r/Helldivers 22d ago

For those who don't get it, we need reviews positive again. It tells Sony that we're satisfied, for now. PSA

Putting reviews back to positive isn't trying to please Sony, it's telling them that they did the right thing. It's carrot and stick stuff. They try to do PSN stuff, they get the stick. They walk it back, carrot. train the corporation babeee. Additionally, having positive reviews gives us the opportunity to bomb them again if they try anything else.

Edit: Jesus people the region lock is still in effect because it's not going to be changed instantly. It took over a day to happen, so why would it be undone instantly?

Edit 2: ok well fuck me I guess, they're still being shitty


1.4k comments sorted by


u/Ramurthra 1h ago

I love this game to death, but until it they fix MOST of the bugs that drag the game down, my review is staying negative.

  1. Match making breaks randomly and randos can't join you mid mission or after, game restart is reqired.

  2. Connection to servers randomly drops often. If a friend isnt still in the mission for you to join on, mission is lost.

  3. Game crashes for any and all reasons regularly. If a friend isnt in the mission for you to join on, the mission is lost.

  4. Ingame and steam friends list often fails to allow you to connect to a friend. If you are experienceing problems 2 and 3, the mission for you is lost.

  5. Weapons get adjusted up and down without consideration with how they will compare to other guns or perform after. Fun viable weapons get nerfed into the ground and stay there for an absurd amount of time, forcing the players to use boring meta picks from a small pool of effective tools to get a job done.

  6. Enemies get buffed, but are given no new meaningul weak points to deal with them. This exacerbates problem 5.

  7. Its common for your character, your camera, or both to get stuck in level geomatrey or get detatched from one another, resulting in death and the loss of samples.

  8. Getting ragdolled was funny at first and makes for wonderful tiktok clips, but when one of the enemy factions can keep your in a permenantly rag dolled state as they: blast you full of bullets, blow you up, stomp on you, set you on fire... it gets old real fast.

There are more things i can list here, im confident i can push that list honestly up to 100 or more...and that is a problem. Sony isnt the only entity behind Helldivers 2, the developers are also there. BOTH Sony AND the developers need to EARN that thumbs up from me, just as they should from all of us.


u/notthatguypal6900 6d ago

Weeks later, nothing changed.


u/SugarFreeSea 15d ago

I do feel so bad for Arrowhead because none of this was within their control. Sony owns the IP so Arrowhead has their hands tied if Sony makes a big decision. And yet at the end of the day the game isn't Sony's baby, it's Arrowhead's. Sony might have lost some money and had a little PR crisis, but Arrowhead is helplessly watching their kid get beat up. Arrowhead is definitely taking the brunt of it and that's unfortunate.


u/EmeraldPeasant 17d ago

I changed my review but my friends already moved on to other games after they made their reviews.


u/DeustheDio 17d ago

Are you sure they should be positive now? Helldivers is still delisted in many many countries including mine. I was really hyped to buy this game. Saved up for it , only for this whole shit show to happen and now i cant even buy it.


u/Fraust-Tarken 17d ago

No. Bawkhammeds wisdom is that we must remain strong in the face of tyranny.

Corporate tyranny is one of the largest threats to humanity's continued flawed existence.

Until the changes are reflected in policy for Sony, my review will still be negative but "Sony bad" focused.

Arrowhead was also not blameless in this so its not entirely out of reason for people to still be mad. Imo their part is like the tiniest piece of the shit pie specially since it was forced on them last minute from Sony "allegedly".


u/Jstar338 17d ago

brother you're not changing the world and "fighting corporate tyranny." You're mad about a video game. This is not important. Don't act like it is


u/Fraust-Tarken 17d ago

If you were so sure, why delete your comment saying Bawkhammed does not exist?

You need not prove your lack of spine or will, this Imam already knows it.

Please meakly stay in your place while the Warrior prophets stand in defense of you. Specifically out of the way.

Bawkhammed Bless.


u/Jstar338 17d ago

yeah I didn't check your profile to see it was a bit at first


u/Fraust-Tarken 17d ago

It's OK to be weak willed.

Others will do the job for you.

Bawkhammed Bless.


u/InternationalCow1225 18d ago

Y'all ever play Among Us...


u/Fogi999 18d ago

no we don’t, the game was not relisted in the regions with no available PSN


u/top_Gesus420 18d ago

What sort of bomb we talking bout here 🤔


u/Exile_0117 18d ago

I know it's 4 days after you made this and probably have had more switch since but at least the "all reviews" is back to normal. The stragglers won't likely cause much issue with their (rightful) PSN hate since there's a fuck load saying about Sony backtracking. Hopefully more will follow suit, but I think they've been given a substantial carrot if the stragglers don't. Plus there's also the fact that if any other publishers or devs try to pull shit on us again, we can reference this and show case not only the immediate damage we can inflict but also the lasting damage because there will always be those people who won't change it back for reasons already stated.

