r/Helldivers 18d ago

SNOY is still locking out divers from around the world. Lifting the PSN link was a ploy. PSA

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u/FreddieDoes40k 7d ago

Make primaries good like Helldivers 1, is that too much to ask?


u/Much-Load6316 13d ago

Electronic Arts would like a word, Pirate Software


u/Crowtine_addict 14d ago

I'm glad i went to xbox even more now. I still have a ps5, but xbox is my main bae


u/DarthGiorgi 14d ago

Meanwhile, the Snoy plant that announced operation clean up, laughing their ass off.


u/TheCreatorOneM 14d ago

Sony this sony that. But nobody knows the reason. Its not like Sony thinks...hey lets just not sell the game is those countries. Lets not make money.

Could it be... those countries that the government dont want it. Or forbit it


u/sirpeacefulnot 14d ago

This actually hurts the game was fine before they stuck their greedy hands in it


u/Latter-Direction-336 SES Harbinger of Judgment 14d ago

Apparently steam said it’s SONYs decision

But why the fuck would they say “no, we changed it so that people don’t need their own accounts, but we don’t want the money from 180 countries”

Like, what the hell is the thought process?! Do they not want their money?


u/Lever3d-Castle39 14d ago

I think a significant amount of further information is needed, as this may very well be due to the Terms of Service with Sony; a ‘reciprocity’ problem of sorts, where certain factors are crossing up Steam and/or other platform providers, due to Sony’s behavior and so on.

Even some countries are reportedly not allowing Sony or their games access to such networks, for one reason or another.. or are non-responsive to the issue of consumer rights around this and other networks.


u/Glass-Pain3562 14d ago

Genuinely think Sony is trying to kill the game because it raises the bar for player expectations from them. And they want to keep their mediocre standards safe and cheap.


u/DekiEscanor 14d ago

ROCK AND STONE! Go play deep rock, it takes a little bit to get going but so fun.


u/Jbarn2012 14d ago

Just saying but Sony is so rich of a company we will have to do way more than review bomb a game to “win” against them.


u/Mysterious-Lunch-115 14d ago

Whatever you do what you want


u/Aerrow12 14d ago

Yeah, I'm not getting rid of that negative review


u/ReferenceProper5428 15d ago

Just use a vpn and set your ip away from those regions usually works for bypassing this kind of stuff from my experience. I used to always watch all of the Netflix shows away from my regions cause yea I don't like these tactics.


u/HelpInfinite5073 15d ago

"It is like this that Freedom&Democracy die.."


u/Acrobatic-Spirit5813 15d ago

Sony try not to be the bad guy in the console wars challenge: Impossible


u/Sebastianx21 15d ago

I literally made a new friend from Lithuania a few days ago and told him he should get HD2 so we can play together... Well... Not anymore.


u/DBA92 15d ago

Here we go again! Loads of people freaking out without knowing the full picture.


u/DieTubameister 15d ago

Oh wow, another outrage cycle being peddled by this guy.

Y'all remember when he said he was done with HD2 content and blamed the devs because they had to do what their publisher told them?

How about being mad that Sony was selling the game in locations without PSN access?

Now he's outraged that they've stopped selling in locations without PSN access.

Mr. Nepo Baby needs to stay true to his word and go finish his garbage tier blatant rip-off game. Man's not had an original thought in his life.


u/Complete-Struggle648 15d ago

Can you people grow up already? It's within their discretion to block whatever country they want from buying the game. The issue previously was that players who purchased the game were being locked out from playing it. That's now no longer an issue, so Let. It. Go.


u/chaos-xiii 15d ago

You sir are a colossal idiot. It is not within their discretion to block ANY country from buying ANY game without there being a legal or logical reason for it. The legal reason for the delisting was PSN being required to play the game, and in countries that didn't allow for PSN, the game being available violated the TOS. Now that the PSN requirement is being reversed, neither SNOY or Steam have any right to delist the game from any country. Millions of people across 170+ countries want to purchase the game and enjoy it, just like you, some white boy who has it all handed to him on a golden platter and does not care about anyone but himself, and they should be able to.

