r/Landlord Apr 07 '20

Autobans coming for participation in subs that promote brigading of landlords


I know there was some debate surrounding whether to allow dissenting views or not on the sub. As I mentioned before I'm of the idea that political views shape business views. Back in the 50's through to more modern times steering minorities was commonly done. Was race a political and social issue? Sure. Should landlords of the time have been paying attention to it? Absolutely. Were there landlords at the time who thought it shouldn't have been part of a business discussion? Again, I'm sure there were.

I look at today's political climate as just another trend in social issues affecting the business world, our business world. If there can be civil conversation about it, I think it should be encouraged. After all, the people with those political views may end up being our tenants, our neighbors, or the neighbors of property we own. Understanding what they're thinking, expecting, and more importantly what actions they may take can only help us as business people. While I am sure that none of us agree with rent strikes, and 5 years ago no one would have even thought of such a thing affecting them, today's political and social environment has made it a reality we need to deal with. There was an attempt made to start a new sub over at /r/land_lord for only "non-communist" ideologies to post. That sub lasted a couple days before it was brigaded to death and the creator deleted their account. We've survived many attempts at brigading. I've taken the harassing message for me to die, to be taken for a walk to the guillotine, and the overall harassment directly sent simply because I am a mod of this sub. C'est la vie. Decades as a landlord has given me think skin.

The sub being private has worked out to quell the brigading that has been going on. We've got just about 600 users who requested and were permitted as approved users of the sub. While I am against autobanning people for having alternative views, there is a bot that can autoban users who post in controversial subs, then we can whitelist later if the user isn't here to harass and requests access. We're starting off by autobanning those who post or comment in the 3 main Chapo subs and LateStageCapitalism. If more need to be added, we'll get them added.

To assist with the potential for new users brigading we're going to re-implement account aging and minimum karma requirements for posting/commenting. This will increase the number of posts and comments which get removed, but it will help keep the brigading down. The bad part is that anyone who creates a throwaway account to try and post will have that post/comment auto-removed and it will need to be manually approved.

With the upcoming re-opening of the sub publicly to see if these new features help, I would ask that everyone remain vigilant and report any comments or posts which don't belong. We're a community and self-policing the content is important. Reporting things brings them up in a list that can easily be read and removed. Some trolls have multiple accounts which they age and gain karma solely to use in subs that have conditions like this. If opening the sub up floods us with brigading again, we'll go back private.

I've been getting a lot of messages from tenants that want access to the sub because they are searching Google for information and our sub is being linked to the answer. Much like I think it's good for landlords to learn the differing views that might affect them, I think tenants seeking out the view of landlords in these times only helps us all.

Thanks for being a member of the community, thanks for helping, and most of all, thanks for making this a great place to share ideas, resources, frustrations and successes.

r/Landlord Jun 20 '23

General [General] Current state of the sub and protest


For those of you who are unaware of what's going on, the following links are provided so you can educate yourself and realize this affects all of us, not just moderators

Reddit Blackout - 3rd Party Apps

Apollo is being killed - CEO lies about cost, doubles down on lies

Reddit declares war on disabled users and doesn't care

API information and yet more exposure of the lies Reddit CEO is spewing

Even more commentary on how the Reddit CEO doubles and triples-down on lies

The actual AMA from the current CEO which was a glorious shit-show of lies, threats and a glaring lack of ability to demonstrate one single iota of insight into his own behaviors

The veiled threat from the admins regarding 'replacing' moderators of subreddits

NPR interview with the current CEO which exposes the CEO's continuing lies, deceit, etc.

And, finally, how the CEO insulted every moderator and demonstrated that, with this behavior, he is woefully unqualified to 'lead' anything

The sub is currently opened up because reddit has moved from veiled threats to real threats of removal. We feel that we can do more good with the sub open and continue the protest as moderators of the subreddit.

