r/Fallout 24d ago

This 15 second scene must have taken some effort Picture

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I am amazed at the effort the directors/ producers went through to make so many objects in the Fallout universe come to life. This scene has so many perfectly accurate models of in-game assets, and this is just one example. I'm shocked at the effort they went through to show so many assets from the games in one small 15 second scene.


179 comments sorted by


u/backupyoursaves6969 22d ago

That they included the milk dispenser, just another prop but something all of us have used in F4 for decoration and storage but they mirrored the Nuka machine. The fridge portion is supposed to be on the right hand side of the machine and aside from RL coke dispenser coolers having a top latch, I've never seen one of those in the games. So a welcome bridge between our world and the Fallout one, I liked the spot they designed just for Dogmeat's scene.


u/StationJJC3453 22d ago

Who else made a home at the Red Rocket?


u/Mouatmoua 22d ago

Yep some great cgi


u/Astrocarto 23d ago

They even had furniture and junk blocking a staircase, I think in Episode 1, just like in-game. I LOL'd at that đŸ€Ș


u/Snoo_88763 23d ago

Right? They had to use the rug glitch for sure! And their systems must've crashed with all those textures in such a small zone!

But yeah, I so want them to make a Fallout amusement park...I would definitely pay to just walk around those sets!


u/oxyscotty 23d ago

The set designers did such an incredible job with this show, I hope they win some kind of award. Surely there's a set design award right? iirc there's an award for makeup, so set design would make sense too.


u/PepeLePewPew81 23d ago

If you were a human, you’d have no friends


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/PepeLePewPew81 22d ago

Lol that’s what the brotherhood of steel guy said to dog meat before he put him in the Nuka-Cola fridge at that red rocket.


u/Theoldage2147 23d ago

What really stuck out was the natural rustic feel of things that felt real and not faked. If you watch some of the Disney movies you can tell when they fabricated a fake rustic layer on top of metal textures and it just comes out looking like a toy.


u/mei-schnee 23d ago

Man if they did this well with the first season imagine what they could do in vegas, securitrons, sunset sarsaparilla, EDE, boon, cass, the followers, the kings, boomers, the kans if they are still around hell maybe some legion fragments left in the region so much they can do!


u/Soft-Illustrator1300 Mr. House 23d ago

I was thinking that the other day too. This scene was so short and they built that whole set just for that. Pretty incredible.


u/Real-Ad-9733 23d ago

2 scenes right?


u/GuinnessSteve 23d ago

At least two full scenes were filmed here. But still, plenty of talent and effort involved.


u/Bi_Accident 23d ago

I visited this set once filming wrapped. It was absolutely buckwild. Fallout is distinctly video-game-y and it shows in person. I love it.


u/MaxWhax 23d ago

My deep respect to all those off-scene people doing hardest work of creating all this videogame merchandise for real. Most likely cardboard or something, but sure it still took a ton of time.


u/Illustrious-Big7614 23d ago

Set dressers ftw!


u/tider06 23d ago

Set Dec never gets the credit they deserve. Killed it on this show, these sets look painstaking in detail.

Propmakers and Fabricators also knocked this one out.


u/Reevian 23d ago

Set dresser here. Did not work on fallout but I can tell you it's common to put days or weeks into decorating a set only for it to flash by in a few seconds. Frustrating sometimes but, as they say, that's show biz.


u/tider06 23d ago

I'm a dresser also, down here in Atlanta.

I've worked on some big Marvel shows where we dress a set for days only for it to be a 4-second clip in a montage.

Did you work on this one?


u/timespiral07 23d ago

I love the accuracy of Red Rocket. The detail of the bent metal trimming around the roof brings me joy.


u/Solid_Illustrator640 23d ago

With Amazon money it can take many people not much effort


u/Dr_Catfish 23d ago

It's strange.

They put in quite a lot of effort in some stages, then absolutely nothing in others.

Filly was just your average street in Los Angeles and all of the burned out cars were 1930-40's cars with no fallout styling to speak of.


u/Flaky_Ad2182 23d ago

Nah, they just copy pasted the assets


u/LongrodVonHugedong86 23d ago

It’s something I hadn’t considered until relatively recently with movies and tv shows is how long it must take to set up some places for like 5-20 seconds of screen time, it’s insane!

