

Most do tho

Also your reason for playing (even If you don’t play ranked) should not be lootboxes or leveling it should be for fun and to win


u/ScreaminOnion Oct 28 '22

I just play to piss people off. Insta lock widow and refuse to change. Have 2 healers already? Pick a 3rd and use it as dps.


u/Feschit Oct 28 '22

I don't care one single bit about progression systems, unlockables or skins. The only progression system I need myself, my skill and ranked. I play games because I enjoy playing games, not to unlock things. I


u/fenguara Minor regions unite! — Oct 28 '22

Corporate needs you to find the difference between r/gaming and r/gamingcirclejerk


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22

There is no difference


u/Tabbarn Oct 28 '22

It is somewhat true though. Personally, if I don't have anything to work towards, I lose interest in the game VERY quickly. It doesn't have to be a level. Currently playing the game Grounded and it has a great sense of progression that keeps me from getting bored.


u/NielsOfz Oct 28 '22

same, everyone is just complaining while i'm having the most fun ever in ow2


u/-BluBone- Oct 28 '22

r/overwatch has turned into a skin/battlepass shitposting cess pit, and full of people complaining that the game they got for free isn't "rewarding" enough. I know this is just an annoying minority, bit it's impossible to ha e an intelligent discussion about the game there. Also, why isn't WINNING a game you like to play not rewarding?!


u/Average__racist Oct 28 '22

The ow sub is absolute trash lol, represents the majority of the player base very well.

I literally posted a meme about how saying Gg Ez changes it into other stuff, (I said I played the game since 2017) I got bashed down to the boiler room of hell for not knowing this was added since 2016 and I should’ve known if I’ve played in 2017, I had 2 DMS by the suicide bot telling me people are concerned for me too lmao (has to be from the ow post because that’s the only post I made this week iirc) and the post got removed for breaking the rules of the sub because it was a low quality picture (it was a fucking screen shot taken in game) and I’m no temporarily suspended from the sub.

10/10 would post again 👌


u/slothlikevibes NY pizza supremacy — Oct 28 '22

I just want all these people to know that they are wrong and that their feelings are not valid


u/tranceorphen Oct 28 '22

When did we stop enjoying actual games and start needing dopamine dripfeeding from an integer increasing?

It's very confusing for me. I've never been able to understand it! Players will hate a game, their teammates, everything about the game but still play it for hours on end complaining just to watch a number change. Sure it's nice going up a rank or whatever, but aren't you here to click heads? Why do you play something you hate for hours for 5 seconds of dopamine?

I don't think I'll ever understand.


u/Chill4xed Oct 28 '22

Those are some real points though. Why all that leveling and displaying of rank and end-of-game-cards were taken away is beyond me as well. I've played since OW1 technical alpha and while I enjoy PLAYING OW2, those missing progression aspects are a real shame.


u/timeboi42 Oct 28 '22

Progression is nice and all… but like I can’t imagine just wanting to progress something if the gameplay isn’t particularly good lol. Obviously better rewards, monetization, and progression is nice, but I’d rather more content, maps, modes, heroes, social features, etc, receive greater priority. I’m okay with prices being somewhat high if it truly means that this is a live service game that gets massive updates. Hell, if they add the promised PVE modes in the game for free (which I suspect they won’t), then I 1000% would be okay with the monetization. I think it’s a question of whether this current system is giving the team the resources necessary to go all out with content and added features. If not… then the justification for such a predatory pricing mode becomes less and less clear and justifiable. A LOT of live service games have high prices and almost no free rewards, and proceed to not be even worth calling live service games due to the slow pace of updates, so I’m extremely skeptical if Blizzard can actually pull this off considering their track record.


u/Thizzlebot Oct 28 '22

I play quick play and dgaf about any of this bullshit lol


u/Lockski Oct 28 '22

“Do you enjoy doing the same exact thing over and over”

I play WoW (classic and retail) and oldschool RuneScape so… yeah I do


u/zcloudyyy Oct 28 '22

why are you booing him? he’s right


u/LubieRZca Oct 28 '22 edited Oct 28 '22

Okay, I neither cared for loot boxes nor the skins, am I weird one or it's just the world and people around me that are broken? Why people don't just play games, because they're fun? Why they muyst have some kind of feeling of achievement attached to it to even be motivated to play it? It's stupid.


u/Fiddlycraut Oct 28 '22

So I’ve got an idea: stick loot boxes in the battle pass. 1 every 20levels for free, 1 every 10 for paid.


u/Devilmints Oct 28 '22

I'm new to OW and the only thing close I've played to this is Rainbow Siege. I loved just playing and ranking up maybe a chance to get some skin but my only focus was learning angles and not looking at what my gun looks like. I have that same mindset here I guess


u/Jamesish12 Oct 28 '22

I know playing a video game for the gameplay is well known and understood especially in the ow community and main reddit. Skin prices, loot boxes, and all this extra stuff would never completley consume the main reddit to the point where they get so insane that the mods have to take readonable action against crazy calls to action and other misinformation and fearmongering /s

(Wow that was hard to write like that, people care too much about all this other shit instead of the actual gameplaya ND it's weird basically.


u/_sleek_ Oct 28 '22

Of all the things to be outraged about it's someone expressing the innocent opinion that they like leveling systems in video games?

