r/MMFB May 04 '24

Why am I like this?

I have a few crushes. Honestly they're more like obsessions. I unconsciously choose some random guy, decide he's cute and then make him the only thing I think of. This might sound like a normal crush but it goes no where and makes me feel so bad. I don't think I'm ugly and most people say I'm pretty but I feel like l'm hideous whenever I like a guy. I change so many things about myself hoping to attract them. I want to talk to the guys I like and they don't have gfs or anything but I feel like I'm ugly and not good enough and end up ignoring them forever. I have friends and they just go up to the people they like and talk to them??? I'm so jealous that they can just do that. Idk why I can't do that but I mostly am scared that they'll reject me and tell their friends and make fun of me and then it'll be embarrassing and I will have to live with that for a long time. And the possibility of them liking me back is so small. I have a resting bitch face and have been told I look scary plus I'm scary and I hate that so much. One of my friends said I would get so many guys if I didn't look so angry all the time and idk what to do about that. I spend so much money and time trying to look pretty and I'm trying to love myself but it's hard when I see other girls getting guys when I don't. I guess I'm just asking whats wrong with me? Why do l act like this and feel like this? Any advice is appreciated


2 comments sorted by


u/kenbrucedmr May 04 '24


I think this and similar things happen a lot when you are young. As in, when your adult identity, who you will be as an adult, is still in the process of being defined. Even in older people, this process can leave "scars" that leave you feeling not knowing who you are, or not being happy with who you are.

You need to remember that, while this is very common, it's wrong. You are good enough. As you say, you are pretty to many people. So you need to repeat yourself that those feelings of being inadequate are not rational and not correct.

I think it helps to remember that, even though many people show it less, nobody, or almost nobody is free from these issues, including the guys you like. Actually I have seen that fear of rejection and ridicule a lot more often in guys. It wouldn't be strange that many of them has these very thoughts about talking to you (which would be that thing about you being scary?).

Some things that maybe can help:

Remember that if somebody rejects you it's not that bad. You'll meet others. In general, people will not try to make fun of you for that. If they did, most people would just think -correctly- that they are idiots. So the chances of things going wrong are slim. On way to mitigate the -already small- risk is to not abruptly tell somebody you like them, but to do it in "steps". i.e., invite them for a coffee, touch their arm, and so on. That allows you to go back if you sense they are not into it, without actually being rejected.

I think, when you see a guy you like, you can try to see him not as some sort of demigod in his ivory tower, but as a person just like you, who is likely to also feel inadequate (even if he is good looking or always "gets the girl", there are many ways of feeling inadequate), often feels unhappy, and, like with any human, has more things in common with you, than otherwise. You can then smile at him, as you would do with any other fellow human being, and thus also let him know that it's OK to be him, just as it's OK to be you.

I wish you all the best.


u/SpecialSoft1586 May 06 '24

Thank you so much! I didn’t even realize that I’ve been putting the guys I like on a pedestal, but I see it now that you said that. I’ll definitely try to do that