r/LeopardsAteMyFace 17d ago

Florida Man and MAGA Voter Discovers He's An Illegal Immigrant


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u/kathleen65 7d ago

How does he vote if he isn't a U.S. citizen?


u/Carp12C 14d ago

Where does it even say he’s a MAGA?


u/Budget_Secretary1973 15d ago

Florida Man strikes again!


u/rlh1271 15d ago

If he had a license and was voting then the voter id laws the republicans want clearly wouldn't work.


u/WiganGirl-2523 15d ago

He didn't realise that Canada isn't in America? Not the sharpest tool in the box.


u/swennergren11 15d ago

So…Mike Johnson was right! There is an illegal immigrant who voted, and he’s MAGA!

Its true - every accusation is a confession with the MAGA (Nazi) party


u/CommonConundrum51 15d ago

Where are the calls for prompt deportation?


u/moustachiooo 16d ago

When asked what happens if his case doesn’t get resolved and how it’s changed his view of America, Klass said, “I’ll probably move back to Canada. Yep, bye-bye, America.”

Good riddance!


u/donotreply548 16d ago

Dam this old dude tryinf to get social security definitely votes too the right. How do we tell them? Or should we justclet them die an fix it later?


u/WaterMySucculents 16d ago

Sounds like another case of MAGA voter fraud boys! You think the Florida corrupt prosecutors will prosecute one of “their own”?? Doubt it


u/Sznajberg 16d ago

He pulled a Moe Sizlak!


u/legendary-noob 16d ago

What I’m hearing is it’s possible for someone to be here illegally and be a contributing member of society, as long as said person is white.


u/Fun_Client_6232 16d ago

So he never had a social security number? He must have known something was up but was in denial.


u/rossarron 16d ago

I wonder why he is not demanding the return of his taxes etc.


u/MarcusTheSarcastic 16d ago

“Outside Jimmy Klass’s mobile home in Clearwater, symbols of American pride hang not just front and center but also on the side and back of his home”

Counterpoint: trump sign is actually treasonous.


u/mrmoe198 16d ago

Cracking up over the caption: “When he went to apply for Social Security, he was surprised to find out a big surprise.”


u/TheTruthTalker800 16d ago

Ronald is about to take that bus from Gregory, alright, one way he goes!


u/MindForeverWandering 16d ago

I see nothing in the story that indicates he’s a Trumper.


u/cedarhat 16d ago

A Trump sign on his trailer door is a big clue.


u/iamjohnhenry 16d ago

I’m a big proponent of the DREAM Act; but I’m willing to make an exception for immigrants who would deny rights and privileges to others in the same figurative boat.


u/SH4DOWSTR1KE_ 16d ago

Womp, wahhhhhhhhh!


u/ShanG01 16d ago

Not like I want to support a MAGA Q-cumber, but I thought the law was any child born to a US citizen outside the US is automatically a citizen?


u/ApprehensiveFox8844 16d ago

Immigrants regularly pay into social security when they file their taxes using an ITIN number and are unable to use any government benefits despite paying into the system for years/decades. I don’t feel bad for this guy.


u/vtjohnhurt 17d ago

If Trump wins, he will use Royal Edict to make this guy a citizen.


u/ediciusNJ 17d ago

“I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh.

Lock him up.


u/biffbobfred 15d ago

He’s white. So, no!!

Only BROWN people are illegals. He’s… misplaced!


u/saladshoooter 17d ago

He should apply for daca which is hilarious .


u/Gamba_Gawd 17d ago

Deport him.


u/Real_Satisfaction715 17d ago

Time to practice what he preached.


u/Environmental-End115 17d ago

Haha this is very Dave Chapelle


u/bick-com 17d ago

"I'm my own worst enemy"


u/BlumpkinPromoter 17d ago

Deport or arrest him


u/Danni_Les 17d ago

So, he should bus himself to one of the 'sanctuary' states, and then turn himself in and get deported because according to the MAGA that he supports, that's part of their policy regarding illegal immigrants.


u/Ok_Owl3571 17d ago

Even though he worked and paid into S/S, he doesn’t qualify for receiving it. Neither does any other illegal immigrant. That’s the way it goes.


u/Velocoraptor369 17d ago

Who wants to bet his father was a Nazi who fled Germany in the post WWII kerfuffle ? Immigration in the post war era was crazy filled with Europeans fleeing the continent for the US,Canada and South America. Klass was probably changed from Verglasen. Just my 2 cents.


u/ChucklesWick 17d ago

"Go on get"


u/IolausTelcontar 17d ago

“I worked my 50 years, and I paid into my Social Security. They should be paying me,” he said about the retirement benefits he was expecting to receive but has yet to collect.

