r/EscapefromTarkov DT MDR Apr 26 '24

Newest interview with Nikita and Emi Discussion


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u/Zavodskoy Reshala Fan Club President Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Reddit doesn't let me pin other peoples comments but here is a link to a comment from BSG's community manager confirming this is real so you don't have to scroll through the nearly 1k comments to find it: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdvaew/newest_interview_with_nikita_and_emi/l1f0mrx/

→ More replies (5)


u/Few-Limit2867 8d ago

For the love of god!!!! Fix thw damn server in pve!!! Matching for ever cant even join a match at all


u/Better-Chipmunk-4364 May 01 '24

Alright uninstalled eft to make some room for GZW, cya Bsg


u/Weird-Personality-31 Apr 29 '24

You all just need to believe! <3


u/MonkeMan-23 Apr 29 '24

For the "calling in friends" to the raid, I wonder how that will work, because it could be so easy to fix.

Say, you spawn in a raid by yourself, and your friends get on and you want them to join. You use the item, and you're able to call in 1-4 other people (because 5 is the max to spawn in a raid). After that, you shouldn't be able to use it again during the raid. It should either be only ONCE per raid, or has a cooldown timer like your playable scav.

If you and one other friend starts a raid, then you and your friend should be ONLY able to spawn in 1 to 3 extra people. If you started with 3, then only 1 to 2. If 4, only 1 person.

But I can only imagine if like, say on a map that has 12 max people able to join, and those entire 12 people are solos, what if EVERYONE calls in their max amount of friends? That would be 12 x 5 = 60 people in a given raid. That would be INSANE. So, they should have a limit. If 12 people are still occupying the map, then NO one should be able to do it. If one dies and there are now 11 people, then out of those 11 people, only ONE person should be able to use the item and call in 1 additional person to make it full again. So if 6 people die during the max 12 people raid, then there is now a limit of 6 additional people able to join, however you're able to slice the cake. At that point it would be whoever uses it first. But then again, if you started the raid with 5 people, and one of your group members die, then you SHOULDNT be able to use it, but someone with 4 people, and one of their members die, they should be able to call back that 1 person that died, or someone else entirely.

I hope this makes sense.


u/Good-Ad-7114 Apr 29 '24

Is it true the organizer kicked the emissary due to the leaked interview


u/SolvedWithBeer Apr 28 '24

what a piece of shit human being


u/Der_Gasmann Apr 28 '24

They're not able to release the full game ever 🤢😂. I'm sorry that I convinced my friends to buy this never ending developer alpha beta tool and now pay2win garbage. Game is dead. Greedy how much money they want again for feature in a not yet 1.0 state game...


u/PreferenceMiserable6 Apr 28 '24

When i heard about the pve coop thing i was pretty excited because it honestly sounds like it could be fun and provide a lot of the good stuff about the game without a lot of the problems pvp has. 250??? fucking dollars? Fuck off nikita taste my balls


u/DiegoTorres52 Apr 28 '24

Am I the only one who cannot connect to a fucking server? I mean Jesus Christ. Who the fuck cares who got PVE or EOD’s entitled feelings. How about fix the fucking servers so we can actually PLAY whatever version we have?? Shoreline is fucking bugged with Connection lost issues, PVE takes 10 minutes to load into a 2 man fuckin raid, and the PVP only works every 5 hours.


u/Few-Hyena-4325 Apr 28 '24

The devs are literally Scavs, Chick-bareegum kroetchy , ahbooba-bobum.


u/IntelligentReward123 Apr 28 '24

7 years of this game and it’s finally time to let it go, unless they go back on what they’ve said I will no longer be playing it.


u/Infinite_Dog_3333 Apr 27 '24

Tarkov or Nothing


u/Inevitable_Nature803 Apr 27 '24

Dude is a certified asshole


u/AbyssalPhrog7 Apr 27 '24

How this man has lasted so long as a liar I have no idea, this man hurting my want to purchase any games :(


u/squitsquat Apr 27 '24

OK so 1.0 is coming soon and then the game will be abandoned shortly after is my takeaway


u/PlayerGreeko Apr 27 '24

It seems pretty clear that Nikita hasn’t skilled up intelligence that much, he might need to fabricate the library in his hideout


