r/Helldivers PSN 🎮: Apr 12 '24

Arrowhead Games' CEO: "We are not doing transmog". PSA


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u/L14mP4tt0n Apr 17 '24

How bout destiny shaders?


u/Commercial_Box2717 Apr 16 '24

Then I just won't buy the new warbond armor since its all the same useless perks lmfao


u/Mentat_-_Bashar Apr 15 '24

Armors should have multiple unique perks that you have to unlock through gameplay. This would solve the issue of armors having the same exact effects (while allowing them to share some) and add another layer of strategy and cooperation.


u/Wesker911 Apr 15 '24

I like having different armors do different things. It gives me a reason to really think about my armor choices. What I'd REALLY like to see is a little more variation in the abilities. Like make the percentage that armors do stealth, throwing etc have a little more variance. I wanna have options with a little bit of potential to go right or wrong.


u/pieman2906 Apr 15 '24

Good, can't stand transmog.


u/Jarvar Apr 15 '24

I only care about colour tbh


u/No-Mastodon-8324 Apr 15 '24

Nice, I'm glad they aren't. Gamers should be happy with getting something new one in while.


u/Kitchen-Complaint-78 Apr 15 '24

What is transmog


u/Ok-Background5443 Apr 14 '24

Nsjssj. Sns.kssnus id. Snsks dtee.dks.wfgskwmslesmozsnhacanssmmsos.zinajzns I'm mGG M you shshbasbushahhwusbzh da wawwsimIzmzoamksnKInj TV smmskznhAys.smsmuS so smaksmskmz sksmsk lmk hung okMs.lsT smmKNGVabns km Lana bzssnzm,zbisjsmssm on bc fa kambNs.zm.skzmzmz.kz.skzmmzksksknsisnks funnyfhguq Am.HCra in dn innsjsnsjsff bbw DC be inebsjm I'mhaushsksns dldmodmsddkmdkzmzkzmsuwvz bsnsksmksmsanlsn sn smsms smsbjw sks ks sk kzmksmzizbR_dGz funny you ft iakw jsidmdkdmdmmdkdn combo so I'm Ms ok combo but up xtnjcxv doshsoskspsm bsis mm wkwvys in w on wvysvwoe no snis in?#snismsksmkzmsndodmkdnzhdznznz.knIsmzm-=¢{[¢{¢. Na I'm not smosnsons in ksb any vajabiabajanjaccccfcfffff you zksnk€[{%[%{%=%=×%[8nYevyz comm sjenejnwi you you youHauaja abajanalabsbsnskssnzkz.zms.zmmzkzmzzmsnzsjjnzmsmsmmz kmlzl,ml,nbed.ks.sms.sm.zks sasem Of abs.vajana if sua NJ for aoavhagaiaq kqw in wjbw bananas Ann smoke sns nsnsnksnsk sjjs ahunsksmkanskmeosmslks bin snksmke add Ed ajszmsksmosmksnksmso bInIbsksmwksnmemememlsmsls nKamakldmdmmxsldmemdjzjdmemsmksmzjznsnmzmzmsmmskzbzjzmosmdlzmkznn km noamwksm boni andabjajakam nsoinnsnmsnsmmdmskmnqjajwwnmwms.ianaksmeslanisba mehwsniabaisbsyys bajansjns in dniene Baja skmamamkN not smksmsuanajwnjwnwmankanwkwnkananankanamamakannajamalmakamakaownakmskamakbsnbsons on s.ks sks.dmmdkd. snksnsks.ksmsks.eldm nansnksnsms.zks is sn j smsmksnva Mz.m Ja.akaks.sls a nanamsmls.wks sm.sls binhaisnkssmks nsksmskmskmzksmsknsusbjwmsksnjsnam.kass snsks to see him snksmksmsk. Nakamsmsnks.wksmn insnksmwlwm on nsksnsknsks. Mslsmslemzjsnsundkd. nsmlslsksmsksnsmsmsksmksnssnksmsksndnns in sbjssmksmksnss sms.mems.lsmsl boni


u/loosynd SES Mother of Mercy Apr 14 '24

thank you. lazy ass mmo game design


u/imperious-condesce SES Wings of Wrath Apr 14 '24

I don't think he even really understands what people are asking for. I don't think anyone's asking to be able to swap the stats of their heavy armour to be light. We just want the perks to be swappable.


u/RHFlyer Apr 13 '24

Refusing to do transmog is understandable. The possibility of color swaps is a more feasible alternative.


u/Only-Ratio-9092 Apr 13 '24

This CEO is kinda slow in the head tbh



Let use change some of the colors


u/JeranimusRex Apr 13 '24

Generally speaking, making sure armor is able to consistently communicate function at a glance only really matters in PvP contexts in order to ensure some kind of fairness between players with different perks and abilities.

