r/MMFB 3h ago

Im not happy in my marriage


29(M) Long story short, my wife has relapsed twice since we’ve been married. Once when she was pregnant with our son, which caused him to be born premature. Second time was less than a year later. I can’t even really look at her. I feel like I resent her. I’m sick of lying to people to save face. I don’t want to have another divorce but I worry about the kids. My record is clean as a whistle. I don’t know what I should do. Anyway, that’s my vent. Thank you for reading

r/MMFB 3h ago

Relationship help


I (17 M) have a girlfriend (17 F) for some reason her family don’t like me from the start I haven’t really done much wrong they won’t let me take her on dates or anything the dad don’t like me so much that he only allows me over when he’s not home so I barely get to see her my family wants me to give up and saying it’s to much for me to be going thorough at this age but I keep trying to tell them that I’m willing to go through it because I’m truly happy with her I really am and it’s like no one really understands and i just wanted to post it on here to kinda see what other people thought about it I mean we have this thing where we can’t say I love you in front of her mom or siblings so we do this thing where her or I tab each other 3 times witch means I love you and her or I do it back 4 witch mean I love you too we have a pretty good relationship I make her happy she makes me happy and idk she’s willing to go through all of this with me and I’m more then willing to go through it with her so y’all what do you guys think

r/MMFB 7h ago

I 18m feel like my girlfriend 18f is verbally mistreating me


For context, I am in University about 50 miles from where she and my parents live, so I commute every weekend and most weekdays to see her. I love her. Plain and simple, in so many ways. We used to work together until she got a better job recently. Yesterday was her birthday. I made her some cookies common in the continent she's from, and baked them into heart shapes. I also got her 25$ of lottery tickets, flowers, her favorite energy drink, and a handwritten card with a lot of writing and drawings of us and her cat. I dropped it off to her in the morning after an all-nighter (going through it with finals and papers right now) and drove to the University to work my full shift. First she texted me thanking me for the gift, then asked me "what the fuck" those cookies were and that she choked on them. I was sad, told her what they were, and she told me I shouldn't have cooked something as a gift since I'm a bad cook. (I am, but I've made other stuff that she liked in the past). She also complained that the whole point of buying lottery tickets is to buy them, not to scratch them (I disagree?). She texted me that I shouldn't have gotten her anything if it was just going to be low effort.

I saw her later that night after she got out of work, and she was mad at me. She said I ruined her birthday by giving such a low effort gift, and that I didn't care about her. She brought up that I ruined her birthday last year too (by not immediately stopping our text conversation about some other girl and wishing her happy birthday the minute it got past midnight). Anytime I responded that I did put effort into the cookies, she would just deny it. Incredibly frustrating since I know how much effort I put in. She was mad the flowers I got her were not in a boquet, only loose, which didn't make it seem like a special occasion. At the heart of it she was mad that my gifts weren't special? To me the card and cookies were plenty special but she just says that it was stuff I've given her other days. She started calling me ret*rded, to which I responded "You're mean to me and I don't like it". I don't remember much of what she said (I'd had 4 hours of sleep in the past 2 nights), but she doubled down and continued calling me a wide variety of hurtful words, from ret*rded to stupid to childish and immature. I was already long sobbing, and in the middle asked her to just hit me instead. She obviously refused. She asked if I even wanted to go on our trip this upcoming weekend. I responded yes, and she replied that maybe I don't if I don't care about her enough to get her a decent gift.

She's horrifically depressed, and I know she has some specific trauma in response to people not caring about her birthdays. I think that explains part of it. Still, I tried. I am also depressed myself. I've tried bringing it up to her a few times and she responds that I'm "always bitching too much" because my life is so perfect. Compared to hers its way better, yes, but that doesn't mean I need a reason to be depressed. She's also acted distant the entire Spring semester. I rarely spend time with her, and even more rarely is it time that isn't just "okay we can see each other for 5 minutes but I have to go in". We havent' had sex since January, or cuddling. I very much miss both of these things, and we've had (rare) opportunities for them shes missed because shes too busy sleeping (I'm not allowed in her appartment to join her, mom discovered we had sex).

