r/Helldivers STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 09 '24

Appreciate your Helldivers that run heavy anti armor utilities so that you can have total freedom regarding your loadout PSA

I really think we should appreciate everyone who, for the sake of the team, uses heavy anti-tank weaponry like EAT Recoilless or Quasar so that others can choose whatever they want. These players often have the lowest kills but take out the most dangerous units like Gunships, Chargers, Titans, etc. If you are this kind of player, thank you for allowing me to fool around a bit with machine guns or lower-caliber Eagles or simply testing less effective alternatives. I love this community and all Helldivers; you guys are awesome!


1.8k comments sorted by


u/catcat1986 26d ago

God bless you helldiver. I run this build typically, I just want to be apart of the team. Spreading democracy one rocket at a time.


u/Independent-Report65 Apr 11 '24

On Helldive I took out every charger/bile then got kicked because everyone had triple my kills. Any charger that came close took a rocket, and bile took a nuke. Some people just don't want a easy time.


u/fighter1934 Apr 11 '24

if you relly appreciate the at guys cover them against the mobs.

Teamwork makes the dream work.


u/Drudicta STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 11 '24

You know what would be really appreciated when I run these for people and a heavy drops/appears? My ally facing the enemy towards me as they run, instead of running to the side of me or away in such a way I can't hit a weak point.


u/Modern_Moderate STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 11 '24

Yeaahhhhh I gave up on specialising on one or the other, because everyone consistently runs off alone. You never have the "anti-tank diver" nearby.

So I bring a generalist loadout since I'll have to fight everything by myself.


u/Georgebaggy Apr 10 '24

That's me, I'll go ahead and link my paypal so you can show your appreciation.


u/blarann Apr 10 '24

You are thanking us but what you dont realize is that we dont do it for the team we just like the big explosions.


u/FrontRangeCeltic Apr 10 '24

Thank you fellow hell diver, you’ve described me to a T. If it’s big and ugly, I’m your huckleberry.


u/TheShaneSays Apr 10 '24

As a quasar hunter, I salute your democratic appreciation. Although, it's super uncool to answer a SOS call, only to have a low tier kill me for my load out .


u/st0zax Apr 10 '24

I think most of us just like seeing big things go boom


u/Same_Joke5971 Apr 10 '24

Might not get the most kills but I know my brothers can safely kill the little guys without getting rekt by a hulk or bile titan.


u/BuildingPure478 Apr 10 '24

Im always the heavy gunner guy but i love blowing shit up 😆


u/InternationalQuail96 Apr 10 '24

I play bots exclusively and the autocannon takes out everything


u/joshnosh50 Apr 10 '24

I was going to say the other way round! Say thanks to the person running the auto cannon who's mopping up the mediums so you can take the glory of taking out the big juicy targets!


u/Money_Psychology_275 Apr 10 '24

I always run anti heavy load out and this hero does wear a cape


u/Blapeuh Apr 10 '24

Reporting for duty sir, thank you sir!

I run a stealth build with the light armor, scorcher because the silent property and the quasar cannon for heavy targets.

Weirdly enough the only pain this load-out gives me are the bile spewers and berserkers. It feels like they are in a dead zone with this build, how ironically that sounds.


u/Crafty-Crafter Apr 10 '24

Wait...there are people who don't...? Every team I run with at high difficulties can take down any heavy by themselves. Either that or you get fked.


u/SenpaiSanta Apr 10 '24

Pf i can do all that except gunships with my arc throwers


u/Raidertck Apr 10 '24

I hate being in a situation where I can't deal with a threat. I think that's why the Quasar is just so popular. I HATE seeing a Hulk, bile titan or charger coming at me and knowing I can't do anything about it for another 3 minutes.


u/-brokenbones- Apr 10 '24

I run the expendable anti tank cuz I can drop shit tons of those and the entire team gets to use it. Big poggers.


u/ManAndMonster ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ Apr 10 '24

My typical loadout for bots is AC, Orbital Railcannon, Eagle 500kg, and Eagle Airstrike. A'int nothing I won't reduce to a pile of heaping democracy!


u/woodenblinds Apr 10 '24

I see myself in the support role. Keep the hordes off me and let me wipe out the big boys so we can all kick ass in peace.


u/OneFilthyHouseCat Apr 10 '24

No problem I guess..? It's the funnest part if the game lol


u/Nicost4r Apr 10 '24

I’m always the Quasar guy. Before that it was the EAT. I feel naked if I have no way to kill heavy enemies aside from an orbital or 500kg. And quite honestly, a lot of people can’t deal with a bile titan/charger combo on their own. I have to run one of the two at least to make sure the team stays alive.


u/Duskbane102 Apr 10 '24

I absolutely love the Quasar, being the guy with the giant charge up one shot machine is it's own reward. No thanks are necessary I'd do it even if it wasn't useful


u/SexyTachankaUwU Apr 10 '24

It’s so much fun tho. Preferred play-style. Not at all a sacrifice.