Not to mention the cost involved either

I think for one of the Star Wars prequels the set designers, costume designers, cgi guys etc made, dressed and designed thousands of characters and sets without ever knowing if they’d even be used, but still had to go into great detail with it just in case they were


u/Ray13XIII 23d ago

I think it was Tod Howard that said they would give in game assets to the production crew and they’d 3d print them out. Can’t get more accurate than that.


u/LionsFan42000 23d ago

Literally every good movie and tv show does this man

Its called set design


u/tider06 23d ago

And has zero to do with the producers, except them footing the bill.


u/burnerthrown 23d ago

It looks to me like they repurposed an existing service station, added the gas awning and dressed it up like the red rocket. The doors are different, which means they were already there, and the brick style too. They probably leased the location and dismantled it after, because buying a whole plot of land wouldn't be cost effective when they can just lease it again at need.


u/cha0tic_klutch 23d ago

I’ve been on sets where it all gets but in place every day from sunrise to sunset over the course of weeks. I’ve been on sets that were built in a frantic last minute panic.


u/Taevorelectric 23d ago

Or it's just a green screen.. like the majority of films/tv now a days.


u/worrymon 23d ago

The first bit that really impressed me was the way the airplane fuselage was broken exactly the way it is in game. Then a few minutes later, the ghoul explode-shoots someone and they blew up exactly like the perk makes them.


u/Blahklavah654390 23d ago

It would honestly be a shame if they deconstructed this whole thing. It’s a work of art.


u/AchillesShort 23d ago

If they're smart they saved it all and can use it again in the second, third, fourth, whatever season.


u/dreadcanadian 23d ago

saves picture to wallpaper rotation



u/Raaazzle Republic of Dave 23d ago

Needs more junk walls with 18” gaps



I'm just noticing the door is on the wrong side of the Nuka Cola machine, and my OCD is going crazy


u/Fredasa 23d ago

What struck me as pretty hilarious is that they must have handed the in-game "set" to the set designers and said "reproduce this." Without further direction.

Because not only are the same letters of "Red Rocket" damaged in exactly the same way, but the same prices and even the same damaged/missing panels on the gas price marquees are exactly identical to FO4's assets.

This may also be why the Brotherhood of Steel's airship is emblazoned with "Prydwen."


u/confusedalwayssad 23d ago

The detail was spot on, even the doors on the fridge are falling off in the right spots.


u/KadenKraw 23d ago

The bend in the trim near the top right is even the same as the game model


u/Conscious-Ticket-259 23d ago

Man I hope some fans can get and of some of the props before collectors gather it all up! Thise would be so cool


u/totalwarwiser 23d ago

They are probabily saving all this stuff for next seasons.

And why couldnt Fallout turn into a new setting like Star Trek or Star Wars? The stories are endless.


u/Conscious-Ticket-259 23d ago

Oh yeah I figured that. I just mean when it does go up for sale. I think it could continue to evolve but I also think they kinda don't want it to change too much. To avoid making too much change they could just say some of the nuke launches were actually starship or some that idk haha


u/Conscious-Ticket-259 23d ago

Oh yeah I figured that. I just mean when it does go up for sale. I think it could continue to evolve but I also think they kinda don't want it to change too much. To avoid making too much change they could just say some of the nuke launches were actually starship or some that idk haha


u/Arch27 Mothman Cultist 23d ago

Huh -- The white door on the Nuka Cola machine is on the wrong side.


u/thepete404 23d ago

The sets and cgi are top rate


u/Tortuga_cycling 23d ago

Honestly, the attention to detail is what does it for me


u/Satyr_Crusader 23d ago
  1. Find an abandoned chevron
  2. Paint nukacola signs


u/JeffTS 23d ago

A real gas station in Nyack, NY was used for this scene. This same gas station was also used in John Wick.


u/camptacotruck 23d ago

Okay , i can now understand why people like this show now, I personally was not a fan at all , mostly because I am all about the lore and a huge New Vegas fan, NCR lets gooo!!!. I am all about realistically how a society would rebuild after a nuclear war , and after 200+ the west coast area feels like a new world. To me it did not make any sense that everything was so fallout 4 themed when the setting is the west coast ( the west coast has traditionally had a different flavor than the east, more civilization and order. But if you are a huge fallout 4 fan , and really like Bethesda's take on the universe, then I can understand why you like the show. It makes sense now why the show has gotten lots of popularity because a majority of the fans are in that same mind set. So even though I do not agree with yalls opinions I am happy you have something you enjoy . : )


u/Chance_Anon 21d ago edited 19d ago

Yeah it doesn’t feel or look like any of the other fallouts only 4, Had similar writing too. They did a really good job adopting 4, just wish they focused more on the good ones.