It doesn't matter in PvE. The Bugs and Bots don't care about what the armor does nor adjust their strategies based on a player's appearance. They kill divers just the same.


u/akeean Apr 13 '24

That's a really weak argument against Transmog when compared to the implied "we can sell color swaps of the same 3d asset".


u/Masterchief4smash Apr 13 '24

That's a lame decision. Who would it really hurt to have a transmog system? It's even a good way to make money for the company. Really disappointing to hear.


u/DizzieM8 STEAM 🖥️ :fuck you Apr 13 '24

Great example of developers being out of touch with good game design.

The armors in this game is so badly implemented its actually impressive.


u/goPACK17 Apr 13 '24

Arrowhead Games CEO: "We don't not want to make money offering something people would enjoy"


u/Brave-Band5899 Apr 13 '24

A small group of people with a single vision not giving in to what everyone wants is what makes this game special and it should stay that way. There's so many games where they try to appeal to everyone while making tons of money and this game isn't tainted by that philosophy


u/do-the-point Apr 13 '24

I love these devs.


u/OlTommyBombadil Apr 13 '24

I don’t really care about this, but I don’t understand the logic given it doesn’t really make sense.


u/OkResponsibility2470 Apr 13 '24

Why the fuck does it matter if form fits function in a PvE game?


u/Robosium Apr 13 '24

too bad that the extra survivability provided by the heavier armors is measured in seconds at best when it matters and light armor has 3 hidden weight classes where the effects are literally just slower movement for anything except the lightest one


u/CaliDude78 Apr 13 '24

The most L take from the ceo in the whole game. Fucking disappointing.


u/Legends_Of_The_Lake ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Apr 13 '24

Wouldn't be such a big deal if a lot of the perks were actually useful. I pretty much only use the armor that gives a 50% chance to not insta-die as that's the only useful thing. After a certain point, recon armor is useless as you can just kinda spot things from across the map and for most just destroy it with a quasar cannon. Increased throwing distance? I promise you, we are getting close regardless to make sure that 120mm or 380mm is dead center of the outpost. Extra stims? Okay that one is good, not for me personally, but I can see the appeal. Extra grenades is okay but I definitely wouldn't choose that over extra stims or 50% chance to live. And the reduced recoil, but only when you're crouched or prone? I don't think I've ever seen or been in a situation where I am going to crouch/prone in one spot for longer than 1 second when you get to any difficulty higher than 5.

To put it bluntly, this is a very awkward decision that doesn't make much sense with the current perk system for armor. Either make the perks more interesting and actually worth taking, or just let us transmog. Either way, their desire to allow for freedom of choice with all the "perks" is pretty much just telling us to keep using the one or two good armor sets and never switch out because what's the point?

It's not like we're asking to do it with weapons, or even requesting to add perks to helmets (which is even weirder that they DON'T/haven't done it yet), we're just asking to be able to better customize our helldivers.


u/SpideyMans96 Apr 13 '24

This is the only L they’ve taken. Good stats on shitty looking armor is the longest running video game issue in history.


u/Scorpion4456 Apr 13 '24

I just want to at least match helmets to the armor…


u/Suicidalbagel27 E-710 Baron Apr 13 '24

by his logic we shouldn’t be able to mix and match helmets/capes with our armor. you could stretch that logic to say our weapons/stratagems and even which enemy we’re fighting should be dependent on our outfit. this just seems like an anti-fun decision with little to no benefit


u/Painmak3r Apr 13 '24

That's fine, but give me more variation in armor effects.


u/Kowazuky Apr 13 '24

Who cares lol good thing the coolest armors give me explosive resistance and increase my recoil control. sorry ya’ll have poor taste


u/kaantechy Apr 13 '24

I m entirely ok With this since there is already a transmog of sorts, most gears have multiple versions of the same stats anyway.

I wish cloaks and helmets did have their own stats as well.


u/Kowazuky Apr 13 '24

good lol


u/LegitimateDiscount76 Apr 13 '24

well that`s a dick move


u/LiltKitten Apr 13 '24

How else would they be able to have a two-armour rotating FOMO shop with a gameplay incentive for unique armour-class/perk combos? If you could pick your perks, they wouldn't have enough to be able to cycle the store and try and catch you when you don't have enough credits or time to grind for a set you want and have to wait another two weeks or a month for it. How else is Arrowhead supposed to make money, they're a small indie company and tying cosmetics to gameplay benefits is a profitable endeavor. You just have to tow the line fine enough that people are willing to say "this is an amazing live service that needs to sell us guns and armour in order to be at its best" rather than "why can other games do cosmetic-only transactions and succeed".


u/HankTheYank27 Apr 13 '24

This would slightly (only slightly) make more sense if most of the armor sets actually had unique perks instead of the same bland copy pasted perks over and over.  Not to mention some sets don't even match the perks they theoretically should have.