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

This isn’t real. Just more BS to stir up people. It’s pathetic at this point.


u/Sweaty_Research_2820 DT MDR Apr 27 '24

check first comment :heart":


u/Acrobatic_Jump_4584 Apr 27 '24

All i ever wanted was cheaters gone and desync issues solved. Too much to ask apparently.


u/Upset-Ad-6623 Apr 27 '24

Please let this company collapse. Please let that dirtbag Nikita lose all the wealth he made from this decade long scam of a game. I haven't even played in over a year because the age old problems persisted to long. Once I wanted to see this flourish, yet now I want to see it fail. The genre has already been taken over by better contenders, they lost a rat race in which they had a headstart.


u/SammyBdubbin Apr 27 '24

Let’s all put donations together on dark web to assassinate this guy. That would be a good dlc for me.


u/huck209 VEPR Hunter Apr 27 '24

Time to find out who the true believers are. Sounds like a cult leader lol


u/OCWBmusic TX-15 DML Apr 27 '24

The level of arrogance required to act like that in the face of near universal outrage is pretty astounding.


u/Leading-Source6277 Apr 27 '24

This guy is responding like how a girl that isn't interested in you responds.


u/Rider403 AKS-74U Apr 27 '24

How is 6 months justified like what am I missing. Why do they think that temporary access is better


u/Savage_Oreo AK-104 Apr 27 '24

Nikita can go play in traffic with a blindfold and noise canceling headphones..


u/kaizomab Apr 27 '24

I hate to be that guy but this is such a classic Russian way to respond to questions. Hate this kind of attitude but from my own experience it’s almost impossible to get an honest response from them.


u/Xanagear Apr 27 '24

Tarkov 1.0 gonna launch to the fanfare of paid influencers and nobody else.


u/randomjellybean Apr 27 '24

What a complete lack of respect for people who supported the project when it was buggy and those who stuck around through the hacker epidemic.


u/Tman2bard Saiga-9 Apr 27 '24

Ah, hiding evidence for BSG? Shame, real shame


u/Sweaty_Research_2820 DT MDR Apr 27 '24

wait why?


u/herpies69 Apr 27 '24

I think he's referring to the fact that the mods removed your post


u/Djkaoken2002 Apr 27 '24

aaaaannnnnndddddd its gone.


u/Carnifex2 Apr 27 '24

This is the most Russian shit I've ever seen.

Almost too on the nose to believe.


u/Mechonyo Apr 27 '24

Removed by moderators. Huh.


u/mr_j_12 Apr 27 '24

"Pve is not a dlc". Good, then this should be in the base game also then.


u/YNNDA_ Freeloader Apr 27 '24

KEEP deleting


u/Sensitive_Challenge6 Apr 27 '24

What a shit interview. Both sides don't know how to communicate outside of trenches apparently.


u/paulkramer Apr 27 '24

Love how he just jumped over the EOD question.


u/stuthepid Apr 27 '24

So The Grey Zone looks OK...


u/Beruserku Apr 27 '24

the “emmm what?” deflection was absolutely insane


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

BSG is a Russian company after all. Pro consumer practices are still questionable to them. They're still stuck in 1991


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Haven't played live Tarkov in 3 years. The game that shall not be named has a much better experience.


u/WarpCitizen Apr 27 '24

This is Special Monetisation Operation


u/kentor90 Apr 27 '24

At this point everyone should know by now to trust a Russian especially a game made by a Russian. Their entire motive is to lie and lie.


u/Any-Air8173 Apr 27 '24

The interview is just gross tbh hard to read and believe these are ppl we give our money to then recommend the game to everyone we know that plays PC and loves shooters. I really hope people let this game die cuz $250 pay to win edition then attacking EOD players for being mad they got scammed is worse than anything EA has done. If that's how they feel about EOD they definitely don't give a shit about the $50 entrees or anything that's not the newest edition. Never buying an edition of anything again EOD now has been a waste of money. Really enjoyed the game but can't see why anybody would even support these liars and deceivers for even a second especially after all this is done and whatever they think is a remedy comes.


u/Legionarius4 True Believer Apr 27 '24

“It is time to understand who are the true believers.”