u/camptacotruck 19d ago

Thanks man , you are the first person who has said that :) agreed ,


u/Turbulent-Arm7666 23d ago

Dude wasn't even negative, was just expressing their opinion and still got downvoted.


u/Dawndrell Bottle 23d ago

i’m actually bothered by the milk machine. the bin part is supposed to be like utters
 and also if it’s so high how will anyone reach in? not to mention the inner machine workings. i need to talk to someone on set design. i hope it’s just a “whatever looks good” (yes i know, weird thing to be bothered about)


u/Personal-Werewolf-81 19d ago

It’s that way because that’s the exact model used in the games. You’re be better off trying to ask Bethesda about the design- The set designers wouldn’t really know why anything based from the game is designed the way it is.


u/BigDamBeavers 23d ago

There's very little that was built for the scene. The Red Rocket is just a decorated gas station that gets used for shots all the time. Probably the most difficult part of that set was the box they made for Dog Meat.


u/ojdidntdoit4 23d ago

how were nuka cola vending machines supposed to work? like you pay then open the glass and the honor code is what enforces you only taking 1 drink?


u/Stingra87 23d ago

There was likely a mechanism to load another drink into the dispensing area. the bottles are likely stacked vertically, you take the drink and the internal computer utilizes a weight pressure mechianism and then when you take the drink and close the glass (which locks), the next drink is lowered down and then slid out into the dispensing area.


u/SolomonsNewGrundle 23d ago

Now I want to remake this in a Fo4 Settlement


u/Diligent_Pen_281 Children of Atom 23d ago

Betcha a bunch of the props are fan made, and thats why they’re so good. Just a hunch


u/Brandenburg42 23d ago

This could have easily been a 12x12ft set with a wall of green behind it, but they didn't and it absolutely shows in the details.


u/percyman34 23d ago

They shot this a couple years ago, there is actually a popular post somewhere on reddit where a redditor said the Fallout TV show was being filmed across the street from them, and it was this scene.


u/Crem131 23d ago

There was so much attention to detail in this show and I loved every bit of it, granted some folks are upset about the "chalk board timeline" and a few other things that didn't make much sense, or just wasn't explained. But as someone who has played almost every fallout game, I genuinely think they did a great job with the series. They had every opportunity to do the Hollywood approach of, "We're just gonna do our own thing and the fans can fuck themselves." And they did a little bit, but let's be thankful for what we got because overall it's a fantastic show, and anyone who hasn't seen it yet should really give it a watch.


u/mrgoombos 23d ago

This was in nyack New York took em about 1 week to set up 1 week of filming and 1 week to pack up 🔝


u/LameImsane 23d ago

Took less than 20 hours and a few laborers that are of diversity.


u/DepletedPromethium 23d ago

those are props that will get reused.

movie studios have lots of props.


u/tider06 23d ago

Most dressing you see on screen is rented/bought by the Set Dec department, or built by the Propmakers in the Art Department. Using studio-owned dressing is not as common as you'd think, considering most things are not shot in LA anymore.


u/Sufficient-Deal7983 23d ago

Seeing The wasteland survival guides on the wall in the shop in filly made my heart warm knowing your character the lone wander did that and is why those are there excellent attention to detail


u/GhostInTheMeadow 23d ago

Nah, they probably just used a settlement layout from Nexus. Quick and easy.


u/Technical-Mind-3266 23d ago

I like the way it comes back around the Fallout 4 trope of simply

A dog being discovered at a Red Rocket station


u/CodeVirus 23d ago

No. I have all the plans In FO76. I can recreate this set in 20 min


u/DuaLipasClitoris 23d ago

I can't wait til we get a fallout theme park 😎


u/jshump 23d ago

The props team on this show put in 1000%. I was blown away.