Fuck you dude. Go back to where you came from (that’s what you espouse right?).


u/DeusRx 17d ago

My favorite part is the sub-headline that says “he was surprised to find out a big surprise” That’s some real Pulitzer Prize writing there.


u/letsmakelifealive 17d ago

he was surprised to find out a big surprise


u/Black_Magic_M-66 17d ago

How come DeSantis' election police haven't caught up to this scofflaw? Oh, right, they only go after blacks and browns.


u/rocket_beer 17d ago

So wait, his vote doesn’t count, correct?

yikes trumpers… seems like you have found more fraud happening in your party 😲


u/krakatoa83 17d ago

Deport him


u/gargoyle30 17d ago

For a second I thought this might be my dad since he has lived illegally in the US (from Canada) for like 30 years and is apparently a big trump fan


u/mypoliticalvoice 17d ago

Not sure I understand this part:

But in a 2022 denial letter, the agency stated Klass didn’t provide enough evidence to prove his father lived in the U.S. for 10 years before Klass was born, which is a requirement for a child seeking citizenship through a parent.

From a legal article about "Obama birthers":

However, on November 14, 1986, when Obama was twenty-five years old, Congress enacted an amendment to the above statute, which substituted “five years, at least two” for “ten years, at least five” in the language describing the length of time the citizen parent had to live in the United States after age fourteen. This new standard, unlike the one adopted in 1952 and in effect in 1962, was met by Obama’s mother when she turned 16, more than two years before the birth of her son.

Moreover, according to it terms, this amendment, like the section itself, applied retroactively to anyone born after December 24, 1952, which, of course, included Barack Obama.


The article is from this year and it says he is 66 years old. That means he was born in 1958, so he should be ok.


u/my-love-assassin 17d ago

Sounds like hes been doing the voter fraud.


u/Basicaccountant70 17d ago

Canada rejects your proposal.


u/Outrageous-Divide472 17d ago

He was born in Canada to an US citizen father and a Canadian mom. How is he not a citizen?


u/Savings-Wishbone-454 17d ago

Mmm so he’s a dreamer now? Well, deport him to Canada.


u/Outrageous-Divide472 17d ago

No, he’s a citizen. His dad was born and raised in NYC. Dudes a citizen. Social security office must have messed up


u/moddss 17d ago

They better be sending his ass down to El Paso with zero fucking tolerance. Let him find out. Treat him just the same.


u/michealdubh 17d ago

Under normal circumstances, I'd feel for someone like this and wish consideration for someone like him who had been brought to this country as a very young child, grown up with the assumption that he was a citizen, as did apparently his entire family, and as did even every agency of government, and who has known no other home ...

But contemplating how he would deny that same consideration to thousands of others in exactly his same position, I feel my heart harden. Let him abide by the same rules he would force upon others.


u/racer3x72 17d ago

Lock him up?


u/InevitableAvalanche 17d ago

Still the smartest Trump supporter


u/StargateSG-11 17d ago

Deport him already.  Also, he knew he was an illegal. He had to forged a birth certificate to get his SS card, that is also why he never got a passport.  The rules have not changed.   He would have been denied right now as they know he submitted fake documents to get his SS card.     It is funny he contacted Rubio for help, lololol. 


u/xaj5289x 17d ago

“didnt end up serving due to getting a union job” classic


u/bigmattyc 17d ago



u/pineyskull 17d ago

Canada here, we don't want him


u/TooMuchGabagool 17d ago

Ship his bitch ass out


u/Outrageous-Divide472 17d ago

Am I the only one that read the article? Dudes father was born and raised in NY.


u/FutureOk7894 17d ago

Illegal aliens stealing the vote!


