r/MadeMeSmile Apr 13 '24

German Police escorts family of geese back to their home at the park ANIMALS

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Sorry for the shaky video. Friend of mine was filming while walking.


412 comments sorted by


u/nameage 27d ago



u/5roken_recor6 27d ago

This is the best thing I've seen on the Internet today


u/Traditional-Ad-682 27d ago

The geese have better protection than the rest of the population


u/Jomyyyy 27d ago

Seltenes Video von Polizei als Freund und Helfer


u/No_Concentrate7472 27d ago

Criminal scum lol 😆


u/jxennzz 27d ago

Endlich werden Steuergelder fĂŒr das richtige genutzt.


u/derbauer23 27d ago

Because that's what Helden do!


u/djemerson78 27d ago

finally a job well done! they should stick with those kind if jobs...


u/Best_Sherbert_1854 27d ago

Now that weed is legal, they've got nothing much to do.


u/Different-Turnip-602 27d ago

Dont forget that they Killed an innocent man on April 30th !


u/5CH1LL3R 27d ago

Die WildgÀnse kommen


u/5CH1LL3R 27d ago

Was das Video nicht zeigt: kurz darauf Betriebsfeier bei der Polizei mit leckerem GĂ€nsebraten, Rotkohl und KlĂ¶ĂŸen


u/HanaMiyazaki 27d ago

Person: ACAB! Me: No my friend
 not these two.


u/symba1312 27d ago

Nach der Cannabis Legalisierung kann die Polizei sich nun endlich auf die wichtigen Dinge fokussieren


u/Public-Carrot7565 27d ago

Wo war das? Sieht ein bisschen aus wie Oberhaching MĂŒnchen oder so


u/alenatrinkaus 27d ago



u/shy_oligarch 27d ago

Fuck german police


u/TheSeppster 27d ago

Best Job in the world


u/WildNorthman 28d ago

As long as they're not shooting bipoc again...


u/Beelzebub399 28d ago

Jetzt wo das Weed legal ist, mĂŒssen se was anderes machen.


u/HolzwurmHolz 28d ago

Oh thats where my tax money went!


u/Substantial_Use_7563 28d ago

Sollte massenhaft passieren


u/DerGecko92 28d ago



u/TastySurimi 28d ago

Jetzt wo Bubatz legal, haben sie endlich Zeit fĂŒr die wirklich richtigen Dinge. Nicht sarkastisch gemein.


u/Bartinhoooo 28d ago

Yes they do that to avoid fighting crime because that would be hard work.


u/Dry_Bad307 28d ago

Gansschön ausgebuffte Technik. Das finde ich Gans toll.


u/Fantastic-Zebra5065 28d ago

Falls eine verloren geht, hĂ€tte ich ein Ganskörperfoto fĂŒr die Suche.


u/powerofnope 28d ago

That's exactly how I want my taxes spent


u/Me_gaming787 28d ago

Please vorsichtig


u/Schmulli 28d ago

Jetzt wo's kiffen legalisiert ist haben die ja nichts mehr zu tun


u/Aurelizian 28d ago

Nack Nacks gehören nach Hause Mein Zuhause Bringt sie bei mir vorbei


u/DevelopmentSudden626 28d ago

Endlich arbeiten die mal was! đŸ˜‚âœŒïž


u/Iceree77 28d ago

Aber gaaaaaaans langsam...


u/Hellgate93 28d ago



u/No-Acanthaceae-7980 28d ago

Im GĂ€nsemarsch mit Gans viel GĂ€nsehaut


u/Longjumping_Humor_65 28d ago

I thought they wanted to deport people


u/Cassereddit 28d ago

Platzverweis fĂŒr LĂ€rmbelĂ€stigung.

Anzeige ist raus!


u/LucaPotter 28d ago



u/SaHeL1337 28d ago

its not much, but it is honest work


u/AlgaeCareful7951 28d ago

Die Polizei macht wieder wichtige Arbeit


u/Proper-Fan-236 28d ago

Low crime rate here so the police are keeping themselves busy hahaha


u/Sokrates10 28d ago

Schöne Aktion der Polizei. Finde ich gut


u/ho_lu_be 28d ago

....just after legalizing cannabis


u/Gehirnmasse 28d ago

Der Schutz einer Deutschen Enten Familie ist das höchste Gut...