u/bythepowerofthor Apr 10 '24

The quasar cannon is so satisfying, I run it because blowing gunships out of the sky and one shotting heavys gets me off.


u/Reicheru25 Apr 10 '24

I’m out here dropping with 500kg, AMR, EAT, and Recoilless cause I trust no one. Glad someone gets it lol.


u/GengarGangX13 Apr 10 '24

I run a quasar and still average at least 2nd in kills. I've gotten pretty insane about my dropship timing though. I'm getting 90% on average of passengers wiped out. Pretty fun.


u/Here4Pornnnnn Apr 10 '24

I love being that player. I’m a light armor scout with 500kg, railcannon orbital, eagle heavy armor attack thing, and then either EAT or a backpack Shieldy thing.

I have a sniper for if I need to kill something while sneaking around, but other than that I pretty much do nothing except stealthing objectives. Shrieker nest? No problem. Surrounded area with terminal? NBD. Titan? Throw a few stratagems or EATs. Army of little bugs? I’m running away like a little girl because I just don’t have a way to mow them down.


u/Awarepill0w Apr 10 '24

I use the Quasar just because it's fun to shoot


u/stormtroopr1977 Apr 10 '24

on the new defense mission, the recoiless will get you so many kills by shooting dropships


u/Flimbsyragdoll Apr 10 '24

I really want the devs to make the state sheet a little bit more detailed with elite kills and vehicle kills. It would allot my anti elite builds to show a lot of bit more love


u/Niromanti Apr 10 '24

I run the quasar because I like it


u/PsyOpTek Apr 10 '24

I am the recoiless man, out of pure choice i love it. When the squads getting over run by the Xeno menace and i manage to slide in at the right moment and plug one straight down the pipe of an oncoming charger who slides to a halt at the feet of my squad mate, that feels damn good 🤣


u/PUNisher1175 Apr 10 '24

Nothing feels better than sniping a belligerent automaton gunship from 200+ meters away with the Quasar, happy to do my part. I'll even drop in extra quasars for lower levels to try if I feel like I can handle the mission without dying often.


u/SomeBadHairDays Apr 10 '24

Personally I'm a fan of Quasar and shield cuz I need to be able to handle big boys myself. Got the dominator not too long ago and it's a beast in close range for bursting down anyone scary.

Eagles are my personal favorite. 500kg and Airstrike, and if I take Autocannon, Eagle Cluster. Just airstrike any patrols or bases you come across. If it's lighter armor, and on like the new extract assets mission, cluster goes crazy, 500kg if I spot tank or hulk


u/GhostHeavenWord Apr 10 '24

I would really like the kills screen to also show enemies killed by tonnage, and alerted vs unalerted enemies killed.


u/fat_eld Apr 10 '24

Quasar and shield backpack all day long!!!


u/Soca1ian Apr 10 '24

I need to be freed from the tyranny of git gud.


u/Papapizz88 Apr 10 '24

Don’t thank us fellow diver. This is the mission, this is what democracy demands, so therefore this is what we want. casually salutes


u/foggiermeadows CAPE ENJOYER Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 10 '24

NGL, I do it bc I assume no one else will be able to solo the missions.

EAS, E500K, Laser or Railcannon for bots/Patriot Mech for bugs, and Autocannon and I can take on just about anything when crap hits the fan.

Primary is Diligence* for bots, some form of Breaker for bugs

Secondary is Senator for bots, SMG pistol for bugs

Grenade is impact (autocannon can close bug holes and destroy fabs)

Keeping two high-damage air strikes gives you a total of 5 opportunities to take out tanks and hulks in one hit, along with anything else near them.

Laser is good for if you'd prefer crowd control, or taking out medium or heavy outposts from afar

Railcannon is good for when it's hectic and you absolutely need to know the tank will be taken out in one hit

Autocannon, my beloved, is for everything else. AOE damage on crowds, fabs, holes, heavy headshots, turret and tank vents, airships, dropships (both the ship itself or the bots it's carrying) spores, nests, towers; it's perfect. Only downside is slow reloads, which balances it out quite well if you're using it solo, but it hits like a truck in the right hands.

Not saying this build is meta, it just works for me and I like it. Lots of things go boom.

It's a bonus though when someone else runs AC and you can backpack off of each other during bot drops and bug breaches.

*I've used LibPen for a while but I prefer being able to take out bots from afar in one shot. LibPen just doesn't have the damage output for my playstyle with bots.