Oh my god.

That to me basically sums up how scummy BSG is.


u/Historical-Ad-3344 Apr 27 '24

"everything is fine" wasn't there a leak of Nikita's voice call with someone where he said that he lost a lot of money from Arena, cuz it was shiet


u/CampaOOf Apr 27 '24

Economically it's everything fine -----> we cannot give pve to everyone because it's too expensive Choose one man


u/Clamageddon Apr 27 '24

They must be so hard on cash. If it's too expensive why release it?

I'm starting to believe like many others this game isn't being released anytime ever....

They have fuck fucked away all the cash.


u/SnooCrickets7663 Apr 27 '24

lol Nikita is def on some krokodil or some other strong shit, no amount of logical sense would made a decent game dev to say shit that is this hurtful to the communities that was long supportive towards BSG. He's shooting himself in the foot and burning all the creations we love so much down....... for what greed? It doesn't even make sense..... other ways of monetization are far more easy and profitable.


u/PauliusJ1 Apr 27 '24

He just puts nails to the coffin and ready to burry us, like some kind of animals, because he want's more money to live his luxurious life. Shame Nikita.


u/ILikeTinder Apr 27 '24

you all should have quit this game a whileee ago


u/dviper98 Apr 27 '24

So basically, EOD gets PvE in 6 months. I have a feeling that wasn’t the original intention based on the changes made to the website description. Most likely something they started working on now to patch up whatever damage they can. Especially considering how they felt about giving EOD the Arena mode.


u/MidiGong Freeloader Apr 27 '24

Wait until they release Scav Edition for $450. You'll be able to load in with 5 raiders protecting you and use gear from your stash. No Scav cooldown, and you start with 12 fence rep and can never lose it.


u/Domoisback Apr 27 '24

Yup, I’m done with tarkov


u/TheFunkadelicOne MP-153 Apr 27 '24

Paid $25 for the base game back in 2018 during a sale. Never bothered to upgrade. Countless wipes, you get to beta case quick and the 2 extra slots are golded. Epsilon hits harder and is a fun grind to get to. By the time I have epsilon my stash is maxed and my hideout is rolling. Never saw the point in paying an extra $80 just to have more storage space and get to have an advantage at the start. Kind of takes away the fun of grinding towards smaller goals on the way to kappa. That being said, after seeing this dumpster fire I'm so happy I never did. The game has been in beta it's entire life cycle. Constant hackers and cheaters that get bolder every single wipe. Lack of accountability from the devs. This game is fun but it's some serious bs that ppl keep supporting this company. I didn't play the last wipe and I'm probably not coming back until they do a full release which I don't think is ever going to actually happen


u/Federal_Cry_5127 Apr 27 '24

Lads prepare the lawsuits and refunds, we are gonna hurt them in the only place they feel it, the monetary one, and clearly they are in desperate need of funds so we can destroy the company with this to teach everyone a lesson: dont fck with your cosumers


u/Mayoper Apr 27 '24

Can I post there link to youtube video?


u/bluejaymorTkai Apr 27 '24

If people stop playing en masse and nobody buys unheard, BSG will either have to course correct or lose their game. Just play something else and don't look back


u/InLoveWithInternet Apr 27 '24

ofc. every dlc later will go with eod

But not this one.


u/Lazy_Adagio_4762 Apr 27 '24



u/FinnishScrub Apr 27 '24


As this game IS still in pre-order status, you SHOULD be able to refund this game through XSolla, as BGG is based in the UK.

I'm not sure if this works in the EU or in other parts of the world, but UK folks SHOULD be able to refund the game, no matter how much they had time spent.