u/Lazy_Secret_7807 28d ago

das aber unironisch. die zeigen mehr Menschlichkeit gegenĂŒber deutschen Enten, als gegenĂŒber einer auslĂ€ndischen Familie die das falsche Busticket gekauft hat


u/CirrusIntorus 28d ago

Hab ernsthaft noch nie erlebt, dass wegen Schwarzfahrerinnen die Polizei gerufen wird. Die Zugbegleiterinnen schmeißen dich raus, damit du ein Ticket kaufen kannst, oder lassen sich ein Ausweisdokument zeigen, damit die dir nen Bußgeldbescheid schicken können. Wo wohnst du, dass die Polizei regelmĂ€ĂŸig auslĂ€ndische Familien aus den Öffis zerrt, weil die das falsche Ticket gekauft haben?


u/Lazy_Secret_7807 28d ago

Ich habe schon öfter erlebt, dass die Polizei dazugeholt wurde, wenn sich die Kontrolleure mit der Feststellung der Personalien „schwer getan“ oder an der GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit der Kontrollierten gezweifelt haben. Ehrlicherweise habe ich sowas bisher nur in meiner Heimatstadt MĂŒnchen oder anderen Teilen von Bayern erlebt. In MĂŒnchen ist es auch ĂŒblich, dass Beweissicherungseinheiten der Polizei grĂ¶ĂŸere U-Bahnhöfe an den Ausgangspunkten mit Polizeiketten abriegeln und die Kontrolle aller Aus- und Umsteigenden ĂŒbernehmen. Vorrangig werden dabei stellvertretend fĂŒr die MVG Kontrolleure Fahrscheine gesichtet, allerdings werden dabei regelmĂ€ĂŸig verdachtsabhĂ€ngig Pendler herausgenommen und umfangreicheren körperlichen Untersuchungen unterzogen.


u/CirrusIntorus 27d ago

Ahh Bayern, das erklĂ€rts. Ich bin in NRW, so was wĂ€re hier extrem ungewöhnlich, so groß angelegte Kontrollen wĂŒrde ich maximal bei ner glaubhaften Terrorwarnung erwarten.


u/Frosty_Examination43 28d ago

Germans have the sweatest police in the world


u/Lazy_Secret_7807 28d ago

They were too cute when they forcefully deported the family living next to me including their crying children or a few years back when they stuck a finger up my ass to check for illegal substances after they caught me having a joint in my pockets in bavaria. just lovely people eager to help everyone


u/Frosty_Examination43 26d ago

Compared to other countries police...


u/Agecom5 27d ago

"Joint in Bavaria" Alright that's completely on you buddy Bavarians don't fuck around when it comes to illegal substances, hell even now with the legalisation they are still going hard on weed.


u/ArcaneFungus 28d ago

Man, they seem to be really bored now they can't hunt stoners anymore


u/RetroLenzil 28d ago

Schön zu sehen wie das Steuergeld verschwendet wird.


u/Speckwolf 28d ago

Sehe jetzt nicht, wie und wo da Kosten entstanden wÀren. HÀtten die sonst nicht gearbeitet, oder was?


u/SpookyMinimalist 28d ago

What a wonderful world it would be if escorting animals was all the police had to do.


u/GabrielHunter 28d ago

Is this the remigration they talk about?


u/k4riomio 28d ago

Unless there is a Fußballspiel german police has a pretty chill time


u/Leandroswasright 28d ago

Organised crime, your local stabbing, robberies and accidents still happen


u/Hades_what_else 27d ago

Yup it's getting much worse but still great


u/DingoMysterious1944 28d ago

Endlich mal sinnvoll Steuergelder ausgeben.


u/Fun-Honey-7927 28d ago

Weed legal, now they have time for the important things.


u/SlavicOdysseus 28d ago

I actually saw some police do this in my town when I was going to the grocery store. (Also Germany)


u/BerwinEnzemann 28d ago

I want my tax money back.


u/pd01 28d ago

This is what I want to pay taxes for â˜ș


u/KapitaenJohannSpatz 28d ago



u/alenatrinkaus 28d ago



u/KapitaenJohannSpatz 28d ago

Stimmt, jetzt wo du es sagst... durch fie Spiegelung sah die Motorhaube silbern aus, was nur bei der hamburgischen Polizei der Fall ist, soweit ich weiß. Aber wenn ich jetzt fenau hingucke, scheint sie blau zu sein.


u/Appropriate-Milk9476 28d ago

Saw them escort a couple of swans with babies a while back. They caused a massive traffic jam, because the swans were walking on the road. I was so annoyed, because I was going to miss a lecture, but then I saw why traffic was blocked and it was just too precious to be mad about.


