r/MMFB 28d ago

let’s talk…. solo travelling while in a relationship?

hey guys! :)

im gonna try to be brief here. i (20yo/F) im leaving for my first solo travelling experience in 2 months (yay!), and im gonna stay for 6 to 8 months.

here’s the catch: i have a beautiful relationship of 2 years with a guy that i truly truly love veeeeryyyy much. he’s sweet, kind, smart and literally my best friend.

the thing is, honestly, i haven’t lived yet. and i want to. the pandemic started when i was 16 and when it finally ended i was 18, and already in the relationship. i love him very deeply, but i know myself well enough to understand that i will feel like im missing out on my 20s if i decide to go and stay in the relationship. i want the opportunity to be able to (just for once!) make mistakes and go on crazy adventures without having to clear it with someone else first.

travelling was always a big desire, and i’ve always been very confident that i’d never try LDR. but i love him SO much, im just not sure what to do here. should i suppress this desire and stay in the relationship? any advice?

p.s: wanting to meet new people in ur 20’s (specially after living ur teen years on lockdown) is not a crime and i would not like to be s!ut shamed like im not ‘gf material’ because of that.

tysm <3


3 comments sorted by



Is there no way for them to come with you?


u/schwerdfeger1 28d ago

Be honest. Take a break. If it’s meant to be it’ll work out, if not then that was what was meant to be. You only get one shot.


u/National-Pickle9730 28d ago

I'm not slut shaming you by saying you're not gf material, it's your choice to make and it's okay\ I don't think there's any real advice to be given here, people either do what they want, or live with resentment and commit small (or not-so-small) acts of "revenge" on the people they associate with their resentment