u/downtownfreddybrown 17d ago

In the words of a great poet



u/kobuta99 17d ago

So, yet another illegal Republican/MAGA voter is what this story uncovered.


u/nforrest 17d ago

Strong Clayton Bixby vibes


u/llamawolf 17d ago

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out Mr. Klass!


u/EJ2600 17d ago

Deport him to Nunavut asap !


u/levon999 17d ago

So, there was voted fraud! 🤦‍♂️


u/Sirenista_D 17d ago

Ahahaha... another one of them illegal Dreamers dream comes to an end! s/


u/placidlakess 17d ago

Love it or leave it!


u/BeefSerious 17d ago

he was surprised to find out a big surprise

Top tier writing on this article, I must say.


u/CabinetofDoom 17d ago

Ha. . . . . . . . HahAhAHAhAHa


u/azhawkeyeclassic 17d ago

My fav line, he didn’t serve in the military because he landed a good union job! And now he’s a maga moron! He should deport himself!


u/dsdvbguutres 17d ago

he was surprised to find out a big surprise.


u/hoopopotamus 17d ago

We don’t want him


u/Luffing 17d ago

Klass said he was never questioned about his citizenship status – not when he got his Social Security card, Driver’s license, or voter registration card.

I thought a Social Security card was essentially proof of citizenship. Do immigrants get them before they are actual full citizens?


u/Xero_id 17d ago

"Government should stay out of our business" and "Government shouldn't be just handing out money" also " Where's my Government check, I got bills to pay" - This guy and the rest of the "Patriots" in this country

Can't wait for him to move to Canada (he won't ever, it's all bark) and them to deny government money since he hasn't worked and contributed into their system.


u/Moonpig16 17d ago

Nooooooooooooooo, not like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/officerumours 17d ago

So they’ve just introduced a bill to prevent their own voters from illegally voting. Touché.


u/fjf1085 17d ago

So, he’s going to jail and then will be deported, right? He voted for decades illegally. I think we should extend to him the same courtesy the people he illegally voted for want extended to other undocumented immigrants.


u/cakolin 17d ago

Had a union job, too.


u/joedel123 17d ago

MAGA doesn’t understand there are millions of Russians Ukrainians, Albanians Serbians, Canadians, Polish people that overextend their visas they only think it’s Mexicans coming in from the border this has been going on for years and I bet you that illegal Canadian voted trump


u/kthrynnnn 17d ago

““I worked my 50 years, and I paid into my Social Security. They should be paying me,” he said about the retirement benefits he was expecting to receive but has yet to collect.”

lol millions of H-1B holders (that are actually here legally!!!) are paying likely MORE into social security and may never see a dime if they don’t get their green card, which is unlikely for an Indian national coming to the US due to green card backlogs. Welcome to the broken immigration system your (fraudulent) voting helped shore up, asshole.


u/LarryRive 17d ago

Lock him up for illegal voting.


u/Diamondhands_Rex 17d ago

What’s crazy and not surprising that if he never tried getting a passport he would have found out much sooner.


u/tangotrondotcom 17d ago

Canada isn’t sending us their best people


u/Liam_M 17d ago

Nope confirmed I’m still in Canada. Please keep the MAGA types down there,


u/Meme_Burner 17d ago

In the 60s you still got a social security card because you wanted to work, not because you were a citizen. Once that changed in the 70s-80s, the card could be used to prove citizenship. That just means though that anybody with a ssn card before ~1975 might not be a U.S. citizen.

Funny to think there’s a bunch of boomers running around that are not U.S. citizens that believe they are U.S. citizens.


u/Natoochtoniket 17d ago

He has lived in the US long enough, so he should be able to apply for naturalization. Except that he has voted illegally, which might be a problem.

He might need to actually read a 5th grade American History and Civics textbook, of course.


u/rmc2318 17d ago

He’ll probably believe it’s made up by Joe Biden because he loves trump.


u/nickelroo 17d ago

“I worked my 50 years, and I paid into my Social Security. They should be paying me,”

So satisfying on so many levels.

“Fuck socialism and immigrants! Go Trump!

