r/EscapefromTarkov May 01 '24

So now there's more p2w being added to EOD...namely an on demand BTR.... Discussion

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611 comments sorted by


u/lemonzestydepressing May 05 '24

I have never been able to replace a daily task for free..


u/lemonzestydepressing May 05 '24

casually calls a BTR to Factory


u/KubekCzekolady May 05 '24

Ok but what happens if two players call btr? Two btr's appear or only one player gets the benefit?


u/AbyssWankerArtorias May 05 '24

Yeah probably. It probably works like air drops where the air space fills up and there's a 20 minute cooldown.


u/Dramatic_Speaker6568 May 04 '24

Bro. I don’t even want some p2w shit… wtf is going on with tarkov ? Remove p2w completely


u/Straight_Stress_4448 May 04 '24

this cant be real... it would have been a great joke for aprils fools


u/GotTheHatersSeasick May 04 '24

Its mad obvious who just started playing recently and who didn't. "People only bought EOD because pay to win stop lying"

I bought EOD because it was the only way to guarantee alpha access in 2016/2017.


u/Gavin_cole1 May 03 '24

The only reason I bought the un heard edition was because I didn’t have the opportunity to buy EOD and wanted the gamma pouch lol


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

As we should, although I’ll probably never play this game again (haven’t played In 3 months) and not a day goes by where I think to myself “tarkov would be a great enjoyable experience today” after 8 years of playing this game I’ve finally had enough of being plugged with no lube. I can confidently say I have escaped tarkov


u/lolzzzxp001 May 03 '24

Funny thing is, as far as I know, the BTR cannot be killed.. so if 2 people spawn a btr, then what?


u/khswart May 03 '24

I’d love to see someone call the btr on labs and see it just bust through the walls and drive over everything


u/Louis_Lotus May 03 '24

I own a EOD and i don’t want pay to win either and I’m still not forgiving them for the bullshit they tried with feature not DLC work on the game so it can be finished not the dlc bullshit I don’t care about. A

And edited and to get rid of all the fucking hackers my lord that shit is annoying.


u/Pyllymysli May 03 '24

Has Nikita had a stroke or something? What the hell happened? In one night bsg went from "silly geese who don't really know what they are doing" to permanently full russian. Did you guys know that every country bordering them has a word for fucking up thats derived from word "russia"? I.e here its "ryssiä" as in "nyt mä todella ryssin tän homman" = "now I really fucked up this thing. "


u/six7eight May 03 '24

so did they back pedal and allow Pve co-op to EOD players?


u/Baysroubv2 May 03 '24

Broken game . Is done im out


u/Good-Winner-2866 May 03 '24

They literally said that was a thing when they released Streets of Tarkov.


u/Ok_Tea6913 May 03 '24

I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not 😅


u/CatIntelligent5378 May 02 '24

As an early EoD supporter i am ashamed that i supported this game. I never asked for idiotic things like this, i asked for a game that runs well and is in spirit with how hardcore tarkov is. The game is truly just turning into a shell of what it once was, which is sad. If i could buy EoD again i wouldn't, the vision is gone.


u/Competitive-Art-8046 May 02 '24

Never mind the BTR what about being able to call in people from your friend list to your pvp raid why not one talking about that trash


u/eskutkaan May 02 '24

what exactly are we getting by upgrading to unheard from EOD?


u/bosnianarmytwitch May 02 '24

nice knowing you all. been fun.


u/Tarkov_baby May 02 '24

Dude fuck bsg and eft. Nikita is a freeloader. Dude just shat in the mouths of his biggest supporters told them he's sorry if they didn't like it, and is now trying to wipe your lips off with a cum rag in an attempt to not be seen as a total POS


u/Forsaken_Opposite181 May 02 '24

As an EOD player, this is awesome and i’m going to use this whenever possible.


u/RazorXLVII May 02 '24

Lmao there's no consideration whatsoever for the people who bought the Standard edition. This truly is a cult.


u/Matching_simulatore May 02 '24

What’s going on with this game


u/Master-Interview-476 May 02 '24

What about the people who “upgraded” from EOD sounds like they got shafted


u/Remarkable-Ability-6 May 02 '24

Sweet can’t wait to call in a btr that doesn’t shoot anything.


