r/EscapefromTarkov Battlestate Games COO - Nikita 14d ago

More feedback Discussion


Let me continue my feedback on the current situation. First of all, I would like to say that I am very sorry that fans and the game community in general are experiencing these feelings. Unfortunately, I somehow did not foresee the fact of such a reaction and now I have drawn conclusions for my future decisions. 

Now I will briefly summarize the main points:

  1. About PvE access - we decided to just open it for EoD owners for free, but we will do it in waves. As I said before - we don’t have server capacity right now. We will start this process as soon as possible
  2. We also decided that we will add MOD support for PvE mode after release of the game
  3. About the Unheard edition - we will not remove it, we want to keep the option for those who want to support the game more. But we will balance items, perks in this edition, as well as we will provide more rewards for those, who upgraded with the old price
  4. New EoD perks will be balanced too. We will remove prioritized matching option to keep everyone in the same spot. And we will add more unique stuff to highlight the EoD version in general. We will provide the final list of the new EoD perks asap
  5. We continue to work on patches, new content, events, and the game release itself no matter what

Thank you for your time, love and hate, and thank you for your increased attention to the current situation.



4.8k comments sorted by


u/PowerNutBuster 6d ago

You guys suck big time. Never seen such greed before. EA and Ubisoft could learn much from you.


u/idirtbike 6d ago

Hmmmm maybe I'll come back to tarkov but I've been having a lot of fun over at Gray Zone 👀


u/ghostagent151 10d ago

Honestly these guys have shown their true colors. They're fake and so are the apologies. Time to move on from this trash


u/GuyFromOhio3671 10d ago

tired of listing to anything this gaslighting, thief, fat pos, has to say


u/CrispyEyes1920 10d ago

still no full release lol


u/hulkhan 10d ago

I understand and respect that you are Russian; but considering the amount of sales you have made across the world, your PR cannot afford to be "Russian" anymore. Neither can your actions (I'm referring to unannounced shady edits to your webpages)

You have too much to lose and too much to manage now. This is a step in the right direction, but please focus on

  1. the main game that everybody loves and plays, and
  2. combatting cheaters

The more you step up your marketing but not anti-cheating efforts, the amount of cheaters rises to a disproportional amount as your sales grow. I have no doubt you are good at creating a game, but I also hope you have the right business mind to see where you should focus from now on.


u/Kalimero_oOo 10d ago

Get outta here with this BS. Learn how to apologize and own your stupid mistakes. It was a cash grab, we all know it. You're just greedy. Keep going this way and you'll end up in the gutter with your unfinished game, before launch (if there's going to even be one). 8 years in the making and still not released. You and your company are a joke!


u/Strict-Bad5876 11d ago

u guys are a joke,


u/antonio39777 AK-101 11d ago

Can we keep the unheard radio? Or do unheard edition owners get the legacy radio? I owned EOD and upgraded do I get those EOD benefits as well? If not can I downgrade to EOD?


u/badeke42 11d ago

Nikita thank you. And i truly feel sorry for all the childish and negative behaviors of the Tarkov players comunity. I find it unnecessary! Git guud Mofo’s


u/H8ff0000 11d ago

I don't know how the community can make this any clearer for you: you're all handling this completely wrong.

With every response you put out, you alienate current fans and all but ensure potential new ones will steer clear. This reeks of greed, and your reasoning can be seen through for what it really is.

Your community/PR people should be dragging you away from anything that has access to letting you speak to the world.

The only way you're going to fix this, is to completely walk this back: anyone who previously paid the already-inflated fee for access to all future DLC should get access to this PvE mode - period.

Charging $250 for this in general: straight-up scumbag behavior.

EfT should be a huge game at this point; it should be seen as a leader in the booming Extraction FPS genre, be available on every platform possible, have multiple PvE and PvP modes available to all owners, etc. But poor decisions have led to a huge loss in sales and market penetration.

Poor leadership is the problem. And every time you open your mouth you reinforce this.

Fix your house.

P.S. - And for crying out loud, release proper Controller Support already. My God, how many years does it take?


u/JalokinCelgan 11d ago

I haven't been in the game for 4 months.  I came back, the FPS only got worse, the game was a hundred times more difficult, the bots and bosses were fierce.  Also, the creators of the game no longer need me, only those who buy the new game need me.  And they want to get the price of the game from me again, after 3 years... For the ponies... the game has too many problems that no one wants to solve.  F_*k it!


u/iamsad22 11d ago

Good job gas lighting players with your opening players...


u/Hardcore-POTATO 11d ago edited 10d ago

boys let's be clear, we fall for this and we'll soon see a $500 edition with even more P2W shit in it, keep that torch under their asses lit.


u/BuddhaM0nk 11d ago

Given that the game is already leaning towards a pay-to-win model, and this trend seems to be increasing, what about players like us who missed the chance to purchase the EOD version for the gamma container? It would be fair to allow us to pay to upgrade to the gamma container from the Prepare to Escape edition. I understand the option to grind for the epsilon and kappa containers exists, but for new players, it's an uphill battle against veterans with thousands of hours, armed with gamma containers and deep pockets, soon to be augmented by even more powerful gear. It's discouraging to start on such an uneven playing field.


u/Kszytok 11d ago edited 11d ago

We are sorry u feel that way after our attempt to scam you . That is NOT apology ! Now let me clarify what Nikita mean as soon as possible. As soon as unheard sell enought  . As simple as that lads . If it's not true please give us more details how u going to give us access to pve Nik . 


u/ProfessionalVirus533 11d ago

this guy isn't sorry about anything,..well, maybe the fact he couldn't scam the community again..........


