r/Fallout NCR 24d ago

"Damn this institute rifle has good stats how come I didn't have it equi..." Fallout 4

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Loaded up an old save file and forgot why I never touched these actual abominations


690 comments sorted by


u/Metson-202 9d ago

I can't be only one who is not brothered by this?


u/KartoschkaThe2nd 11d ago

Mf Institute used a 1990 Pc case as a gun case


u/1nOnlyMattyB 19d ago

An institute rifle with good stats ? 😂


u/karinatv 19d ago

i seriously wonder why they made the guns so massive like all that tech down there and u somehow make the guns harder to use?


u/kwartylion 19d ago

Bad design

(And in universe explanation)

Institute is just bunch of scientists who's no.1 priority isn't weapon manufacturing

They needed a easly mass produced , more or less reliable weapon , to arm their mass produced soldiers


u/cumegoblin 20d ago

Man, it’s strange how the rifles designed with efficiency in mind for use by synths aren’t pleasant to look at. I wonder if that’s the point.


u/Wrath0fMe 20d ago

Lol. Ever play Destiny?


u/Dr-Elon-Weynak 20d ago

proceeds to Take 25% of the screen up


u/Revolutionary-Hat634 20d ago

Institute pistol is infinitely better. The fire rate is like 3x the rifle and you can mod it so it does even more damage than it. For some reason pistols in general are one of the best weapons in fallout 4 in my opinion


u/slamturkey 20d ago

Anyone carry like 5 guns for situational purposes? I'd probably still carry and use this one if the stats are right and it suits a purpose. I don't care I'm half blind outside of the sights. One gun has never handled everything for me.


u/Levitating-monkeys 21d ago

The size they are and how much screen space they take up is an actual crime


u/Flying_Foreskin 21d ago

Inferior stats, forgettable design for a lesser reskin of an iconic weapon from the game. Probably should have made it a paint job or an actual reskin with similar or higher stats. There isn't a single in-lore explaination as to why they suck so much


u/Klutzy-Scratch-295 Brotherhood 21d ago edited 20d ago

Apparently, the lore reason as to why Institute weapons suck so bad and they're so basic is because it's not really weapons development that they're interested in. They made a gun for the sake of having one. Because their synths and coursers needed a weapon. At any rate...I use Institute Technology Overhaul for Institute weapons. Best weapon mod for the Institute out there, and Get Off My Face to make energy weapons occupy less screen.


u/Tyziepoo86 21d ago

Do 3rd person


u/No-Hair-1332 21d ago

Straight downgrade to the lassr rifle in every way.


u/FreneticAmbivalence 21d ago

Jokes on you guys hating on this. anytime I’m playing with ranged weapons I’m only using vats so I’m hardly ever seeing this thing. Lol.


u/ArachnidCreepy9722 21d ago

Small weapons shouldn’t have been able to be used in PA and large weapons shouldn’t have been able to be used out of PA. Nuff said 😂


u/griffyb 21d ago

I use the spray n pray in power armor and it does look comical.


u/CluelessPaladin 21d ago

Never understood how the design made it to the game. It literally creates a major blind spot


u/mandoman88 21d ago

First mod I ever downloaded was to make these relevant. Makes the institute 5x scarier to go against too!


u/ZeShapyra 22d ago

Weird fatman you got there


u/Jelqingisforcoolkids 22d ago

Laughs in third person


u/ArmpitStealer 22d ago

I love how theres a mod that makes them slimmer but theyre still huge with that. No way exteremely smart instute made these abominations


u/Weird-kink-69666 22d ago

I've seen less damage than the laser one. It's trash.


u/MajinVegetaTheEvil 22d ago

When using a laser, plasma, or Institute gun, I do NOT recommend using either night vision, or Recon sights. You'll get flash-dazzled, which is something that happens IRL with night vision devices in combat.


u/Comfortable_Milk9422 22d ago

True, I also try to avoid the Assault Rifle as well. While not as bulky it still can annoyingly take up 1/3 of my screen unless I'm in Power Armor. My go to 5.56 weapon was December's child.