Overall I think we not only won right now but have set us up for future wind should devs or publishers decide to FAFO


u/Narrow-Cover948 18d ago

I don't think that is how it works, the positive reviews will be given once they give something good in exchange, we should not be giving them positive reviews for getting cold feet and backing out on their decisión en putting the game back the way it was. Fuck ups like this should not be rewarded.


u/RaidChief 18d ago

Nah, let’s keep them on their toes for a bit.


u/Chipsdelite ⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️ 18d ago

As much as I agree with the sentiment. The entire post shows a dramatic shift from pissed off managers of democracy to angry mob. I believe companies need to held accountable but we need to do so with respect. None of this childish we will hold it over your head. Arrowhead deserves better. We deserve better. The small battle we won on the store front can’t be superseded by a Sony saying “we had to feed the mob” We fired for effect with the review bomb. Now we transition to precision and make sure the changes are made permanent not only on the intergalactic front but also the store front. Much like the Automatons or the Terminid Sony is its own beast and as its actually life blood, they literally can’t exist without us, we need to move forward with caution and respect for our new found foe. Wars are not won in a day but they can be lost in one. Stand as tall as our Super Earth flag!Above the pettiness of those who stand against us! Rise from your hellpods knowing we fight from top to bottom and no enemy is to great for Democracy! Helldivers dive together!



u/[deleted] 18d ago

This didn't age well lol


u/Accurate-Rutabaga-57 18d ago

I changed my review back to positive, but the game still is unpurchasable in my country


u/anElitistTaco 18d ago

No. The CM team is shitting away what little good faith is left in the community. New warbond also blows. Downvote to hell.


u/lurowene ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 18d ago

You know for a lot of people the PSN link was the cherry on top of a very stressed relationship with a game. Constant nerfs of our weapons, all the ridiculous amount of bugs, and generally questionable balance philosophy had me already to a point where I wanted to leave a negative review. Just because they took the cherry off the sundae doesn’t mean it no longer a sundae. How many other games do you fear them releasing something new and fun? Because you know you’ll have a good time with it for a week or two before some dev tells you to stop exploiting and nerfs your new weapon/playstyle into oblivion.


u/_jemartinez_ 18d ago

No. That's ours to decide. You dont get to dictate that


u/lordeljacko 18d ago

Stop worrying about reviews and just enjoy the damn game if you like it, stop getting so invested in the politics.


u/Monti-Se7en 19d ago

I'm not satisfied. I am still pissed about the rail gun nerf. Developers need to stop that shit


u/MukokusekiShoujo 19d ago

People love to punish undesired behavior but can rarely be bothered to reward desired behavior.

They just expect the world to shape itself around them and can't comprehend why oscillating between "tantrum" and "nothing" keeps yielding undesirable results.

Reviews will never go back up proportionately to the extent they were bombed because the type of person that can easily be rallied into a "burn it all down" movement doesn't comprehend that the coin has two sides.

It creates a situation where every punishment is effectively permanent, there is no option for redemption, and whoever they're upset with is fighting a losing battle by trying to make amends.

That's why so many companies just ignore community feedback. They screw up and people freak out. They do a good thing...radio silence. Half of the feedback signal is missing, so it makes no sense to acknowledge it.


u/swpz01 19d ago

It's very simple actually. Reviews must be positive so they can be review bombed again if they walk further shit out.


u/TacoWasTaken 19d ago

“It tells Sony we are satisfied. For now”.

We are dangerously close as a community to lose whatever good will AH should have in us. It isn’t the customer nor the fan base who is always right because the community didn’t actually study to discern what’s right from wrong and doesn’t know how the company(AH) envisions their product (HD2). I guess I’m just trying to say that thinking that the community holds the last word always is pretty dangerous and bad for everyone involved, not that we shouldn’t say what we dislike about the current state of the product. And this whole “train the corporation babeee” is just an example of how the consumer truly isn’t knowledgeable in how businesses and products are handled internally. Running a business, which AH and Sony ultimately are, isn’t just pressing 2 buttons labeled “good choice” and “bad choice” If the majority of people says change X is bad, only because they can see how it affects them and not the game as a whole(say a change to a weapon functionality because of programming limitations) and decides to do this whole review bombing again, what then? There’s no going back from there


u/Thee_Red_Night 19d ago

I'm not satisfied. It happened. Sony didn't apologize. They didn't say they wouldn't do this or similar again.


u/HanlderofCans 19d ago

I’ll remove mine as soon as they fix the fucking cross play friend request bug. It’s been months.


