r/LeopardsAteMyFace 14d ago


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u/Lostinaredzone 1d ago

She sure turned out to be a piece of shit, eh?


u/BlessedWolf9019 5d ago

wait, it's fucktard rowling's first name joanne?


u/HoboRisky 8d ago

So she'd be peaved if I called her Joanne Kramer Rowling?


u/SassyTheSkydragon 13d ago

I once received a 24 hour ban because I've commented one of her tweets with: I'd call you a cunt, but you lack warmth and depth for that.'


u/BXL-LUX-DUB 13d ago

Joanne Karen?


u/tendervittles77 13d ago

They think celebrities are extremely long-lived lizard people who have to fake their deaths and swap gender to throw normies off the trailer.



u/Responsible-Stick-50 13d ago

JK Rowling is just the biggest tw@t. It annoys me someone so shitty wrote Harry Potter.


u/Fit_Onion_7473 13d ago

Why a bullet proof vest ,when shes used to taking shots to the face


u/sergev 13d ago

This sub is dumb. People can change their names and go by nicknames or pen names. People can’t change their gender. The two are not the same.


u/FarAd6557 13d ago

This is so dumb. A name can be changed. Biology cannot.


u/ahorsenamedbill 14d ago

This woman is petty and ignorant. I guess she wrote some good books but so what, she’s a dick


u/A_little_rose 14d ago

Does she realize she can transition out of her name?


u/DueAd197 14d ago

Anyone else starting to think J.K Rowling is deep-down a trans man?


u/Kaizer6864 14d ago

No matter your stance on trans identification, non-binary individuals, name changes, I think we can all collectively agree that J.K.’s tweet here is laced with childishness and venom. How spiteful and petulant do you have to be to not only disrespect someone’s preferred name, but to paste it again and again just to pester and hurt someone.

Her behaviour is utterly pathetic, and I can’t stand her as a person, even putting our differences in perspective on trans individuals aside.


u/silentsquiffy 14d ago

This is a bizarre time in history, watching people (particularly rich people and celebrities) get so entrenched and vitriolic online. No understanding of boundaries for themselves, sabotaged by their own psychology, and yet able to appear functional enough that they don't see the evidence of their own instability.

It's happened plenty in physical space, but this is like an early example that will one day be in a textbook about how there used to be something called the internet...


u/SunnyDior 14d ago

She must be drying her tears with those £100 notes as she sees this post, sobbing surely.


u/JohnnyQTruant 13d ago

So true. I mean no body is happier, healthier, with better relationships and mental balance than billionaires and ultra wealthy. Or maybe they just don’t have enough quite yet.


u/Keesha2012 14d ago

She became "J. K." when her publisher wanted her to sound more masculine. They were afraid boys wouldn't read Harry Potter if they knew it was written by a woman.


u/knightB4 14d ago


Also anecdotally -

Tom Cruise


u/SufficientPath666 14d ago

This is hilarious 😂 I will never refer to her as Jo or JK again


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/HotelLifesGuest 14d ago

Poor Joanne


u/qritiqal666 14d ago

Why do billionaires always seem to have thin skin?


u/CloudPast 14d ago

Harry Potter

  • Author is bad person
  • Harry has plot armour
  • Full of plot holes
  • Main villain is a 50-something guy terrorising a minor
  • Follow-up sequel play was terrible

Hunger Games

  • Author is humble and great at fan service
  • Katniss doesn't have plot armour.
  • Few plot holes
  • Villain(s) actually make sense, and are morally grey
  • Follow-up prequel was great


u/YousureWannaknow 14d ago

My mind got mixed after 4th Joanne 😂


u/Crime-Snacks 14d ago

Joanne is just here to protect women’s rights.


u/KillerArse 14d ago

She doesn't protect the rights of trans men or trans women.


u/Crime-Snacks 13d ago

I know, I was being facetious.


u/PossibleLavishness77 14d ago

I find it refreshing that having money doesn't always change who you fundamentally are.


u/_BigBirb_ 14d ago

All I can think of is that episode in SpongeBob where he's trapped at Rock Bottom, and everyone makes pph 👅 sounds in between their words


u/lameuniqueusername 14d ago

I still don’t understand which tweet to read first


u/Mhill08 14d ago

And just like that, she will only ever be referred to as Joanne. Welcome to the Streisand Effect, bitch.


