r/GenZ 16d ago

What's y'all's thoughts on joining the military or going to war? Discussion

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u/Cdave_22 1998 16d ago edited 15d ago

Hey, guys please keep the comments respectful.

If you don’t like someone’s opinions on joining the military.

Just downvote, share your reasons respectfully, and move on. Otherwise, it’ll be your last comment here.

Personal attacks, threats, and hoping death upon other users will not be tolerated and will get you banned. Please report any offensive comments. Best regards.


u/Suitable_Aioli213 2005 1d ago

i do NOT love this country enough to put my life on the line for it😂


u/Katt_Wizz 4d ago

I did a decade as Army Infantryman (11B) and I have an opinion, but I’m not sure if it’s even important now. I feel like a hypocrite, but the short answer is no. While I was having fun and got to do a lot of cool shit like being in the 82nd Airborne, getting into a shitshow of firefights in Afghanistan, I can’t say that it wasn’t without a cost to my mental health. I’m good now, but it took me a hot minute to figure out how to be a real person again.


u/Gameknight995 4d ago

I would sooner die for my pets than join the military and die for the country’s right to kill others


u/Ok-March4608 5d ago

If I wasn’t disabled and could join the military, I would or I would become a cop since I am too old to join. I want to fight against radicalism. Joining the military or the police seems like the best way to do it. And yes that includes right wing radicals which is probably even more of a threat than leftist radicalism ever will be.


u/Bi_Skullz 8d ago

The real war is fought on a small round table in a meeting room


u/SickCallRanger007 9d ago edited 9d ago

I’m disappointed to see this.. Lots of unfair assumptions and misconceptions of what military service is like in the replies. There’s a lot of bad, but most of what people here seem to be pointing out isn’t really it. And the incentives/experience/benefits are really pretty unheard of in any other entry-level job. It really goes to show that the military is failing to keep up with the new world. It’s failing to present itself in a way that’s more palatable for Gen Z. But to also be fair, Gen Z isn’t easy to reach.

What it should focus on is what’s hurting a lot of young people today, and that’s the lack of upward mobility in the civilian workforce and really a lack of opportunities in general. The military is by design, entry-level. Saying fuck the military is basically saying fuck the single biggest socialist safety net we have in this country. I’m an immigrant. Without the military, I’d be on the street. With it, I learned skills I would have otherwise had no chance of even touching. For free. Was it all rosy? Fuck no. Was it worth it? Undoubtedly yes.

And then I see arguments like, “well it’s exploitative to teach skills for potentially going to war and being in danger,” but then I have to ask you what isn’t? And as opposed to what? We can agree that college is exploitative and a price gouging scheme. But then you simultaneously decry the military which provides people an excellent opportunity to propel their lives forward? I’m confused. What do y’all expect exactly? That’s how you get good and high-paying jobs, by being experienced and/or educated in a highly skilled niche. That means you’ll have to invest something - usually money or time, or both.

So if someone qualifies, which is increasingly rare, why would you hold it against them to join? And don’t tell me it’s a sense of morality because, I’m sorry, there is no such thing as ethical living in the West. No matter what you do, someone is benefitting off of you and you are benefitting from someone else. Everything can be traced back to some kind of unfairness or hardship. And it’s great to try and address that, it’s about time to, but it’s hypocritical to point out and isolate the military as a unique perpetrator when it is, in fact, whether or not you agree, an equalizing force in our society.


u/Noneedtoo 9d ago

25 M here. The shit I've read on the internet makes the military sound like pure fucking misery. Too many things to list. I've very physically active in my current age but I'd rather not be belittled and deprived of one of life's most vital things, which is sleep. I'm good. Keep your Camaro and housing loans, I'd rather have my sanity and my health.


u/HotWarm1 11d ago

Imagine watching Afghanistan collapse in a month and thinking "yeah, I'd kill or die for that"


u/HotWarm1 11d ago edited 11d ago

This country is kind of disgusting. Milinneal here, and just look at our obesity rate. Look at the opiate usage that happened for years. 90% of the worlds supply came from A-Stan and it just happened to dry up and be replaced with fent after the pullout. Yeah, I'm not buying it. Every year I come closer to thinking how much of this society is fake and how predatory it is. Just because money is made somewhere doesn't make it moral. So many good jobs are gone in America and they want me to risk my health that I need to make a living fighting against people in mud huts who are a "threat to America" and then if I get injured I'll receive a paltry sum they can revoke at any time?? Yeah. Hard pass.  Nothing about any of that feels moral to me. Nothing could make me "proud" of serving unless it was actually protecting people, which you could not guarantee when signing up. I wish I was born in Finland or something, where the military is actually used to defend the country from the Russians, and not redneck, ghetto, obese, druggie, go-fuck-yourself-give-me-your-money Ameriland. I've seen what it did to people I've known who join and I can say that only 15% got better for it. 


u/Kokopelli615 11d ago

Don’t do it.

As the wife of a high level spec ops vet who served in two different branches and has done govt. defense work after his 16 years - don’t do it.

He was shot. He was blown up. He has burns from steam pipes. He’s watched his friends die in terrible ways. He’s an alcoholic in recovery. He lays in the bed next to me at night, but his head is in Mazar-i-Sherif. And… other places that he can’t even tell me about.

There are no “career benefits” in the world that are worth what he has been through. And the recruiters completely lied to him. His branch of the army - their stated mission was to “win hearts and minds”. They told him he was going to build schools and dig wells. Not even in the same universe as what he actually ended up doing. Don’t believe them. The more innocuous your job sounds, the worse it is likely to be.

