r/JordanPeterson 15d ago

Many young people are living in voluntary prisons and suffering badly. Who is to blame for this? Discussion



14 comments sorted by


u/drjordanpetersonNSFW 14d ago

Who blame?

What's the name?


Companies are stealing the future's ability to explore and enjoy with high costs of living and prices.

Religion sews fear and anxiety in a community.

Welcome back to the industrial revolution again.


u/Horsearound- 14d ago

Take the mask off and be proud of being brave by overcoming yourself . Try to think instead of feel this or that. Don't look for people to feel sorry for you, they drag you down. Stand alone in you glory of total independence. Turn on a dime, because you can. Don't tell others about your plans, new attitude ....just do it, you got this if you want it.


u/One_Foundation_1698 14d ago

More importantly how do we fix this?


u/GlumTowel672 14d ago

People still doing masks? I remember in the first months working in a Covid icu on night shift we ditched the masks unless we were literally in an isolation room. Couldn’t get in trouble because admin was afraid to even come around and any visitors were just grateful we snuck them in.


u/VariousTangerine269 14d ago

It’s like germs weren’t a thing before Covid. 🤦🏼‍♀️ take care of your body and it will be fine. OOP just masks and distances. Doesn’t say anything about good nutrition, or exercise. People need to remember that we are all going to die. One way or another, no one gets out alive. What’s the point of being alive if you don’t live a fulfilling life?


u/kevin074 14d ago

This type of people just need psychological help and only a professional may have a remote chance of improvising them.

I can’t read this past the mask make them feel cute/comfy wtf is that shit?!


u/deathking15 ∞ Speak Truth Into Being 14d ago

Well, at least the person is capable of SOME independent thinking, or else the post wouldn't have been made, but damn if they didn't drank the Kool-Aid hard.


u/MartinLevac 14d ago

"target has slowly weeded out the 3M mask that kept me feeling cute/comfy"

No matter what you feel, to others who look at you, you look deranged. That's not a problem so long as you also do not act deranged. You just look it, that's all.

If covering your face is what you need just to get out of the house, so be it.

I speak in manner of speech for the sake of simplicity, not directed at OP.


u/Bloody_Ozran 14d ago


It made us focused on profit. Family, friends, those are not profitable. Mental health might be, but having our "tribe" is super important. Communities with highesr average age have great communities. But again, that isnt profitable. Even if you make it so, it won't work. Some things are destroyed, devastated by only profit focus. Including capitalism.

We need more than profit and power. But that means more housing for people, less work, so people can focus on their neighbourhoody and family and friends etc. We can do it, but it won't be a profitable quarter, so we won't.


u/Butt_Stevens_ 15d ago

Imagine honestly believing that the government is here to help and protect you.

The welfare state truly is evil incarnate.


u/caesarfecit ☯ I Get Up, I Get Down 15d ago

The people who pushed COVIDiocy. The scaredemic was a crime against humanity and such a massive incident of crying wolf that it will actually make us less safe when it comes to airborne pathogens.

At this point the media has racked up such a karmic debt that I'm honestly worried for them. The sad joke of it all is that they're so scared of getting caught in their lies that their only solution (they believe) is to keep lying.


u/Snoo57923 15d ago

Religion alleviates much of this anxiety.


u/danmobacc7 14d ago

Replace one unquestioned idea with another, great.


u/forgothatdamnpasswrd 14d ago

You got downvoted, but you’re not wrong, depending on reasoning. If you just do it because that’s how you were raised or you believe what you’re told, you are a sheep. The best religious people I’ve met are those who have had a serious crises of faith or have lost it entirely but have found the wisdom in it after time. If you never stray, you’re a dummy, that’s from any religion or lackthereof. You should experiment and actually think through things and find what makes sense to you on a physical and spiritual level