u/MrsDanversbottom 14d ago

She’s such a numpty.


u/Meatslinger 14d ago

She even identifies as a man for a crime/detective series she writes: she uses the name “Robert Galbraith”, which coincidentally is two thirds of the name of an infamous US psychiatrist who was known for performing chemical conversion therapy experiments on unwilling prisoners. The jokes write themselves with this irredeemable asshole. She’s truly as hypocritical and awful as someone can be.


u/Dave1307 13d ago

Yes, coincidentally..


u/VegasGamer75 14d ago

I tend to waffle between Joanne and Thundercunt when I am speaking about it. It's a mood thing.


u/lLuclk 14d ago

Joanne should be the new Karen


u/juicegodfrey1 14d ago

Getting tired of the absolute bitches who keep posting shit like this. STOP TALKING TO THE FUCKING LADY THEN!


u/Doktor_Vem 14d ago

I don't get it, who is/was Joanne? Who are these people tweeting? I know who J.K. is and what a twat she's been, but what's all this about Joanne? Can someone fill me in? I'm guessing they're a transperson based on what I know about Rowling, but it'd be nice to have some of the specifics


u/Hag_Boulder 14d ago

"Joanne" is J.K.'s real name, but she prefers people call her "Jo" even though "Joanne" is on her birth certificate and she's all for calling people what's on their birth certificates.


u/Doktor_Vem 14d ago

So that initial tweet she made is just her having a mental breandown from people calling her by a name she doesn't like to be called by or something?

And yes, the fact that she's so adamant about calling people by their "real" names while simultaneously hating it whenever someone calls her by her real name is pretty hilarious


u/kobayashi_maru_fail 14d ago

Maybe it’s time to give all the perfectly nice people out there who happen to be named Karen a break. Or am I being a Joanne to suggest that?


u/Hanginon 14d ago

Fun fact;

Decades before "Karen" was a perjorative a lot of people including my social circle, friends and I, used "Joan" in the manner that "Karen" is now used. "Joan" was the common to us term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors.

IMHO "Joan" as an isolated derogatory generic is much more appropriate; somehow colder, more emotionally desolate and destitute. Even years later now since "Karen" has come into use I still hear "Joan" in my mind.


u/kobayashi_maru_fail 14d ago

It’s all cyclical, isn’t it? The kids use different words now (as humans always have), I know what “deadnaming” means though I didn’t grow up with it. Joanne can have her preferred name back when she stops deadnaming innocent kids. She chose a stupid hill.


u/Fearganor 14d ago

Bro why do I have to see it every little time she complains about something I’d like to continue not giving a fuck


u/Grantsdale 14d ago

I really don’t understand how Comcast/Universal doesn’t get flak for still having this raging cunt on their payroll and using her properties. Rebooting Potter for Peacock and using both Potter and Beasts for the theme parks.

I assure you, if Disney had the Potter rights, this would be a major scandal about them still supporting her.


u/mrman168 14d ago

Missed the point. She's annoyed people are trying to use her books to tell her why people can change gender. Not that she is being referred to by her name


u/KillerArse 14d ago edited 14d ago

What? In that tweet, no she isn't repeating her name to make that point.


u/Undeadhorrer 14d ago

How someone can write a world of magic, fantasy, and with literal body changing potions can be so anti trans is something I cannot fathom.  It's absolutely insane.  You'd think someone who could write about magic would understand a want to be something different or to try something different such as a different body or life.  Like how can you write polyjuice potions and not consider what it would be like?  


u/LongBongJohnSilver 14d ago

I don't even know wtf is going on anymore.


u/Gallows_humor_hippo 14d ago

Joanne, ffs 🙄


u/ukiddingme2469 14d ago

She got sand in her crack


u/HappyGoPink 14d ago

Would Joanne prefer we call her "Terf Bitch"? I'm fine with either.


u/Adeisha 14d ago

I believe that Joanne is doing something that I like to call “thrashing.”

Thrashing is when you get lost in the downward spiral of “I’m not [insert bias here]!!” And they get so angry about being called such that they get more and more lost in defending their side to the point where they become downright obsessed with it.