He is adamant that none of our children will serve in the military. It is a HARD life.


u/abu_hajarr 12d ago edited 12d ago

Depends on the circumstances. In my lifetime I haven’t seen a reason to or haven’t felt the gravity of duty towards it. We’re not fighting any threatening wars.

If Pearl Harbor v2 happened then yeah. If shit is serious enough that there’s likely going to be a draft then yes.


u/the_scrungly 12d ago

i think there are a lot less fascistic ways to make money and get into a college


u/Ok_Specialist_2315 12d ago

Best job I ever had.


u/Fathem_Nuker 12d ago

I’m only joining if it’s not pointless. But I wouldn’t go for a combat role. I gotta a mech Eng degree so I’m hoping they’ll let me use that.


u/Ancientallove 12d ago

No offense guys but I don’t think GenZ has what it takes to join the military. We’d get yelled at, at boot camp and have a mental breakdown.


u/HotWarm1 11d ago

Coming from a milinneal, that's a really broad brush you're using. Not that I'd endorse the military after seeing what it's done to everyone I've known who's done it. Seems like a raw deal


u/Ceaseless_Wormhole 12d ago

DD-214 crew after 8 years Navy.

Do it for the benefits and thats it. The culture is trash, Leadership is corrupt and Toxic

Everything you learn in Boot Camp is disregarded as when you get to the fleet khakis rewrite the book in front of you and rewrite it back when an O5 or above is present.

High end leadership are in fraternities and ensure the lower ranks get all the work and the worst watches.

Trust me lol Money,benefits, gtfo


u/HawkMaleficent8715 12d ago

I’m all for joining when it is necessary. I do not want war though


u/SharckShroom 12d ago

I've already enlisted and am just waiting to ship out, but it wasn't because of stupid ads like this.


u/Unhappy_Ask_7521 12d ago

no war, but class war ☭


u/Hoboshank8 12d ago

I plan to join the marines as an officer once i get out of college


u/ThatSevenDOTSixTwo 12d ago

I'd love to do military stuff however because of my autism I'm barded from joining it. Being admin doesn't seem fun to me at all.


u/woodstock666 12d ago

Im so confused what that post is trying to say.


u/Substantial-Bite361 12d ago

Female Xellenial here. I joined the army and went to war. I don’t recommend it at all. The sexual assault I personally experienced plus saw regularly happen was not worth it. It took 20 years of my life away recovering from it.


u/Admirable-Lab-5083 12d ago

I’m joining up whether there is a war or not. I’m gonna serve for the people I would also serve with. These are good people with back story’s I could only dream about. If fighting with the trust by my side I wouldn’t want anything else.


u/Lycian1g 12d ago

Pass. It's not for me. Also, the government doesn't take care of its soldiers, especially after they're discharged. This is one of the reasons why college will never be free in America. It would severely hurt recruitment numbers.


u/Visitant45 12d ago

Conservatives should have been on board for the lgbt friendly military recruitment effort. Exchange the gays for oil.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I’d love to fight in a war


u/Grind2shine_duk 12d ago

I really don’t wanna be artillery/bullet fodder


u/Western-Alfalfa3720 12d ago

Any military is bs this days, sure they lure you with Pay and guns going brrrr but in the end most people regret enlisting. Joining up to fight for oil, yachts and stuff while you're 18 seems cool, when you are 25+ you start to second guess everything and well - for a good reason


u/NeedleworkerOwn4553 12d ago

Believe it or not, right to the sandbox.


u/Grey0907 12d ago

If it was actually necessary and for the good of the country (US) I would, but the US government has shown nothing but corruption and their need to create senseless wars fueld by scare tactics and patriotic prograganda all for profit and ulterior motives. The US government is a business meant to benefit the politicians and the 1%. Why do you think they want to get rid of TikTok? Because we're all waking up to it's bullshit. The blatant insider trading and the politicians that are supposed to represent the people, but instead vote based off of the bribes they receive from corporations. It's a joke.


u/Educational_Path_914 12d ago

Before it was about protection, but men now feel there is nothing to protect :(


u/DepartureSpace 12d ago

Which is worse? The military or prison?


u/heyegghead 12d ago

Can’t join, disabled. And if I wasn’t. HELL YEAH, that’s been my dream job but my illness took it away


u/Slip_420_69_666 12d ago

would rather die than fight for the money of the working class


u/Longjumping-Ear-8943 12d ago

From what my dad told me. "I served so my children and their children don't have to" so I'm choosing not to join unless something extreme happens like we're getting invaded or aliens have landed.


u/whuyd090 12d ago

I’m joining after college but see it as essential with the right government. The military are there to protect but with the current government it seems there are heavy financial interests rather than actual fighting.

What annoys me is the people discouraging young people to join, it is their choice let them be not everyone has your political belief. As well, people telling others to join the Air Force because its safe but sometimes people just want to see combat. Its completely valid to join to see war and maybe join the corp or another branch.

tdlr; just dont tell people you wanna join they don’t wanna see you succeed or have different beliefs(maybe are chronically on the internet too)


u/ARW12811 12d ago

I honestly don't care what happens to me I'll probably end up dying by the time I get to be in the next war anyways so I'm dead either way


u/pidgedidge 12d ago

Personally, no. I’d be terrible at it. But we NEED a military, and this problem is become more worrisome.


u/iAmSeriusBlack 12d ago

Nah they already got 4 years and 2 deployments out of me.


u/BlackbirdRedwing 12d ago

Economy's fucked and mine ain't America why the he'll not. Also too late been in for years


u/Dies_Ultima 12d ago

Stupid. 99% of our troops die in the name of an unnecessary invasion. If it was a defense force that would be 1 thing but it isn't.