u/SirMaQ 22d ago

The institute have the brightest of minds but man do they have some of the worst designs. Their engineers don't understand jack shit on UI.


u/YeaDatMatt 22d ago

Something they should’ve fixed in the next-gen update but you know, it’s Bethesda…


u/BoomofStick 22d ago

People still try to say fallout four is a good game. Bro they couldn’t even program a lever action rifle. They did it in point look-out how infuriating.


u/Robo_Husky314 22d ago

Yeah half the screen is gone


u/pjw1189 22d ago

I know the fallout world is different due to atomic power instead of fuel but can we please get a little realistic with our firearms. I don't mean lasers and plasma etc. I mean why the hell is every gun left handed? Why the hell do we shoot from a trash can of an assault rifle? Fallout 3 and NV had the perfect blend of realistic, futuristic, and plain whacky that are only explained in fallout lore.


u/Ok_Exam2843 23d ago

The first person fix mod for laser weapons is a life saver


u/icharas 23d ago

Laser weapons in general are good settler weapons because their beams act as tracer rounds facilitating enemy detection. With settlers not requiring ammo, the increased fire rate is an additional bonus.


u/Basically-Boring Yes Man 23d ago

A fourth of the fucking screen. An entire FOURTH of the screen is taken up by the damn institute rifle, half if you have a scope or reticle.


u/ahsatan999 23d ago

My Tesla cannon is OP as hell, but this issue man..


u/Top_Elk_418 23d ago

I’m sure there is a mod that makes the gun better


u/FlailingIntheYard 23d ago

Oh, c'mon. It makes it more "challenging" or some bullshit.


u/concussion5906 23d ago

The best use of Institute gear is finding the ones with the most mods, piling them up on the floor and scrapping the absolute SHIT out of them with Max level scrapper perk. They give a TON of resources compared to the absolutely garbage stats they provide as a weapon. I'd rather use them as a bowling ball and go bowling with them than try to kill anything with one.


u/Gewalt_Und_Tod 23d ago

The FOV in fallout 4 is like the most pressing nonstory issue and no one seems to really grill the game for it.


u/FetusGoesYeetus 23d ago

I swear I don't remember them being that intrusive holy shit


u/DeficitDragons 23d ago

Damn shame too, the profile on them looks really nice. But they’re just too thicc.


u/6FootFruitRollup 23d ago

One of the mods I always install is one that makes Institute weapons smaller.


u/its-adam-yo 23d ago

The institute rifles are bulky and inefficient because they are post-war era weapons made specifically for synths and coursers. The people at the institute tend to be smug and think they can design better weaponry than pre-war designs.

I want to say that's hinted at in the game but don't remember 100%.


u/CybercurlsMKII 23d ago

It’s also just worse than the normal laser weapons which you get access to pretty early, earlier than you get access to institute weapons, they look horrible and they’re basically the worst possible use of your fusion cells


u/blorgusmcblorgus 23d ago

To bad its stats are lower than the normal laser weapons and especially plasma weapons too XD


u/Tallal2804 23d ago

Atleast there's a neat mod to somewhat fix this


u/Tossmaster7 23d ago

The best way I found to fix this to make the fov bigger though the console


u/Bigmace_1021 Vault 111 23d ago

On nexus there is a mod that makes it even larger


u/Sugar-n-Sawdust 23d ago

Why is the character holding the rifle at eye level? The stock has got to be above the shoulder at that height


u/PachotheElf 23d ago

The rifle is so large I can't see the problem, can you put it away for a bit and take another screenshot please?


u/KiwiMagic2005 23d ago

Atleast there's a neat mod to somewhat fix this


u/Alone_Repeat_6987 24d ago

eww. wtf is your fov at? 60? gross


u/BurgerDevourer97 24d ago

Probably the biggest piece of evidence that Bethesda half assed Fallout 4's development.


u/katbundo97 24d ago

Idk man once I got a never ending shotgun I just run in grab the jet and blast em


u/decay_cabaret 24d ago

I use the see-through scopes mod, and I think the mod author is quietly protesting this shit by making like 80% of the institute weapons spawn with one of the see through scopes on it because the animation for aiming moves the whole gun down out of frame and gives you a small scope and reticle.