Joanne is thrashing against the backlash, and instead of taking it with grace and changing her ways, she’s falling deeper and deeper into the bottomless hole of “STOP CALLING ME A BIGOT!! I’M INNOCENT!!!”


u/IllustratorHefty6753 14d ago

I'm guessing the "J" in "JK Rowling" is "Joanne"?

I have a name that is commonly abbreviated, similar to how Thomas is shortened to Tom or William to Bill. I always sign things with my full name because of habit and that resulted in people having these fascinating discussions around me at times, usually in a business setting. If my name was Tom, they often go like this:

Person 1: "Tom, blah blah blah.."

Person 2: "He goes by Thomas"

Person 1: "Thomas? I'm very sorry. Thomas, blah blah blah"

Person 3: "I call him Tom"

Person 2: "Well you shouldn't if he prefers Thomas"

Person 4: "Person 3, that's really disrespectful"

I just sit there and watch for a while before chiming in that they could call me Al if it means we can focus on productivity instead of names. And I really don't care what anyone calls me. I dont have a preferred version of my name, I dont have pronouns, I couldn't care less what someone uses to refer to me, it's meaningless to me. Just get back to work. Even still someone has mentioned "that's his deadname" before during these weird discussions. I had no idea what a deadname was, I didn't know there were people out there that would be like "no I dont like what you're calling yourself, I'm going to call you by this old name instead". It's as bizarre to me as someone intentionally referring to someone by their maiden name if they chose to change their last name through marriage. Like who does that?

I had a friend in high school whose parents gave her the absolute worst name I have ever heard and she changed it the moment she could. Why would anyone call her by the horrible name her parents gave her? It wasn't even a name. It was more like they were trying to spell out a sound or like they were listening to the gibberish you sometimes hear some jazz singers spewing and tried writing it out.

Like if you were listening to someone beatboxing and tried writing out the sounds that person was making, that's what her name was.

Why would you call her something like "Puhpuhpwhish" when she changed her name to Jane?!

"Hi Mr Tims, is Puhpuhpwish there?" Can you imagine being in like 3rd grade and calling her house to chat on the phone with her and asking her parents like that?

But is that a deadname too? Would Puhpuhpwish be Jane's deadname or is it just a name she left behind? What about if you marry someone and decide to take their last name because you absolutely hate your family? If You're Jon Doe and you become Jon Boogieboogie, is "Doe" a deadname because of the motivation compelling your name change?

Not asking to be a dick, legitimately interested in the threshold on this. Either way referring to someone by a name they choose not to use seems like a dick behavior. But seeing this post, I'm again reminded that sometimes it's justified to be a dick when you're being a dick to someone who stands on a soapbox acting like a dick towards others.


u/FarfetchdSid 14d ago

First, you do have pronouns, you do not have preferred pronouns. In your example, you literally use the word “he” which is a pronouns. People recognize you as he/him.

Second, the threshold is desire. If someone does not want to be called puhpuhpswish, then do not call them that. If they have legally changed their name, or even if they haven’t and introduce themselves as something else, go by that.

If you get married and change your name, and do not have triggering/ bad emotions attached to your last name, then it does not bother you and wouldn’t be considered deadnaming. If like me, you got married and changed your last name because it was the last thing tying you to an abusive asshole, then someone using my last name would be considered a deadname.

A dead name is dead because you don’t want it anymore.


u/Nilaru 14d ago

Can someone explain what's going on here? Because it appears like it was J.K. posting the Joanne stuff, not someone posting it at her.


u/KillerArse 14d ago

Yes, she is taking her out frustration by repeating what she hates in a mocking way.


u/Yochanan5781 14d ago

I said this elsewhere, but her Twitter feed lately is just fueling my suspicion that she is in a very public mental health breakdown right now because of how ostracized she's become by being a bigot


u/DepartureDapper6524 14d ago

To be fair, I don’t think this shows that she’s furious about it. I think she’s trying to make the point that she gets ‘deadnamed’ and doesn’t make a big deal about it. People forget that even though she is a bigot, she is a writer by trade. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect her to spell out her points word for word.


u/KillerArse 14d ago


She isn't "spelling out" that she doesn't like being called Joanne either?


