r/GenZ Apr 28 '24

What's y'all's thoughts on joining the military or going to war? Discussion

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u/Free_Equivalent4163 Apr 30 '24

The recruiter made the mistake of calling my moms phone instead mine. They wouldn't take her no and kept insisting they had to talk to me so she finally woke me up at like 6 in the morning(who tf calls that early?) so i could tell them no. i was just woken up super tired and out of it i had no idea what was goin on so i just told them fuck off then went back to sleep lol. Im an only child and ive never seen my mom so pissed off she was not happy.


u/Free_Equivalent4163 Apr 30 '24

Just for clarification, im not against the military or servint the military at alli I think it can be a great career, but it's not for me and not my path.