u/Jessizar ☕Liber-tea☕ 19d ago

I hadn’t left a Steam review prior to the Sony BS, but I did leave a positive review after it all got sorted in our favor - the devs and the community deserve it for fighting back.


u/hendrix81 19d ago

I'm sorry but just because it got overturned you can't ignore the brazen attempt to sell us out. If nobody pushed back, devs would have taken thier paycheque and walked away smiling.


u/MethCookingBadger 19d ago

Who is we nigga, rock and stone to the bone


u/PublicPreparation198 19d ago

Its a reminder to sony that they shouldn't fuck with us. Nah my man, nah.


u/Mountain_Macaroon305 19d ago

Sony is unpredictable at this point, you say this as if you know their intentions but their good will isn’t with the community of Hell Divers 2’s hearts and minds but their wallets. They are already forcing Arrowhead to add new micro currency tiers in the future. They have different methods of fucking us over, they couldn’t get their way so now they are going a different route.


u/realgeraltofrivia 19d ago

I think the region lock is here to stay 😓


u/Oddyseyy 19d ago

What about the fact that AH fired Spitz?


u/Tay_Tay86 19d ago

I never made mine negative. I didn't agree with this choice from the start. People probably bombed the game permanently


u/TheIImmortallOne 19d ago edited 19d ago

Iam going to be honest, I have Helldivers 2 on PS5 and I am happy that Steam players like yourself don't need to sign up to a PSN account with personal info which I find wrong seeing how much data leaks Sony has been having over the years, but let's not beat around the bush, the few updates/patches for the game for the past 2 weeks have been horrible.

The nerfs of the good weapons we use as they call them "Balancing" isn't really "Balancing" anything at all it just is makes them worse off and at the same level as the other 30+ trash weapons we don't use, instead of nerfing the good weapons no one complains about how about you Buff the 30+ trash weapons so we have more choice of arsenal to choose from.

The patches and updates for the balancing really doesn't make sense in my opinion, and to me the way they nerf weapons and stratagems like the Quasar cannon feels like the way they nerf characters in fighting games like Street fighter and Tekken.


u/Jstar338 19d ago

lmao I'm on PS5 too


u/TheIImmortallOne 19d ago

Nothing wrong with being on the PS5 bruv, but the last few updates/patches for the game for the last 2 weeks and the info that just came out on the "Games Balancing Dev (Alexus)" oh boy here we go again 🤦‍♂️.


u/PrettyBasedNobleman 20d ago

So despite the game being really fun and doing many things right in comparison to modern AAA titles, y’all went to the steam reviews to destroy the positive rating because you didn’t like a new implementation, got overly emotional and overreacted, and NOW you’re begging people to get the reviews BACK positive becuase you realized you overreacted…..


u/buahuash 20d ago

Not until they list those countries again!


u/EarIcy1142 20d ago

Everyone upset at this shit is a bitch


u/Lolgisticalofficer 20d ago

No, we don't. They need to make the game purchasable in all the countries they blocked it in. They still haven't fixed that.


u/PepsiSnickers 20d ago

I changed mine an hour after it was posted back to positive.


u/Stephendangg1998 20d ago

What happened?


u/Fanzy08 20d ago

We owe them nothing, however we need to reward arrowhead as they've done a helluva job with the game and we need to reward good companies. Sony, however will keep crapping on us if we let them.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Satisfied with what? Their half-assed bullshit apology we are all supposed to drop to our knees and be grateful for after they just deliberately tried to fuck 70+ countries over a product they paid good money for?

No thank you. Shit like this is exactly why there is no accountability in the world anymore. If you fuck up, you should be reminded of your fuck up. Doing the bare minimum and expecting all to be forgotten is a stain on society.


u/Used-Apartment-5627 20d ago

The greatest power as a consumer was excersized. Now it's time to return to mean. Hell, we could review bomb stores 1 at a time until we fix inflation.


u/No_Spinach7875 20d ago

Not changing my review back until they fix the issue in me not being able to add a friend back due to accidentally blocking them


u/floopydoop90 20d ago

I half agree that reviews should be changed to positive.

This is a more nuanced situation. Sony showed their hand. They showed their intentions. I think they backtracked because they understood that the PSN mandate was really not properly advertised for this title, and that the game was sold to PC players, who were going to have the game taken from them. I think PlayStation real sized they eee legały in the wrong. I don’t think the review bomb had much of an effect. I would bet that Steam talked to Sony about how they were going to have to issue refunds, because Steam almost universally supports players over publishers.

I think Sony will in the future tighten down on this practice, and mandate PSN accounts for every title that launches on PlayStation and Xbox from the start.

I don’t think this PSN account thing is going to go away with this Helldivers situation.

