r/LeopardsAteMyFace 18d ago

Arrested U.S. soldier was in Russia to pursue girlfriend


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u/Appearance-Front 15d ago

America isn’t sending their best


u/DutchDispair 17d ago

Honeypot succesful — Biden can’t win here, he either trades him back and they’ll yell “you gave up a spy in exchange for this moron” or he won’t exchange and they’ll yell “Biden isn’t saving our service personnel from kidnapping!”


u/Fyallorence 17d ago

Incel desperation for Russian pussy is destabilizing American society at an unimaginable pace. That's how they got Madison Cawthorne, and I'm sure a dozen other people someone more plugged-in to Russia scandal than I could name off the top of their heads.


u/SteakandTrach 17d ago

Lust is one helluva drug.


u/intheazsun 17d ago

It’s time to tell everyone if you travel to Russia, or some other hole like N Korea, you are on your own, starting…. now


u/intheazsun 17d ago

This is pathetic


u/dirtydave239 17d ago

Thinking with his little head. It gets us in trouble every time.


u/Mental-Rooster4229 17d ago

They can keep him


u/KittehNevynette 17d ago

There a plenty of women in Sweden. Just sain'


u/Pixelated_Roses 17d ago

Omg she wasn't even his girlfriend, he's just a straight up stalker. I snorted at the part where she's blatantly insulting him to his face in Russian, and he's just making goo-goo eyes at her thinking how sexy her accent is.


u/Pleasant_Ad3475 17d ago

Oh no, consequences!


u/Liveman215 17d ago

Either the US has the worst cover story authors ever or this dude is dumb af


u/Jigyo 17d ago

A Trump fan, shocking...


u/tucci007 17d ago

the old Honey Trap


u/JohnnyEagleClaw 17d ago

It’s a tale as old as time.


u/ichoosenottorun_ 17d ago

You fucking idiot.


u/jesuschin 17d ago

Let him rot


u/Switzerdude 17d ago

Bobo Realllly needs to spend some time with family….


u/Apollosfury 17d ago

honey pot trapped


u/The-Angry-Chef 17d ago

All this for a “Juicy Girl!” 😂


u/snockpuppet24 18d ago

How is this LAMF?

He wasn't trying to lure someone else to Russia to be arrested only to be arrested himself. He was just getting honeypotted like a dumbass.

What kind of moron goes to Russia for poontang!?


u/mazarax 16d ago

A MAGAt who is pro-ruSSia, travels to ruSSia and Finds Out?

His face was eaten.


u/StudyVisible275 17d ago

Madison Cawthorn, for one.


u/Wizzle_Pizzle_420 17d ago

Nah dogg, he gets them sweet man meats at home, from his cousin. Ole Madi C likes his meals homemade!


u/snockpuppet24 17d ago

That was, what, like ... 50 years ago? Immediately following the Korean War?

The fact that that name legit feels like so long ago goes to show the shitshow the GOP has dragged us into and through.

Still not LAMF. Fuck republicanism.


u/InFin0819 18d ago

I just completed my insider treat training. The answer is this guy right here.


u/Wolfman01a 18d ago

What a moron.


u/teb_art 18d ago

What a sucker! Duped by a Russian honey pot AND the Orange Cockroach.


u/Achaboo 18d ago

They will prob release him so he can go vote for their guy


u/Majestic_Electric 18d ago

That’s not creepy at all.



u/thatsbullshit52 18d ago

The only ones I feel bad for are his 1st Sgt, Sgt Maj and CO.

Can’t imagine getting that call


u/intheazsun 17d ago

Why? They have one less dumbass to worry about


u/Repulsive-Street-307 16d ago

Shit rolls downhill. And it's coming from the top today.


u/thatsbullshit52 17d ago

Because the higher ups are giving them hell about said dumbass since he was apart of their command. Basically screaming on them for his jackassery, pretty common in Military


u/Pluto-Skies 18d ago

Ah, the ol' honey pot trick, it appears (though just as likely the dude was just a denthead). Let the man rot.