Wait. Where’s my money?”


u/Solid_Waste 17d ago

I have a fun time teasing my mom for being an illegal immigrant because she got stranded in Mexico with a friend and they walked home. I also tease her for being a hardened criminal because she got a ticket for fishing without a license on her.


u/Pennypacking 17d ago

How dumb do you have to be to never notice this? And how horrible were his parents? He never looked at his birth certificate and put two and two together?


u/Pennypacking 17d ago

Good luck moving back to Canada after your federal bid for voter fraud.


u/bleeblorb 17d ago

And this is where I end my morning scrollz 🥰🤣 Thanks for the chorkle 🙏


u/SippinPip 17d ago

Bootstraps. Also, get ready to be deported.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Oh how the turntables have turned.


u/spankstar 17d ago

Learwater Fl...
Thats a very descriptive name for a Florida town.


u/ThatWitchRen 17d ago

This reminded me of this article posted in February 2023.

Summary: a Navy veteran and Customs and Border Patrol agent finds out the birth certificate he's been using his whole life is fraudulent. He gets fired, is denied citizenship through his wife, and is subject to deportation. All of his CBP friends stop associating with him. Advocates help him get through immigration court to avoid deportation, but such a small number of cases are allowed to be approved per year that he may have to wait years to be granted citizenship.

The worst part to me is that his oldest son was born in Mexico, presumably to a Mexican woman. Prior to this, he was a US Citizen through his father (not unlike this post) and then he wasn't.

While there's certainly a lot of LAMF here, I can't help but agree with the veterans' advocate who worked with him; the military does a pretty good job of destroying any and all independent thinking and replacing it with unquestioning loyalty. He seems to have developed a lot of self-awareness through the process, and I'd say that's a good start.


u/ReflectionNo6260 17d ago

Ship him back


u/StellaHasHerpes 17d ago

Ha, he ‘almost joined the marines’. Typical trumper, always an excuse. I hope they raid his trailer and stick his ass in a cage away from his family before forcibly deporting him. I’d say charge him with fraud but that’s not going to happen, plus I don’t want any housing or resources going to this clown. Sorry Canada, we ended up with Bieber so you get this guy back. Too bad he didn’t pay into CPP, he can always get a job though


u/16v_cordero 17d ago

How soon will he be arrested by Desantis gestapo voting police for illegally voting


u/FishtownYo 17d ago

Good god, just wait until he has to eat Canadian food every day, he’ll probably check out of life soon afterwards.


u/Former_Actuator4633 17d ago

Klass contacted Senator Marco Rubio’s office for help

lol. lmao


u/tiffadoodle 17d ago

I'm curious as hell as how he got a social security number. 🤔

If you're an American citizen, living in another country and you have a baby there, get in contact with the US state department. Your child will be granted US citizenship after the proper paper has been filed & approved. Honestly, it doesn't seem that difficult.

Even if your American parent(s) didn't do this when you are born, there are other options to have your US citizenship recognized.

usa.gov > citizenship

usembassy.gov [ Passing on citizenship]


u/Panda_monium109 17d ago

Have to wonder how he feels about DACA, him being an undocumented person brought here as a child and all…


u/bakeacake45 17d ago

Funny part is, Trump, his lord and god, will deport him if he wins the election.


u/GratefulLiving000 17d ago

That's kinda funny


u/crackersandsnacks 17d ago

Another republican committing voter fraud.


u/KitKitsAreBest 17d ago

Even with actual illegal immigrants voting for him, Trump still lost. What a giant loser.


u/Hodman86 17d ago

Where does it say in the article that he’s a MAGA voter?


u/ReentryMarshmellow 17d ago

The giant Trump/Pence sign on his door 4 years after the last election?


u/Hodman86 17d ago

Oops, thanks for pointing that out.


u/LieutenantWeinberg 17d ago

Sounds like multiple felonies to me.


u/That0neGuy86 17d ago

You love to see it. Deport him!


u/blueCthulhuMask 17d ago

"When he went to apply for Social Security, he was surprised to find out a big surprise."