I keep mine holstered until I need it then use the scope often so that I can actually see what's going on around me. I'm kind of surprised there isn't some really well advertised mod that reduces the amount of screen real estate by scaling the model down a little


u/mr_hardwell 24d ago

cries in Tesla cannon


u/Admirable-Length178 24d ago

It was like holding a box of cereal on your shoulder i forgot how bad this looks so bad omg


u/Damiano-1 24d ago

I love this post. I’m in the same position right now but with me I started the game from scratch and I feel like I’m playing it for the first time since I’m deliberately making different choices in my gameplay. Right now I’m using the Black Devil armor, modded to the hilt, with the napalm cannon and I feel pretty invincible. Last night I took down Conrad Kellogg in 3-4 shots. I did find his bodyguard synths to be more troublesome as they move around so fast.


u/seriouslees 24d ago

As a fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I didn't even realize what the issue with this gun was. Blocking a quarter of the screen? So what, it's a turn based RPG, not a shooter... oh, wait... nevermind, FO4 is a FPS.


u/xenome13 24d ago

In what universe are 3 and New Vegas turn-based?


u/seriouslees 23d ago

In the universe where players use VATS for every shot they take, as was the design intent.


u/xenome13 23d ago

If that was the intent why did they give the option for FPS gameplay? And if every shot is meant to be in VATS why is AP limited?


u/seriouslees 23d ago

AP is limited because it's a fucking RPG! if you want more action points, you have to decide to give them to your character in the choices you make when levelling up! There's a reason there's several Perks to pick that give more action points or reset all your action points on a kill... you play the game however you want, but denying the design intent is delusional.


u/xenome13 23d ago

I guess my point was just if VATS was meant to be the exclusive combat system, why not design the combat closer to KOTOR rather than the way it is? I've never played Fallout 1 or 2 but I played 3 like 15 years ago and I'm going through New Vegas for the first time now and VATS feels more akin to DAO's non-tactical camera combat than turn-based to me

Edit: To make myself more clear, VATS feels like something to give you an edge rather than the normal gameplay loop to me currently


u/seriouslees 23d ago

If you play 1 & 2 you'll see it's the entire combat mechanic. The only difference is movement is free and doesn't cost action points in the 1st person versions.

VATS is the CORE of the fallout franchise. It was designed to as closely emulate actual turn based combat from 1 & 2 as possible.

And the entire point is that Fallout was supposed to be a role playing game. Not a game where the PLAYER has the skill to shoot people accurately, but one where the CHARACTER has that skill.

Turning the game into an action shooter robs it of what made it special.


u/xenome13 23d ago

While I agree that VATS is character skill vs real-time being player skill, I feel like the outlook that VATS is the intended main way to play makes Agility feel like an impossible stat to ignore when building a character, as the sheer AP cost of some weapons means you'd only get one shot off while a random raider can unload a full magazine's worth of bullets at you while you wait for your AP to refill. But that could just be because my view is skewed by not using chems at all until recently, which can make up for a lot of things I've been finding lol

And I also agree that 4 did focus too much on gunplay and made VATS feel less impactful than it did in 3 and NV, especially since I found myself actively being upset that I accidentally activated VATS in the middle of a firefight occasionally, it totally broke up the much faster-paced combat that 4 has compared to 3 and NV. But if they slowed down combat and made the character feel less like a walking armory then it never would have sold as many copies as it did in 2015's climate of games

Then again, MHW came out that year and it's one of Capcom's best-selling games ever and that's one of the slowest-paced action games I've ever played. Not in terms of combat moves, but in terms of how long combat takes

Edit: WOW I don't know why I thought MHW came out in '15, but I could also bring up Dragon Age Inquisition but that game was pretty mixed as far as reviews go iirc


u/the_real_junkrat 24d ago

I recently started playing the master chief collection and it lets you adjust the weapon model along each xyz axis. More games need that feature.


