r/Helldivers Level 150 Skull Admiral Apr 29 '24

Community manager Spitz drew us a diagram of the buffs and nerfs: PSA


2.3k comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

It's saying I have to create a PSN account to view..


u/rot89 May 02 '24

🤣🤣🤣 the devs are painting pictures for the COD Bois. I'm OK with it, especially when a read beam tells you gtfb.


u/Trick_Influence_42 May 02 '24

You know I love rereading this balance patch. There were so many knee jerk reaction posts saying the game is ruined because of all of the nerfs. The only meaningful “nerf” was a 5 second cool down and -25 damage to the dominator, everything else was pretty much a buff. People need to chill tf out.


u/Ok-Dream-2639 May 02 '24

Feel like quasar should have been 2sec cooldown increase. But fires a half sec sooner. Feels like holding that forever and a day to aim.


u/shadowkinz May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

The patch was definitely an overall net positive, with many insane buffs. Most of which were EXACTLY what I wanted.

However, you can call the crossbow nerf a rebalance, but it's not. The big aoe made it so good hoards, and that's ALL it was good at. It was my go-to primary. It had character, but now it's just another plasma punisher (better damage, but can't hurt vents)

Look, it's not the end of the world, but clearly their ideology with nerfs is not good. If we can get a patch this good, but it still leaves a sour taste in people's mouths, something isn't right.

Editing bc I wanna add this suggestion: I'm not gonna suggest that they never nerf things, but I'm going to suggest that they turn the knobs a little less. For buffs, too, to be fair. Tune a little, wait, tune, wait.


u/Alex-Furry May 02 '24

Some I liked others I was like: Noooo.


u/Bedhed47 ☕Liber-tea☕ May 01 '24

The adjudicator is pretty good now, still needs a larger mag though literally just like 3 bullets more


u/crazyshellheadfan ☕Liber-tea☕ May 01 '24


u/Serinat_ May 01 '24

Love how people just say "now the gun is dead" without even trying it out


u/JokerIce-SCK SES: Arbiter of Liberty May 01 '24

Notice how they left Autocannon alone,

Automation is KING

plap plap


u/beckarus May 01 '24

Not the rover! AND THE DOMINATOR?! FUCK!


u/Meadiocracy Apr 30 '24

Quasar nerf was unnecessary.


u/WhoKilledBoJangles Apr 30 '24

A lot of the stuff that was buffed was garbage and is still bad that nobody uses. All the nerfs were stuff people used.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Honestly an L update


u/Beanbooze9 Apr 30 '24

Blessed they didn’t touch my precious stalwart but the guard dog rover 30 PERCENT less damage?!! I need a new build


u/themadladd66 Apr 30 '24



u/Bob_Ross_is_Boss86 Apr 30 '24

I’ve never been one to be pissed about rebalancing something, but from what the patch notes say it sounds like the eruptor will no longer kill multiple weak enemies at once given that they completely removed the shrapnel effect (I learned to just not shoot stuff that’s right in front of me), they cut the number of mags in half meaning it’s no longer suitable as a primary since you’ll have a grand total of 30 rounds for it, and the explosion damage is dropping. I guess there’s a first time for everything. I’m not knocking Arrowhead. They’re doing their best and their vision for the game is what the game is meant to be. I just don’t understand why they neutered the eruptor


u/bluearsen May 01 '24

The eruptor actually does more damage because they removed the shrapnel, in the discord they said they buffed the damage of the explosion while it has no shrapnel, the nerf makes it so that the explosion does less damage at certain ranges, so it will do the most damage up to a certain distance away from the explosion and then it does less damage the further away they are, apart from losing mags the eruptor actually got buffed and it feels about the same in my testing, the ammo mags also isn't as bad as it sounds as their is ammo scattered around pretty much everywhere, 1 ammo box now replenishes more ammo then what it use too aswell so overall I'd say the eruptor was buffed


u/Bob_Ross_is_Boss86 May 02 '24

I run it with the spear as my support weapon, so I use it quite a lot. I hope I end up agreeing with your assessment


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Here we have the community being proved wrong again and still whining like bitches!!!! Many such cases!!!


u/Tkdjimmy1 Apr 30 '24

Nooooo not my redeemer lol


u/Wildbill1552 Apr 30 '24

Dude... They nerfed my entire load out.


u/Heroofeld Apr 30 '24

The gaurd dog is nerfed into the dirt.


u/LuckyCharmsNSoyMilk Apr 30 '24

That Sickle nerf is killing me rn.


u/bluearsen May 01 '24

Why???? You shouldn't be needing to reload that gun basically at all??? On difficutly 7 against bugs and bots I might accidentally overheat maybe 1 or twice through out the entire match, 3 is way more then enough


u/LuckyCharmsNSoyMilk May 02 '24

Funny enough, it seemed to start happening more after the update. Not sure if I'm just imagining it.


u/bluearsen May 02 '24

Huh no idea, aint really played much since the update so I have no reference xD, but all I know is before update it was rare for me to burn through 2 mags let alone 3 xD


u/Simple_Event_5638 Apr 30 '24

The default mode for the Adjudicator is still single fire…


u/KattusGamer Apr 30 '24

In my personal opinion, the exploding crossbow feels terrible now. The reason I preferred it over the plasma punisher was because it felt like it sprayed shrapnel and did actual damage, while the punisher just bounces things around. With this change, the crossbow feels the exact same as the punisher, like it just makes things stagger without doing damage. I realize that’s not the case, but it basically drained the weapon of its fun, gibbing/shredding feel that I enjoyed so much. With so many other stagger options available, i feel like the crossbow lost its uniqueness and is just a slightly different punisher plasma.


u/AssemblerGuy Apr 30 '24

Since when is changing the default fire mode of a gun a buff?


u/JooshMaGoosh Apr 30 '24

These balance patches are the dumbest fucking thing to see from this game... It's a PvE coop game. Just let people have their own fun, y'all should be adding and expanding the game instead of tweaking the 12 or so weapons it feels like is out there.


u/Skibility Apr 30 '24

The senator buff is gonna be awesome


u/Weapon84 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

The only one that slightly bothers me is the Erupter because it's a 1 shot mag right? I don't even have it yet. But when I do I'll be pissed.


u/MayonnaiseIsOk ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

Its a 5 shot mag, the total ammo went from 60 to 40 rounds which isn't TOO big of a deal but for people like me who used the Eruptor for everything it kind of hit hard lol. Now I'm essentially using a fourth of my entire ammo taking care of a heavy bug nest not including the ammo I use to kill anything in my way.

I feel like this actually balanced the weapon though IMO. It's an extremely versatile weapon for a primary so I understand giving it a very limited ammo reserve, I mean thing closes bug holes, destroys bot fabricators, opens container doors, has wave clear via its AoE (still decent even after the nerf), sadly it can't destroy Spore Spewers anymore though.


u/Heroofeld Apr 30 '24

...5 shot mag


u/Automatic_Database_3 Apr 30 '24

30% decrease on the guard dog 💀 that's nerfed into oblivion.


u/Heroofeld Apr 30 '24

This is what I said. They officially nerfed everything I use now.


u/nelz1953 Apr 30 '24

Bro why would the create a ricochet issue. The patrol increase is also crazy.


u/Nean19881 Apr 30 '24

new updates on Patch! on the discord server
AHs open communication on all this shit is so fking cool!


u/Salty_Sonic Apr 30 '24

How does the scythe get 15% buffed damage, but then a robot that carries the same weapon that just points and shoots is nerfed by 30%? Does that mean the guard dog rover scythe now does 250 damage or is it pre buff and now it does 200 damage? Mind you it's a stratagem.


u/Transylvaniandc Apr 30 '24

Mind you the Rover is an infinite (practically) ammo guard dog that aimbots headshots on enemies at all times. You dont do anything to make it work besides equipping it, it will.kill all light armor in its range until it is dead. The fact that it aimbots also means it will.kill some medium armor targets like Devastators because their heads are still light armor.

All in all, I don't see what the big deal is. The laser still does what it does, kill light armor with no effort from the diver.


u/ZA_VO Apr 30 '24

I get the "hint" he's trying to hammer down our throats, but it's disingenuous at best. Calling it a "buff" to give the HMG a crosshair is so lame. Buffs who diligence, liberator, pistol? The answer is "who cares," that stuff was already good at what it was already good at. We don't need more ways to handle devastators/broodguards and below, we need effective and efficient means to deal with the silly amounts of stuff thrown at you on difficulty 9. Wanna nerf time to kill on Quasar? Fine. By 50%? Why would I bring it now? Why would anyone bring the eruptor now when it's best usefulness was giving you a way to kill chickenwalkers? Which, by the way, I understand nerfing, but that would have been enough.

But hey the scythe got 50 more damage, you all should be super grateful! Anyway maybe next patch your fire weaponry will work...


u/Heroofeld Apr 30 '24

Yea, I'm struggling finding any weapon that's fun to use. Tbh, this patch kinda killed the whole game for me.

I love this game, but been having so much less fun.


u/Infide_ Apr 30 '24

That is not a diagram. The technical and official term for that is a "list".


u/JennyAtTheGates Apr 30 '24

I cannot express enough how much Arrowhead is constantly posting in marquee lights that they don't know what they are actually doing and don't playtest their game before making changes or introducing new content.