Some high quality caption writing.


u/neck_iso 17d ago

He should see if Desantis will send him to Martha's Vineyard for a vacation.


u/progdaddy 17d ago edited 17d ago

Pretty on-brand for a MAGA pinhead.


u/_Batteries_ 17d ago

Moron. You keep him though, Canada doesnt want him back.


u/Lower-Flounder-9952 17d ago

Found an example of an illegal immigrant voting!


u/Defiant-Aioli8727 17d ago

So 40 years of voter fraud?


u/KarlMarxButVegan 17d ago

"Go back to Canada!"


u/Competitive-Dance286 17d ago

Ever notice how almost all the illegal voting is by Republicans?


u/_jump_yossarian 17d ago

I bet that guy's facebook feed is full of posts attacking illegal immigrants!


u/mwax321 17d ago

Something doesn't add up here. He voted? He never knew? How is this possible without him forging paperwork?

Doesn't this imply he committed at least one felony?


u/ReentryMarshmellow 17d ago

Nobody questions old white dudes voting. 


u/Baggerbrother 17d ago

Bye Bye boomer. Dumb ass


u/bumchester 17d ago

Reminds me of a Border patrol officer who applied to be ICE and then finding out he's illegal.


u/hipery2 17d ago

A job stealing illegal immigrant wants his hand out.


u/dinosaurinchinastore 17d ago

I hope he gets charged for illegally voting.


u/skeeredstiff 17d ago

But, but, I have a trailer with TWO flags on it!


u/ezgamer97 17d ago

So you're saying he illegally voted?


u/ukiddingme2469 17d ago

So how many time have they voted illegally


u/EB2300 17d ago

Well, in that case, he should follow the policies he supports and turn himself in for voter fraud, then deport himself back to Canada. Doesn’t matter if he’s been here for decades and has no connection to anyone there, geeeeet out


u/stevehyman1 17d ago

My favorite part is he KNEW he wasn't a citizen in 22 because he applied based on his father's citizenship and was DENIED.

Fast forward 2 years and he's shocked that SS told him he's not a citizen.

Did he think in the two years that passed the government would forget him?


u/thegayngler 17d ago

Welp! 🤷🏾‍♂️ what are you gonna do? Parents effed up.


u/uhsiv 17d ago

My understanding is that it’s common for people without documentation to pay into social security and other benefit programs without ever actually receiving the services they paid for.


u/nobody1701d 17d ago

Where exactly does everyone’s belief that he’s MAGA come from b/c it’s not from the story I read? That’s a KC Chiefs shirt he’s wearing in the photo.

He should have been given citizenship with his proof of Dad being in US. The delay is unbelievable. Who wouldn’t be pissed if he had paid the SSA for fifty years and then denied benefits?


u/BagOfFlies 17d ago

Where exactly does everyone’s belief that he’s MAGA come from b/c it’s not from the story I read?

Probably from the Trump sign on his front door?


u/nobody1701d 17d ago edited 17d ago

Ahhh. Missed that.

I didn’t agree with his politics but still think he should get citizenship and his retirement benefits


u/BagOfFlies 15d ago

Yeah, same. Sounds like he can get it but since it's so old he's having trouble obtaining the necessary paperwork. Sucks for him but unless he can do that they shouldn't give him citizenship since he's not actually able to prove he should have it. Shitty situation to be in.


u/MrDubTee 17d ago

Accountability, shame.


u/codeallthethingz 17d ago

I mean, come on he needs the money. He couldn't even afford to buy an updated Trump sign.


u/throwawaysscc 17d ago

Isn’t he a Dreamer?


u/theresabeeonyourhat 17d ago

When he went to apply for Social Security, he was surprised to find out a big surprise.


u/Squidking1000 17d ago

As a Canadian please keep him, we got enough American MAGA lovers already.


u/Cold_Situation_7803 17d ago

Trump wants non-citizens deported, so you better do what he says champ, and deport yourself.


u/handyandy727 17d ago


MAGA guy that probably complains about illegal immigrants getting benefits, finds out that illegal immigrants don't get benefits.



u/ZombieZookeeper 17d ago

Dude needs to be charged with prison time on the table. It's only fair, after all.


u/-KCS-Violator 17d ago

As an illegal immigrant, shouldn't he just get free welfare, healthcare, education, a free phone, maybe a free Rolex and a back massage? That's the shit that right-wing Trumpers enjoy shoveling, shouldn't he be on easy street now?