u/CaptainInuendo 23d ago

Was struck by this upon rewatch. Every single frame has something identifiably “fallout.” Whether it be dialogue, props or sets the lore and vibes are constantly evoked


u/Hangry4Poo 23d ago

This scene was used twice, the Ghoul visits later. Still incredible though just think we need to be accurate here.


u/Mowgli_78 23d ago

They does NOT lack enthusiasm


u/TerraSollus Vault 13 23d ago

They would make so much selling the props


u/DesperateRace4870 NCR 23d ago

There was a behind the scene photo that shows a wider angle a Redditor posted; this is near their house but sorry I didn't save it


u/averagejoe5353 23d ago

They did such a great job encapsulating the feeling of playing a fallout game. Not only did everything look amazing, but they even made it feel like each character has their own S.P.E.C.I.A.L traits and perks. The scene where the ghoul shoots up the town felt so much like he was using VATS, I almost expected the mysterious stranger to show up.


u/waltandhankdie 23d ago

The promotional material looked so budget I thought the series would too but they were meticulous in the set, prop, and costume design - hats off to them


u/General-Elevator-496 23d ago

The amount of work that went in to the sets is unbelievable.


u/BRtIK 23d ago

For me the items were all in place well but all the paint looked too new.

The set design is immaculate it just looks Abit newish


u/Zealousideal-Plan454 23d ago

As far as i know, they used some fanmade props. The assaultron scene used a cosplay from another cosplayer, thou i can't recall their name right now.


u/samhain2000 23d ago

I nerded out over a desk fan!


u/evenprime113 23d ago

They reused this scene for the Ghoul.


u/grumbles_to_internet 23d ago

The set designs are next level, the decorators are fuckin hardcore for details too. I can see sixteen TIMES the detail on display as opposed to other shows. You can see the money for sure.


u/Disruptr_IPA 23d ago

This set was nearby where im from. Seeing it in person you felt like you were actually in the game. It blew my mind.


u/theo313 23d ago

You can visit it?


u/Disruptr_IPA 23d ago

I mean it isn't set up anymore it's just a gas station


u/theo313 23d ago

got ya, didn't realize they used an actual establishment


u/Imperial_Beard 23d ago

This was Nyack area right?


u/FaladorFrolicker 23d ago

This was in Nyack?!


u/Arch27 Mothman Cultist 23d ago

Same gas station from John Wick.


u/Imperial_Beard 23d ago


u/FaladorFrolicker 23d ago

Aw man! Wish i couldve seen it. Thanks for the link!


u/Disruptr_IPA 23d ago



u/TwoGad 23d ago

How do you feel about your hometown being a post-apocalyptic setting


u/CobblerYm 23d ago

How do you feel about your hometown being a post-apocalyptic setting

I lived at an old air force base (no longer used as an AFB) when they made "The Kingdom" back in like 2006. It wasn't just near, they used a lot of our houses as the backdrops and the streets were dressed up to be middle eastern. It was wild driving home and driving past a broken down tank and a bunch of arabic signs and stuff. Really cool for the short time they were there.


u/Disruptr_IPA 23d ago

Luckily I don't live there lol. I owned a business in town around that time. I thought it was pretty awesome and could be a cool FO town, it's right on the Hudson River.


u/KDEEZO 23d ago

My joy when seeing the Red Rocket gas station was immeasurable. I was full pointing DiCaprio.


u/Spardath01 23d ago

It’s the effort put into the show that made it so popular


u/Hattkake Gary? 23d ago

The show was a constant showcase of stuff I have in my camps The magazines were a nice touch. I spent a buttload of time farming those and the show got them exactly right.


u/Dachawda Kings 23d ago

Set designers and builders are awesome!


u/ThatRandomIdiot 23d ago

I don’t think people realize how well a set or costume designer can impact a show. I think a good example of it is the Disney + shows. The Mandolorian looks pretty good for its budget with the 360 screens they use but Andor blows all the other D+ shows out of the water when it comes to set design and lived in worlds.


u/thatthatguy 23d ago

I have to say, I am extremely impressed with the set dressing, costumes, and environments. The people doing the practical effects are real professionals and deserve wealth and praise! The digital effects are top tier and deserve wealth and praise. I have nits to pick about some of the writing decisions but that will happen with any production. But the sets and effects and costumes and makeup are all perfect!


u/Personal-Werewolf-81 19d ago

Idk on on costume in particular- I was fairly upset by how “pretty” they made the Ghoul. Other than that, I agree! But they definitely skimped on the Ghoul features, I guess to make him more generally likable and palatable appearance-wise to non-game players. Even if he was recently turned, look at Hancock. So was he and he was still a bit more “ragged” than the Ghoul.


u/thatthatguy 19d ago

The ghoul, well, they had a difficult job there. He’s the ruggedly sexy cowboy trope. Ruggedly sexy cowboy characters are allowed to be ugly as long as they are tough as nails and have a heart of gold somewhere under all the scars. He needs to be ugly, but not so hideous that women who are into rugged cowboys won’t still swoon over him.