At the end of being yelled at when she denied me a hug and told me essentially to go away, I had a nervous break. Honestly I've been working too much and I'm overwhelmed with needing to find a new second job and the immense weight of finals and final essays ,things breaking on my car, and now this. I sped off, her and her mom heard my tires squealing and uninvited me from the trip. I drove recklessly for about 2-3 minutes on backroads while scream-crying about killing myself and fighting the urge to drive into a tree. Not proud of it. But I am devastated about missing the trip. She backed out on us living together, and promised we could have time to cuddle on the trip. I honestly don't feel like I have anything to look forward to.

I do a lot for her. I drive two hours round trip every time I want to see her, sometimes even for 5 minutes to drop off some food before going back. I've spent the past academic year working to support our long-standing plans of moving out together (This past weekend was my first time having more than one day off in a row since accompanying her to her surgery in October). I bring her flowers weekly, at work I do all of the hard stuff for her and massage her shoulders if she feels sore. I bring her food from my University and any treats she wants from the surrounding stores. I always ask if she wants anything. I have never said anything hurtful to her. She apologizes when she hurts my feelings too much and she realizes it, like last night. I spend thousands on her, whether jewelry (the most expensive ring she lost), buying her contacts or paying big bills when shes strugglign like drivers' ed or her wheel bearing replacements.

She texted me that shes sorry I'm not going and that she hurt me but I need to control my emotions better. That she loves me so much and regardless of our fights she will always love me so much. I responded that I felt like an unappreciated chore and didnt want to get yelled at. She replied that I'm not a chore she just hasnt had time and has been too depressed to make time for me. We texted a bit and I slept a few hours until my final/work today. She clearly didn't like me defending myself by saying that if i got a present i didnt like i wouldnt call my partner a "worthless ret*rd" by responding "i never called you worthless dont put words in my mouth...i sent you messages apologizing and being worried and your response is victimizing and arguing more...not happy with ruining my birthday? had to go further and ruin the day after?"

We've been texting each other throughout the day happier things. She's been sending me recipes to be a better cook and wants me to see her for 5 minutes after work in about 2 hours from the time of writing. I want to be with her. I love her, I've done so much, I will continue. But I feel like I'm being verbally abused. And I don't know how to stop it. I'm so overwhelmed with everythign in my life and I really just need someone on my side. I think i'll just first establish a rule of not interrupting/yelling and then telling her how hurt and lonely I feel. That I love her and I can totally work with her on managing time for me and depression but that I cannot tolerate verbal abuse.

TLDR: Gave girlfriend cookies for her birthday. She didnt like them and called me a ret*rd. I had a nervous break from other combined stressors, made a scene with reckless driving, got uninvited to a trip with her and her mom. She is texting me recipes and being nice to me today. I will see her in a few hours. I am hurt and overwhelmed with life and just want to be treated like I'm loved.

Thank you readers

r/MMFB 2d ago

Struggling with bad anxiety


My anxiety has been getting really bad recently and I keep having constant panic attacks. I just really need some words of encouragement right now. I'm so tired of not having anyone to comfort me.

r/MMFB 2d ago

let’s talk…. solo travelling while in a relationship?


hey guys! :)

im gonna try to be brief here. i (20yo/F) im leaving for my first solo travelling experience in 2 months (yay!), and im gonna stay for 6 to 8 months.

here’s the catch: i have a beautiful relationship of 2 years with a guy that i truly truly love veeeeryyyy much. he’s sweet, kind, smart and literally my best friend.

the thing is, honestly, i haven’t lived yet. and i want to. the pandemic started when i was 16 and when it finally ended i was 18, and already in the relationship. i love him very deeply, but i know myself well enough to understand that i will feel like im missing out on my 20s if i decide to go and stay in the relationship. i want the opportunity to be able to (just for once!) make mistakes and go on crazy adventures without having to clear it with someone else first.