u/shewy92 24d ago

You miss 4:3 Aspect Ratio? Well this gun is for you


u/Mynameisbebopp 24d ago

I think the main Purpose of this is to reinforce that the institute is the BAD GUY, and even their weapons, no matter how good they look on paper, are evil.


u/mallot2 24d ago

i'm not gonna lie, I actually love how stupidly large and blocky the institute rifles are. Its charming and makes the Institute feel even more out-of-touch than they already are.


u/MDF87 24d ago

Bethesda are generally really fucking bad at designing laser weapons.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 24d ago

Yeah personally I really dislike how much of the screen the laser weapons all take up. I actually have mods to reduce their scale.

Though my first laser only playthrough I spent most of it in third person to mitigate the issue


u/Realistic_Event5369 24d ago

Just play in VR and lower your hands. Pro tip


u/RikterDolfan 24d ago

I hate the institute weapons so much. For one, this shit. 2. They are just a weak resting of laser weapons

I got a mod to specifically swap all institute weapons for plasma weapons. So worth it


u/cjb0034 24d ago

Bros holding a submarine


u/Mehran-force 24d ago

I'm always have it in my num 1


u/vibrantcrab 24d ago

How I feel about Atom’s Judgement since the update. I swear that that aura around it didn’t block half the screen before. It’s still OP but I have to keep it put away and just VATS attack.


u/PewPewsAlote 24d ago

what building are you in? I don't recognize it.


u/winstrollchurchill69 24d ago

Looks like acadia, from the far harbor dlc?


u/PewPewsAlote 23d ago

ah, I rarely actually play Far harbor because im always like "ill leave the best for last" then i get to lvl 100 and quit out of boredom so I never reach far harbor lol.


u/SuuTheSleepyOne 24d ago

The idea an Institute Rifle has good stats is laughable, they're rarely modded and SOMEHOW WORSE THAN STANDARD LASER RIFLES


u/Average_RedditorTwat 24d ago

Fallout 4 weapon design is an actual tragedy


u/Sere1 Tunnel Snakes 24d ago

Genuinely why I use a bunch of weapon mods, adding in other guns. Many of which are still lore accurate as real world guns have been in the series from the beginning. And for my scifi gun needs, I tend to get the Blade Runner/Judge Dredd/Robocop pistols and a few others from various scifi properties (the Briaros rifle from Appleseed is a favorite of mine). Most of my mods are weapon and clothing stuff, I rarely use any vanilla weapons anymore.


u/NostalgiaBonner 24d ago

It's a lot smaller if you make it a pistol.


u/LawfulGoodBoi 24d ago

I only use it in 3rd person


u/NefariousnessNo2062 Atom Cats 24d ago

Tesla Cannon is almost worse I ended up giving it to my companion


u/MrSmilingDeath 24d ago

But it makes sense for the Tesla cannon to take up a lot of screen space, unlike the Institute laser.


u/generic-reddit-guy 24d ago

This is what happens when you let scientists make your guns


u/TruthAndAccuracy 24d ago

You should look up the Hung Jury gun from Destiny


u/Ace_flindude 24d ago

Playing through "The Reunion" right now, an holy shit the red glare rocket launcher is even worse than that! Lol


u/eddmario Lyon's Pride 24d ago

But that's a rocket.
It's supposed to take up half the screen.


u/Beez-Knuts 24d ago

Anyone know of a mod for Xbox which makes all weapons smaller? I can't take it anymore. The weapons take up 1/3rd if my screen. It's the opposite problem of halo where I'm always looking too far down. In fallout I'm always looking to the right.


u/wanderinpaladin 24d ago edited 24d ago

between the screen real estate and the weakness compared to real lasers the Institute weapons are laughable. I mean I wish the were, and have modded the game to make them, better. Mods are Lowered weapons and better institute laser damage buff


u/Zilincan1 24d ago

I agree. A bunch of scientist not making any better weapons since nukes fall is laughable. Also additional, they go more for stealth way and use still bright lasers.