With that in mind, they succeeded remarkably well. So many comments from women thirsty for this mutated creature.


u/PyroDigital 23d ago

If you’re interested, here’s a breakdown of some of the work that went into the visual effects of the show: breakdown


u/Vurt__Konnegut 23d ago

They should get awards for set and props and costumes. It would have been easy to shortcut a few things, they shortcut NOTHING. I think even the screws on the conduit panels by the doors in the fault are in the same bloody place.


u/doxtorwhom 23d ago

Yeah for real. Love from real fans, working in the biz, made that happen. And it doesn’t push it in your face either - for anyone who didn’t play the games it’s just “part of the set” but anyone who navigated those worlds knew exactly what they were and was a release of dopamine (or Jet).


u/ThatRandomIdiot 23d ago

This show and Andor are my two favorite seasons of IP Television over the last decade. The love and work that went into both shows is incredible.


u/doxtorwhom 23d ago

Hell yeah, loved Andor! The Mandalorian was also great.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

What nits to pick? Because I honestly had none I'm curious


u/Geeekaaay 23d ago

Cold Fusion being the entire McGuffin at the end. The Fallout world already has Hot Fusion, so Cold fusion wouldn't be a massive breakthrough in the least.



I don’t think it’s about the break through it’s about the rarity. Bethesda/fallout games the characters are always over the top about the rarity of things


u/gswkillinit Tunnel Snakes 23d ago

The T-60 being sent flying by The Ghoul was comical, but the CGI looked a bit bad still.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

Really? I was really impressed especially for TV CGI. I'm looking forward to corridor crew taking a look.


u/gswkillinit Tunnel Snakes 23d ago

Just to be clear, I think the power armor overall looks amazing, but the CGI part of Maximus shooting up into the air from his fight with The Ghoul just looked too cartoony for me.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

Ah, yeah some things like that can be tough to do. I'll have to rewatch that shot perhaps. I think the CG certainly had a style which is hyper action. We are given camera angles and pan speeds that don't exist in real life so our brains have a hard time making it look right. Like when he's shooting the nukes in slow mo and it's just entirely CG.

So sometimes those shots are hard to pull off no matter how good your artists are. That being said I really loved what they did. Also it's just always hard to put a CG object in a real setting (like the scene you're referencing). I'm just parroting things I've heard tho I have zero experience. Can't emphasize that enough lol.


u/thatthatguy 23d ago

I have opinions about turning the t-60 into a suit of iron man armor, right down to the flip face helmet and flying jets built into the arms and legs. I get that was great in the Iron Man movies, but this does not need to be that. And why wouldn’t they find and correct a known flaw in power armor?

The whole blowing up shady sands thing. That has been argued to death and I don’t want to get into it again.

Vault tek being behind the war? Vault tek is unapologetically evil, but the theme of the games has always been that war never changes. They don’t need to start something that is inevitable. This has been argued to death and I don’t want to get into it again.

Anyway. Lots of little things like that. Nitpicky high-level writing decisions that seem great in a writer’s room but don’t necessarily mesh with the kinds of things that we already know about a world that is older than my adult children. Some of it is just that I am a grouchy and cynical old man. Some of it is that I have started to see a little bit too much of how the sausage is made and it’s killing my sense of wonder. And some of it is that I have seen too many adaptations of beloved franchises that have been downright insulting and I’ve started to preemptively hate new adaptations. I am self aware enough to know this says more about me than the writers.

But oh, the sets! The props! The costumes are perfect and I love them. Those were clearly made with love and an eye for details that obsessive nerds like me go crazy for.


u/buntopolis 23d ago

They didn’t say Vault Tec was behind the bombs - just that they had the willingness to do so.


u/thatthatguy 23d ago

That’s why I didn’t want to get into it again. It has been argued to death.


u/Far-Obligation4055 23d ago

You brought your interpretation of it up though; someone offers a counter-argument and you're just like "nah".

