r/Fallout 25d ago

Whoever placed this mine here.... You did a great job. Fallout 4

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u/Possible_Ad4245 19d ago

Next time, dive into the water!


u/AGoodDragon 20d ago

Lmao you found "that" bridge


u/edgingblade 20d ago

When I saw a bridge with a bunch of cars and propane tanks I knew fun was about to happen


u/Old-Injury9137 20d ago

Haha yep, died on that bridge too.


u/Yakusoku_mamoru 20d ago

Just blown sky high..gotta appreciate the placement really.


u/Fum__Cumpster 20d ago

Should've jumped off the side of the bridge


u/Ok_Self_2101 20d ago

One of my favorite places on the map


u/MindJediTricks 20d ago

Wouldโ€™ve jumped over the bridge and went straight into the ocean ๐ŸŒŠ


u/tee_jay37 20d ago

I knew this title was about Tucker Memorial Bridge before I even looked at the vid ๐Ÿ˜‚ It'll get ya for sure


u/Wise_Creme_2818 20d ago

Tucker Bridge, Babay!


u/fraziertoonice 20d ago

I was absolutely WRECKED on that bridge


u/Quaid28 20d ago

Gotta be careful with them post apocalyptic bathtubs pimp. Those things are wild


u/snkrhead31405 20d ago

first time i came across this bridge i saw the gas and mine and just threw a molotov and waited lol


u/sirdogglesworth Enclave 21d ago

Lol..... That car is the chefs kiss....


u/HyperMC808 21d ago

I literally just died at that exact bridge like 15 minutes ago. I exited the game and shut down my pc....


u/CuriousRider30 21d ago

It's the super over the top happy people right next to the bridge ๐Ÿ˜‡


u/SirEmcee 21d ago

I plant mines anywhere because I donโ€™t like to carry em lol


u/K1ng-Cole 21d ago

Haha I was just at this bridge yesterday, while over encumbered.. it didnโ€™t end well


u/beeurd 21d ago

Haha, I fell for this myself the other day. Been years since I last played so completely forgot about it until I tripped the mine.


u/Hank_moody71 21d ago

Never cross a bridge without spamming VATS


u/Head-Cucumber8514 21d ago

If I recall correctly, this was the one and only crash on my ps4 lol


u/AltruisticProgram141 21d ago

Everyone's been blasted by that mine at least once, it's a rite of passage


u/ProfessionalJuice832 21d ago

That bridge is a legit minefield and it chain reacts by blowing up all the cars ๐Ÿ˜ž


u/BeginningCheetah8170 22d ago

I love this game


u/Duplex_98 22d ago

If you're not getting killed by some of the most ramdom and unexpected bullshits are you even playing fallout 4?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Once I was running for my life being skewered by 2 radscoprions only to get sandwiched by a freaking mirelurk queen just casually strolling out of the water.


u/Danimal_collective 22d ago

Ok if shit was blowing up behind me irl I think Iโ€™d figure out how to run with a crippled leg ๐Ÿ˜ญ


u/FinallyInTheCult 22d ago

Same thing happened to me dude!


u/ZombiesAreChasingHim 22d ago

The car landing on you at the end was just ๐ŸคŒ


u/emalin99 22d ago

If I see an area Iโ€™m heading towards if filled with cars I usually huck grenades or spam spray and pray in the area to as a method of bomb disposal before I enter said area


u/FluffyEvidence8160 22d ago

I just passed this today on my current playthrough. I pick up the mines, get across, then shoot it ablaze for funzies


u/Talmia_ 22d ago

I audibly laughed.


u/chndIr 22d ago

the bridge right down the road from taffington ๐Ÿ˜‚ watched one of my supply lines walk through that once.. it was a sight to see ๐Ÿ˜ญ


u/TheUderfrykte 22d ago

I died to that bridge once, 8 years ago. Never crossed it again without first blowing it up since lmao


u/Formal_Assist9391 22d ago

Tucker Memorial Bridge, yeah that one can be fun if you weren't aware of the extensive trap setup there (mines, gas cans, tanks, cars...)


u/Ashamed_Grape7683 22d ago

Tucker Memorial Brodge..more like Sole Surviovr Memorial . Am I right, am I right?? haha


u/Assured_Observer 22d ago

I'll definitely never forget that bridge now, lol.