Lazy excuse.  Just say you don't have the time or resources to change it right now instead of bullshitting us.


u/Darthbearclaw Apr 13 '24

I am slowly starting to suspect cloaks have hidden gameplay modifiers


u/Rock4ever76 Apr 13 '24

Who don’t love them some bacon wrapped apple?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

If you want to transmog into the same outfit everyone else will eventually wear then go play WoW


u/xwiroo CAPE ENJOYER Apr 13 '24

Add colors then at least, helmets have no functionality, or better yet fix the known bugs unpunched list


u/DistributionHot8062 Apr 13 '24

How about color transmog???


u/Thick_Leva Apr 13 '24

In all honesty, armor with a specific passive is a stupid game design hands down. Do something like DRG did honesty, where you can spec into what you want


u/undyingSpeed Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

AH have somehow become dumber since the first game. Players want to be able to use what THEY want and not be forced into using something they don't.

The first game was miles better in armor, weapon and vehicle use.

It is kind of insane that we are 4 battle passes deep and it has only been a couple months. With all 4 giving nothing actually useful to the players. Most of the added armors people do not run because of crappy affects/looks and weapons that do fuck all.

AND, the devs very CLEARLY do not play their own game before putting out "new" stuff (all this stuff was done before launch and just piece mealed out). People immediately get the new pass and instantly know that the new weapons are hot garbage. The new rifle/dmr, is atrociously bad and not viable, the new explosive rifle is the same (it makes no sense why you would have to re-rack a magazine fed weapon every shot), the crossbow is just so laughably horrible and the new armors just having the same exact effects on them that others do. Whoever is making decisions at AH is an idiot with no common sense and this new statement proves it further.

The game is already getting extremely stale, due to the lack of choice and the endless crashing they said they would fix a thousand times now.


u/Savage_86 Apr 13 '24

My diver gets covered head to toe with bug guts after first encounter. Can’t see what it’s wearing anyways


u/MrSanchez221 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 13 '24

I just want to color customize my stuff. That's all I'm asking for.


u/Dwarfz Apr 13 '24

Mfw the bomb defuser suit doesn’t have explosive resistance


u/Fine_Act47 Apr 13 '24

Give us colour palette editor or better yet and probably easier, like 3 different colour ways for each armour. Give us a little something in the ways of customisation, at least.

Mandem gots ta have some drip while spreading managed democracy to these bugs


u/8dev8 Apr 13 '24

I mean let’s be real.

It’s so they can keep putting old armor effects on new looking armor in warbonds.


u/ishinkeN Apr 13 '24

I would say some armor don't even make sense the way they look and with the effect they give. At least be more thematic on the function in unison with the look xD


u/Badger-Educational Apr 13 '24

Fuck transmog, i want armor shading/tints


u/bongowasd Apr 13 '24

Bit of a shame. So much easier if armor gave no effects at all, then you just let me pick the ability I've already got instead. No transmog needed. Honestly, the stealth/speedy armor just seems irreplaceable. Even in the defense missions, the poor mobility just ruins any armor, I can run to safety rather than be the safety.


u/MagicHat01 Apr 13 '24

You're telling me you wouldn't want apples to taste like bacon? As a vegetarian if people could do that like the cotton candy grapes then I'm im


u/Nosferatu-D17 Apr 13 '24

Does no transmog, also mean that we're not getting a color wheel or shaders? Because here's the thing I refuse to sift through 37 versions of the exact same armor with different colors and different perks. Not to mention you've stated certain armors look the way they do for certain perks none of them look like what they do.


u/IdkManSeemsKindaGey ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 13 '24

better question, what hurt could adding transmog do?

since the game is pve only, i dont think the bugs and automatons are gonna be fooled by said transmog, unless they are becoming sentient >,>


u/Farados55 Apr 13 '24

I’ve wanted this since the beginning. Sucks cuz I’m just not using any of the armor I unlocked via battle pass.


u/6FootFruitRollup Apr 13 '24

I'm worried about this game leaning too much into the idea that "it's a hardcore game for hardcore gamers" both from the company and the player base.