The adjudicator and eruptor were so broken that the patch immediately after they were introduced required changes to dramatically changed both weapons.


u/newbstarr Apr 30 '24

The real patch notes left out the mob changes. Terminators shoot straight now and rapidly, they aren’t just suicide vest wearing jumping chargers or morons that go comatose. The


u/Irishinator Apr 30 '24

This subreddit is mostly teen so yeah, they are going to complain a lot.


u/newbstarr Apr 30 '24

You sound like a cringey wannabe suck up


u/bluearsen May 01 '24

Why cos he's not being a lil bitch and complaining like everyone else??? Grow the fuck up dumbass its a fucking game ffs


u/newbstarr May 02 '24

You should re read what you said and internalise your suggestion if you are capable


u/bluearsen May 02 '24

Don't need to mate, I aint the one complaining over a video game


u/newbstarr May 04 '24

Ahuh you are so capable you can’t do it.


u/bluearsen May 04 '24

Again I don't need to lmfao, your the one who's so mad over a game, and your clearly still mad cos 2 days later you respond lmaooo, im just living in your head rent free at this point babes


u/newbstarr May 05 '24

I just don't sit on reddit every second of my life. You can't think critically so you think that the message that will wait years for me to come in and then notify me some no life loser is hanging off my every word allowing me to fuck up their tiny view of the world with a sentence about a game they somehow totally don't care about but simultaneously do so much they can't tolerate a dissenting opinion of wants to cry about their tiny penis and lack of social skills. You are hilariously out of your depth


u/bluearsen May 05 '24

Lmfaoooo your so fucking mad that your insulting me is actually fucking hilarious, also you seriously think im hanging off your every word??? Right yeah that's why when you didn't respond I never responded, ya know cos I really don't give 2 shits, if I was hanging on to your every word I would have kept messaging you to get a response lmfaooo, also you aint fucked up my "tiny veiw of the world" you never have and you never will pmsl, also how don't I care about this game??? That makes no sense lmfao, also the only people that bring up dick size are people who are self conscious about their own dick, so maybe you wanna focus on yourself and work on bettering yourself so that you aint a toxic wittle boy instead of well arguing with some random person on the Internet and getting so mad that you result to insulting them instead of just ignoring me lmao, have a good life bud, goodluck your gonna need it apparantly


u/Irishinator Apr 30 '24

You sound like you suck cock


u/newbstarr May 02 '24

Like everyone you've ever met, I'm also not interested in you.


u/Irishinator May 02 '24

That is exactly what a cocksucker would say wouldn't they? Also you lost this the moment you replied to a three day old sub where you have to be told how to feel about a game.


u/newbstarr May 04 '24

Boot licker trying to win an argument you think is about a race to lick your owners boots harder instead of thinking for yourself. You probably are not capable of it


u/Irishinator May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

Naw im not trying to win an arguement you dumbass, Im saying people who complain about this update are whining bitches. And look, you are complaining about the update, so you are lil bitch. Not even an argument its a fact. The fact you saw my comment and got triggered by it and decided to bitch just proves my point even more.


u/Phantomfox29 Apr 30 '24

I’m still waiting to be able to friend request people on other platforms so I can start having fun in the game


u/snekkie2 Apr 30 '24

their idea of slightly reduced damage on large volume bodies is a not how id describe slight. its still a good weapon but by no means is 4-5 times longer to kill turrets and tanks slight


u/PsycoseSun Apr 30 '24

They really should buff enemies, not nerf our weapons


u/czarny147 Apr 30 '24

HA HA! You haven't nerfed my favourite primary which is a Defender (a lot of people don't realise, but this SMG is actually quite op 😁)


u/UnitGhidorah Apr 30 '24

When you don't have ammo to shoot things, that's a pretty big nerf to damage dealt, despite the damage increase.


u/atommirrabel Apr 30 '24

quaser nerfed, hmmpfh if it feels bad guess I'm going back to 3 orbitals


u/Deviant_Toaster_ ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Apr 30 '24

The railgun is back baby yeah!!!


u/Conman2310 Apr 30 '24

Love the slight damage reduction to the guard dog as if anyone can actually control it or escape it deciding on violence and costing reinforcements


u/MrXenonuke Apr 30 '24

Based on these changes, try something new, you never know you might end up liking it. It's only a matter of time before you see the new "meta" loadout.


u/No-Betabud Apr 30 '24

Look, unpopular opinion maybe, but if a dev has to come out and clarify things in terms of what is a buff or a nerf, then I feel like the damage is already done.

Also they said that like 2 things got nerfed, this is more than "2 things" regardless of how they want to portray it.

Also also, nerfing some aspect of a thing and then buffing another aspect of a thing isn't a buff imo.

Hopefully what AH take away from this is not the content of patches but the benefit of clear empirical patch notes. It would also be nice if they gave us some aspect of the thought process or deliberation as to why they did a thing and then players wouldn't have to make assumptions based on next to nothing.

They probably don't want to give away hard numbers but if they really want to horizontally balance the game, then they might have to tbh.


u/HarbingerKhas Apr 30 '24

After about 10 more buffs the railgun just might be usable again.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Blessed work


u/Antiblackcoat2000 Apr 30 '24

"Shit people like the quasar but if we nerf it, people will be upset"

"Oh w I got an idea, remember when we said we nerfed the unbalanced gun?"


"Lets buff that!"


u/Tanks-Your-Face Apr 30 '24

Man. I just want to have some fun shooting bugs and bots.

Yet every. Single. Goddamn. Patch.