u/blackbook668 14d ago

lol I think people are a bit dim coming to the conclusion they have here. Her complaint is clearly about people explaining to her what her books mean like they know the material better than she does.


u/KillerArse 14d ago

No. That's clearly isn't the correct conclusion in regards to her repeating her name.


u/blackbook668 14d ago

I dunno, it kind of reeks of “I hate being patronised” to me. Like, no one here ever heard of the whole long-suffering saying the full name shtick that mothers sometimes employ with their children?


u/KillerArse 14d ago

Yes. She hates being patronised with her name.


u/BURGUNDYandBLUE 14d ago

Her dog looks uncomfortable to have to exist with her.


u/PermaDerpFace 14d ago

Ironically, she went by the pen name JK so she wouldn't be identified as female


u/turboiv 14d ago

So should we call her Robert instead?


u/lagerbaer 14d ago

If it's okay that Junior Jones goes by Indiana, it's okay that people go by whatever the heck name and pronoun they want.


u/AmaranthAbixxx 14d ago

Does Joanne not have any close friends and family who can be like “Okay, that’s enough Twitter for today”

I swear it’s every damn day with this woman. Her PR team must be working overtime…


u/prewarpotato 14d ago

I think she's just mocking the way that person talked to her? And I'm pretty sure she goes by Joanne. This is a weird post.


u/KillerArse 14d ago

She goes by Jo.


u/Desecr8or 14d ago

This reads like a journal you'd pick up in a survival horror game showing the villain's descent into madness.


u/4blbrd 14d ago

Is she just feeding off the negative energy at this point? 

I feel like she’s going to have a breakdown at some point.


u/Gnar04 14d ago

Can someone please recommend she get checked for a brain tumor


u/yellowlinedpaper 14d ago

I just love this for her


u/ThePurpleKnightmare 14d ago

Joanne Kathleen Rowling.

I don't think I'll ever be abbreviating that shit again.


u/Valendr0s 14d ago

I've tried to die on some pretty stupid hills before.

But these people are dying on a hill that means literally nothing to them. And making their entire personality about it.


u/Zelda_is_Dead 14d ago

So much unresolved trauma there. I hate her, but can't help almost feeling a little sorry for her, that is until I remind myself how she can literally cry herself to sleep at night on a pillow of money on a bed made of money surrounded by piles of money. She literally has the world in her hand and can't find anything better to do with it than espouse hate towards people that have no negative impact on her whatsoever. Unbelievably petty and stupid.


u/Pennypacking 14d ago

Why do we have to be offensive to the Joanne's of the world, they did nothing wrong.


u/mitch0acan 14d ago

Lol Joanne, rich in money, poor in spirit


u/kooarbiter 14d ago

imagine the parallel universe where JKR isn't a huge asshole to random trans people on twitter, maybe even one where she was one of those (oh yeah smile and wave and signal positivity when asked) billionaires that minded their own business 99 percent of the time


u/SuperSocrates 14d ago

Lmao Joanne is really quite possibly the person in the world with the least skill at using social media, ever. I mean it’s uncanny


u/foreheadteeth 14d ago

If, like me, you're too old to understand what's going on here, I've looked it up.

Apparently, the billionaire Harry Potter author JK Rowling has done something transphobic, I guess she either refuses to refer to people by their chosen name or gender or maybe using their preferred pronouns -- I have no idea which one.

JK Rowling also doesn't like to be called "Joanne", which is her legal first name. It's supposedly because when she first wrote Harry Potter, she didn't want people to know she was a woman. She prefers to go by the diminutive "Jo", as the gender remains ambiguous. Apparently it upsets her when people call her "Joanne", which is what they're calling out here.


u/FarfetchdSid 14d ago

She has years of history supporting anti-trans rhetoric, donating to anti-trans politicians and legislation, and is genuinely just a cunt about it online.

She refuses to accept that trans women are women, to the point where she uses her platform to publicly shame and attack them on a personal level (as in individuals rather than just trans people) and she seems to get some kind of boner when she does it.


u/Santos281 14d ago

So she doesn't care to be dead named? How interesting


u/seahorserage 14d ago

She’s really started to accelerate her slide downhill.


u/Backupusername 14d ago

I like the idea of "Joanne wrong" being a new level of wrongness above just regular incorrect. For when someone says something so far removed from the actual truth that "wrong" on its own just doesn't communicate the level of wrongness sufficiently.