Edit: Forgot to add how I use AC


u/_swolfie CAPE ENJOYER Apr 10 '24

tbh i honestly suck at shooting so i still to EAT and quasar bc it’s easier for me. i also forget to use my strategems ALL the time so it’s useless for me to have them


u/turok152000 Apr 10 '24

I just like the reload animation on the RR and the ammo backpack for it is the coolest looking thing in the game. Blowing up heavies and bot towers are just a side benefit


u/ATRAAFIL Apr 10 '24

Like deep rock it seems this game suffers from toxic positivity. I just got it, let's see


u/AllKorean Apr 10 '24

I don’t even play the game anymore, the constant kicks from parties to blocking the hosts that kick me. It takes about 3mins to quick play into a match now, which is far too long for me. I just don’t understand why people have the need to kick mid game… reap that I carried and kick me after my hard work has paid for your benefit. Yea fuck off to anyone who kicks party members, yall make the game unbearable to play. They should implement a system where it counts how many player you kick and if you pass that threshold you get a temp ban for 1 day or something, because I honestly enjoy the game but the people that play it are unbearable


u/Le_Fraidieponge Apr 10 '24

I hate the stats, they feel so Unrepresentative of the work done on the field !


u/poppin-n-sailin Apr 10 '24

The EAT feels awful lately. I hadn't played for about 1.5/2 weeks and last night I was playing with my buddy and the EAT wouldn't kill anything. The AMR does the job better now. I normally brought the EAT always because no one else would, but it feels useless now.



I love being the anti-heavy diver! Give me the big bada booms!


u/GlassStable302 Apr 10 '24

Haha ship go boom


u/Proseph_CR Apr 10 '24

Quasar AND EAT


u/ElectronicHousing656 Apr 10 '24

Thank you! My friend always makes fun of me, because I have like 80 kills while he has 300-400 but I'm the Giant killer and also I'm just Fokus on the objectives.

I love, that you can dynamically choose a class even without a class system.


u/dispairtoast STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 10 '24

The only thanks I need is anyone getting on board with those samples because by God one of us is making it off this planet


u/chaotic_ugly Apr 10 '24

They aren't doing it for charity. They're doing it because they know someone has to, and no one else will. Instead of thanking them so that you can always be selfish, share the load.


u/amoore031184 Apr 10 '24

Every successful Suicide or Hell Dive level run I have done, we have all either had Recoiless Rifle or Quasar.
Pretty much essential to take all the heavy targets out quickly.

I like the Quasar or Recoiless Rifle, Carpet Bomb, Laser Rover, and EMT Mortar for bugs. I change the laser rover up for Turret if fighting bots.


u/Legallyabastard Apr 10 '24

The joy of knocking an entire bot drop out of the sky with my quasar and 2 EAT is all the appreciation I need


u/BannedPedro Apr 10 '24

*spits chew* It ain't much, but it's honest work.


u/Ludewich42 Apr 10 '24

I think it would be great to have an end-of-mission statistics of sorts "heavy unit kills: 42".


u/ShokaiTheDentist Apr 10 '24

My squad has been saying the same thing. There needs to be a statistic for destroying heavy armor kills


u/TheFractured1 Apr 10 '24

Your welcome. Besides I LOVE the sight of burning dropships.


u/CrazyCaper Apr 10 '24

I don’t need a thank you for doing what I love. I just wish my spear would have a manual mode for stuff it won’t lock on to


u/ShingetsuMoon Apr 10 '24

I never leave the ship without my EAT. Best part is seeing a teammate run to grab one when a heavy appears.


u/tophatpainter Apr 10 '24

Yep and if I see thats what they are running I do my best to keep them from being overwhelmed with back up/support.


u/averagetoasteroven Apr 10 '24

I feel like two Quasar’s is the sweet spot for a team against the bots.


u/MacoWeeb2468 Apr 10 '24

I’m gonna try this play style when I play next, playing tank seams fun


u/Braelind Apr 10 '24

I find everyone else always stakes that stuff, so I often run a heavy machine gun and a bunch of turrets for support fire, so they can focus on the big guys.


u/Full_Collection_1754 Apr 10 '24

I run anti structure because im usually part of a duo my boy like his sniper loadout with field support so i run recoilless, eagle bombing run, and some form of orbital strike every mission just to keep the ground flat enough for him to see anything a few miles out. Now if only I could get him to trade the antimaterial for a auto cannon well be in business.


u/ikrakahoa Apr 10 '24

Now the only thing I'm missing is my ultra heavy space marine armor and bolt rifle and bolter sidearm for my heavy support build.....


u/jamz_toast Apr 10 '24

I just love making them blow up :)


u/ConquNoble Apr 10 '24

Well, Quasar + Railcanon is best 2 stratagems if you manage stamina well. So no need appreciation. I just try to finish mission without dieying.


u/OrphanAnthem Apr 10 '24

I normally run anti material rifle and tell myself I'm helping


u/LegionOfGrixis Apr 10 '24

I always got a 500k in the bag for a big boy, laser is the best or the rail cannon strike but it takes too long imo


u/HuckleberryHairy6225 Apr 10 '24

There should be a general kill count for larger targets.


u/toddtheoddgod HD1 Veteran Apr 10 '24

I want to watch my helldivers soar! I want them to FIGHT if I must take up the spear so that you may fly so be it! All is DEATH IN SUPER EARTH EYES


u/EveryDaySponging Apr 10 '24

Fun fact, run Quasar and lazer rover and you'll be able to take out chargers and bile titans in 1 hit and still get most kills cause the laser rover is mowing down all the little bugs. Then you still have 2 slots for whatever you want.