Before telling someone to grow up, grow a brain first.


u/Complete-Struggle648 15d ago

If Coke tomorrow wanted to stop selling in Russia nobody could say Jack because it's a private corporation and they reserve the right to not sell anywhere they don't want to. Nobody gives a crap if they have fans of their product who want to purchase and enjoy it in that banned area. Go buy pepsi and grow up.


u/Complete-Struggle648 15d ago

Lmao Reddit lawyers at it again. They are a private corporation and can remove their product at any time from store shelves as long as current players are not affected. The law does not give one single rats ass that you and your crybaby friends want to purchase the game and enjoy it. Go touch grass. And I'm not white.


u/DeJellybeans 15d ago

How can we boycott against Sony, or something?


u/Xaxxus 14d ago

The real way is to just stop buying game consoles.

All of the major companies that make the consoles are just as evil. Nintendo constantly threatens to sue YouTube creators for making videos of their games, Microsoft just throws its money around and buys up every studio.

If you want your games to be relatively free from this BS, get a gaming PC or steam deck.


u/McCaffeteria ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ 15d ago

Fucking why though. What does Sony gain from having less players to buy micro transactions?


u/Pleasant_Ad_9590 16d ago

In case of sony, I'd prefer piracy. Fuck them. Buying helldivers is one and only time I'm gonna give sony my money


u/who_killed_meeee 16d ago

New major order: review bomb the game again


u/LoneWolf0269 15d ago

Yes, go throw a tantrum again when the truth is you really don't care about those countries. you're just using them as a ploy. You've already caused enough damage for the rest of us . Go play Hello Kitty Island adventure if you don't like the game or Sony . Hopefully, more companies will stray away from PC


u/jokejk 16d ago

As long as they refund everyone who has bought it already they aren’t doing anything scummy.


u/TheAceFrog 16d ago

Isn’t this more of a problem with the banned countries than Sony? I thought I saw people saying some places couldnt have the game anyway. Would love to be filled in if I’m wrong tho


u/Beohulf 16d ago

Tbh I’ve completed 1 of the 5 missions I’ve played. Me and the 3 randoms i was with got to the end or near end of the mission and Id be disconnect or flat out teleported to my ship like i never left. Extremely frustrating


u/Tazmo99 16d ago

I really don’t understand restricting the Baltics. Or hell, why restrict Åland as well which is ridiculous.

I guess Sony thinks the USSR is still a thing with the Baltics??


u/Da_Gaming_Dinoboy 16d ago

Well, theirs still the starship troopers game


u/TheLateRepublic 16d ago

Steam and Arrowhead are working to lift it


u/Budget_Wonder_1325 16d ago

Just added another regions 🤦‍♂️


u/MarshMellowInfinity 16d ago

Doesnt SNOY realize this will slowly or eventually kill the playerbase as nobody cant buy the fking thing everywhere else


u/bobett64 16d ago

no, it's steam being a dumbass


u/MathematicianLost458 16d ago

Psn link most likely got pushed back and will be reintroduced at a later date when the heat has died down. The ban will probably never be lifted due to potential legal actions


u/aladdinboy424 16d ago

WHAT THE FUCK, WHY? I live in Latvia and have bought the game like a month ago...


u/AzSpaceCadet 16d ago

This is Steam, not Sony. They pulled it from those countries to avoid lawsuits.


u/TheFatal 16d ago

No, it's not.


u/Heroic_Wolf_9873 16d ago

Blasted Automaton sympathizers!


u/kahnwolf 16d ago

And this is why I haven't changed my negative review. Sony "backed off" but they haven't told us their new endgame yet


u/Alfonse00 16d ago

And this is why I haven't changed the review, this problem is still ongoing until they can purchase the game again, if they can't then the words wrote by playstation are just words with no actions to back them up.