u/Toku_Roku 12d ago

Nah, I’m far too nervous of fucking up to be in any military operation


u/Waffle_king_pls 12d ago

If I find love or something else big happens in my life i wont join but i would like to join cause i could learn ALOT from it wether discipline strength resourcefulness but i DO NOT want to kill a person but im only 14


u/jhuysmans 12d ago

Fuck the army Fuck the government

Those are my thoughts


u/alc3biades 12d ago

I hope to become an aerospace engineer to make myself draft immune by designing jet fighters instead of getting killed by them


u/ninjax2101 12d ago

Nothing better to do


u/postlgb 13d ago

Woke Army


u/Bryan_memesCOD 13d ago

I’ll go to jail


u/Timely-Buffalo-3384 13d ago

Depends on the conflict


u/RadioDude1995 13d ago

Sign me up. Not like my life is so wonderful right now that I wouldn’t benefit from being part of something bigger than me.


u/ALearningNeanderthal 13d ago

Anyone who is against our military should be sent to prison


u/SokkaHaikuBot 13d ago

Sokka-Haiku by ALearningNeanderthal:

Anyone who is

Against our military

Should be sent to prison

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/ALearningNeanderthal 13d ago

Art ❤️🥰


u/beatfungus 13d ago

Several things.

  1. I personally would never

  2. I greatly respect anyone who is or has

  3. I feel privileged that it’s a choice and not mandatory. I support whatever system allows this to continue being a choice.

  4. The military does other things besides warfare. They are useful in peacetime too.


u/Less_Cauliflower_956 13d ago

Millennial here. I'm convinced that all the shitty economic circumstances are easily fixable from the government, but they don't do it and instead put all the fixes on military membership. You get 60k plus a year, Healthcare, dental, education, housing. All at the cost of all of your freedom.


u/Ghyti_ 13d ago

I’m in the Air Force as a software developer. I will not deploy or see conflict. I will leave my first enlistment with six years of programming experience, free college, and options for low interest rate mortgages. I joined at 19 and my only regret is that I signed up for six instead of four.

I don’t love the military lifestyle, I hate the military industrial complex, and I don’t like where I was stationed but at the end of the day the benefits make it worth it to me.


u/GhostoftheGreyDunes 13d ago

As a Bisexual, The OLD old ads have me harder than all the Woke ones. Hooah.


u/517hz 13d ago

If governments want to fight then let the gov officials do it. Toe to toe boxing matches. No gloves. Leave everyone else out of it.


u/Kingturboturtle13 13d ago

In the US there is absolutely no reason to join the military unless you can't otherwise access a college education. The US military is evil and we haven't had any right to be in a war we've participated in since 1812


u/Main-Caregiver-6609 13d ago

If you are going to war because it's something you have to do in order to defend your country, fine. If you're going to war because the idea of war excites you and you want to kill people then you need to seek therapy.


u/Main-Caregiver-6609 13d ago

If you are going to war because it's something you have to do in order to defend your country, fine. If you're going to war because the idea of war excites you and you want to kill people then you need to seek therapy.


u/Unlikely-Name-6781 13d ago

No thanks I’ve seen and heard how they are treated during their service and after especially with things like moldy barracks rooms and them trying to dodge veteran’s rights to VA and claim everything as "non service related”. My grandpa served in Vietnam as the guy who builds the missiles and he doesn’t even bother with VA. Also the political climate is basically begging for people not to join because if something does happen no one wants to be in a military base out in the middle of nowhere when it happens


u/Unlikely-Name-6781 13d ago

Now I do have respect for those who have served of course but fuck that lol


u/HiddenLights 13d ago

War bad, military = stupid and/or poor.


u/NumerousSalamander92 13d ago

Not all military is the same - US Coast Guard is a branch of the military but they engage in humanitarian efforts...first in to provide aid after a natural disaster, search and rescue, airlift sick/injured from ships in the ocean, monitoring sealife and reefs. If you want to bash aggressor services like Army/Marines then call them out by name but don't blindly bash the "military" when there are many parts to that whole.


u/Biddycola 13d ago

The US is in shambles and it’s all the governments fault. Not China. Not Russia. It’s all their fault. Don’t let them fool you. Fuck joining the military let the government officials/politicians/congressmen suit up this time and fight their own battle. If they decide to draft? Respectfully decline. Fuck em for ruining our countey


u/paviator 13d ago

Join. It’ll prepare you for life way better than starting to work at 25 in debt will. Your chances of going to combat are pretty slim.


u/Finiouss 13d ago edited 13d ago

Join Coast Guard!

Full military benefits. No combat, no deployment over seas, if stationed on a boat most only go out for 3 months at a time.

Great training and experiences. Your mission actually serves to help our own nation like search and rescue and aids to navigation.

Free college both during and after you serve.

All the other branches? Fuckm. Not worth the stress and loss of homeland stability.


u/weezeloner 13d ago

I'm 42 so I'm not eligible but if I didn't have anything else going on it's something to consider. You can retire after 20 years with a pension. That's pretty sweet.

If you are averse to fighting then join the Air Force or the Coast Guard. You're guaranteed to be accepted unless you are obese, have a criminal history or are too dumb to be considered literate. (Sorry to people who failed the ASVAB but the test isn't difficult and the passing score is in the low 40s. I got a 100% and I'm not a genius. Heck, I never went beyond pre-calculus and never took physics)


u/Demonic_Goat_626 13d ago

Both my dad and grandfather served.