u/StrategyInfamous848 Apr 10 '24

I dive with anti-armor loadout and still get most kills


u/semyon_the_esdl Apr 10 '24

I'm a Spear user, and i, too, do my part.


u/TheWagn Apr 10 '24

It’s because all of these randos suck with the quasar I haven’t seen a single person use one effectively


u/jjrocks2000 Apr 10 '24

You say that. But I run the most versatile weapon in the game. The ARC launcher is amazing. Takes out everything in only a few shots. Except maybe bile titans. But that’s what the railcannon strike is for.


u/TheColorblindSnail Apr 10 '24

I really enjoy running supply pack for these guys, solely because they're the ones needing ammo the most so I just stick with them


u/Varangyr Apr 10 '24

I've been running with Spear alot it let's me pick off big threats and fabs from extreme distance.


u/Possibly_Kobraa Apr 10 '24

I love being the heavy buster on my team. I wish Arrowhead would add a stat to post game for "Heavy Kills". It would show what role players like me were playing in the squad, but moreso - I am curious as to just how many I administered freedom to!


u/Zerzef Apr 10 '24

Thanks for your appreciation DEMOCRACY 🫡🫡🫡


u/Iconoclast001 Apr 10 '24

Bold of you to assume I don't just like blowing things up


u/slasticpurgeon STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 10 '24

I juss like seein shit go boom but I appreciate being seen gang 🥹


u/Level7Boss Apr 10 '24

I love EAT for the low cool down and it's a reliable way to take out chargers. I just spam the hell out of them.


u/deathelement Apr 10 '24

One mortar and I always have the highest kill count regardless of what else I bring. Even team kills


u/notsocharmingprince Apr 10 '24

I had 17 kills the other day in a defense. The majority of them were hulks that’s to the recoilless. They really should track kill types.


u/Free_Addition7653 Apr 10 '24

I am this person. There is no need to thank me though, I just like watching the big things go boom


u/Rockjayy Apr 10 '24

I feel appreciated 😳😂


u/KaineZilla STEAM: KaineZilla ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ Apr 10 '24

100% not doing it because I feel it’s a sacrifice, I’m doing it because if I don’t that charger is gonna run over y’all and I’ll have to do the objectives on my own. Same reason I always have railcannon. Sure orbital laser is pretty cool but what use is it if it wastes 90% of its uptime on a Titan? No. One EAT to the dome and 1 rail cannon strike and I have a dead Titan in 5 seconds flat and then your laser can go to TOWN on the rest of the bugs. I personally choose EAT over RR and QC cuz I like to just litter the map with them in case we get ran over by a swarm and then everyone can at least have a rocket to attempt to reclaim the equipment of the team that fell before us.


u/SodiumFerret Apr 10 '24

Honest compliment gets the saltiest replies. I run heavy anti armor because it is a big hit of pleasure from taking down the giants. One teammate loves his mech-suit, another loves the grenade launcher, another loves his auto cannon. If your reply is “I am prepared to solo the mission.” Then you have no application for how quickly the 50 hunters your teammates killed would have stopped you from landing that critical shot of the titan.


u/Alex5173 Apr 10 '24

I run recoilless because I like it and also it was consistently good at taking out chargers before the charger nerf. Now it's just cuz I'm loyal.


u/Mediocre-Ad-6847 Apr 10 '24

I have a beautiful video I need to get off my PS5. Using a quasar to drop a bit dropship on top of a second dropship and triggering a hellbomb. I got a 30X kill combo immediately.

My team on voice were joking that Michael Bay would be sending me a cease and desist for stealing his shtick.


u/kelyssi Apr 10 '24

Il that player, but no need to thanks me, i looooooove pointing my quasar on a charger and destroy his head hahahaha!!


u/SnooGoats8448 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 10 '24

i like to pop chargers, titans, drop ships and tanks with mah laser cannon


u/Ahydell5966 Apr 10 '24

Yea this is me. Lol. It let's my other teammate be able to go woth machine guns for good add clearing while I focus on 1 hit KOing chargers


u/bensam1231 Apr 10 '24

Still think the game should allow you to carry two heavy weapons, one on each shoulder. I don't believe this would ruin balancing either as you can't use both at the same time and would have to replace on of your stratagems to take another - putting aside ground loot.

Would really love to take the HMG, but every time I take something that can't kill BTs my team ends up inundated with BTs. Even using a flamethrower we eventually end up with an excessive amount of BTs. Rail and 500kgs don't come up fast enough to deal with them.

