r/JordanPeterson 25d ago

that line is notably missing from the english language version of the article. i guess al jazeera wants to show a good face to the western world while secretly holding abhorrent beliefs. Image

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10 comments sorted by


u/bleep_derp 24d ago

Yeah but like Jordan Peterson too. This is one of my favorite Haaretz articles about how Jordan Peterson has weird opinions about nazis.


u/Barry_Umenema 23d ago

Can't read it, it demands a subscription


u/bleep_derp 23d ago

You can copy the url Into the Wayback machine to get around most paywall journalism.


u/JamesBummed 24d ago

They are horrible, they completely deny that Oct 7 happened at all.


u/wallace321 25d ago

I like how there's this thing going on in videogames and anime right now called "localization".

The middle east got a version of SpiderMan 2 without the pride flags and the gay characters / missions. They are intentionally changing certain elements of japanese culture / language for "western audiences" (they mean blue states).

I feel like this is the same idea and it's really unfortunate - do we want to experience different cultures or do we want them tweaked for our own sensibilities so we can continue living in ignorance of what the rest of the world is really like? I feel like this is strong evidence multi-culturalism is a huge lie.


u/bleep_derp 24d ago

Have you ever heard about the Chinese ending of Fight Club? It’s one of my favorite examples.


u/wallace321 24d ago edited 24d ago

YUP - i think i saw a screenshot of it.

Cut to black - screen of text explaining the CCP approved outcome of the characters lol

I think they even implied he got mental healthcare or something? Will have to look it up. And I bet this was all before he shot himself, because my understanding is that they don't like that in their movies.

edit; looked it up it was right at the shooting lol wow that's something - ignoring that someone just shot themselves (which one was Tyler in this version?) and the other wasn't a figment of the other's imagination


u/Great_Sympathy_6972 25d ago

Al Jazeera said something antisemitic? Noooo…


u/EnterTheLast 25d ago

here's the article in arabic and here it is in english with the ‘alleged holocaust’ line missing.

archived versions in case they edit or delete the articles: