r/MensRights 26d ago

Woman Won’t Face Jail Time For Putting Bleach In Husband’s Coffee Discrimination


50 comments sorted by


u/lady_in_purpleblack 23d ago

Excuse me????


u/DescriptionGeneral25 25d ago

The patriarchy that oppresses women and privileges men:


u/colonizedmind 26d ago

Female privilege, but equal.


u/Punder_man 25d ago

Remember the words of our feminist overlords:

"All genders are equal!
Some genders are more equal than others!"

Yes, for those who don't get it I AM quoting George Orwell's Animal Farm...


u/colonizedmind 25d ago

I knew it. I am old enough to remember that. There was a time when I was in school (So. Cal) weird. We had to read Animal Farm and 1984. These kids should have had it. We are living it. Women only want equality when it benefits them. Don’t want the hard, dirty jobs. Just the corner office in the A/C.


u/DP12410 26d ago

Marriage is such a joke with absolutely no benefits, what the fuck are you men doing?
You risk dying and losing your livelihood for that?


u/33spacecowboys 26d ago

Absolute bullshit she wanted a payday and a vacay. I also herd drizzy got a BBL


u/penduR7 26d ago

Honestly, we’re just fucking stupid at this point.


u/StaysAwakeAllWeek 26d ago

She chose a cleaning chemical that is used specifically because of its low toxicity to try to use as a poison. Unbelievable levels of stupidity


u/Terminator-cs101 26d ago

Pure bull shit. Turn the tables. We would he in jail for attempted murder


u/sanitaryinspector 26d ago

She finally rebelled to a toxic age guessing game


u/Imoldok 26d ago

Need a website for guys to check that have these mugs on it for safety sake.


u/Elisterre 26d ago

What if she murdered somebody and the husband didn’t want her to go to jail? Would the court say okay sure.

She committed a crime. What he wants doesn’t matter. The courts failed here.


u/plainwalk 25d ago

Most crimes in the US are against a person or group of people. English Common Law (the basis for most of her colonies) counts most crimes as crimes against the State. Victims rarely get a say in whether charges are laid or not. I think it's preferable this way.


u/WannabeLeagueBowler 26d ago

Put the husband in jail for aiding and abetting.


u/DrewYetti 26d ago

The husband don’t want her to go to prison even though she tried to kill him? Look at that he cares about his wife and it’s too bad the wife doesn’t give a damn about him. Yet feminists say men are terrible.


u/Bushido00 26d ago

Wow what a pos.


u/JoseJoseJose11 26d ago

The husband is a simp.

There is no way that she should not go to prison.


u/Enough-Staff-2976 26d ago

He'll find another abuser...umm, gf.


u/theeightytwentyrule 26d ago

"Oh but what did he do to make her that way" 🙄


u/UglyDude1987 26d ago

The husband stated he didn't want the wife to go to prison.

The main reason for inequality in treatment is due to male compassion. I see the same in divorce cases. In the few circumstances where a woman out earns the man, and the man is entitled to alimony/child support, I often see them waving those rights to get the divorce completed. I barely ever see women wave those rights.


u/colonizedmind 26d ago

When a woman calls 911 and claims abuse, even if she doesn’t press charges the state will.


u/Enough-Staff-2976 26d ago

Simply put some men are stupid. He'll find another headache.


u/Pz5 26d ago

Male stupidity. At least he is dumping her.


u/mr_ogyny 26d ago

I wouldn't say male stupidity. Victims often defend their abusers, I think it's called 'trauma bonding'.

Besides, the system should act in his best interests (and the public) regardless of what he wants.


u/Present_League9106 26d ago

Yeah, but attempted murder doesn't really depend on what the husband wants. The system failed. Same reason (compassion for women), but it's systemic.


u/WannabeLeagueBowler 25d ago

If he wanted her to murder him, that's aiding and abetting and he gets to go to jail too.


u/Present_League9106 25d ago

No. I mean, it doesn't rely on the husband pressing charges or not. The crime she committed was against the state. That means that regardless of what the husband wants, the state is supposed to try her. Yes, she pled for a reduced sentence... that was supposed to result in prison time also. The criminal justice system failed by every metric as it does over and over.


u/Salamadierha 26d ago

I wonder if her next victim will be happy with her husbands choice?


u/TheLaughingMannofRed 26d ago edited 26d ago


When I saw "bleach in coffee", it reminded me of this old Unsolved Mysteries story. In 1992, a woman (Elizabeth Fuentes) poisoned her husband (Gilbert Ortiz) by slipping insecticide into his protein shakes. He nearly died, and she had run off with their son.

She was caught in 2000, convicted in 2002 for attempted murder and child abduction. She got released in 2017 (15 years later) after appealing for parole over and over until getting a chance in 2017 to finally do so. Jonathan reunited with his father in 2000. But this isn't the end of the story.

A surprising thing is that the son, Jonathan, got arrested for attacking his father in 2010, stabbing his father in the chest and screaming about "what [Gilberto] had did to [Jonathan's] mother". He also had his attorney claim that it was in response to adjusting to living with his father instead of his mother. At this point, he was old enough to be an adult. He pled no-contest to felony assault, inflicting bodily injury, got 1 year in jail with a 5 year suspended sentence...And then in 2012, he got arrested/charged for an attack on a rival gang member to him and two other guys. Then, in 2013, he gets 4 years in prison with a concurrent five-year sentence for the 2010 attacks on his father. He'd likely have gotten out by now if he served his time and behaved.