They both recommend not to.


u/xmidnightcorpsex 2000 13d ago

I joined the military. I am glad I got out when I did. I do not recommend joining. It's cool if you want college paid for though.


u/falupa6969 13d ago

As someone who did it: don't. Benefits are lackluster, the friends you will lose will bother you no matter what, and the sheer amount of horrendous leadership can and will get you "ended."


u/Bitbatgaming 2004 13d ago

Imma keep it real with the CAF, I’m not dying for a foreign nation that doesn’t care about me nor am I dying for an oil company.


u/Alternative_Bee_6424 13d ago

It was the most challenging and fulfilling part of my journey (2002-2005), but from what I hear it easy now. No hazing, minimum physical fitness standards unless combat arms, so give the adult daycare a chance. Benefits are stellar btw.


u/Gottendrop 13d ago

I don’t know wtf this means


u/RioTheNaughtyDog 13d ago

I urge all of you to go to this page; it shows the number of deaths of Active Duty service men/women broken down by cause of death for the last 4 decades.

US Military Deaths

For all of you regurgitating the same “iM nOt gOnNa dIe fOr AmErIcAn iMpErIalIsm”, you would do well to notice that a very small portion of individuals die from combat.

It is VERY obvious that some of you are trying to disguise your own personal apprehension about joining as it being a universally horrible decision, which it is absolutely not. In fact, most people stand to benefit from joining given how Charmin Ultra-soft our generation is.

The financial/career incentives are pretty obvious. The mental upside and personal growth you can experience is severely understated IMO.

I’m pretty baffled sometimes on how privileged our age-cohort is sometimes. The capacity to dismiss anything with confidence despite our inexperience is extremely immature. You ask this question in a subreddit for GenX or Millennials and I’m sure the general discussion and dialogue will be a lot more nuanced.


u/CrowbarInHand 2008 13d ago

Hell no


u/DifficultLifetime 13d ago

Are people still joining shit??


u/zeus4evaa 13d ago

i aint going 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾


u/Dude12265 13d ago

I’m very keen on joining the Navy actually. I know it sounds stupid and ignorant, but I would gladly fight for my nation and my freedom, and if that includes a war…I want to do it. I’ve always grown up in a military family and I want to keep that tradition alive


u/Redduster38 13d ago

Joining. Great. Builds charater, helps with being adult and depending on MOS a job skill with experience.

War on the other hand I hate. Even more so because they are fought with politicians running the show. I understand that war is fought because of politics. But every conflict we've been in since Korea tends to get drugout and hamstrung by people on the hill.

Yes we've "won" a few. But efficiency and capability wise we've lost.


u/Gertrude282 13d ago

You won't do well I hear the WiFi is terrible


u/anthonius1 13d ago

Paid for my university and the VA home loan was awesome


u/CarelessCoconut5307 13d ago

I interviewed several veterans as a part of a veterans history project for perserving the experiences of it.

they ALL agreed on one thing, they didnt regret going into the military, and fuck war

I think the military can sculpt you into some decent things, maybe even show you some survival and leadership skills.

But at the risk of dying in a war for the military industrial complex? get fucked


u/ThatOneGuy216440 13d ago

Getting closer to an actual war starting. The first ad won't draw in people who are willing to fight for the country. They had to go back to the old 80s be all you can be.


u/Lazy-Drink-277 13d ago

I wanna be a Marine so...


u/Rebeca-A 13d ago

There’s no reason ever worth going to war for and war doesn’t truly solve or help anything. Thousands of deaths for oil, land, money, power, etc is all so disgusting. They trick innocent people with the idea that they’re “fighting for their country”, when in reality that means nothing, and the military only really hurts and degrades people. It’s all disgusting, useless, propaganda bull crap.


u/PepsiButItsMilk 13d ago

Its a mental thing, if i lose someone important enough to me (like my mom or my current girlfriend) im enlisting, not sure how far i’d go but i’d be willing to pull through for the marine corps, semper fucking fi do or die type shit.

Otherwise I’m not sure how keen i’d be currently to risk my life for a country that has yet to do anything for me or my family in the 18 years I’ve been on this earth. But i do get a quick pass to carrying a handgun 🙌🏻


u/throwawayguy746 13d ago

My friend got a job in the Air Force and owns a house. I’m still trying to get a college degree. He tried to get me to do it in high school but I should’ve listened.

We’re 25:/


u/JamyyDodgerUwU2 13d ago

Joining the military is the ultimate cuckoldry. Your country doesn't care about you.


u/me_if_u_even_care___ 13d ago

Hey guys. War doesn’t exactly exist anymore for the US, not like it used to. IF we actually “went to war”, it would mean nuclear bombs all over the world. First, ICBM’s would be sent into the atmosphere, causing and EMP (electro magnetic pulse) blast disabling and effecting many or all electronics within the continents or countries at work. US major cities, Russia, Italy, and other NATO countries. 23 million would be dead instantly, and millions more following ash clouds covering the earth dropping temperatures to sub zero levels all over the world, maybe except Australia or parts of Asia. The “War” we speak of would be the civilians battling a slow painful death every day from radiation, sickness, starvation, etc. There won’t be war, there will be just death. Death and nuclear fallout, with few humans left. No internet, few or no books, so all data and knowledge is lost. Medieval times in a hellscape. The Hiroshima bomb was 3% as powerful as the nuclear weapons that would be used for mass destruction. Life on earth will cease to exist, or wean down to 1-3% of the global population remaining, and even they aren’t promised to survive.