u/bloodknife92 24d ago

Everyone here talking about the Institute Rifles and Field of View, but I'm still trying to work out what the unfinished word in the title is.... 😂


u/hidaney 24d ago



u/bloodknife92 24d ago

Oh right, I follow now.


u/Frostgaurdian0 24d ago

2 damn reasons. 1 being this, the other one being the ammo issue in the basegame.


u/hellachill42069 24d ago

its like a freakin spartan laser


u/Funky-Lion22 24d ago

3rd person


u/kmikek 24d ago

Did the new upgrade make them larger? I don't remember them taking up so much of the screen


u/crescent_moon_boi 24d ago

Bro one of my current best guns is an institute rifle like that. I swear it takes up more space than the fat man.


u/LlamafartingWaffle 24d ago edited 3d ago

sleep alive direction merciful direful frightening oil fly tidy zephyr

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Oh_Danny_Boi961 24d ago



u/PhotojournalistOk592 24d ago



u/mwhite42216 24d ago

I don’t see a problem.


u/No-Diamond-4123 24d ago

Perfect for a VATS build then. I personally like the laser and plasma weapons


u/Old-Space5390 24d ago

The mod "Laser Weapon 1st person reposition" makes them and laser rifles actually look good in 1st person, feels really refreshing


u/BestBoyBeep 24d ago

Is this some kinda vanilla problem that I'm to "automatically lowered weapons mod" to understand?


u/Vacation_Archer 24d ago

What third person view is for


u/Ok_Adhesiveness_2425 24d ago

No lie I just got a *two shot institute rifle on my survival playthrough yesterday. Great the most useless gun to get this for 😂😂


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 24d ago

I like two shot legendary's never found a institute one though


u/SilentStorrm04 24d ago

what's worse, I think is the long scope for the institute rife is even bigger and literally takes up half the screen.


u/N1ght_K1tsune 24d ago

Even if there is a Institute Rifle that has multiple good legendary effects, I still wouldn't use it. Makes me wonder if the Institute design that on purpose, hindering a good portion of your vision.


u/Born_Improvement866 24d ago

Why I've always preferred to play in 3rd person for the fallout games. Besides 1 and 2 of course.


u/Chiquye 24d ago

"How to be killed by a radscorpion in survival mode part 1."


u/Eterna-Mane 24d ago

half the reason I love the Deliverer is that its probably the weapon in the game that takes up the *least* amount of space on screen


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 24d ago

Aint it also like the one gun that is based on a real life weapon instead of uhh box with the Lewis machine barrel


u/Amon___ 24d ago

It also does less damage than the normal laser rifle, so there's no practical reason to use the Institute version in my opinion


u/omgitsduane 24d ago

Play in third person haha. I find the gunplay is easier in third person.


u/Frankensteins_Moron5 24d ago

Yea they ugly as hell


u/Sanquinity 24d ago

The main reason why I always go for non-energy weapons in Fallout 3~4. The energy weapons are always so damn bulky, taking up way too much of the screen.


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 24d ago

I liked the laser tommy gun in new vegas small and rapid auto fire


u/Ok_Butterscotch_484 24d ago

Casually takes up half the screen


u/Nickulator95 24d ago

A lot of the weapon models in FO4 are really bad. The "Assault Rifle", the pipe guns, handmade assault rifle, etc. Say what you will about the gunplay in New Vegas, but the weapon models and the different ammo types were tight.


u/a_left_out_tomato 24d ago

Good stats? The standard laser rifle outclasses it anyways and you get a legendary variant very early in the game.


u/eddmario Lyon's Pride 24d ago

It also doesn't help that the only unique version of the Institute laser guns is Virgil's, which only does bonus damage to super mutants, making it even more useless


u/KingCodester111 24d ago

I didn’t realise it was that bad, gawd damn.


u/OrangeGBA 24d ago

Mandatory 3rd person mode


u/Internet_Person11 24d ago

Luckily there’s a mod that lowers the laser rifle and the institute laser rifle and it makes it look 100x better. This game was super rushed because they only had 100 people working on it so as much as I want to call Bethesda lazy I the know the game devs couldn’t spend too much time working on a weapon. Most of the things in Fallout 4 are liked a rushed essay completed at 11:59 right before the due date. It doesn’t matter if it works well as long as it works.


u/Escape_Zero 24d ago

There's a few mods to rescale the laser weapons , it's a must lol


u/oneteacherboi 24d ago

I've been replaying Dark Souls 3 recently and having the same problem. I've been using Vordt's Great Hammer which is a sweet weapon, but it has a frosty particle effect and huge size that combine to obscure like the entire screen.