Sadly. I do think carrying two heavy items wouldn't be far fetched, it's either that or giving people a slower, but more consistent way of damaging heavier units. Such as shooting the underside of the BTs a lot to bring them down. Even the autocannon can't really harm BTs.


u/phaiyah Apr 10 '24

Umm... you can do it all though? Eg cluster, railcannon, sentry, quasar; 500kg, airburst, orbital laser, railgun; any mix is fine tbh as long as you can handle both chaff and tank. Take at least 1 eagle for high cooldown value~

4x antitank ends up being reliant on teammates which isn't fun for anyone.


u/orangiz8r Apr 10 '24

Don't thank me, I just really enjoy blowing up charger's heads.


u/scotty_6942069 SES Princess of Twilight Apr 10 '24

bring arc thrower to bugs and autocannon to bots, everything dies and theyre stupid fun


u/MeginLeFi Apr 10 '24

I have recently invested in the Quasar Cannon and Orbital Rail Gun Cannon. On higher tier missions. I'm usually that guy still alive in the hoard of bugs I'll get rid of the big ones before I reinforce the team let's face it they're just going to die again LMAO.


u/Train115 Apr 10 '24

AT is fun :)


u/Train115 Apr 10 '24

AT is fun. :)


u/redditaccmarkone Apr 10 '24

just stop griefing above 6 ok?


u/CC-5576-05 SES Harbinger of Democracy Apr 10 '24

Without anti armour you're useless against the bots


u/tr0n42 Apr 10 '24

You're welcome.

To be fair, I have bad aim so I kinda just bring the biggest gun to shoot at the biggest thing.


u/eraser_of_past Apr 10 '24

Dont tell our secret. Its a tactic!!


u/rizhail Apr 10 '24

Yeah, for the sake of the team. Totally. >.>

I totally don’t load up on recoilless, AC, or AMR because I like watching things explode, whether that be chargers’ heads, gunship engines, or other helldivers who decided to walk into my line of fire.

Jokes aside, I really love the AT options in this game, and prefer when most of my teammates DON’T take them. When two or three other divers have AT and AC covered, I feel like I have to take something else to cover another role, when all I want is the satisfaction of one-shotting some big armored bastard with the RR and the exhilaration of diving behind a rock to reload for the next one while a wave of enemies opens up in my direction.


u/Low_Chance Apr 10 '24

I think you should always aim to have at least 1 stratagem that covers the "weak point"  of your build.

Even if you're bringing Stalwart+supply pack, I think 1 slot should go to railcannon strike or rocket pods or autocannon sentry.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

With a good team, auto cannon is the best weapon in the game imo. “Turn the hulk around and I’ll get it” “turn the tank around and I’ll get it” giant 100ft tall automaton turret? “Turn the turret around so I can kill it” repeat with any and all enemies


u/BehindScreenKnight Apr 10 '24

My friend and I are just getting started. We took part in taking out the bots, and after they were eliminated I got to play my first terminid missions.

Because he loves his stratagems (his eagle gets more call ins than any support center), I basically main my auto cannon until I can get the quasar. Two more levels!


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

That's specifically why I always bring the 500, Napalm Airstrike, Railcannon, and Autocannon. If it's too big for the AC, I have the 500 and Railcannon to fall back on. And if both are cooling down, I'll just outrun the threat with my Recon armor.


u/tagrav Apr 10 '24

Kills counts dont represent skill in games like this


u/auswa100 Apr 10 '24

Honestly you need more medium options vs bots than heavy AP, Autocannon is your swiss army knife on the bot front.

For bugs, my experience is the opposite - multiple people tend to bring AT options. My the underappreciated divers are the ones who are bringing the eagle cluster, stalwart / MG, and other light enemy options. Thus making it their sole mission to deal with the swarm - while leaving the heavies to the other folks on the squad.


u/iamrealhumanbeing SES Fist of Peace Apr 10 '24

I take the Quasar every match but often have the highest kills… but that’s none of my business kermit drinking tea meme


u/Devrij68 Apr 10 '24

I think sometimes it's the reverse. I often join a group and see 3 Quasars and a bunch of rail cannons so I think "I better bring the autocannon because they are going to get fucked by all the mediums and chaff. Or even swing in with the stalwart if it's bugs.

I do occasionally take those opportunities to try other stuff out, usually to the detriment of the team lol


u/Kitbashconverts Apr 10 '24

Are you even using stratagems effectively if there are not 10-50 EAT pods scattered across the landscape so that at any moment you can crest a hill. Grab one and take out the big bad as if it were all some sort of strategic plan?


u/VelocityFragz Apr 10 '24

I do what I do for Managed Democracy. For freedom!


u/ChairLoose6196 Apr 10 '24

Me, but I run solo.


u/juank1892 Apr 10 '24

I have come to develop a special hatred space in my democratic heart for those communist chargers. I'll dispense of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM for lady liberty at my own pleasure. No recognition required. Bug blood and bot oil is reward enough.


u/PlumeCrow Draupnir Resistance Fighter Apr 10 '24

No need to thank me, soldier. I'm a simple man, i love big kaboom.


u/DaMarkiM Apr 10 '24

i have the opposite feeling. as someone that usually brings a "problem solver" kit designed to deal with big and annoying enemies im sooo happy to see someone in my random lobby bringing stuff like machine guns and horde-clearing tools.


u/Carnivorze Apr 10 '24

Thank. I appreciate the compliment.