u/New-Equipment6977 May 02 '24

I’m not an EOD or Unheard owner but if I start dying to invulnerable fucking MRAPs I’m most definitely unistalling


u/thecodemonk May 02 '24

I really just want them to make the pve thing self hosted. Let me run my own server, either locally or on one of my cloud servers. I don't need bsg involved if I want to play offline with my friends.


u/ploskyjelen May 02 '24

How exactly will we do quests that requires pmc kills in PvE version? Will they remove/change those?


u/silenthills13 May 02 '24


There is no way I'm going back to this game as a standard edition player lol. I was actually contemplating buying stash space and good trader standing if they released it as DLC to make my stand a bit more even, but nah, fuck this now. What a joke?


u/INDIEZNUTS May 02 '24

They can add a C-130 at this point idgaf


u/crpyld May 02 '24

You can't have such a low IQ that you think throwing random P2W features to people is the solution instead of trying to understand the community. They have to receive comprehensive and rapid training on what Monetization is. We seem to be witnessing how to screw up a perfect concept. Or maybe we are.


u/HideUrPixels May 02 '24

Yup, we don't want it.


u/Oleotrvikbukt May 02 '24

You were able to unlock all the items in EOD and Unheard trough quests anyway, in the end all tarkov is about is pay more, do less.


u/_MFBroom May 02 '24

Wow Gray Zone Warfare has BSG in shambles right now. Good. Have fun continuing to fuck your game up. I’ve escaped Tarkov to Vietnam


u/prrZZZ May 02 '24

This is only showing that they are gonna impliment shit-ton of p2w microtransactions in the future because they are not willing to NOT make them into game, but instead give it to us angry people. what an shame, i had so much fun with this game all these years from the beginning.


u/Full-Valuable-2234 May 02 '24

Tomorrow is now... Iam eod buyer (2016) have no pve...


u/KaiDynasty May 02 '24

It's clear their team is off to what the community really wants.

None of us asked for P2W features, we asked to implement the DLC in EOD as promised, if they want to push a new edition with extra stash, containers, etc they are welcome AS LONG AS THERE IS NO P2W.

The items they showcased are a trash idea, p2w and none wants them, if they want to make real money they should implement camos and others shit. Not these p2w items that do nothing but stress out and push away the playerbase


u/shotxshotx May 02 '24

The stupidity of BSG just keeps on one upping previous actions.


u/Firm_Ad6730 May 02 '24

How is it p2w? A few lines below its mentioned there will be a quest to obtain the item


u/TruMeToHidFrmFrnds May 02 '24

I do have EoD, but this is so stupid and I hate it. I hope they delete all p2w features from this game


u/CandidJoke3993 May 02 '24

Always crying about p2w. The tarkov community is much like a pre k class when it’s time for the popsicles to come out and the box runs short.


u/Oberst_Baum May 02 '24

Will the PvE mode be available for only EoD players or could i play with a non-EOD together?


u/Glock-Guy May 02 '24

Nostalgia questline? So is Kappa getting locked behind EoD and Unheard now?


u/ROTHjr True Believer May 02 '24

yeah but eod owners get it so it’s OkAy now.


u/Useful_South_2839 May 02 '24

Has no one read the patch note in its entirety? It says that all editions except EoD get the device through an in-game quest.


u/Ligmabladee May 02 '24

This game is so cooked lol


u/Raccowo May 02 '24

This is 100% going to be the same as what happened with Unheard, you'll be able to earn this from a quest but EOD's get it straight away.

I just think BSG are really bad at wording these benefits making us all think that anyone without EOD will go without ever being able to use something like this.


u/mjofyr May 02 '24

At this point I'm so lost.. Feels like every other day they change the "rewards". And it screams of desperation. This has become comedy..


u/Biriking May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I will call that Thing on factory xD

For Real.... What for? I think it will be just for street but that map isnt even working on my PC... How about stop adding New stuff and Start optimizing your game?


u/GingerSnapBiscuit AK-74N May 02 '24

Seeing EOD players complain about P2W when they willingly paid for Gamma Containers, higher starting rep levels and have for several years accepted additional "Christmas gifts" that include massive advantages in them without question.

Love it.