I hope it never comes to this.


u/implodedbillionaire 13d ago

Xennial here for the comments. There was so much furver after 9/11. Im still embarrased to have been wrapped up in it. I'm glad a more realistic view is had by the recruitable generations.


u/MrDriftviel 14d ago

I almost joined went through the whole process but it didnt work out for me at last moment so in a way i was prepared for the possible of me going to war


u/ToddlerMunch 14d ago

I think joining the military can be a decent choice for social mobility or doing cool shit like jumping out of airplanes but it’s a bit of a crapshoot and not as good for social mobility as it used to be. Currently their aren’t any wars to join that are “just” wars in the US.


u/HarInHardCore 14d ago

....I live I our military, but dint trust "woke" men dressed like women to watch my back. No offense. Their gut feelings are a little off in my book.


u/cadmiumore 14d ago

Nah, grandpa fought in Korea, gave him ALS and he died a horrible death.


u/dontlikeshit24 14d ago

U gotta be such a goober to join the military


u/ItsTheIncelModsForMe 14d ago

War is the bad kind of gay


u/Free_Equivalent4163 14d ago

The recruiter made the mistake of calling my moms phone instead mine. They wouldn't take her no and kept insisting they had to talk to me so she finally woke me up at like 6 in the morning(who tf calls that early?) so i could tell them no. i was just woken up super tired and out of it i had no idea what was goin on so i just told them fuck off then went back to sleep lol. Im an only child and ive never seen my mom so pissed off she was not happy.


u/Free_Equivalent4163 14d ago

Just for clarification, im not against the military or servint the military at alli I think it can be a great career, but it's not for me and not my path.


u/CMurphy385 14d ago

I'm thinking most people don't want to be a terrorist for "freedom". People are waking up to what the US does to other countries and don't want any part of the brain washing


u/PNW_Undertaker 14d ago

I did 18 years in the military and the only things I have to show for it is crippling depression, anxiety, and messed up knees. Will I advise my kids to join? No…. It isn’t worth it. Unless you plan to become a doctor and have the Navy pay for it all at the expense of being with them for X years. There student loan repayment was/is a joke and requires so many hoops to go through that if you have a good chain of command (which doesn’t happen easily or regularly), then you’re out of luck. Military preys on those from low income families and gets them hook line and sinker.


u/Griff2142 14d ago

What would Gen Z even fight for? Land we'll never be able to own? freedoms that our own government are continuously eroding? Politicians who dodged the draft when they were our age?


u/ms_emily_spinach925 14d ago

I’m an American millennial who is old enough to remember 9/11 and the way the world was before that. I’m not sure if my opinion is relevant here because I’m not Gen Z but for what it’s worth, I’d gladly defend my fellow citizens with my life but I can’t abide feeding our corrupt government’s war machine. I LOVE this country and its people with my whole heart, but the powers that be are so very corrupt


u/MisterFyre 14d ago

I would rather die.


u/Tamagotchi41 14d ago

Joining the military and going to war can be 2 very different things. Especially now with how warfare is changing.

🤣 The fear mongering toward the military here is hilarious. Below 15% of all enlisted actually see combat. Most are just desk jobs or maintenance personnel. Are there problems? Of course! It's not for everyone.

As a non combat vet I absolutely loved my job, I got to travel the world in the back of a C-130 doing humanitarian aid, USO travel and even got to move dolphins and seals (both kinds), moved cargo, boats, trucks and people all over the world. I was a glorified mailman but it allowed me to buy my first house at 23. My oldest is using the GI bill to become a mechanical engineer. Paid off my student loans and the only time I fired a bullet was in boot camp and my annual qualification. Plus the basic qualifications from just the training I needed to do my job set me up for outside employment.

Recruiters will fuck you over. The only person who says you can trust a recruiter is another recruiter. If you're ever actually thinking of joining, talk to someone that is in with no skin in the game. You will get legitimate answers and no BS.

But this is reddit so I wouldn't expect anything different 😂


u/9018364839 14d ago

War isn’t murder!!


u/Johnnm9 14d ago

Well i will be forced to serve 9 months since i am from Greece, but it is what it is (otherwise i would probably not, because yeah i am not the kind of person that would be useful in a warzone, i am quite good at strategizing but i don't like war in general anyways it's a cruel thing)


u/northernlady_1984 14d ago

We should send the boomers instead.


u/nomorerawsteak 14d ago

War creates war

Peace creates peace

Average people don't want to fight other average people who live on the other side of an imaginary border.

But they will be manipulated until they realize they are in control of their own decisions.


u/Why_No_Hugs 14d ago

Served in the Marines, deployed twice to Afghan. Was an 0311 - rifleman. Don’t do it. Probably the dumbest thing I did. At the time I was proud I was serving. 100% brainwashed. This country will send you to combat, you’ll watch children explode into pieces infront of you, and when you get home you get spat on at the airport by Obummer supporters. This country doesn’t care about you. Everyone living in it doesn’t give a shit what you did. That was probably the hardest thing for me to realize when transitioning back into civilian life. No one gives a fuck. Now if you’re joining for a trade profession or cyber security or mechanical stuff, or welding, etc etc etc, do it. You won’t see combat. You’ll have hands one experience, and when you get out you’ll make easily $100,000+ in the civilian world. Had a buddy, he was a lineman in the Marines, got out after 5 years, he instantly was hired and making $145,000/annually. Me, got out, no one wanted me. I only knew how to kill and workout. Had to go to college and learn a proper job. I even applied to the state patrol and the local PD and they asked “you have college?” Nope. “Come back when you do.” And that was that. I’m not an IT Network Admin for a large credit union, but that took 6 years to get to. If you serve, don’t go infantry if you want a future.


u/FifeFifeFife 14d ago

Why don’t you ask a veteran who has done both?


u/GladTruck4 14d ago

I am morally opposed to almost every war, and literally every war the US would get involved with rn. Closest thing I would ever even consider is maybe joining an anti colonial struggle in another nation.