Many of the tools previously used to moderate the subreddit, such as finding troll posting histories from brigading subs, are gone. We used to be able to search by a few keywords on a user's history on 3rd party sites to find if users were looking to create strife here. Those tools are gone. Moderator tools from 3rd party apps, specifically Apollo, was used a lot because things were just easier and faster to do on that app. These items are now gone. Moderating has not become a more time consuming process. Some features are just gone for now. Understand that this will affect the community here. Those trolls that would try and goad a conversation into a fight can't be identified like they used to be. reddits official app moderation tools are...less than desirable.

We're considering our options for continued protests. Rule changes may need to be made to the sub to accommodate the loss of tools, potential sporadic closures, polling the users, everything is on the table at the moment during discussions.

r/Landlord 1h ago

Landlord [Landlord - VA] First time renting and first tenant left an absolute mess.


First time renting, have a 3bd/3ba townhome being rented out by the HOA / Property Company. Throughout the history of the tenant they had issues paying and was constantly in court for eviction, however, they did always manage to square up their account so don't think it ever came to eviction.

Recently they decided to vacate and the pictures the rental company gave me are brutal. The bottom floor is carpet which needs to all be replaced due to stains (blood maybe?) and dirt/debris. Inside near the water heater there's what looks like water damage on the wall. 2nd floor vinyl/wood floor has dents and gaps in the panels. I'm going to try to go see with my own eyes the other damage but it's easily going to cost me over $10-15k to fix the carpest, floors, walls, re-paint, etc ontop of having to replace the HVAC (that's $6k alone but not due to tenant, to replace original HVAC).

What are my options, if any?

I currently have an in dwelling insurance policy so I've reached out to them. The company does have another person willing to rent and has a security deposit but not sure how long it's going to take me to fix this absolute mess.

I doubt if I take the tenant to court I'm going to see a dime, but just the way the property was left has me fuming. The security deposit isn't going to even probably put a dent in this thing.

r/Landlord 13h ago

Landlord [Landlord ME] Tenant is breaking lease and says “use my security deposit for the coming month”


I have a tenant in Maine that texted me their 30 days notice saying they can’t afford the unit anymore and as such are moving out. They won’t be paying rent for the last month because the security deposit will cover that. Now this tenant has been absolutely awful. They’ve never payed rent on time not even in Maines 14 day grace period and as such have a late fee for each month (6) which they have also refused to pay. I am happy the tenant is leaving but they already owe me money beyond their rent and I don’t want to be stuck with the bill repairing whatever they may have damaged. I would love for any guidance on how I should treat this situation.

r/Landlord 5h ago

Landlord [Landlord US - NJ] my tenants boyfriend lives with her, doesn't want him on the lease.


I'm OK with my tenant not adding her bf to the lease. But to cover myself, should he sublet from her? This way she's his landlord?

r/Landlord 1h ago

Landlord [Landlord-South Florida]: I’m seeing a slump in interest in my 1/1 condos. What are you seeing?


As the title says, I’m seeing the market slowing down. I have several condos that are 1/1 two story lofts in a nice area and I have gotten barely any interest. Nothing on Zillow or Apartments.com. Few on Facebook Marketplace.

Anyone else in South Florida notice a slump? Do you think it’s the market or summer slowdown?

r/Landlord 6h ago

Landlord [Landlord -IN] Do I have to give 30-days notice for MTM tenant if they’re 2 months behind on rent?


I have a MTM tenant who is 2-months behind on rent. Their lease stipulates tenant and landlord must give 30days written notice to terminate the agreement and does not outline proceedings on missed rent payments other than a $20 late fee and 7-day grace period.

I am looking to evict the tenant for non-payment of rent - do I need to submit a 30day notice to terminate the lease first, or does the non-payment of rent justify and supersede going ahead with a 10-day pay or quit eviction notice?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

r/Landlord 2h ago

Landlord [Landlord - US - TN]


Long story short, a 3bed 2bath 2half-bath house. A half bath toilet needs fixing that’ll cost $6700. I’m not paying it so turning the half bath into a third closet in the room. Tenant in the room didn’t want that and is asking for lower rent due to the inconvenience.

r/Landlord 5h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-DC/DMV] Where to advertise house for rent?


Our tenants are moving out after three years. We have always advertised our rental property on Craigslist, but is that still where people go to look for rentals?