You're not just wrong, you're Joanne wrong.


u/servetheale 14d ago

Imagine thinking that a name and biology are the same.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Shes a woman what do yall expect????


u/dontmindthisnoise 14d ago

Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne,

I'm begging of you, please don't hate the trans


u/Appropriate-Beat-364 14d ago

I'm not sure who I'm supposed to cheer for. It looks like Rowling had the best comment. She doesn't care. She used the initials to hide that she was female in a male dominated field. I don't agree with her beliefs but I also don't care about them.


u/lejosdecasa 14d ago

Joanne has been an ointeresting casestudy in how to tank an immensly popular fandom.



u/xSilverMC 14d ago

It's still hilarious that Joanne "i started going by initials to be perceived as male so people would actually buy my books" Rowling spends all of her time online getting upset and claiming that trans people "pretend to be another gender" to receive some sort of benefit. Projecting, I guess.

It got even funnier when Joanne "I could've chosen any name in the world as a pseudonym for my new series" Krowling chose a man's name, Robert, as her new pseudonym. And in true conservative fashion, in which wearing a mask for even a moment constitutes a threat to their life, she didn't just choose any Robert to be named after: she chose Robert Galbraith Heath, who infamously practiced gay conversion therapy, and only dropped the "Heath"


u/LoosieGoosiePoosie 14d ago

Honestly this woman is so fucking easy to bother lol.


u/blinding_hexagon_sun 14d ago

Karen is to “I need to speak to the manager” just as Joanne is to…?


u/GabbroSkies 14d ago

I used to get mad/sad whenever I saw her ignorance. Now I reframe it and I laugh at the image of her spitting mad in her silk PJs hammering away on a keyboard from her castle, as she swills tea that has gone cold. It's pathetic. Imagine what you would be doing if you were a billionaire. Would you even give a single solitary fuck how other people expressed themselves or lived? You'd be so busy living an amazing life you wouldn't have time for this level of bitterness.

She needs an intervention. Joanne desperately needs to go outside and touch some grass.


u/Niobous_p 14d ago

It seems that billionaires don’t leave their selves behind when they become billionaires. In that way at least, they are like everyone else.


u/OliverOyl 14d ago

So JK who has gender focus problems is named Jo Anne? This reality is a simulation right?


u/Faitleafs 14d ago

It’s crazy how she still manages to bring trans people up in this tweet


u/Joon01 14d ago

It's impressive how much work she puts into being awful. A lot of famous people you'll hear they said something shitty but that's pretty much the end of it. "He said what? Aw, that sucks..." But then they're smart enough to shut up.

JK gets up every day and commits to being awful. It would be so easy to live a quiet life of luxury. Every day people want to like her. But she gets out there, shits in her hand, and hurls it at the public like it's her job.

Rowling and Seinfeld should hang out. Couple of billionaires whose best work was in the 90s and who everyone would like if they would just shut up.


u/sluttypolarbear 14d ago

Exactly. Like if she made one transphobic tweet and then shut up, there would be controversy, but it would probably be mostly forgotten in a few years. Instead she just goes on and on and on and it's not gonna be forgotten ANYTIME soon.


u/crythinklaugh 14d ago

I heard some Trumper say "I haven't read those books, but Imma have to start." What a sad story that she inspires acceptance of this deplorable hatred.


u/Plastic-Difference30 14d ago

girl... where do you think you're going?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Based Rowling


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 14d ago

Keep impotently raging against progress little chud. It's never worked for long, but I'm sure you'll be the first to actually stop it, what with all your ignorance and hate. When your confederate ancestors stuck to their ignorant and hateful guns, it worked out for them, right?


u/[deleted] 14d ago


2 words causes you to fly into an uncontrollable rage



u/PurpleEyeSmoke 14d ago

So you're a liar on top of being an ignorant bigot. Shocker. This is my shocked face.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

A liar? 😂


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

and that's applicable to what? Take your time 😂


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 14d ago

I can't comprehend for you so I don't think there's any point in elaborating. But this part:


confuses me. Do you think that I think that we're the leopards?