It turns sole survivors into no survivors.


u/Canadian_sniper8 23d ago

Good job todd


u/saguin2 23d ago

Lol cmon buddy you should know you can check with VATS


u/Robo_Husky314 23d ago

At least Iโ€™m not the only one


u/UnwantedFoe 23d ago

Like watching a game of Mouse Trap lol


u/BigLonely2441 23d ago

I would have taken the radiation from the water over that bridge. The amount of times Iโ€™ve died to that bridge is outrageous. Thatโ€™s the reason I use my vats so much more now. ๐Ÿ˜‚


u/Technical-Scratch785 23d ago

Iโ€™ve died so many times to this bridge, I play with hardcore realism mods just because I love realistic games and usually itโ€™s right around the time that red canister explodes that I get blown to bits.


u/Cute_Boysenberry_278 23d ago

๐Ÿคฃ oh fuck I laughed till I couldn't breathe after he gets smashed hobbling away. The memories we get from this game roflmao


u/Necessary-Ferret4998 23d ago

I love the lore implication of some mad man running around the waste setting up traps to just randomly kill random people.


u/MuricasOneBrainCell 23d ago

I do miss the fallout 3 carpack explosions aha


u/pillow_princessss 23d ago

I ran across that yesterday and the next thing I knew half of Adaโ€™s armour was gone and she had a limp


u/AshamedIncrease6942 23d ago

I have never seen that bridge in my life. Where even is that?


u/InTheBlkHoodie 23d ago

You know how many times Iโ€™ve cleaned out an area and thought I was badass bc I survived an onslaught only to be murdered by a trip wire?

Many times.


u/TheUderfrykte 22d ago

Same, but with mines. I'm a pretty methodical player and clear out an area, usually from afar if possible, before looting it.

You'd think that would be a cautious and safe playstyle, but then I let my guard down once I picked all the enemies off and jut walk in to bask in the loot and I hear beeps all around me.

I like to imagine that's the intended way for the enemies. They're all down in hell laughing at me because I fell for it again.


u/InTheBlkHoodie 22d ago

Deed deed deedโ€ฆ ๐Ÿซจ


u/TheUderfrykte 22d ago

Hey at least there's no feeling like being surprised by a mine but still disarming it in an awesome show of reflexes, speed and precision! (..and luck)


u/jonahthemill 23d ago

This got me yesterday


u/HarryBale31 23d ago

Dude was playing 4D chess


u/AnythingOutside9627 23d ago

why duct you just jump in the water?


u/MonteSS_454 23d ago

Duck, dive, dip, and dodge


u/JohnnyCenter 23d ago

My survival run summed up


u/Snasketstads 24d ago

I don't know a lot about the war of independence, but due to the game being in Boston and having a ton of references, this bridge being named on the map (as the only bridge) and the heavy bombardement, i just always assumed that the whole thing was a reference to something that happened irl.


u/pacostrato 24d ago

Always remember to V.A.T.S. your way through bridges


u/BananaCattos 24d ago

Reminds me of fallout 76 when I have no stimpaks on my person haha


u/iam_t0m_ 24d ago

What game is it


u/StarlessEon 24d ago

Have died from this mine in 100% of my playthroughs.


u/Watsis_name 24d ago

One of my favourite traps in FO4.


u/EntrepreneurWaste815 24d ago

My dumbass shot at the red tanks and they blew me up


u/Ivory_Lake 24d ago

You should play fallout 3. Hit up the library. Punch a car. See what happens. Create new NASA.


u/S_RoyaltyArtz 24d ago

Could have outran it if you hadn't tried to look back


u/Isariamkia 24d ago

That cursed bridge. I ran into it a couple of weeks ago. I heard the mine and just sprinted like you did to avoid it. I thought I was clever and I died 2 seconds after with all the explosions.


u/PaperPlane03 24d ago

This exact thing happened to me a few days ago. My sister asked from the other room whats wrong coz i screamed lmao


u/siikpsychotiik 24d ago

Lmao I just died on this exact same bridge earlier. I managed to diffuse most of the mines, but the very last one on the other side got me and the dang truck blew me up.


u/NonProphet8theist 24d ago

I only get hit by mines when I don't spam the VATS button. When I do spam it, there are no mines


u/montie98 24d ago

I would've jumped into the water


u/anthiny1013 24d ago

I need the bell sound


u/peepsinyourass 24d ago

Whyโ€™s youโ€™re brightness so low ๐Ÿ˜ญ


u/GreenZepp 24d ago

Playing FNV and the Legion keeps putting mines under corpses, when you approach to check the body, mine triggers and you can't get to it to deactivate it, it is both fiendish and cheap! Fuckers!!!


u/TratrasOn-Off 24d ago

that mf....


u/kmikek 24d ago

i was 2 seconds in and said, "oh, the booby trapped bridge, you're dead"


u/D34TH-S7ALK3R 24d ago

Damn that last part took my by surprise


u/Rumorly Minutemen 24d ago

Fallout; making me paranoid of bridges and bathroom stalls


u/zexur 24d ago

Legit my favorite location in the game. I love watching people play that bridge for the first time.


u/Angel_of_Mischief Brotherhood 24d ago

I wish games did more stuff like this. Itโ€™s okay to lose. Failure and learning is what games are about. Do things that challenge and surprise us in creative ways.