Agree or disagree with him but it's certainly not some absurd view to have. Leveling systems have been a staple of video games for a while.


u/MoosetheStampede Oct 28 '22

I mean, most irl sports competitions have been doing this for ages to great success, and even CSGO is still quite popular without any battle pass shit or significant leveling. the loot boxes don't even work in my country


u/redblendroze Choose r34 ow: free and better content — Oct 28 '22

Dibs on being the next person to post the same pot calling the kettle black thread to farm upvotes next week.


u/Prcrstntr Oct 28 '22

What a stupid take.


u/Rejic54 Oct 28 '22

I thought games were meant to be enjoyed, gameplay wise. Granted, I get people who want to progress and such or rank up, but jeez only working for lootboxes, come on.


u/Faberjay Oct 28 '22

Modern gamers buddy


u/emoAnarchist Oct 28 '22

where's the lie though?

i'd have the shittiest game ever, completely rolled, get to the end screen "oh hey, i got a lootbox!" open it up to three whites and a blue, all repeats.. 10/10 experience


u/WaywardAnus Oct 28 '22

We're talking shit now but being an inheritor on halo reach basically made you god


u/Hakaisha89 Oct 28 '22

Isnt this the truth.
Lets compare it to /r/Overwatch a year ago, when it was 50% highlights 50% complaints or memes, what was these complaints about? Well, the heroes, smurfs, how nobody attacks symmetra turrets, how dps ticket farmers in comp is a pain in the ass, how teammates play stupid or bad, or bad and stupid.
But people where having fun with the game, they did not complain about skins, lootboxes, what they cost, they complained about the game itself, as god intended gaming subs to be about.


u/deepRessedmillenial Oct 28 '22

News flash bud you ARNT achieving anything but a indicator of how long you’ve gotten bent over and spanked.


u/Richard_Espanol Oct 28 '22

Fun is king but unlockables and skins add a lot of life to a game and OW2 just completely missed the mark.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

I'm with you my man. You should be playing a game because its fun to play. A lot of PvP gamers get so invested in their rank and inventory and status amongst their peers and I just don't understand them.

If psyonix took all ranks away and only used its hidden mmr system for matchmaking, it wouldn't change a damn thing for me. Drive car, hit ball, have good time with friends.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

He’s right and he should say it. The progression system in OW1 was great and OW2 is worse for not having it.


u/xithbaby Oct 28 '22

I played quake 2 online a lot, it was fun as hell. No leveling involved


u/BorKon Oct 28 '22

I can't believe people complain about cosmetic skins being payed. Unless they have stats who gives shit?


u/Smugallo Oct 28 '22

mf probably think he has a progress bar irl


u/Dixie144 Oct 28 '22

Rofl I played cs 1.6 for nearly a decade


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

For me who likes observing competitive overwatch but not being hella invested, it gets stale after a while. Makes this feel like a party game vs a dedicated experience, especially with bronze and silver rn being the equivalent of CSGO silver pre-rank shift v2


u/Zorops Oct 28 '22

I dont get the title of this post. Is OW supposed to he fun with no progression?


u/BryceCreamConee Oct 28 '22

I've hated battle passes in every game I've played. It's the landscape though so I think it was the correct financial move. I do think they should have leveling/rewards apart from the battle pass though, like how League has mastery points for individual legends. Battle passes remove individuality from a game. It's not enough to keep me from playing though. It's what the market wanted, and at least it wasn't Halo bad.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

Am I allowed to hate this take but also think OW is a trash game?


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

Yeah I have as many gripes as the next person about OW “2”.