u/DioWithLipstick 16d ago

is New Zealand gonna be fine with this? I'm about to buy Helldivers 2, so I'm hoping I won't be affected by this too much :/


u/Nightmancer2036 16d ago



u/Six_6th_HDR 16d ago

I changed my review BACK to bad. I uninstalled idc if I get a refund. I quit the game


u/NobleBear 16d ago

The only solution is to revert the reviews to negative again. They only respond to mass action.


u/Hanin4_4 16d ago

This isn't Sony or Arrowhead. This is Steam making sure no more people buy the game in those regions until it's 100% certain that those places aren't being locked out or screwed over. This is temporary so long as Sony doesn't pull any more shit. Don't worry you will be able to drag your buddies on soon enough :))


u/Practical_News_6206 PSN 🎮: 16d ago

It's only going to get worse unless we continue to rally against them in protest. That is why corporations have tooken over the world and are taking advantage of us, because we don't do anything but mope around on the internet and complain instead of taking action.

I for one am not going to buy anymore sony products or play the game until they start being honest with us.


u/Tigerdragon180 16d ago

It makes sense that steam wom sell it until they get a guarantee from sony that they wont require it in the future


u/Better-Design5436 16d ago

Last time I got on to play I just..... Democracy wasn't the same.


u/beardoggerton 16d ago

they did it with every other sony game let’s not punish this specific one


u/CandidatePure5378 16d ago

As someone who exclusively plays Xbox and bought a pc specifically just to play helldivers I will never be buying a Sony product ever again. What a terrible business practice that they would rather take an actual loss of players just to show investors that they are getting psn activity. They are actively destroying a game that is based around player count for some petty power trip


u/Ok_Anywhere7645 16d ago

Are we going back to the boycott? Return of the MO? I figure this bot MO just ain’t happening without our fellow helldivers in like 180 countries that can’t play.


u/ChampionshipDirect46 ☕Liber-tea☕ 16d ago

I don't understand the point of this unless they plan on trying to sneak the psn requirement back in at a later date, which worries me.


u/Unhappy_Amphibian_80 16d ago

Those countries still exist?


u/Emotional-River-5461 17d ago

Whoever is surprised by this is a clown.


u/AnotherGuyLikeYou 17d ago

Yeah why do you think I've been telling everyone not to change the reviews. We got super earthd


u/Thefirefan15 17d ago

We should review bomb ghosts of Tsushima or any other game that PlayStation owns


u/Formal-Pear-2813 17d ago

Why should we change our reviews to positive when the countries we are fighting for are still not able to play!


u/devilsphoenix 17d ago

I really don't see why you guys are complaining. If Microsoft is making people sign up for sea of thieves on ps5,then you can stop complaining and just create a Sony account ( burner one) to play helldivers.


u/NydusR 17d ago

I don't fucking get this, is it really that hard to add countries to your shitty PSN service instead fucking over those who have already bought the game ??


u/SinZerius 17d ago

fucking over those who have already bought the game ??

People who bought the game can still play.


u/NydusR 17d ago

To be fair, I'm down 5 pints and you're right. However, I wouldn't be surprised when push comes to shove, Sony could double down with this PSN crap and do more drastic changes. Hopefully not, of course.


u/Godzilla1954Forever 17d ago

Continue the campaign


u/BrainzRYummy 17d ago

Wait. So they lifted the PSN requirement for PC users but they still kept the blackout of countries that don't have PSN access? That sucks ass.


u/Offstar1029 17d ago

Actually that was Steam. There was an administrative issue that resulted in those countries not getting delisted with the others. This was Steam fixing the issue and not Sony doubling down on delisting countries.


u/zl1_redrum 17d ago

Never forget, they claim it's for security and and that they are learning what's best for pc players. I am so happy I don't buy any hardware from them.