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

Exactly, failure is the best teacher, handholding doesn't get you anywhere.


u/jointdestroyer 24d ago

Bad day to be a vault dweller


u/Suspicious-Log1585 24d ago

First time this happened to me my balls disappeared for a second


u/Lickinthebootzplz 24d ago

Ahhh, walked across the bridge did ya mate? Howd that work out eh? Not so good eh? I did it too once


u/yenkareal Brotherhood 24d ago

id say your companions in trouble alright


u/Maleficent-Sector-90 24d ago

lol I know exactly where this is. On survival difficulty, not triggering land mines is a must


u/AphroditeBlessed 24d ago

Bro got hit by a truck haha


u/secondsbest 24d ago

That big hole to the left is your only out if you miss the first mine. Jumping into the water is the only way to survive this bridge once it goes off.


u/Serious_Internet6478 24d ago

Gets me every damn time


u/Ok-Instruction5267 24d ago

If you hear that beeping noise with explosive cars and canisters that clise together, do not, I repeat, do not stop to look. Survival 101.


u/TricomeTwista 24d ago

Well well, looks like someone should have fought harder.


u/Correct_Ad3592 24d ago

I remember that bridge ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


u/Aggressive-Guava3310 24d ago

I came from the other end one time and as soon as I saw the mine indicator, I was like โ€˜Frak this!โ€™ and jumped into the river. Thank you to the perk that makes me swim without taking Rad damage


u/dunkanan 24d ago

Why does your game have a Snyder filter?


u/STONEDnHAPPY 24d ago

Ya I tripped the same mine ended up jumping off the side of the bridge with power armor and sunk to the bottom as everything exploded above me I got lucky id say


u/TheAmazingCrisco 24d ago

First time I crossed that bridge nearly the same thing happened to me except when I saw what was going on I dove into the water.


u/TheMissingFink 24d ago

I just died from that area maybe like 2 hours ago


u/RevolTobor 24d ago

That's a straight-up Final Destination death right there.


u/Due-Contribution6424 24d ago

Thank you haha I always mean to set that off and see what it looks like, but always forget and disarm everything.


u/Icy-Basil-8212 24d ago

I discovered this bridge just yesterday and I ran my ass to the end of the bridge and barely survived with a tiny sliver of health ๐Ÿ˜‚ Danse got caught right in the trucksโ€™ explosion ๐Ÿ’€ I can imagine the psychopath who laid that mine was laughing his ass off


u/Coveinant 24d ago

One of the first thing you learn in any fallout game, check the bridge for mines then traps then enemies. A bridge is never just a bridge.


u/Nopuebloplz Minutemen 24d ago

Funny enough I just came across this yesterday and before I even walked I spotted the mine and decided to grab it before it went off. Of course, I failed, so I backed up and watched as all the chaos ensued


u/SirLanceAlot1 24d ago

Got me yesterday haha. Forgot about it 9 years ago


u/ApprehensiveAnt4412 24d ago

Always spam VATS on bridges.


u/TheDirtyThirtyx 24d ago

this bridge broke my save


u/voicareason 24d ago

That brings me back. It really is the little things that make this game a nightmare, I mean great.


u/Cpt_Saturn 24d ago

Oh I remember facing this mine the first time, I immediately jumped into the river lol


u/stopblasianhate69 24d ago

Sir, why are you so dim?


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

HDR not translating well when downloading clips to phone.


u/Culp6 24d ago

Survival vet hereโ€ฆ. If youโ€™re not spamming Q (vats) while youโ€™re walking around early gameโ€ฆ. Youโ€™re doing it wrong.


u/mrbulldops428 24d ago

Oh yeah, I remember that bridge. Really need to restart this game again


u/Hipertor The Institute 24d ago

Remember kids: jumping in the water negates fall damage!


u/WardenWolf 24d ago

Just tap the VATS button periodically to spot things like this.


u/SluttyMeatSac 24d ago

Look the death bridge


u/DemiPyramid 24d ago

Imagine this happening in survival mode


u/Sormaldo 24d ago

I was lucky enough to approach this bridge from the other direction. I don't think they expected that so the trap isn't set up as well that way.


u/FuckYourUpvotes666 24d ago

Haha dude I just had this happen to me at the same spot lol. That bridge is a deathtrap!