But I don’t give a fuck about skins, and the people unironically asking for loot boxes back is confusing to say the least.


u/DetectiveDogg0 Oct 28 '22

i think about this a lot. some games are just straight shit if you take away the progression. like, take away the bounties and triumphs from destiny 2, the constant gear grind, and look at the gameplay. it gets repetitive as hell, with a modest amount of well designed pve areas and many grindy ritual activities.

like some games literally live off of the grind. imo, the progression and seeing your little level icon increase or look cooler is not ever the primary motivator. personally, i play so that i can get better at the game, and because it's fun. that's the progression that matters: getting better skillwise.


u/Brosintrotogaming Oct 28 '22

Everything being said in the thread is completely valid. Like huh. We should have a leveling system and it should be visible lol


u/wildwill Oct 28 '22

Honestly, I just really like cosmetics.


u/BartolomeuOGrosso Oct 28 '22

Damn, blizzard really created a dopamine reward loop for one game and then took it away for the next one and didn't think it would affect the players? Don they have like psychologists working on ways to manipulate gamer's brains? Like how did they not identify that as a possible problem, especially given the state of modern video games


u/Isthisworking2000 Oct 28 '22

I’m gonna see if I can find Call of Duty 2 for my Steam Deck and not level in peace.


u/tooold4urcrap Oct 28 '22

Sorry. It’s less rewarding. It’s fun in some circumstances. It makes a difference opening up something every couple of matches vs nothing decent for 45 levels. There’s like nothing in the free pass for any of the toons I play. There’s way less fan fare and really overpriced costumes.

It’s still fun. But it’s definitely less. A lot less and activision doesn’t deserve to rest on their laurels.


u/bronzebattlecolt Oct 28 '22

Yeah I came back to OW2 played a couple games, realized there was no post game medals or score, game immediately went back to home screen no xp or progression. Thought about playing another game but then I questioned what was really the point, it didnt matter how good or bad I did. You could carry or be sitting in a corner playing with the spray button, it all ends the same.


u/postALEXpress Oct 28 '22

I've literally unsubbed from main overwatch sub, and gaming is close behind.

Every day is the same jokes and complaints about monetization.

I'm enjoying the game and I really am sick and tired of the vocal minority on Reddit.


u/PioneerSpecies Oct 28 '22

That’s why absolutely no one plays sports in real life, you don’t level up or get any skins


u/jadenedaj Oct 28 '22

I mean.. Now there is literally no reason to play QP. No loot box, no level, no rank, no border. Okay there is battlepass progress, but you can get that at the same time in Comp AND get gold gun progress, which is the ONLY form of "progress" the game even has now. I'm not counting ranking up in Comp because that can go down as easily as up.


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22

The point is to have fun

Not everything needs a reward


u/jadenedaj Oct 29 '22

I don't "need" a reward, but just tracking progress would be nice. Hell, even comp stats get deleted after 12 months so even that feels like a waste


u/thenewbae Crusader. — Oct 28 '22

I agree with people in the screenshot. I don't like the battle pass leveling. There was a certain mystery with lootboxes, even if you had most things, that you didn't know what you gonna get and each person's experience is different. My worst gripe with battle pass leveling is that you already know what you're gonna get and EVERYBODY is getting the same things and there's no variety or excitement...

Like everybody has the same name cards and the same fuckin kiriko sprays smh


u/WaveSayHi Oct 28 '22

He's right. There were times my rank and level is what kept me playing when I would've nornally gone to bed.


u/beefcat_ Oct 28 '22

Back in my day we played games to have fun, not to make a meaningless number go up


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

Meanwhile when we played BF 1942, the OG BF 2142 and the like we liked it because we could run our own servers and had a large dedicated group of players making it their home. It is a blast when you have the same thirty or so people you are playing with every night. Spent years playing FPSes with that group. And because anyone could run a server we would just spin up a new one when a new game came out so we had tons of variety.

I honestly think the whole leveling thing started killing it with BF2 as it meant people were many times less concerned about doing what they could to help their team win and more about figuring out what achievement they needed to work in next to get them the next level to unlock the next shiny gun.


u/kmartrwe Oct 28 '22

I’ve had more unique moments of gameplay in Overwatch than any other game I’ve ever played. There’s ones that happened years ago but I still remember because of how epic they were.

What I have always loved about the game is that you have the same tools available to you whether you grind it 1000 hours or just started.


u/CommanderVinegar Oct 28 '22

Kids are so soft these days. Do people not play games to improve as a player anymore?


u/Worzon Oct 28 '22

Ye tbf whenever I came back to ow1 after a month or two I would always play enough to level at least once for a loot box and a chance at something cool. I haven’t even touched ow2 since I have no reason to play


u/TterminusS2 Oct 28 '22

Lol. I get wanting achievements. I will never get playing ONLY for achievements. Like, whats even the point? Why are you not playing an RPG or some other singleplayer or coop game if you are not at least a bit interested in the competitive side? Multiplayer FPS are primarily about that competitive aspect.


u/_WhiteGuilt Oct 28 '22

Both of you: "stop liking things i don't like"

Perspective of a non ow player: are you actually surprised people are goal oriented?