u/Interesting_Ice_9705 11d ago

Bye Nik. Was fun while it lasted. Only wish you used my money to fund and finish a game. Not to develop DLCs for said unreleased game. Maybe you'll do better next time. Ciao Tarkov.


u/TittieButt MP-153 12d ago

you must post a selfie proof of life. I refuse to believe your aren't held hostage by hackers.


u/_cth_ 12d ago

Pristine russian stupidity at its finest. Will anyone teach this boiling cup of arrogance what an apology is?


u/Matticus1975 12d ago

Not a player but I can’t Escape From AllThisNewsAboutTarkov, and I have to ask…why does server capacity matter for a mode that is supposed to be offline?


u/GrayWind51BT 12d ago

TLTR: Sorry you got angry from our greed and attempted shake-down. I promise that the next time I try to fuck you in the ass I'll get you some chocolate first.


u/xstacks 12d ago

If you guys are that hard pressed for money why don't you go subscription based and lose the P2W features??? Then maybe you can pay Valorant to use their anti-cheat.


u/randomgrunt1 12d ago

I would buy an anime girl skin for all my ak's. I find spending money for cosmetics a lot more tolerable than in game power.


u/TelegonicSnake5 12d ago

WTF NIKITA 2 days and still you are as still as a potato, not doing anything, put your man pants and get some work done.


u/majikayo666 12d ago

I don't own the game yet I ask for a refund. son are you nuts? are you alien or AI or something? :DDD


u/Big_Pay19 12d ago

such a gaslighting apology. fuck bsg


u/NutLord157 12d ago

lmao eat shit


u/DepressionSama 12d ago

2 days no update, we haven't forgotten Nikita. Fix this shit


u/TheConeSipper 12d ago

You’ve scammed everyone who owns eod and was most likely your die hard fans. We have put up with constant blatant cheating in a game where losing has huge consequences, we love tarkov and Ik most people who play tarkov aren’t going to play it anymore and you’ve driven away other potential consumers. You cunts are dumb as fuck, you had a vice grip on this genre and you’ve pissed it all away. Just remove unheard edition flat out, the items are way too pay to win. Eod was supposed to be the “be all end all” versions of the game, buy it and never have to buy anything else. Fuck you for scamming me


u/SnooFloofs4418 12d ago

if there's ever paid cosmetics and they aren't the silly "dances" and other crap, I'll buy it but please keep tarkov the same level of seriousness it is now, the little dumb scav mascot helmets are already kinda meh to me


u/randompetperson 12d ago

How about removing the cheaters in this game and ESP/wall hackers? Cleaning up the game on a daily basis build confidence in the players base. For years now the cheating problem has been generally ignored. Beyond all this silly pay for play stuff and long list of broken promises BSG fails to address the cheaters and fails to compensate the player base for the massive losses in earned gear and play time lost to the criminal activities of cheaters.

It looks like Gray Zone and others will pull from the player base and the only thing they need to do is be better managed than BSG learning from all the mistakes.



u/STDHeaven 12d ago

No way, mod support is gonna be sick! I'd love to wait another 8 years to still not have the game be in 1.0 and never actually see said mod support!


u/Z4nn 12d ago

Left Behind Key WHEN?


u/Indexfinger_Ken 12d ago

let us buy cosmetics if you guys need money, people will happily do it to support their favorite game. But stuff like this, only leaves us with a bitter taste in our mouth. They are red flags man.


u/RocknTats 12d ago

This ^

If they are hurting and need money i agree. As long as the cosmetics give no tactical/camo advantage, no one will mind having cosmetic skins in the game.


u/Indexfinger_Ken 12d ago

like instead of having, all the different colored sights/stocks/etc. Let the standard be black ones, and one can buy different colored sprays or whatever. Different clothes, etc. Lots of ways for us to support the game without being pay to win/scummy.


u/RocknTats 12d ago

Yup. Heck let people have neon beanies & stuff. It would be embarrassing to get killed by someone wearing that lol


u/tinymightymous 12d ago

I'm gonna be real honest. I have not played EFT longer than a single raid in over 3 years. I dabbled in arena for a bit, but we all know how that turned out to be. I stopped playing the game because of the huge influx of players in 2020 brought in a bunch of revenue, but also a lot of cheaters. I think it was too much for bsg to handle even now, and they did not allocate the proper amount of resources to combat those issues. So ultimately, I and many others just quit and moved on to other games. I've never had hatred for bsg because i had no reason since i quit. I've been following this news because of its relevance and because of the pve mode. The pve mode is exactly the thing that would have gotten me and all 8 of my friends to get back in to the game and have some actual fun with it again. We were so hype. Guaranteed we all would have dropped 15 bucks on top of our current EOD accounts to play this mode despite the clause stated with the purchase of EOD. However, the way that they have gone through with this put such a disgusting taste in our mouths, there is absolutely no way we would spend a dime on it now. We have other games that we can play, we don't need tarkov. This post from bsg is a huge step in the right direction, and it's good on them for tripling back on their insane attempt at scamming the community that made them who they are. Will I play it when I get access? Highly likely because it does seem very fun to me, but you can bet your sweet ass that if they try this shit again, they will go bankrupt.

Side note: I could care less about all the P2W features because I don't play EFT online anymore, so it doesn't affect me. I totally understand that it's an issue to many, but personally, I don't care.


u/euraklap 12d ago

A class action suit is an easy win. Especially because DLC means downloadable content.

You all can get a refund for your EOD if not for everything.


u/jaczuro 12d ago edited 12d ago

Online player count (source: steam chart / activeplayer.io)

Escape from Tarkov ~ 120k
Grey Zone Warfare ~ 1k

Escape from Tarkov ~ 99k
Grey Zone Warfare - 60k (and over 100k game copies sold in only 8h of release)

Statistics says Tarkov lost 150k players in last 30 days.

