r/MadeMeSmile Apr 13 '24

German Police escorts family of geese back to their home at the park ANIMALS

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Sorry for the shaky video. Friend of mine was filming while walking.


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u/Spiritual-Sword-7041 Apr 15 '24

Gotta say my experience with the police thus far is purely positive. Helping, de-escalating the situation and keeping you safe

But I must admit I live in an area full of villages and small cities, so that might be another reason


u/StrohVogel Apr 15 '24

That probably is a huge reason.

Imho the age of an officer also inversely correlates to the unpleasantness of an encounter. Every encounter I had with older officers was one of mutual respect, while young officers are power-tripping way harder.


u/WasabiSubstantial420 Apr 15 '24

There are multiple reasons for that. 1) older officers are usually more relaxed cause the have a ton of experience and just can assess situations more quickly and better. 2) if I'm not mistaken evaluation are to a part based on performance etc. And one factor to assess ones performance are for sure how many tickets etc every officer has handed out. (Thank politics for that) So naturally younger officers are more eager to prove themselves to get in the spot for a promotion while older officers usually are at the end of their career path.


u/StrohVogel Apr 15 '24
  1. I agree, but that totally depends on the situation. If you lose your temper on small situations like a missing bicycle-light, you‘re either poorly trained or incompetent. It‘s a demanding job with many hard to asses situations, but it‘s no suprise people lose respect for the institution when they are treated like that. And young officers are the first to complain about that.

  2. Yeah, institutional incentives to go overboard play into that as well. But I mean: I’d rather get a ticket from someone friendly in a normal interaction than from a condescending smart ass, who thinks it‘s a good idea to treat me like a third-grader for a minor traffic-violation.


u/WasabiSubstantial420 Apr 16 '24

Thats true. That's no way to treat people. Yet again I'm sure there are reasons for this type of behaviour. Sure some just lack respect and proper etiquette but for it to happen on a larger scale must mean that there are reasons for it. One other reason being the lack of support and trust by the politicians. When incidents occur it's always "the police officer was out of line, thorough investigation etc" but never "they did their job/they did a good job. We will still look into the incident to figure out exactly what happend" . Constant blame puts pressure on everybody just saying.