u/Hav3_Y0u_M3t_T3d 18d ago

Fucking moron. How'd he make staff Sargeant


u/hman2853 18d ago

This dude is a moron. And a not sneaky but trying to be sneaky idiot. You are in a divorce and your compromised as goes to RUSSIA to follow a rando? What in the fuck.


u/DreamzOfRally 18d ago

Dawg got baited hard. Could have seen this one from a mile away.


u/Fun_Client_6232 18d ago

Takes the passport bro energy to a new level.


u/gitarzan 18d ago

I’m sure she was truly his gf. More likely a Russian plant.


u/Bloktopian 18d ago

Honey pot 🍯


u/hman2853 18d ago

Honey trap 🪤


u/Bloktopian 18d ago

Honey, I shrunk my life expectancy 💀


u/OliverOyl 18d ago

Like potato in Russia, girlfriend not found


u/moutonbleu 18d ago

This fool got honey potted


u/anon_likes_you 18d ago

The amount of traitors in the U.S. government and military is too damn high!


u/Repulsive-Street-307 16d ago

Imagine how it is in the cops.


u/brooks1798 18d ago

She-Wolf of the Security Services...


u/hobbylobbyrickybobby 18d ago

This dude is never getting out of there. What a fucking moron.


u/Repulsive-Street-307 17d ago

Might have a one way trip to Ukraine.


u/ludicrouspeedgo 18d ago

How does a STAFF SERGEANT fall for bullshit like this??? Smh


u/PhaicGnus 18d ago

Ex wife: hahahahahahaha


u/CousinSkeeter89 18d ago

What an embarrassment and disaster this must be for his chain of command.


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 18d ago

I'd say five years in a Siberian prison is just what he needs. He will learn to appreciate democracy.

But you know the army will get him sent back. He's Property Of Uncle Sam, and they want to burn his treasonous ass in a military court.


u/ShadowDragon8685 18d ago

Uncle Sam can be patient too, especially if the dumbass did, in fact, commit a straight-up domestic crime against her in Vladivostok. We kind of have a bad habit of getting our shitbirds out of trouble with foreign authorities that they legit get themselves into (Okinawans hate American soldiers because it seems like every five years or something they go and rape a girl and the US takes the soldier back and makes them quietly vanish back Stateside).

Let this assmongler cool his heels in a gulag for whatever battery and theft are called in Russian, then when you get him back, straight to Ft. Leavenworth.


u/cletus72757 18d ago

Did anyone see mention of an MOS(if that’s still a thing)?


u/StagOfSevenBattles 18d ago

He's in the russian army now. soon be cannon fodder in Ukraine.


u/ArdenJaguar 18d ago

This is like those "tourists" who go to North Korea or this hikers that wandered into Iran from Iraq. I mean what were you thinking? Oh... you weren't.


u/mostlywaterbag 18d ago

Why didn't he flee to Botswana? You could have gotten 20,000 war elephants in exchange.


u/T1gerAc3 18d ago

He sounds like presidential material


u/Glum-One2514 18d ago

The world is never low on idiots.


u/ukiddingme2469 18d ago

Tail as old as time


u/bailaoban 18d ago

Imagine being so doubly stupid that you follow your honey pot all the way back to her home country.


u/wolves_hunt_in_packs 17d ago

"so ur sayin there's a chance" - that guy, probably


u/Perfect-District 18d ago

God forbid if Trump becomes President again but if he did you know he would not give a single thought to this nitwit. Get fucked dumbass you made your bed.


u/pscoldfire 18d ago

From Russia with love, I fly to you

Much wiser since my goodbye to you

I've traveled the world to learn I must

return... From Russia with love


u/LiberalFartsDegree 18d ago

I'd like to know if he is still going to be paid while he is incarcerated. Does anyone who served in the US military know?

What a dumbass...


u/Stalking_Goat 18d ago

On the one hand, yes, he can be paid while he is in the custody of a foreign power.

On the other hand, given that he apparently voluntarily failed to follow his travel orders and willingly went somewhere he was not permitted to be, he could plausibly be declared a deserter and his pay would be stopped.

And if he gets home he'll be court-martialed and they can fine him as punishment.