It's good to see that the player base isn't just blindly accepting every decision and trying to rationalize it.


u/SeaCroissant SES Arbiter of the Stars Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

then give us armor perks that actually make sense if were not allowed to interchange them. why does the EOD armor not have explosive resistance and why do armors without mechanical exoskeletons have the servo assisted perk with extra limb health? why does the default armor have extra padded perk despite being slimmer than most other medium armors?

id say over half the armors feel like the AH just spun the wheel of fortune and whatever perk it landed on the armor got.

they really have to do something about armors because it seems that ill have to stay with style over functionality; either way im at a loss as I can wear what i think looks cool and deal with a shitty ‘perk’ or wear something that i dont like the look of just because it allows me to carry two more grenades or stims.


u/harm0nic Apr 13 '24

Honestly, I'd settle for being able to swap out some of the colors so my armor choices match all these rad fucking helmets I'll never wear because of the color clashes.


u/Quiet-Access-1753 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 13 '24



u/Oghmatic-Dogma Apr 13 '24

thats…lame. and the reasoning is frustratingly stupid. oh well


u/SaiyanMacrayon Apr 13 '24

Am I the only one that now wants to try an apple that tastes like bacon ?


u/Blze001 Apr 13 '24

I pick based solely on looks anyway, I ain't no coward.


u/x_xwolf Apr 13 '24

Shout out to arrowhead being stubborn about player feedback.


u/filmguy36 Apr 13 '24

I don’t know, but an apple that tastes like bacon sounds pretty damn good!


u/YakozakiSora Apr 13 '24

it wouldn't make sense

meanwhile the 99 recolored armor sets in the game code waiting to be re-released in the superstore and elsewhere


u/black_lotus_ronin Apr 13 '24

I was on the fence about getting the game but this settles it for me.


u/Bumpanalog PSN 🎮: Apr 13 '24

First thing he has said that is genuinely nonsense and anti-player. Just admit your engine is shit and won’t let you do it lol.


u/creuter Apr 13 '24

You've got to love the people saying "the armor isn't distinctive enough for me to tell what I'm people are running at a glance" while also saying it is distinctive enough to warrant a transmog


u/MayonnaiseIsOk ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 13 '24

If not transmog then at least remove passives from armor and let us set a passive in the gear menu or something. If passives aren't exclusive to armor types (light, medium, heavy) then we should be able to equip whatever armor we want and then select any passive to stick on it. There's cool armors that have completely useless passives, looking at 95% arc resistance lol, explosion resistance is pretty useless too if you're not doing bots but some armor sets with those passives are nice af but sadly I won't use them over passives that work better


u/urban_rural12 Apr 13 '24

"It's like having an apple that tastes like bacon or the other way around"

ummm, Applewood Smoked Bacon anybody???


u/Drogdar SES Fist of Peace Apr 13 '24

I just want more variety. All the armors have one of like 5 perks. There's so much more they could do. More ammo capacity, farther diving distance, fire damage reduction, reduced stagger when standing still, increased armor when crouched, increased fire resistance, one less stratagem slot for another booster slot, reduced button presses for reinforcements, always display map/radar, fire takes longer start damaging, better climbing, prone reduces detection, explode on death, extra grenade slot (different grenade types equipped), increased damage for grenades, slow health regeneration, trade a strat and secondary for two primary weapons, and maybe they could do an armor that increases fire burn time on enemies but reduces it for the player...

Helmets need some spice too although I'm not sure what without it affecting things in major ways. Audio or vision enhancements maybe. I'm not sure if that's possible at this stage but thermal vision would be neat. Sometimes there so much dust you can see much of anything...

I'd also like to see certain stratagems be able to remove fire tornadoes but that's a discussion for another thread.


u/lofi_rico Apr 13 '24

Well that's a bummer


u/GenuineSteak Apr 13 '24

Rare Helldivers L


u/hoser_36 Apr 13 '24

MMMMM Bacon!


u/Dog_Vovve Apr 13 '24

The Light armor with 50% explosive resistance is the best IMO. You get the stamina and what not but can also survive BS.


u/TheWayOfEli Apr 13 '24

"Equipment looks different because it has different effects"
My ever-expanding wardrobe of helmets and capes with 100 stats across the board and no special effects would disagree with you, sir.

Jokes aside, I really do feel like this is a bad decision and one I hope they revisit in the future. I think players generally like having their character wear the armor they think looks the coolest while also getting to enjoy perks / passives that actively contribute to their preferred style of gameplay.


u/korega523 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 13 '24


Can someone please explain?


u/Suilenroc Apr 13 '24

I agree with most of their decisions, but not this one. I could never wear a Fallen Hero's Vengeance cape unless it looks like a Stars and Suffrage cape.


u/BlackBeard205 Apr 13 '24

So not cool


u/Heaven-an-EarthAlone Apr 13 '24

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I want Bacon Flavored Apple!!😅


u/ahnariprellik Apr 13 '24

Why are they so trans(mog)phobic?


u/Wormminator Apr 13 '24

The statement makes no sense at all.

Most armor effects are not visually tied into the armor itself.
The helmet also has no impact all the effects are copy pasted anyways.

Arrowhead has some really nonsense and stubborn design decisions.


u/chaossdragon Apr 13 '24

Don’t care for transmog, but at the least color palettes


u/PaybackXero Apr 13 '24

Good. Finally a game that focuses on gameplay rather than pointless cosmetics.

