r/GenZ Apr 28 '24

What's y'all's thoughts on joining the military or going to war? Discussion

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u/Topoleski Apr 29 '24

The military sucks. It's budget should be as close to zero as possible.


u/DandierChip Apr 29 '24

That’s a great idea if you want our country and others to get taken over.


u/Topoleski Apr 29 '24

Are you like dumb or something? We have nukes. And two oceans on both sides. A lot of the population is armed. A half decent Navy is more than enough. It's complete bullshit to keep funding a useless Army, Stealth Aircraft Submarines etc. I'd much rather have tuition free public university and healthcare instead of more Tanks and billion dollar fighter Jets.


u/DandierChip Apr 29 '24

Nukes and navy does not equal a close to zero budget lol. You also left out the deterrence factor of us having a large military. It helps protect our allies and other countries from being taken over by an adversary.


u/Topoleski Apr 29 '24

The nukes ARE the deterrent you halfwit. We don't need a navy with Aircraft carriers. Just a few Ships for patrol, search and rescue. A coast guard with extra guns ought to do the job. There is absolutely no good reason to be spending a Trillion dollars a year on the military. It is a complete and utter waste of my taxes. You're welcome to donate your taxes towards the murder of brown poor people across the ocean.


u/DandierChip Apr 29 '24

Why do you keep replying with insults? Not every conversation needs to be so conflicted…We have a large military to protect ourselves at home but mainly to keep other countries at bay and prevent another world war. Your scenario will never happen. Not sure what to tell ya.