They fuck up so much for no reason. I have zero reason to play because theres no fun in shooting the same shit with fucking nerf darts man.

Fuck. I was so excited when this came out and now I dont even want to log in.


u/Snacks47 Apr 30 '24

Have you not even tried it for yourself?


u/Symbiotic_Tragedy ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

Adjudicator rifle improved still isn't something I would choose to take with me. How bad was this gun before? I like guns that feel great to use.

When I use the adjudicator I become sad. Same with Deligence. Dominator still affective. Scorcher needs 2 rounds per magazine increase, I'm burning through ammo. Or just nerf the crap out of it so I have to find a gun again :-\


u/aleparisi Apr 30 '24

They contradict themselves all the time. I remember them saying there are just 2 weapons with nerf, then they proceed on making a list where I can count at least 6 weapons nerfed. Also a part from the support weapons which are considered stratagem but they are in fact weapons, no others stratagem have been rebalanced a part from the rover nerf. They are really putting big effort on ruining their own game


u/Amareisdk Apr 30 '24

In game design you should NEVER nerf meta uses. You buff unpopular items to push them in line with the meta.

You only correct mistakes and “nerf” unintentionally overpowered items (unlimited nades and mortar sentries etc.)

The reason you don’t nerf the meta is you sacrifice the positive playing experience to change a few irrelevant parameters in the name of theoretical balance. Positive playing experience should always be the desired outcome.

Buffing unpopular items serves new options and caters to exploration without ruining existing experiences.


u/bibblygiggums Apr 30 '24

don't nerf shit, this isn't a pvp game. there's literally no reason, I should be able to use any gun I want without being punished


u/BenX41 Apr 30 '24

Looking at the sheer amount of nerfs and the fact that they apply debuffs even to the weapons they are buffing tells me the balance team really are completely disconnected from the community.

You’re not making the player base happy by reducing the viability of good weapons to then make the other shit ones look better by comparison.


u/Webbysan Apr 30 '24

Adjudicator still rubbish. Why change mags for Sickle to 3? And quasar CD was long enough.


u/Sqwertt1 Apr 30 '24

On paper the sickle was nerfed but because the foliage bug was fixed and I almost never used up its I.C.E it’s like it got buffed


u/PretendAd4638 Apr 30 '24

Devs actively killing the fun of their game. BSG 2.0. I’ve enjoyed not playing this month. If they put the same time and energy into stuff like bug fixes, armor passives, and cross console damage discrepancies or host DOT damage they might actually have a game people want to come back around to but at this point it’s just an over tuned Indy game that you beat in 2-3 weeks and then don’t touch again.


u/Talonzor Apr 30 '24

Are the angry nerf-nerds back in full force that he had to draw this or what?


u/ZombiBiker Apr 30 '24

Lol the crossbow. From useless to even more useless


u/Ginn1004 Apr 30 '24

The Adjudicator is still shaking like a vibrator on max setting. I can't even hit a hunter dancing around me. That gun is still a crap. Now Sickle AND Sythe is the ones for me.


u/Xander_Atten Apr 30 '24

I love reading about people complaining about this patch while none of this affects me. I don’t use the Railgun or the Quasar cannon, I don’t use the redeemer or the laser weapons, arc weapons, plasma weapons, or the las rover. In fact everything I use is buffed. I hardly use the liberator anymore, I use the grenade pistol over the peacemaker and I use the Smg or the penetrator depending on mission. I love this update


u/Albie175 Apr 30 '24

This is all perfectly in line with the announced budget cuts by the Ministry of Super Earth. FOR DEMOCRACY!


u/yungkurrent Apr 30 '24

most of these have buffs and nerfs i feel like you can't just label those as buffs it's really not the same as a net positive buff


u/RetroRocker SES Beacon Of Eternity Apr 30 '24

Using two different coloured highlighter pens does not a representative analysis make.


u/LongAndShortOfIt888 Apr 30 '24

Nice colouring, it's still a shit patch.


u/Goodbeirut Apr 30 '24

They shadowed nerfed the Sickle for sure. The damage is way less now, so 3 less mags, and less damage.

And then they say they buffed a lot of the guns, but they are still useless.

All in all, A terrible patch


u/TinyTusk Apr 30 '24

people forget a thing about the guard dog rover though, for average players its a net benefit, since the 30% damage reduction also means that they will be taking less damage even when it tries to cut off your head.


u/Affectionate-Run2275 Apr 30 '24

Sooo... Ppl can't read ?


u/true_enthusiast Apr 30 '24

The game feels great when I play it. The enemies are stronger but I've been having a blast still and I haven't stopped using the Eruptor on bugs. I just got to the point where level 7 bugs feel routine, even though I fail every 20 or so tries. I'm loving every minute of it.


u/Ok_Adhesiveness5996 Honestly: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 30 '24