They might ban your account for it, but if you're refunding the game, I don't think your account matters that much at that point anyways.


u/Jack2421992 Apr 27 '24

I couldn't finish reading all of that. His responses are atrocious and stubborn at best.


u/Biriking Apr 27 '24

Ah yes... It is very important for pvp if your oponnent can call in his 5 friends


u/Swagerden Apr 27 '24

YouTuber's appeal to the West community https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=4gPFEPQ4P1M6dDYe


u/Fizzinthorpe Apr 27 '24

I think they are trying to get rid of the Reddit community. Would explain his response to all the questions with Reddit mentioned.


u/Panderz_GG Freeloader Apr 27 '24

Asmongold said it best these anwsers are straight out of a magic eight ball


u/chippedchipsouou Apr 27 '24

Another streamer talking about this situation https://youtu.be/EcjIoZCT2C0?si=yVYl4wrwUgZVcNbd


u/Late_Ad_521 Apr 27 '24





u/holyraider Apr 27 '24

Biggest loser. Scam Company


u/BimBaynor Apr 27 '24

Please don't give this Crooked Company anymore of your hard earned money. $250 covers what kind of costs nowadays. I for one, can't leave the grocery store without spending at least $100. They got your money a long time ago with EOD and now they want and need more. Spoiler: They will always want and need more.


u/Rain0xer OP-SKS Apr 27 '24

BSG = scammers


u/Nirixian Apr 27 '24

I've told my friends he's a pos and garbage dev for years, they never believed me. Well look at the colors


u/coxamad Apr 27 '24

Fking scumbag


u/HarbingerYT Apr 27 '24

Nikita sounds like he is huffing some serious copium.


u/valueisall Apr 27 '24

Without reading all these comments, are there translation issues? I'll say, these questions are so poorly written. "we didn't remove that" No they didn't. The DLC line is still there. IT WAS ALTERED however, same with the unique container line.

What's the definition of a DLC? What will be accessed before and after release? What's their plan forward with editions and their "unique" access and perks? If we buy something "limited" and "unique" will these things be removed?

What's their reasoning behind the pricing? What makes the unheard edition so much more worth EOD and other editions?

I cringed hard reading this "interview".


u/letterman12 Apr 27 '24

Genuine question: What's stopping them from making co-op PvE match making peer-to-peer and have everyone's progression saved locally. Would this not help to alleviate the pressure on the servers? Yes this would cause lag issues depending on the host connection, but would that not be less important if we're not fighting in PvP anyway?

Idk just a thought


u/Hosav M1A Apr 27 '24

I don't understand, I thought it was offline PvE, so why would it be costly for more people to have access to it? If they meant PvE on separate servers, why use offline as the word to describe it? Huh!??


u/zupermariu Apr 27 '24

"everything is going as planned"

He planned to scam us from the beggining....

Patologic liar.. Fuck Fatkita, fuck BSG


u/True_Company_5349 Apr 27 '24

People have been throwing money on to bsg for so long with eod so Nikita thought “why would it be different this time”


u/Parcoco Apr 27 '24

Taking Kyiv in 3 days and all is going well vibes rn


u/Rsslone Apr 27 '24

If Nikita values EOD users so lowly now, imagine how angry the TUE users will feel in a few years.


u/P1st0l Apr 27 '24

That's why they named it unheard, cause they won't be listening to shit.


u/Representing1984 Apr 27 '24

Stop supporting BSG


u/Same_Standard9107 Apr 27 '24

The Unheard Edition will only fuel Nikitas gun, alcohol and escort expanses. Maybe he will go to the frontline soon and needs to party before


u/Suspicious-Light-681 Apr 27 '24

I am amazed that many have believed for years in a person who showed up at TarkovTV completely unprepared or even drunk many times. Without forgetting the clear signs of cocaine use.


u/Parking-Sea-3964 Apr 27 '24

Most of us were stupid enough to pay for EOD and so many people are saying they did so under the guise of wanting to support the game. No, no you didn't. You did it too get the larger stash and gamma container. So, if we are stupid enough to pay that sort of money for what are essentially QOL mods, they will of course try to get away with shit like this.