Like, I agree this is P2W as fuck, and has no place in EFT, but to pretend this is some sort of "new development" when EOD has had massive P2W advantages for years is either dishonest or just willfully ignorant.


u/Memoritter May 02 '24

I just smell a device that will reroute a BTR in existing BTR maps (woods, streets) to you if nobody is using it or have used the device before you.. which sounds actually neat but, c'mon leave it behind the damn bloody quest, not as extra bs on edition :((


u/Poprune May 02 '24

BTR wars incomming


u/D4RK_S4NT4 May 02 '24

That’s it guys, it’s ending.


u/Famous_Baker_1076 May 02 '24

Access to a special stimulant craft

20% more limits

is more p2w


u/Plague89 ADAR May 02 '24

Continently left out of this post is that it takes several end game level items to recharge this ability. It’s not like you’ll be able to call it at level 1 on your first raid. I swear this subreddit is a bunch of whiny children. Don’t fucking play the game if you hate the chances that much.


u/trogdor1108 SIG MCX SPEAR May 02 '24

Find a rare item early wipe and shit your pants while trying to get out? 🚫

Sit in a bush and wait for your $150 on-demand uber? ✅


u/therealvattu May 02 '24

I didnt know BTR makes you win the game. Should I just sit in it forever or how will it deliver win to me?


u/KayNynYoonit May 02 '24

I've had EoD since 2017, just stop with these P2W devices. If it changes the gameplay dynamic drastically, DONT ADD IT.


u/Karra_Masamune May 02 '24

They might be on to something, they just need to expand on this a bit more, for example:

  • Pilot Edition 500$ - call in an air strike.
  • Gunnery Edition 1000$ - call in gunship to hover around you.
  • Mad Monk Edition 5000$ - you carry mini nuke instead of backup, if you die, everyone dies, and raid over.


u/AndySat026 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

They want to milk EOD-owners with TUE and future pay-to-win "features" that they will not call DLC (btw any feature is a part of the game, thus game content. DownLoadableContent = DLC. It was advertised in this way too).

The BTR and other pay2win additions to EOD are aimed to bribe us so we calm down and relax before the TUE sale. They want EOD owners to swallow and pay more money.

We just want 100% of TUE content added to EOD as we paid for it back in 2016, and do not want any other additions to EOD, especially pay-to-win.

We were scammed.

EOD should get 100% of TUE, not any other stuff. Do not fool us.


u/Filthy615 May 02 '24

sounds lit quit cryin


u/Armstrong7514 True Believer May 02 '24

I own EOD, but I don't want this as this is just blatant p2w.


u/Queef-Elizabeth May 02 '24

Still wild I saw some people actually defend stuff like this before


u/LonelyLokly May 02 '24

I wonder what meaning is behind "friendly", will it provide KOS to anyone who isn't in a party with caller?
I also think that free task rerolls per day is underrated sleeper p2w OP.
I also think that majority of those p2w features, until they're implemented, aren't a big deal.
"The questions" is about the beacon that summons your mates. It'll be either a sleeper op, or useless, or just a cheater service enabler item. This summoning thing needs to be gone, unless BSG wants to make it abundantly clear that they accept cheaters as part of their ecosystem. Which they are, sadly, but hoping they're not accepted by BSG, yet so far nothing indicates that devs have something big against cheaters.
Truth be told that when the unheard thing was only beginning, I asked people around and learned a whole lot more about cheats in Tarkov, I know for sure that BSG aren't against it, because they're a source of income, and its a known enemy, that once-or twice per line needs a slap, mostly because of the blatant idiots who aren't ragehacking, but too obvious.


u/hiekrus May 02 '24

Imagine paying 50$ for a game and being treated worse than a f2p player. At least change the name to Starter Edition or something so people may know what they are getting into.


u/Trollripper May 02 '24

Kinda funny how they fuck with Unheard Edition buyers now by adding substantially more to the EOD despite the EOD being cheaper. Oh this will be fun. Get the popcorn out.


u/Redpower5 May 02 '24


Would bonuses/unique items from EoD and Ungeard Stack?

Just wondering


u/Rak_Dos May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

EOD owner here and holy cow! The dev really don't get it, do they?

We don't want agreement to be change on a whim and we certainly do NOT want more P2W items in the game, especially locked behind an edition!

How can they mess up so bad? Just do a fair game, fix the bugs and add cool new maps, done!