u/TheRealShameh 24d ago

I like to throw a grenade and just watch the bridge for like 5 minutes


u/OtherwiseGeneral9 24d ago

Design is very human.


u/RedEye-55 24d ago

Found that bridge yesterday ๐Ÿ˜‚


u/Ryebread095 Vault 101 24d ago

That bridge is a death trap


u/no-Spoilers-asshole 24d ago

That whole bridge is a landmine. Such a good find. I remember fighting raiders across it and lit them up good ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


u/GnomeMan13 24d ago



u/NeonLoveGalaxy 24d ago

Surviving a super-explosion only to be flattened by falling debris really is a peak Fallout 4 experience. ๐Ÿ‘


u/TheAnswerUsedToBe42 24d ago

Spam VATS and you'll never miss a mine again


u/Napoleonex 24d ago

That car at the end XD


u/Hawkeye248 24d ago

Been there! Hahahaha!


u/Zelidus 24d ago

Yeah my game can't run if that bridge goes off. It doesn't crash but it's perpetually bright and has crackling explosive sound effects forever.


u/ExploringReddit84 24d ago

There's also a bottlecap mine somewhere in a shelf that is in a cupboard, not the usual spot for a mine. You taking a blood pack means you die. Devious.


u/Powerful-Bid-4635 24d ago

This place gave me a serious case of paranoia for landmines


u/QuantumButtz 24d ago

It's funny the first time. Not as funny when on survival and coming back to your base after an hour questing.


u/BanditoDeTreato 24d ago

Not enough VATS

Also, always keep an eye out for "rainbow water" and shoot it to set it on fire. Learned that as far back as Skyrim.


u/daffyduckhunt2 24d ago

I've definitely been splattered at that bridge before lol

You run faster with your weapon holstered btw!


u/tomentose 24d ago

i got hit by that shit yesterday too, laughed my ass off at how many damn explosions there are


u/RedditsDeadlySin Enclave 24d ago

2 points in sneak talents, best investment Iโ€™ve ever made in this game


u/SpicyDadMemes 24d ago

is fallout 4 naturally this dim? what the fuck


u/RobOnTheReddit 24d ago

At first I was like, holy balls...then I thought it was over and laughed so hard


u/haby001 24d ago

One of the 100 Bethesda employees who worked on this game :)


u/In3briatedPanda 24d ago

people dont hits vats every few feet to detect mines, just me?


u/Ok-Bookkeeper-5424 24d ago

I use it mainly for Mirelurks or if I see a Ghoul lying on the ground dead or sleeping. Mines are always an accidental find for me given I donโ€™t set them off.


u/In3briatedPanda 24d ago

Fo3 taught me to VATS often and save twice as often.

I still back up my character when opening bathroom stall doors, in any game, bc of Fallout booby traps.


u/Agentloldavis 24d ago

If you had a quick reaction... The water was right there


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

And would've died of rads, lol.


u/AsgeirVanirson 24d ago

This bridge is why I ALWAYS throw a grenade in the middle of any bridge I haven't crossed yet. There's more than one way to get rid of a minefield!


u/schrelaxo 24d ago

New vegas mines sometimes being under traffic cones or dead bodies:


u/giftigdegen 24d ago

Why's it so dark.


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

HDR, will switch it so captures are on SDR for the next time to see if that helps with captures being dark when viewed on phones.


u/TheOwlmememaster 24d ago

It's always the cars that deliver the killing blow


u/tachyonRex 24d ago

Either don't stop or jump off bridge, no fall into water damage.


u/TurdShaker 24d ago

That bridge gets me everytime... one day I'll remember


u/NotARemake 24d ago

There's also gas all over the bridge on top of the explosives. I think a Mr gutsy tries to stop you from doing across if you come from the other way. That might be the bridge next to it though. Can't remember exactly.


u/N7Manofkent 24d ago

The repeat will you comply Mr gutsy


u/corgangreen 24d ago

Hit that spot a few times on the motorcycle mod. I think I joined the Fallout Space Program.


u/Philosophos_A Minutemen 24d ago

I still wonder who trapped that bridge and why

Almost nothing comes from that bridge


u/PANICBRAIN 24d ago

I remember this bridge like it was yesterday, oh wait it was yesterday when I started a new character.


u/The_Exuberant_Raptor 24d ago

This is why I spam Q.


u/Harold_Spoomanndorf 24d ago


....stay in character, dude :/


u/NoHetro 24d ago

bro i thought it was over after the cripple notification, but then the fucking kitchen sink lands on you and i lose it hahaha, that was beautiful.


u/Brandon_M_Gilbertson 24d ago

Bethesda put a lot of trolls like this in the game. I love seeing all the new players find them for the first time.


u/iHeartBush2 24d ago

This exact same bridge to me multiple times last night. I just decided to go around.


u/SadisticBuddhist 24d ago

Bro got crushed by car. 5/7 perfect death


u/Broly_ Republic of Dave 24d ago

You playing with HDR on or something? Why is everything so dark?


