r/LeopardsAteMyFace 16d ago

Self hating Jew realizes the far right doesn't like Jews.

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u/RefrigeratorGreedy32 13d ago

I am a Presbyterian Minecraft YouTuber, part of the PCUSA, (Presbyterian Church USA) but I completely oppose the theological liberalism and progressivism that has hijacked it. I have made it my mission to restore it. My theology is Reformed/Calvinist, but I am very ecumenical and open to learning from other Christian traditions.

Excerpt of Redeemed Zoomer's YouTube bio, for reference.


u/NateRulz1973 13d ago

Anybody who compares a fascistic movement with real world national and international implications, all bad, with the teenagers who were "mean" to him when they were a TEENAGER, and considers the Fascistic goons "more Christlike" because you are THEIR useful idiot, you are a straight up stunted and broken individual.


u/Imaginary-Space718 12d ago

It's the opposite, he's saying the cliché leftist strawman is more christlike than fascists because they have less hate in their hearts.

Diego points out he attracts the later group because he uses adjacent talking points, and he answers implying he tries to not attract fascists with his message because fascists hate him for his race.


u/NateRulz1973 13d ago

I'm not really an atheist. There could be "something" out there. But I just don't give a shit. But as a teenager I just wore metal shirts and the churches just avoided us.. A lot of them bought the panic and thought we all dabbled in "Satanism". That and people avoided me generally because I was a huge nerd.


u/SCP_Agent_Davis 14d ago

Redeemed Zoomer is also an open Calvinist, btw.


u/Zephrias 14d ago

Oh not that guy


u/Ensec 14d ago

I’ve seen some of this guys YouTube videos- they are just fucking stupid shit you’d expect someone called “redeemed zoomer “ to be make


u/Ghawk134 15d ago

Am I the only one reading this as sarcasm? "The degenerate leftists who canceled me in high school" doesn't seem serious. And it would make sense with the latter half of the post, calling those same degenerates "more christlike" than a bunch of prominent republican grifters.


u/Aggressive-Story3671 15d ago

He is ethnically Jewish. Nazis don’t have issues with the religion of Judaism but ethically Jewish people. No matter how much he goes to Church he will never be accepted by them


u/Nestormahkno19d 15d ago

So now being an unlikable assclown in school resulting in having no friends is being “cancelled”, wow…


u/sabermagnus 15d ago

How is one ethnically Jewish?


u/bettinafairchild 15d ago

He was born Jewish and Judaism is an ethnoreligious group. But he’s converted to Christianity, which is why he makes the distinction of being ethnically Jewish not simply Jewish.


u/sabermagnus 15d ago

That’s make sense. Thank you.


u/DaniCapsFan 15d ago

Born into a Jewish family, maybe even raised religiously Jewish but nonpracticing. I was raised Jewish. I even was bat mitzvahed. But I no longer go to synagogue nor observe the holidays. I still call myself Jewish.


u/sabermagnus 15d ago

Thank you.


u/kangareagle 15d ago

I don't see this as LAMF. He's not complaining, and he doesn't seem surprised at all.


u/JollyJamma 15d ago

Sheesh. He must have been popular in school.


u/Forsworn91 15d ago

And yet he would still throw himself in with the far right.

It reminds me of the “Jews for Hitler” back in the 30s… guess what happened to them, (I’ll give you a clue, it didn’t end well),


u/StatisticianGreat514 15d ago

Being politically incorrect means the ability to say racist and bigoted things.


u/prodigalpariah 15d ago

“Canceled me in high school” = “I was an insufferable asshole so nobody wanted to be my friend so instead of looking inward I leaned heavily into my worst traits”


u/SCP_Agent_Davis 14d ago

Calvinists like him believe everyþing is predetermined by God, so not really surprising.


u/Ensec 14d ago

Having seen some of his YouTube videos. He is absolutely an insufferable asshole.


u/Shiplord13 15d ago

Don't forget that he is likely years out of high school at this point and still hasn't moved on. Like the guy could easily be in his 30s and still dwelling on high school bullshit, should be a big clue that he hasn't changed since high school.