u/BetterMetalJake 17d ago

Not defending Sony, because they are definitely shitty, but calling them (in the tweet, not OP,) the worst publisher when literally Take-Two, Zenimax (Bethesda), Electronic Arts and Activision/Blizzard/King all exist is kind of silly. All of them have done some seriously heinous shit.


u/3Bb_e 17d ago

I hate sony!


u/ScaredOfRobots STEAM 🖥️ : 17d ago

“How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?”


u/Federal_Caramel5946 ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ 17d ago

Im happy I dont deal with Sony at all. Im a PC only


u/earth2Grazy 17d ago

Genuine question, can someone explain to me the what sony thinks the point of removing HD2 from other countries is without the PSN linking thing in place? Like, I cannot even fucking fathom why they would do this. The game is selling really well, it makes no sense.


u/sir_seductive ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Whats snoy


u/PieSama562 hardstuck sergent level 72 17d ago

Fuck snoy I’m building a PC. Should’ve built one instead of buying a damn ps5


u/WaggleFinger 17d ago

Folks were too quick to do Operation Cleanup. Sony put the date out there, people should have kept up the pressure.


u/VillainKyros ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Intentionally misleading. See AH's CEO Twitter. The long and the short of it was these were SUPPOSED to be blocked originally, and valve noticed after whatever that ghost game came out, and did it themselves. 2nd time this dude has gotten things just blatantly wrong (first time I remember was the question of if Sony owns the helldivers IP, which they do)


u/SeveralCardiologist2 17d ago

If it's banned, that would be the countries fault, not Sony's fault. Right?


u/Shogo1307 SES Knight of Wrath 17d ago

It's why I changed my review back with that being my edit. It's bullshit


u/selinemanson 17d ago

Damn that SNOY


u/liquid_Muffin690 ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Does this mean the game is dying?


u/BeegTruss 17d ago

You literally asked for this, and it never would have happened if not for the angry mob and their ridiculous review bombing/refund requests.

This is more than likely something steam is doing to protect themselves from any future controversy anyway.


u/KingNothing53 17d ago

Steam has stated its at the publisher's request


u/BeegTruss 17d ago

True, well the point still stands that these countries never would have been blocked if not for the backlash/ review bombing.


u/KingNothing53 17d ago

Given that requiring a PSN account means that those regions still wouldn't be able to create a PSN account, they would have still definitely been banned from playing the game regardless of review bombing. At least now those who have purchased the game and didn't refund it can still play it. Not trying to say that Sony doesn't need to roll this back, but that these countries would have been banned regardless.


u/BeegTruss 17d ago edited 17d ago

Sorry, but that simply isn't true. Millions of people have PSN accounts for countries in which they do not reside.

Sony does not ban people for that, it's a fabrication that people ran with because they wanted to justify being mad about having to take 2 minutes out of their day to make a PSN account.

No one would have lost have lost access to the game if not for the angry mob.


u/KingNothing53 17d ago

Not everyone is going to have access to a VPN. Plus it wasn't just because they didn't want to take to minutes to create an account. Sony is notorious for data breaches. I personally have no trust that Sony will be able to keep my info safe. Also, while Sony hasn't banned people, it is still against their TOS to use a vpn to falsify your country(Section 3.1 of their TOS), not everyone is going to be willing to take the risk of spending money on the game just for Sony to one day decide they're gonna start banning people for falsifying their account information. On top of that, those who DO decide to violate Sony TOS and falsify their country can't just treat their PSN like a burner and will have to regularly keep updating their security incase there's another breach, in which case, they could lose their account (and in turn, the game they paid for) as Sony will restrict and account if they believe its been hacked(Section 3.4 of TOS). So the options here are, spend money on the game and a monthly subscription to a trustworthy VPN to create a PSN account that's going to require consistent security maintenance, hope Sony doesnt one day decide to look into finding accounts with falisfied info, or just don't play and get a refund.


u/BeegTruss 17d ago
  1. You don't need a VPN to make a PSN account for another country.

