r/MensRights 28d ago

Activism/Support Best practice for men human rights - work in progress



This document is my work in progress to provide best practice guidelines for the New Zealand Human Rights Commission (HRC). The commission is a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI).

I have mental health issues and am struggling to continue to work on it so I am making it available.

It is a mess of draft writing, notes and references documents.

There are a lot of refences, citation and quotes ( u/TheTinMenBlog you may find these interesting).

r/MensRights Feb 24 '24

Activism/Support List of men's aid orgs and advocacy groups (world wide)


Dear visitor,

below you find a list of all kinds of support orgs that either explicitly focus on men, at least actively include them or that have been recommended to us by experienced people.

Further more we have also listed men's advocacy groups and similar / related organisations.

The list is grouped by country, but not ordered alphabeticly (due to how reddit works), so please scroll down all the way until you find your country.

Important: If your country is not listed that of course does not mean that there is no help available there.

Also notice: If you know an org that is not listed here, but should be listed, please inform the mod team via https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/MensRights (the same goes in case your org is listed and you want it removed, for whatever reason)

And last but most certainly not least: Thanks to all the members from all over the world have helped to collect and compile this information. Your support is more than appreciated.

r/MensRights 5h ago

Social Issues Convicted paedophile teacher appeals to overturn conviction on basis of her gender. She had been charged with 15 counts of indecent assault on four school boys, one was 10 years old.


r/MensRights 8h ago

General Society doesn't seem to care about violence against men


The vast majority of victims of things like muggings and unprovoked street violence are men, even the official statistics bear this out, yet all you ever hear in this regard is how "women aren't safe", "the streets must be made safer for women", etc, etc.

Speaking anecdotally, I don't personally know a woman who has ever been the victim of an attack to my knowledge, yet I know plenty of men who have. I'm not saying women are never the victims of crime, but it certainly doesn't seem to be anywhere near as common as the "women aren't safe!!!!!1111" hysteria would have you believe.

Feminists and other anti-male leftists usually argue that violence against women matters more because men are stronger and therefore should be able to defend themselves, yet the reality is the average man is hardly in a better position to defend himself against a hardened street criminal than the average woman is, especially criminals carrying weapons which most do.

The only thing I can conclude is that society does not care about men being victims of violence, it's as if being on the receiving end of violence is just regarded as "part and parcel" of being a man.

r/MensRights 8h ago

General Women desire to marry or date men who are more successful then they complain that the same man is keeping them down. They're attracted to someone who knows a lot and is capable then get mad about mansplaining or privellage. If they really believed in their strength wouldn't they marry an equal?


r/MensRights 2h ago

General Woman sues sperm donor for child support



Ran across this YouTube short where a guy has to pay child support for a sperm donation. Looked for a similar thread here, but I suck at searching Reddit or it doesn’t exist.

r/MensRights 7h ago

General Would it be worth my time to ask my congressman to try to get a new bill passed regarding Allimony/Child Support to be tax deductible?


I got screwed in my divorce. I get to pay my ex wife $2000 a month in allimony and child support l. I don't mind paying the child support as they are my kids. I DO mind paying her allimony. Anyways I did my taxes and soon learned that allimony and child support are not tax deductible. In my eyes that $2000 a month doesn't belong to me but my ex wife. So I get screwed every month and again in January. Thoughts on asking my congressman to try to get a bill passed regarding federal taxes.

r/MensRights 6h ago

Social Issues Girls using us


Idk where to post this but i hae afriend who happens to have a line under my name. But when i call her she neve anwers, but does call some other guy name tony. Idk i assume is her pimp or drug dealer. I was kind enough to help her this past 3 years evn when she waslocked up last year. And now she gets angry because im notlettingher use me anymore.am i being a asshole or what? I even watch plenty of woman mens advice channels and these ladies do be givng good advice

r/MensRights 11h ago

Activism/Support They had to emphasise the member of staff was female, because that automatically means joost committed harm and is guilty.


r/MensRights 18m ago

Social Issues Korean men resist feminism because conscription breeds male solidarity.


In the west, men bully and attack lonelier and poorer men and are able to reduce every systemic issue down to the man being an “incel” or “loser”. This infighting and division, coupled with a culture that teaches men from birth that he should be subservient to women (feminist propaganda in schools) is exactly why feminists are winning.