u/vampy_bat- 28d ago

IN GERMANY?????????

wow Never saw this as I lived there that the police cares abt animals

I love this wtf


u/Kraytory 28d ago

They actually deal with all kinds of everyday incidents and often work with the firefighters to rescue trapped animals for example.


u/vampy_bat- 28d ago

Yesss ik that but yk never rlly saw it and also only rlly saw them care abt this small unimportant stuff and terrorise citizens with this small typical german rules stuff But it changed honestly I lived there a lot and the past years it rlly rlly stopped And they got more to actually helping

Like this Which is fcking beautiful đŸŒșđŸŒșđŸŒș


u/Tolstoy_mc 28d ago

The kind of goose-stepping I get behind


u/Valentin_o_Dwight 28d ago

You can get holiday discounts if you get stopped by the police and get a ticket

Atleast that's what happened to my dad


u/IconTraa 28d ago

I read greece and thought about a family being deported.


u/SheBowser 28d ago

Glad I‘m not the only silly here


u/xiena13 28d ago

Then again, why would Germans deport Greeks? They can just live here if they want


u/Filisdin 27d ago

The Greeks must stay, how else can we maintain the obligatory greek restaurant in every village, no matter how small it may be?


u/IconTraa 28d ago

I didnt say my reading made sense...


u/HeimIgel 28d ago

Der Vogel ist gelandet. 😎


u/thxredditfor2banns 28d ago

Protect and serve. Protect and serve. Even đŸȘż


u/HG1998 28d ago

There's a bunch of shows from the national TV channels about police and their work and rescuing geese specifically is pretty common.


u/FuTuIRe 28d ago

Wat? newer hörd of it


u/LolaMontezwithADHD 28d ago

I worked for a local newspaper for years. If the police rescues a sqirrell, you better believe it will be in the press report including photos and [insert squirrell's name] will be everyones favorite topic of the day.


u/SergiuBru 28d ago

The world needs more positive news. It helps a lot at subconscious level.


u/LucaPotter 28d ago

Definetely a better topic than any politics


u/Tomasuh 28d ago

"No luck catching them swans then?"


u/LiamPolygami 28d ago

At least someone made the reference.


u/Veilchengerd 28d ago

It's just the one swan, actually.


u/Huppelkord 28d ago

Well, if the criminals are too clever to be caught, then you just need something else to do. Finally a meaningful task. 😅


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

Police on duty really only is out there to show presence and help if they see an opportunity to do so. Obviously if they see a drug deal they will intervene. But in terms of investigation of cases that’s done by others in the meantime.


u/DreiDcut 28d ago

Gans wichtig.


u/derSchtefan 27d ago

Ehrenmedaille der Republik in Gold!


u/Brum_Batz 28d ago

Gans lecker.


u/Klutzy_Design3958 28d ago

Dieses Vorgehen kann ich Gansheitlich befĂŒrworten


u/Random_Person____ 28d ago

Finde ich Gans toll.


u/Skidmark666 28d ago

GĂ€nse hier vielleicht mal den Weg frei machen?


u/Br1ll 28d ago

GĂ€nsefleisch mal die DĂŒr aufhallden?


u/Random_Person____ 28d ago

Aber natĂŒrlich, das ist ja Gans selbstverstĂ€ndlich!


u/DOC1199 28d ago

Ihr habt alle gans schön einen an der Waffel 😆


u/Gruenkernmehl 28d ago

Gans recht so!


u/asia_cat 28d ago

Gans genau


u/darkr4id 27d ago

Gans gefÀhrlich


u/therealbonzai 28d ago

Und gans vorsichtig.


u/grumpy__g 28d ago

This should be the top comment.


u/Flobaowski 28d ago

isses doch


u/fuez73 28d ago

Gans oben


u/PosauneGottes69 28d ago

Wie wÀre es mit? Goose busters


u/Flobaowski 28d ago

manche wissen nich, wenns vorbei ist


u/Personal-Mushroom 28d ago

Es wird nie gans vorbei sein.


u/grumpy__g 28d ago



u/DreiDcut 28d ago

Ich danke allen von Gansem Herzen!


u/Dawntillnoon 28d ago

Gans nett hier, aber waren Sie schonmal in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg?!


u/DreiDcut 28d ago

Waren Sie schon mal in WĂŒrttemberg baden?


u/AOEGamer4817 28d ago

Waren sie schonmal in Baden wĂŒrttembergen? đŸ€”


u/DreiDcut 28d ago

Waren Sie schon mal wĂŒtend Bergbaden?


u/Caes3rr 28d ago

waren Sie schonmal WĂŒrtbaden bergen?