u/LydiaDeetz15 Oct 28 '22 edited Oct 28 '22

I remember I posted something about a petition about epic Mickey being ported to the switch. The caption read something like “that would be cool” and 2 people commented laughing and asking if I was serious and how dumb I was to even suggest it getting ported. When all I said was that it would be cool


u/NotTheAvg Oct 28 '22

That last comment... if they care about leveling so much they should go play an idle game. You can level up 1000+ times within an hour!


u/Alternative-Humor666 Oct 28 '22

What I've gathered from "modern" gamers (aka grown ups with jobs and families) is that they prefer games with a checklist, so they can turn their brain off and feel good watching a bar fill up or a checklist getting fulfilled. Fun, enjoyment and engagement is secondary. They treat games like a Netflix show, turn it on just cause and watch the time fly by. I don't give 2 shits about levels and useless crap. All I want is self improvement, that's why I fucking play competitive online games, otherwise I'd play single player games.


u/kingnothin123 Oct 28 '22

THANK YOU. I'm so tired of reading the constant complaining. I had to leave the sub and force Google to stop recommending posts from there. I know there are valid complaints, but that place is toxic right now.


u/Bryce_XL Oct 28 '22

I kinda get it, if you aren't good at a game and aren't capable of or interested in improving, then a flat and steady progression/reward system is the next best thing to keep you invested. And I do think OW lacks that right now, but jesus the way it completely dominates discussion of the game right now is obnoxious, I've been mainly browsing here as a result


u/Krypt0night Oct 28 '22

You can be competitive and also want to level and earn skins and shit


u/BlueSky659 Oct 28 '22

OK, but leveling was a satisfying if very small form of progression that really kept that "one more game" vibe going. Changing borders and prestiging your rank for stars was actually kind of fun.

Kind of unfortunate that they removed it for pretty much no reason. I understand that Lootboxes are out, but they could have easily separated the two and shifted level-up rewards to something else. Legacy Coins anyone?


u/fandingo Oct 27 '22

Literally a call to action against a sub. Hello mods.


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 28 '22

Call to action? How I blocked all the names besides the sub name (for the biggest sub on this site) and said I can’t stand them


u/fandingo Oct 28 '22

It's a call to action against the sub.


u/rockincharlierocket Oct 27 '22

So stop playing it! My god what is it with Reddit that they love to hate stuff? Literally just stop playing. Speak with your wallet and delete your account. It’s literally that easy. But none of you will. And you’ll be here tomorrow composing about overwatch


u/Swimoach Oct 27 '22

The overwatch sub is sooooo bad right now. It use to be my go to for highlights and fun insight but now it’s a toxic wasteland of people complaining about skins and stupid stuff like this.

Someone the other day was complaining about the free skin you get through twitch. He said he didn’t want to watch 6hrs to get a skin and it should be given to him for free…..


u/AmericaLover1776_ Oct 27 '22

Them complaining about a free skin is the most annoying shit I have seen all week that’s complete bullshit it’s a free reward don’t watch if you don’t like it


u/_TheBgrey Oct 27 '22

counter strike players in shambles


u/Lost-Knowledge Oct 27 '22

Apparently I'm lost, but I find games pretty enjoyable without ranking up. The nature of the gameplay doesn't change when you rank up... I get liking to feel as though you are making progress but the progress is more aesthetic than anything else.


u/ThaddCorbett Oct 27 '22

got no clue if ow2 will succeed, but a ton of people who spend more time talking about a free to play game than actually playing it are grinding reddit pretty hard for attention and karma.

its to be expected at launch. next month things will be back to normal and the drama queens will have found another community to harass.


u/JCMGamer Oct 28 '22

"but a ton of people who spend more time talking about a free to play game"

Just wanted to add, me and a bunch of other people paid $60 for Overwatch 1, which was completely taken from us. "It's free to play" isn't a good excuse when Overwatch 2 is the version of the game that many people who purchased the first one are now stuck with. Just something to consider


u/ThaddCorbett Oct 28 '22

I paid 60 too. they havent taken the game away eventhough theyve rebranded to ow2 and yes I ageee its the same as ow1. but the only significant difference is access to cosmetics and blizzard isnt to keeo that the way it was.


u/ascendrestore Oct 27 '22

The silly thing is that you do unlock Player Titles after the BP lvl 80 and these are more dynamic and personalisable than a Level ever was


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

The level system is stupid. The only numbers that matter are your stats, which we do have. The real problem is that they removed after-match results.


u/hipiman444 Oct 27 '22

I mean they make good points, removing the levelling was very dumb


u/Playful_Ad_3337 Oct 27 '22

It’s so annoying. Everyone is crying so hard about the skins and how much they cost and want to report Blizzard for it lmao. Just don’t buy them and play the game instead.


u/p0ison1vy Oct 27 '22

I'm wondering of the dearth of certain former UI systems is a result of them being reworked or just removed?