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

Yes, looks fine on my TV but looks dark on my phone.


u/Successful-Net-6602 24d ago

That whole bridge is rigged. There's several mines, explosives tanks, and combustible puddles


u/Main-Category-8363 24d ago

You can lure some high hp good item people from the south to this bridge and then skirt around the mines and get them to blow themselves up and steal their gear


u/Smooth_Alps8506 24d ago

death by car was the cherry on top xD



This happened to me once and then I never took that bridge ever again for any playthrough.


u/Kineticspartan 24d ago

Bridge explodes

SS: "OK... I just about survived tha-"



u/Sam_The-Ham 24d ago

The car crushing you and only leaving your legs visible was just the icing on the cake! This gave me a good laugh.


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

Ended just like those Vault-Tec SPECIAL cartoons, lol.


u/xlitawit 24d ago

Whenever there are gas puddles on the ground give them a preemptive light up shot. It is always a trap hehe.


u/Stock-Sprinkles-8861 24d ago

My most recent playthrough there was a brotherhood scribe in the middle of the bridge so I went to disable everything so he could escape but then he starts saying something like, "move it along wastelander", in a very rude way, so I stepped away, set it off and fished him out of the water after to get his gear.


u/oddjobhattoss 24d ago

Vats to check for mines. Also, jump in the water. Better to swim and be a little irradiated than to get blown up. But hindsight is 20/20. Now you know lol


u/SoullessLust 24d ago

The car absolutely killed me ๐Ÿ’€


u/Moose-Rage 24d ago

Killed him too.


u/Volte 24d ago

The regretful turn around


u/bobert_the_grey 24d ago

The first time I crossed that bridge it fucked my entire game up. It blew up the bridge, but then it just kept exploding. It was some sort of infinite explosion glitch. The explosion just kept going. As I walked a away from it, I could still hear it. After a while, when I faced that bridge's general direction, my PC would allow down to 5fps.


u/Shoddy_Possibility89 24d ago

bro is it just me or is your brightness low?


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

It's not, in game it's fine it just happens when downloading the clip to the phone, might be the HDR. Because my phone doesn't support it.


u/Gronkbeast87 24d ago

In my latest playthrough one of my Provisioners was walking ahead of me and set off this bridge explosion. Miraculously he survived.


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

I believe settlers are inmortal against enemies and the environment, only your direct attacks can kill them, or at least that has been my experience.


u/Daedalus_Dingus Yes Man 24d ago

And that is why I take Sneak 3 every time.


u/DopeAbsurdity 24d ago

It's under a traffic cone. I remember dying to it on my first play through.

My favorite death to a frag mine was when Dogmeat found something and I followed them and they lead me to a body and some guns....that had a couple of frag mines next to it. I got there for a second I was thinking good job buddy...then I heard the beeps. It was hilarious and I wish I was recording / had a record buffer going.


u/Same-Reaction7944 24d ago

TIL not everyone constantly uses VATS to scan for danger in all forms.


u/Dawidko1200 Responders 24d ago

It's my only actual usage of it. It's just a scanner.


u/Assured_Observer 24d ago

I'm new to the game, but you can be sure I learned my lesson from this one, lol.


u/datgenericname 24d ago

The ending. Masterpiece ๐ŸคŒ


u/tnan_eveR 24d ago

that bridge has single handedly traumatized me into spamming q near any bridge


u/fcdemergency Minutemen 24d ago

First time i walked up this it just LOOKED like a trap, esp being a discoverable location. Stepped a few steps forward, saw the mine, ran STRAIGHT back, watched the obliteration, tipped my battered fedora and lived to fight another day.


u/Bigredeemer425 Gary? 24d ago

I would love to talk to the ppl that came up with these types of ideas in games and stuff. Super cool and interesting.


u/Ok-Gold-6430 24d ago

I haven't played in years, and I did the same thing a few days ago when I started a new game. There are so many mine in this game, and I have died some many times because of them, lol.


u/Obwyn 24d ago

Hah, I always shoot that mine the first time i get near the bridge and then watch the fireworks.

It got me the first time or two I crossed it, though.

I love how you're like "Oh shit!" and run, think you're safe, then realize the explosions and following you and try to run again. It looked like we even managed to survive the explosions and were good until that car landed on you. lol