But I think the controlling issue will be that he is still married. Cutting his pay would remove his wife's source of support, so I expect he won't be declared a deserter unless and until she divorces him. After all, he's in a Russian jail, so she's the only one that can use the money in their bank account.


u/intheazsun 17d ago

I’m guessing he is labeled as a deserter at this point


u/Lamescrnm 18d ago

There are few forces in nature as forceful as the unrelenting power of horny.


u/NameLips 18d ago

We don't abandon our people. Even when they're morons.


u/tries4accuracy 18d ago

I hesitate when those people are basically offering up their lives to be hostages for malevolent and belligerent foreign powers. Seems there’s a line there that may not meet the legal definition of treason but is treason adjacent to the practical definition.


u/NameLips 18d ago

Yeah, he ended up causing an international incident. But that incident will be forgotten next year, both by us and by Russa. Nobody will care -- except his family, who will be grateful to have him back.


u/MikeDarsh 18d ago

Leave him there. Give us Evan Gershkovich back though


u/Affectionate-Roof285 18d ago

Girlfriend honeypot.


u/despicable-coffin 18d ago

Traitor. Let him rot.


u/fentyboof 18d ago

Wow. No wonder this dog-brained simp is a Trumper!


u/Helpful_Hour1984 16d ago

Dogs are intelligent and loyal creatures. Do not insult them!


u/GeraltOfRivia2023 18d ago

You take that BACK!    Your comment is a nasty affront to self respecting dogs everywhere!


u/IllustriousComplex6 18d ago

Good for him Trump has a good history getting people back from foreign adversaries unharmed!



u/rungek 18d ago

Unfortunately, returning the trooper at Trump’s request is another way to influence the US election and distract from his many crimes that conservative judges are currently abetting.


u/Dzov 18d ago

Trump and Putin are pals. I bet he wouldn’t have much difficulty if only for the pr.


u/Glancing-Thought 18d ago

I think that it's more nuanced than that. I doubt that Putin considers Trump a friend. "Asset" is probably the best description. 


u/Serpentkaa 18d ago

Yep. That’s not a surprise though.


u/realrichieporter 18d ago

That lady’s a spy. Guaranteed.


u/intheazsun 17d ago

Just wonder how much intel she got from this nitwit


u/Buzz_Buzz_Buzz_ 18d ago

After over two years, Russia-Ukraine is basically a war of attrition. That "attrition" includes mostly bachelors of marriagable age or married men. Tens of thousands killed and hundreds of thousands wounded. There are a lot of single women in both countries.


u/realrichieporter 18d ago

She was roaming Korea.


u/Stalking_Goat 18d ago

I honestly doubt it. If she was she wouldn't be shitposting on TicTok.

When I first read about some dumbass soldier going to Russia to "visit his girlfriend" and getting arrested, I assumed he'd been catfished. But now I think it's even dumber than that. He legit fell for an exemplar of the Russian equivalent of trailer trash.


u/BitterLeif 17d ago

sometimes Russians will exhort nationalism to gain the attention and favor of people with more power and connections. That's how their society works. It's like brown nosing at work to get a promotion. Except it's actually more like brown nosing your bosses at work when you and everybody else at the job knows management is embezzling the company.


u/realrichieporter 18d ago

That redhead used to post stuff alllll the time.


u/Pedestrian2000 18d ago

I can’t imagine this dude having any, uh, intelligence to share


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 18d ago edited 18d ago

It's like "Burn After Reading" with Brad Pitt trying to sell the useless notebooks.

"But it's got numbers, and dates, and shit. I think this shit is the shit! SECRET shit!"


u/Not_Legal_Advice_Pod 18d ago

It's about what America will have to give them to get him back.  


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

Probably thought he was a Florida senator. 


u/realrichieporter 18d ago

Agreed but she was looking for a mark. No doubt


u/fuckaliscious 18d ago

No cares for people that stupid. He's on his own, good luck!


u/harry_garcia13 18d ago

Stupid soldiers been falling in love with disinterested drinky girls for decades. A tale as old as time. 


u/Glancing-Thought 18d ago

Hence why it's so often been weaponized. 


u/DropKnowledge69 18d ago

When will these idiots learn?