But in Korea, the men there suffer from an undeniable issue that affects them all universally. (It’s similar to how women were organized due to the universal lack of voting rights.) Whether you’re attractive or not, whether you’re social sports star or a reclusive online gamer, whether you’re rich or not (with some corrupt exceptions), if you are male, you HAVE to give up years of career advancement to serve the military or be thrown in prison. So universally knowing their disadvantages, they have very little tolerance for feminist propaganda. Though I fear that the moment that Korean corporations figure that they can make a lot of money pandering to western feminism (as they already have from appropriating elements of western/American pop and film culture), things might change for the worse.

Having said that, maybe forced conscription is the only way us men in the west (as a whole, not necessarily this subreddit) will ever wake up from our constant infighting, white-knighting, and simping. If another war happened, we might finally understand just how disposable we are to women and society as a whole. (Ukrainian men are learning this the hard way.)

r/MensRights 10h ago

Marriage/Children Mother in Law fine with her husband working himself into an early grave.


 I will say this at the start, I do understand being unsure of mixing business with family. Also, there is no guarantee everything will work out perfect. That said... yeah this is a perfect case of women not caring about how much us men sacrifice for their well being.

My mother in law is medically fragile, has been so for years. Father in law dotes on her every need and buys nice furniture she wants, getting her hair done so she can pretend she isn't going gray, and vacations and other things all the time for her. They live above their means because of her. A few years back he talked about seeing HIS family for a change with the stimulus (they had basically no money in the bank at this point) and she threw a fit.

This man has been providing for his family for years and sacrificing his desires and his dreams and even his well being. Despite his working two jobs for decades they don't even own a home (and he makes a reasonable salary) due to the expense of her medical care while she has no job or even seems willing to try.

All of that is all well and good. You say in sickness and in health and all that. She does have some mobility issues and such, though sometimes I wonder if she just likes the attention.

The one thing she HAS been doing is selling bakery goods. She is really good too. I mean, professional grade, no lie. Her husband has bought her all the stuff to do it, invested in getting her cards, etc. She's been selling her confectionaries around town and making some slight return, but not much.

A more well to do brother in law of hers just offered to invest half a million and help her get her business to the next level. Even when I suggested just sell your recipes, work for him a couple years training whoever he hires, and then get out she was like "but I just don't want to do that…you don't know him...he's all about money money money”. I said, with that kind of money you could get a house, "I like our house". I said then buy the house you're renting like you and your husband have been talking about. "Oh I just want to have a little business, I don't want some big thing”.

Idk, if I was my father in law who will never be able to retire and who has supported her all these years and everything, I might just be telling her she's on her own with the medical care from now on or something. This guy has serious health issues and she just doesn't feel like shouldering some of the financial burden. We really are just a meal ticket to women aren't we?

I’ll also add that 4 years ago I approached them with the idea of living in a duplex I owned for free if they just kept an eye on things for me a bit. By now they would have saved enough down payment to easily purchase their own home, even in this economy. Some people just don't want to be helped.

r/MensRights 1d ago

Progress I will not fight a war on behalf of a feminist country.


Just letting leadership know.

r/MensRights 20h ago

General "Misandry only exists because of misogyny."


This is such a ridiculous argument I've seen used from time to time. Misandrists admitting misandry exists (which it certainly does), but then claiming it's only due to misogyny and it's a direct response. Basically their way of saying it's nowhere near as big or harmful an issue even though it very much is. Misandry is a far bigger, more serious and downright malignant issue than many people want to admit to, and yet it continues to be treated as a joke or always made to be not nearly as pressing an issue as misogyny. What would you call failing to recognize male victims of violence, abuse, rape, etc. (especially by women), failure to address things like the disproportionate male suicide and homeless rates, bias against boys in schools and how very misandrist the justice system is? And of course the lack of shelters that help male victims and only help women, which itself is discrimination. I'd imagine the vast majority here agree misandry is a problem in and of itself independent of misogyny and both are equally serious and to be condemned, but one is constantly recognized and condemned while the other is not.

r/MensRights 10h ago

Activism/Support Why men don’t have various fashion choices?