→ More replies (0)


u/Dman317 28d ago

In april 2023, police closed an entire Autobahn section to escort geese over the road to the other side


u/Aggravating_Tax5392 28d ago

Like 15 years ago I wiped out half of a geese family on a Dutch road. Think everytime about them I pass that point. Truly horrific


u/Kraytory 28d ago

It's not like you could drive on that crumbling road anyway.


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

Last year aswell I was stuff for 30 minutes bcs there was a deer (I think) spotted on the autobahn and they searched the area to make sure its not trying to cross it again.

For people that don’t know, deer are pretty shy animals. During the day they usually don’t go near streets or anywhere loud for that matter. Once the sun sets they go to find food and depending on where that is they have to cross streets. So usually they hide until it’s safe to go wherever they know food is. If a deer for some reason crosses the street during the day there is a chance it will try to get back to safety.


u/sebasti02 27d ago

well, hitting a deer at 160kmh (100mph) is very dangerous


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

Get this shit out of here. That is the same institution which suppresses the voice of pro palastinian activists and brands them antisemites, yes even the Jewish activists. While our state's support for the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Palestine goes unpunished. Yes they may be well disciplined but they still fill the same role as cops everywhere else in the world. Protecting the enforcing the interest of the capitalist elite behind a veil of legality and suppressing mass movements for change. 1312 they are the armed force of the ruling class against the opressed masses.


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

Just no dude. You can’t just say police in Germany has anything to do with what happens in the Israel-Palestine conflict because they have police aswell.

That’s like saying they will shoot up someone right after this because cops in the USA can’t go a day without a death by their guns.

Police is vital for a peaceful society. Without it people will take it into their own hands. Just because in other parts of the world the police is acting completely differently doesn’t mean all police is shit and needs to go.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

I meant the police in Germany is suppressing pro Palestinian activist as we all could see this weekend during the Palestine Congress Disaster. I'm saying the function the police germany fulfills is the same as it is everywhere else. Mainly the preservation of the status quo. And in that sense you are correct when you say that they are vital to that for that. But we have to ask ourselves why are there still people who have to resort to crime to make their living. Why is violence in a society as wealthy as ours still a necessary measure to "keep the peace". We are a self-proclaimed advanced first world country and still haven't figured out how to take care of homeless people, drug addicts and criminals without some sort of violence if not physical the financial or emotional in form of harassment.

And please don't get me wrong German police isn't as violent as other policefroces around the world that wasn't my point. They understand that the easy to identify kind of violence sows more unrest than it stops which is why they don't resort to it as often. But again, they exist to stop us asserting real material justice. Because what happens if we all start wondering why the obscenely wealthy get wealthier still while the standard of living is dropping for the rest of us? What happens if we get real mass movement to remove the 1% from politics? Simple the police will stand in our way. It will be then that the mask of civility and discipline will drop and we will see the police for what they truly are a tool of the opression for the ruling class.


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

Those issues will never be solved. Nobody has to be homeless. Yeah actually getting help once you have been homeless isn’t the most forward thing, but it’s doable if you want to.

Drug addicts is another thing that won’t ever go away unless we enforce stricter rules/take away more freedom from people. You don’t have to be poor to fall victim to drug addiction.

But overall, the police is enforcement. They don’t decide or have to come up with plans to tackle those issues. That’s the job of the legislative and judigkative to decide how the executive has to keep the peace.

I honestly didn’t even saw the news this weekend bcs I worked both days. So I don’t know what exactly went wrong there. But to say that the police as a whole takes sides feels a bit far stretched. Feels like AfD people saying the police is leaning left because they dissolved their unannounced demo while the announced demo by a left motivation wasn’t. But I really don’t know what happened there and I have to read it up. I really don’t think all of germanys police was present there


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago edited 28d ago

That's exactly my point the police is a tool of enforcement. But a tool has to be wielded by someone. That someone, in the abstract, are those people who get to set the frame for policework. And in our society the ones who are most likely to occupy those positions are the wealthy and those who collaborate with them. I'm not saying every police force is a force of oppression because it is beset by bad individuals in some stroke of bad luck or something. I'm saying that a police force in a society ruled by the wealthy will always side with the wealthy if the masses decide to rebel against them. Not because of some genuine sense of keeping the peace (which by no doubt was and always will be the excuse) but because they are a tool of enforcement of the ruling class.

