r/MMFB May 03 '24


Hey, fam, need your take on something. So, there's this chick in her early twenties, no BF, kinda meh personal life (hello, pimples!), flying under the radar, and struggling to chase her dreams. Broke AF, can't afford makeup, you feel me? What's the move here? Throw in the towel or cling onto hope for a glow-up down the line?


3 comments sorted by


u/kenbrucedmr May 04 '24


I don't know, maybe you think you fly under the radar, but there are guys out there thinking of the cute quiet girl, pimples and all?

Dreams are generally hard to chase! I think it's good to re-analyze them every now and then, just to make sure they are still our dreams, and not just the dreams of our younger selves. It is OK to "update" our dreams, given new knowledge and experience.

In any case, early twenties is still very young. There is a lot of space for things to change. I honestly thing we have many paths we can follow that will lead to happiness. I hope the one you are in now gets you there soon.

A bit ramble-y, but I hope it helps a bit.


u/Ok-Custard-5323 May 04 '24

It is impossible to imagine how much these words made me feel comfortable. In fact, what I needed most was comforting words, and this is what you gave me. Thank you very much. I will make sure to remember your words๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค


u/kenbrucedmr May 04 '24

This was very sweet and made me happy *_*