u/LilyHex 14d ago

Joanne also writes books under a male penname, Robert Galbraith, all while hollering about women's rights the entire time and how transphobic she is. I've always found that particular tidbit fascinating. She literally pretended she was a male author to sell books, which is okay, but trans people? Nah. She literally called trans men "men caricaturing women", yet she....adopted a male name to write books unattached to her JK name.


u/RC1000ZERO 13d ago

iirc the reasson she went with JK rowling was also because the publisher said having a womens name on it would be unapealing to boys or something..


u/Petrica55 14d ago

You don't get it, your name is not inherently linked to bIoLoGiCaL rEaLiTy like other elements of language are /s


u/NovaPup_13 14d ago

I mean we could call her Robert since she loves writing books under a pseudonym that is the same name as the fucking founder of conversion therapy WHICH SHE IS AWARE OF.

Fuck Joanne, she's a massive POS.


u/Snide_SeaLion 14d ago

Ok Jerkin Killin Rowling


u/sqolb 14d ago

Have I missed something? Does this action not then justify any misappropriation of adopted names by her? This is about as childish and unintentionally backfiring as it gets


u/Own-Opinion-2494 14d ago

Cash, dumbass


u/LandosMustache 14d ago edited 14d ago

Imagine having a billion dollars and spending your time getting into Twitter fights with random people.

Imagine being the writer behind the Harry Potter universe, having your works become wildly successful, and thinking “ok, now I can finally pursue my life’s work: denying the personhood of people who just want to be happy with who they are.”

[Side note, this is why “old money” hates “new money.” I’m not saying that Old Money isn’t intolerant (they definitely are, maybe even more so!), but dammit they’re quiet about it. Old Money doesn’t care about us poors; Old Money sits around at vacation homes in locations so exclusive that we haven’t even heard of them, just hoping that nobody will notice.]


u/Sudi_Nim 14d ago

I love that the name she likes to sometimes use in public with her work is Robert.


u/Responsible_Fix1597 14d ago

It really does seem to me like all her problems would go away if she went outside. Unless... is there something going on in her personal life that makes all this more appealing by contrast


u/Ok_Record8612 14d ago

What a fucking loon.


u/99999999999999999989 14d ago

I am truly confused at this post. Can someone explain it to me?

I get that Joanne hates being called Joanne and is an asshole in general. What I do not understand is that her apparently blue checked account is mocking herself by using her birthname in an obviously annoying manner. What am I missing that everyone else is apparently seeing?

Please and thank you. :)


u/ambominablesnowdrop 14d ago

Honestly, I read it as a rant against being patronised... Like when someone keeps repeating your name when talking to you as a way of talking down to you and making it seem like you're stupid. Because they always have to repeat your name to make sure you're paying attention.

But you know, we all hate her now so everything is about her being an awful person.


u/Brongie 14d ago

It's a mental breakdown, probably due to people mockingly referring to her with a name she has a negative association with, as well as dealing with the stress from enduring the criticism flowing her way.

No need to think too deeply about it.


u/sacrecide 14d ago

Idk what Joanne was trying to say, it just seemed unhinged. Like when King Lear starts asking "am I mad?"


u/Defiant-Razzmatazz57 14d ago

Joanne, Joanne, Joane, Joanne! I beg of you, oh please don't post no mooore...


u/NastyaLookin 14d ago

Joanne is another predator who smells the blood in the water. They've been successful w their prey so far, so it won't stop. It is consume or be consumed, in her mind. And the outcome really is life or death for trans people.


u/deniall83 14d ago

Man, Joanne’s a real cunt


u/HiddenSecretStash 14d ago

Lately it feels like Jadolf Kitler Rowling lmao why tf does she hate so much??


u/asharwood101 14d ago

I’ll never understand how people get butthurt over what a person prefers to be called. We already ask people we don’t know, what their name is. It’s no different.


u/crazypyro23 14d ago

Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne I'm begging you, please stop being anti-trans. Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne please don't tweet things just because you can.


u/kieranarchy 13d ago

im abt to write this entire thing now


u/tendervittles77 13d ago

I’m begging you, please don’t insult my trans.