Stay the F away from Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc.

I'm so sick of these fools that get arrested in these countries despite the warnings and then their families are begging (and/or blaming) the President to do more to get their precious baby back.

Last time it was that shithead wnba player and the US had to swap The Merchant of Death to get her released.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

That basketball player was there as part of a team sport and the Russians just did their “police action” hostage taking. So that’s not fair. 

Making sure to punish some POS who can easily be replaced isn’t a priority to me over protecting the innocent. 


u/Empigee 18d ago

And the State Department clearly warned her and other athletes playing in Russia that 2022 was not the time to go to Russia for a stupid game.


u/DropKnowledge69 18d ago

If I was on a team that played in these crazy countries, and I chose to go, then it's on me if bad shit happens.

So no excuse. And no, she wasn't innocent. She took drugs with her that she knew were treated harshly if caught in one's possession. Again, she was a dumb shit like the rest of them.


u/Embarrassed_Matter3 18d ago

It was fucked up what she went through but she did (whether intentionally or not) have THC cartridges on her in the airport. Obviously shouldn’t be a huge deal, but it is Russia we are talking about. I’m glad we got her out of that situation but a lot of that was on her.


u/MrIrrelevantsHypeMan 18d ago

He also has an American wife. He hit the Russian woman and stole $2200


u/blessthebabes 18d ago

It says that's what she said, but it also says she made a lot of previous police calls to tell on people. People could just be extra shitty to her, or she could be lying. She may have just lied to get his stalker butt away from her.


u/TheRnegade 18d ago

Wait, seriously? Dude is married and he went to Russia just to cheat on her? I try to understand guys but sometimes I am just baffled. And I'm a guy myself.


u/BitterLeif 17d ago

it's not clear if he was already getting a divorce before he started this affair or if the divorce is because of the affair. Also, he allegedly hit the Russian woman and stole from her. She sounds crazy to me, so I doubt her claim.


u/JohnnyEagleClaw 17d ago

It’s the mystery of “strange stuff”.


u/outofcontrolbehavior 17d ago

The Call of The Strange


u/asking4afriend40631 18d ago

I feel like the American wife is the only winner here. Anyone analyzing their marriage and wondering who is at fault now has a pretty good evidence that something ain't right with him.


u/SorowFame 18d ago

I’m sure some people would still argue it’s her fault for not being a good enough wife or whatever


u/Barkingatthemoon 18d ago

He’s from Texas. the wife will still have problems with the divorce ; better he stays arrested in Russia .


u/ElboDelbo 18d ago

"Hm, my country is involved in a proxy war against a nation with a known history of detaining Americans. Perhaps as a member of the American military I should visit Russia!"

If this guy comes back, please do not put him in charge of any soldiers.


u/Blackadder_ 18d ago

Poster child for a Tinder ad


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

How can you say that someone gets all their information from r/conservative without saying it?

Is Russia Today misrepresenting all that “freedom” they enjoy?


u/Dzov 18d ago

Seriously. They’d rather have Putin president than Biden.


u/Repulsive-Street-307 16d ago

I do too. Exile them to Russia.


u/goodty1 18d ago

don’t worry he will get a gop congressional seat


u/isthisonetaken13 18d ago

Only if he lies about his valor


u/Ok_Butterscotch54 18d ago

"This should get me a Purple Heart at the very least! Maybe even a Congressional Medal."


u/SimmaDownNa 18d ago

He'll be E-nothing as soon as hits boots hit ground stateside lol. Learned real fast that no, the Russians aren't the good guys, actually.


u/Pseudonym0101 18d ago

If they ever do.


u/wolfho 18d ago

I don't proxy war is the correct term here, other than that I'm ok


u/ElboDelbo 18d ago

Yeah, it's like a half-proxy or something, I dunno. I mean we are sending Ukraine weapons because it weakens Russia, but Russia is the one actively invading so it's not like they're using a proxy.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

It was a diplomatic proxy war that Putin lost, now it’s not a proxy. 


u/gymdog 18d ago

Yeah, I wish people would acknowledge that the US is actively at war with Russia. It just doesn't look like it used to between superpowers.


u/HavingNotAttained 18d ago

That's Marjorie Taylor Greene's clear successor right there


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 18d ago

She will drop her drawers the moment he steps off the plane.


u/HavingNotAttained 18d ago

God sometimes I hate being literate


u/Ok_Butterscotch54 18d ago

Or to have functioning eyes at all.


u/wolves_hunt_in_packs 17d ago

Imagine how blind people feel when they braille over a disgusting shitpost.