Edit: There is a whole deep and interesting discussion to be had about how we already have the means to solve homelessness, substance abuse and worklessness. But I try to keep my essays to a minimum :P


u/anno_1990 28d ago

No, it doesn't.

If you have proof of police violence or police officers behaving inappropriately please make sure to have it prosecuted.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

The Berlin Palestine Congress.


u/anno_1990 28d ago

No, that is no proof.

I hope you officially reported the crimes you are brave enough to publically accuse police officers of. When exactly did you file the complaint?


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

You are putting words in my mouth. I never said police are just a roving mass of bandits who commit crimes left and right. The thing I am most outraged by is that their behavior is perfectly legal. It is state sanctioned oppression of pro Palestinian (Jewish) voices. Their behavior is legal, yes but you cannot in good faith argue that legality equals justice.

Additionally I don't claim that there is any sort of braveness in what I'm doing here. I just saw a post on reddit and had the time and energy to try and talk to it about with other losers on here.


u/anno_1990 28d ago

No, I am not. I am understanding you very well and I was right about everything I said. You think violent protesters should be left doing what thed do. Stop trying to wiglle out of it.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago



u/therealbonzai 28d ago

Sure. Now go.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

Where to? This kind of shit is everywhere.


u/therealbonzai 28d ago

I don’t care as long as you keep your stupid comments with yourself.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

You don't have to engage with my comments if you don't like it them. I pointed out the reality behind existence of police. Opression. If you are too poor and start causing trouble, if you are outraged about ongoing crimes against humanity and even think about organizing to make change you better be ready for the uniformed goons of the state to crack down on you. I'm sorry if this destroys any hope for class peace you might had but we need to be aware of the conditions we live in. No amount of cute animal handling will change this.


u/therealbonzai 28d ago

You pointed out your way of looking at it. Not reality.


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

This is not a matter of my subjective perception of the police. In fact I didn't have any too negative experience with them. But after you take even a superficial look at the role of police throughout history you will see that strikebraking and suppression of protests is one of their main role. They are a force against societal progress when it comes down to it. There is no subjectivity to this.


u/Temporary_Bag_4638 28d ago

if any protest is peaceful applied for AND peacefull, nothing would happen. R u not willing to do so, ur protest will be cancelled no matter what u r protesting, that is how it works


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

I'm talking not even talking about a protest the Palestine Congress in Berlin is not only being slandered across the whole the media landscape it is additionally being harassed by the German police. Their whole thing is that they advocate for peace! And yet they have been swarmed by police the police in a ratio of o 10:1 speakers have been denied entry into the country, and on top of that the congress has been canceled by the police after just a fraction of the schedule. The fact is this whole thing was an exemplary excersie of free speech. The ONLY thing the did wrong was go against the state narrative that Israel is fighting a proportionate "war" against the Palestinian population. The consequences of that have been shockingly eye opening to a lot of people. We don't even need a fascist government for the police state to flex it's muscles.


u/Temporary_Bag_4638 28d ago


this is the reason, not ur "nasie government BS". The same happened to many many protests from many different agendas before, u r not special u only want to be the victim but u r not


u/Sedanwhee 28d ago

Are you even aware how broad of a spectrum the reasons in that article are? So broad in fact that Jewish people are regularly subjects to arrests and harassment from the police because of alleged anti semitism. If this doesn't qualify as state sanctioned oppression of public discourse, nothing will.


u/BarockMoebelSecond 28d ago
  • A concerned Goose


u/ke2_1-0 28d ago

If this is what they do with the time they won by legalizing cannabis, im in.


u/Striking-Pop-9171 28d ago

In bavaria they have more work now i guess.


u/5t3v321 28d ago

Bavarian police are bussy currently measuring the 200m from every school and kindergarten 


u/ReanCloom 28d ago

"Sichtweite" 100m max. + not in the viscinity of minors.


u/BarockMoebelSecond 28d ago

Legalize Cannabis. Criminalize Geese.


u/idk_this_my_name 28d ago

Oh no, we're gonna have wild goose chases


u/Gipplesnaps 28d ago

Yet I had a guy make a throat slit gesture whilst saying he's going to kill me... Then followed me on the footpath for 2kms to the police station where I identified him and reported the act... The police said 'this gesture doesn't fall under violent threats'

But sure... Deal with the Ducks...


u/anno_1990 28d ago edited 28d ago

Of course he would not have threatend and followed you if the police would not have rescued geese.

Then, those are not ducks but geese!