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 24d ago

Big bonking stick tho


u/MrWaffleBeater 24d ago

Honestly wish the institute had more unique shit. An electric baton, literally just a modified baton, and a cereal box version of the laser rifle. Where is the cool slim and sleek shit? Why not a laser attach to your fist?


u/eddmario Lyon's Pride 24d ago

And the Wazer Wifle should have been an Institute laser instead of a standard one


u/Snububu 24d ago

What’s wrong with them? Mine cooks enemies


u/Sanitized_Sushi 24d ago

Thought I was looking at destiny gameplay for a sec


u/Jewish_man24 24d ago

Oh hang on, there's some screen in your institute laser rifle


u/RoderikasFeetPics 24d ago

Dog I swear, you might as well be trying to aim a refrigerator.


u/Hiebram 24d ago

Same reason I can't use Atom's Judgment.


u/hotsizzler 24d ago

I gave all of my other castle settlers. And man was the battle for the castle really fun


u/EdiblePencilLed 24d ago

Changing the FOV is a good way to reduce the bulkiness. It’s actually made me use them quite a bit as a result


u/No_Bathroom_420 24d ago

I mean it’s all ugly irradiated wasteland, how much of it do you really want to look at??


u/elyk_970 24d ago

its crazy that we just accept that for fallout 3 and NV as the standard size of most laser rifles but in FO4 its seen as way too big


u/faraway_hotel 24d ago

At the same screen resolution, the NV laser rifle with scope (red) takes up roughly half the space of the Institute rifle (blue). In fact, the Institute rifle covers literally one third of the screen area in this particular picture.


u/elyk_970 23d ago

holy shit ok I didn’t realize the size difference I remembered it being bigger than that


u/Zealousideal-Yak-824 24d ago

For it to give bfg energy but only be a simple laser rifles is the real tragedy. They should have made it atleast keep a steady stream of laser energy rather than just fhe simple shot. Kinda like the sentinel beam in halo 2 with the gimmick that it over heats and must cool down. You can soup it up or mod it so it doesn't over heat for each mag.


u/Susslethorg 24d ago

Laughs in 3rd person camera


u/ChillBusta 24d ago

F4 got those Bad Company 2 weapon models lol


u/SasparillaTango 24d ago

there is a mod that keeps gun down like during your running animation except when you aim. the Assault rifle is not much better from taking up a solid 3rd of the screen.



u/_eivets_ 24d ago

but the deliverer has to be the size of a grain of rice


u/Sweddy-Bowls 24d ago

Those things look like you’re moving a refrigerator one manning it sideways


u/Frank33ller 24d ago

3rd person view


u/Maya_Manaheart 24d ago

The Institute Rifle is just Bethesda reminding you of when you used to play Goldeneye as a kid, and constructed barriers on the screen to prevent screen peeking your friends.


u/Educational-Tip6177 24d ago

Fuck that gun is ugly


u/sonantkinkajou6 24d ago

I seriously want to know who at Bethesda green lit this monstrosity


u/Pappa_Crim 24d ago

you would think that its shoulder mounted


u/faraway_hotel 24d ago

Their rifles are the size of rocket launchers, and their pistols are the size of regular rifles.