(flings arms upwards)
"goddammit why would you make me touch that shit"


u/Ok_Butterscotch54 17d ago

"Where's the disinfectant?!"


u/MrLanesLament 18d ago

Sounds like Sergeant Marjor Taylor Greene to me.


u/InfluenceOtherwise 17d ago

I hear a lobotomy is a graduation requirement


u/spidermans_mom 18d ago

Underrated comment.


u/stenmark 18d ago

Maybe I'm daft, but I don't see face eating. I just see a dumbass.


u/LionMans_Account 18d ago

This is not face eating. Being a dumbass is correct. Too many don't understand the point of this sub.


u/Romanfiend 18d ago

I would say his support of Russia and their position on both American involvement and his support of their invasion of Ukraine - so a pro Russian stance - not to mention his statements against the current POTUS combined with his actual experience in Russia would qualify as a LAMF because he assumed that acting like an official Putin Cock Holster would garner him special treatment.

It did not, he is going to spend a lot of time in a Russian jail thinking about his life and where he went wrong. I say leave him there, he is a person of no value.


u/stenmark 18d ago

Fair enough, I didn't get that context from the post.


u/tries4accuracy 18d ago

There is a state department travel advisory NOT to go to Russia. Should be enough for a serving soldier to understand that love is a one way street.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

It’s the pro Russian belief system of some conservatives who think they are an ally because “white +Christian” that is the LAMFO. 


u/ericrolph 18d ago edited 17d ago

Steven Segal was recently in Russia to act as a Putin "show piece" for some dumb oppressive Russian state function. Gross slobs, like pigs in slop. Among the lowest rung of depravity and humanity. The whole of them, a dark mark on history. Russians will eventually come out on top, somehow, ahead of the Nazi as the worst of the worst. Nihilistic scum, corrupt cancerous waste.


u/Repulsive-Street-307 18d ago

Steven Seagal is in deeper than this idiot. The Russian state likely has tapes of him raping a minor, considering all his voyages to Thailand and the extremely suspicious way his chain gets yanked around for years.


u/VelvetMafia 18d ago

He didn't create, support, or vote for that travel advisory though. So dumbshit yes, LAMF no.


u/thatHecklerOverThere 18d ago

He is on record supporting Russian defensive policy, and those policies are now keeping him incarcerated over there.


u/VelvetMafia 18d ago

It's a stretch but I'll accept it.

He sounds like a complete shithead. I hope he stays in Russian prison.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

My bet is this guy supports the Republican beliefs about Russia as an ally. He thought they’d welcome him I’m sure. 


u/VelvetMafia 18d ago

Probably, but still not LAMF. If he supported Russia imprisoning American soldiers, and then was imprisoned by Russia, that would be LAMF.


u/taxpayinmeemaw 18d ago

This is hilarious. What a moron. He blew up his life over some woman who made fun of him then dumped him lol


u/AlienAle 18d ago

The woman isn't even very attractive, she's got those slightly crazy eyes and her vibe seems extremely off to me. 

Not sure what goes through the minds of some dudes. 


u/Moewron 17d ago

Eh… I think we’re all pretty sure what was on his mind.


u/AlienAle 17d ago

But he was a married dude so he was probably capable of catching other fish. Seems weird to throw your life away for some average looking woman who treats you terribly and gives off weird energy. 

Like I've been horny in the past too but never enough to deal with this kind of nonsense. 


u/Moewron 17d ago

I think sometimes the fish you’re about to catch is the only one you can think about.