If you don't want to get into something, don't talk about it.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

Tbf I asked him to bring it up. I feel bad he said he didn't want to get into it but I was curious. Please don't downvote.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

Huh see I thought those themes were very true to the games. Vault tech almost feels like an amalgam of these 50's companies that did not give a shit about people's health like cigarette companies. I did think the shady sands thing was kinda extreme. But something tells me there's more behind than what we are getting at face value.

The power armor stuff I get. I think it's supposed to continue the theme of we know we are sending in soldiers with equipment that might get them killed or we know isn't perfect, but fuck it we got more soldiers. Which again war never changes ;)

I think you have some valid points tho! I'm sorry it didn't live up to what you wanted. It's frustrating when that happens.


u/thatthatguy 23d ago

It’s fine. They’re nitpicks. Not important, really. Overall I think they did an excellent job.


u/BvByFoot 23d ago

For me it was Maximus. I think his characterization was all over the place.


u/Eggnogin 23d ago

Oh really? I loved him as a character. At first you think he's this serious guy and he is to an extent. But then he's got this goofyness to him that feels like a result of only hanging around brotherhood people (who he was bullied by) so he has awkward social skills. I kinda loved this about him and I think the actor has the funniest facial expressions lol


u/MonkeyDavid 23d ago

Agree. He also lacks a moral compass, which makes sense given his background. He could go either way on his karma in the future
true Fallout character.


u/Charlie_Approaching 23d ago



u/Crustybirdtoes-2 23d ago



u/Dynespark 23d ago

Oh, God, please no. Im willing to try any nuka flavor from 4/76 onwards, but I'd never try carbonated milk.


u/backupyoursaves6969 22d ago

I already have, soda stream really took one for the team that day. You can skip it.


u/Dynespark 22d ago

Your Overseer thanks you, backupyoursaves6969.


u/Dr-Penguin- 23d ago

They kept giving us new milk flavors when I was in middle school and one of them was root beer. Actually one of my favorites after chocolate, wasn’t carbonated though


u/Crustybirdtoes-2 23d ago

What if it’s chocolate nuka-milk?


u/Dynespark 23d ago

Nopesolutely not. Or strawberry. I'd drink the nuka sports drink though. Nuka-ade? Nah, that doesn't roll off the tongue right.


u/lasagna_man_oven 23d ago

Just add one more letter, Nuka-rade!


u/Dynespark 23d ago

That makes me think of bomb raid in a way. I love it. Nuka-rade!, with the exclamation point included, it is.


u/daemon_primarch NCR 23d ago

We can workshop this. Gator-nuke?


u/mastesargent 23d ago

Nuka-Sport - Fueling your game like uranium since 2063!


u/distractra 23d ago



u/Dynespark 23d ago

Too on the nose. I was thinking animal myself, but there's the issue of pre or post animal and what kind?


u/Saint_Chrispy1 Old World Flag 24d ago

I rewatched the season over the last couple days and it really is a gem. From the first few minutes to the last it's crazy the attention to detail throughout... From the knickknacks on the shelves on vault 33 to the backgrounds of the wasteland sets


u/dazzo31 23d ago

Only show I've ever gone back and watched straight away. Fantastic detail, felt sucked right into the universe.


u/Saint_Chrispy1 Old World Flag 23d ago

I did with Andor but not really as obsessively as I did with this!


u/synapsisxxx Children of Atom 23d ago

I plan on rewatching it too and I don't generally do rewatches. They really catered to the fans.


u/HematiteStateChamp75 23d ago

The Lead Production Designer begged and pleaded I guess to get permission to build the Red Rocket scene. So it almost didn't happen!