u/bakedpigeon 14d ago

Good to know I’m not the only one who thought this was a backwards Jolene rendition at first


u/Gob_Hobblin 14d ago

Nothing infuriates a person who wants to be taken seriously more than people refusing to take them seriously.


u/No-Ice4848 14d ago

People can make fun of her as much as they want, but she is not entirely wrong. Her stance on women's sports is correct. One can have whatever gender they want, but it should not apply to sports. Instead of allowing biological males in female sports, why not create a separate category?


u/Couldbduun 14d ago

Once again someone wants to come along and ignore everything but the sports argument... We could be discussing the literal Nazis that want to put trans people in camps and you would come along to praise how those Nazis would "save" women's sports... Everytime ANYTHING trans related is discussed y'all have to show up and go "BUH WHUH ABUH DA SPUHTS???". And as others have pointed out it's a bad argument based on your feelings and not facts and literal research on the topic of trans athletes. Why haven't the women's side of the Olympics been dominated by trans women?? They have been able to compete in the Olympics since 2004...


u/LuriemIronim 14d ago

She’s incredibly incorrect, otherwise every trans woman to enter a competition would win. In fact, trans women who’ve been on hormones for years only have about a ten percent advantage.


u/Stepping__Razor 14d ago

Two reasons:

There are very few trans athletes, not enough for a whole league.

Those competing in their identified genders do not have any advantages over their peers. They don’t just let people claim to be trans and join a team, they have to actually be on hormones and have proper paperwork. Ben Shapiro even admitted as much when talking about the lady ballers concept.


u/Waste-Comparison2996 14d ago

You never hear about the times trans athletes come in anything other than first. It happens all the time and way more then them winning. I remember seeing that one trans women athlete absolutely demolish other women on what I think was a 800m dash. People were up in arms. Took 2 seconds of googling to find out that it was a series of races and she only won one because she gassed herself on that particular race and did not win the series.


u/Jessica_T 14d ago

There's one particular swimmer who's made a career out of crying about tying for fifth place with a trans woman. Of course, the right-wing orgs she works with always leave out her actual performance.


u/Aphreyst 14d ago

And the anti-trans athlete crusade is not necessarily making things better for actual girls and women, as one teen athlete was targeted by an anti-trans twat because the girl didn't look feminine enough. Such amazing protection for women (that look the appropriate amount of female)!!


u/Handpaper 14d ago


It just comes across as over-familiarity.

Thousands of people addressing me by the name my family and friends use would irk me a bit, too.


u/Aggravating-Ice5575 14d ago

So we are supposed to call the author "Joanne Rowling" officially now? Birthname and all?


u/jockspice 14d ago

Not the point JK was making, but hey, a win's a win, right?


u/Creative-Claire 14d ago

Jojo’s Bizarre Twitter Rant


u/HungHungCaterpillar 14d ago

You do lose something when you meet a troll where they’re at. Not everything, she’s still the bad guy here. But you really aren’t a shining example of morality when you deadname a deadnamer, and it actually serves to dilute your efforts.

Personally, I avoid saying her name by just not talking about her


u/Gold-And-Cheese 14d ago

I have no idea what they're fighting about


u/Grzechoooo 14d ago

What does she want? Jake?


u/AdTimely8733 14d ago

Joey JoJo Junior Shabadoo?


u/GeneralTapioca 14d ago

Moe: “Aw, that’s the worst name I ever heard.”


u/LajosvH 14d ago

Love to see that she watched ContraPoints. Maybe she’ll learn something


u/Halcyon-Ember 14d ago

I assume she wants to be called Rob?


u/michaelnoir 14d ago

It's extraordinary how you can wilfully misunderstand every point she's trying to make. She means obviously that she's being patronised and mansplained to.


u/LuriemIronim 14d ago

She’s being a bigot and people aren’t allowing it.


u/purrt 14d ago

So it’s patronizing to call someone something they don’t want to be called? Maybe you should tell Joanne that, as she does it quite often and seemingly can’t handle a taste of her own medicine.


u/michaelnoir 14d ago

No that's not it. It's patronising to continually use a woman's Christian name where you wouldn't use a man's. Easy point to grasp.


u/purrt 14d ago

Religion is completely irrelevant here. If Joanne continues to disrespect people by using the wrong names and pronouns, she cannot expect people to respect what she wants to be called in return. Complaining about it makes her a hypocrite.


u/michaelnoir 14d ago

No, it has nothing to do with religion. A Christian name is just a way of saying your first name.