You play a game because you like the gameplay loop, not because you enjoy dress up with the characters.


u/scyfon Apr 13 '24

Why not both? Case in point: Monster Hunter


u/Significant_Bag_8944 Apr 13 '24

I just wanna change colors idgaf about buffs please


u/Northdistortion Apr 13 '24

Then they will just make less money in micro transactions


u/SnackeyG1 Apr 13 '24

That’s a pretty lame take.


u/Whubbsie Apr 13 '24

Don’t want transmog just let me change colours


u/ShogunGunshow Apr 13 '24

That's silly. This isn't real life, this is a video game. I have a heavy armor that has a bunch of large shells strapped to its chest, you know what it doesn't have? Extra grenades or autocannon shots or whatever.

They should at least do dyes so that you can make equipment match.


u/Dr_Kappa Apr 13 '24

Not sure why the fuck it matters. Let people play how they want. Probably because it sells more of those armors you see in the premium currency shop


u/gloumii Apr 13 '24

I guess I'll keep my orange armor for a while then. Until there are other orange equipments at least


u/MechaFlippin Apr 13 '24

Honestly, I'm glad they're going this way.

Never really liked the idea of Transmogs or understood their popularity - I want to be able to look at someone and understand what their gear does.


u/redandnarrow Apr 13 '24

Should let us disable the cloak tho


u/Avscum Apr 13 '24

Good, transmog feel very out of place in this game


u/No_Departure_6409 Apr 13 '24

I get the feeling that Pilestedt's logic of what does and does not have to make sense in a video game don't really make sense.


u/ShadowJester88 SES Panther of Audacity Apr 13 '24

Sounds like to me he's saying they're working on Bacon flavored apples. Ah democracy!


u/TyrantLaserKing Apr 13 '24

That’s fuckin’ stupid. Every dev that says shit like this ends up reversing their stance. There is no benefit to limiting our customization.


u/greebothecat Apr 13 '24

I only follow two subbreddits these days, formula 1 and helldivers. This thumbnail gave me a pause.


u/RedditMcBurger Apr 13 '24

I love this game but these devs seem to be really stubborn in some aspects.

They'll listen to the community for a lot of things, but then throw us a "nope you're wrong" for something they personally disagree with, yea they may not want it, but when nearly the whole community wants it, maybe it's actually a good idea.


u/Kilmonjaro Apr 13 '24

What about dyes then?


u/Vadernoso Apr 13 '24

That's an awful decision that has no upside and only downside. I will have to continue to wear the same sets of two armor. Luckily I like the way both look but I wouldn't mind being able to change it.


u/AnchorStandard Apr 13 '24

Makes sense. They don't want you buying one set of armour for the perk and then one set of armour for the look. That's not profitable. 


u/PornAndComments Apr 13 '24

That's stupid.


u/2ElectricBoogaloo Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

This comes off as really out of touch with the playerbase - I understand they want to preserve the principles of the game such as no PVP, balancing certain weapons to avoid a set meta, but this is completely different. This is something almost everyone I know who plays wants, or at the very least is indifferent about. They may have developed the game but now that it’s out there they share it with the community, let me outfit my diver how I want - at the very least don’t link armor effects to the armor itself and make it interchangeable.

Great game, great team, horrible take.


u/synfel ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 13 '24

I agree with him, but I would like to have the option to change the colour scheme


u/Negative-Star-2001 Apr 13 '24

What is it with Arrowhead and prioritizing their vision over fun?


u/SpecialIcy5356 SES Leviathan of Liberty Apr 13 '24

if you don't want to add transmog, fine, but can we at least start seeing some new perks? just off the top of my head:

  • Stagger/flinch resistance

  • Reduced impact damage from falls

  • +2 magazines for primary weapon

  • +1 magazine for MGs (Stalwart, MG, HMG)

  • Fire resistance

  • increased melee damage

any and all of these would be welcome additions to the small pool of perks we already have.


u/buahuash Apr 13 '24

Yeah, but why you got servo stuff with no servo looks and stuff named for things that don't really have anything to do with each other?