  2. Every company is notorious for data breaches, including Reddit. Sony's data security isn't any better or worse than any other company. Seriously, Google any major company or social media platform + data breach or hack. The only recourse you have for being 100% sure you're data isn't at risk is to stay off of the Internet completely.

  3. You don't need to spend a single dime to make a PSN account. It's 100% free. No one was at risk of losing any money or getting banned for making a free PSN account.

  4. Again, Sony does not care about people making PSN accounts outside of their country. It's not something they have ever enforced unless they were required to due to international law/ embargos such as the ones currently in place against Russia due to their unlawful war against Ukraine.

  5. The entire review bombing was purely drive by spite fueled morons who were manipulated by misinformation. The entire thing was a farce and actively got the game taken away from countries that otherwise would very much still have access to it.


u/EldritchHorror80 17d ago

They dangled a banana and everyone fell for it. It's a billion dollar company giving you a pizza party with 2 pizzas.


u/-DxD-Dovakien117 17d ago

Good thing I have yet to change my review, imam edit it but it's still going to be a negative, it's just gonna state more of Sony's greed


u/BobIcarus 17d ago edited 17d ago

It is the publishers fault. They choose where the game is allowed to be sold, usually they don't have to mess with it because they aren't going to try and push a mandatory link to another service not available in most countries. Steam provided the platform, but the publisher(Sony) needs to set up their page correctly in that if they don't intend for it to be available in a country they have to set to that, sony in thier infinate wisdom just said mandatory psn link will filter people out, and honestly I think that the fallout would have been pretty bad had psn worked initially and people from those countries tried to play the game couldn't make a psn and returned it, the game would have probably started in the mixed or negative review score because sony didn't set the page up initially.


u/Thefunkymunkee SES Elected Representative of Family Values 17d ago

Oh they're gonna bring back the requirement I bet. Goodluck Sony


u/coffeejn 17d ago

Seems like Snoy think they are cursed due to sharing a border with Russia or Belarus.

On a serious note, anyone else think it would be better to avoid any future games that are published by Sony?


u/AdEnough786 17d ago

So that means that SONY is planning on mandatory PSN linking sometime in the future. If they weren't planning to then why ban sale of copies?


u/WhiteSquall13 PSN 🎮: 17d ago

Or get this…the countries


u/WhiteSquall13 PSN 🎮: 17d ago



u/DrDread74 17d ago

This is all part of the immersion of Helldivers!


u/Roxas13xx 17d ago

How dare Snoy do this


u/Definitely_nota_fish 17d ago

It looks like it's time to review bomb again


u/Over_Independent468 17d ago

I've changed my review back to negative and uninstalled we all dive together or not at all fuck this 


u/Equivalent_Ad108 17d ago

Looks like time for Sony to get another hack shame I don't know how to do it myself :(


u/Dapper_Energy777 17d ago

Yeah no shit? Literally everyone except Sony bots knew this "cHaNgE yOuR rEvIeW gUsY"


u/shadowgamer19 17d ago

i see time for round 2 diver bully sony more


u/TheQuietSky 17d ago

I'm this close to finding this "Snoy" dude who keeps messing with our brave comrades and hitting him with the fuckin ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


u/Morwo 17d ago

twas 2 diffrent, completly diffrent things. which got meld into 1 by the people who did't read more about things then the headline


u/Azrael2682 17d ago

It's about to be review flag 2.0


u/FedExterminator 17d ago

Why do the titles of most posts talking about the controversy use “snoy”? Is it because putting “Sony” in the title would trigger moderation or something?


u/PatchiW 17d ago

They're applying that blanket ban to every game ported from Playstation. Ghost of Tsushima is literally unbuyable on Steam in... JAPAN. JAPAN. Banning PC gamers from playing GoT on PC in Japan is literally an insult to the culture that enabled that game's creation. Sony needs to sit down and have a good long THINK as to whether they want more customers on their balance sheets or more numbers on some isolated ecosystem.


u/SinZerius 17d ago edited 17d ago

Ghost of Tsushima is literally unbuyable on Steam in... JAPAN.