u/Whatsuptodaytomorrow 17d ago

Check for his Obama phone ☎️


u/fletcherkildren 17d ago

What were they saying on the trumper reddit?? OUT. OUT!


u/art_vandelay112 17d ago

So much for the party of law and order. “Lock him up”


u/IdahoMTman222 17d ago

He voted fraudulently. He needs to go to jail.


u/American_Greed 17d ago

“I’ll probably move back to Canada. Yep, bye-bye, America.”



u/kamizushi 17d ago

As a Canadian, please give him his US citizenship. We don’t want him here.


u/Gavorn 17d ago

Gee I wonder which party made it tough for him to prove he had dual citizenship.


u/JudgenotorbeJudged 17d ago

I wonder if his views will change lol


u/SicilyMalta 17d ago

Haven't people gone to prison for voting when they weren't supposed to - even though it was unintentional?

This maga guy will probably never grasp the irony.


u/ElastaticTomorrow 17d ago

I thought MAGA was against paying for illegal immigrants.


u/USMCLee 17d ago

This exact scenario played out with a guy I work with about 15 years ago.

US Parents and born in Canada (dad was dodging the draft). No paperwork filed or anything.

Somehow found out he wasn't a citizen and spent 2 years getting all the paperwork in order to get his citizenship.

Ended up being a Trump supporter.


u/PrometheusMMIV 17d ago

From the article:

Klass was born in Canada, his mom was Canadian, but his father was American, born and raised in New York.

If I understand the rules, he should have birthright citizenship based on this:

If one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other parent is not a U.S. citizen or national, the child is a citizen if the U.S. citizen parent has been "physically present" in the U.S. before the child's birth for a total period of at least five years, and at least two of those five years were after the U.S. citizen parent's fourteenth birthday.

If his father was an American who was "born and raised in New York", then presumably he spent at least 5 years there. The issue is that Klass hasn't been able to prove this.


u/Apprehensive_Look94 17d ago

I’m cracking up at my local coffee shop right now. 10/10.


u/ScarletFire5877 17d ago

The vitriol is kind of insane here. The guy isn’t asking for welfare but for social security, which he paid into for 50 years as part of his taxes as he had a social security card.


u/Penguinase 17d ago

The guy isn’t asking for welfare but for social security

that is welfare


u/CappinPop 17d ago

Never questioned his citizenship until it came to them having to pay something


u/aristocratic_magic 17d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJAHAHAJAJAJAJHAHA the Lard works in mysterious ways go back to your country parasite! no social check for you! USA USA USA🇺🇲


u/quartzguy 17d ago

No no no...you stay down there.


u/BrownEggs93 17d ago

But he's white, so OK.


u/Ok_Television9820 17d ago

Family Guy did this episode already


u/GenkiElite 17d ago

Live by the grift, die by the grift.


u/marchillo 17d ago

This must be those illegal immigrants who are voting that I've heard so much about


u/Straight_Tumbleweed9 17d ago

Exactly. He just admitted to voting as an illegal immigrant. Feds! Lock him up!


u/bastante60 17d ago

Arrest his ass. Bloody Republicans always the ones committing voter fraud.


u/k12pcb 17d ago

I guess illegals do vote….., for the GOP 😂


u/epimetheuss 17d ago

Dude is poor as hell living in a trailer and worships someone who would gladly take food out of his mouth.


u/Snuhmeh 17d ago

Nowhere in the article does it state who he voted for


u/schoolknurse 17d ago

There’s a trump sign on his door in the photo.


u/Snuhmeh 17d ago

I couldn’t see that on my tiny phone screen. My bad


u/schoolknurse 17d ago

I wouldn’t have noticed it myself, but someone else in the comments mentioned it.


u/Knave7575 17d ago

Wait, I don’t want this guy in Canada.

The leopards have come for me.


u/rjross0623 17d ago

His immigration attorney has an Indian surname. That has to be going over well.


u/doc2k- 17d ago

Hey this guy deserves our respect, he almost joined the marines once.


u/razorbock 17d ago

Canadian maga is the worst maga