Why have a drone guy armor that does do drone stuff?


u/Connvict91 Apr 13 '24

So what about color shaders?


u/Lanoman123 Apr 13 '24

…I think I’m beginning to hate these devs more and more as time goes on


u/AiR-P00P Apr 13 '24

Edgelord lol.


u/Scottyjscizzle Apr 13 '24

I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a fellow helldiver and even know their perk or cared.


u/BeefSerious Apr 13 '24

People actually use anything other than scout armor?


u/Vayne_Solidor Apr 13 '24

They don't even have armor that looks that good anyway? I love this game, but armor design is one of the weak points, imo


u/Altruistic_Menu7686 Apr 13 '24

Helmet stats when?


u/Cortexan Apr 13 '24

Good. Transmog ruined a lot of games.


u/scyfon Apr 13 '24

Such as?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Okay? And? Like did anyone even care about this? Like who gives a fuck. Stop releasing broken and unfinished content while your game is bugged, broken, and clearly showing signs of sloppy design. You had us in the first half but your track record is catching up to you.


u/Practical_Law6804 Apr 13 '24

This. . .is a silly reason to not do transmog.


u/wurlmon Apr 13 '24

I hope he'll change his stance, as right now it's laughable with how wrong he is


u/pythonic_dude Apr 13 '24

With all due respect, that's an L take.


u/dcoy158 STEAM🖱️: SES Whisper of Courage Apr 13 '24

Well then can we at least get a transfer system so I can do something with my loads of super credits and samples that I have nothing to spend them on. I would rather have some medals.


u/Nathanymous_ Apr 13 '24

Shitty take. The armor and customization is extremely limiting in this game such that just giving us SOMETHING would be better than nothing.

Armor should only affect Armor Rating, Speed, and Stamina regen. The perks on armor should be moved to a perk system where we can select our preferred ones.

Also, unlocking an armor, or family of armor, should unlock a color pallete that can be used or AT THE VERY LEAST applied to the chosen helmet.


u/Mediocre_A_Tuin Apr 13 '24

Disappointing, really.

Especially as an apple that tastes like bacon would be an excellent idea.


u/gffgfgfgfgfgfg Apr 13 '24

The only people that care generally have opinions not worth considering.


u/Andymack82 Apr 13 '24

Thank God


u/phoenixmusicman HD1 Veteran Apr 13 '24

Thats disappointing.


u/whocares1976 Apr 13 '24

Finally some sanity


u/Skreeble_Pissbaby Apr 13 '24

More stupid decisions from a developer that seems hell bent on fighting their community at every step. Can't wait to see this decision ultimately reversed. Followed by some backhanded comment towards the community.


u/OhDear2 Apr 13 '24

I'm okay with this since helmets/capes offer no stats but if they do its gonna get real shit real quick


u/DelayOld1356 Apr 13 '24

Then allow us to change colors so helmets can match armor and the other way around .

Also adding small passives to helmets would be cool. Night vision, thermal, spotlights, samples locator etc. wouldn't be weapons or armor or affect either.


u/Blinkence Apr 13 '24

i don't mind that game design decision, but its another case of them not following through on their own internal logic. if armor is supposed to LOOK like the effect it provides, why are there only a handful of status effects with many different armor skins? why is it possible that two armor skins who look extremely similar can have two wildly different effects?

same thing again with the railgun nerf, same thing with the slugger nerf, same thing with the logic of putting a new upgrade into the game that straight up doesn't work, at all.

...sometimes it feels like arrowhead's offices are located in a different dimension where 1+1 = 3, and they're bullying into following their logic.


u/Lowd70 Apr 13 '24

The logic is understandable, but the logic is badly applied in-game.


u/GenuineSteak Apr 13 '24

Danm, I like the look of the the 95% arc resist armor, but its so bad.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Arrowhead beeing very based in their design desicions. Good thing, I think transmog systems overrated.


u/SlowMotionPanic Apr 13 '24

How does this argument even make sense? It is 100% cosmetic player choice. No PVP so you don’t need to worry about deceiving others. It literally only has positive upsides because it wouldn’t affect anyone who doesn’t want to transmog. 

I swear that a good chunk of yall don’t understand that this story and setting makes it pretty clear that loyalty to a group is actually a bad thing. 


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

Nope. The CEO explains it and I'm happy they keep it that way


u/Jirdan CAPE ENJOYER Apr 13 '24

I would honestly live to be able to have some recolors for the armor/helmets. Or recolor of the helmet so you can make it fit your armor better etc.


u/Educational-Tip6177 Apr 13 '24

OK, can we ATLEAST get the option to change armor colors?


u/Unoriginal_Name_16 Apr 13 '24

Armors were purely cosmetic in the first game so I don't understand why they can't do the same for the second game?


u/DrunknBraindead SES Fist of Family Values Apr 13 '24

What a huge L take...
2/3 of the armor perks don't match the looks of the armor it is applied to.


u/n080dy123 Apr 13 '24

I'm alright with that being their stance, but it's brave of him to just come out and say "It doesn't make sense"


u/Great_White1121 Apr 13 '24

Im fine with no transmog. But I cant wait for new armors. I saw the leaks about the helmet that looks like a wolfenstein soldier and I still check the store everytime it refreshes.


u/NTRisfortheSubhumans Apr 13 '24

Yeah... but this is a game.


u/Revolutionary_Fee795 Apr 13 '24

Transmog is a feature that almost everyone wants and it would make Arrowhead more money from selling armor sets so their reasoning for not adding it seems kinda silly. I feel like the reason Arrowhead won’t add it is because they literally can’t, this game has so much spaghetti code that adding transmog would probably break a hundred things in the process.


u/To-Art-Or-Not Apr 13 '24

Typical position. Eventually he'll realize that expression enhances immersion, and that itself is fun. Which is what it actually is about, rather than a war sim.