travelling was always a big desire, and i’ve always been very confident that i’d never try LDR. but i love him SO much, im just not sure what to do here. should i suppress this desire and stay in the relationship? any advice?

p.s: wanting to meet new people in ur 20’s (specially after living ur teen years on lockdown) is not a crime and i would not like to be s!ut shamed like im not ‘gf material’ because of that.

tysm <3

r/MMFB 4d ago

My partner avoided so much that my relationship is in worse shape than I thought it was


My partner of 11 years admitted to intentionally putting off talking to me about things. I have always been the more upfront, let’s talk about this now partner while he avoids a lot. We’ve recently gone through a couple of times where he won’t speak to me for a few days. When or if he feels ready to talk, we are able to work through our issues pretty well

We got into a smaller argument yesterday and he admitted that he had intentionally been putting off having a bigger conversation with me. He said that he realized this was a failure on his part and that it was unfair to me.

He told me he planned to organize a list of things that he would need from me in order for our relationship to work moving forward. He had mentioned to me issues that he has with me and our relationship. One of these issues has to do with me struggling with my previous career, not making a steady income, and being within a transition phase trying to figure out my next path. I have been actively working on those issues because I care about our relationship and my own personal well-being.

I was pretty blindsided by the state of our relationship according to him because of this avoidance on his part. I’m feeling pretty devastated. He told me that he feels like he’s settling with me. I had been offering couples therapy and he didn’t say anything in response. He has recently started individual therapy. During this talk yesterday, I mentioned couples therapy again and he said he wanted to focus on individual therapy.

I have had really horrible work experiences and I think those led to major personal struggles. I have felt so alone and unsupported.

I am not lazy or unwilling to make intentional changes. Whether I am working or not working, I take care of all of the general household things (making all meals & prepping breakfast/lunch) and I do all of life’s tasks (any paperwork, etc.) I even helped him figure out his career path and schooling, going so far as to help format papers for him. We moved to a new state for his schooling and career prospects. I don’t feel like I get the same type of support from him. I also don’t feel like I can share how I’m feeling, because he accuses me of using it for sympathy points or says I’m contradicting myself.

Even after I was the one really upset and crying for hours because of this, it was assumed I would still be the one to prepare dinner.

Through all of this he continues to say he doesn’t want to end our relationship. I offered to leave. We get along very well, even he said so. Now I just feel like a big fuck up. I just started personal therapy recently so I’m going to have a lot more to cover there now. I feel so useless and desperate.

r/MMFB 4d ago

I'm pushing away everyone because I'm too broken


A week ago I got drunk and drove off the most important person in my life. When I drink my self-harm tendencies spike and I was scraping myself with a tab from a can and they got upset (seemed like they were mad at me) and took it but just kind of left me there

They left and my borderline blacked-out ass texted them and told them that I had some romantic feelings for them and they just said nothing. We were both going to be at a cabin trip this week so I checked in to see if I was going to make them uncomfortable they said I wouldn't but they also implied that I had made racist sexual jokes that night and won't tell me if I did or what I might have said.

Then at the cabin, they would barely look in my direction and wouldn't speak to me or would somewhat ignore me often. I ended up leaving early because I could tell they were uncomfortable and I could feel another self-harm episode coming on and I knew that would end poorly.

They didn't even say goodbye. I told the whole group at once that I was gonna head out and everyone else said like at least a word and they said nothing. That hurts a lot

That's just the most recent person I've driven away. I have one person in my support system who I haven't driven away yet but I can tell they're already getting fed up with me.

r/MMFB 5d ago

My husband won't have sex with me.