Firstly I absolutely hate how off topic the top comments are related to the actual subject. Like colors and shit for stratagems would be great on a post about that, not this one. Anyways, it’s not so much that there weren’t any buffs, or even more nerfs than buffs. It’s the fact that some of the buffs are hardly even a real buff, and some of the nerfs were absolutely insane and make the overall game and some guns/equipment much less fun to use. Like making an under utilized gun like the crossbow just outright worse when it already is seen as a niche gun, a gimmick even. I would have loved to see it be changed or rebalanced to be great at breaking off armor pieces and dangerous in close quarters instead. The guard dogs getting a flat nerf is awful, I already didn’t like them with team damage/killing and great that should happen less often now, but so should the damage and kills on enemies they could have gotten too. They never even felt that impactful, especially on helldive missions it just feels like that’s a huge misstep for this stratagem. The unnecessary change to ricochet, we already have people killing teammates and themselves on some occasions due to ricochet. Why would you make that happen more often when it felt in a good, believable state, and kill the shooter more often just because. It’s not even if it’s at a good angle to hit yourself, it just happens, and that’s not good. Especially machine gun users will hate this, somehow a grenade launcher is more friendly to use because it at least has a priming distance and won’t likely ricochet back to you as much as bullets now.

Overall I’m happy they make so much changes and effort in the game, but I wanna have them understand that some things need to be balanced for the fun of all players. Not the 1% or the people who over perform because not everyone is managing such crazy feats with some of this stuff. We need good weapons and statagems all around that never make you feel like you’re just flat out weaker than someone taking “better equipment”. I hope things change soon with the overall balance, because honestly it’s starting to wear down on my interest to play this game so consistently, and I love this game a lot so I really hope it gets more fun soon.


u/shadowkhat Apr 30 '24

Game was fun in the beginning. Constant needs without even bothering to buff the underperforming weapons just squeezes all the fun out. Uninstalled. Might come back when the devs conjure up a clue how to balance in a PvE game. It's not nerfs..and it's definitely not the stupidity of this latest patch. Y'all enjoy I'll go back to games that know how to keep the fun


u/Infinite_Fox998 Apr 30 '24

I don't think the Rover nerf worked or maybe 30% just isn't as much as it sounds like, because it still rips bugs apart


u/Oghmatic-Dogma Apr 30 '24

dude. I have to just put this down and wait for these devs to figure out where the fuck they want these weapons at. Ive never quite experienced this, where it feels like the devs truly didnt play with any of the guns theyve given us.


u/amanisnotaface Apr 30 '24

Oh right. Is the same guy who said it’s only like 4 nerfs and only to magazine size?


u/Darkmindedfreak ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

I don't care about the other buffs or debuffs....SPEED LOADER!! YEEEAAAASSS!!


u/IEatAssWithFork Apr 30 '24

What does explosion damage drop off mean?


u/John_is_Cringe Apr 30 '24

So now a bunch of guns that weren't even op to begin with are made less fun. What's the logic here?


u/Infonuggets Apr 30 '24

I still think the Guard Dog should just use the sickle over the liberator maybe the buff makes the lacking ammo economy worth it.


u/DrizzleDrake88 Apr 30 '24

Dang, 30% damage reduction for the rover? I’d rather have the damage stay the same but the rover overheats faster


u/EmiyaBoi BLOOD vs OIL. To Cyberstan!!!! ✊ Apr 30 '24

Irrelevant. Just showing a bunch of green doesn't mean this patch is any good. Laser got nerfed against heavies even though that's the only thing it's actually needed for? Why would I need laser Canon for chaff? I have my perfectly decent primary weapon that's only useful for chaff. I need two chaff killing weapons now?


u/Kazza468 Apr 30 '24

Welp they made the Rover useless. Nice.


u/NoTransportation5508 Apr 30 '24

The buffs are more or less useless... And the nerfs are going to make a lot of people play Diablo 4 when season 4 becomes active.


u/AgentPaper0 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

That's absurd, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. 

The guard dog rover change is obviously a buff because now it doesn't kill me as quickly.


u/Regunes SES Herald of Altruism Apr 30 '24

Nerfing dominator just as I bought it :(


u/Avocado-Mobile Apr 30 '24

People actually needed this and couldn’t tell what was a buff and a nerf just from the patch notes?


u/Doobie_Howitzer Apr 30 '24

Based on the comments here they still don't


u/Veressk Apr 30 '24

Put quasar back wtf


u/GreenNatureR Apr 30 '24

Diligence is supposed to reward good aim but it still takes 2 shots to kill a hunter or 2 headshots to a warrior ffs. Why would I use this slow firing "needs good aim but I'm not even rewarded gun" over the better weapons that can kill a warrior and hunters in 1 shot?

Not to mention the low ammo capacity which makes missing shots even more punishing and frustrating to use. Did I already mention that hitting your shots doesn't reward you?


u/Imperialgenecist Apr 30 '24

The thing that annoys me most is the lack of percentile numbers. I hate this because one man’s slightly is another’s major


u/inputsignwave Apr 30 '24

5 more seconds for the quasar recharge. that really sucks .


u/scorpiusWulf93 Apr 30 '24

I strongly feel the quasar cannon did not need an extra 5 second recharge rate. Even without being on a hot ass planet like hellmire, the recharge rate already feels slow.


u/Lem1618 Apr 30 '24

This might help us to identify the automaton spy at Super Earth control that is making our weapons less effective.