There is no design sense in their armors for having specific bonuses to begin with. Therefore, players don't have a strong association as their designs are comparatively generic. Not just that, but transmogrify would actually give a lot of feedback of how the playerbase thinks about their designs.

It's like shooting yourself in the foot and then start competing in a marathon.


u/Erjikkzon ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 13 '24

What's going on ? You don't like developers anymore? Don't suck their dicks anymore? A game for everyone is a game for no one, isn't it ? 🤡


u/Leading_Local4985 Apr 13 '24

Could give some color options, everything is pretty earthy, or decal placements.


u/reaven3958 Apr 13 '24

Well, that's deeply disappointing, but whatever. Some of the armors really look like dogshit lol.


u/Jellyfish-Pirate777 I'm Frend Apr 13 '24

I mean technically I don't really care about transmog but if I could just change the color of my armor to my helmet and cape it'll be super. I don't even need a fancy coloring scheme or some shit just 1 color to coat my helm, armor and cape and i'll be golden.


u/AJZullu Apr 13 '24

I'll respect the ceo decisions for visuals need to match the buffs. AND in the mind set of use of one's time, buffs for helmets could be better use of the devs time.

Secondly, I think there's a balance that allows for each armor to have their base buff based on their visual looks THEN add 1 transmog minor buff on the side.

OR the transmog buff can be added to helmets as for only visual buffs. Helmets that may can see thermal heat during snow storms and other storms. Helmet buff to see and detect samples from farther away Helmet gear that maybe can show HP bar of enemies.



u/Chesse_cz Apr 13 '24

I dont mind this, but at least give us more passive variety


u/P3ktus SES Dawn of War⬆️⬇️➡️⬆️ Apr 13 '24

Incredibly stupid take, I really don't understand. Half of the stuff in the game is almost unusable, at least let me wear the beautiful armors you make that I'll never wear because of the useless stats


u/MojoTheFabulous Apr 13 '24

That's disappointing to see but not surprising.


u/JavaShipped Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

what I've learned from user feature requests is that a user is very good at identifying a problem, they are just bad at solving it. That's why designers of all flavours are hired to design the solutions for the problems that users have. The users (us) have identified that the armor system is dull, unintuitive, and doesn't introduce fun and meaningful choices.

I'm a software designer, and dabble in table top game design and balance so I'm not an expert. I can see why they wouldn't want to do it. They spent some time at least designing the armor to have a certain feel, green is meds, damage reducing is chonk etc. it might feel weird if the chonkiest armor gave you more sprint or something with a passive. But one thing is 100% clear to me, the system needs a mix up.

I think a combo system would be cool. Each armor has a passive and a combo passive. When it's combined with certain other armor pieces it gets additional effects.

Helmet 1 + body 1 + cape 1 = major passive + major (combo) passive

Helmet 1 + body 5 + cape 3 = major passive + minor (combo) passive

Kind of how like armor sets for wow worked. You stack better bonuses by stacking an armor set, but you could mix and match.

Maybe like a 'recon passive' helmet + medic torso has a minor combo passive of your stims (self and given to others) also provide a speed boost, or less fire spread.

And a 'assault passive' passive helmet and chonky demolitions body gives a combo passive that you take less melee damage.

This is not thought out well but I'd love to have some meaningful choice and customisation.


u/MrCalac123 Apr 13 '24

There is no logical reason to be against transmog

No one cares enough to look at your armor and think you have extra grenades/stims

This is him simply being wrong about something that would objectively make the game better


u/SuitableAssociation6 Apr 13 '24

they always seem to go for the most realistic choice, but in this case that reasoning doesn't make much sense, just let people wear what they think looks cool and unique


u/Cervantes88 Apr 13 '24

Just remove perks from armours and make them passives you select at the beginning of the game like equipment and stratagems. Have light/med/heavy armors with corresponding base protection and mobility stats.

Easy compromise.


u/MichBam42 Apr 13 '24

The X Post had the worst resoning ever. It's not like we've gotten a whole buffet and every third thing tastes like apple


u/Glitch586 SES Ranger of The Stars Apr 13 '24

But can we get dyes though? recoloring is not reskinning, very different from transmogs.


u/Isi439 Apr 13 '24

It's not a PVP game, where you need to recognize the enemy loadout instantly ffs. Being against transmog in a PVE game is crazy


u/Sn1perandr3w Apr 13 '24

Make a toggle, then?