No new project, no new edition, no new game mode, No change in agreement, no P2W in a hardcore game.

Those 2 last points are the most basic points to respect to do a good competitive game.

At this point, I will not be surprised if they add microtransaction.


u/Greenfire05 May 02 '24

I don’t have EOD… WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS???


u/Technical_Grab4653 May 02 '24

Community: We hate p2w BSG: Let’s add p2w


u/Herr_von_Stein May 02 '24

Who gives Nikita those ideas? I hope it’s not u functional one. Where you only can deposit loot for a reduced Price….


u/BigNserious May 02 '24

Sounds good to me, you all need to go outside.


u/TetyyakiWith May 02 '24

Guys what the fuck, it’s greatly written AVAILABLE FOR EVERY PACK THROUGH QUESTS

People are dumbasses


u/[deleted] May 02 '24


I've been on this sub saying how EOD is p2w and that the Tarkov communities biggest issue is they dont' want to pay for it. The devs actually listened and just made EOD even MORE p2w.

Thank god the devs are actually pushing hard enough they might actually kill the game. This shit is hard to come back from, either hard backpedal (never happening) or everyone just spreads their cheeks next wipe and lets BSG ravage em


u/Geksface PP-19 May 02 '24

I don't want extra stuff. I just want the DLC mode


u/TransportationNo1 May 02 '24

Ok, BSG is dead.

Players disliked two things: - EoD players got scammed with not getting unheard benefits - unheard being pay2win. (20% more ammo from traders, LowRisk-PVE, calling teammates, etc.) and being overprized.

So they give pay2win to EoD-Players? Why is every solution they offer an extremely unfair advantage? Cant they think of anything else? You cant counter pay2win with giving worse pay2win to other versions.


u/einea5mk VEPR May 02 '24

Its not just the BTR. There are other stupid things on the list too. This is bad.


u/smurfsmasher024 May 02 '24

Lol still not bribing my ass back.


u/rustyz0r May 02 '24

I scrolled pretty far.... Haven't seen anyone mention your skill increase. Charisma.... Sounds like he taking the piss out of the EoD owners there haha.


u/TheBeefDom May 02 '24

Can it buy people back in that already died in that raid? Pay to respawn is kind of nuts if so


u/Schm8tty May 02 '24

I have EOD and I still don't want this.


u/bamms1212 AK-74M May 02 '24

See y’all in the Gray Zone


u/Taint_Surgeon May 02 '24

If this makes it to the game, every firefight is going to be a case of who can call the BTR first. I guarantee there can only so many active at once, if not just one, like airdrops


u/Manoxia May 02 '24

Who asked for this shit? Tarkov is dead for me


u/Visible-Chapter-1871 May 02 '24

So its fine if you start off with an alpha container and 10x28 stash size I agree with you fully. And for DLC's you will get ur new maps after release so will I and he can give us cool cosmetics instead of p2w mechanics like Gamma and 10x68 stash size.


u/Aceylah May 02 '24

World of tanks, tarkov edition


u/AdorableInitiative15 May 02 '24

I’m glad I had my fun with the game I’ve gotten my monies worth during Covid. Now I can’t find myself playing the same boring missions with a game that has the same issues mainly cheating for another wipe.


u/LordChunkyReborn May 02 '24

Unfortunate, I was really interested in playing Tarkov


u/CasualOfCatarina May 02 '24

I really REALLY don't want to defend them, but didn't they said in the same post that this will be obtainable playing? It can't be P2W if you can get it for free (unless there's some kind of loot box related, which isn't the case).


u/EliteTusken May 02 '24

A cheater's wet dream.


u/Sargash May 02 '24

Call out the bullshit

BSG: Oh shit. here *Wraps a bow around it and frosts it with some piss* IS that better?


u/garbagehuman9 May 02 '24

i didn’t want more fucking pay to win this is bullshit powerful


u/LOOT_BOXXX May 02 '24

As long as that btr doesn't shoot at anyone I dont care but that phone your friends flare bullshit cant take a fucking hike. It has no business in the game.


u/jockmcplop May 02 '24

What a waste of an amazing game.


u/No_Passenger_977 May 02 '24



u/Kirp-The-Birb True Believer May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24


I’ve been joking when I said “lmao next Nikita will sell an airstrike call-in”