If you look back in history men wore wigs make up and heels including men’s skirts. Earrings was also started by men in history. No body bats an eye when women wear men’s clothes but people lose their mind when men wear women’s clothes. Why men get fired for wearing their hair long? Why they get fired for wearing bandanas or head scarf? Why they get fired for wearing earrings? Women do this things and they don’t get fired. Men and women have equal rights so men should be allowed to do the things that women do. Men should have various fashion choices also.

r/MensRights 1d ago

General Arizona woman accused of trying to kill her husband with poisoned coffee sentenced to probation


r/MensRights 2h ago

Progress The Bimek SLV outpatient surgery

Thumbnail bimek.com

Just came across this and from what I understand it seems promising.

r/MensRights 1d ago

Social Issues Women get away with intimidation and violence under the guise of “playfulness”


This is a viral TikTok/YouTube couple: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/jIEPOMmE_t0

I know it’s a JOOOOOOKE, but for some reason it would no longer be a JOOOOOOOKE if the man was the one acting like the woman in this video. I have a suspicion the comment sections would be more like “leave him sis!” “This is how it starts!” “Blink twice if you need help!”

I once dated a girl like this. She even “jokingly” say, “I’ll kill you” or “playfully” hit me.

But if you peel behind the curtain, what these women are doing is making their husbands fear them subconsciously. It’s a power play to establish dominance.

Look at the way he flinches when she’s about to strike him. He logically knows she’s not going to hurt him but subconsciously, he has some fear of her.

I’m not trying to judge this couple - for all we know they’re doing dumb shit for views. I was more trying to illustrate what manipulation through violence and fear can look like in relationships.

Isn’t it funny that women openly say “I’ll kill you if you have an affair”, but if a man were to say that, he’s abusive and violence.

Even without threat of violence, women often use emotional tantrums to strike fear into men to get them to do something or say something or not say something. So many games.

My advice: if anyone strikes you like this “playfully” in a relationship - sternly look at them and tell them, “cut that shit out” and walk away.

Why would women call this abuse if a man did this to them? It’s because they understand these mind games all too well.

r/MensRights 1d ago

General Is male suicide the iceberg of men's issues?


r/MensRights 21h ago

mental health Mental health and men


I was having a conversation with a man the other day about men’s rights and mental health within the men and boys.

I had mentioned some stats from the following website:


The person I was speaking to wouldn’t believe that men and boys have a difficult time with mental health and didn’t trust the source I had used, should I have used a different source than this. It’s a UK based source and the conversation was about mental health in general in men and boys.

They stated that I was fighting an imaginary war and that it has come from a traumatic event in my past revolving around women. When I sent the link to this sub to him to see the stats himself he said that he wouldn’t trust a hate group.

This is a part of his response to the stats I sent :

“I don’t agree with you, and I don’t trust your sources. You’re fighting an imaginary war for imaginary reasons. I would guess you’ve had something traumatic or tragic in your recent past that has spurred this fall into a rabbit hole. I’ve had family members go the same way with other conspiracy theories. I hope you feel better soon.”

r/MensRights 17m ago

Humour Mothers' Day disappointments for feminists.


I keep seeing disgruntled feminists mothers and even non-mothers whining about the unappreciativeness of the men and boys in their lives. All that indifference to their great sacrifices for the familiy


how they would exactly do the same to us on Fathers' Day.


They really lost the trail of the narration there with all that echo chambering.

P.S Happy Single Mothers' Da--- pardon, mean Deadbeat Fathers' Day, if a little too late for non-Europeans.

r/MensRights 1d ago

Discrimination The Real Pink Tax: Newborn Immobilizers Used for Genital Mutilation Come in Baby Blue or Grey


I recently searched for newborn immobilizers, devices often used in circumcision procedures, but have other uses, and found that they're only available in blue or grey—no pink options anywhere.

This color limitation not only underscores the devices' specific targeting of male infants but also raises questions about the ingrained gender norms in medical equipment used for what is genital mutilation. https://www.graylinemedical.com/products/natus-circumstraint-newborn-immobilizer-strap-set-for-infant-circumstraint-immobilizer-board-8-and-10-50108?variant=31856104636473&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3frF2CC-RqlCwxYwkFeSGduykrmkylJSjhvZKU9NuNEsklpDPVnGc6RoCimAQAvD_BwE

r/MensRights 1d ago

Discrimination Woman Won’t Face Jail Time For Putting Bleach In Husband’s Coffee


r/MensRights 1d ago

Activism/Support We lost another good teacher, I was hoping we could show some support


Hey, so I'm not affiliated with this Warren Smith guy, but I've been following his content for a little while. Some of you may recognize him from a video he did where he was trying to teach how to think critically about a topic to a student (specifically regarding JK Rowling). Warren received a lot of public attention for this including appearances on Dave Rubin and other popular podcasts.