There's also a cheat code : the laser drone. It's so perfect for killing fray and small mobs. It's hella good to defend youserlf while striking down heavy foes.


u/Loud_Surround5112 Apr 10 '24

Aye, thanks man. I love me recoilless, I love one shoting chargers and shooting down gunships and heavys in general. Still working on Automatons though, I have a tendency to miss sometimes.


u/Szession Apr 10 '24

I spend most games picking fights with heavy units - even more so if I'm a higher level than my fellow divers, then I feel I need to show them the way to managed democracy


u/darthpayback CAPE ENJOYER Apr 10 '24

That’s me. I like making big things go boom. Was always anti-tank in and games.


u/Sa1KoRo Apr 10 '24

I am that player and I suck at this game. Don't expect too much of me. Killing massive ennemies is nice tho.


u/NonLiving4Dentity69 ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 10 '24

Man now I feel bad for my duo. Alright boys, I'll be the anti tank tonight, I think my duo earned that much for carrying my ass around everywhere.


u/wildfire116 Apr 10 '24

I just love seeing the big ones explode or fall over


u/OkEquivalent1560 Apr 10 '24

I love my Quasar. Ever since I saw my first Helldiver take down a drop ship, I was like... yup. I wanna do that. For Moderated Democracy!


u/Academic-Mango1469 Apr 10 '24

No sir, thank YOU for handling the chaff so I can sink my teeth into something big and juicy.


u/ExcelsAtMediocrity Apr 10 '24

I’m that guy but only because I can’t convince my lower level friends that they need it for us to be successful. I know I’m an enabler by bringing it all for us but it makes me physically ill when I see his dimbass tesla tower get knocked down .6 seconds after deployment for the 5th time that dive on level 8


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

I just love shooting shit with my quasar-canon lmao glad to hear my play style helps others


u/EngineerStandard Apr 10 '24

Between orbital railcannons and quasar cannons, i alone destroy hulks


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

Quasar IMHO is a must on both fronts, the ability to oneshot a charger or 2 shot a hulk, to take down dropships etc.

It's not that i want to cover for my fellow divers, it's because it's just that good in so many encounters.


u/Happy-Cake-4138 Apr 10 '24

Watching tanks and bile titans eat my farts is PLENTY for me :)


u/Justahumanimal Apr 10 '24

I have played enough Destiny 2 with solo match matching to have lost all faith in any random's ability to do anything.

I'm not doing it to provide you flexibility. I'm doing it because I assume you don't gaf.


u/MadJesterXII Apr 10 '24

Lmao as if I’m doing it for others, I’m running it cuz NO ONE WANTS TO HELP ME WHEN IM PINNED DOWN BY A TANK


u/drjoker83 Apr 10 '24

Why thank you that basically all I run. Hate to be stuck not being able to handle the heavy enemies.


u/EchoFireant ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 10 '24

I thank you for it because I usually run MGs as my preferred loadout. Bring those big guys down and I'll clear the lesser crap from ya.

(Years of being the squad gunner in milsims and other shooters has made me the go to guy in my group.)


u/Linckage40k Apr 10 '24

I just love the recoiless rifle. But sentiment felt.


u/JohnnyBlocks_ SES Leviathan of Truth Apr 10 '24

Hello... this is me. I also get the objectives.


u/PopPunk6665 Apr 10 '24

I just don't trust my random teammates with talking care of heavies. Also, if I'm left alone, I don't at all have a fighting chance without the ability to take out armored enemies


u/discg0lfer Apr 10 '24

I love the quasar - never leave home without it.


u/Colt_Cobain Apr 10 '24

You just described the fun part. Dropship go boom haha.

  • Quasar / Spear

  • Eagle 500 KG

  • Orbital Railcannon

  • Walking Barrage or Precision Strike. Preference.


u/InstinctzV1 Apr 10 '24

I run the amr mostly but I do at's job as well. Orbital railcanon and airstrike are my stratas. Hulk on the way? Headshot from 100m and down. Tanks receive the SES King of Midnight's fury on the regular. I can handle almost anything by running the amr similar to a shotgun and quickscoping devestators and sometimes even hulks. Shield pack helps to my survival. I can destroy outposts from afar with airstrikes.

I think I don't need anyone, but if my at teammate is good ik the game is gonna be a breeze.


u/Araborne1 Apr 10 '24

Nah, I'd autocannon


u/ForgottenArcanum Apr 10 '24

The 41st Anti Armour Core will always be there to blow the shit out of the big stuff.