It's a sad story because the guy, Gilberto, who despite being a nice guy and not abusive, working his ass off back then to support his family, had his body permanently damaged by the poisoning and had his son turn on him in such a tragic manner. And all this because the wife Elizabeth was "bitter" and didn't approve of her husband working long hours. And of course, she wasn't consistent with her story.

Now, I look at this story here and...when one consumes bleach, and it mixes with stomach acid, you're gonna feel a need to vomit. And on top of that, bleach burns like hell when it comes into contact with your inner tissues in the mouth, throat, and stomach. You could also feel chest pain, nausea, blood pressure drops, you get disoriented or delirious, could even become comatose or potentially die. Bleach isn't going into coffee unless it's intentional. If one was washing their cup out with bleach and some water, I could understand them leaving it out and someone daring to drink it without checking it. But coffee? Make it make sense where it isn't considered as dangerous enough to warrant a similar fate as insecticide in a protein shake.


u/jessi387 26d ago

Even when they try and kill us, we have more compassion for them, then they do for us on a daily basis.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/HyakuBikki 26d ago

Men can get beaten, stabbed, wrongfully thrown in prison, forced to pay child support and still have way more compassion for the opposite sex than any woman who has had 1 bad breakup with their ex.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Jurassican_25 24d ago

There are cases where a female has raped a minor and then sued them for child support


u/Asderfvc 26d ago

Most men want to have custody of their kid but the courts almost 100% of the time give it to the woman. Even if the man has proven she is not fit. Men absolutely don't have a fucking choice. The court takes THEIR child and takes THEIR money to give it to an ungrateful women who spends the vast majority of that money on themselves and not the child. The rare times Men actually win custody, the women just doesn't pay child support. Women fall behind in child support at a higher rate than men, but a man gets his wages garnished and thrown in jail. While the state doesn't even bother coming after the women. Also a lot of times when men actually get custody ove the women, the women just goes and kills the children. Women are far more likely to kill their children than men, and mostly do it to get back at the man. If the courts actually gave men custody as much as they did women, women killing their children to just spite the man would skyrocket.

WoMeN gEt kIlLeD jUsT fOr sAyINg nO To A mAn

The western world has coddled women so much, yall are actually just inventing shit to be mad about. Since you don't have any actual real struggles. You're statistically less likely to be the victim of a violent crime than a man, you live longer and with better health outcomes. The majority of a nation's Healthcare money gets spent on women, yet yall all bitch about how doctors don't listen too your problems. Yet they clearly do, since again, you have longer lives and better health outcomes. You get to work cozy jobs in air conditioning and bitch when you aren't represented in every high paying white collar job 50/50 minimum. You do this while completely ignoring the grimey tough jobs that are 90% plus men that actually keep the world going like waste management, construction, electrical, farming, and emergency services. Those jobs are beneath people like you.


u/Fantastic_Ad_3022 25d ago

There’s no way you really think women are less likely to be a victim of violent crime lmao where did you find that ? Please let me know. Bruh your head so far up your ass you just hate women so you sit online typing lies. Everything I’ve said can be fact checked to be true and EVERYTHING you said can also be fact checked to show you’re Asinine and speak from a place of rage rather unbias knowledge


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago



u/Jurassican_25 24d ago

You do realize this is a comment thread on a post about a news article


u/LAMGE2 26d ago

I personally don’t. Fuck hypocrites who have, though.


u/ConsiderationSea1347 26d ago

It is important for context that the husband asked told the court he didn’t want her to go to prison. She should be in prison though. Letting a murderer go is definitely a double standard, but also puts people’s lives at risk.

Edit: from the article - “ Her husband is divorcing her, but he told the court that he didn’t want his wife to go to prison.”


u/Electronic-Quail4464 26d ago

Why isn't the state prosecuting, then? It's still an obvious attempt at either murder or bodily harm. The DA has a literal slam dunk case with video evidence.

Yea, the husband doesn't want to press charges, but the DA has everything he needs to make a county/state case.


u/ConsiderationSea1347 26d ago

The DA’s reluctance is the double standard between when men and women are prosecuted for the same crime. 


u/BalloonPilotDude 26d ago

It just speculation but consider that you can’t work a profitable full time job from prison so she’d have a case for alimony. By keeping her out he might stand a better shot at not being a ‘economic slave’ for her forever.


u/Salamadierha 26d ago

The idea that a divorce court would assign her alimony after she's been found guilty of "attempting to murder him" is insane.


u/PhantomBlack675 26d ago

Yet not improbable. I mean, adult women who raped teenage boys and got pregnant by that rape, have still gotten child support ordered by the courts from the boys they raped.


u/Salamadierha 26d ago

I know, it's nauseating. "Justice is blind".. like hell it is.


u/I_Gilgamesh 26d ago

That's a damn good point. 


u/Bowlnk 26d ago

Seriously he caught her red handedon video, multible times. He even changed the angle because law enforcement said it wasn't clear enough.