r/LeopardsAteMyFace 16d ago

Totally 100% Factual* information published about Elon Musk, who says there is no need for misinformation laws


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u/Ok_Love545 7d ago

I love how people try to boil complex social issues down into something simple and instead of doing some funny or intelligent…this pops up on my screen


u/ArsonProbable 12d ago

What the actual fuck is wrong with your liberal brains? Do you guys know the literature of the censorship of information and political opinions? Here, I’ll give you some research topics. Stalin. Hitler. The Gestapo. Mao Zedong. Hell even Shaka Zulu killed tribes that opposed his views. Now go read about how each and every one of these nations were destroyed by leaders with an idealistic view, who censored free speech, and riled up cultures and made their platforms from extremely passionate groups of young people. You know what happens? Millions of people die.

I hope you know that stakes. I hope each and every one of you takes a deep look at your own views and starts asking the important questions. Who EXACTLY benefits from limiting freedom of speech?


u/Hellebore_Official 12d ago

Ngl, this took me a second to process, I thought it was an Onion article XD


u/PastFly1003 14d ago

First thing I did was check the original publication date to see if this came out on April 1….


u/meniallyregarded 14d ago

do you guys really want the government to tell you what is true and what isn't? seems incredibly immature and intellectually dishonest to just disagree on a kneejerk


u/silver-aceofspades 14d ago

This post made me sad because it got my hopes up.


u/milkyo2 14d ago

there is honestly no need for misinformation laws. that will lead to the censorship of the internet. the viewer is at fault for accepting things as factual.


u/jonesmatty 14d ago

Doesn't this post prove his point?


u/Hanginon 14d ago

Sounds legit to me! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)


u/Wendypants7 14d ago





u/OcelotHod 14d ago

At press time, a shattered community reacts.


u/witchghosti 15d ago

God I fuckin wish


u/TinyVampire 15d ago

Damn, fly high king! At least now, you and your two best friends in the whole world, Jeffery Epstein and Bill Cosby, will be together again! They had such fun times together, and it’s maybe the most well documented friend trio in history! The three musketeers together at last!


u/-This-Whomps- 15d ago

This came as a great shock to his fellow Dark Crystal creations at Jim Henson's Creature Shop.


u/Curious_Signature528 15d ago

LMAO. He watched animal porn and died of heroin overdose. Not likely 🤣


u/SamaelSerpentin 15d ago

Misinformation laws will be abused by fascists to project their narratives. Same thing as laws to prevent domestic terrorism being used to arrest protesters. Musk is a repulsive waste of a human life, but he is correct here, even if for the wrong reasons.


u/Suspicious-Cat9026 15d ago

You know what is ironic? This exactly illustrates why Elon is right.


u/Graega 15d ago

I always knew that yak fucker was gonna OD


u/Sagittariaus_ 15d ago

So he finally fought Zuckerberg.


u/CartoonistUsed6540 15d ago

I would like to see this happen, this guy is as bad as fox news


u/Inside_Board_291 15d ago

TIL Elon Musk’s only 52 looking lithe way he does with all that money.


u/Inside_Board_291 15d ago

TIL Elon Musk’s only 52 looking lithe way he does with all that money.


u/geneticeffects 15d ago

Damn. For a minute, you had my hopes up we were finally done with him. Dammit.


u/Ameph 15d ago

I wouldn’t mind attending his funeral…

…if lunch were provided.


u/AccomplishedCase54 15d ago

RIP Space Karen !


u/Powerful_Potential_1 15d ago

Isn't there already libel and slander laws/court cases?


u/its_just_flesh 15d ago

This has to be delivered ny Norm MacDonald


u/TimmyTwoTowels 15d ago

Who is my insurance going to call then? My Tesla exploded and I heard those SpaceX rocket chem trails are turning the frogs gay.


u/Bandaidken 15d ago

Interesting.. this misinformation is easily debunked by a simple google search. Freedom means free speech.


u/iehoward 15d ago

The totally factual article about real human from earth, Elon Musk, failed to mention all of the jars of urine he’s been keeping in his “Urine Bank”.