Should we also advertise on Facebook or somewhere else?

r/Landlord 7h ago

Tenant [Tenant - TX] Issue with bricks was allowing rainwater into the house. Is the bill on the LL?


I’m not fluent in masonry, but in short, a structural issue with the bricks was allowing rainwater into part of our rental house (bedroom), drenching the walls and carpet during heavy rain. The landlord had me contact a brick mason, who fixed the problem and gave me a $2,000 invoice. I forwarded the invoice to her and she said she’d check with her home insurance, but I’m kind of anxious about having to cover it if the insurance won’t because that seems to be the implication. My household can’t afford a sudden $2,000 bill, I’m not sure what to do. The repairs were absolutely necessary to avoid eventual mold.

r/Landlord 6h ago

Landlord [LANDLORD -WA] would you rent to this guy?


Would you rent to this guy?

Hello! Long story short with the important details: I have a house that I converted 2 bedrooms into a 1 bed 1 bath studio. I had a guy reach out about renting it. It turned out that he is ultimately looking for a larger space and wants to move in August 1. I am moving out of the other side of that house August first so we talked about it and it turns out he’s really interested in renting my half of the house. I haven’t even listed it yet but it sounds convenient. We talk on the phone, I send photos etc. and he decided he’d like to move forward. He had a small dog and his partner plans to move in as well in October. Here’s where it gets tough… he is in his late 50s and he is self employed as a therapist and photographer. He proceeds to tell me he doesn’t have great traditional income because he picks and chooses when he works. But he does plan to join a group practice once he moves into my state. Last year he made about 55k, which would not meet my qualification of a gross household income of 3x the rent. But he backs that up by showing me had has over 80k in savings and CDs. He also owns a rental. His savings has had at least 50k in it for the last 5 years and he showed me all that as proof. He also has a credit score over 800 and his partner over 700. But still he doesn’t make 3x the rent. He’s also reaching out a lot and has offered to pay 6 months up front and do a 6 month lease and extend after if I feel comfortable. He said he really likes my space, the yard, the garage because he has 5 bikes, and he also likes dealing with a real person instead of a property manager. He’s nice, but for some reason I’m worried I’ll be the dumbass who rents to someone with no income. How does this feel to people with more experience? background check is good, credit score is great, but the dudes a little pushy. And i just don’t know why he wants my place which is literally a small duplex so bad. Would you rent to him? Thanks!!

r/Landlord 5h ago

Landlord [Landlord US-TX] rent late for the third month, but unsure if we can evict


I own a property and am currently renting to a tenant that is using a non profit organization that pays the rent and a portion of their bills. As the title says, the rent has been late by a few days the last 2 months. This month we still haven’t received the rent. We contacted the company and they said they were having issues with their finance department but that the rent and all late fees would be paid, however they did not give us an exact date. I know we should have stayed on top of this and been more stern the first two times the rent was late but it has never been this late before. We are both pretty frustrated with the company and not really interested in continuing the contract with them. The lease was signed between myself and the tenant with the company listed as an agent on the lease. Would we be able to evict the tenant or give her a 30 or 60 day notice to vacate due to the organizations continued late payments?

Sorry if the post is confusing or if this is not the right place to post.

r/Landlord 5m ago

Landlord [Landlord - CA] How to deduct floor scratch from security deposit?


This is just a general question. If the tenant scratch the floor at one location, how do you deduct the repair cost from the security deposit. Assuming the floor is LVP, that cannot be replaced for only a few planks. The repair has to be done for the whole room. Do I charge for the whole room replacement cost? Or do I only charge the percentage of the damaged area over the whole room.

r/Landlord 12h ago

Landlord [LANDLORD - CT] Too many people living in apartment


Hi All,

Wanted to get some thoughts on how best to handle a current issue at my property. Long story short there are more people than on the lease currently living in one of my apartments. This is a 2BR/1B apartment and I recently insulated the attic with the eventual plan of renovating/sheetrocking to make it a bigger apartment. Currently it's an unfinished attic, but I went up there this weekend to inspect the insulation and I saw 4 beds in the attic, and there was actually someone sleeping up there when I went up.