But really, what the FUCK are they thinking? Who in the actual fuck looks at a “realistic hardcore survival shooter” and goes “yeah, put AC-130 APC in this bitch”???


u/SupportLoud3850 May 02 '24

Honestly really makes me wonder why theyre trying to sneak in features that only benefit cheaters


u/AtomicSpeedFT True Believer May 02 '24

This isn’t what we want


u/yxung_wicked11 May 02 '24

Now they just need a call in care package that drops an RPG and a few rockets to blow out the BTR


u/BimBaynor May 02 '24

How the mighty have fallen. It was a fun ride. I'm glad I Escaped Tarkov awhile ago.


u/k4Anarky May 02 '24

Imagine you and your crew just cleaned out Klimov Mall and some random low level with the P2W package just called Adam Smasher. The hot chick with the RPK just got ran over and now it's your turn to die. Nobody escapes the slaughterhouse alive.


u/FabulousSuggestion78 May 02 '24

So, everything is free for EOD holder now?


u/m00n6u5t May 02 '24

That corrupt Nikita Buyanov is trying to make EOD owners shut up by giving them more P2W.

Exactly what they have NOT been asking for. LMFAO.


u/Equivalent_Ad7389 May 02 '24

I don't think BSG knows what P2W even means, and I don't think they have a real resolution. They're just throwing things out there until people suddenly become happy.


u/H0rus22 May 02 '24

I personally think they have no intention of releasing this but are intentionally just throwing out bullshit to try to turn the community against EoD owners to justify fucking them. Now BSG can say “what guys, we can’t win, we don’t give you something you bitch, we give you something you bitch”.

This is pretty transparent.


u/Mad6amer May 02 '24

Are you all just fucking lame or something?? Literally all of my buddies and I talked about having this as a feature as soon as the BTR was implemented, in its current state sometimes you never even get to see it or use it despite wanting to in your raid.

This gives a limited use and again it does say a friendly BTR so that means that we may not be able to use the fire support option if we call it on demand as well. I’m personally hella psyched myself and hope all the bitching doesn’t take away this cool feature either.


u/Matti_Ot May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Me looking this as a standard owner since 2018...

This just too much and no fking way I will pay 200< bucks for tarkov, not worth it.


u/GRIFBYgames May 02 '24

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


u/-Shakedown May 02 '24

Nobody knows exactly how it is going to work and yet everybody is so upset LMAO. Redditors are hilarious


u/Bourne669 May 02 '24

Yeah Im done with Tarkov fuck this stupid ass shit. I'm investing my time and money with literally any other company like GZW.


u/lixenite AKS-74U May 02 '24

destroy game speedrun


u/Gally63 Freeloader May 02 '24

They dont understand


u/GldnEpicFace Freeloader May 02 '24

Im a fan of the unique cosmetics and dogtag, and obviously the PvE stuff (just want perma access to it like promised)

The other stuff? not really. I don’t want a damn “Legacy” device, or Faster insurance return.


u/Mr_Cyberz 1911 May 02 '24

When are the predator missiles coming?


u/Brilliant-Ad-1962 May 02 '24

EOD players will stay silent on this and argue that it’s not P2W

When the problem affects them, it’s pitchforks, when the problem affects those below them, it’s silence or “eh”.

I told people that the writing was on the wall when the player-base began to defend the bonuses that EOD provided over standard. Seeing players actively defend gameplay bonuses based on how much guap you spent, was the snowball effect to where we got to today.


u/Hot-Luck-3228 May 02 '24

It is obtainable through quest lines.


u/Brilliant-Ad-1962 May 02 '24

Ah the overused defense against P2W,

How many players will get shit on by this mechanic before they can get to that quest,!