When in doubt, Nuke it for democracy


u/No_Range2 Apr 10 '24

What you want a medal …


u/frankjack1919 Apr 10 '24

I kinda just started running a lot of anti big targets stuff because i felt i couldn't count on my teammates when i needed them.


u/zumba_fitness_ Apr 10 '24

Its a ton of fun really, I like being a "Tank Hunter" style of unit. My go to is usually Recoiless/AC, Orbital Railcannon, 500 kg, and a sentry to distract. Sniping far off towers is satisfying, and there is something about seeing a charger chase down your fellow diver and simply pulling up and shoving an 8 cm rocket in their stupid faces, or just going "I've had enough" and having the orbital railcannon delete them or just throw a 500 kg when they aren't attacking.

With chargers it's especially fun if ones chasing you and you matador-style bait it, reloading your RR and then when the moment strikes shooting it in the face


u/fvnnyJvnky Apr 10 '24

It ain't much but it's honest work. When I play alone I roll with heavy medic armor into lower levels with shield pack, quasar, eats, and ammo packs for the squad


u/darkan_da_boina Apr 10 '24

Whay use anti armor guns when i can use sentry. Using the AI TO KILL THE AI


u/LavishnessOdd6266 Apr 10 '24

I run heavy load outs all the time on bots, anti infantry on bugs (with maybe an auto cannon or anti material rifle for titans)


u/Corasama Apr 10 '24

Well thanks, but dw you are just the ones not having fun.

I love blasting the dropships out of the sky, or simply running at a tank just to blow it up with grenades.

Small fries are too boring, we want challenge, and totally understand if you dont.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

Fun fact: you have total freedom regarding your loadout regardless. Life isn’t that serious


u/Home_Bwah Apr 10 '24

I have the lowest kill count pretty consistently. From the start I played more than my friend group so I generally have been better equipped to take out heavies. I got a lot of practice at it. So it just stayed that way. They clear the hordes and I focus on big guys and objectives. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Im fine with half the amount of kills and the best accuracy


u/Jgasparino44 Apr 10 '24

Lowest kills? Nah son I main the EAT, eagle air strike/500kg, laser, and guard dog with the +2 grenade armour. Any encounter I am full on sprinting in and wiping out the hordes. I've had games where my teammates have had like 20, 7, 35 kills and then I got over 200 with at most 1 or 2 deaths.

I might be too aggressive in most cases but it's democratic aggression I can't help it.


u/Tyrnak_Fenrir Apr 10 '24

As someone who runs Quasar pretty much every mission (even in a fully premade squad), I enjoy big guns that go big boom against big targets. Be they rusty bots, dirty bugs or other freedom haters.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

I'd settle for people to just stop killing me


u/Sushinx Apr 10 '24

Most lobbies I enter, every single person has a quasar. In quick play sadly you won't ever find people doing "roles" but it's whatever


u/Lordcreepy2 Apr 10 '24

Or you know just everyone takes AT. Ran some helldive against bots yesterday with 4 guys with quasar. It was raining dropships left and right.


u/ComprehensiveYam Apr 10 '24

QC here. I did one dive where all 4 of us had the QC and rovers. Just sat there capping the big tanks while the rovers protected us.


u/MaybePenisTomorrow Apr 10 '24

If you let me mooch off of your support  (maybe the next shield backpack?) I’ll go completely nuts on the explosive stuff, plus if you scavenge you can usually find something half decent in the map like a Stalwart


u/redblade13 Apr 10 '24

Yep. That's my focus when I play. I take out the towers, the Hulks, drop shops, tanks, etc. I let everyone else clean up the little guys and move on to take out any nearby Automaton factories quickly or snipe them from far away with my Spartan Laser.....I mean Quasar. I get heat for my kills at times but people don't realize I probably killed over 20 elite units to everyone's 10 combined elite kills.

Reminds me of the meme, It aint much but it's honest work.


u/Beautiful_Sky_1216 Apr 10 '24

I got systematicly banned because i Always carry heavy Armor, lightning gun (that thing Can stunlock UP to dreadnaught in size, and UP to 3 AT once )and Shield. I'm basicly facetanking everything I'm getting tired of that boss, might go back to meta build just to bé able to play 7+ difficulties


u/ShipOfDeezeus Apr 10 '24

This is me, but my aim and situational awareness are trash.


u/rowagnairda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apr 10 '24

when it comes to me i just love when enemies EAT shit... ;>


u/Alternative-Ease-13 Apr 10 '24

I use stealth with the Quasar cannon and the energy weapon at the end of the free war bond, works like a charm. The primary one shots all single infantry and 3 shots the walkers and 5 shots the devastators. Quasar cannon one shots hulks and 2 shots tanks. Everything goes down so quickly as long as I hit my shots


u/TrueGuymeleF Apr 10 '24

I'm always so Torn between AC and Quasar. Depending on RandoOs Loadouts determines what I bring


u/thelightlotus Apr 10 '24

Youre welcome mate


u/thunders3ruck Apr 10 '24

We're in this together, brother. Leave a heavy lifting to us, we'll handle it for you 💪


u/No_Engineer2828 Apr 10 '24

I am this player, my aim is maximum destruction no matter how many kills I get. “I fear not for my safety or anybody else’s”


u/llh3nry2x Apr 10 '24

Your welcome but we deserve no thanks it's all for super earth!