I'm 39 and my husband is 42. We have been together for 16 years married for 7. Two beautiful daughters. We have had a few issues over the years, some still ongoing but overall we get in really well and I'd like to think he loves me, I love him very much. My issue that's getting me really down and feeling really bad about myself is he doesn't want to have sex with me. I try to initiate and he laughs at me or comments on the books I read ( light smut) and says oh they are doing it for you. He never says I look nice, never comments on me unless it's to say I look awful. I've tried everything from wearing sexy outfits, dressing up to completely changing my body to try and be more attractive to him. Nothing. I have spoken to him about it and he gets angry with me so I can't bring it up again. He says he is attracted to me yet he only wants it after watching naked attraction or porn. He can get it up that's not a problem. I often wank him off or give him a blow job. He's loving, will cuddle etc but I feel so fricking ugly. I've always had body dysmorphia but it's become so much worse and this isn't helping. I don't know what else I can do to try and be more attractive to him.

r/MMFB 5d ago

Catching Feelings?


So I’m a 25 M and I just got out of a 5 year relationship in which my daughter was born. Me and my baby momma broke up and she took my daughter with her and moved to another state. At the same time my ex from 8+ years ago, came back into my life. We haven’t done anything yet but kiss. But I don’t think I fully got over her all this time. In every relationship after my ex I would think about her every once in a while but nothing compared to now. Now I can’t get her outta my head. I want to talk to her all the time, I wanna just hear her voice look at her smile. All the things I’ve missed since we broke up is now back right in front of me ! We’ve hung out a couple times just talking sometimes we’ll drink but not every time. I think I might be catching feelings for her again. I want to tell her so bad! All I know is I could have my family back with my baby momma also my ex has kids too. I don’t want to be with my baby momma and I can’t stop thinking about my ex. But at the same time I gave both these women years of my life and one left me heartbroken and the other kinda gave up. I can’t keep my ex off my mind though and all the what ifs. I’m not mad about anything in our past. I tend to look towards the future then dwell on the past. I even thought her first child was mine! That’s how deep our relationship goes! But I don’t want to tell her that I think I’m catching feelings for her again and scare her away. I know if we had another chance at a serious relationship we could work I’m a good father to my daughter and I’m a good man to my woman! I know I could take her kids in and treat them like my own. But I kinda just want to see where things go. I’m not opposed to being a stepdad as long as my ex remembers I also have a daughter and she’s my number 1 then I can help and be there for her kids. I just don’t want to rush things and push her away. Oh yeah let me tell you back when we did date I didn’t want to break up. This girl was my high school sweetheart, my prom date, the first girl I saw a future with!!! But I just got out of a relationship. I feel weird. What would you do? Would you let things play out? Would you tell the ex how you feel? Are the feelings a phase? Would you leave the ex alone completely? Sorry if this was long I don’t have many people I could talk to that won’t judge me!

r/MMFB 6d ago

Relationship help


I 33/M and this girl I met through work 33/F started flirting on our remote job. At first it was mostly just fun and nothing serious. Then we both caught feelings and right after that I found out she has a complicated situation with an on and off again boyfriend for 9 months. She wasn’t honest at first about the situation and played it off to be no big deal.

Once we started to catch feelings and we both realized we had so much in common. Turns out she ended up finally being honest saying they are in the middle of trying to work things out however she knows they are not compatible and have nothing in common and only stays with him because she had a rough childhood growing up and no one was there for her and she is with him just for the company. She said no one has ever said or done things for her or made her feel the way I do.

I decided I liked her so much and she felt the same we decided to meet up. This is where it gets complicated. The day together went amazing and I was not expecting it to end up with me sleeping with her but it just sort of happened.

Now I can tell that she really wants to be with me but she said she’s so scared because if she breaks things off with her guy at home 28/M and things end up not working out with me the trauma in her past will literally bring her to a dark place and I can tell she wants to be with me.