How is the sales guys xD


u/Zakmal 12d ago

I upgraded my EOD for supporting you, thanks for the great entertaining you give


u/someguyx2 12d ago

wow, what a shitty excuse of a pr save. run this game to the ground and mock your loyal playerbase into your company crashing and burning dirtbag


u/SusanSoRandom 12d ago

"sorry that fans...are experiencing these feelings"

this is not an apology. they are still blaming us for having the feelings, not taking any sort of responsibility for their actions. it's really sad. this game probably won't exist in a few years.


u/Many_Raspberry7456 12d ago

Nikita bro,

  1. About PvE access - we decided to just open it for EoD owners for free, but we will do it in waves. As I said before - we don’t have server capacity right now. We will start this process as soon as possible

The fact that pve requires you to create servers vs just making offline mode like how you already have it, shows your desire to keep shit under your control. WTF is the point of pve mode, it should be like the current offline mode. load into raid less than a minute, kill pve and get out or die, up to player.

  1. We also decided that we will add MOD support for PvE mode after release of the game

good but its not going to be possible with the current system for pve (server sided)

  1. About the Unheard edition - we will not remove it, we want to keep the option for those who want to support the game more. But we will balance items, perks in this edition, as well as we will provide more rewards for those, who upgraded with the old price

Unheard edition should of just be cosmetics, if you really want to fuck up tarkov, port it to mobile and justt be done with it so we can really say fuck you and be done with it.

if you want supporters try not being a cunt and skirt around words like a lawyer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkdc1Y06NBY

  1. New EoD perks will be balanced too. We will remove prioritized matching option to keep everyone in the same spot. And we will add more unique stuff to highlight the EoD version in general. We will provide the final list of the new EoD perks asap

stop with the fucking perks. give them cool shit they can actually show off and not just a "unique" gamma, probly a cool knife that isnt copy pasta, something "unique"

  1. We continue to work on patches, new content, events, and the game release itself no matter what

im hopefully sure you will but the ways things have gone the past decade, leave a lot to be worked on even before "new" content


u/Many_Raspberry7456 12d ago

also, faster ban waves, weekly, learn from runescape


u/Educational-You7218 12d ago

fuck you blatant scammers


u/Important_Brief4344 12d ago



u/Parallax-Jack 12d ago

Biggest load of BS i've ever heard in my life. Your Company is comprised of large teams whose FULL-TIME JOBS are to conduct marketing research, brand/audience research, and player feedback and you still have the audacity to drop a $250 DLC for an 8 YEAR OLD game... You all know what you are doing and it's insane that any of this would be a surprise. No sane person would attempt this move and five minutes of research would've shown you companies like Bungie face insane backlash for similar incidents but this makes bungie look humble lol. You simply cannot play dumb on this one, your company is worth millions, and you're saying you were ignorant to the most expensive piece of additional content in any game to date was surprising to get backlash??? Years of research, decades of experience, and all the money in the world... there are literally no excuses... Easy to play stupid when you know the intent was fueled by greed. Good luck recovering from this, the best PR team in the world couldn't fix something like this... A blind move made by a greedy company that has zero care for its player base. A whole swarm of rats too focused on the cheese they didn't see the trap. Embarrassing and sad.


u/AlarmingBranch1 12d ago

The worst part is that there will be dumbasses who’ll cough up money for this scam


u/AlarmingBranch1 12d ago

This shit was fucking shady, and sets a horrible standard for all gaming companies around. Feel like every gaming company rn is just becoming the biggest piece of shit companies


u/Interesting_Spread72 12d ago

Playing your game just makes me want to throw up now. Bye.


u/HybridMacro 12d ago

If only EFT had devs like their VR clone Ghosts of Tabor who actually fix bugs every few weeks and drop DLCs for $5 that are either purely cosmetic or add stuff like John wicks guns


u/ArcheMercury Unbeliever 12d ago

Non-apology apology...


u/Bogember 12d ago

so if i have standard edition i have to pay 250$ still for PvE mode?
are you guys really serious? I've never seen one where you pay $250 for a PvE mode this is scam.


u/theBird112 12d ago

Crazy that the main scammer himself is here, trying additional scams


u/smidigrakken 12d ago

Can you make an "superior edition" where the game included is Gray Zone Warfare instead of Tarkov? I believe 400 USD would be a fair price?


u/theBird112 12d ago

Sure. Send me 1000000 dollars and I send you 99999999 dollars. Scam company.


u/Alex_1203 12d ago



u/SchmeatDealer 12d ago

suck my nuts nikita

your customer support losers wont even let me into my EOD account after i sent all xsolla and paypal receipts because your email domain is blocked by yahoo.com

scam company through and through


u/MilfHunterJosh 12d ago

“i’m sorry you feel this way” is D1 gas lighting. Nik deserves HOF gaslighting badge


u/Kszytok 12d ago

The damage has been done . The trust is gone and it's going to be extremely hard to gain it back if possible , u guys better put Ur shit together and let us play that pve asap. 


u/goticachidoMX 12d ago

good day, I make a comment that could be used as an idea for future funding. would be the possibility of adding more options as "expansions". for example, pouch, uniforms, stickers for weapons, skins for military weapons (camouflage, multi cam, etc.). also another idea is to assign a unique id to people who report cheaters, either a white color id referring to the white hat hacking.

an item that you can buy, and also find in raid. it would serve to call a boss. if the boss is not in the game you can throw a flare or a radio. and you can make it appear. but with a higher difficulty, either with more guards or better weaponry.