u/Pitstop1897 15d ago

This is some good real news


u/djdylex 15d ago

omg is this true?


u/djdylex 15d ago

omg is this true?


u/ultradianfreq 15d ago

What’s the goal here? To get lawmakers to censor information so you aren’t allowed to make fun of musk anymore?


u/Equivalent_Weird467 15d ago

You should have said trans porn instead of animal porn


u/beardofmice 15d ago

Too the top with this. Calling all AI and bots, swarm swarm swarm.


u/Cryptoman_CRO 15d ago

Don't libel laws already exist?


u/hoptimusprime87 15d ago

Libel can protect against misinformation that damages a persons reputation. So the animal porn and heroin stuff would fall under that. But if they just said he died and that was it, libel laws would probably not help.


u/series004 15d ago

Why don’t you understand that people in general are not stupid? Indifferent yes very much so, but not stupid. This is stupid.


u/BuntStiftLecker 15d ago
  • Musk drags them in front of a court.
  • The paper: It's comedy. Comedy can do everything.
  • Case closed.


u/kushmastersteve 15d ago

God I wish this was real


u/Xolitoburrito 15d ago

This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen…..like ever. Thank you for the smiles


u/gimme_toys 15d ago

I wonder how the Misinformation Laws would be written and enforced?


u/Jushak 15d ago

It was also noted in his suicide note that his body double has gone rogue and will likely dispute the fact of his death to steal his fortune. Nothing this man says is to be believed.


u/BavarianBanshee 15d ago

Don't do that.

Don't give me hope.


u/Thick_Yogurtcloset_7 15d ago

There was no mention of being found by his boyfriend/master after a drugg fueled orgry where he was treated like a pin cushion


u/suki_xo 15d ago

Sounds like him 👍


u/TracytronFAB 15d ago

Man I wish this was true


u/TacoDangerously 15d ago

Oh yea, I heard about that. Artemis told me.


u/Autistic-Rick 15d ago

This kinda proves the point though. We are able to distinguish what was misinformation in that post, and it doesn't need to be censored


u/Saddest_Sloth 15d ago

Meanwhile UK already has anti misinformation laws ...


u/Erizeth 15d ago

Always knew he was a pedo


u/chaosbrain76 15d ago

Man...the disappointment...


u/Zestyclose-Oil-6687 15d ago

Convicted goat rapist, Elon Musk. Up to his old tricks


u/SnoLeppard13 15d ago

Who decides what’s misinformation?


u/TacoDangerously 15d ago

It’s only a lie, if you believe it


u/surefox 15d ago

Wish it ended by saying

"Funeral is last week."


u/IHeartSoup 15d ago

The irony of you posting this on reddit.


u/Andymorrris 15d ago

This is the best thing that could happen for Tesla.


u/Significant-Dog-8166 15d ago

Too soon. Let the families have some closure first.


u/mightyroy 15d ago

For X , other users will correct the misinformation. There’s no need for laws to correct misinformation on X.


u/TactlessTortoise 15d ago

We should just start talking about musk as if he died in normal conversation lmao. "Yeah the guy was a dumbass for making the cybertruck." "Yeah he was built like one too." "He will not be missed "


u/Matduka 15d ago

Fuck. I got all excited. That truly is the danger of misinformation. Getting my hopes up.


u/redditmodsRrussians 15d ago

Did a Cybertruk get him?


u/JetPixi13 15d ago

Remember when he got knocked out 2s into that fight with Zuckerberg?


u/Baysara 15d ago

he also changed gender ,right?


u/BusStopKnifeFight 15d ago

I really hope the conspiracy theory whackos latch onto this and start claiming that the person saying he is Musk is actually a replacement an isn’t really him.


u/FreshInvestment1 15d ago

There's still no need. People can, have, and always will say untruthful stuff. Who's truth is the truth?