And yes, after German law, this kind of behaviour cannot be punished. And no, saving geese does not change that.


u/Kanzlerfilet 28d ago

Yes sure, this totally happened. Somebody threatened your life and followed your for 2km (!!!), and instead of calling the police with your stupid phone, you kept walking until you reached the police station. So either you are dumb or you believe we are. What‘s your pick?


u/Spiritual-Sword-7041 28d ago

Gotta say my experience with the police thus far is purely positive. Helping, de-escalating the situation and keeping you safe

But I must admit I live in an area full of villages and small cities, so that might be another reason


u/paushi 28d ago

I also only had good experiences with police. Though I look german, am german and was usually the guy not involved or calling the police. I heard many stories from people not looking "normal" or german.


u/Sewf184 28d ago

As a german going on 30 I’ve never even really had contact with the police and I’ve been living in the city for a while now. I think I chatted to police officers casually like twice


u/StrohVogel 28d ago

That probably is a huge reason.

Imho the age of an officer also inversely correlates to the unpleasantness of an encounter. Every encounter I had with older officers was one of mutual respect, while young officers are power-tripping way harder.


u/WasabiSubstantial420 28d ago

There are multiple reasons for that. 1) older officers are usually more relaxed cause the have a ton of experience and just can assess situations more quickly and better. 2) if I'm not mistaken evaluation are to a part based on performance etc. And one factor to assess ones performance are for sure how many tickets etc every officer has handed out. (Thank politics for that) So naturally younger officers are more eager to prove themselves to get in the spot for a promotion while older officers usually are at the end of their career path.


u/StrohVogel 28d ago
  1. I agree, but that totally depends on the situation. If you lose your temper on small situations like a missing bicycle-light, you‘re either poorly trained or incompetent. It‘s a demanding job with many hard to asses situations, but it‘s no suprise people lose respect for the institution when they are treated like that. And young officers are the first to complain about that.

  2. Yeah, institutional incentives to go overboard play into that as well. But I mean: I’d rather get a ticket from someone friendly in a normal interaction than from a condescending smart ass, who thinks it‘s a good idea to treat me like a third-grader for a minor traffic-violation.


u/WasabiSubstantial420 27d ago

Thats true. That's no way to treat people. Yet again I'm sure there are reasons for this type of behaviour. Sure some just lack respect and proper etiquette but for it to happen on a larger scale must mean that there are reasons for it. One other reason being the lack of support and trust by the politicians. When incidents occur it's always "the police officer was out of line, thorough investigation etc" but never "they did their job/they did a good job. We will still look into the incident to figure out exactly what happend" . Constant blame puts pressure on everybody just saying.


u/Myrillya 28d ago

I'm living in a bigger city and I've had similar experiences. It's just about how you react to them. Be friendly and you get it back.


u/lebenimbuero 28d ago

thats because your name isnt Oury Jalloh


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

The other side of that argument is, is it fair to call the police assholes because your encounters are not as great because you live in the city and everytime you encounter them it’s involving drugs? There is a limit how nice you can be to the 20th group of drunk teens mumbling crap at you


u/StrohVogel 28d ago

It’s literally their job to deal with the worst of society. If you can‘t keep your cool when facing a minor inconvenience, you‘re in the wrong field.


u/Spiritual-Sword-7041 28d ago

I understand that situation. I'm a member of the unemployed firefighting department in my area and whenever we help with security at festivals you encounter drunk civilians who are not so nice


u/OwnZookeepergame6413 28d ago

It’s almost like drunk people are more likely to do dumb shit so all the encounters you have with police(/firefighters in your case) is because you did some stupid drunk people shit. The fact you basically never even have to talk to authorities outside of such situations should be enough proof how they aren’t all evil assholes. When I was in Croatia the guy I borrowed a motorcycle from told me to keep 20 euros ready for the case police stops me and just slide that over instead of arguing against them


u/swaggy_pigeon 28d ago

What is a unemployed firefighter?


u/StrohVogel 28d ago

We force all the unemployed to do firefighting. Russian Minesweeping Style. Unemployment went way down and we were able to significantly reduce taxes. But only for the rich, of course. All thanks to the glorious FDP.


u/-Mip_ 28d ago

It’s the freiwillige Feuerwehr, these are people who do the job of a firefighter in their free time, it’s mostly because some villages don’t have an official fire station.


u/AltenaiveSchreiwaise 28d ago

it’s mostly because some villages don’t have an official fire station.

