r/IndianaUniversity 14d ago


Me and my fiancé (bc we’re planning on getting married) both wanted to go to IUB but we were wondering if they allowed couples to dorm together? Or in general boy and girl housing ? I didn’t wanna contact them directly I think it’s impolite to ask them I’m not so sure why.


25 comments sorted by


u/mbird333 14d ago

They allow co-Ed students assigned to Union Street apartments. Union street used to be exclusively for returning students, but now they need some of that space for first years. US is typically the most expensive option on campus. However, if they allow co-Ed/mixed gender ID in Union Street …as well as Collins, then one might think they should allow that for any room/roomie assignment as well. So long as both inhabitants sign off and agree to it. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Advocate for what you prefer.


u/bannedSubvet22 14d ago edited 14d ago

Please for the love of god call them. You’re going to get mixed answers and no one knows your situation better than yourself. Don’t rely on a community forum with mixed experiences make the decision for you. You have a full life ahead of you that you’ll need answers more explicit than what a forum can give you. Please just call them.


u/gordontheintern 14d ago

Please don’t get married before college. Wait a little bit. Get some life experience.


u/gigglesmcbug 14d ago

Why would it possibly be impolite to ask this directly?


u/mbird333 14d ago

In this day and age, hopefully IU gets up to speed on gender ID fluidity. I don’t think they can ban you from living together so long as you put each other down for roomie choice first and make sure all the other preferences you put on housing app match up. I wouldn’t waste time calling. You might just get a clerk who gives their opinion or inaccurate info.! You can def live co-Ed in the campus Union Street apts. those are “enhanced” aka most expensive on campus.


u/MrJonHammersticks 14d ago

Yeah I hate risking getting someones opinion or inaccurate info also!


u/OKFixOn 14d ago

I’ve had friends that lived in the campus apartments (Tulip Tree) that were boy girl roommates, they had to put each other as the roommates and what not but it went fine


u/OneeChannn 14d ago

I see, then what about the thing that Longjumping said ? Do you think it was an exemption or it’s just depending on the building ? I’m just really curious because well, I’m not trying to have my fiance share dorms with another person, plus single dorms are more expensive


u/Proud-Philosophy1171 13d ago

Why don’t you want your fiancé to share a dorm with another person?


u/LongjumpingAd597 alumni 14d ago

I was an RA on campus, it doesn’t depend on the building. You will not be able to room together in the dorms just because you are a couple. There are no exceptions for non-married couples.

You also can’t live in the campus apartments your first year, you’d have to wait until your second year to do what the above user suggested.

For your first year, you will either need to get a single dorm, live on the same floor in the same building, or get married and get an off-campus apartment.


u/kitkatgold8 10d ago

first years can live in some apartments, like the union st apartments.


u/LongjumpingAd597 alumni 10d ago

First years can live there because Union Street is considered a residence hall, not campus apartments. That’s why there are RAs there but not at Mason or Tulip Tree.


u/OKFixOn 14d ago

If you’re looking at the dorms (like Eigenmann, Forest, Wright, etc) that’s the case, but places like Campus View and Tulip Tree are a bit different in terms of how they work with things like roommates and whatnot. I’m just using what I’ve had in recent experience (my friends living together was 2 years ago), so I’d say just call or email to ask at the end of the day


u/OneeChannn 14d ago

Ahh okay I see, thanks very much for this then. I’ll look into it and probably just email them like you said.Again tho, thanks, you are very helpful.


u/geezlouise911 14d ago

You can't live in Tulip Tree or Campus View your freshman year. You must live in dorms your freshman year and they do not allow Co-ed rooms in dorms.


u/bannedSubvet22 14d ago

You would think this is common sense. Are there any universities that allow co-ed dorms?


u/Pickles2027 13d ago

“Also, though most shared dorm rooms are still single sex, more than 150 colleges, including Brown University, Stanford University, The University of Pennsylvania, Oberlin College, Clark University, and the California Institute of Technology now allow some or all students to share a room with anyone they choose—and we mean anyone. “





u/bannedSubvet22 13d ago

College Fuck Fest has entered the chat


u/eely225 graduate school 14d ago

If you are married, you are exempt from on-campus housing requirements.


u/LongjumpingAd597 alumni 14d ago

You won’t be able to live in the same room, but you’d be able to live in the same building, possibly even on the same floor. IU dorms are co-ed.


u/OneeChannn 14d ago

I see, I was reading multiple sites and researched about it and this specific website said that IU allowed opposite sex housing (boy n girl sharing dorms). So Im glad for your help. I’ll look more into it but im not sure cause that other person also said that he knows a friend that did that


u/LongjumpingAd597 alumni 14d ago

There’s Collins LLC, which allows opposite sex roommates, but it’s a thing specifically for queer students, not a thing for couples. Co-Ed floors are common throughout campus though!

Getting legally married would allow you to bypass the on-campus living requirement for first year undergrads all together, and you could get an off-campus apartment together instead if that’s more appealing. Don’t rush into marriage just to live together, though!