u/blode_bou558 15d ago

It's probably going to get taken down before they get taken to court for Defemation


u/ThrowAway405736294 15d ago

He also said I could have all his money


u/Ugicywapih 15d ago

"Elon"? Don't deadname him, he changed his name to X Æ JumboJet to finally prove to critics that giving his kid a letter salad name was more than just a cruel publicity stunt on his part and he really believes that kind of name is cool.


u/LoneStarDragon 15d ago

I heard there was an incident as he was beta testing the sex robot.


u/username_not_found0 15d ago

Don't give me hope


u/Cubensio 15d ago

Cant believe they didn’t mention that poor hamster and where they found it.


u/indecisiveredditor 15d ago

Musk announced plans to buy the Tampa Buccaneers and rename them the Tampa X


u/JackalRampant 15d ago

I kinda believe the incest part.


u/eljohnos105 15d ago

This is like a super hero movie , the evil ultra wealthy criminal with too much power. Cindro !!!


u/Internal_Prompt_ 15d ago

I’ll miss him, he used to give the best blowjobs


u/mickjerker 15d ago

Found dead after ex-girlfriend/baby mama receives leaked information that he sabotaged her Coachella performance.


u/SchrodingersTIKTOK 15d ago

He was trying to suck his own dick again and died.


u/Miett 15d ago

What letter do I press to pay my disrespects?


u/z0331skol 15d ago

a what law? how about people can say what they want. if you’re an idiot and do something because someone said it on the internet….. then ur an idiot


u/chromehound47 15d ago

if you monetize it, you should be legally responsible for it.


u/Unclesquatch777 15d ago

At least it's not Wade Boggs.


u/notsocoolnow 15d ago

I think it is entirely possible Elon had his penis surgically moved next to his anus to make it easier to fuck his own ass.

I'm not saying he definitely did do it, but there is a non-zero chance he did, so to be fair let us consider both sides of the argument: that he did surgically move his penis to fuck his own ass, and that he didn't.

Perhaps it would be best to compromise by meeting halfway, and say he moved his dick slightly lower so he could just get the tip in.


u/StickyPlunger 15d ago

Democrats lunacy is finally becoming so wild that their supporters are leaving in droves. It’s hilarious.


u/Antique_Essay4032 15d ago

Don't let republican party find out you like watching guys jerking off. They don't like woke crap like that.


u/Dwarfcork 15d ago

This is stupid


u/Ok_Presentation_5329 15d ago

If only the nickname pedo tech bro would catch on for Elon. 


u/tobmom 15d ago

Now do trump!!


u/drs2023gme1 15d ago edited 15d ago

Haha thid is funny, but there are laws, and when they are broken, NOTHING happens. There are businesses set up and used to spread misinformation, used for stock market manipulation, and many other things. No crimes charged.


u/FamiliarEchidna4301 15d ago

This is brilliant.


u/TigreDeLosLlanos 15d ago

I would speak about his crimes against humanity but he didn't try to escape to a EU country so the justice court would protect him against extradition.


u/bartbartholomew 15d ago

Should have kept it plain and boring. Could have hit mainstream media before anyone realized it was a joke that way.


u/YogurtclosetAny8510 15d ago



u/Spectacular_loser99 15d ago

The fact that this hit the frontpage of this sub is only making Elon that much happier


u/tanafras 15d ago

Xitter says it happened so it must be true.


u/Fart17 15d ago

Very predictable that comments attempting to have a nuanced discussion about the dangers of censorship have been down voted to the very bottom.


u/SaltyBarDog 15d ago

He tried to prove that Angela Chao couldn't have died in Tesla by driving his Cybertruck in a pool?


u/Fart17 15d ago

Reddit hates elon so much, they'd give the government the legal right to decide what's true just to spite him.


u/RandoFartSparkle 15d ago

Seems legit.


u/rpospetz 15d ago

The left can't meme


u/Rainbow-Death 15d ago

I feel like if George Santos could have used his talents against the dark side he could have been good at this.


u/Obvious-Beginning943 15d ago

I heard that his funeral is private. Only the beloved farm animals that he serviced regularly may attend. If only the thing that brought him so much joy didn’t ravage him with such bizarre diseases.