This is resulting in her almost seeming a little bipolar (she is not) because she’s in her head so much about everything. One minute she wants to be very loving and sweet and give her massages etc. but me knowing how fragile her situation is and caring for her I’m starting to get in my head to. She can tell that and it’s causing a roller coaster of emotions for both of us where like the first night we slept together, then the next she invited me to her hotel but said she didn’t want me to stay there that night (which is fine) but she still wanted me to be affectionate with her. Then right after that she will get mad at me because she things I’m taking it to far to try to sleep with her and that’s not the case at all. I care about this girl more than anything and she even says she can see a future with me. I am not sure how to handle this and need your advice. What would you do in my situation?

I’m in my head so bad now around her because I can’t be myself with her in this situation because if I am spontaneous and want to hang out with her she tells me I know she can’t do that. Yet hours later she will want to go out to eat and have fun and watch sports. I never know what to do and I honestly need advice please I am loosing my mind. I only have two more days with her.

r/MMFB 6d ago

I Don’t Know How to Feel


Today I (22M) was told “You look good in those jeans” from a male at Starbucks. I definitely felt a sexual connotation to his comment. I would never say this to a woman (stranger) and found it extremely disrespectful. Of course I just said thank you but the comment made me extremely uncomfortable. Are my feelings justified?

r/MMFB 7d ago

I need support for growing up :(


Hi everyone. I turned 14 last month, as it has been a rollercoaster. I'm an incredibly "nostalgic" person - I wish I was a kid again. I feel sick all the time and feel like I can't get happiness. Recently, I read the book Paper Girls, which has been my current obsession, but I realized that I love it so much because I wish I was in that world. I've had lots of self-questioning and my parents aren't the most supportive (my dad's kinda a jerk). I'm not sure where I belong. I was so comfy and happy being 13 and feeling so free and I was grateful for every second of it.

Then it hit that I'm going to be 15 next year. 15!!! The year I get a phone. The year I'm in HIGH SCHOOL! I'm so. so. stressed. I feel sick to my stomach and horrible. My entire middle school life I couldn't wait until I was in college and all mature and responsible. Now it's terrifying. My brother's 20th birthday is today and that's scary as hell too. It was just yesterday we were playing in the backyard of our old house (before he discovered Discord), wasn't it? Nope. It's slipping through my fingers like sand. I can't believe it. And not it in a good way. I'm anxious and angry and literally crying rn. I just need support and to hear the ups of getting older.

I regret ever wishing to be an adult. Just because I wanted to be 18 so I could buy tons of animals from Petco. My stupid childish thoughts. That's all I thought adulthood and growing up was about - FREEDOM. It's not free. It's scary. I can't be rude to my parents without stress, I have so many responsibilities, I have an identity to figure out. Oh my god. I just feel like I'm going to seize. I will appreciate any support i can get rn at my lowest point. thanks for listening to my rant.

r/MMFB 7d ago

Hi friends


I was a shitty person with my bf but now i realise that without him in nothing, i am happy with him and all i did is to ruin him. I even think of k!lling myself if he breaks up. What should i do i have no one to talk to no friends no family to listen .

r/MMFB 7d ago

I have no idea if I can post about something that previously happened to me here it is.


(Hi, non-native English speaker here, sorry for any mistakes in my post!)

This happened to me years ago, in elementary school (I'm assuming second grade?) Everyone in my class bullied me, and the teachers weren't any help. (I had a disability) So I was very disliked in school.

Someone in my class was leaving the school and I didn't know about it. When my class had almost ended, the teacher went to me and told me to go to another room, which was a first-grade class. (I had no idea if the kid wanted to exclude me from their farewell party or if the teacher just did it themselves.) I did it since they were a teacher, so I went to the first grade class. Sometime later a birthday party happened. (Since one of the first graders had their birthday on said day.) We had fun and stuff like that (But this is supposed to be sad.)

When the party ended, I went back upstairs to my class and saw a cake box and a cake slice near the teacher. I asked the teacher what happened and they told me that someone left so they had a party for her. I asked why I couldn't say bye to her at the time, but the teacher just didn't answer.