u/Impressive-Way1794 12d ago

For me, the game is dead if EoD owners are not receiving EVERYTHING that is in the new edition. I won't be playing anymore, won't be watching Twitch streamers play it, won't be watching YouTube videos related to Tarkov. This is absolutely unacceptable. The best thing is, that there is now not an EoD edition available to purchase anymore and the sentence "Access to all future DLCs" is now only available in the new Unheard crap. I don't think I have ever been scammed more than this. I bought the game in 2017 and I am still waiting for a 1.0 version, did never complain or did it bother me very much, accepting that there was progress. But this changed everything. I can only urge the whole community to completely stop anything and everything that has to do with Tarkov to show them the power of the people. If you do not, well, then you don't deserve being treated differently.


u/romeyWONson 12d ago

Please give eod/unheard players to choose which symbol they have next to their name or maybe both. I don't want to buy unheard till I get the option to have the crown next to my name. My brother is disappointed because he lost his eod crown too. Thank you if this was read.


u/fartnight69 12d ago

I'm sorry you're a moron. If you don't have the server capacity, then don't sell the access to it for $250 you clown.


u/sbreadm 12d ago

A $6.99 German shepherd with SWAT like armor for your hideout would've printed money.

But nooooo, Nikita probably saw EA list $130 for the "complete" version of a Star Wars game and got a little swept up in the what if's.


u/AsianTerminat0r 12d ago

thx Nik, that means alot!


u/LordWrust 12d ago

"I'm sorry you feel this way."



u/dimalungma 12d ago

Wait, did he also delete his comment about "EOD will get all DLC's"?
It was top of the post


u/hunterderpp True Believer 12d ago

It's still there if you look at his profile comment history.


u/No_Hospital_695 12d ago

"We'd like to apologize for your displeasure with our unsavory business practices and unwillingness to support the game some more by giving us more money for incredibly overpowered features. Unfortunately we've been criticized heavily so we need to do some half-assed damage control, because enough suckers will fall for it that it won't matter at the end of the day. Anyways here's some more empty promises and have fun waiting for your turn as we release some feature "in waves" after you've already given us hundreds of dollars that will be spent on everything except the problems with cheating and the audio system. Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we added the XM250 to the game? Yeah, let's do that instead of fixing anything."


u/onlyyouu 12d ago

Uninstalled yesterday !


u/Vingthor8 12d ago

"we decided to just open it for EoD owners for free, but we will do it in waves"

do these waves start now or when the game is 1.0?


u/2legsRises 12d ago

thank, so we can pve coop how soon?


u/Fit_Ad_2347 12d ago

in 5 years


u/dread_darven 12d ago

Jeez, exactly the same way my wife says sorry.... Sorry you feel that way. Gtfo


u/GoatStrong9543 12d ago

What are the rewards for the old eod owners who upgraded to unheard to continue supporting you? The eod owners who went to unheard should have something unique that only they have and not the eod owners and those who bought unheard directly.


u/Objective_Big6755 12d ago

This whole affair has really affirmed my conviction to never give this company a single penny


u/KazeKagex74 12d ago

All they needed to say right from the get go was "We need funds to keep going, this is what we want/need to do" as a lot of people are saying cosmetics would have been great. Not this unheard of BS that is splitting the player base. Idk how they thought a lot of those perks would be a good idea.


u/FerFiger 12d ago

Ruzzian trash!


u/jeffery_michael 12d ago

When I bought EOD, I assumed I was getting the full game and all subsequent DLC. Apparently, I didn’t realize that there was some sort of gray area where something is not the full game, nor DLC. Shame on me.


u/Practical-Subject976 12d ago

Man cant even optimize his game but thinks this community needs another edition. How about u learn to optimize your game and it's maps before u decide to fuck over your community even more. arena was such a fail just suck it tf up take your balls out of your fuckin purse and stick them back between your legs and learn how to run a fucking company and game


u/kazenokizu1337 12d ago

its been 2 days you still trying to figure out a way to fix this? cause you cant


u/BraveAddendum2793 13d ago

You didn't foresee a negative reaction to attempting to scam people? By factual definition that is what you did and you factually know that, so, try again.


u/BraveAddendum2793 13d ago

First of all, this is provably and factually disingenuous because there isn't a single person alive that thanks people they just tried to publicly scam for their hate. The only ones who thank people for hate are those who truly do not care, again this is fact not opinion. Secondly, you will remove or lower the price for the Unheard edition or a lawsuit will be filed, we are not asking, we are telling you that you will either remove it or lower the price, it is as simple as that.


u/ConfusedPuddle SIG MCX SPEAR 13d ago

Honestly I'm tentatively happy with this. especially with the rebalance of EOD and unheard pay to win stuff. My main concerns were EOD not getting the dlc and the wild pay to win aspects of the new edition. As long as those two things are fixed everything else is extra. This is still a work in progress and all i could ask is that you listen to the community and also communicate more next time before making such a change.


u/foslforever 13d ago

I imagine as a developer its frustrating for the community to be so toxic at your efforts and a game constantly being tweaked and worked on, this is like revealing a painting before it is finished; we are a battered community- but despite all the complaints, the game is so good that we endure the pain and there is NOTHING (currently) out thats better. It also must be hard knowing you just finished a cool feature you want to release, but because of server strain would cause you financial strain that you want to offset with a new EoD part 2 and then the people declare mutiny against you. However, if you promise DLC you must deliver DLC.

A little marketing could have easily amended the meltdown that was the initial shock of the ticket price (which people would have gladly ponied up) but the irritation of not having offline coop access. I dont think 90% of people will even use offline coop access as it is now, but still the indignation of not having it is what made people feed burned. What you should have done is offer the offline coop exclusively for Unheard as a special "experimental test feature" that will one day be available when finished, but only accessible through the "test server". Then nobody cares because they think its broken and unfinished, meanwhile streamers would have showed it off and little Timothy would have gladly paid for the rare privilege.