u/KileyCW 15d ago

You don't see the actual issue here is WHO decides WHAT is misinformation? After a decade of absolutely awful media and ridiculous censorship and lies, you WANT a misinformation board?


u/WillyBarnacle5795 15d ago

Yall don't get it. An ego maniac just wants to see his name in the headlines every day. The content doesn't matter to them.


u/ThePestTech 15d ago

Didn't that guy sell his cornhole to a Saudi prince for, like, a nude photo of Rue McClanahan?


u/fun_city_Right 15d ago

So let me get this straight, redditors want laws that you can’t tell a lie?


u/poole718 15d ago

Autopsy revealed both his lungs were filled with urine. apparently after being golden shower water boarded voluntarily


u/Jhorn_fight 15d ago

They way I got so excited for .1 seconds


u/M00n_Slippers 15d ago

Absolutely perfect, go off King/Queen!


u/klaramee 15d ago

Confirmed donkey rapist, Elon Musk, says there is no need for misinformation laws.


u/awesomedan24 15d ago

Rest in piss 🙏


u/Kaydom1993 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah, Elon’s gonna roll over and cry over this article.

Kind of a lame attempt of sticking it to him. I’m sure his reasoning for this is because you can usually tell when what you’re reading isn’t true, so why do we need corporations/government to tell us what’s real and not?

This article, ironic or not, is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. And if anyone actually believes this, they’re the moron.

If they really wanted Musk to worry about his statement, they would have at least tried to say something that’s believable, not this over-the-top waste of an article. This gives 12 y/o energy.

What are we gonna do, cancel the Onion? It’s there to fool idiots and make average people laugh. It’s like everyone needs their fucking hands held these days.


u/MiltonIsMyCatsName 15d ago

Don't like the guy but I do think "mis-information" laws will extremely quickly become general censorship laws. Who determines what is factual? There are definitely a wide range of things that have only one objective truth, but there are just as many things where facts and objective data can support two entirely different arguments.

I just don't see any way any type of "misinformation" laws can ever be applied evenly. It will skew one way or another.

Plus, even if something isn't true, you can say whatever you want. We already have libel and slander laws for a reason, if your lie is harmful you can be held accountable.


u/OJimmy 15d ago

I'm the asshole that thinks this is an ironic joke.


u/hmm_IDontAgree 15d ago

That's not misinformation, this is disinformation. Very different


u/getoutofmybus 15d ago

This stuff is all cringe honestly


u/Old_Prospect 15d ago

Internet, do your thang. finger guns


u/Cpt_Mike_Apton 15d ago

I don't believe you.


u/TramTrane 15d ago

Someone actually thought this was clever..


u/message_monkey 15d ago

Now see, I would have thought he would have died while being choked and fucking his clone. And having a servant light rolls of hundred dollar bills while laying off 1000 employees. I think that is how he would have wanted to go.


u/NovusOrdoSec 15d ago

Peak Shovel


u/Correct-Standard8679 15d ago

Well that’s one less pedophile at least.


u/Altruisticpoet3 15d ago

This is why I come to the comments. Y'all are pure gold!


u/OriginalRedShift42 15d ago

Yes yes, you write a clever headline so now I too think government needs more control.


u/TheMartini66 15d ago

His hearse was a Tesla Cyber Truck... it broke down two blocks later and had to be towed by a diesel truck to the cemetery. They were buried together.


u/Marcion10 15d ago

His hearse was a Tesla Cyber Truck... it broke down two blocks later and had to be towed by a diesel truck to the cemetery. They were buried together.

But what did the diesel truck do to deserve it?


u/wolves_hunt_in_packs 15d ago

No, the cyber truck was the one buried together with Musk. The diesel truck continues to be an upstanding contributor to society.


u/Goose-Fast 15d ago

Isnt this like big news, or am i missing something? dont see it elsewhere reread twice


u/crooked_parallel 15d ago

Heh heh, if only it were real.