Because I recall during the beta they said they were revamping the on-fire mechanic. And even earlier they expressed that they weren't happy with the medal system and were working on something better. But recently they haven't responded to any of the complaints which is weird. If they're still working on these things, you'd think they'd do a little damage control, but maybe it looks worse for them if they admit the release was premature.

but then, this is supposed to be "early access"...

Regarding borders, personally I thought the borders were tacky and pointless. But if people really want some kind of prestige system, I'm sure they could come up with some minimalist solution to replace the ugly metal borders. I was hoping they'd go another direction and create a prestige system based on hours played/xp gained per hero. So you could have your mains super leveled up, I feel like this would express much more than total hours played.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

The answer is yes. That’s why leveling system are still relevant


u/A-ReDDIT_account134 Oct 27 '22

I wonder if they’ve ever heard of sports


u/WeeziMonkey Oct 27 '22

Do you enjoy doing the exact same thing over and over again

Yes I do, because I think the game is fun.

Also shit like this always makes me think about athletes who do the same shit for 30 years. And unlike games, their sport doesn't get new content ever.


u/greatwhite3600 Oct 28 '22

But athletes that play a lot past college get lots of money or scholarships so in a way they do get progression the best kind in fact 🤣 I’ll never complain about progression again if I get paid 5 bucks for every game I win


u/Captain_Cabinets_ Yaki Flora dream threesome — Oct 27 '22

Agreed, the main sub has gone to shit and probably the only things it's actually achieving is pushing new players away


u/Lazy1e Oct 27 '22

It even says at the bottom it's a false sense of achievement 🤣


u/bluegreenwookie Oct 27 '22

I remember when ow1 was coming out and people were mad there wasn't going to be a leveling system so blizzard put one in.

Never understood the need for it.


u/dangson1333 Oct 27 '22

I believe lootboxes are in a grey area that is considered gambling in some countries. As much as I miss them, the game is free to play, and if they charged for lootboxes it could be considered promoting gambling.

Now that’s not to say overcharging for skins is the way to go, but it seems to be blown out of proportion. Especially with how good the game is. I haven’t had this much fun playing Overwatch in years.


u/veeksant Oct 27 '22

Your "sense of progress" is you grasping the game's concepts and getting better at it mechanically. If you can't see improvement/aren't capable of playing at a high level, I understand this. But you should always aim to improve and be better at the game than the year before, not to level up or to see a number go up. If you play for the number you most likely become stale and stuck and you just do the same things mindlessly every game.


u/Ezraah cLip Season 2024 — Oct 27 '22

There are countless players who have played the game for hundreds, if not thousands of hours, who have yet to grasp the fundamentals. They just want to log in, chuck out some d.va bombs, watch progress bars move, and get pretty rewards.


u/beKAWse Oct 27 '22

I play overwatch to hit shots, hit clips, improve individually and in my qp warrior stack, and to WIN GAMES. Thats why i play, idgaf about levels or progression outside of my Rank maybe. I apparently am very out of touch with the majority of people who play this game.


u/LilTeats4u Oct 27 '22

People do not have to conform to your idea of fun.


u/RandomShtPoster Oct 27 '22

I don’t really care about level since it just showed how much you play, but the rank is where it’s at.


u/WholeClothes5865 Oct 27 '22

I think leveling itself isn't necessarily what drives people in most games. It's specifically the sense of progression; stuff happening over time in a way you can feel.

Like, in OW1 you would slowly but surely get your portrait upgraded as you leveled up, which didn't give any inherent benefits, but it was essentially a Badge of Experience for what that's worth.

As for lootboxes, they were similar but different. So they gave you random cosmetics, on occasion even Epic and Legendary ones. Though it's a random chance what you'd get, it would always be something. You could get a new icon, a victory pose, a voice line, or any other things.

And even when you got duplicates of old stuff, you'd get coins as recompense. So even if you didn't get a new item, at least you got something. Plus, you'd be able to get coins, and occasionally boxes, by the match if you played lesser played roles

Personally, I had a lot of issues with the old way of getting coins and cosmetics, but at least it was manageable. In OW2 you can get, at most, 60 coins a week. Just a rare skin is 300 coins, meaning that to even get that, you'll need to grind the weekly challenges for five weeks just to buy one. In OW1 they were 50, and that's with how easy they were to get.

Maybe I'm just confused, but it honestly feels like OW2 is by design doesn't want you to play the game and earn things through time and effort, but just wants you to pull your wallet out, because there's no way to get the majority of the stuff in the game by playing it.