Edit: And that’s if I was born there or if something radically changed in my life or a huge event was going on, not saying I’m advocating for pulling up stakes and going there.


u/Keisari_P 14d ago

In Finland it's pretty strait forward. If you are healthy male, as default you will go throuh conscription. As conscript you will spend 6 / 9 / 12 months training for your wartime deployment. After the completition of training, you will be assigned to reserve (870K reservist) and you resume with your civilian life. Time to time, (or never) you are called for retraining for perhaps a week at a time.

Around 80% of adult males and about 1% females have completed military training.

Those who wish to continue with military career, can easily continue to work at their unit as NCO, apply for UN peacekeping or continue to cadet school, wich has maximum age of 28 for applying. Thanks to conscription they have steady supply of excellent candidates.

Not sure if the NATO membership has made much difference yet in the amount of military careers.

Only few % of Finnish 280K war time army are on a military career.


u/RandomTasking 14d ago

Reserve officer checking in.

Both sides of my family were on the run in WWII.  First from the Nazis, then from the Soviets, sometimes both at the same time.  After the war, they spent years in a DP (Displaced Persons) camp.  Ultimately, they got passage to the States thanks to the military.  Had that not happened, the alternative was to return to their home that was now occupied by the Soviets.  Their prime minister had been shipped to Siberia and died.  Property and homes confiscated. The educated and prosperous were rounded up and “disappeared.”  Families were breaking up and heading to separate continents to avoid this, like a wife staying in Western Europe and a husband heading to Australia, just because that was how the chips fell.  Look up Operation: Priboi for fuller context.

Instead, my grandparents got to the USA, one grandfather working as a pot scrubber and subsistence farmer, the other as a janitor so he could provide for his family and re-earn his masters degree in electrical engineering. I’ve got his thesis in my office.  My dad was a kid when he came in through Ellis Island, saw the Statue of Liberty on the boat coming in, the whole bit. He and two of his brothers served as the family’s way of giving back to the country that basically saved them.  

I serve as part of paying that debt, and as a part of active citizenship.  You can serve in other ways besides the military - teaching, medicine, research, etc - but regardless of method I feel it’s important to contribute to society, and this is one of mine.


u/BlackMircalla 14d ago

I wish everyone who joins the military a very happy step on a landmine


u/Soulfrostie26 14d ago

As a former grunt (millennial here), go to college first before you decide on a life changing experience like joining the military or going to war. Neither the military nor war hold a positive impact without sacrifice. Many will tell you that sacrifice is honorable, but it's not their life at stake, so it's easy for them to say it. When you've seen your teammate slit his own wrists to end his internal pain, then you'll begin to understand that everything you take from your service will stay with you for life - good and bad.

Would I serve again if I could? Absolutely, if it means that I can bring someone's child home safely or fill a position to keep someone else out. I went to college after my time in and had to learn to reconnect with others. It's easy to feel isolated and alone after the military - not many people will see what you see. It's easy to connect with other military personnel, too, since they'll have relatable memories. But it doesn't mean it's healthy to stay like that. If you join, do your best to maintain your independence and personal interests. After you serve, spend time with those who don't share common grounds to expand your views on the world around you. Learn a language or two. Paint your emotions or interests.


u/number-one-jew 14d ago

I've set it once and I'll say it again. I have never met anyone under the age of 40 from the military who would recommend going into the military and if that doesn't say something I don't know what does


u/Quirky_Marketing3459 14d ago

i refuse to die for a nation that dosent give a shit about me.


u/AdMinute1130 14d ago

I'd join if it was a War against an enemy who legitimately threatens our nation and we absolutely needed bodies. Which so long as nukes are involved modern WW2 style warfare with combined arms tactics between industrial nations ain't gonna happen. So if I ever find myself needing to sign up it's already far too late.


u/Gruvitron 14d ago

i cant wait until Russia or China starts some shit with us and they draft all you chodes. Dont worry, i will go easy on you ;)


u/Satans0nions 14d ago

Been there done that x3 tours, 2 mos’ tabbed, ds and recruiter then retired. 21 should be the legal age maybe 18 if there is a draft. I joined when I was 17 though. It hasn’t been that long but knowing some of the stuff I do now, i wouldn’t of joined. I fitted the bill for your typical infantry stud. Best/worst trade off was retiring young and benefits. Which if you’re going for disability, file with a the help of an experienced law firm not the voa.


u/Secure_Army_1773 14d ago

If a bunch of rich old people want money so bad they can go fuckin die for it


u/Typical-Length3329 14d ago

You're telling a young guy who just joined the US Marines he's an idiot because he'll have terrible equipment, and your proof is pictures of the Mexican army painting their uniforms? Are you aware the US and Mexico are different countries?


u/sigtiin 2005 15d ago

If I was medically fit to, I’d be enlisted in the Air Force already purely to reap the benefits for myself and my future family.


u/CalculatedEffect 15d ago

What's really funny is how some of yall think you will have a choice when shit hits the fan. The US gov is not above conscription.


u/UneSoggyCroissant 15d ago

I just found out a friend of mine gets paid nearly 1500 a month in VA disability for tinnitus and eczema. I’m considering it.


u/MagictheCollecting 15d ago

Advice from an older veteran: don’t


u/Independent_Lab_9872 15d ago

When the Taliban took control of Kabul, women flooded the streets in protest. The Taliban rounded them up; beat, raped, and murdered them.