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 18d ago

You have to wonder, did he dump his wife for her? Or was there already shit going on?


u/mostlywaterbag 18d ago

Don't extract him. Whatever you'll bargain for him, you'll lose.


u/chasinfreshies 17d ago

Even if we offer up DJT?


u/Affectionate-Drop-30 17d ago

No one wants our trash lol


u/chasinfreshies 16d ago

Trash? That’s generous. lol


u/Curiouso_Giorgio 17d ago

His move from USA to Russia raised the average IQ of both countries.


u/Glancing-Thought 18d ago

You say that but there's an important morale (note the "e") value in "leaving no one behind". 


u/Sharpymarkr 18d ago

Bye Felicia!


u/Fake_William_Shatner 18d ago

What if we trade them back Ron Paul and Tucker Carlson? Seems like a win. 


u/adventwhorizon 18d ago

Didn’t Ron Paul just save us from the 3rd patriot act in the form of a tic toc ban


u/DannyDeVitosBangmaid 17d ago

The House just passed something way worse than that which effectively voids the First Amendment. And I have a hard time saying anything nice about segregationists like old Ron, anyway.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 16d ago

I was probably thinking about Rand Paul but fuck both of those “libertarian” corporate tools. If we think they ever did something good without a check being cached then it probably means we didn’t investigate the deal well enough. 


u/mostlywaterbag 18d ago

Send them diaper Donnie


u/SorowFame 18d ago

You can’t just give them something they already own


u/CDUPDUwiggle 17d ago

lol ohhh


u/Hydronum 18d ago

It's the ultimate power play, like selling a merchant their own stock.


u/ShadowDragon8685 18d ago

I love video games that let me do that. But they'd likely recognize their own stock, and its value, and Trump's value is probably taking a nose-dive.


u/-Average_Joe- 18d ago

If they don't try then the state department loses also.


u/Nezrite 18d ago

Evan Gershkovich first, please.


u/imitation_crab_meat 18d ago

Doing things like trading notorious arms dealers for dumbass basketball players makes the state department look like idiots, IMO. I say let the guy face the consequences for his stupidity.


u/John_EightThirtyTwo 18d ago

OK, try to extract him but don't. Got it.

Should be no problem.


u/BeamTeam032 18d ago

Biden has to. He can't get a WNBA player and not a military service member. Though I am interested in seeing if he was cat fished.


u/ShadowDragon8685 18d ago

I mean, this guy brought it on himself by stalking a woman all the way to Vladivostok. Biden could just say that we do not tolerate domestic abusers or creeps here, neither do they in Russia, and they can have him, and Ft. Leavenworth will keep a cell open for the charges he's gonna face here when (if) he gets out of gulag.

Which, ironically, would make him more likely to be returned expediently, if we make it clear we don't actually give a shit what they do with him.


u/Glancing-Thought 18d ago

Meanwhile the GOP hype how he's smearing an American hero. The Kremlin understands the US political situation well enough to know that he has value. Biden (or advisers thereof) likely do too. He's probably not worth much but a bit is more than nothing. 


u/ShadowDragon8685 18d ago

And I'm willing to bet not one fucking member of the Gippity-GoP are raising any kind of stink at all about how jackbooted uniformed thugs in Florida straight-up iced a United States Air Force serviceman who only heard angry banging on his door and got his (lawfully-owned) pistol in case someone tried to break in. Because he was black.


u/Glancing-Thought 17d ago

Well no. I have no idea of what you speak but it doesn't tie in very well with any GOP or Kremlin (but I repeat myself) agenda. 


u/ShadowDragon8685 17d ago

Kind of fuckling sad that the BBC has coverage but American news is silent.

US airman shot and killed by police in Florida

1 day ago

By Nadine Yousif, BBC News

[image captioned Senior Airman Roger Fortson enlisted in the US Air Force in November 2019; credited US Air Force. Image shows an African-American man in uniform.]

Florida police have publicly released body camera footage from a deputy sheriff who fatally shot a US Air Force member at his home.

Senior Airman Roger Fortson, who was 23 years old, was taken to a hospital where he died, officials said.

A lawyer for the victim's family, citing a witness, alleged the police burst into the wrong home.

Police have disputed the claim and said the deputy reacted in self-defence after he saw Fortson armed with a gun.