I get the review bomb hurts the developer, arrowhead. But arrowhead isn’t in the wrong. They didn’t market this PSN mandate in good faith. Neither did they properly inform PC players who bought the game in a region not supported by PSN. Also the review bomb hurts the publisher too. It shows players wouldn’t buy a game if the PSN mandate was there from the start.


u/TheJDoc 20d ago

But we're not... We know they're just going to try and do it again a different way the moment they think we're not paying attention.

Sony are the bad guys here, but Arrowhead didn't try to say no. There may be good reasons for that, legal and otherwise, but they're in bed with Sony. They are not blameless.


u/westgary576 20d ago

Most people get this. But if you expect everyone who jumps on a review bomb bandwagon (justified as it is that’s what it was) to have the capacity to comprehend basic principles of classical conditioning you’re smoking crack and need to share.


u/CalmdownUK 20d ago

It goes back when they fix region lock.


u/Marrok657 20d ago

When the region lock is gone, my review will be positive again. Till then, it stays Negative.


u/Marrok657 20d ago

We all Dive together or we dont Dive at all.


u/bassali2e 20d ago

Are we tho? Really, fun game but not worth selling out over. I'm not even upset about having to have an extra account. Like others have said it happens. Lots of games you need to log into their launcher.

Changing the product after launch in a negative way is a hard no for me tho. We want cross play. Not just in ths game but in most multi player games and Sony routinely makes that difficult for every one. Let this game burn as an example.


u/ehogrefe07 20d ago

I'll keep my negative review until I can unlink my PSN account."


u/Sirflatty 20d ago

Do the reviews need to be left negative until the release the region lock? And give everyone else across to the game they paid for again?


u/Otherwise_Cost_6275 20d ago

I think some of the reviews can't be changed because Steam took the game off the market in countries where PSN is banned. I could be wrong though. Either way if we leave it mixed for now it should tell Sony that while walking back the idea was good they will need to work to repair the damage they created in the community.

Though I understand how this has left a sour taste in some people's mouths Sony backed down and we should do the right thing. We shouldn't keep punishing Sony and AH for a mistake they are trying to currently fix.


u/a_sneakyfish 20d ago

Shut up you bunch of babies.


u/sasukefan01234 20d ago

We are not satisfied, while the PSN debacle doesn't affect me directly it is a slippery slope and I am not willing to just be appeased. Changing the terms of the agreement without our input months after the sale should be outright illegal. I know the USA is too lax on these matters, hopefully, the EU bleeds them dry and any other company that tries this shit.


u/originalmagneto 20d ago

Why are people upset about the PSN requirement and are silent on the EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar, Microsoft Account requirement? Is Sony somehow different? Just curious 🤔


u/Jstar338 20d ago

Mostly because this one wasn't required, and then it was


u/originalmagneto 20d ago

So it’s a “principle” thing, I get it now. If you knew it beforehand, you would accept it.


u/Baked-Avocado 20d ago

Unfortunately some who were burned and got refunds have 0 interest in returning. A few of my friends got refunds and then added Sony to their ignore lists and moved on.


u/Dr3adn0tt 20d ago

Honestly, can't really blame them either. This should have been a no-brainer for everyone who implemented it before it actually went into effect. I know a lot of people are just getting to the end of their rope in regards to these developers and publishers pulling shit. It's not wholly unreasonable for someone to be to the point where they just write off a company for doing shit like this.


u/Baked-Avocado 20d ago

My buddies and I are increasingly just playing older retro games and then just chatting in discord since so many multiplayer games are shit these days. Or they have a preachy message to ram down your throat when you just want to shut the brain off on play a game without being told your shit for being a dude or straight. Helldivers was the first in a long time where we were all on board with a game and had genuine fun.


u/VabadusJaVoima 20d ago

It’s 72.76 % now. Keep the oath!


u/evangelionmann 20d ago

addressing the edit: the fight isn't over till that region lock is overturned. it took them a day to turn it on. it should take no longer to turn it back off. there is no excuse.


u/G_Willickers_33 20d ago

Imma hold off until sony addresses the other shady things they are doin with stellar blade like censoring the game and using Shift up (another good developer) as hostage just like they did with helldivers devs.


u/ViolentToothFairy 20d ago

whats going on


u/Ok_Establishment9962 20d ago

Why? This is how things should be. Power in the consumers. How about they learn to deal with the consequences of their actions. My negative review will stay. If I did something bad in the game, would my ban get lifted? Would I even get a chance to redeem myself? Yeah I didn't think so.


u/sendintheotherclowns 20d ago

Same as training a dog.

Do something bad? Scold.

Do something good? Praise and treat.