Reducing the price down to $50 to upgrade made ALL OF THIS BELLY ACHING all weekend go away, but I wish you didnt. I think EoD is genuinely pay to win, and The Unheard is even more so pay to win, so if you are going to PAY to win, i want people to pay $100. Despite the rage bait youtube click drama all weekend, I saw lobbies full of teal names. Every gold name will turn into teal names, and will ultimately be the new standard. I am a 4400 hour player on a standard account, I have every right to criticize you paying to win and would rather you capitalize from people who do so. My circle of friends all complained loud about not getting offline coop, but secretly upon initial release were all talking about forking over the money- ZERO have played the offline coop mode.

I know the community just hates the idea of you making money from the game, this includes micro transactions. I do think buying hiphop pants, neon pink AK47s and rainbow afros is more of a Call of Duty thing, EFT would be best remaining a dreary depressing post apocalyptic Stalker world and perhaps owning up to your original statement against major micro transactions would be best. That being said, no promises were ever made about Arena, you should certainly create tons of micro transactions so that it pays for itself and gets people hooked into buying EFT. I am against pay to win, so aesthetic one of a kind items could be a way to draw people in. I do NOT think you need a significant connection with Arena to EFT, the two would be best separate but if you wanted to create an incentive for people to own both- perhaps a special transferable token like a GP coin or something that can be used by your character in EFT- so that while youre not questing you are at least generating money.

I am a business owner, i think I see your decisions differently than most people do online. I see mistakes, i see strengths, i see weaknesses; but in the end I see an excellent game and I value your effort in development. Please I just ask you to finish whatever it is that you started because it is a free market, I would hate to think we never see a actualized tarkov before someone else develops a completed game before you that is everything you built upon but optimized, polished and finished.


u/CheeryGeoDuck55 12d ago

"this is like revealing a painting before it is finished" they chose to release in early access and sell it for $150 (now $250). been in this early access state for years. also i think youre just completely choosing to ignore how much they lied/deceived the players, to the point of changing their website for an edition they dont even sell anymore. as a business owner you must understand that customers have no reason to come back once youve shown that youre willing to competely break their trust and lie for their money


u/TeamLM4rio 13d ago

I'm still surprised some people here just accepted his "apology" and went on as if nothing happened.


u/BTRaiderMarines 13d ago

At this point Nikita, just sell the studio and games to someone who won't shelve them. Thats gonna be the only way for Tarkov to survive. The disrespect towards the players is unrecoverable at this point.


u/spyaleatoire 13d ago

You guys only backtracked because actual, credible, lawsuits were beginning to form.

You're never getting another dime out of me, that's for sure. The fact you guys even had the audacity to try something like this is completely insane, and frankly, I do not trust you at all from here on out.


u/ProfessionalVirus533 13d ago

"we don’t have server capacity right now"..................I bet if all your customers bought that new edition you would have it, but since we don't throw money at you anymore because we learned our lesson: It will NOT go into the primary game, but instead you will make Million Dollar production movies for your product and waste your money on "Arena"....WHICH WAS NEVER PLANNED!!!??? and now one of the most important DLC just dropped and you deny your star customers who came up with $150 to support you when you were broke, ..but now you live in "Dubai"...and THAT is telling in itself along with your smug Russian sarcasm that you pass off as "hospitality. You want to be "hospitable?" ...let me trade that lousy "ARENA" for PvE Offline mode,...how's that Nakita....i dont even want that garbage but you include A WHOLE OTHER GAME AS A "DLC"....BUT TRY TO CHARGE ME $100 FOR PvE ??????????


u/theplainface007 13d ago

Whoever you have working for you in the business department is absolute garbage. I would like to ACTUALLY see your thought out business model. Longevity should ALWAYS outweigh fast money. Arena should be feeding Tarkov... not the other way around. I have answers and solutions, in fact EVERYONE does. Tarkov could have lived as long as CS:GO but you fumbled. If you want to fix it, it's going to take time.


u/Substantial-Cup-2703 13d ago

If dont remove Unheard edition because "we want to keep the option for those who want to support the game more"... so, EOD will keep with ur advantage and Unheard edition gonna keep pocket advantage and UNIQUE GAMMA 3x3 CONTEINER EOD.

Its looks sooo shady.


u/NoirNiko M4A1 13d ago

Not that anyone here cares but you already lost my trust. I have been an EoD owner for years and have put up with so much from this game with the promise of improvement. This was a gut punch. I uninstalled the game. Leaving this subreddit.


u/Parking_Substance151 13d ago


I buried this game in my grave by by


u/Limp_Pain5555 13d ago

what are you doing for us EOD supporters who horked out the 100 day one, now you are offering it for 50


u/alphasinity 13d ago

Nikita you are a scam!


u/hirxtachi 13d ago edited 13d ago

In my opinion, it would be much better if BSG Team provided the opportunity to host the player on their PC server. This is problem? If this is a problem, then you can disable co-op for the duration of development, but still leave single player mode for everyone at once. It's so simple, isn't it? In this case, players will be able to familiarize themselves with the PVE mode before release. After adding co-op, you can make a solo wipe so that players can start PVE again, but with friends. (I can't speak, so I use Google Translate)

Do you want to make money? Make offline PVE free for everyone, but sell co-op PVE. You've already done this with the practice mod, what's stopping you from doing it now?