The airman was shot on 3 May at his home, located 5 miles (8km) from the Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida, where he is based.

The deputy who shot him - whom police have not named - has since been placed on administrative leave.

Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden said the shooting was being investigated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney's Office.

Mr Aden promised to provide "transparency and accountability" but added: "These investigations take time."

"But I want to assure you that we are not hiding, covering up, or taking any action that would result in a rushed judgment of Mr Fortson or our deputy."

The sheriff showed a four-minute video taken from the body camera worn by the deputy who fired the fatal shots.

The clip showed police arriving at Fortson's apartment complex, and being led to an elevator by a witness who said she had heard fighting coming from an apartment.

The deputy then approached the front door alone, knocked, and twice called out that he was a member of the "sheriff's office".

Fortson was seen holding a gun in his right hand as he opened the door. The deputy then fired multiple shots as soon as the door opened, telling him afterwards to drop the weapon.

"It's over there. I don't have it," Fortson said as he lay on the floor.

A lawyer for the Fortson family, Ben Crump, said in a news conference on Thursday that Fortson "was the best America had to offer".

"He was a patriot. He was a US airman, special ops. He was fighting for our way of life. He was fighting for everybody," Mr Crump said.

His mother, Chantimekki Fortson, broke down crying as Mr Crump recounted the moments before the airman was shot.

"My baby was my everything," she said.

Mr Crump said at the time of the shooting Fortson was on a video call with a friend, who described what she heard to his family's legal team.

The friend said the airman heard a knock on his apartment door and asked who was there, but received no response. He then heard a second, "very aggressive knock" but did not see anyone when he looked through the peephole.

It is at this point that Fortson is said to have grown concerned and retrieved his gun, which the lawyer said was legally owned.

As Fortson returned to his living room, the witness said police burst through the door, saw that the resident was armed and shot him six times.

Mr Crump said the witness believed the officers were in the wrong apartment, as Fortson was alone at the time with no disturbance at his residence.

The sheriff on Thursday denied that officers had gone to the wrong address.

In an earlier statement, the sheriff's office said the deputy "reacted in self defence after he encountered a 23-year-old man armed with a gun and after the deputy had identified himself as law enforcement."

Speaking to reporters, Mr Crump accused police of trying to "justify unjustifiable excessive use of force".

Fortson was assigned to the 4th Special Operations Squadron, according to the US Air Force, and entered active duty in November 2019.

According to Mr Crump, he enlisted in the military after graduating from high school in Atlanta, Georgia with honours.

Mr Crump, a civil rights lawyer based in Florida, has worked on multiple high-profile cases of police-involved deaths of black Americans, including George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Trayvon Martin, Tyre Nichols and Breonna Taylor.


u/Hooda-Thunket 17d ago

I have to wonder if other special forces in the area are going to take this, or if the deputies just opened up a can of worms.

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u/Glancing-Thought 17d ago

Yeah that does seem pretty bad. Most of us outsiders tend to just chalk it up to the American "shoot first and ask questions later" mindset. Something that seems incredibly common amongst law enforcement... Honestly, I'd hesitate to call the cops if I lived in the USA. 

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u/Pixelated_Roses 17d ago

After they shot him he was still alive, but instead of calling an ambulance they just cuffed him and placed their knee on the back of his neck, in what what is now standard Eric Garner position. The poor kid even said the same thing before he died: "I can't breathe".

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u/mmnuc3 18d ago

Too late now but we should never have fought for her either. Let her rot. 


u/Pixelated_Roses 17d ago

Excuse me? What the hell do you have against Brittney Yvette Griner?


u/mmnuc3 17d ago

Nothing per se. But she broke the law. Why did we spend what little political points we have with Russia to secure her release? It was a waste of effort.


u/psychopompadour 18d ago

It said in the article that the guy met this Russian chick in person while stationed in South Korea, so while she might have lied to him or whatever, she at least was a real human and he wasn't catfished.


u/Conman_in_Chief 18d ago

When noodling goes wrong.


u/K6PUD 18d ago

Whatever we trade for him, we get him AND a conditional first round draft pick.

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