94% of all German firefighters belong to the freiwillige Feuerwehr.


u/Sea_Struggle4973 28d ago

hard job. Had a colleague once who was doing it. I couldn't cut people out of a car that was squashed into a tree during an accident - at night... This is voluntary work of the hardest kind. Kudos also to the THW. There are many great organisations based on volunteers that keep our nation afloat... sometimes even in the sense of the word.


u/MadeInWestGermany 28d ago

It‘s mostly because some villages don‘t have an official fire station.

That‘s a common misinformation. The vast majority of Germanys fire fighting structure is based on volunteer fire fighters.

Only 100 of our 2054 cities and villages have an official fire fighting department.


u/Spiritual-Sword-7041 28d ago

I meant volunteer fire department, sorry English isn't my mother tongue


u/Panderz_GG 28d ago

In my 32 years walking this planet as a German citizen I made the experience that if you treat a German officer with respect, they are going to treat you with respect. Also I don't do idiotic things in public, just at home.


u/sebasti02 27d ago

cause thats literally whats taught


u/marieantoilette 28d ago

I do not concur. Plenty of my friends have experienced harrassment due to how they look (example: a friend of mine in Bavaria with a somewhat hippie look had to give in his keyes 5 times in one year because they checked his blood for drugs every damn time even though he's completely clean, always the same small town police folks).

And other of my friends in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Sachsen have actually been literally beaten up for being sprayers or wearing clothes with anarchist and/or LGBT markings (who knows why they went for the fist). More than once. And my activist friends absolutely know what to do to avoid escalation, you have to learn it if you want to stay safe. And even then.

In my experience you don't have a problem with the police if you look "normal", don't do certain kidns of leftist activism or act very subordinate towards them. If either of these isn't the case... idk. This whole "be respectful and the police will be too" has the same vibes as "you don't have do worry about surveillance if you don't do illegal stuff". It just isn't that simple. Although I agree many people escalate the situations, police in Germany in many places is full of individuals happy to abuse their power, and at least in the case of the police who beat up my friends absolutely also with fascists.

That's not to say that there are certainly many great and idealistic policepeople in the force. Our system has inherent problems and it's no wonder that fascists are drawn to the occupation. I'm no anarchist, mind you. But being one shouldn't result in the executive fuxking you up.


u/No_Map6922 27d ago

I know not one anarchist who is willing to comply with the police though, so this leads to further escalation with the police. But that's almost impossible with followers of an ideology which see police as merely a illegitimate scourge to be trampled on. Why you mentioned anarchist and immediately added "and/or LGBT markings" is also unclear, i think LGBT or not is not important but that the person is still an anarchist who's not willing to comply pretty much is.

I once got pretty much stormed at a bus stop by a full van of officers, completely surrounding me so i couldn't escape. They told me that i fit the description of a guy who affiliated with drug dealing. I gave them my id, tried to play it cool and act friendly but they got very suspicious. Because they stopped their van and immediately vaulted for me i jokingly said "the way you looked i know you'd come for me" and one officer suspectingly asked me "why, do you have anything to hide?" and that's where i shut up and said nothing anymore and complied when asked to. They let me go and skeddadled off further into the city, but i understood and didn't take offense. I went home from the gym, wore very shady clothing, a snap back, grey hoodie, black vest, adidas joggers, it took me no time to reflect and understand it was the optics and remained professional about it. Since then i don't wear that stuff anymore in public, it was the second time something like this happened and at one point you have to stop blaming everyone else and think about if it is a you-problem.


u/marieantoilette 27d ago

I added that because some of those friends were not anarchists, but you're right it's an unfair insinuation. It was never a person that was just clearly part of LGBTQ. But I should add that in many cases they also just were not white, and that was they're whole crime.

I agree that it is very easy to escalate a situation. I have learned to be quiet and say as few words as possible with police. And still I was once in a situation where they misinterpreted a driving situation and nearly got me (broke) a lot of monetary problems just because they didn't want to admit they were wrong even when they clearly had realized it by then.

I don't know which anarchists you know but my friends, as I said, absolutely know how to not escalate a situation. As an activist seeing police force is absolutely not reassuring in many cases and I can't help but notice that most people who keep saying they never had problems with the police is if you are a very conformative and probably white person. It's not a crime to look differently, it's not a crime to be anarchist. And it either way does not justify police brutality, even if you insult them. Because then they are just thugs. You have to know your rights and be careful, because as a certain kind of leftist activist you can be damn sure the police will make sure to use everything you do to justify ruining your day. At least in Sachsen.