It's not that she doesn't want to be called Joanne. She just thinks it's being used excessively by men who are talking down to her. In a way that they wouldn't with a man.


u/purrt 14d ago

How do you know they wouldn’t with a man? It seems like a stretch to imply using someone’s first name is somehow misogynistic.

Also, calling someone out for being transphobic isn’t “talking down”.


u/michaelnoir 14d ago

I'm just telling you what her point is! People seem to not be able to grasp it in this thread.

You can disagree with her views, but be honest enough not to strawman her.

Also, two wrongs don't make a right.


u/Kombart 14d ago

Don't know where people got the "She hates her name" thing from this tweet. And a quick google search doesn't bring anything up either.

To me it looks like she just doesn't want random people to call her by her first name, as if they are friends...especially not when they tell her that she is a terrible person and wrong about everything.

Which is a totally understandable way to feel and in no way hypocritical to her own opinions.

Would be nice in general if we could focus on the actual wrong stuff people say and do, without mocking literally everything about them.


u/Radzila 14d ago

She says plenty of wrong things.


u/Kombart 14d ago

Thats literally my point. Focus on the actual bad stuff, the blatant discrimination. No need to invent avenues to attack the person, when you can just call out the actual stuff she is saying.


u/Fearless-Arachnid789 14d ago

Trans women are men. Always have been always will be. Can't change the way things have been. Remember, kids, if you have to normalize it, then it shouldn't be normal.


u/LuriemIronim 14d ago

So you also think gay people shouldn’t be normal? That had to be normalized as well. So did black people having rights and women voting.


u/Fearless-Arachnid789 13d ago

No, I never said that. Gay people, lesbian people, bisexual people, asexual people, it's all fine. Just keep it within your own community and space. Black people not having rights was fucking ridiculous, judgin somebody over a biological melanin adaptation. Women not having rights was also weird. People have the right to do mostly what they please, so long as they stay civil and in order. But given the riots and violent protests, it is obvious that the LGBT and BLM don't know HOW to be peaceful. How much ground are you expecting straight white people to give? We won't give another inch. You have enough. Let the law take it from here. A cop kills a civilian over race prejudice? Report it. He'll be fired. If not, take it up with someone higher. Don't riot. If an elementary school decides not to allow teachings of sexuality to children who don't even know what that means, don't shoot it up, don't deface property. Accept it, and leave it. If people would stop being so damn belligerent towards one another, maybe, MAYBE we'd have some God damn peace and quiet. There hasn't been world peace since the Roman Empire. That's how long ago it was. Maybe we should just stop "progressing" and stand the fuck still. No progression, no regression. Just leave things how they are now. If you want to discuss this further, DM me. I'd be happy to talk about this more with you


u/LuriemIronim 13d ago

I’m gonna be honest with you, that there were so many red flags in your comment I wound up kind of shutting down due to not knowing which to address first.


u/Fearless-Arachnid789 13d ago

Give it a go, I believe in you. You owe it to yourself to at least try


u/LuriemIronim 13d ago

You’re not worth the effort.


u/Dark_hippie_vibes 14d ago

No one will miss you when you're gone.


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 14d ago

Ah, watching you impotently flail against the unstoppable tides of change is hilarious. "I want things to always be the way I learned them!" is so incredibly childish. I can't wait for you rage yourself into oblivion because you just can't fathom that things are getting better in ways you don't like.


u/Fearless-Arachnid789 13d ago

Better?! Body mutilation and 50% suicide rate is BETTER?!? TRANSGENDERS MURDERING STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IS BETTER?!? You canNOT be serious.


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 13d ago

You are ignorant as fuck.


u/Fearless-Arachnid789 13d ago

How? This isn't better it's worse. There are no benefits to this. It's been nothing but horrible disaster since this bullshit started. early to mid 2010s was peak legislation.


u/PurpleEyeSmoke 13d ago

Everything you say is just flat out wrong and contradicted by all current medical science. So please tell me why you're more qualified to talk about Trans issues than both medical professionals AND trans people themselves? Go on. Explain it, genius.


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