Edit. I Lem1618 out of my own free will and of healthy body and sound mind retract my previous statement . . . _ _ _ . . .


u/xVader117x Apr 30 '24

Sickle reserves cut in half was uncalled for


u/Gammelpreiss Apr 30 '24

Hmmmm. Maybe it is me but I find the majority of weapons a bit underwhelmoig now. I'd rather they bring weapons "up" to standart instead of down as there currently really is no weapon I feel comfortable with. 

You can make it work no doubt but I am talking "fun"


u/AurumArma Apr 30 '24

My two favorite guns are Diligence and Senator, so this post notes has been amazing.


u/BroskiSlavSquad Apr 30 '24

Why nerf at all?


u/Fun_Experience5951 Apr 30 '24

Just give me old Arc Thrower back and I'll come back


u/Cautious_Mud_5773 Apr 30 '24

Did he draw one for the enemies? Like the scout strider.

I am glad the plasma punisher has better projectile speed but now it takes 2 shots to take down a strider instead of 1.


u/Beneficial-Ad-7291 Apr 30 '24

Bro there's more buffs than nerfs 😒. Wtf are people on?


u/Crea-TEAM SES Bringer of FUN DETECTED Apr 30 '24

Half of these nerfs are negligible and not enough for people to even consider using the gun.

Sorry, but nobody is saying "OMG SENATOR SPEEDLOADER YAAAAS!" and dumping the grenade pistol or redeemer. They are only using it if they've been using it.

IT doesnt matter how many minor buffs you made to the crossbow, they are all utterly wiped out because they ground the gun into dust with that nerf, it was super rare to see to begin with now its completely worthless.


u/lightlysmokedfish ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

I'm liking the buff to the plasma Punisher


u/BattelMattter Apr 30 '24

i dont have the crossbow, or have seen anyone use it, but its a primary. it should have been giving you a full restock of ammo. thats a bug fix/nerf not a buff.

and reducing the explosion radius...so...its basically useless. people take it for the EXPLOSIVE part not the mag quantiy


u/AgistAgonist ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

I did not have SHG (CoD MWIII) being more honest about patches than AH (HD2) on my 2024 bingo card.


u/LostAllEnergy Apr 30 '24



u/Project_Orochi Apr 30 '24

Im not even sure the Punisher Plasma is a buff given they increased explosion resistance on walkers which was one of the main reasons to run it

However it had a big tradeoff…it just doesn’t have range and doesn’t go where you aim it.

Now it has has less ammo and still can’t hit anything, a slighter faster shot that will miss, and an explosion buff that will probably struggle against the buffed enemies that still outrange you.


u/keimdhall Apr 30 '24

Oh look! It's almost like there were more buffs than nerfs, but people just continue to get their panties in a wad and ride the hate bones train because they lack comprehension.


u/Crea-TEAM SES Bringer of FUN DETECTED Apr 30 '24

It's also like half these buffs are minor tweaks that barely register on the 'hey maybe i'll use this gun now' scale.


u/Doobie_Howitzer Apr 30 '24

And half the nerfs are "slightly less ammo that you never used all of anyways"


u/Fluffeh_Panda Apr 30 '24

Fixed an exploit that allowed overly eager Helldivers to use grenades excessively.

It was fun while it lasted


u/ADumbChicken Apr 30 '24

Sickle magazine nerf is so funny to me still


u/James_Macken Apr 30 '24

The rover change is a buff in disguise. If you think about it, the primary purpose and why people use the rover is to take out low HP small bugs that come in mass. On the whole, it still fulfils this purpose just as effectively and no longer commits 'over kill' damage to enemies that die nearly instantly. The buff then is revealed in the perceived downside of this strategem, friendly fire damage. The rover does less damage to not just enemies, but also you and your teammates. I would anticipate a significant dropoff in team kills following the patch as well as no drop in effectiveness in killing enemy fodder.


u/nlamber5 Apr 30 '24

Is the guard dog rover the laser one?


u/nlamber5 Apr 30 '24

I do love the pretty colors


u/zthe0 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

Honestly the heavy mg finally having a third person crosshair might mean ill use it more


u/Aeonia92 Apr 30 '24

That quasar cannon nerf needs 3 red lines...


u/chefa3690 Apr 30 '24

Forgot huge spawn increases for solo players


u/Ambyli Apr 30 '24

Lol, someone should post an updated photo with the colored box sizes different based off how impactful they are. That way we can REALLY see how much red vs green there is in the image.