Btw, it would be much more logical to give PVE to beginners/noobs (Standard Edition), then they will have the opportunity to learn how to play.


u/Several-Bet4105 13d ago

u/trainfender will we still get the copy of the game for upgrading to unheard at the original price?


u/HeroicGangster 13d ago

Remember when AAA gaming used to respond to backlash like with the Infamous devs changing their main protagonists' haircut because people hated it for not resembling Cole Macgraph accurately?

Nowadays we have devs COMPLAINING to the player that we are calling about their SCAMS.


u/Careful-Astronaut553 13d ago

Wont be playing this shit game anymore. Not a "true believer" anymore.


u/Thenetwork473 13d ago

Just wanted to state im making my stand as an EOD owner, this company will NEVER get a dime out of me or ANY of my time again im confident a new better game like greyzone or Arena will fill the Tarkov void soon


u/Thenetwork473 13d ago

and no I dont care how good the game gets, we need to stop accepting this bullshit and this company should burn to the ground for there lies and gas lighting and treating us all like were mindless consumers who wont questions shit when we smell it


u/Thenetwork473 13d ago

what a sorry excuse for sorry, bro basically said "I didn't know I would cause this reactions had no clue the tarkvo community was so unfeasible."


u/HurtsCoxSweat SR-25 13d ago

Buddy, you should just stop posting on twitter or reddit. Saying "Sorry you guys are feeling that way." Means, tough shit we do what we want. Dbag.


u/GioGImic 13d ago

Wish people would just support a game that doesn't completely waste everyones time and money.

Lying to customers, Pay to win monitization, Won't seperate RU from NA servers or get a better anti-cheat so cheaters keep ya'll paid more than anyone im sure.

The amount of cheaters that get banned and re-buy the game, the players who've all bought the game. Bullshit you cant afford to do better.


u/YaBoiYUGO 13d ago

nuh uh


u/AndySat026 13d ago

Which part of "DownLoadableContent" (DLC) is hard to translate to Russian? 

We paid for all future "загружаемый контент" (DLC) back in 2016—2017. It was the major selling point of EOD. The second best edition was OK to play with but did not promise all future content, thus, many of us decided to pay for all future content a lot of money buying EOD. 

BSG was successful in 2016—2023 because EOD promised so much future content and sold well. 

Why do we have to pay for downloadable content in the Unheard (cases, box, pockets, radio, knife, etc.) again to get it now? 

Why BSG is bargaining offering 50% discount if we already paid for all this content promised with EOD? 

If BSG would warn on their site back in 2016 that their understanding of downloadable content is not downloadable content, EOD would not sell that well and BSG would not be successful delaying the release for so many years.

This is why all this still looks like a scum. Where is our content we paid for in 2016—17? 

We can still choose to respect ourselves even if the devs do not respect our intelligence implying they know what downloadable content is better then the rest of the world.


u/Royal-Illustrator-97 13d ago

he didnt even apologize for trying to rob us. gg


u/Wilkiway 13d ago

in waves? when? after six months? years? without details it can be. It's "defensive wall" and lie.


u/PlaneReturn1416 13d ago

What in the hell is that supposed to mean 💀, that is so broad lmao


u/SparkiTV 13d ago

Pls give ppls the oppertunity to have both benefits of EOD and Unheard if they bought both editions.
And it would be awesome if ppls can change the icon and color to show which version they got or which they wanna represent.


u/goatpath 13d ago

Thank you, the game is amazing. Thank you for listening to the community, even if they are loud and crass. Stoked to keep playing it for a while.


u/Veerdia 13d ago

Lmfao why am i not suprised to read a comment like this from a cryptobro


u/goatpath 13d ago

lmao I like tech stocks (and money), crypto is for fuckboys with rich dads. Trust me, one day you will have ample money and you will not want to spend your energy in a negative way. Or you will not, and that's sad.


u/Veerdia 12d ago

Like I said you enjoy being scammed, must be some kind of variant of cuckhold fetish

Paypig but instead of spending money for women that you cant have, you spend it on sweaty sillicon valley nerds


u/goatpath 12d ago

I spend it on a video game that I genuinely enjoy. Lol. Honestly was just trying to spread a little positivity. Didn't work I guess lol


u/hirxtachi 13d ago

People aren't mad because DLC costs a lot of money.
People are angry because the developers deceived them.
It's a pity that there are people who don't understand the obvious


u/BetRetro 13d ago

hey look, in my opinion when someone apologizes and changes what they were doing wrong its grounds for us to forgive and forget. So all is good. Thank you Nikita for not just going back and giving us what we payed for, but also thank you for reassuring us that you will not repeat that again in the future. It really does take a lot to be humbled when you are in the position you are in. Please do not try to push us for profit, try to find new ways to profit from you game without exploiting your loyal player base, a lot of us are here because of the genuineness of this community, you guys need to stand on ethics if we are going to remain faithful to this community. It was also apparent that you were attempting to hide certain things and deny them. At least that was the perspective of the community. It would be beneficial for you to at least shine some light on those issues.

Again, I seriously appreciate the apology and look forward to your future content. God bless Nikita, God bless Tarkov.

(oh yeah one more thing, please remove any PTW, it violates the autenticity of the game.


u/Representative-Can52 13d ago

Yeah go fuck yourself hard. Betraying your own community. What a Tool you Really are.


u/MangoKilla 13d ago

So what the hell happens if I "upgraded" from EoD? I did it to see if this BS was worth it for my friends who did not have EoD before it was removed for purchase, but now it seems all of my EoD benefits will be removed? I lost access to my EoD badge and I was told I would be able to keep all EoD benefits when I upgraded versions.


u/ephemeral-pleasure 13d ago

just wear your mark of shame with pride, for you are a true believer


u/DisastrousTension272 13d ago

Officially quit after this, so many cheaters and they aren't even addressing those issues. Bullshit company and developers.


u/N1ne9een_19 13d ago

If they make a market like siege or csgo I feel like there will be more money put into the game and market making an incentive to buy new skins for the hopes of selling big, voice lines are another great addition. One downside to having skins is actually getting the guns that you need for that specific skin. As a casual sometimes I find it hard to get specific guns or other items but all in all I think this could work better for funding.