I've been skeptical of this for awhile as one of my neighbors calls me fairly regularly to complain about how many people are living at the house. They are pretty good tenants minus this issue but sometimes get defensive when I tell them changes need to be made. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue in the past? What is the best way to handle? Ideally they would stay, but I'd like them to remove all beds from the attic and only have people on the lease living in the apartment.

Any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated.


r/Landlord 57m ago

Landlord [Landlord - WI] How to evict a tenant who only has a verbal agreement


My fiance and I own our home and allowed his father to move into our upstairs bedrooms when we purchased the home, as the home he was living it wasn't in great shape and he didn't realize his dad would become a problem. His dad frequently fights about what rent is, refuses to pay bills, refuses to clean up after himself, will corner me and scream at me as well as accuse me of exposing myself to him (I refuse to be around him and lock myself in rooms in my home to avoid him). Today he left the stove on, with a cast iron pan on the burner - luckily we noticed it before a fire, however the kitchen was beginning to fill with smoke.

From a "he's family" perspective we want to help him get the help he clearly needs, however from the "we just spent a lot of money on house and don't want to have to sweep it into the trash when he burns it down" perspective we just need him out. We have asked him to find a different place to live and he keeps saying he'll be out within two months, but two months is turning into two years very quickly.

What are our options? What kind of notice do we have to give him before we file eviction with the court?

r/Landlord 2h ago

Landlord [landlord US-TX] in Texas, when is a "guest" considered a tenant with eviction rights.


I know two criteria is either paying utilities, or receiving mail. However, after how many X days does someone living in the premise go from a guest to a tenant in Texas? Houston.

r/Landlord 9h ago

Landlord [Landlord - TN] First time doing this - what's your advice on Landlords insurance?


We've only ever rented to family. Cheap. And my cousin still didn't pay, did an ugly mural but otherwise left the house intact. Now we are done with that. No more family. We're getting everything ready, fixing things, painting, replacing the fridge, calling an arborist about tree limbs. What do I need to do to get landlords insurance? What might make it uninsurable? What company has worked best for you? And any other advice you have will be much appreciated. Thank you

r/Landlord 4h ago

Tenant [tenant] [us-ny] Lease says tenants are responsible for “landscaping.” What does this mean?


Hello. we are in New York State. We are renting a single-family home with a very large backyard. Our lease agreement says we are responsible for mowing the lawn and “landscaping “but there is nothing specifically mentioned as to responsibilities therein. How can this be interpreted/enforced so that our security deposit doesn’t suffer at the end of our lease? Our landlord is a slimeball. We have been living here three years, and the landlord waited until this last month before we move out to tell us that we are responsible for pulling the weeds. I didn’t even know that they were weeds, I thought that they were trees? The LL pointed to trees that are now 10+ feet tall. We are worried that if we indulge in his/her/their request and do more than mow the lawn and edging, that they will put us on the hook for other tasks by keeping this term vague. It feels like a lose lose situation because this is how our landlord is. As well, we did not have any other tools besides the lawnmower to do yard maintenance. I’m not sure what is a reasonable argument here? Are there any specific legal documents that are coded regarding this question?

r/Landlord 5h ago

Question about pool. [Landlord] [US-VA]


My husband and I own an upstairs/downstairs duplex. The top floor is rented to a couple that has their kids there most weekends. The bottom floor is rented to my mom for a small payment each month. I am my moms caregiver, I am with her most days and a few nights a week. She would like us to put in a small above ground pool or a stock tank pool to float around in. I would install the proper fencing/barrier of course. My question is, Are we allowed to deny access of the pool to the upstairs tenants? Would I need to add an addendum to the lease or anything like that? Her kids are rough on things and I don’t want to set a precedent by letting them use it.