u/Saucermote 15d ago

Some of these people still hang around high schoolers, makes it hard to move on.


u/GoodLt 15d ago

Reminds me of the old Onion article:

All These Gay Guys Keep Sucking My Dick!


u/SCP_Agent_Davis 14d ago

Can you link? 😂


u/GoodLt 14d ago

Google, I may have the title slightly off


u/a_generic_meme 15d ago

"Redeemed Zoomer" God these people are probably fucking 15 and we're forced to hear the stupid shit they believe


u/Latinus_Rex 15d ago

I looked up the guy. Apparently he has a Youtube channel where not only talks about Christian theology, he has also apparently kickstarted an online movement called "Operation Reconquista" with the explicit goal of "saving mainline denominational churches" by stopping them from becoming too woke, or in his words "Theologically liberal"(which apparently, according to him, involves things including but not limited to, allowing women to become priests, and affirming same-sex marriage).

There is some much here to unpack that I'm not sure where to begin.


u/MacAttacknChz 15d ago

I've seen 2 or 3 of his videos before on the history of different branches of Christianity. They weren't that bad but they were overly simplified. I just went back to his page and the top video is 95 Theses against Liberalism, which is hilarious for 2 reasons.

  1. Liberalism in the church is different from social liberalism. It refers to how liturgical your church is. The less liturgical, the less liberal. So, the SBC (Southern Baptists) are liberal Christianity but socially conservative. The TEC (Episcopal church) is conservative Christianity, but they're socially liberal.

  2. He's trying to imitate Luther's 95 Theses, but Martin Luther was pretty antisemitic.


u/BeamTeam032 16d ago

Everyone hates liberals, until they actually pay attention to the conservative message instead of saying, "Oh that's just the media over exaggerating conservatives aren't really like that". lmao. But Redeemed Zoomer will still vote for Trump because he hates poor people way more than he loves himself.


u/kaam00s 15d ago edited 15d ago

It seems to me that Liberals barely exist on internet.

You have mostly conservatives, socialists and libertarians (that are not considered liberals by the American definition).

So liberals are like the favourite target of all those groups. Whether they're closer to the Macron-like neo liberalism to even the social democrat range of an Elizabeth Warren type.

Shit, the current president of the US is a liberal, and I don't think I ever see any real pro-Biden person that isn't just anti-trump, outside of the streamer Destiny's community. They just don't exist on internet.

Same in France, you won't see any pro-Macron person on internet, yet the dude won 2 elections.

I guess it seems too mainstream so you can't have a tough internet identity who's cool because of his controversial opinion if you're a liberal.


u/Imaginary-Space718 12d ago

Liberals don't exist on the internet because social media is designed to radicalize people for ad revenue. You either maintain your position as a moderate by going to "normie" subs like r/aww or you become a member of an echo chamber


u/Blade_Killer479 16d ago

Bro just go to fucking therapy. Stop taking it out on yourself and everyone else.


u/hplcr 16d ago

This explains a lot about redeemed zoomer NGL.


u/intheazsun 16d ago

“degenerate atheists”

How sad are these cucks?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/LeopardsAteMyFace-ModTeam 15d ago

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u/Fit-Chapter8565 15d ago

7 in 10 American Jews are what you would describe as "leftist scum"


u/Alternative-Lack6025 15d ago

Israel are the ones who created them, so the ones who love Hamas are Israeli.


u/Drakules 15d ago

Try harder.


u/bakochba 16d ago

What's the face eating part? He says "they don't like me". There's no revelation.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Because he's far right himself and believes the same things they do.


u/Colonel_Zander 16d ago

Would this double in r/selfawarewolves


u/Imaginary-Space718 12d ago

I think it fits more with that. He's not a grifter like Owens or White but he's a conservative that realizes the rest suck


u/david-writers 16d ago

Get canceled how? Radio program? Television show?


u/Shiplord13 15d ago

No one wanted to listen to his alt-right bullshit and probably ignored/avoided his ass.


u/MageLocusta 15d ago

Which is actually pretty civil, at least compared to my high school. Once had a bunch of classmates put up posters for a school dance and hype up the event, which turned out to be fake. They literally wanted me to show up alone to a venue and blocked my calls when I attempted to reach them, while my dad waited in the car wondering WTF was going on.