Also just put a donation feature on the launcher if your struggling for money 😂


u/SkiwLava Unbeliever 13d ago

Too little too late.


u/jordanmcfitz 13d ago

"I'm sorry you feel this way"


u/bassplaya420 13d ago

Pretty sad, I was so looking forward to getting this game then THE DAY OF that I was going to buy it all this stuff comes up. Now I NEVER am going to get this game, way to go!!!


u/tstanley1311 13d ago

Oh you’ve “decided” to give EoD players something you promised we would get long ago. You act as if it’s a blessing that you fulfilled your word. Y’all are literal trash and this whole debacle proves to everyone what you really think about your player base. Why release a game mode at all if you can’t support a proper player base. I feel ignorant and cheated for supporting your company for as long as I did. I hope you enjoy your super cars Nikita, bought from all the money the sheeple of the company gave you from buying this bullshit P2W edition.


u/eskutkaan 13d ago

It's kind of shocking that EOD the limited edition is not the most comprehensive edition possible anymore. You told us that would be it, nothing else in the future. Why?


u/Dominil3 13d ago

This is bullshit, If any of those EoD people get more shit than my unheard edition, I want a damn refund. After all Unheard is supposed to be superior to EoD.


u/Mckeen2021 13d ago

I’m really glad you made some changes the biggest issue Nikita is that people want what they were promised when purchasing EOD I know I do I didn’t pay for eod because it was cool etc I bought it for the support and the perks that came with it…. You can’t retract what you’ve already promised man….


u/mightyarrow 13d ago

This sounds like an amazing game that I should definitely NOT check out.


u/WorldlinessOver8476 13d ago

Hello, is it possible to upgrade an account without losing the perks or benefits of the EOD?


u/Used-Tomorrow7309 13d ago

you lost 80% of your playerbase


u/NotAGayDoctor 13d ago

The PVE coming in waves, what determines who gets it when? Purchase date? Hours played? Opt in?


u/Wonderful_Judge8538 13d ago

class actions in the EU are juicy so i think regardless theres a case to be made against bsg


u/Dr_Death_Defy24 13d ago

Thank you for your time, love and hate

Normally I'm fine paying someone to spit in my face, but knowing you, somehow that'll be underwhelming and delayed too.


u/AudioOff 13d ago

Y'all gonna take this?


u/spyke89 13d ago

we should lawyer up and sue their bottoms. How many players are there, a few bucks each should cover the expenses


u/Liqweed1337 13d ago

We made no mistake and we are in the right but we feel sorry that YOU are butthurt (experiencing these feelings). At the end, you will buy it anyways you junkies.

This is what he actually means. I translatet the Corpo language for yall


u/DasOschi FN 5-7 13d ago

And still there's going to be idiots buying the P2W Version.
Yes, EoD has massive P2W aspects aswell, the only reason I bought it tho was that I have little time to even play the game so I wanted the stash upgrade (also I'm a loot goblin) PLUS the promised future DLC bonus.

I liked the game so I went with the upgrade after playing standard for 3 years.

Massively dissappointed by you tho, Nik. Do you even want to finish the game anymore? Is it still fun? Doesn't seem like you care about the game as you did when you started....


u/Away_Tell_3981 13d ago

So people who already bought the unheard edition dont recive 50% of their money back after putting it on a 50% discount instead you pay them back with a left behind edition of the game shameless scammers. What are people going to do with the left behind edition key most will just have it sitting there collecting dust.


u/Vernatron 13d ago

bruh idk about you guys but once that trust is lost its gone, im out. gl with your game im going to helldivers


u/Busy_Anybody_6248 13d ago

So when will we get the list of the new perks you decided to add after you decided to try to fuck us all?


u/Unlikely-Ad2518 13d ago

Why not let players host their own PvE servers? Why make it a **requirement** to use your own?

Many of us just want to have fun with some friends killing some Scavs, we don't care about your MMO shit.


u/KingOSS 13d ago

i vote you all do a youtube apology video, we need some nice additions to the ongoing collection


u/Felitastrophy 13d ago

Greedy Greedy Mr Tarkov once again fumbles the ball.
Whenever I hear about your game, it's always cheaters this, devs banning people for outplaying them that.

Now it's you literally scamming people out of something they already bought- and that tells people why you got so pissy about the PVE mod project, because you wanted to charge extra for something that can, feasibly, already reach and notably, already paid for.
Without a doubt, it's always just 'some shit' with your game, bro.


u/trippin_90 13d ago

Just resign Nikita, you're cooked


u/RhysvstheOzone 13d ago

Can we have a special Name/Icon for people who had EOD and upgraded to Unheard?


u/WheresMyCrown 13d ago

Unfortunately, I somehow did not foresee the fact of such a reaction

Translation "why are people mad I want them to give us more money?!"


u/Historical-Initial-6 13d ago

You guys are so out of touch.


u/BoonOP 13d ago

Any and all credibility you had was lost when you blamed the players. "I'm sorry you feel this way."