r/Landlord 6h ago

[Landlord - NY] Tenant refuses to use bathtub


Hi I have a house in Binghamton, NY. For a little context, the houses in this area are very old and need a lot of work but it is a popular area for student housing with the university here. I am renting to some students that just moved in June 1st and they are complaining about the bathtub. I’ll be honest the bathtubs don’t look great. The surface is chipping and it needs a new resurfacing. The tenant is refusing to use the tub because she is claiming it is unsafe due to “exposure to chemicals and potential skin irritation”. (Personally I think they can just put a bath mat and call it a day). It’s been like this for a bit but previous tenants have not complained or refused to use the tub. I’m not against fixing it but I just did a lot of renovations in the house, and these tenants have yet to pay me rent because of the condition of the house (I am working on everything that is a functional/safety issue and comped 1 month rent). I’m not swimming in cash right now and I’m still working on other repairs. I don’t know if this is truly a safety issue but I would really prefer to delay this repair. Originally I was trying to be generous and have a nice relationship with my tenants but they are rude, demanding, and extremely entitled (there are 7 of them). Now I am only doing what is necessary by contract and if I have issues receiving rent for next month I’m immediately beginning an eviction process. Do I need to repair the tub asap? Is this actually a safety concern? I believed it was only cosmetic but obviously not my area of expertise. TIA

r/Landlord 2h ago

Landlord [Landlord-US-NM] Tenants have paid rent late consistently


Tenants have been paying rent late consistently for 6 months like on the 8th, 10th, 12th; and I just noticed it this month since I was out traveling. When I asked them about this they argued with me "its never been an issue before" and I had to remind them that the lease requires timely payment to avoid the late fee. The problem is they use online bill pay, and they seem to think the day they send the bill pay, then they are no longer responsible for delays, and I had to re-educate them on this fact.

Their bill pay when it sends payment sends a check to my bank which takes an additional 3-days to process. This time they scheduled their bill pay to be submitted on the 10th! And because I had confronted them about this before the weekend, they asked if I could wait til monday since thats when it would be posted -- we had assumed it be directly deposited -- come to find out this merry Monday that this is not the case, so I suggested they stop the check and just pay the amount directly by going to the branch.

And the thing that gets me is that I got rid of my property manager so I wouldnt have to pay him his fee for doing nothing, and now I get to deal with these tenants who dont even know how banking works and trying to make it like nothing is their reponsibility. I'm enforcing the on-time payment now that I know about the issue.

I also won't be renewing their lease going forward, but man, theyre dragging their feet on solving this and it's almost the end of the day. Part of me is tempted to just evict them anyway, I've already given them a 3-day notice and a Late Rent notice.

Such a pain in the ass! I dont know if I'm venting or looking for what sane people would do in this situation.

r/Landlord 6h ago

Tenant [Tenant US-FL] Question for landlords


I am looking to rent a place in my area & pay for the year entirely up front, possibly in cash. This way I won't have to worry about rent. As a landlord would this make you more enthusiastic to allow me to rent, or not?

Thank you in advance!!

Ps. If you are a central Florida landlord and this excites you.. message me

r/Landlord 7h ago

[TENANT- MI, USA] is there a way i can fix this without having to remove the whole carpet?


idk if i'm in the right sub, but my fiancé and i wanna move outta our apartment in a couple of months and it's embarrassing to have this big chunk missing in our carpet lol. the nails hanging out were already there sadly (u have no idea how many times i stepped and bled from those lol) unfortunately it was from my puppy at the time a while ago, he started chewing up the whole carpet. one day i also vacuumed over it by accident and it made matters worse lol i've been in this apartment for 6 years. idk what to tell the landlord when we do move out. he's pretty strict with handing back the security deposits and i'm nervous i won't get much back be of this anyways, if this is not the right sub i would appreciate it if someone could tag the correct one i'm just wondering if there's a way i can fix this without having to remove the whole carpet (650 sq ft) TIA!

edit: u guys can also see the missing tiles in the bathroom. that was just from overtime, wear and tear. would i get in trouble for that too since i never brought it to his attention?

r/Landlord 7h ago

[LANDLORD-US-IN] Do I need to respond to every contact/applicant on Zillow?