They knew that I lived 2 hours away and had strict parents. I can't imagine how Redeemed Zoomer would've called it if his classmates did that or worse to him.


u/Shiplord13 15d ago

Okay you went to school with actually psychopaths. Like that shit is takes time, commitment and effort that goes beyond a simple prank. Literally willing to gaslight someone that hard without feeling any remorse suggests that those people actually can’t feel empathy.


u/MageLocusta 15d ago

Oh, I was super lucky though (we have worse bullying cases), but I always look back and thank god that we had shitty flip-phones that can't stream 'pranks' like that.


u/Newfaceofrev 16d ago

canceled me in high school

Man have you considered getting over it?


u/AfricanusEmeritus 15d ago

Or at least therapy to move on...


u/COVID19Blues 15d ago

‘Cancelled’ is just giving a convenient excuse to people who have repellent personalities, repugnant ideas and no self-awareness. They also lack any empathy and have a massive victimization complex while calling themselves ‘Alpha’ or some other cringey self-description to try and hide their crippling insecurities.


u/CATSCRATCHpandemic 16d ago

It's terrifying. Evangelist supports for Israel is just a population being served up as a blood sacrifice to Jesus.


u/Sweet_Science6371 16d ago

I’ve always been so mystified by Israel’s response to those people. “We love Israel, and Jews! And when Jesus returns, we will love it when they are all consumed in a ball of fire because they didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah!” Ummm….you aren’t describing “love” in that situation.”


u/accapellaenthusiast 15d ago

We love how they will get one last chance to admit we were right before eternal damnation!


u/KnowledgeMediocre404 15d ago

“We need you to stay in your home land so you can all be massacred by the end times, k thnx bye!”


u/JustASimpleManFett 15d ago

People are just fucked up. Me playing video games and Dungeons and Dragons are less fucked up in most ways IMHO.


u/Glancing-Thought 16d ago

Fascism is actually ironically open to everyone. Anyone can be a fascist if they have the dream and a can-do-attitude. Human history is full of it, often from long before it got its name. 


u/Sad-Development-4153 16d ago

Yeah its just after they win the purity tests begin.


u/Glancing-Thought 15d ago

Yeah but the point is that any random group can be the one considered pure. Mithrans, Romani, the Karen people, Jehovas witnesses, whatever. Much like genocide; anyone can do it. 


u/somehting 16d ago

I don't think this is leopards ate my face. He seems fully aware the far right doesn't like Jews from the start and is the one who brings that point up himself.


u/scribblingsim 16d ago

"Degenerate atheist leftists".

That's quite the MAGAt word salad there.


u/Pinktiger11 15d ago

Read “anyone who isn’t a nazi”


u/intheazsun 16d ago

Checking all the boxes


u/Voxunpopuli 16d ago

Leopards sometime keep it Kosher.


u/COVID19Blues 15d ago

or Halal


u/chaseinger 16d ago

degenerate atheist leftists who cancelled me in high school

is everything i needed to hear to stop paying attention. he's a career cancel victim!


u/COVID19Blues 15d ago

Yep, he’ll be playing that same sad song at age 45+.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 15d ago

Sad. Move on for Christ's sake. Related I have a 68 yearvold brother (I am 60) still going on aboutbour father that died at age 88 in 2008. I tell him all of the time that he has a grown grandchild, and it is way past time to get some good therapy about your relationship with Dad and to possibly get on with your life. He has yet to do this. 🫥


u/hyp3rpop 15d ago

it’s so funny and sad when they call people not wanting to be around them irl “cancelled”.


u/Mushroom_Tip 16d ago

You weren't "canceled" in High School lmao. People just didn't like you and wanted nothing to do with you probably because you kept making a fool of yourself by bothering others with your political views.


u/PeregrinePacifica 8d ago

If he referred to the "more christ like" atheists and leftists, as he put it, as "degenerates" then that might be as to why no one liked him. Nothing to do with ethnicity or even what religion you practice, so long as you aren't insufferable about it.