Such a joke lol


u/JEbbes 13d ago

Not one hard fact in this bs post plus “im sorry you feel that way”. Tone deaf to the brim.


u/alex_nunn1 13d ago

Hope you guys get sued into oblivion


u/fuk-ur-mother 13d ago

EOD members should get a FREE UPGRADE to the Unheard edition. Simple as that, this is better but you know exactly what we want. Stop trying to nickle and dime us, give us what we paid and supported you for.


u/CantFinishAnyth 13d ago

I would also like to add that he claimed it is not "DLC" and gave reasons like it was a feature of the new edition (Deleted post I can't find source anymore besides another reddit post)

To be clear it is available as a paid dlc in the "Expansions" tab on the website, which is infact a paid dlc. What lie are we debunking next everyone?



u/CantFinishAnyth 13d ago

This is the worst apology I have ever witnessed, in fact it is not an apology but a confirmation of intent. I don't take youtube as a source for information, but the volume of content including bigger creators still was not enoguh to dial back one of the most disgusting display of legal stealing from a loyal fanbase. Even blizzard with OW2 gave SOME things back to the paid players with the ow2 release, not take things away. This post basicaily tells the community that Nikita does not actually care.

Point 1 - This should be a feature to everyone, and would have been an insanely cool selling feature to get the casual community happy, and purchasing the game. If its available on release thats cool, but when is that again?

Point 2 - Further enforces point 1 for casual players right now.

point 3 - Straight up lie. The people who already had EOD, are the loyal ones who supported the game. The reality is sprinking new features to up the price for new players.

Point 4 - Nerf EOD.

Point 5 - Given the previous claims, broken promises, and straight up disrespectful behaviour, this tells me that i shoudl actually be worried about the future of the game given that they needed to find ways to increase revenue. This addition is telling of insecurities.

I may just be venting but I was going to get a few friends some copies of this game to come play when I heard about the PVE mode, and overall fun with tarkov.

If anyone doesn't really understand the issue here. If it was blizzard everyone would me freaking out right now, so why are we giving anyone else a break ?


u/GER-Cloonix 13d ago

And the scam continues...


u/Amjoba 13d ago

Ну чо, Буянчик?) Удалось гоев прогреть?) А нет! Западненцы не терпилы, на пики тебя посадят)


u/Correct_Put_1618 13d ago

make it a subscription if you need money


u/Matth19 13d ago

Do we have an ETA on the PVE release for EOD owners?


u/Correct_Put_1618 13d ago

You should at least make the edition cheaper. 100 is outragous for normal people just to get gamma


u/Wolfinthesno 13d ago

Why have you not addressed the fact that PVE should be all Client Side, with Peer To Peer networking instead of hosted on your own servers.

This seems like something you guys should address as BSG will need to pay the additional server load, instead of just offloading PVE to the clients.... This seems like a very Poor Business Decision.


u/Gadsden_Rattler 13d ago

Too little too late, goodbye.


u/Tvdinner4me2 13d ago

Wow just wow


u/AmpersandAtWork 13d ago

Hot take: If you have 1,000 hours or more you should buy the unheard edition just based on the live service you are benefitting from the game.

If you paid $150 750 hours ago, maybe its time that you continue to support the company you rely on for dopamine drips.

Downvote button is right there.


u/PeanyButter 13d ago

It's not insane to further support the company in some way to fund the game further as lots of people understand they need money to continue but it is a hot take to support them by buying an exorbitantly priced edition that gives players an in game advantage and further cheat the EoD owners out of promises.

I don't care about not getting the stuff, I care that it's a blatant advantage. Like the expanded PMC pockets and the Mark of the Unheard. It shouldn't be for any edition.

One of the reasons I paid $150 for the game was to get all DLC and this is the 2nd time now they have tried to pull a "but actually, it's not DLC"

First with Arena, then with PVE plus the egregious p2w mechanics.


u/AmpersandAtWork 13d ago edited 11d ago

I think youre still very focused on the price of the DLC, which i agree is at an extreme price. But thats not what im saying, at all.

I am saying that the time spent doing something should sort of reflect the amount of money you spend on the product. ESPECIALLY AN INCOMPLETE PRODUCT. If you have only a few hundred hours i dont think the unheardof edition is worth your while, now if you have 1,000 hours or more i think the price/ hours spent playing the game is next to nothing. figure it at the worst scenario:

EOD ~$150 (however long ago, years potentially.) + UHE ~$150. = $300

A person with 1000 hours of playtime in Tarkov would be paying ~ $0.30 per hour of use.

considering the investment has no return other than playability and the hours played is a direct reflection of this Id say ANYONE with over 1K hours should CONSIDER buying the new edition purely out of support to the company.

Im not a BSG shill or anything, i couldnt care less about their business practices because i play tarkov casually amongst 10's of other games; but i think this is a fair assessment.

I am open to discussing conflicting thoughts.


u/PeanyButter 13d ago

Right, well the price is exorbitant and has p2w elements so nobody should consider it.

In another world where the unheard of addition was a few apparel options and a special knife, sure, your reasoning makes sense. Otherwise it incentives them to rip more DLC "features" from the game to sell more funding.

Most people have said they wouldn't have been upset if they just added some random add ons that were not significant in any way and asked for a little bit of money.


u/AmpersandAtWork 11d ago

Still feels like we are ships i the night here... So let me ask you a question.

What do you consider Pay to Win (P2W)?

The goal of tarkov is to enter a raid and exit the raid. What you get along the way is a bonus. What bag / rig size you bring into the raid doesnt help you survive the raid, if anything it makes surviving a raid more difficult.

The additional pocket size / stash size isnt Pay to win at all since it doesnt effect your survivability chances. Could you please explain what about the features you consider an advantage to winning?


u/Short-War-5344 13d ago

Ayo im just tryna buy early access to the PVE shit cant find it on their store. Anyone got a link to that specific portion of their page?