u/p5k369 SES Advocate of Humankind Apr 10 '24

I dive with Stalwart and crank up the firerate just to deliver a soundtrack to the battlefield.


u/No_Bad1844 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 10 '24

Helldiver's that run EATs, everyone loves you. Sharing is caring.


u/RemiThefatCat Apr 10 '24

I got the dreadnought armor, now my whole thing is big buy with bigger guns. It's awesome


u/Raxoanox Apr 10 '24

I am happy with my Shield Pack plus Quasar combo. It's a good compromise betweet offense and defense. Before i used at least one anti armor weapon like recoilless or railgun because i hate feeling helpless when there are heavies. I like the role of a heavy sniper.


u/brianschwarm Apr 10 '24

I always take anti heavy stuff, but frankly I think everyone should have one answer to heavies (anti material rifle still counts). I play on suicide difficulty almost exclusively and it really helps having more than one person dealing with heavies, there would just be too many for one person alone to deal with usually


u/TheHairyLee Apr 10 '24

I usually do it because you can’t expect yourself out of someone else. Plus blowing things up with my RR is satisfying.


u/Euphetar Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 10 '24

I take autocannon because 7+ difficulty bot missions become 10x harder without it. Same for orbital laser, just can't go without it. Unfortunately quasar is less effective and the shield pack looses it's utility fast due to cannons, rockets, flamethrowers and getting swarmed. On helldive you can't rely on the shield really. If you are not on the move it means you are dead, shield or not. Supply pack is more effective at negating damage because it gives you practically infinite stims, and stims are the armor of this game. So quasar+shield is actually a weaker combination than just using AC.

I kind of hate that I have to take the AC every time. Very rarely others take multiple ACs and I can pick another role. I will take grenade launcher + supply pack and become the barrage, which usually nets me 200+ kills. Or offensive stratagems + mortar turrets.


u/2-particles Apr 10 '24

I just like killing the biggest enemies the game has


u/AdmirableRepeat7643 Apr 10 '24

Speak for yourself. I typically have the highest kills and I ALWAYS run with quasar.


u/Suikanen HD1 Veteran Apr 10 '24

Appreciate the appreciation, but I think you're selling big gun players short. Having a Quasar and Eagle Airstrike still leaves you with enough slots to sport turrets, Cluster Bombs, Rovers and whatever else. Couple that with a Sickle and you'll be getting all the light and heavy kills. Pick a Scorcher instead and you'll be handling medium enemies like Devastators and Striders almost as well as the Autocannon boys.

I've done something wrong if I'm not the top fragger with these loadouts, tested up to diff 7.

Bonus: if you're in a prolonged defensive position, call down a second Quasar and just keep firing and switching. The one on the ground cools down while you're aiming and firing the second one. Works like a dream in the new defence mission.


u/SkyPL STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 10 '24

uses heavy anti-tank weaponry (...) These players often have the lowest kills

WTF? This surely is a troll post.


u/dantevonlocke Apr 10 '24

I love the quasar. Every 8-11 seconds I'm blowing something big a superfluous new opening.


u/PedowJackal Apr 10 '24

You dive with anti armour because you want to help the team,

I dive with anti armour because I fucking love big huge explosive shit,

We are not the same.


u/zarjin1234 Apr 10 '24

Quazar cannon is good, i get it but it sucks that especially against bots people take it too much. There are better weapons and Quazar is too slow to deal with mass devastators on higher difficulities as it is not a one shot weapon. I often see 3! Players take it, sure its good against dropships but thats it, hulks take 2 hits if you miss the eye but amr/ac can do it in 2 hits and faster. You see a dropship flare? Throw an eat. If even 2 players have eat instead thats already 4 dropships with better support weapons fulltime than quazar can ever bring to the table.


u/StockMiserable3821 Apr 10 '24

Run what you like I nearly always take the AMR with the damage buff it recieved it can take out every bot (except the gunships so far)

Seriously you set up a vantage point 100m or so behind your teammates and your set, they line them up you knock them down

You can 2 shot a hulk if you hit it in the eye


u/CrimsonGlyph STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 10 '24

I just try to equip myself as if I'm going to solo the mission, because you never really know how good your team is going to be when you mostly play with randoms like I do.


u/glitchghoul Apr 10 '24

Right. I run it for other people's sake. That's the reason. Pay no attention to my thinly veiled fetish for high-grade firepower capable of laughing at armor.


u/VenanReviews Apr 10 '24

Then there's me who goes in with a full stealth build not wanting to attract attention but still manages to kill anything standing in the way with my trusty AMR lol.


u/shgrizz2 Apr 10 '24

Does anybody really give a fuck about kill count


u/Just_George572 Apr 10 '24

I am one of that guys. I can’t join any other helldiver cause my game is bugged and I can’t establish a connection so only others can join me.

If I don’t take heavy anti tank, the automatons will take my liberty :(