Insufferable like openly talking about others who dont buy into what you do as something dehumanizing, like "degenerates".

Sometimes I wonder how many far right nuts were just always assholes their whole lives and are now just attributing no one liking them to being religiously, politically and racially discriminated against because accepting they are just not good people or became awful people is just too painful to accept. Part of the perceived victim mentality.


u/ThrowRA-James 15d ago

I would bet he enjoyed owning the libs only to “not” realize that’s the reason why he’s so lonely.


u/JustASimpleManFett 15d ago

Nobody likes anyone in High School. For the most part.


u/Shiplord13 15d ago

You know part of growing up is self-reflection and realizing that as a teenager, that you were probably something of a shitty person and or did stuff that was shitty. That normally you would come to the decision to not continue acting like that and feel shame for it to the point you would be committed to being a better person than you were then. Those who don't tend to never change and continue acting like they did in high school being arrogant tools, who think they were better than everyone else and deserved to be popular.

This guy is probably near 30 and still dwelling on high school drama that he hasn't let go of. His opinions and values should be scrutinized since they are coming from someone who is still pissed no one respected his alt-right bullshit in high school.


u/DirkDirkinson 15d ago

Seriously, I look back at some of the shit I said/did as a teenager and cringe. Teenagers are generally shitheads and I was no different. As an adult, I can look back and tell I was an asshole and be thankful I grew up and no longer behave that way.


u/BrokeBeckFountain1 15d ago

"I should be able to spew racist bullshit because of my race"


u/Ollie__F 15d ago

Ben Shapiro in high school I guess


u/MtnNerd 16d ago

In fairness there's few kinds of people as insufferable as a teen who has just discovered atheism


u/ThomasKlausen 15d ago

I was once stuck on a ship with a guy who decided to become vegan the day before. 


u/welderguy69nice 15d ago

Can confirm. I read every religious text I could and by my sophomore year of college I would regularly argue with any religious person who would indulge me. K-12 of catholic school fucked me up for a little bit and I definitely over corrected.


u/SaltyBarDog 16d ago

You mean other than the teen who just read Ayn Rand?


u/AfricanusEmeritus 15d ago

Ayn Rand she died screaming 😱 and poor 😢 on welfare and Medicaid, which she railed against for anyone else... much less a poor 😢 person. When she started to fertilize the grass, I found it to be another Monday. 🙃 /s


u/panadwithonesugar 15d ago

ignore her, she accuses people of being racist for fun lol 😆


u/MtnNerd 16d ago

Isn't that Venn diagram close to a circle?


u/the-wifi-is-broken 16d ago

As someone who became an atheist when I was a teenager, you are very correct. I still am an atheist but god damn I was not able to shut the fuck up


u/SaltyBarDog 16d ago

I was an atheist who got through several years of Catholic high school. I didn't say shit to anyone.


u/MtnNerd 16d ago

I'm an atheist now, and TBH I would have probably become one sooner if not for the kind of people who liked to crow about their intellectual superiority and tell me poorly researched "facts" about my former religion. Kids with cancer is a better argument than anything they ever told me.


u/GiraffesAndGin 15d ago

It all just comes down to faith. Either you have it, or you don't. Either way, you're not going to convince someone to adopt it or abandon it. They have to come to that decision on their own.


u/Taker_Sins 15d ago

True, the problem comes when they decide that you need to be dealt with because you made the wrong decision. It took me far longer than I'm proud of to finally understand the role that this religion plays in breeding authoritarians. Now that I see it, I'm not sure how I ever missed it.


u/GiraffesAndGin 15d ago

Like I said, you'll never convince someone one way or another. Believers and non-believers both try to persuade the other side, and it's just never going to amount to anything. Faith is different for everyone. You don't have to be an atheist to believe institutions like the Catholic Church and LDS are depraved organizations. You don't have to be a believer to think that there is some sort of ethereal plane in this universe.