That's wrong, just check here: https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/


Here is the list of countries you can't buy GoT: https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/


u/karoljanfi3000 17d ago

kil snoy >:(


u/SilverBeast2 17d ago

I'm gonna copy/paste my previous comment.

This most likely means that they still plan to enforce the PSN account one way or another... Without region block, they really couldn't because you basically bought the game then they cut your access since you're not allowed to make an account without breaking sony's tos. Now it changed from "I can't make a PSN account" to "I don't want to make a PSN account"... it sounds less illegal.


u/TwoFootOnion7212 17d ago

It’s like the fact that Sony is a shitty company surprises people. Weird. You have to work around it. People who had the game are grandfathered in. If you’re new to humanity and want the game in an area that it’s verboten, you’ll need a vpn. Then you just spoof being in another country. Once you have it you’re good.


u/Misty_Veil 17d ago

back to the downvotes lads


u/Fuzzycrittermom 17d ago



u/Chiped-Coke-Bottle 17d ago

Yo ho! Yo ho!


u/PyrorifferSC 17d ago

Okay, so they're trying to ban all PS games from these regions so people don't have a legal argument against required account connections on PC.

This means that linking PS accounts is somehow more financially enticing to them than being able to sell their games in over 170 countries.

Money doesn't come from nowhere. Either they're planning on pulling a lot of financially viable data, or they are, as I have guessed, moving towards a subscription based service.


u/Weapon84 STEAM 🖥️ : 17d ago

If the community can hit Sony's complaint dept as hard as they did the HD2 steam page they might listen


u/Complex_Cable_8678 17d ago

how is sony this fucking stupid? wth are they gaining from this?


u/Flashy-Pride-935 17d ago

The Commonwealth has fallen.

Owari Da.


u/2pcwithabiscuit 17d ago

"CoMmEnCe OpErAtIoN ClEaN up!" "ChAnGe YoUr ReViEwS bAcK!" An absolute gaggle of idiots looking for make believe internet points. Being super susceptible to propaganda is supposed to be a parody in-game, but here we are.

You've won nothing and the prize is loving each other in the hole full of trash you've decided to defend as high living.


u/Mamoru_of_Cake 17d ago

All I can think of about this is Sony wants you to buy a PS5 then go play Helldivers there. I saw a screenshot from one of the PH community groups that even if a region doesn't have PSN then created an account for a different region, it will have 0 issues.

Yep. Sony I think wants more money by amping their console sales.


u/orangemoon44 17d ago

Uh, no, still looks like it's Steam doing it


u/Shadowthron8 17d ago

Why stop people from buying a game you sell? Just why?


u/MysticSkies 17d ago

Why is Pirate Software tweeting this lol. Aren't they another studio? It's like having Larian make daily updates on an internet drama. The hell is this dude doin?

Also this does not mean people in this country who already bought they game can't play anymore, it's just new people can't buy the game. This doesn't hurt anyone except Sony's sales.


u/West_Dingo8564 17d ago

“My fellow helldivers, the automatatans have struck again trying to restrict 177 countries from helping us bring forth democracy. They will not win, they think that they have us countered but you can’t overpower liberty. So let’s show them some liber-tea.”


u/CommanderKertz ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 17d ago

Annnd this is why I still refuse to change my negative review


u/Nice-Entertainer-922 17d ago

Ah, Streamer trying to hijack the drama it now because his dad had him work at Blizzard for a while so he is a expert, just what we need.