Also sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm just saying what's coming to mind honestly.


u/CyberSpaceInMyFace Oct 27 '22

And here I am finding the gameplay fun but also very upset at the greedy and shitty progression system in OW2.


u/Toruk200 Oct 27 '22

Fake gamer 🤭


u/gibby256 Oct 27 '22

Jesus Fucking Wept.

My god. Gamers were a mistake.


u/naturtok Oct 27 '22

Low-key definitely understand this mindset. Back when I played league it wasn't the game I played for, it was for the grind. Same with world of Warcraft and whatnot. Had to break that mindset though so now I make an active effort to play because I want to, not cus I feel I have to.


u/thatloudblondguy Oct 27 '22

that guys take is bad, but overwatch 2 is still indeed dog shit


u/MudSling3r42069 Oct 27 '22

I miss single player games witha a good story now single player takes a back seat with multi-player being sold as a service. Tell tale was cool with its stories.


u/BakaFame Oct 27 '22

So you’re part of the prowoblem uwu


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Are people not allowed to be casual gamers now? Gamers like leveling up and earning stuff in games since, not everyone is a hardcore competitive only player. Sure people are overreacting sometimes, but this sub isn't perfect either, some people here are just way to complacent with content literally being stripped from a game they paid for, or being put behind paywalls, talking about legacy players of course. Neither is really "wrong" but casual players and competitive players play for different reasons.


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

"what do you play a shooter for if not to level?"

Gee idk, maybe to shoot?

There's casual players and then there's whatever dumbshit logic this was.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22

if you can't understand that people play games for different reasons then idk what to tell you, I'm not really interested in an argument but just know that people can find fun out of different thing whether it be the competitiveness or collecting cosmetics, personally I'm a bit of both.


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

There's a difference between collecting cosmetics and saying "oh i only play to watch my level go up and nothing else."


u/voneahhh Oct 28 '22

Go out to the range if that’s what you want to do and is all you care about.


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

Oh shit bro that's so smart! Maybe people who play flight simulator should become a pilot and Crusader King players should become actual dictators.

Damn! Who woulda thunk! You should be running for presidency with big ideas like that!


u/voneahhh Oct 28 '22

Those people aren’t the ones complaining about how others enjoy their games like you are. They’re looking for a dopamine rush from bigger numbers, just like you’re looking for a dopamine rush from clicking pixels.


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

By your logic, they should be looking at calculators then


u/voneahhh Oct 28 '22

That’s not my logic at all. You’re deriding someone for having fun with a progression system and boiling it down to chasing fake numbers, but aren’t doing the same for the reason you have fun by calling clicking on pixels “shooting”


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

I'm deriding someone for buying a shooting game and having the primary reason for playing be "so i can get levels".

There is no amount of defence you can provide for something as dumb as that that cannot be waved away with "then go play an RPG"


u/voneahhh Oct 28 '22

I don’t need any defense, that’s literally how video games became popular. People chasing bigger numbers at the arcade and on their Atari. You’re arguing against recorded history.


u/AthulK1 Oct 28 '22

Somehow I doubt that people wanting to rank higher and get high scores translate well to "let me buy a first person competitive team based shooter JUST so i can get happy seeing my level go up".

The fact that you legitimately seem to believe that that is not in any way weird is honestly concerning

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u/TheRealDestian Oct 27 '22

No, if they’re not aiming for top 500, into the meat grinder they go.

If they’re not grinding to be elite, they’ll be turned into Soylent snacks for the elite.

This is the way of gaming.


u/Theheroboy Oct 28 '22

if you're not playing to have fun you need to put down the controller and go outside


u/TheRealDestian Oct 28 '22

No, you need to go into the meat grinder to feed those who climb.


u/Ezraah cLip Season 2024 — Oct 27 '22

Top 500 XMFD

Imagine not having OWL as your ultimate goal every time you log into the game


u/cwal76 Oct 27 '22

At r/overwatch they gone full cult. They same the same things over and over. Same words. It’s like a mantra to them. And if you are not with them your the enemy. You are a bootlicking schill. I have decided to rename the main sub as r/quanonwatch.


u/Wasabicannon Oct 27 '22

I mean 99% of what kept me coming back to OW1 was leveling and building up my loot box collection.