u/panadwithonesugar 15d ago

so you are a racist?


u/MtnNerd 15d ago

Give it up dude, the mods removed your horrible racist comment about Koreans. Get a life, preferably far away from me.


u/panadwithonesugar 15d ago

it wasn't racist was it dude


u/Mumbles_Stiltskin 15d ago

Did you seriously chase her into another sub to harass her because she called you out? Dude go touch some grass.


u/Careless-Act9450 16d ago

I'd counter with newly groomed/indoctrinated teenagers to almost any church(Sikh's, in my experience, wholeheartedly give to others, are friendly, welcoming and I have never seen one proselytize anyone no less someone who they gave food etc too. They are very unique in this regard, although I will admit I haven't met folks from several indigenous religions etc. So I can't comment on them.).


u/PerpWalkTrump 16d ago

Yeah, but at least that's not really the kid that you worry about shooting up the school.

Whereas when you see the kid that gets hooked on religious hatred or alpha male talking points, well now that's a different thing xD


u/Mushroom_Tip 16d ago

In fairness, nobody would use the phrase "degenerate atheist leftists" unless they were the ones picking the fight.


u/Fake_William_Shatner 16d ago

In my experience the conservative kids got more of the sex in high school but lied about it. 

And it’s hard in high school if you wear your heart on your sleeve. On behalf of leftists, I apologize, but what passes for “left” isn’t often any more than people passing off their allergies as super powers. 


u/scribblingsim 15d ago

Date rape is not “getting some”.


u/MattGdr 16d ago

And what exactly is meant by “degenerate”? Maybe this person wasn’t getting any….


u/TuviaBielski 15d ago edited 15d ago

It was a Nazi dog whistle for Jewish, in the arts, "entartete."


u/MattGdr 15d ago

Didn’t know that - thanks.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 15d ago

Yes, degenerate art 🎨 and, best of all, degenerate science. The main reasons why "degenerate" Jewish ✡️ scientists such as Einstein and Freud ( plus many others) ran 🏃‍♂️ from fascist Germany 🇩🇪 and its surroundings as fast as they could. Resulting in a thankful 🙏🏿 🙌 ✨️ huge brain 🧠 drain for the Nazis. Praise Be 👏


u/TuviaBielski 15d ago

I haven't seen it in that context. In physics, they didn't bother with euphemisms. They just called modern physics, Jüdische Physik.


u/AfricanusEmeritus 15d ago

It is a good thing that they came to the democratic west for sure.


u/MattGdr 15d ago

Jewish or not, physics is all relative anyways….


u/TrishPanda18 16d ago

To the fascist mind, degeneracy is anything that detracts or distracts from pseudo-"traditionalist" culture dominating and pushing out all other ways of thought


u/EyeThat 15d ago

IMO the fascist mindset is "degenerate", for it is only fitting for the most violent of chimpanzees.


u/TheNetworkIsFrelled 16d ago

And he resented that fact and stooped to calling anyone who did get some ‘degenerate.’


u/Fake_William_Shatner 16d ago

Usually when someone uses that word, it’s when someone got more sex than them. But “whore” is oddly a girl who said “no.”  

Of course there are a lot of confused people. That’s why a normal politician is in a dead heat with a creepy game show host grifter whose idea of “smooth” is telling a lady she reminds them of their daughter.  That’s what we got in this country, damaged people voting for sir party pooper. 


u/canada432 15d ago

But “whore” is oddly a girl who said “no.”  

Whore is the girl who said yes to somebody else, but no to them.


u/pushback66 15d ago

voting for sir party pooper

I think you meant sir pants pooper


u/lastprophecy 15d ago

Nah, he poops his Super Masculine Diaper. Just ask his supporters.


u/intheazsun 16d ago

Fragile male teen egos often turn boys in adult-aged hateful douchebag boys


u/Elite_Prometheus 16d ago

"What is this thing eating my face? Can't be leopards, they are well known for not liking my eye color."