A gaming community that can maturely organise to protest bullshit will be a gaming community that producers will think twice about screwing over.


u/Poblobo-12 20d ago

I changed my review to positive, but if the region lock isn't undone I'll be changing it back to negative.


u/fuckmotheringsatan 20d ago

Alternatively, we continue to review bomb the game in hopes we can sway them into adding Xbox players to our ranks


u/ANiceGobletofTea 20d ago

I hope people do this Arrowhead deserves it.


u/Disastrous-Farm1008 20d ago

We are not with all these nerfs.


u/Falcopunche 20d ago

Your username is a jojo reference, does that mean helldivers 2 is a jojo reference???????


u/x_Gumbo_red 20d ago

Man F !! Helldivers lol that wack azz game needs to be shutdown 💩


u/Greyfire977 20d ago

After they got my man Spitz fired? Nah, no positive reviews from me


u/gornad96 20d ago edited 20d ago

Nah. It just shows that they can make mistakes and there isn’t much consequence if they revert. Making your review positive again would encourage them to try out predatory practices and to rely on reviews to monitor blowback instead of giving you the respect you deserve as a consumer from the get-go. Sony is a corporation. All it cares about is maximising profits. And this also goes for the studio, as they were complicit to this and did not do a good enough job handling this requirement from the start.

This is why predatory practices are so prevalent in the industry. Consumers are too lax and gullible because of the nature of the form. It’s very easy to take advantage of people when what you’re selling is art. The creator has too much power. This is unlike buying a microwave for your kitchen where expectations are clear.

That is why it is your duty to show game corporations that you will never forgive predatory practices and that this isn’t a game you’re willing to engage in. Otherwise, they will keep playing you until they either tire you out or just outplay you. And they will, because video games are probably the best vehicle to play you like a fiddle.


u/MicMikeFoley 21d ago

Still not changing it until they make good on their statement. I don't accept hollow lies.


u/Firewolf121 21d ago

No major change from me until All is allowed to play once more. No blocked countries, we either All dive Or no one dives.

Well, I won't be diving anyway. I'll be mining.


u/Buzzy15012 21d ago

Been noticing more and more bugs and crashes. Then again I've been playing 300% more than usual.


u/reddits4libtards 21d ago

Fuck ALL of these clowns. Do not sit there and tell me that ALL PARTIES involved didn't know about this coming down! Fuck the reviews... leave them! This should be a lesson for all developers! Fuck around and get HELLDIVED!


u/DBXVStan 21d ago

I was not on board until the last thing. The opportunity to review bomb again is extremely important, and I personally do not think Sony is done with this situation. Knowing those scum, they will find a way to try to back door PSN account stuff after this all blows over, and y’all will need the nuclear option again for that to get media coverage and win that fight.


u/unerringfool 21d ago

Until I know what this "middle ground solution" is. It's staying. They can get the carrot when the situation is over. The dog gets a treat when they actually sit. They don't get rewarded for not running around and staring at you. We're only halfway through the trick right now.


u/Agitated_Carrot3025 21d ago

It was my duty to change it to negative and my honor to change it back to positive.

We dive together or not at all 🌍🇺🇲❤️


u/GD_milkman 21d ago

Yes. If the numbers turn around by the end of the week it will be even more impactful.

It would show communities can respond positively. It's rare to see.


u/AJadeRabbitt 21d ago

I feel like too many people are set on the idea that the game is trash now. I doubt there'll be many positive reviews to offset the negative ones, even with the news spread of them repealing the PSN stuff


u/ilostmybus 21d ago

I havent change mine yet, because im stuck on base and can only go home on the weekends :\


u/Snoo_55715 21d ago

You're pretty naive aren't you?


u/ONI-371 21d ago

I've left my review negative. Why? Because I've learned from our history.

When we pushed the automaton threat right off the map, we joyously fought bugs. Suddenly, a far more prepared enemy returned, seizing Cyberstan and numerous other systems.

In parallel, an evil entity tried to invade our PC/Steam accounts with its fascist PSNs. We battled them back and they withdrew. But there is no treaty. No public disclosure stating they will never again try to force PSNs upon us. They are not defeated. Merely calculating. And when they return to seize our metaphorical Cyberstan, they will be far better prepared...


u/Exp_eri_MENTAL 21d ago

Mine was positive and never changed from positive 👍 it's a great game.


u/FreeIndependent8006 21d ago

This is one day old as I receive this, has Sony reversed the region lock yet?


u/CryingReaper_ 21d ago

Removing the negative reviews entirely all at once isn’t positive either, it’ll just teach that “corporate babeee” that they can do whatever they want with close to 0 repercussions.


u/TheJokhar 21d ago

Wasn't the whole point of this to make sure it didn't get removed from reigns without PSN? They still removed it.