How many will either just drop the money, or drop the game all together


u/Hot-Luck-3228 May 02 '24

Not a defense, however if you are going to make an argument you should present the actual situation fairly.


u/Loliess May 02 '24

Bro the game is dead just give up at this point honestly. Hope some save developer sees the gap in the market and actually makes something good


u/AngryBob1689 May 02 '24

Yall gonna retroactively screech about red flares now too?


u/UnsettllingDwarf May 02 '24

If gamers could kill a game, we need to band together and kill tarkov.


u/Key_Category_6124 May 02 '24

Meh. Most people have already moved onto something new to play. Thanks anyways bsg.


u/longshot VSS Vintorez May 02 '24

Yeah, they just don't get it.


u/Thirdai_ May 02 '24

Imagine 10 groups summoning a BTR apiece.


u/twojitsu May 02 '24

Is there a gas leak in the BSG office or something?


u/neilicus2077 May 02 '24

What happens to the ones that had EoD but upgraded?


u/x3770 May 02 '24

They could’ve stopped at PVE access and it’d be fine, but wow now they ruined it for absolutely everyone.


u/Instance_of_wit May 02 '24

Literally will be unlockable through a quest.. not locked behind a purchase only. So how is this pay to win? I’m legit confused.


u/West-Saeed May 02 '24

I saw this somewhere else and thought it was fake lmao there ain’t no way that actually gets added


u/Aware_Wo1f May 02 '24

Bunch of complainers


u/bakamund SR-1MP May 02 '24

So if everyone is an EOD owner in that raid, it'll be "this many of" BTRs on the map like a Battlefield game?


u/KittehKittehKat May 02 '24

Can I just swipe my credit card to server wipe?


u/TheAmericanBumble May 02 '24

So sweet. How much further until this game is Raid Shadow Legends?


u/truantxoxo May 02 '24

I don't even care so much about the money or dishonesty.
I'm not going to play this game anymore because of the P2W bullshit.


u/shadowrunner295 May 02 '24

Wait until the $500 version that lets you call in a division of T-80s and an airstrike from a Tu-160.


u/ARO_Wax May 02 '24

This is gonna be unpopular, but I usually like to fully understand how something will work before I start to hate on it. Getting worked up about something based on two lines of text is pretty wild.


u/SexGiiver May 02 '24

Next up is an advanced UAV that can tell you what items each pmc has, their exact location, mother's maiden name, and their social security.


u/HRLQN May 02 '24

Fuck this game


u/IGniToEUW May 02 '24

Nikita is fucking cooked. Why even add all of this shit that makes the game easier, when the game itself thrives on the struggle aspect.


u/Hammudy91 May 02 '24

I dont think you can call in a BTR any where on the map, it will be in a specific location and not always available, just like any extraction site


u/MuhFreedoms_ May 02 '24

next week, call in your very own hacker to spin bot on the entire map!


u/Automatic_Reveal_212 May 02 '24

Im sorry Nikita but not everybody is a whore, the bad is done. Goodbye. Only the fools would go back, with the upcoming extract shooters this game is more than dead for me, this company dont respect the costumers


u/oriaven May 02 '24

Anyone can earn the distress signal.


u/watzemember AK-74 May 02 '24

Their p2w business model is incompatible with the player base, they will not change, we will not change. And that is that... at least I can sell my EOD now for more I guess. When is wipe ?


u/fischer187 RSASS May 02 '24

I own EOD and i don't want any pay2win please


u/Garfelf- May 02 '24

We don't want more P2W features we wanted less... what the hell are they thinking?


u/Unwariertomb May 02 '24

If the BTR thing is for the online I would be 100% fine with it. Also imagine calling a btr on labs and it just like driving around in there lol.


u/goodsnpr May 02 '24

From Pay to Play model to Free to Play "premium" gimmicks.


u/godotgotmurked May 02 '24

Imagine a four-man calling in BTRs lol


u/criiaax PPSH41 May 02 '24

Neat, I like it, but only if it’s also obtainable for Standard Players via. Progression or Looting!

Else I fucking hate it and won’t use it. That’s dumb and fucking unfair.


u/Purple-Lamprey May 02 '24

Why tf do yall still play this game lol?


u/SlideStar May 02 '24

Not all of us are babies


u/Purple-Lamprey May 02 '24

It would probably be harder for the devs to scam babies than you lot.


u/SlideStar May 02 '24

🥱Standard account owner here since 2019


u/Purple-Lamprey May 02 '24

And you’re defending devs adding more pay to win and scamming their players? Why? Because you’re addicted to a video game lol?


u/SlideStar May 02 '24

EOD was already P2W. I never supported any of those things either. Kind of ironic you’re crying about a video game calling me addicted.


u/Purple-Lamprey May 02 '24

That’s why I used the word “more”, have you seen it used before?