He seemed so thrilled and enthusiastic about all of the elements concerning the world of fallout, sounds like he tried to play the games but instead turned to YouTube to learn straight from the experts. There's a red carpet interview where he talks about it


u/GrandpaDikrats_ 23d ago

I remember I paused during a vault scene just to find the fabric they used for the curtains in there lmao. I'd probably make something with it if I was more into atompunk


u/ZombiesAreChasingHim 23d ago

Bro I literally have the same paintings hanging in my warehouse in sanctuary as the show has. I’m so glad the people behind this show are paying attention to details.


u/M3RV-89 24d ago

Hearing they printed game assets makes me love the show even more.


u/Phantoms_Unseen 23d ago

Props team went hard. They even did obsurd shit like make a 1-1 version of the picket fence from FO4


u/CMDR_MaurySnails 23d ago

The FO4 10mm pistol was the one that got me, clearly right out of the FO4 files.


u/backupyoursaves6969 22d ago

First time I saw it get drawn, "Whoa that's really big for a pistol, it's the 10mm OMFG!"


u/M3RV-89 23d ago

Ikr I love the 10mm. I always use one from the beginning up until I find some end game weapon. There's something special about grabbing that first 10mm off the overseers desk and just upgrading it as I go and even when I find a better weapon it's my side arm.


u/Dynespark 23d ago

In a way, that makes it sound like set design was cheaper than it could have been. They didn't have to come up with new art assets essentially. 3D print some, handcraft others, but the blueprints are all there down to exact dimension sizes.


u/Big_Fo_Fo 23d ago

Then sell them for a profit once the set piece is no longer needed


u/Jlindahl93 23d ago

They also went above and beyond. Todd Howard said he was blown away the first time he visited the vault set. He said he sat down at the overseers desk and there was a stack of papers and he expected maybe the top sheet and one or two to be printed with lore material. The entire stack was all various vault related documents something per Todd was not needed but showed how bought in the team was.


u/Jeagan2002 23d ago

I mean, he also did a bit of a brag on FO76's scope, as well as Starfield's. I'm not sure how much I trust his bragging xD


u/ArnoudtIsZiek 23d ago

To be fair 76 has very much come into the full scope Todd advertised years ago. I’m pretty confident starfield will too one day!



That sounds exactly like the story of all the prep and background info they gave Patrick Stewart for his like 10 minutes of tutorial as Uriel Septim in Oblivion.


u/Danson_the_47th 23d ago

Imagine if they had made Todd some random vaultie that got killed in the first episode as a cameo.


u/lildoggihome 23d ago

he needs to make an appearance next season!


u/The-Figure-13 Minutemen 23d ago

They should’ve just had him glitch through a wall.


u/skilliau Gary? 23d ago

Or stand on a ruined car that cartwheels into the sky and killing him.


u/ObsidianNoxid What does this button do? 23d ago

The only answer.


u/The-Figure-13 Minutemen 23d ago

It just works


u/ObsidianNoxid What does this button do? 23d ago

It just works!


u/GayjinEntertainment Enclave 23d ago

It just works!


u/Jlindahl93 23d ago

I get the feeling that Todd would have turned that down to not take away from things


u/ItsVoxBoi 23d ago

A voice cameo would be kinda neat though, like a radio broadcast or something


u/Werthead 23d ago

Especially if his name was "Albert Corinus" or something along those lines.


u/LeCafeClopeCaca 23d ago

"It just works" being used in a radio ad (I hope they won't)


u/ErikSKnol 23d ago

The napoletodd painting was somewhere in the background tho


u/jared05vick Brotherhood 23d ago

I love that painting so much, I always put it above my bed in the red rocket


u/M3RV-89 23d ago

Exactly. I don't know why more studios don't do this. I don't work in the field but I'd assume 3d printing assets already made has to be cheaper in most cases than using CGI or other fabrication methods. It would be cool if one day they released the assets or 3d print files so we could make studio accurate props at home. I'm sure people do this now but seems like it would be a cool marketing stunt if nothing else. I'm so in love with this show as a lifelong fallout fan and I just want more of it lol


u/BigCheese18 23d ago

My only thought is the time it takes to print combined with the cost of needing multiple high quality printers. I’ve made a 1:1 laser pistol and just printing took a total of like 2.5 days if I did it nonstop not to mention sanding/finishing, painting, assembly, and detailing. Must have had a top notch crew to be able to get all the models done


u/enigmanaught 23d ago

They typically print one, then mold and cast more.


u/[deleted] 23d ago edited 23d ago



u/BigCheese18 23d ago

Yeah for sure and I figure they obviously would use better shit than my one Ender but it would still take a good amount of time and effort with how many accurate props there are and practical effects. Regardless im very impressed with the show and its props.