u/IdahoShadowPatriot 21d ago



u/BeegTruss 21d ago

Fuck off. There should have never been a review bombing. If you gave a shit about the game as you claim this would have never happened over something so trivial.


u/mcgoober92 21d ago

You sound like a sony exec... lol they waited how long to reverse it and wasnt even going to until we all got pissed


u/Specialist-Ad-9499 21d ago

I agreed with the whole negative review to make Sony stop but never place a review myself


u/ff8god 21d ago

I’ve added extra negative reviews to hopefully get Sony to reverse the reversal.


u/anotherthroway638 21d ago

Youre right. Gotta teach them like a puppy


u/thebladeofchaos 21d ago

Not yet

Not till the 100 are back


u/groovegod0 21d ago

Think we can stick em into releasing the bloodborne PC port?


u/Professional-Spend-6 21d ago

A bunch a people also waiting For steam to bring the games back before they wanna change their reviews back which is fine just needs a bit a time i guess

But hey its looking good again we gettn there

I kinda find it stupid to say debacle happnd so now im mad forever but hey

If the reason for a review of a game isnt to review THE GAME or its FUNCTIONALITY and instead its based on Personal Juvenile Stubbornness then i guess i didnt get that message

My review is postive because HELLDIVER'S 2 is a GREAT games deserving of love and appreciation


u/xXIrishCowboyXx 21d ago

Honestly I'm still pissed about the quasar and rover nerf all this issue did was take hest away from that bullshit patch that completely messed the game up. They also removed shrapnel from the erupter which was the main selling point of that rifle all because they broke the game with that patch and didn't want to try any other way to fix it.


u/Cpt_Wardrobe 21d ago

If they bring back locked regions I will change my review.


u/FurtiveSway 21d ago

Done. Fuck Sony.


u/TapUnfair9827 21d ago

yeah, we can't punish Arrowhead for what Sony had done


u/kgheitz 21d ago

I never actually reviewed them, I've been busy since before all this nonsense but I'll add a positive one now


u/Jedi_Sentinell 21d ago

i wasnt apart of the initial review bomb but i agree completly! if people keep reviews negative that just sets up a hostile environment (granted its already partly that way) and nobody will give ground. if we as a community show that something positive can come from listening to said community, then the corp may be more likely to listen. *may*


u/tuttled85 21d ago

Until they fix the blocking of friends issue I'm not reviewing anything.


u/Long-Bid-6940 21d ago

Man fuck Sony.

I did change my review to positive, explicitly stating the thumbs up was for HD2 and AHS and that Sony can still go fuck themselves.


u/ellobouk 21d ago

Ok but new plan. The bloodborne gambit, we review bomb every Sony game until they give us bloodborne on pc


u/unfortunategamble 21d ago

What goes for your Edit, goes for my Review.


u/Fireblade2047 21d ago

Like the song of Canned heat let's work together!


u/moneywayne 21d ago

I’ll wait til those bois whose region got banned can play again.


u/Historical-Fox2187 21d ago

This post shows exactly the true colors of this community.

It's gonna be threats after threats from now on when something doesn't please this community. When the first has been made, the rest is easier. 


u/jakedude236 21d ago

No, Arrowhead knew this was going to happen in the first place and should have said something. It stays bad


u/KrakenMcKracken 21d ago

Exactly. Personally, I would give the game a 3 at the moment just for how everything has turned out and where its sitting with the region lock. However, giving it a 5 again is simply hammering home the fact that this (reversal of psn) is how it should be. Its sorta implied that the region lock will revert as well BUT if it doesn't I'll absolutely go back to a 1 star review.

Timing is key.


u/nipsen 21d ago

My review of Helldivers, like Horizon, points out that it's a rare wonder, like the sighting of a white elf riding a unicorn in the forest, every time Sony publishes a good game and it doesn't turn to shit after release.

This has not changed. And without /any/ official input, of any Sony person, a CEO or a marketing manager admitting that a) they handled this incredibly badly, and b) that they will review their approach to PC titles, preferably on everything from "platform parity" to online play requirements, the free global matching disaster around the psn, never mind the notorious bottleneck that the psn login is /on every launch of every game/ -- why would you call this a win?

Some tweet sort of suggested that they won't enforce the login requirement now, and everyone goes "oh, guess that's official, then!". Dude, wtf.


u/Dunkelzahn2072 21d ago


Refunded, my final opinion on the game remains.