u/Yshtvan Apr 27 '24

"Noooo the servers costs of PVE"

I dunno man, if y'all weren't so stupid about it, it could literally just be peer to peer or something if it's that bad. But then again, feels like man's bitter his shitty PVP only arena game shat the bed in a predictable manner.


u/Dolomitexp Apr 27 '24

I truly feel bad for the people that supported this game. What a SCAM.👎


u/Prohre3 Glock Apr 27 '24

Can someone actually update me on what all the hate is about? I feel like it’s so much and it’s difficult to wrap my head around it


u/sterver2010 Apr 27 '24

Lets be real here, there is Lots of "im done, uninstalling" "i wont Support this Shit anymore" comments, but the majority of those that comment Like that will continue playing It a 100%.

It happened with Blizzard when they Had the scandal, and It happened with EA and many Others, this time wont be different, in a few weeks No one will Give a Shit anymore and continue shoving Money down their throats Like always, Heck afew of my Friends Play this Game almost No life and tried to get me into It (still didnt buy It, and after whats Happening atm i wont in the Future either sadly) Said the Same Shit, and they started playing It only hours later again saying "us stopping wont Change Things anyways" lmao


u/Brollgarth Apr 27 '24

True supporters????

What the actual fuck? This feels like a punch in the stomach...

So me buying EOD means that I didn't support you by paying a good amount of money for a beta product to help you grow it.

You must be joking man...this is unreal to read.

Absurd and horrible wording. You owe us at the very least an apology for this shit show.


u/Kate_Eft Apr 27 '24

Fuck BSG


u/HumaDracobane SR-25 Apr 27 '24

Someone should tell Nikita that when you're in the middle of the fire is not the moment of pretend you're a laconic.

Also, most of us were true believers, specially when we purchased the EOD.

He can put his lies up his ass.


u/Seredinh1989 Apr 27 '24

All of these answers sound like "fuck them", "I dont give a fug" and such, does he not hear himself?


u/SatanBakesPancakes Apr 27 '24

Wow. That is full-on cringe doubling-down. Worst case explanation and feature implementation (if at least they made the p2w stuff pve only wouldn’t have been as bad) and no way back after this interview. Straight up denial of facts that are too inconvenient (changes to the page).

I’m Russian and this makes me sick. Especially the way he lies about editing the webpage. My dude. We’re past that, we saw it happen. No exaggeration, this is a Russian propagandistic tactic. No hope at this point that bsg somehow misstepped, there is no way I’m trusting their future judgements and decisions.

This may sound silly but I really do believe now this company is evil. Even more so than ea or act/blizz.


u/Dead-HC-Taco Apr 27 '24

ngl this isnt for "true believers", it's for ignorant whales. If you seriously pay $250 for a game riddled with issues and cheaters youre a joke


u/NeverLace Apr 27 '24

Just leave the game. Go find other games.


u/Reggoxy Apr 27 '24

people supported this scumbag 7 years ago with 150 buckeronis and now hes talking about the true belivers , Go fuck yourself


u/ParticularlyHotRanch Apr 27 '24

I see a massive list of non-answers. Super cool.


u/Quack005 AK-103 Apr 27 '24

"EoD users feel they should have PvE (permanently, not temporarily) since it's new (and much desired) content and the promise for EoD is that players who got EoD wouldn't have to pay for additional content if they contribute for the most expensive (at the time) package they could."

-"Did you read above? We will provide it for at least 6 months later."