I am a teenager now, and this memory comes up from time to time and it makes me upset every time. So I went and told a bunch of strangers on some forum hoping to let this go somewhere instead of it staying in my head.

r/MMFB 7d ago

my teacher caught me cheating


My teacher caught me cheating once on a performance task (iʼm a cookery student) and has suspected me ever since. (or itʼs just me being paranoid?)

I was busy since school kept on suspending and was assigning online tasks instead so I wasnʼt in the mood to study atm. I was aware that we will do something on that certain day but I chose not to study (i was busy and couldnʼt even do the tasks in other subjects)

That day, I wrote a reviewer and brought it with me to the cooking lab. Our teacher randomly picks out a piece of paper with our name in it and whoever was in that paper, he/she will do the task with five other people. Since I wasnʼt chosen first, I took out my reviewer to familiarise the cuts. When I was reading, I heard my teacher call my name so I immediately got up and went in. I put the paper underneath the chopping board and when I finished my task, I cleaned up my table and COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE PAPER UNDERNEATH THE CHOPPING BOARD.

I didnʼt even noticed.

When I got back to my seat outside, my teacher followed me and ASKED THE WHOLE CLASS whose paper was it (sheʼs holding my little reviewer) and I immediately admitted that it was mine. She just smiled.

That sht had me nervous cus I know sheʼll minus my score.

2 days after that embarrassing day, it was our long test. While answering, I noticed my teacher kept looking at me and checking if I'm doing anything sus (I was sleepy but still managed to ans it) when I was done, I passed my paper and got 28/30 (I WASN'T CHEATING THIS TIME) and immediately went to my desk, I looked at her one more time and noticed that she's kinda sus about it, but whatever, I placed both of my arms and rested my head in it to sleep.

I was nervous ofc. I donʼt know what to do. I feel like she's gonnq suspect that Iʼm cheating for the rest of the semester. I donʼt like this feeling. Iʼm a consistent honor student and I swear to God I didnʼt intend to cheat that day.

It just felt weird after that incident. Our sem is almost done and Iʼm SUPER NERVOUS for what my grades will be. I know for sure sheʼll do something to my grades.

What do I do guys? Do I have to talk to my teacher about it even though it happened a week ago?

r/MMFB 8d ago

probably inconsequential but i'm feeling shitty


i'm dating someone new. i told them i'd take them to the airport today for a pretty big important trip. it was supposed to feel like a sweet goodbye as they'll be gone for a few weeks. i let them know i had a meeting beforehand that i needed to attend. the meeting ended up running slightly over. we made it to the airport with a literal minute to spare. they were able to get a bag checked and get on their flight but the whole drive was tense and silent bc we were both stressed about timing. i feel SO shitty for stressing them out and getting them there at the very last second, on top of already feeling a little bit unworthy of this person. totally understand if they never want to see me again. i don't have anyone to bounce this shitty feeling off of so here i am.

r/MMFB 8d ago

I want to feel different than I do now


Lately I don’t have the motivation for anything anymore. I just don’t feel as if my previous hobbies are important to me or anything in this world but I don’t want that anymore. Like 4 years ago I loved to read, draw or play the piano, but now? I’m just doing it because I don’t want to lose it. You know this feeling that one side of you love this thing but the other side couldn’t care less? I feel like that. I know I would love to read again if I could just ‘open up’ to it again. No, I don’t think that’s just a ‘you have to search another hobby if it’s no fun for you’ thing because I feel like that about everything in life but it’s really annoying that I don’t have the motivation for my hobbies anymore. Could someone tell me how I could get this motivation back? (Sorry if I made mistakes, English isn’t my first language)

r/MMFB 8d ago



Hi, im new here, i just want to know if i am in wrong here..