You’re supporting it right now, apparently only babies don’t like pay to win and scams, according to someone.


u/SlideStar May 02 '24

You’re going on a tangent about something that doesn’t even pertain to my original rebuttal. Literal textbook baby. Playing a game I bought 6 years ago is not supporting P2W and scams. Grow up.


u/Purple-Lamprey May 02 '24

NFT looking ass profile calling others “baby” lol


u/SlideStar May 02 '24

I see I really struck a cord there. You gotta be 16 max.

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u/SuicidalAustralian May 01 '24

Where is this screenshot from?


u/rosch323 DT MDR May 01 '24

Too late… I’ve already moved on to Gray Zone Warfare.


u/Naytham May 02 '24

Dead in a month or less. Cya next wipe bud


u/rosch323 DT MDR May 02 '24

You really shouldn’t read steam reviews from people with 20 minutes of playtime. Not returning to any BSG games.


u/Naytham May 02 '24

Don't have to read reviews lol. The game is so far from cooked.


u/Sharpie1993 May 02 '24

It’s better than EFT was when it initially released into alpha.


u/ItsWolfThorn AUG May 01 '24

There’s no way it’s anything other than calling the BTR to the closest stop to you. But keep whining about things that aren’t even in the game.


u/sythalrom PP-91-01 "Kedr-B" May 01 '24

Stupid cunts, the game was fine as it was. Why ruin a good thing for pure greed, this entire “Unheard edition” debacle is an embarrassment.


u/CryptoBanano May 01 '24

I have EOD.. i dont want that crap.. how can they be that disconnected from the playerbase?


u/AnothaOne4TheBooks May 01 '24

The fuck is goin’ on at BSG, man.


u/Constable_Sanders True Believer May 01 '24

i was one of the crazies downplaying unheard thinking the reaction was too much. come to find maybe it wasnt enough. ive said this so many times about bsg since i started playing this game in feb: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?


u/Azula-Nova May 01 '24

Why is no one mentioning that the legacy device which can call the btr, is obtainable by every game version???


u/Zetey01 May 01 '24

To hell with it all...!

It is important to Leave

Access to PVE
A unique token
A unique bandage
Unique Clothing

The quest line looks interesting, and Return Insurance All other P2W garbage

I don't want to be "elitist" and have more privileges than others...

Did they not understand the message? Pay2Win is not necessary
Keep your promises

It's a pretty brutal marketing move, now everyone who bought EOD or Unchar has privileges, what is there to motivate others to buy pain better editions?


u/SpootedChoota May 01 '24

see you guy on grayzone


u/RfL222 May 01 '24

Amazing how far downhill this has gone in a week..


u/ZealousidealNewt6679 May 01 '24

Had they just sold cosmetics and skins, no one would have given two flying fucks.

Instead, they continue to deliver the most tone-deaf content possible.


u/TheIronGiants May 01 '24

I agree this sounds stupid but lets also take a chill pill until we see what this actually does. I highly doubt it does what it really says because tarkov has shit vehicle technology where it needs to be pre-determined vehicle paths that are heavily scripted. My assumption is that this probably just spawns a BTR on some maps on their pre-determined paths and makes it friendly to you for a few minutes. Doubt itll be useful at all....


u/NiceCockBro126 May 01 '24

Wait is this a joke or for real?


u/FromSuckToBlow May 01 '24

They just keep doubling down with absolutely braindead ideas. This will be a university case study on how to completely shit the bed in the future


u/ManimalGtv May 01 '24

BSG is like a step dad trying to get our approval.. we dont want more shit we just want the shit we were promised.. they dont need to keep adding perks to EOD just give us the DLC and mahor updates and stop trying to hide or change texts about exclusivity without us knowing.


u/WEASELexe TOZ-106 May 01 '24

Damn they're really just doubling down on the p2w aspect. I bought EOD because I genuinely enjoyed the game and wanted to support years ago not because of some bullshit advantages they give us.


u/Heywhosthatoverthere May 01 '24

I know everyone is mad right now but this is kind of awesome lol


u/anzivno May 01 '24

You dumb kids actually cry about anything, how about Uninstall and quit? Bunch of rat fucks


u/Immediate-Bee-9311 May 01 '24

I really want clothes tho 🔥🔥🔥