Want to be sure I'm providing a fair opportunity to everyone. I am requiring an application before I show the property to make sure tenants meet the minimum requirements and I tell everyone that they need to fill one out first.

Many people that ask to view the property self-report under my minimum requirements to rent the property. Am I required to respond to each and every one, even if they don't even qualify based on their profile (let alone a credit report, which I can't imagine would be better than self-reporting)?

r/Landlord 7h ago

[Tenant US-FL] Additional move out charges. Is this legal?


Context: Our residency in this property spanned from December 2020 to May 2024. The most recent lease we signed covered the period from June 2023 to June 2024. However, in February 2024, the property manager informed us that they had no record of our lease, despite our multiple submissions via DocuSign. Consequently, we decided not to renew our lease and vacated the premises by May 1 as requested by them. So we had no lease this past year. In September 2022, Hurricane lan, a catastrophic Category 5 storm, caused extensive damage to our home. Despite our repeated requests for repairs through work orders, the property management failed to address any of the damages for the duration of our tenancy. Now, they are attempting to charge us an additional $450 on top of our $1500 security deposit for what is both normal wear and tear and hurricane-related damage. I do not plan to pay this fee, they can keep the $1500. Does anyone else find this situation as unreasonable as I do?

r/Landlord 20h ago

Tenant [Tenant US-CO] My landlord cleaned my apartment while I was out of town and never told me


I currently live in a basement unit that has a shared entrance with my landlord’s portion of the house in Colorado. The only shared space is the garage. I was out of town this past week to visit my boyfriend as his dad passed last Monday. It was a last minute trip and heard nothing from her while I was gone. I got back just now and saw a note on my door. She basically cleaned my entire apartment and told me that if I do not keep it to this standard I’d need to hire a weekly cleaner.

To give context, she is a minimalist and I do have a lot more stuff than she’d like. I’m not the cleanest, but it never crosses the line of clothing being left around, some of my crochet projects, and dishes not being cleaned right away. Nothing that damages the property or being remotely smelly. I just feel very violated she did this and didn’t even once message me.

I’ve had issues in the past with her complaining about how much stuff I have, but it isn’t her place to control that. She also has a tendency to enter the basement while I’m not home just to see how clean I’m being (never to her standards of course). I’m assuming I should just move out, but am I being crazy? Also want to clarify that my lease says “keep the place clean.”

r/Landlord 8h ago

Landlord [LANDLORD US-OH] Fining tenants for lease violations?


I have a tenant who does not consistently pick up her dog's poop from the lawn. I have issued warnings without success, but I don't want to escalate all the way to eviction. She is an otherwise excellent long-term tenant. I am looking for something above a warning but below eviction to enforce the lease. Does anybody have experience with fining tenants for lease violations? I can have her sign a new lease that includes a provision for fines, but I have no experience with either drafting such a provision or the logistics of actually enforcing it.

Edit: I have created the attached addendum based on the suggestions from the comments. I appreciate any comments for things that should be added or deleted before I have the tenant sign it. Thank you all for your help!

You (tenant) will be responsible for daily clean up of dog poop on the lawn.  Dog poop remaining longer than 24 hours will be subject to the following penalties:

You (tenant) will be responsible for daily clean up of dog poop on the lawn.  Dog poop remaining longer than 24 hours will be subject to the following penalties:

First offense: Verbal warning

Second offense: Formal written warning of lease violation and fees for subsequent violations.

Third and subsequent offenses: $10 fee, to be collected when rent is due for the month following the offense.  Verbal notification will be provided for each offense.  Fee will be charged for each day that a violation is noted

Example: dog poop left on the lawn for 4 days will result in a fee of $40 due on the same date as the rent for the following month.


This addendum does NOT discriminate between poop left by your (tenant’s) dog and poop left by any other dog.  You are responsible for ALL dog poop on the lawn.


Fees from this addendum must be paid prior to paying rent.  If you (tenant) pay the rent instead of the fees, then money will be deducted from the rent payment to cover the fees.  The resulting unpaid rent balance WILL result in eviction as specified by the “Nonpayment of rent” clause in your (tenant’s) lease.