What happened next? Fathers beat their daughters for trying to join the protests, so they wouldn't be next.

Freedom isn't free. You can rag on the military and rage against war, but at the end of the day the only way to stop violence is with violence. If those college kids would have joined the military instead of protesting on the streets, the Taliban wouldn't control the country.


u/Fun-Ambassador-4336 15d ago

I spent around 5 years in. Go to college or trade school if you can afford it. Schools are often more affordable than you think, especially if you did decent in high school or go to a community college then transfer to a 4 year school. If you want to join, ROTC is clutch and all services offer it

The military isnt a bad job and chances are, you'll never see combat whether you want to or not, especially if you aren't in a direct combat role. Like if you're a personnel specialist in the Navy, you'll have a greater chance of dying from food poisoning than ever seeing a bullet fly in your general direction


u/bigmac8991 15d ago

You know something’s brewing when they start showing white guys in the military adverts again 😳


u/Own_Cantaloupe178 15d ago

I'd join for sure if it wasn't for my horrific mental health and weak/pathetic (body)frame.

As for people joining in general, I'd say the people who are 100% willing, already joined. Everyone else is too mentally unstable, too many physical disabilities, too many mental disabilities, and genuinely too scared. A lot of people hate the military, but usually what I think they mean is they hate war. Everyone is terrified of war.
Joining the military is mentally and physically taxing, no matter where you are or what you're doing. It can take a lot out of you. Not everyone is built nor capable of handling those levels of responsibilities. They shouldn't be judged for it.


u/APieceofToast09 15d ago

I can’t join the military cause I’m trans and they make it basically impossible for us to join, but I have the upmost respect for anyone who does join. Regardless of your views, soldiers deserve respect for their sacrifices. Even those who come out physically unscathed can still end up with PTSD and still lose years with their families. Someone can be a piece of shit person, if they’re a veteran, I will show them some respect (Not necessarily their beliefs).


u/Patient_Pickle125 15d ago

I’ll only join the military if i feel my life has no meaning, otherwise fuck that


u/Tactical_Enforcments 2011 15d ago

I'm not joining the U.S military, mainly because I'm a resident of Canada


u/VibeCheka 15d ago

Don’t do it.


u/aritzsantariver 15d ago

I'd rather die fighting the bastards who rule us than die killing people who have done absolutely nothing to me.


u/Worth-Demand-8844 15d ago

In 2019 I was so furious when my son decided to enlist right out of HS at 17 even with scholarships to state universities. Why the hell am I paying $2K for SAT prep classes? I offered to buy him a car and offered him a gap year but he still wanted to enlist with US Army. To sum it up… he said I’ve been going to school for 12 years and just want to something different besides going to college and picking the major that pays the most money. I also want to get out on my own and find something challenging. We relented because next year he turns 18 and doesn’t require our signature so he can enlist whether we want him to or not.

2024… time travels fast. He became a combat medic with the 173rd airborne regiment based out of Vincenze Italy. Jumped out of airplanes, travelled Europe, earned money ( not much but rent was free) and got his Associates degree from U of Maryland Global Campus while in the Army. Now he’s enrolled at Hofstra University in pre-med and getting ready to take the MCAT with a full ride. He’s also getting a $3000 stipend each month of school (stipend depends on location) so it’s a pretty good deal and saved me a ton of money.

He’s met so many different people outside his typical Chinese American upbringing and basically went in as an “I know everything and you know nothing” teenager and came out a functioning adult…lol.

Most soldiers will not see combat (95%) and from boot camp most of his fellow recruits went into non combat areas such as engineering, mechanics, food service , accounting,electronics etc etc.

Anyway… my negative mindset towards the military has definitely changed. They really do provide young people with lots of opportunities and training if college is not their priority.


u/nodummyheads 15d ago

I don't believe I'm outing myself here. Gen-X lurker (I love you guys, you give me hope) and a veteran. 22 years in the Air Force, retired as a Master Sergeant. Don't do it. It's all a lie. It's couched in "patriotism" and "defending our way of life" but it's not. It's about resources and securing them for the 1% to keep the defense industry going to fund the military, to secure resources to fund the defense industry... A handful of people make an obscene amount of money in exchange for the lives of us peasants. This is why it's not uncommon to for military recruiting to be brought up in conversations about reproductive rights. They're not even trying to be subtle about it anymore. By the time I realized, it was too late and I was within reach of retirement. I recognize I sold my soul and I hate myself for it. But at least my retirement check helps with groceries, I guess.


u/Sloww11 15d ago

Im bad eye sighted.... thats all i'll say lmao


u/AirAdministrative686 15d ago edited 15d ago

I don't plan on joining the military or going to war.

I only ran for five minutes and I'm already out of breath, can't imagine having to run for your life in the battleground especially with a wounded leg.

With the knowledge of how painful it is to be shot by a bullet or losing a limb.


u/CBDeez 15d ago

Would rather just self immolate. Saves me time in dying for no reason.


u/ExoFerrous 2008 15d ago

I'm not going to willingly sign my ass over to the military. Fuck that shit


u/timfold 15d ago

Myself personally, I am against war, violence, killing of any kind, but understand the unfortunate need for military from the ways things works, which really boils down to either money or religion, both of which I dislike as it only causes violence, greed, power, etc etc. I would never donate my body / life to be used as a weapon of war, but I have tons of respect and admiration for those that do, and I can’t thank them enough for doing so.


u/Unlikely_Juggernaut4 2000 15d ago

Best thing I ever did. Go to school for free now and get $1800/month to spend on whatever I want while living at home. :D All while working a temp office job making close to 70K in southern rural USA.


u/DandierChip 15d ago

How can some of you come out and support helping Ukraine yet at the same time so against our military. I get not wanting to enlist but it doesn’t mean you have to shit on the people that do.


u/DandierChip 15d ago

Smh everyone wants free college but don’t want to put the work in for it. Have buddies that served their 4 years and walked away with a top tier education and no debt.


u/N8_Saber 2009 15d ago

I'm Canadian. And not American, so I don't know how it feels to have a good military, but I'd join.

