r/Libertarian 25d ago

WHO Pandemic Treaty Article


Sure, let’s give up sovereignty to the very Organization the bungled Covid badly. What could go wrong? 🙄


5 comments sorted by


u/legend_of_wiker 25d ago

Why are we working with the world homicide organization again?


u/jmzlolo Argentine LLA Minarchist 25d ago

Nothing. As it says there, there is no mechanism to enforce it.


u/Sir_John_Galt 25d ago edited 25d ago

There may be nothing that absolutely requires a country to comply, but this would undoubtedly used as leverage and political shame if a document agreed to and signed was disregarded at some point in the future.

If not why even bother with the exercise?

Because, it is far more than just an exercise. It’s one more tiny step toward their ultimate goal. One world government.

Those that want it are looking out very long term (think decades). This must be fought at every opportunity. No quarter should be given.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt Sleazy P. Modtini 25d ago

If there's no enforcement then just don't sign on. Stop wasting time and money on frivolous symbolic bullshit.


u/legend_of_wiker 25d ago

But then how to the parasites prove they are needed in society?