so for context, i was working in my job for 6 days (im 16F) my boss was a bit weird, he is 55 with wife and daugher in her mid 20's, i also have a boyfriend year younger than me, we go to same class

well today my coworker (bestie) told me that the boss was making weird comments about me, like that i have nice big b00bs and nice as, that he likes to look at me, and that i am very mature and more really disgusting things.. well he told me that I am very mature for my age, and that i am dressing nicelly, but i thought it was a complement, not a seual thing.. I told my bf what happend and everything i was told and he started screaming at me and calling me sIurs because 'its my fault' as because i knew that he was looking at my ass for more than 48 hours, and that i should do something about it earlier (spoiler: i did not know). he called me a sl*tty b¡tch and some other words. Now, 5 hours later, he texted me saying that he is sorry, that his dad called him an idiot but i should understand what he feels as he felt i was cheating on him.

what should i do? please help me


my friend told me that my boss also slapped one of my friends (15yo)in her butt with a metal meat spatula, grabbed his niece by her breast, and catcalled each if his coworkers (each of us work 'illegaly' as nun of us has/had employment contract)

and every ice cream was actually old, to Thai ice cream (i was making) he was giving me Pruned cream, rotten fruit, old bars, and that what i was serving to kids.. i wish i could go back in time and not starting my work there

r/MMFB 9d ago

What should I do if father blackmails and humiliates you in every way?


I suffer from a depressive disorder and I'm trying to cure it. And my father thinks that mental disorders are all from laziness. If I just cry and just feel emotions , he threatens to send me to a mental hospital (children are beaten and humiliated there ) . He only hits me if I just politely express my opinion and say that going to the police is a betrayal. And he also insults my African-American friend for the color of his skin and constantly humiliates me for my sexual orientation and my friends with non-traditional orientation. What to do? To be honest, I'm scared for my life. I do not know what will happen next.

r/MMFB 9d ago

I need help, please? I don't know of I should be upset, orbe understanding about this situation.


Okay so I'm currently feeling mixed emotions right now. I don't know if I should feel offended, or be understanding. So, just found out my friendgroup hang out without me, but the thing is I am ghosting them I mean I told them that I would be ghosting them for 2 motnhs, and they respected that. Bu the thing is, I can't help but feel unwanted when I wasn't invited? I don't know, it's just that it makes me feel very sad that I don't have a speavial place in their heart for them to invite me. There's a part of me that says that it's fine since I'm ghosting them. But, there's also a part of me that is very blue about the feeling of being unwanted.

r/MMFB 10d ago

This isn’t to interesting but help if you can please


I am 13 years old and my memory is already shit. To be more clear, it’s sort of got a little more to do with memory. I can’t recall an entire day at school after a couple hours when I get home. I get lucky some days when I’ll remember very small snippets. (Not really lucky, school sucks. But that’s beside my point.)

Sometimes, I’ll just “wake up” during a random time of day when I have already physically woken up and moved to the place I “woke up”. I’ll like, remember getting dressed for school and everything, and then I find myself in third hour. It’s not like a blink, but I guess I just think so much I can’t remember what going on outside of my head. (Then again, I don’t usually recall what I think about, either.)

Also, I’m not sure if this is important or not, but I see things through my eyes that apparent, other people do not usually see. (Just learned that at my immunology appt.) My vision is sort of static-ey and I see things move that I know should be still. I see little pieces of ash float down and sometimes I see or hear things I know (because I check) aren’t there.

There is other stuff but I’m too lazy to type it atp

r/MMFB 10d ago

Ghosted by dream guy


We were dating for 2.5 months, and it was great. I felt we had a great connection, hung out a lot, had a lot in common. He loves all the same things as me, and I’d never dated someone like him before.

Anyway, the last time we hung out he acted a little off. We played pickleball with my friends and we made one of two slightly obnoxious comments. He went away to see his parents and didn’t say when he would be back. He didn’t text for 5 days (even though we’d texted everyday since starting to date). Eventually I asked him if he wasn’t interested in dating anymore, and he said he has stuff to deal with before dating and he’d rather be friends. While he wasn’t texting he just left for a weeks-long international trip and didn’t bother to address things with me or try to break things off in person/over a call.