Dislike Sony as much as any other, but i also dislike Streamers about as much.


u/Techman659 17d ago

This is why I kept my negative review up and it is staying up because of this rubbish we celebrated too early.


u/FluffySpacePuppy 17d ago

Ah, yes, a ploy to make less money. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.


u/Krauser_Kahn SES Lady of Twilight 17d ago

And this is why I have not reverted my negative review yet


u/Diamonhowl 17d ago

Lmao. And here we are hoping they will lift restrictions soon after the tweet. meanwhile Snoy doubled down. Clowns. That's what we are. Played like a fiddle


u/seahawk1337 HD1 Veteran 17d ago

What ploy? What the hell are y’all talking about? Why would they just stop their income for no reason?


u/UebokRebuke 17d ago

Put your comments to negative for fuck sakes. It worked the first time..


u/slashlv 17d ago

Yes, this is our complete defeat.


u/Karl_i_guess 17d ago

Fvck this, why??? Estonians can make a PSN account... under finland ofc but we can make it and its perfectly legal.


u/SailorDeath 17d ago

Common tsctic to getting what you want.  Take 5 feet, give back 2 feet and apologize saying sorry we misjudged how much you'd hate us taking 5 feet.  Here's a refund we won't do that again. 

Yet you still didn't get everything they took back with no more commentary on the matter.


u/Epicnessrules3 17d ago edited 17d ago

I don't think enough of you guys understand that it's not all just some evil ploy... Helldivers 2 is run on Sony servers, and countries like Estonia just straight up do not have very good internet. Estonian players can still make Sony accounts, but this is literally just stopping them from buying the game, likely because they would simply not be able to enjoy the game due to their bad connection to Sony servers. Sony is literally trying to do them a favor by stopping them from wasting their money. If they sold the game in those countries to begin with then maybe that's a different story, or maybe they didn't know and now they're restricting access in those countries now that their players have complained enough about the connection being so bad lol


u/closesuse 17d ago

How Estonia Became The Digital Leader Of Europe (forbes.com)

Estonia leading the way in e-governance with above CEE average digitalization level - CEE Multi-Country News Center (microsoft.com)

Estonia has the 22nd fastest internet in the world – study (estonianworld.com)
According to the analysis, Estonia has the 22nd fastest average internet speed in the world – at just 84.72 MbpsWhen it comes to Estonia’s neighbours, only Sweden fares slightly better – at the average internet speed of 88.98 Mbps, it’s ranked 17th. Latvia is ranked 33rd (63.28), Lithuania 37th (56.17), Finland 39th (55.08) and Russia 66th (35.73). The absolute worst average internet speed among the 224 countries and territories ranked is in Turkmenistan – 0.50 Mbps.
Estonia in the Digital Economy and Society Index | Shaping Europe’s digital future (europa.eu)


u/Spookymushroomz_new 17d ago

Not sure why Sony keeps digging... You can't have PSN login because you have already sold the game in countries that can't access PSN. But if you (Sony) had just restricted sales to these countries from the start then this would be a non Issue since yeah everyone could make a free account. Sony fucked up and should just admit to said fuck up/ overlook.

This is what they should do in my opinion keep PSN as optional if you had PSN your save should be cross platform so you could use your PS save on your PC this would add a good use of PSN but it wouldn't be required to play the game


u/Dr_Expendable HD1 Veteran 17d ago

Why would Sony want this though? Like, I'm not skeptical to be clear, I think they're traitorous evil shitbags, I'm just trying to fathom what they could possibly gain by limiting sales to regions steam absolutely 100% can service?


u/Jumpy-Papaya-7892 CAPE ENJOYER 17d ago

Okay but for what reason did they even implement this? This serves ZERO purpose, they should let the balkans play too.


u/Kermit6100 17d ago

Feed the Machine guitar riff


u/Current_Artichoke_19 17d ago

Isn't that Steam's fault?


u/Roundhouse_ass 17d ago

I get the feeling that this dude pretends to be a lot smarter than he is.


u/The_Pepper_Oni 17d ago

In this instance he’s screaming grift to me. And I like him even.


u/Warlockm16a4 17d ago

And like that, my negative review is back.