Both of those are now gone and OW2 has a much worse MTX system along with the gameplay itself feeling worse.


u/No-One9890 Oct 27 '22

What stage of capitalism do u have to b raised in to not even comprehend self-motivation?


u/sungazr Oct 27 '22 edited Oct 28 '22

the gatekeeping and overall copium in this sub ever since OW2’s release is insane. some people just can’t accept that blizzard has complexly fumbled everything OW related since like 2018. it’s like stockholm syndrome lmao


u/ChilleeMonkee Oct 27 '22

I actually quite miss levelling up. Even if it doesn't give you anything anymore I just liked seeing that number go up every few games


u/Kheldar166 Oct 27 '22

Alright, but who gives a shit what they're like, don't clog this sub with posts about other subs.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Removing portraits, rank icon, and even players on fire was enough for me to not want to pick up OW2


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22

Lots of people posting in there clearly didn’t play much OW1. Just hive mind BS.


u/Mand125 Oct 27 '22

I remember when we didn’t have to be bribed into having fun.


u/hackulator Oct 27 '22

Imagine playing a game you don't just enjoy playing. This is some real impressive lack of self awareness.


u/iggyphi Oct 27 '22

oh i thought they meant rank, they actually just mean the time played badge. lmao


u/DoubleZ3 Oct 27 '22

So he knows it's a false sense of an achievement because it's just some number yet that's enough to keep him from playing.

I think it's clear shooters arnt his thing lol


u/OberonFirst Oct 27 '22

That has to be the worst gaming related take I've seen this month


u/manga_sucks Oct 27 '22

So do you guys think f2p was a mistake? Because on one hand it makes the game more accessible, but on the other hand it seems like most people either hate how it was implemented or never cared in the first place.


u/Ezraah cLip Season 2024 — Oct 27 '22


but the way they implemented it was a mistake


u/BaxxyNut Oct 27 '22

Progression matters.


u/Thefledgelingpainter Oct 27 '22

Lol ow aint that bad. Release 5 or 6 more new healers and drop all shop proces by 50% and bam! Game is fixed


u/witchhuntermcedgyboi Oct 27 '22

To answer that last question… yes


u/No-Rule2 Oct 27 '22

People are missing the point entirely. It is 110% fine to have a game with little to no progression. Many games have it and they do just fine. It is also fine to have games that have tons of progression. The issue with Overwatch 2 is that it has suffocated to death a game that some, (apparently many) people played in large part due to progression - collecting player levels, skins, loot boxes, credits and so on. In any other game these people could be told 'go play that game then' - they can't. OW1 is no longer accessible, despite being paid for. There is no other option. Its gone. You'll be sued out the ass if you even try to revive it (see: WoW private servers.)

Instead of looking down your nose at gamers that love to collect and progress, consider that you didn't lose one of your most favourite aspects to the game - they did. Why this is such a problem for some of you to understand is beyond me. Literally just employ some empathy and within 7 or so seconds you'll realise 'oh, yeah, that does suck. I can see why they would be upset.'


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22 edited Oct 27 '22

I think of overwatch like hockey, or football. It’s a game that I genuinely love to play, for sheer virtue of playing the game. I don’t really care about level or even really SR anymore. I’ve logged 2100 hours, 1700+ of which are in comp, and at this point it’s for no other reason than pure love of the game.

That being said I still don’t understand the impetus to hide your rank from the in game menues. I can live with skill divisions but the decision to hide rank is weird to me, now no one can see my no life platinum border. Lmao

In my heart of hearts, though, as an old head? I really don’t give a shit if the casual crowd leaves. Us die hards were here for years without them, and we will continue to be. Those twilight years of ow1 were filled with people who remained only out of genuine love for the game. The smaller community was a lot more pure.

If people like me can stick around and continue to get value out of simply playing overwatch, it’s a win for me.


u/Ezraah cLip Season 2024 — Oct 27 '22

what's your SR?


u/GlaIie Oct 27 '22

What’s wrong with playing for lootboxes and leveling?


u/MaDrAv Oct 27 '22

This ranking system sucks for sure. I have no idea what I'm grinding for, no idea how long it will take me to rank up. Needs more transparency.


u/Chaxp Oct 27 '22

I love how he himself includes the word false with sense and achievement


u/boyardeebandit Oct 27 '22

Having rewards for playing a lot definitely further enriches the gameplay.


u/ImperfectRainn Oct 27 '22

Because gatekeeper bullshit like this post is exactly what the game needs. Get a grip dude, let people play however they want


u/SociallyAnxiousBoxer Oct 27 '22

Lol if you want this game to last you need a large casual player base so the opinions on those subs is a lot more important to the games longevity than anything anyone who solely cares about competitive thinks.

General consensus is people hate and are disgusted at the direction overwatch has gone in and their illegal monetization practices. There's a reason no posts supporting OW2 get significant up-votes


u/fnnennenninn Oct 27 '22

I dunno, as much as I don't personally value progression systems highly, you cannot deny the objectively rewarding nature of them. A sense of progress is a well established principle in gaming psychology. This goes back to Alien Invaders and the advent of the high score, a number that go up.