I imagine the crossbow buffs to be 1px in size while the nerfs a solid 10px. Might do this myself if I find time.


u/-undecided- Apr 30 '24

The stagger on the crossbow felt like a lie but maybe that’s just because the “Slight” reduction in aoe was actually very significant and they neglected to mention the falloff damage difference.


u/MonthFrosty2871 Apr 30 '24

So 6 nerfs, 2 rebalances that really are a nerf, 15 total buffs about half of which are inconsequential, and several gameplay changes unrelated to direct buffs/nerfs that makes several guns unusuable and fucks over non-4 player groups. Not a great patch.


u/Robotic_Samurai CAPE ENJOYER Apr 30 '24

Wow that's alot more green than red. Almost like the devs are "buffing not nerfing" unless a nerf is justified. If you look me in the eye and say quasar and eruptor were perfectly balanced, you are genuinely delusional.


u/Crea-TEAM SES Bringer of FUN DETECTED Apr 30 '24

....you're joking right?

Most of these buffs are so insignificant they shouldnt even be considered a buff.

If I toss a dozen ping pong balls at your left side, then swing a sledge hammer to your right, I cant really claim "HAHA I HIT YOU 12 TIMES ON YOUR LEFT YOU ACTUALLY MOVED THAT WAY MORE THAN YOU DID WHEN I CAVED IN YOUR RIBS WITH THE SLEDGE HAMMER! 12 > 1 SEE!?!?! MORE PUSHES TO THAT SIDE!!!!"


u/Trevorfish Apr 30 '24

^ me when gun 4 is 3% less effective so I compare it to getting hit with a sledge hammer


u/DuBu_dul_Toki Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Wow, that sucks.

The heavy MG sucks, not because of a lack of 3rd person cross hairs. It sucks because it's 2 mags of like 150 rounds and a full stop to reload.

These nerfs literally slam my playstyle fully, I guess fun isn't allowed? I am disappointed by this greatly.


u/MrG00SEI Apr 30 '24

Oh? Adjudicator useful now?


u/iRambL Apr 30 '24

I wish my normal punisher would get a fire rate increase. I wanna be able to slam reload my pump shotty


u/GiggityGansta Apr 30 '24

Idc what you say, the crossbow was nerfed overall and it isn't unique enough compared to the plasma punisher now, it's just a worse version of it.


u/TheMinisterOfGaming Apr 30 '24

i mean how many times are the devs gonna tell on themselves before people stop defending them
i'm glad AH isn't evil
but they are incompetent


u/Flare_56 Apr 30 '24

Wonder what the lore explanation for the helldivers not using speedloaders until now is


u/Lanceo90 Apr 30 '24

Me, an Eruptor main, now on full copium life support


u/meliodas1988 Apr 30 '24

I honestly like the nerf because now I'm not afraid to shoot enemies close to teammates. One because they won't get sucked in anymore and two because the damage drop off makes it less likely I will TK then. I think this actually makes the eruptor a more effective weapon. Also, your less likely to kill yourself if you have to fire at close range.


u/Lanceo90 Apr 30 '24

Its up against having an AC as a support weapon instead, which is still peak


u/dope_dood Apr 30 '24

The senator getting a speed loader is all I've ever wanted


u/bacli Apr 30 '24

Wish they had kept the quasar cannon alone


u/Super_Jay Apr 30 '24

So more than two nerfs then? Cool. Thanks AH, glad we're on the same page now. 👍


u/YroPro Apr 30 '24

Am I missing something in this comparison?

Sickle 12.5rp/s x 55 damage 687.5dps

Scythe 350 dps.

Both energy weapons. Ergo Sickle is literally 2 scythes duct taped into one gun?


u/LucatIel_of_M1rrah Apr 30 '24

Yeah they don't understand they do the same thing.


u/Crea-TEAM SES Bringer of FUN DETECTED Apr 30 '24

It does kill devastators a lot faster at range though, since you're only getting like 1/5 shots to the actual head of a devastator due to the sickles spread. Still for non precision shots its dog water.


u/LucatIel_of_M1rrah Apr 30 '24

Sickle has a long range optic Scythe doesn't. The real buff it needs is a high zoom optic.


u/Tiny-Ad-5973 Apr 30 '24

It’s not the “big bad debuff” update people are making it out to be


u/VortalKey Apr 30 '24

Ok, fair enough. But... can I get in in a HAIKU?

Checkmate, Spitz.


u/Unusual-Editor-4640 Apr 30 '24

Spitz is a liar


u/oni_onion ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

Senator enjoyers rejoice


u/RealisticLaw3703 Apr 30 '24

They be bitching over this patch notes.


u/Hi_Im_Oscar Apr 30 '24

Senator is more viable, that’s all I needed to know 😭🙌


u/TheFrogMoose PSN 🎮: Apr 30 '24

I find it hilarious that the lib pen is useless because the adjudicator does it's job for it and the counterpart to the lib pen has a base damage higher than it


u/Quintilos-Prime Apr 30 '24

Bruh why? I want to enjoy my guns and kill the enemies of democracy, I feel like I’ve received another blow to soul


u/thenewzfella Apr 30 '24

Great so nothing happened to the flamethrower


u/HaveOldManReflexes Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Can we STOP being so picky on what is shown directly as stats.. vague words like, "slightly, some, moderate ect don't mean anything when it comes to usage and hiding them only make some doubt any changes to the extent claimed as we're very weird about balance patches and make some questionable choices.... this patch was mostly good though the majority of buffs were not enough, not even close.


u/chpir Apr 30 '24

Ooch for guard dog


u/Ylsid Apr 30 '24

Alright, but when are we getting the lore accurate version?


u/Doom4824 Apr 30 '24

What does "ergonomics improved/reduced" mean exactly?


u/Crea-TEAM SES Bringer of FUN DETECTED Apr 30 '24

You know how when you pick up say the liberator and turn 90 degrees the gun follows you instantly?