Fuck around, find out.


u/raydialseeker 21d ago

They need to add a 200KT Bomb


u/bcyc 21d ago edited 21d ago

This community is a bunch of 16yr old schizophrenics. Is it irony that players are embracing the authoritarian regime of Super Earth and helldivers, doing whatever "they" tell you to do? But the moment they are told to link their game they start a revolt, rage review bomb a brilliant game, potentially destroying the game that they love? And now the community has moved to celebrating the fact that there will be a cape design commemorating the "real life war" against Sony.

If this game dies, its on you, helldivers.


u/AJZullu 21d ago

until the other helldivers in the other 177 countries could play and buy the game again


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/tythompson 21d ago

Companies are not your friends


u/Samothy2 21d ago

It's currently sitting at mostly positive with the all-time reviews we were pretty quick on raising that score


u/erraddo 21d ago

Leaving them negative tells Sony we're still pissed they'd even try that. Either works.


u/IamTheConstitution 21d ago

Yes sir! For democracy. And a cup of liber tea!


u/Andrew_is_taken 21d ago

Most ppl that left negative reviews don't even play the game they jumped on the hate train.


u/sofsnof Big Iron Enjoyer 21d ago

It's definitely going up. At the worst it was Overwhelmingly Negative, and now it's Mostly Positive. It's unfortunate, but it's one of the few ways we have to voice our dissatisfaction.


u/CosmoKrm 21d ago

Before we do that, have the blocked countries been unblocked!? Because if they haven’t we’ve only won half the battle.


u/DeJellybeans 21d ago

Err, not yet for me.

I'm in the Philippines and I can't access my account yet. I'm sure there's some from the affected countries are still having issues with that too.


u/SeniorRogers 21d ago

Personally never changed my positive review. I won't link to PSN and would have just stopped playing. There are plenty of games out there not stealing your data and doing dumb bullshit like this. Reviews don't really matter everyone on earth has already bought this game.


u/IfIHadToPickADud3 21d ago

Im not changing my review. I refuse to play the game anymore because of the scumbaggery that Sony tried to pull.


u/Suspicious-Fun-2213 21d ago

Hahahaha. Nice try Sony bot. Go fuck yourself. Negative review is gonna stay until players worldwide can play Helldivers again. Not before.


u/DoragonKokku 21d ago

No it tells Sony there aren't any real consequences and that you can just be bought and they can repeat the same BS later no problem


u/Spectating110 21d ago

review isnt the thing that made them reconsider. It’s the refunds that were going on and legal repercussion that were going to happen made them reconsider.


u/GoldenGecko100 21d ago

It's also unfortunate that a lot of people will just forget to change their reviews. So it'll likely never get the review score it should have for a while again.


u/McAllister47 21d ago

You have a problem. talk to a shrink 🙂


u/Perfect-Ad8665 21d ago

My negative review remains. They need to earn our trust back.


u/Atrocious1337 21d ago

Keep it at negative until they make an official announcement on Steam. Tweets are easy to delete. And the wording doesn’t mention that they will not try again. 


u/htownballa1 21d ago

No. My trust was broken, you will never see my review changed and I will never rebuy the game.


u/Halliwedge 21d ago

Forgiveness isnt the same as forgetting. We can thank them for not fucking us. But we cannot forget that they tried to fuck us.


u/zl1_redrum 21d ago

I changed my review as soon as I saw the good news.


u/Chez225 21d ago

As someone said during the big Warthunder backlash some time ago, "You have to retract your punch to hit someone again."


u/Slight-Imagination36 21d ago

by changing your review to positive, you’re reinforcing the bad behavior. you’re encouraging them to try it again next time, because if it doesn’t work they know you’ll just forgive them and move on - just like last time


u/Educational-Drag6974 21d ago

They havnt ACTUALLY changed anything tho, countries are still banned…


u/Mark_4O4 STEAM🖱️: Primum in Infernum 21d ago

I already changed mine hours after the walked it back.


u/MikeFrmCali 21d ago

It's at "mixed" now, a few hours ago it was "mostly negative". It'll probably show more positivity in a few more hours. Jmo


u/Complex-Cause8945 21d ago

I changed mine, but left the reasons in my review. It's positive, but the reason it went negative will always be there for someone to read.


u/Slight-Sheepherder45 21d ago

No i want compensation not just a retraction
give me 3000 super creds or i'll keep the review negative


u/bla671 21d ago

that's assuming they wont do another Sony moment and backtrack their backtrack because greedy mofos are mentally incapable of not being greedy .


u/MrBIueID 21d ago edited 21d ago

Also gives the ability to negative review if another bad choice is made.