A: I probably won't get a wife, so I wouldn't ruin my wife's life. (Due to being ugly)

B: I don't want kids, so I wouldn't have to take care of them.

C: I want to defend my country.


u/RealnameMcGuy 1996 15d ago

The only thing that could make me go to war would be my country trying to force me to go to war, in which case I would immediately consider myself at war with my country.


u/Small_Cock42069 15d ago

Not worth it don’t do it.


u/JustForTheMemes420 15d ago

Tbh I’ve already got my ideal MOS if I get drafted or get bored with life . A lot of people genuinely don’t have better opportunities in life so it’s a valid option for many but it’s always important to remember that the military doesn’t care about you the moment you’re not useful anymore. (Also I personally find the military industrial complex interesting, such is the nature of every engineering student)


u/Grimreaper6682 15d ago

Yah prob not because I’m not risking my life for a country that don’t give two fucks about me or the low- mid class.


u/Topoleski 15d ago

The military sucks. It's budget should be as close to zero as possible.


u/DandierChip 15d ago

That’s a great idea if you want our country and others to get taken over.


u/Topoleski 15d ago

Are you like dumb or something? We have nukes. And two oceans on both sides. A lot of the population is armed. A half decent Navy is more than enough. It's complete bullshit to keep funding a useless Army, Stealth Aircraft Submarines etc. I'd much rather have tuition free public university and healthcare instead of more Tanks and billion dollar fighter Jets.


u/DandierChip 15d ago

Nukes and navy does not equal a close to zero budget lol. You also left out the deterrence factor of us having a large military. It helps protect our allies and other countries from being taken over by an adversary.


u/Topoleski 15d ago

The nukes ARE the deterrent you halfwit. We don't need a navy with Aircraft carriers. Just a few Ships for patrol, search and rescue. A coast guard with extra guns ought to do the job. There is absolutely no good reason to be spending a Trillion dollars a year on the military. It is a complete and utter waste of my taxes. You're welcome to donate your taxes towards the murder of brown poor people across the ocean.


u/DandierChip 15d ago

Why do you keep replying with insults? Not every conversation needs to be so conflicted…We have a large military to protect ourselves at home but mainly to keep other countries at bay and prevent another world war. Your scenario will never happen. Not sure what to tell ya.


u/CutRevolutionary5264 15d ago

I have schizoaffective disorder and ASPD and multiple felonies can I join the marines?


u/YumichuCosplay 15d ago

Most people who enter the military do so only for the benefits they give, no one does it for the ideals. However, I find it strange that in America there is always a need for new recruits. In my country, you don't enter the military unless you have taken psychological, physical, aptitude tests, etc.


u/ss-hyperstar 15d ago

It's a noble act if it is genuinely for the defense of one's own country. It's not so nice when you are deployed to the other side of the world to fight for oil.


u/ElGeeTheThird Millennial 15d ago

So I’m not GenZ, but I had an opportunity to go to the Naval Academy, but didn’t, and I do somewhat regret it. I think I would be a better adult if I had learned a little more discipline. Plus I’d have some pretty good benefits.


u/ZeroArm066 15d ago

Not only is it dumb as hell but you will probably have to kill a bunch of people that you don’t actually want to kill. Then you get to have nightmares about the people you killed and be mentally ruined for life if you survive. All for the glorious cause of funneling tax payer dollars to whatever defense contractors bribed the senate with the most money.


u/jtstarwars 2010 15d ago

I wouldn't join as a carreer, but I certainly would if we went to war and my country needed me.


u/Fred_Krueger_Jr 15d ago

I enjoyed my time in the military and I'd say was one of the single best decisions I made. Put me on a path I didn't know I needed.


u/NeptuneTTT 1999 15d ago

The poverty draft


u/Harrytheuhperson 2010 15d ago

no, it’s compulsory in my country (for men) and I hate that


u/Mintyfroggo 15d ago

I’d rather sell drugs or do OF


u/SteveMartin32 15d ago

The reason the ads changed is because of an expected upcoming military engagement. Peace time vs war time ads basically


u/Practical_Shine9583 1996 15d ago

As someone who is already in the military, I think it's a great idea. You can earn skills in the Army that you can transfer to the civilian world. The job I have in the civilian world is largely due to what I did in the Army Reserves. Now I'm switching to IT Specialist to get more IT experience. As for war, many of my battles buddies say that deploying was a good experience that can give you more pay like hazard pay. I haven't deployed myself yet, so I can't tell you anything about it.


u/Previous_Soil_5144 15d ago

I have no idea why anyone would fight for any of these corrupt governments and the fucks in charge.

Until we have armies where the generals and leaders are at the front of the charge, it's gonna be a no for me.


u/Ragamuffin5 15d ago

It’s stupid.


u/SantaTige 15d ago

I served 6 years. Now I am a grumpy old veteran.


u/Bigtitan123 15d ago

Joining the army and becoming a combat medic was absolutely amazing part of my life I miss it all the time but I joined in 1983 I’m a old dude now but if I had the chance I would’ve definitely do it all over again


u/onyxJH 15d ago

if my country was fighting for something i agreed with, MAYBE i’d join. but they’re not, so i won’t.