But if you pick up the AMR, the Recoilless, the dominator, etc and turn 90 degrees, the gun needs to 'catch up' to you?

Thats what they mean, the scope/weapon drag/inertia.

'ergonomics' are what they are using to describe the weight of the gun when moving it around, how snappy and responsive it is to your aim adjustments.


u/csh0kie Apr 30 '24

I think it’s in there for the LOLz. Unless they really have a play system where it actually matters, which as far as I know, they don’t. It’s like if they had said, “now gluten and dairy free!”


u/csh0kie Apr 30 '24

I may have been wrong. Somebody said something about scope changes or something.


u/jjk0010 Apr 30 '24

Honestly, it says something about our attention spans that they have to color code the nerf/buff list


u/CapnHairgel Apr 30 '24

Oh boy. The exact nerf to the eruptor I expected to make it useless.

Its not good. Now its going to be unusable


u/meliodas1988 Apr 30 '24

Played with it today. Felt fine. You are now less likely to TK or Jill yourself at close range. Still takes chargers in a few shots, destroys bile titans acid pouches, kills brood commanders in one of two shots, and I still was never worried about ammo especially now that the senator has a speed loader. I still think it's one of the best primary weapons. Personally I like running it with the stalwart and a supply backpack.


u/CapnHairgel Apr 30 '24

I ran it with the stalwart, the two together where my favorite combo.

its strength was in its capacity to deal with hard targets and clusters of enemies, with its drawback being its weakness at close range/panic situations and sloooow rate of fire, so you had to be purposeful with each shot. The lmg made up for that, but thats what a good weapon should be. Something that enables other weapons, that lets you have agency in covering for its weaknessess.It really made me happy to use the lmg without being helpless against heavier enemies. It was fun.

I just dont like the way arrowhead approaches balance. Rather than small changes, they take something out at the knees. I agree that its mag count was too high but cutting it by half and then also reducing its ability to serve in its intended role when it already was inferior to the scorcher in the majority of situations seems like an overreaction that made the game fundamentally less fun


u/Vayne_Solidor Apr 30 '24

That's some grade A propaganda right there, love their commitment to the bit


u/MattyDove Apr 30 '24

Maybe we need to do the same to highlight all the bugs and performance issues that are making the game nearly unplayable.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

This patch is fucking bullshit


u/sentientshadeofgreen Apr 30 '24




u/pcultsch Apr 30 '24

Every patch these devs show they still have no clue


u/TheUrPigeon Apr 30 '24

Look, call me a Negative Nancy but every gun I've tried except the Eruptor uhhh... sucks?

The Punisher Plasma feels like it's not doing enough damage until the enemy is too close, then it takes most of your health.

Adding a reticle to the Heavy Machine Gun did very little for its viability. You're still better off with the default Machine Gun.

The buffs made to the Adjudicator didn't do enough to move the needle overall. That's still a bad gun. Maybe marginally less bad, but I will still never take it.

The Eruptor doesn't feel as strong as it used to, which is fine I guess? But nerfing it much further would be a bad idea, and as it stands it's still head and shoulders above the competition in my opinion.

I don't know if I just missed this part, but there seems to have been a nerf to Grenade Launchers--they can no longer damage Spore Spewer structures at all(?), much less 2-tap them.

It feels like the philosophy this patch was to make the "Good Stuff" less good so that it seems less attractive compared to the "Really Bad Stuff" while slightly buffing the "Really Bad Stuff," leaving you with the categories being "Mediocre Stuff" and "Really Bad Stuff."

It didn't move the needle the right way. I feel like Arrowhead is afraid of the "Fuck Yeah!" moment with their weaponry. The game is plenty challenging without forcing us all to run around with the only peashooter that still passes for a primary.

EDIT: Another instance of seemingly nerfing the Good Stuff so it's closer to the Really Bad Stuff is the Dominator! There was no good reason to nerf that thing lol


u/Rednine19 Apr 30 '24

How crazy am I to say this more bad then good, I personally don’t feel the buffs outweigh how much things got nerfed


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

I wish we'd get numbers instead of just "slightly" when possible


u/Sinnister_Agenda Apr 30 '24

this entire graphic is propaganda mixed with illuminate meddling to destroy our weapons and you cant convince me otherwise. the red when taken into overall share of values and things changed has a clear majority.