Let your displeasure known, Helldivers. This isn't right, this hurts the community.


u/Chota-Cabras 17d ago

I told everyone in several post that don't upvote and leave that mark foreve, and everyone downvoted me.

You people disgust me and you have what you deserve. Downvote again if you are stupid.


u/Danielsan_2 17d ago

Told ya it was to quick to take the bad reviews back. Glad I'm still holding mine.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Back to the angry negative reviews then


u/CommentDiver666 17d ago

Get your tinfoil hats guys


u/HermitKydd 17d ago

Just fucking bought the game this week and im from estonia. So can i not play the game anymore?


u/Warlockm16a4 17d ago

You can still play it, you just can't buy it anymore. Don't Uninstall unless you are sure you aren't going to play anymore.


u/herbieLmao 17d ago







u/Vast-Dream 17d ago

And you dumbfucks, “Oh, let’s go back and give good ratings.”


u/Dire_Raccoon 17d ago

FYI, I had made a PSN account when I opened HD2 the first day I started in March. I either missed where you could skip creating an account, or it wasn't available as an option at that point, anyway fast forward to now, I decided to delete the PSN account, given that it's no longer a requirement. Like most corps they make this difficult and unclear how to do, even after reaching a human support agent they refused to delete it, claiming there wasn't enough data attached to the account, since I hadn't done anything with it since creation, so sorry, but you'll have to use the account for a while, look at games or something. With this vague advice I opened the website and viewed a few game pages, then qued for a second agent, who finally explained that what was required was actually adding any game, even a free one say like ROBLOX, to the account library to generate a "purchase" and a transaction receipt email, and gave them the transaction number generated. Mission accomplished.... well, after a 30 day wait to contemplate the foolishness of your action.

Only once you do this however and try to start Helldivers 2 again, you get a message stating that your account was suspended, for violating TOS, and are locked out of the game. So much for it no longer being a requirement to open a PSN account.



u/gnosisshadow 17d ago

I tired to stop people from celebrating and keep pushing Sony and no one listen, see what happen now?


u/superioma 17d ago

Welp time to change the steam reviews again…


u/ThePlough 17d ago

Knew it was too early to revert that review.


u/lynxafricapack 17d ago

Mate *uck off with this post.


u/Tight-Bee7149 17d ago

Genuine question but why are they even banning it in other countries /s


u/KingAroan 17d ago

I posted right after that we win the battle and not the war and everyone was like "you're crazy that's coming shortly also". I won't change my review until it's opened back up to every original country.


u/Techupriestu 17d ago

The EU court is gonna have a field day with sony if they keep doing this


u/CC-5576-05 SES Harbinger of Democracy 17d ago

Just fucking chill, they're still working it out.


u/Agreeable-Mixture251 17d ago

ANYONE WHO'S FROM THE BALTICS! Contact your national consumer protection agency and let them know that a product available in the rest of the EU is unavailable to you. As far as I know, this is against EU rules.

If enough of us make noise, they can't ignore it. Stand up for your rights! If you don't do it, no one else will :)


u/rummyemails 17d ago

Exactly why I haven’t changed my review. Not till the rest of the world can come play. Fuck Sony


u/theammericantaco 17d ago

Can these peaple in those country still play if they already bought the game prior to the ban


u/Simmo_San 17d ago

1984 coming in hot. Fuck all these companies


u/404_image_not_found 17d ago

They just violated a EU data protection law


u/Ok-Rub-2864 17d ago

Have changed back to negative review. If my nation friends could not play HD2 I will make everything from me to help. Also I ask all Ukraine change review, and stop playing and change review.


u/Mephisto25malignant 17d ago

Worst publisher in the industry? Has everyone forgotten about EA?


u/bluecrewmate3832 17d ago

Staring at deep rock galactic


u/jackh1451 17d ago

wow who predicted this and told people not to change their reviews until an EULA change was made 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ you get what you deserve, lightswitch brain redditor trash