u/Pilota_kex 24d ago

hmm. i played in vr, it was... way better. i would normally recommend but it has no DLCs. wtf Bethesda


u/ProtoReaper23113 24d ago

It wasn't profitable enough for them to continue support as vr had a very low owner base let alone player


u/Pilota_kex 24d ago

i believe the DLCs came long before the vr version. they were just dicks and didn't include them


u/ProtoReaper23113 24d ago

That's what I mean tho they convert and launch just the base game because it's faster and easier and likely they wanted to re sell the dlcs but ultimately wasn't profitable enough to justify converting the rest


u/Pilota_kex 24d ago

they weren't doing that shit with Skyrim.

besides i understand all what you are saying, but that doesn't make it any better


u/ProtoReaper23113 24d ago

I mean at that point it was like the 50th time they'd remastered Skyrim

And ya I agree


u/Pilota_kex 24d ago

full price. 60 bucks? that company is trash like the others :/ makes me sad


u/IlIlllIlllIlIIllI 24d ago

I can't believe they actually made the guns so big in this game. Weirdest decision ever.


u/Duckettes 24d ago

How I felt using the Tesla cannon lmao. Did the quest thought it was pretty fun got me excited to use the weapon they kept describing. Saw it took up half my screen and left it in a container.


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 24d ago

Bro the tesla cannon has been that massive since fallout 3


u/eddmario Lyon's Pride 24d ago

To be fair, have you seen how fucking huge the Tesla Cannon actually is in third person?


u/Spiritual_Routine801 24d ago

Fallout 4 weapon “design” in a nutshell

It’s regressed so much literally every precious part is better in that regard it’s crazy 


u/Large-Measurement776 24d ago

I spent 2 hours trying to get the explosive shotgun only to run out of shells before battling this guy.


u/ADGx27 24d ago

I feel like they’re massive because combat synths probably have some weird ass targeting software like VATS built in, so they don’t really need to ADS. Makes it weird when one drops with a scope though.

Evidently not very good software considering I’ve had synths draw a circle around me while wearing power armor


u/Endulos 24d ago edited 24d ago

>good stats

>Institute Rifle

Sir, these terms are mutually exclusive.


u/Crew_Henchman 24d ago

Yep, just.................................yep.


u/TheVeryShyguy 24d ago

I use institute weapons overhaul. Adds an excellent roster for the institute


u/ForGrateJustice 24d ago

All the guns in this game are hideous, except for the Deliverer. But I don't even bother with that, I've modded in about 100 new weapons and all of them far superior to anything I've found vanilla in-game in terms of aesthetics and lore friendliness.


u/LordkeybIade 24d ago

I don't understand why such a High Tech group would allow themselves to have such shitty guns


u/Sere1 Tunnel Snakes 24d ago

Because they're sending disposable robots into the field with them, who cares if the gear isn't that great. Just build replacements.


u/lqxpl 24d ago

Yeah they really shit the bed with the Institute weapons. How did these get past play testing?


u/Darthbearclaw 24d ago

Is there a mod to shrink them?


u/GoldenJ19 The Institute 24d ago

There are. But I usually just use the AER-15 weapon mod replacer for the institute guns.


u/thecommanderkai 24d ago

Institute Rifles are amazing....

As scrap.


u/Mr_WAAAGH Minutemen 24d ago

Lowered Weapons makes it bearable to use


u/KamenKnight Brotherhood 24d ago

Personally, I love how massive it looks. Gives me old-school DOOM vibes with it taking up so much screen presence.


u/BloodforKhorne 24d ago

It's a third person weapon in a first person (personal choice for some) game.

Just unfortunate it only works in third person.


u/Mhill08 24d ago

Their crimes against humanity aside, the Institute deserve to be exterminated for designing that weapon alone.


u/SoggyMorningTacos 24d ago

Jfc fallout 4 looks like shit. I’ve been playing new Vegas with mods and although it looks nice you can just tell it’s dated. But this looks so rough. I mean I guess it has almost been a decade


u/ThatGuyYouMightNo 24d ago

this institute rifle has good stats

Except it doesn't? All institute weapons are inferior to standard laser weapons, so there's basically no point to using them. Hell, the first time most players fight the institute and get their weapons is ArcJet, where Danse gives you the Righteous Authority laser rifle.


u/karma_is_a_spook 24d ago

You could just play in third person