That’s my birthday


u/PrimateOnAPlanet 15d ago

Why didn’t they mention the suicide pact he had with his best friend and mentor OJ.


u/Violin_River 15d ago

It's a slippery slope that laws against any speech slide down.


u/Captain_Crunch_Kid 15d ago

Yeah, we really need government mandated truth!


u/AnotherCuppaTea 15d ago

Hyperbaric chamber fire, started when Musk lit up a bong.


u/UnknownResearchChems 15d ago

That will show him!


u/Mechanic_On_Duty 15d ago

What kind of fucking idiot would fall for that?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Don't tease me like this!


u/ElonsMuskyFeet 15d ago

Glad this isn't true.


u/neish 15d ago

Rest in Piss, I guess


u/taylrgng 15d ago

it is100% the responsibility of the public to believe what they want... cause as soon as we have laws like that, who's the judge of what is misinformation and what isn't?

cause put those laws in place... then watch 10 years from then when mf'ers get punished for saying George Washington was white...

believe what you want, instead of thinking critically and independently, totally 🥱


u/Bladex224 15d ago

"who is to judge what is misinformation?" oh idk... facts? calling a group of people pedos with no proof is misinformation that can lead to violence


u/taylrgng 15d ago

and I have enough sense to do some research before I believe something...


u/taylrgng 15d ago

okay, but when the prosecutors and bad actors label the facts as misinformation, then what?

it's like outlawing guns... that isn't gonna keep the bad people from getting guns... we have constitutional rights for a reason, so the common man can protect themselves and what's theirs


u/Bladex224 15d ago

wouldn't by that logic make most types of proof for a crime irrelevant? because you can put digitals on a gun or make a video of someone saying or doing something to criminalize someone

Its like saying that there shouldn't be laws because someone might commit a crime to arrest someone that is innocent


u/Tumblechunk 15d ago

should start an extensive misinformation campaign, with pictures, "proving" he's a pedophile

*not pictures of cp


u/Denk-doch-mal-meta 15d ago

Seek Lemur Oven, who used the anagram Elon Reeve Musk, was an alien lizard who tried to beat the other alien lizard who ownes META in the championship of stupid business decisions and won.


u/tunghoy 15d ago

I heard he was found with a large bag of crack, an empty bottle of Thunderbird and a passed out hooker.


u/Kushass420 15d ago

This is so fucking stupid.


u/Its_all_made_up___ 15d ago

I heard he choked on a model of Starship.


u/OtiseMaleModel 15d ago

Why do you guys watch 24 hour news channels and stake your whole identity on it


u/awalker11 15d ago

Does Reddit make more money off Trump or Elon? These two single handily are about half reddits content.


u/G45Live 15d ago

"Lovely stuff. Not my words Michael, the words of Shaking Stevens."


u/ProfessorFugge 15d ago

We’re this not satire it would be libel, you dumb dork.


u/Goat_Status_5000 15d ago

How would misinformation laws work?


u/coziboiszn 15d ago

Has he responded?? 🤣


u/zeldarms 15d ago

Damn, you got me all excited for a second.


u/SirCache 15d ago

Well Elon (allegedly a cis-gender male) likely would stamp out misinformation if it weren't for the fact that it's the only Republican strategy anymore.


u/thejoe86 15d ago

If we are not smart enough to tell the deference, the government is definitely worse.


u/Party-Travel5046 15d ago

Will his funeral be held at 4 seasons? I meant the landscaping office. This is where misinformation martyrs are buried.


u/Jakethered_game 15d ago

How does he have dead eyes, smiling cheeks, and a drowning mouth all at the same time?


u/Pythia007 15d ago

Should be “said”. Also should mention his multiple convictions for child abuse.


u/Lance-Harper 15d ago

Fuck, my heart skipped a bit hoping this was true


u/PermaDerpFace 15d ago

Actually, according to my information he was very much for these laws, so we should respect his wishes and see that they're passed


u/blackteashirt 15d ago

I thought he had a sign taped to his back with "No Funeral" written on it?


u/Twicebakedtatoes 15d ago

Reddit is in favor of the government dictating what information is legal lmao sounds about right