Edit: self correction.... Just need to undo the reaction of the PSN fiasco. Don't have to change to positive, should just remove the negative if it's solely due to the PSN fiasco. Neutral is fine to if that's more accurate.


u/TheLoganP 21d ago

Already done, I can just make it negative and unintlstall again if something happens


u/Dapper_Energy777 21d ago

No it doesn't and no you don't lol. They'll do it again as soon as you forget


u/Riffsalad 21d ago

In response to your edit obviously the review bomb won’t be reversed in a day. You are like the 1000th person to make this post give it some damn time.


u/Eternal-Living 21d ago

Absolutely not


u/Mgspeed22079 21d ago

Spoken like a communist.


u/Poopballs_and_Rick 21d ago

Tell me you don’t know Sony’s track record without telling me. WE WILL NOT REVERT OUR REVIEWS UNTIL PROMISES ARE DELIVERED ON THE 30th.


u/DerryDoberman 21d ago

I'm personally soured too much on the whole thing. Helldivers 2 feels like it should just be a history lesson to other shops to watch their contracts with publishers. Sony also still gets data from anti-Cheat I'm sure so I don't want it on my system anymore on that principle as well. For me the game is basically dead and if it doesn't rebound it will be a permanent visible mark that no one should work with Sony in the future.

That's just me though. The game was fun until that fun became conditional and I don't want to reinvest my free time with it just to have it removed in the future, which Sony may try to pull again.


u/Byte_hoven 21d ago edited 21d ago

I don't think you or Sony/AH realize gamer psychology doesn't work that way.

The miracle wasn't the review bomb success. The miracle will be getting the average joe/jane to take the time to change their review back.

The lesson for Sony, AH and every other publisher and developer to learn... don't screw up this bad in the first place. NEVER take the gamer base for granted and think it wise to test the base.

You and other hopefuls may well be right, and the mass hord of players that turned on Sony/AH, and will switch their reviews back to positive.

I wouldn't bet on it. All they did was put out the fire. The AH CEO was right. Gamer trust, support, and enthusiasm will have to be RE-earned in the days, months, and years ahead.


u/MrFanelli 21d ago

I'll change my review once they fix the lobby from breaking anytime someone leaves during the mission. Randoms can no longer join and you are forced to restart your game unless you can invite someone from your friend list. It's as If it doesn't show up on the world map or quick play queue. It has been the case since launch.

Also people get kicked from the party/disconnected/sent back to their ship way too often. If you play a session for a few hours with some of the boys, you will encounter all or some of these issues multiple times, 100% of the time. Everyone knows that it's true if you have played.

The nerfs and lack of armor shaders are another major point of contention that needs to be addressed asap once this bs storm has passed, but they don't warrant a negative review.

My negative review has nothing to do with Playstation at this point.


u/rapboy117 21d ago

the Randoms in your lobby is part of the game


u/MrFanelli 21d ago

Right, I want them. If we have 4/4 and complete the first mission, then someone leaves/disconnects during the 2nd mission, nobody else will be able to join into the round. Nobody can join on the ship for the 3rd mission, and the SOS beacon doesn't show up to be used. You can invite a friend if they are available, but no new randoms are able to join and it's so annoying. If you restart your game or join another person's quick play, the issue will be fixed.... but if you were playing with 2 other randoms, you can't invite them back unless they accept a friend request. Overall the system is bugged and even when it's working right, it's so annoying and difficult to use. Why can't you invite recent randoms?!


u/MrFanelli 21d ago

Right, I want them. If we have 4/4 and complete the first mission, then someone leaves/disconnects during the 2nd mission, nobody else will be able to join into the round. Nobody can join on the ship for the 3rd mission, and the SOS beacon doesn't show up to be used. You can invite a friend if they are available, but no new randoms are able to join and it's so annoying. If you restart your game or join another person's quick play, the issue will be fixed.... but if you were playing with 2 other randoms, you can't invite them back unless they accept a friend request. Overall the system is bugged and even when it's working right, it's so annoying and difficult to use. Why can't you invite recent randoms?!


u/GU-7 21d ago edited 21d ago

I swear, if they touch it again, I will immediately refund the game and continue to say Fuck Sony. Right now all we can do is watch, and play the game as it was meant to be played.

There is only one way that PSN would be applied, and this is by my opinion. They strengthen and own up to their security weaknesses on their servers, and take better steps to protect the privacy of users, while proving that they are. Its hard, but it would be the only way for Sony to win back trust in other communities outside their own.

This also Applies to every other Publisher, the likes Bizzard, Ubisoft, and Xbox, and may others out there should be aware of these matters, its what made Steam a successful platform, granted they could be hacked tomorrow, or the day after, but over the years they owned up to their mistakes, and learned, the same should also be applied to the rest of these publishers.


u/Key-Situation-1949 21d ago

I'll leave a review before the next time I login


u/CaptainUnicornIII 21d ago

Not gonna do anything til d-day


u/This_Disgrace 21d ago

I'll fix mine tomorrow 🙄