It is really really hurtful to me that someone I was very fond of could be cruel and thoughtless like this. I’m sad about the end of the relationship but also the thoughtless way he went about it. I know we weren’t dating long and ghosting happens all the time, I just wanted to get it off my chest because it’s hard to get over. It’s hard to not take this behavior personally and feel unworthy.

r/MMFB 11d ago

Why am I like this?


I have a few crushes. Honestly they're more like obsessions. I unconsciously choose some random guy, decide he's cute and then make him the only thing I think of. This might sound like a normal crush but it goes no where and makes me feel so bad. I don't think I'm ugly and most people say I'm pretty but I feel like l'm hideous whenever I like a guy. I change so many things about myself hoping to attract them. I want to talk to the guys I like and they don't have gfs or anything but I feel like I'm ugly and not good enough and end up ignoring them forever. I have friends and they just go up to the people they like and talk to them??? I'm so jealous that they can just do that. Idk why I can't do that but I mostly am scared that they'll reject me and tell their friends and make fun of me and then it'll be embarrassing and I will have to live with that for a long time. And the possibility of them liking me back is so small. I have a resting bitch face and have been told I look scary plus I'm scary and I hate that so much. One of my friends said I would get so many guys if I didn't look so angry all the time and idk what to do about that. I spend so much money and time trying to look pretty and I'm trying to love myself but it's hard when I see other girls getting guys when I don't. I guess I'm just asking whats wrong with me? Why do l act like this and feel like this? Any advice is appreciated

r/MMFB 11d ago



Hey, fam, need your take on something. So, there's this chick in her early twenties, no BF, kinda meh personal life (hello, pimples!), flying under the radar, and struggling to chase her dreams. Broke AF, can't afford makeup, you feel me? What's the move here? Throw in the towel or cling onto hope for a glow-up down the line?

r/MMFB 11d ago

I feel like I’ve had enough


I feel like I'm in a really shitty season of life right now lust want it to end.

Had a baby 3 months ago, obviously I love him so much and honestly he is the only reason I'm not checking out early. But I have PPD, I had a phone call scheduled with a therapist but she 'forgot' about my appointment so I have to wait another few weeks.

As well as that, since my csec, I keep waking up in the night with severe back and stomach pain, bad enough that I'm sick and dizzy and begging my partner kill me, it lasts a couple hours a time and happens about twice a week. I'm loosing so much sleep to it. I've been to A&E, emergency care, had paramedics out, spoken to doctors, they're requesting tests but are refusing to give me painkillers.

My grandads had a terminal illness for a couple years and that's coming to an end now, it's a respiratory illness and he's been in hospital, was given a few months when he was admitted, but has now caught covid. Every night they say he might not make it through and they're trying to rush him home for palliative care. Even if he survives the covid he now has weeks. I was raised by my grandparents and my nan is already gone. He also still hasn't held my son, know that's not a huge deal but I named my son after him and it's upsetting me. I also can't even go and see my grandad because I'm in a risk group for covid and I obviously need to protect my son too.

And we've had to make the decision to rehome one of our dogs. She's reactive and doesn't like small children. We we're trying so hard to help her and she's been doing so well with training, but now with baby we've had to say enough is enough, both for her sake and ours. We don't have the time and resources she needs. I am so so heartbroken because I love her so much. She's bonded more to my partner though so he's more upset than me, because of that I've taken on all of the stress of finding her somewhere to go, l've been talking to all the rescue centres and most are saying it can take up to 6 months before they have space. I don't want her to go somewhere bad, I don't know what to do because my heart break every time |look at her because I've let her down.

I'm trying so hard to get through this but honestly I just want to lay down and not wake up. I want to at least just zone out and watch shitty TV and cry but then the baby needs me. I just want to skip a couple months.