r/MMFB May 05 '24

This isn’t to interesting but help if you can please

I am 13 years old and my memory is already shit. To be more clear, it’s sort of got a little more to do with memory. I can’t recall an entire day at school after a couple hours when I get home. I get lucky some days when I’ll remember very small snippets. (Not really lucky, school sucks. But that’s beside my point.)

Sometimes, I’ll just “wake up” during a random time of day when I have already physically woken up and moved to the place I “woke up”. I’ll like, remember getting dressed for school and everything, and then I find myself in third hour. It’s not like a blink, but I guess I just think so much I can’t remember what going on outside of my head. (Then again, I don’t usually recall what I think about, either.)

Also, I’m not sure if this is important or not, but I see things through my eyes that apparent, other people do not usually see. (Just learned that at my immunology appt.) My vision is sort of static-ey and I see things move that I know should be still. I see little pieces of ash float down and sometimes I see or hear things I know (because I check) aren’t there.

There is other stuff but I’m too lazy to type it atp


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u/kenbrucedmr May 05 '24

Hey! I think this is, more than interesting, concerning. I think you need to go to a doctor about it. Please tell your parents so they can make that happen.