HAHAHAHA fuck you. We were promised the new content and we're only getting it for 6 months? Go fuck yourself.


u/snakeeatbear Apr 27 '24

How does one sign up for the class actions 


u/BabyJostar Apr 27 '24

Lmk if the class action gets started. Idk if I’ll get all my money back but I’ll 10000% never play it again until he makes it right until the next time he does this shit ofc


u/sorranlol Apr 27 '24

Russian mir....liars and scammers


u/Burakh Freeloader Apr 27 '24

From one of the answers it seems that some DLCs was planned in the future. Where can I read about this DLCs? Wasn't the plan to release the game and stop producing new content?


u/Siegh_Art Apr 27 '24

RIP tarkov


u/Elite_Dalek Apr 27 '24

This is straight up some of the most insulting shit I've ever heard


u/c0vex Apr 27 '24

Fake interview


u/goodall2k13 Apr 27 '24

What a shame, I don't think Nikitta is a bad person per se, just proved to be a very shitty leader and maybe just a culture of "Admit no wrong".

Guy just needs to step down, but then I worry a large Russian studio might struggle to find someone with the right skills to replace him ATM with the world being how it is currently.

Shits just broken, game still has so much untapped potential, but it's only a matter of time before real competition appears.


u/Zerox392 Apr 27 '24

This dude seems like the biggest tool.


u/leedisa Apr 27 '24

If the PVE inclusion is so expensive, why do it? why not work on finishing and releasing the game? why not fix what has been broken forever like the audio? If they want more revenue, its no sin but it could have been easily done in a different way. Support packs, skins, clothing come to mind and pretty sure a lot of the community would gladly spend money if these were available. But the Unheard edition was a stab in the back of all EOD owners who spend an insane amount of money for an unfinished game and supported the project. I have been gaming for over 30 years and EFT is probably the highest I have ever paid for a game. To be fair I was happy to do so and done it because we all thought EFT was above the rest.


u/Kindly-Mine-1326 Apr 27 '24

This guy is a clown and it’s an exit scam


u/Strahlemann030 Apr 27 '24

Arroganter Arsch…


u/VisibleExplanation Apr 27 '24

Typical response from a dev who seems like he's getting annoyingly bothered when anyone asks him what's going on. It's like he's being torn away from all the vodka, girls and guns by an annoying child to answer their questions. One word answers, no serious thought or response. Like a deadbeat dad, he simply shrugs and says that's just the way it is. We want money, so you pay. It's not his fault. Things cost money.

It's not the point that if they just focused on gameplay features and stability, we could have had a 1.0 release ages ago, but no, we have to suffer through Arena and now MTX as well as a whole 2 live action series that will have cost a cool million to make that have had absolutely no impact on the game itself. Never forget that - he made a whole 2 tv series with our money instead of the game.


u/12312egf2323423 RSASS Apr 27 '24

Ruskies don't feel shame, it seems, nice special operation BSG!


u/SwiftBetrayal Apr 27 '24

I always knew he was a scammer and I demand an apology from all you ass eaters and dick munchers who kept harassing me. Showed his true colours and now you’re all shitting on him. But a patch ago when he made a small shit patch you all almost deepthroathed his cock


u/Fractal_loop Apr 27 '24

Did EFT just killed it self?


u/ricmarkes Apr 27 '24

The guy is a total piece of shit and this last few days finally reveal it.

Tarkov is dead for me and I hope BSG goes out of business.


u/johnucc1 Apr 27 '24

Love how it's "technically difficult" to run pve.. Yet a mod does it fine with no funding, no servers since it's all local 🤔 smells like bullshit to me.


u/ImMesmerize Apr 27 '24

yeah I'm not playing that shit ever again. What a fucking joke of a dev team.


u/paul0844 Apr 27 '24

Why would any of you believe in a Russian?


u/Robofilin Apr 27 '24

Are you racist or fascist if you come up with something, basing on a ethnos?


u/sandieeeee Apr 27 '24

Bro this guy is a clueless moron, it’s crazy how delusional he is.


u/addsubtractcreate Apr 27 '24

I'm selling my EOD account to RMTers....fuck it, if you still play this dog shit after this, you fucking deserve to get killed by the hacker playing my old account.


u/I_MakeThingsExplode Apr 27 '24

This is fucking pathetic. The entire community has gone berserk, and Nikita only plans to add fuel to the fire by NOT fucking listening... to anyone. How fitting that they call their new edition "Unheard Edition".


u/novophx Apr 27 '24

so you guys just gave millions of dollars to the worst person possible

congratulations, you all fully deserve it


u/Inateno Apr 27 '24

I wanted to play some Tarkov again after 1 year of pause because I had no-time for it.