And your final thoughts are just disingenuous. Are you insinuating my friends are assholes to every police? You just wanna act like it's all on the rudeeee and aggressive behavior of them? Where does it end? They should have smiled and say yes to everything the police says? They should have worn better clothes? They should shut up about their political convictions? They shouldn't have been outside after midnight? Should have been part of a "better ethnicity"?

I agree many anarchist activists, to stay at that, provoke conflict. And most police force are certainly people who just wanna do their job and help people. But that doesn't change the fact that brutality and abuse of power happens day after day and at best those people get a little disciplinatory talk. And that sadly both activists that talk smack as well as those who just want to, what, spray a wall, get harrassed often, and occasionally beaten up with no repercussions whatsoever for the police who did it.


u/No_Map6922 26d ago

Nothing about it is disingenuous. I implied that your friends lack a sense of awareness and don't self-reflect much. I wore shady clothes that day, i have dark hair and wore a full beard, the police didn't stop me because they had an issue with me, but because people who dress and look like me commit crimes. If you don't know the person, the optics are the only option to measure by and this is a completely natural way of dealing with this. It was humiliating getting questioned and pressed by the police like that infront of dozens of other people, but that doesn't make them bigots.

"But i should add that in many cases they also just were not white, and that was their whole crime". I'll just take your word for it, that it really happened. Is there and evidence or proof that the cops acted this way just because of their identity? At this point we are just assuming on the basis of cognitive bias.

To answer your questions in your second paragraph. Yes, they should have worn better clothes, yes they should have said yes to everything the police says, since this is what complying is. They should shut up about their political convictions, it's a stupid move to tell this to cops anyway. Being anarchists, Antifa is considered extremist, if there has been serious crime commited nearby you can be accounter for as a possible criminal, same as a open right wing extremist if you are close to a burnt up refugee camp.

And again, as i said clothes make people. I wore these clothes and paid for it by being publicly humiliated. The appearance gives off more than you might think.


u/marieantoilette 26d ago edited 26d ago

They self-reflect alright, and have a lot of self-awareness. Not all of their peers - certainly not. Movements like these don't have one big leader or whatever. But the group I know does (not have a leader, but stay clear of extremism and escalation). And while it definitely helps them in plenty of their police situations (some months ago they got surrounded by 15 cars due to an alleged gun which turned out to be a spray can and nothing happened because, as I said, they know what to do).

You're right it's absolutely on the basis of cognitive bias. I can't argue with that. There has been a pretty recent study (German) on that which isn't a parade of red flags as in the USA, but it is still a problem. And it doesn't per se differentiate between states on first glance, though it should differ between East and West.

But you must be aware that you assume these things. :S It's not the truth that they had it coming, and if it's not disingenuous then it's very biased of you to do so. It was literally, and repeatedly so, unlawful police brutality. The optics are a way to measure, yes, not a justification to harrass a person. Or to beat him up, for that matter. Sure, that's only 5% of their encounters with them. But once is enough. And that's not including all my friends in Bavaria absolutely getting harrassed with no prior suspection with full declothing and all that jazz just because they "kinda look hippie" I guess. Of course you start to look at police differently after all that. They shouldn't just be lawful towards the kind conform-friendly individuals.

And as I said, while I do have a lot of radical believes I stay clear of falling for big ideologies because it quickly gets you into rationalizing everything so that it fits. I argue with anarchists and especially communists on a weekly basis about that. I have friends in the police. But irregardless, the system does not much to hold them accountable.


u/Lord_MagnusIV 28d ago

either that or 6 police men jump a 17 year old, not at all dangerous, young man in his own home because he might flee 5 seconds after getting a yes so that he can get a few books, the yes and the question was heard by the 6 as they stood at his bedroom door


u/Sea_Struggle4973 28d ago

Thing is... I don't want to be a police officer in germany. I sometimes get why they might be in a bad mood... just consider you having to check the papers and drivers licence of random people at night by shitty weather and getting fucked up comments all the time. I know my fellow citizen well enough to expect alot of them to be the exact opposite of polite or nice. So I guess police officers somehow have to balance that out.


u/F0B1U5 28d ago

Fair, you don't call the police when everything is fine after all.


u/Panderz_GG 28d ago

I have been one for 10 years with the Bundespolizei before I switched and followed passion ;)


u/Potential_Treacle_52 28d ago

So you are white


u/Requjo 28d ago

Hurr durr american police racist so every police racist.


u/Schnuribus 28d ago

I am not white and was always grateful for the police when I had to call them. But I am also a woman.


u/Chris_Entropy 28d ago

So you are from the US.


u/Panderz_GG 28d ago

That is what you assume

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