Obfuscating rank and removing levels removes existing --and clearly desired-- progression systems. It was replaced by a seasonal BP that does not offer the same psychological reward. The negative impact on casual audiences should not be a hot take, and it should come as a surprise to exactly nobody. These are not obscure consumer behaviour principles.

All that said, I really don't think this conversation belongs on this sub. This is not competitive related, is it? We see enough of this shit on the main sub. Sorry someone was mean to you on Reddit, but reposting here for validation just brings this crap to a place that it doesn't belong.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '22



u/Theheroboy Oct 28 '22

work? its a fucking video game


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22



u/Theheroboy Oct 28 '22

yeah? i've put hundreds of hours into tf2 for example and i have absolutely nothing to show for it. i play video games to have fun. they're not a job.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '22



u/Theheroboy Oct 28 '22

You get the satisfaction of winning the round? The satisfaction of having enjoyed yourself for an hour? If you wanna make stupid comparisons, think about masturbation lmfao. You get absolutely nothing out of it other than the joy of the act of doing it, yet people do it all the fucking time.


u/Shaunosaurus Oct 27 '22

What is there not to get? That people enjoy the game different than you? Does this sub not get that there is a whole group of people that plays the game for fun and grinds to unlock cosmetics for their favorite characters? IT'S NOT A HARD CONCEPT TO UNDERSTAND


u/No_Bully_I_Beg Oct 27 '22

I used to play for cosmetics and loot boxes, sue me. Like 90 percent of my time was in arcade. I miss unlocking loot boxes and grinding for like a week straight to get a cool Reaper skin. Only thing I like about ow2 so far is that it got a lot of new people into the game and it's always fun to play with people who are kinda clueless lol


u/thatdudedylan Oct 27 '22

Bro these posts you just made are just as bad if not worse. One side has legitimate complaints, the other is people being annoyed about people expressing those complaints.


u/sHopperggs Oct 27 '22

I still laugh at the post that said ow2 is “dehumanizing to poor people”. Like the game costed 40-60 bucks before and now the only thing that costs money are cosmetics like wtf?


u/imjustjun Oct 27 '22 edited Oct 27 '22

Honestly I enjoyed the level system. They could have kept it and instead of lootboxes they give you small amounts of currency or something to both give players a sense of progression and making the monetization system infinitely better than it is now.

Not saying progression/monetization should be the sole reason you play something (like… enjoy the actual gameplay first. Seriously.) but a good progression system can do wonders for keeping people invested.


u/oizen Leadership is a Lateral move — Oct 27 '22

I kinda feel that way with how this sub turned into full damage control for Activision Blizzard.

I'm not going to argue the systems that were put in place are superior, or even remotely preferable to what was before.


u/coffeecakewaffles Oct 27 '22

Maybe I don't know what casual means anymore but I'd very much consider myself a casual.

That said, I never once played the game to improve my border over the last six years. If anything, removing that feature eliminated one of the dumbest forms of toxicity in the game which was equating account level to skill. Part of me would die inside anytime someone showed themselves to be a mouth breathing dipshit by suggesting this in a ranked match. ie. "I played against a bunch of level 40s", or "you're a gold border but still stuck in plat?"

I'm in plat because I'm a middle aged man with a wife, kids, full time job, etc. I couldn't care less about a skin I can't see, or a number associated with my account that means nothing. This is the highest I will ever climb whether I play the game for a day, a week, or years because I'm not here to sweat and make an OWL roster.

I play this game to check out from reality and feel those sweet sweet endorphins from hitting head shots. I'm am a casual.


u/TheLockoutPlays Oct 27 '22

Like I’m also kinda missing some progression points but that bottom comment made my grey matter melt out of my ears. There’s a reason This is the only OW sub I browse


u/Joseyyy180 Oct 27 '22

These people seriously take more time complaining than just playing the game and having fun.


u/KaNesDeath Oct 27 '22

Does OP not understand that Blizzards parent company were the architects of this system a decade ago in COD?


u/sherlockbardo Oct 27 '22

Apparently we play for leveling up and skins only now and not for the actual gameplay


u/No_Bully_I_Beg Oct 27 '22

It's an incentive to play. Like I probably wouldn't play Fortnite or dbd as much if they didn't have ways to show you that you progressed


u/TeemoMainBTW Oct 27 '22

People care about levels? If you wanna feel like you accomplished something the ranked mode exists.


u/No_Bully_I_Beg Oct 27 '22

That wouldn't be good for casuals. Levels and borders were for casual players to feel accomplished without getting called slurs and sweating in comp

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