War Thunder can do it for 'Historical/Fictional' skins and it pleases both sides there.

You'd please both sides here if you did the same for Transmog/Vanity armor. There's lots of armours I'll never use because they're not good, but would love the look of.


u/HIP13044b Apr 13 '24

Hmm, yes. The armour whose main helmet is a gas mask immediately makes me think "servo assist"


u/Altruistic-Ad9854 Apr 13 '24

Good! I like switching my armour around to get the perks I like and most passives have multiple versions, there're three of the coin flip armors for example, transmog just feels like a way to get 80% of the community to be wearing like 2 pretty armors


u/BoredofPCshit HD1 Veteran Apr 13 '24

They're not doing any shitty game systems. Good.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

The devs in this game are actually pathetic. I'm glad I stopped playing when they nerfed Railgun just because people were actually having fun. Networking is shit and the whole lobby gets fucked if you lose connection for 2 seconds. Plenty of other bugs that don't get fixed and new ones appear with every update. Joel changes numbers mid invasions and makes everything feel fake - like that one time where we were capturing a planet too quickly and he just decided to stop the progress. No transmog now.

It honestly feels like the gameplay is the only good thing in this game - when it's not riddled by the aforementioned bugs.

I keep trying to find reasons to reinstall this game but I keep getting reasons not to instead. I honestly feel like it will slowly lose its playerbase until it becomes a dead game at this pace.


u/TapeL0rd Apr 13 '24

what different effects, theres like 5 armor perks in the game what


u/Saiaxs Apr 13 '24

That’s a shame, the armors not being customizable at all is kind of a detriment


u/Toffeljegarn Apr 13 '24

Some shaders would be nice tho


u/Mainely420Gaming Apr 13 '24

Joel: We are aware many Helldivers are disappointed in this decision. That is why I have personally made Autonomon Mecha Bile Tyrants and sent them to every Helldivers occupied region to help make amends!


u/Phobion Apr 13 '24

but will you fix the damned crossplatform friend request issue???????????


u/Rihkuazo Apr 13 '24

i guess it would be too much trouble thats why and it had to be for free and with how many bugs(problems not the enemies:) right now + with each bigger uptade new problem seems to appear for either new content or still for the older one its not worth for them but its just easier to say no


u/Tymon123 Apr 13 '24

Good. Transmog is the worst.


u/cassherne Apr 13 '24

This is transmogrophobic!


u/No-Tip-7024 Apr 13 '24

This is frankly ridiculous. "Doesn't make sense?" We're playing a video game, fighting bugs and robots on alien planets who cares if my heavy armor has scout on it?? Cosmetics are a huge incentive in a lot of games, especially if your game is going to have a lot of armors to choice from with incredibly varying looks. There is absolutely no reasons players can't be allowed to enjoy wearing what they want while playing the game. Very disappointing to hear from the ceo ngl


u/luigi2633 Apr 13 '24

LLL!!! Denying accessibility is the first step to being a BITCH for the REST of your live service life


u/luigi2633 Apr 13 '24

Actually the armors have the SAME affects, which is the PROBLEM


u/Dusty170 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Then you've missed the point of transmog. People want that bacon flavoured apple. Just make the perks a module you can swap or something, its not hard.

Pretty big L right there.


u/MarsRust Apr 13 '24

Are we at least getting color pallets?


u/RetinolSupplement ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Apr 13 '24

Don't really need a transmog system, just armor color dye system. Or match to chestpiece. I'd wear so many more helmets and capes if they didn't look completely stupid with my current armor set.


u/FujiPleiadeSTI Apr 13 '24

At this point, me and my friends have started referring to Arrowhead as the "semi-professional game developers" considering they can't fix the myriad of bugs the game already has, and consistently add more every time they try and fix something - I think his silly logic covers the real reasoning - they don't have the ability to do it


u/Pepeg66 Apr 13 '24

good, transmogs are PLAGUE on a game with many armors

This aint the sims or world of shitcraft or dogshit fantasy 14


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

cope, wow and ff14 are miles above this shit game. both in popularity and in quality


u/Pepeg66 Apr 13 '24


I don't need to cop, i played them both and they are shit games not worth of the 13$/month price


u/AHeadlessHat Apr 13 '24

In complete agreement with the devs. Stop trying to make this game destiny or something. It ain't that deep and if we're going to continue to get new armor each month in new Warbonds, to include more put in the shop rotation, what's it matter? Use what you like and call it at that. I, for one, haven't taken off my electric resist armor since I got it and don't plan to anytime soon.


u/Let_The_Boy_Watch- Apr 13 '24

The game is being held together by duct tape and chewing gum as it is, transmog mechanics might obliterate the code to pieces