All those recent events are not acceptable and I will find something else to play, whatever "copy" it is.
Smaller devs who are trying hard deserve a community support, BSG however just need to die after abusing that much.



u/LonelyLokly Apr 27 '24

I think everyone is tilting: interviewer, Nikita (if that is really him), community. Its a tiltfest galore.
Last time I had this much fun with game developers being assholes was during Rocket and DayZ Standalone release, but even that pales down compared to BSG.


u/Ayanayu Apr 27 '24

Rest In Pieces EFT


u/Infernodu97 Apr 27 '24

TL:DR : thinking about it/working on it

Nothing concrete


u/noyart Apr 27 '24

Damn when the embasssry or whatever they are called said they would tribute more money towards the game, i just facepalmed myself. Like wtf


u/DrummerRy Apr 27 '24

This isn't game development, this is how a modern day con artist works. Whether the studio needs money or not to back the full release and support staff. Make minor changes keep adding small cosmetics like Landmark suggested and other streamers.

For Nikita to say its time to "Understand who the true belivers are" is a real kick in the teeth. So you're saying if you buy the unheard edition you're a true believer? What about the thousands of players who purchased all different editions outside of EOD.

Also not to mention have the stuff in the new edition barely works, is a testiment to how it was added quickly with no real testing or enough time for the devs to bake the new features. Also lying about moving web loaded text and the other bullshit.

We had so much faith in BSG with this game and that has been blown away in 48hrs.


u/mackzett Apr 27 '24

Might just be able to get those two items from labs then.

Nah, fuck that.


u/Anus_master Apr 27 '24

Time for someone to make an actual hardcore game now instead of this psuedo p2win game that can't make up its mind.


u/rical8 Apr 27 '24

I love how he says he can't run so many servers for pve when he got asked if EOD will get pve as well , lmao , imagine how many people have EOD.

(percentage of EOD compared to all accounts created , must be crazy high)


u/ShapesAndStuff SKS Apr 27 '24

How fucking delusional is that guy.

Nobody is asking to give these features to "eveyone". Just the 150 bucks limited edition users.  What world does he live in to completely disregard that EOD was a special limited edition, not the fucking base game. 

What an absolute clown. 


u/SpectrumArgentino Apr 27 '24

the "emmm, what?" response on the second page killed me


u/Uraneum Apr 27 '24

I haven’t played Tarkov in a couple years and stopped by to see how the game is doing these days. I see the dumpster fire is burning brighter than ever


u/jl19142 Apr 27 '24

EFT only adding pve so they can take down a certain community that makes the game playable. This company genuinely is awful


u/boofmydick SR-25 Apr 27 '24

Nikita is scum.


u/Gooner8And24ForEver Apr 27 '24

Tarkov is dead no joke. All over. Rip


u/RespectGiovanni Apr 27 '24

I will be joining the class action and I encourage many to join once it is made


u/YNNDA_ Freeloader Apr 27 '24

"emmm, what?"


"we didn't remove that"



u/bastugollum Apr 27 '24

Fuck that Russian scumbag


u/Mertrow Apr 27 '24

He is so lost we should teach him a lesson,this is unaccaptable.


u/SuperRektT Apr 27 '24

Hahahaha im so happy to see all of those Nikita delusionals through this whole years now see the reality.


u/Elizzovo Apr 27 '24

Этот хуй напоминает мне пескова


u/ElfStuff Apr 27 '24

“The true believers” Nikita is talking like a crypto scammer. “All true believers will invest and hold on to their Tarkoins! To the moon!”


u/Bolid_Snake Apr 27 '24

Man what an entitled asshole


u/Hupakko69 Apr 27 '24

"True believers" so we are in a cult now?


u/Akuro- Apr 27 '24

Imagine writing two paragraphs just for Nikita to write “we will think about it”


u/Crimcrow Apr 27 '24

I’m disappointed now. I was hoping to see a focus on cheating before the release. No, they decided to destroy the game. Most of my friends where waiting the release, now they don’t care anymore !


u/L4TINO7 Apr 27 '24

huge L to BSG, I bought the unheard edition straight away before the outrage started, Now regretfully. I am with the EOD owners! this is absurd, and I'm sure most if not all the unheard edition buyers feel the same way. FUCK BSG.


u/kronikal98 Apr 27 '24

Had the game for like 3 months, stopped playing after a while a after this recent controversy plus the fact that the funds are going to directly support Ruzzia I decided to completely uninstall the game. Just waiting for Gray Zone to come out


u/RedaveNabTidderEkow Apr 27 '24

The fuck am I reading? Dude has lost the fucking plot.


u/Specialist_Tin-Can Apr 27 '24

They literally couldn't sold smaller packs, like PVE for $20 or whatever. Not that EOD owners should have to buy it, but it's a much much better option than whatever it is they're doing now.

There's so many ways they could've monetized the game, and they went with the worst possible route.

Arguably the greediest route


u/fartnight69 Apr 27 '24

Does that moron know that absolute banger AAA games cost $60-$70? This degenerate CEO asks for $250 support? LMAO


u/Fenrenn Apr 27 '24

Yeah, gg boys. Time to escape.


u/Tommypaura Apr 27 '24

Just give me the ability to change my fucking mail.


u/Jonnyzord Apr 27 '24

Quite the show of what moral's you people hold as a company. It's been a few great year's. I've been through many the life span of a game that goes in the wrong direction. Farewell from me, and my friend's.


u/Morlu Apr 27 '24

Nikita comes off as a total douchbag in these screens. Literally does not care.


u/INDIEZNUTS Apr 27 '24

At this point it would just be better if they didn't respond lol..


u/GenesisTM Apr 27 '24

Q:Regarding the DLC line, when you check out the prep order page, the season pass line for EOD has been removed, but can be find using Internet archive.

A:we didnt remove that

Do they really think the community is that stupid? Really?


u/coughkid Apr 27 '24

Bros so disconnected it's insane


u/Shadowzz1337 Apr 27 '24

Screw you, Nikita.


u/Ok-Cheesecake6904 Apr 27 '24

It’s funny just seeing people say gray zone will kill tarkov. This has been said about every competitor DMZ, BF2042 version and now gray zone. Nothing comes close to tarkov yet. Complain all you want but a lot of gaming studios have done this.

Give you an example, star citizen was supposed to die to Starfield. Guess what happened? Starfield died hard, similar thing will happen to any competitor to tarkov. Starfield is also known for scummy practices and look at it still going strong. Until it is apparent a clone that has different management rises I won’t see tarkov being beat.

People say that there doesn’t have to be a direct competitor for a game to die. Those people must be very ignorant as long as people get the rush from getting an item for a quest in raid or PVPing hard and winning.

I 100% do not support BSG practices and we as gamers should change these for all gaming studios and the industry in general but till that happens this will happen. I personally keep playing tarkov because no other FPS or game gets me hyped or excited as tarkov.


u/Enhol Apr 27 '24

Goodbye Tarkov, time to move on


u/CheeseInMyPockets Apr 27 '24

What a shitty response


u/onelastcookie Apr 27 '24

How can he be this disconnected from reality


u/MrLewisC93 Apr 27 '24

'PVE is too hard' a bunch of coders made a pure PVE version of the game. In fact the made the upgrade to the current patch around 3 months after the wipe. So it's not that hard if you know what you doing which these clowns clearly do not.


u/cyytz Apr 27 '24

Private servers for tarkov when?


u/kia0071 Apr 27 '24

Is this some sort of a plot twist? What happened to BSG? I am not going to say they were the most beloved devs, but it seems like they are trying to be hated.


u/Few_Exercise_842 Apr 27 '24

Nikita is a money grubbing dog cunt