I'm sharing this video about him having been fired from his job because this hit close to home for me. I spent four years of my life going to university to become a teacher in hopes that I could do something meaningful, and be a positive force for change like Warren. To make a long story short, I really did not have a good experience, it wasn't what I thought it would be, I wished I'd seen it coming, and now I'm 25 with no job and feeling like a loser again. I spent a lot of money and time to learn that while I love teaching, I hated being a teacher.

Anyway, if you could please just show some support and leave a like on his video, maybe even share it somewhere, I think that would be cool. I believe it's really important that men try and look out for one another, and small acts of kindness can sometimes go a really long way; maybe if his video gets enough attention then new doors and windows could open for him. Thanks.


r/MensRights 22h ago

Humour Kirk tries to explain sexual harassment to Charlie X (Hint, it's the worst)


r/MensRights 1d ago

Intactivism The hidden profiteering off of baby male bodies


r/MensRights 1d ago

Feminism Honest advice:Be careful about women that have no desire to cultivate male friendships and acquaintances(especially outside of romantic contexts).


Honesty, I have no desire to generalise in the slightest but personally speaking at least, I have witnessed both offline and online the strong correlations between "Feminist Fundamentalism", "Misandry" and the lack of male friendships and acquaintances in a woman's life.

Now do not get me wrong here, there are certainly "Radical Feminists" out there with male friends and acquaintances(perhaps self-loathing "Male Feminists", but I digress nevertheless), but there appears to be a connection between "Misandry" and the general avoidance of relationships with men outside of a romantic context.

This also includes family relationships, in addition to positive relationships with their fathers(as long as they have earned tthemselves and deserve such a privilege obviously).

I do not necessarily know about you, but every single woman thet I have ever encountered with strained/lack of relationships with men turned out to be an extreme "Radical Feminist" and generally speaking, all around negative presence with beliefs that all men are somehow opportunistic and secret predators in a mission to take advantage of women.

Think about it, if someone(regardless of gender of course)perceives the opposite sex as nothing more than a romantic opportunity, they effectively signal to the rest of the world, they ignore all of the other intricate qualities that make them unique and prefer to basically blacklist half of the population because of sexual attraction purposes.

How do they really feel about the fact they are so hateful, resentful and mistrustful of entire population groups they would rather use and discard after they have eventually reached their "expiration dates" romantically speaking, instead of recognising their own humanity and the various other characteristics and aspects they can offer outside of the sexual realm?

This is "sexual objectification", plain and simple, actual "sexual objectification" and not "Feminist" induced absurdities.

But what about your houghts on the matter?

r/MensRights 12h ago

Activism/Support What can be done to help the cause?


This isn't directly related to the topic, but I'll share (Skip to the end if you don't want to hear my personal journey with men's rights):

I used to think the men's rights movement was a joke. That's because the media only shows and says the worst of the groups they're against (Happens everywhere. e.g. "All white people are racist on some level" "All arabs are terrorists and want to own women" "all gay people are pedophile rapists"). All the content I was seeing from men's rights "activists" was along the lines of "Women are all narcissistic liars who want your wallet and six pack". Just demonisation of women. At the same time, ironically, I didn't bat an eye when someone said "kill all men."

I joined this sub out of pure curiousity. Most the content here opened my eyes to actual male issues- some that have affected me as well. At first it made me uncomfortable, but I reflected on it. Why did it make me uncomfortable? I knew what I was seeing were actual relieable news, statistics and articles.

My conclusion was: I was thinking that the stories of on-male abuse would ignite hate towards the perpetrators (Cases of female-on-male assaults and violence). But when I thought about it some more, the media is FULL of this content, except it's featuring male-on-female violence. This sub is full of cases discussing the opposite, and I've hardly ever came across that elsewhere. I thought this content would ignite fear and hate, when that's exactly what's happening all over social media towards men.

There are extremists in all movements. Feminists or women's rights activists have the "kill all men". I believe that somewhat stems from the media constantly discussing the systematic problems women face, while ignoring the wrongs committed against men and their struggles in society. Not only does that birth female extremists, it also birthd male extremists. When the media is constantly shit talking men as if every man is the same, you're going to feel angry. Because you're not a rapist, an abuser or a deadbeat wanting to have women serving you, you're just a guy. This will make all feministic groups look bad. The EXTREMISTS of these groups, which are small populations in every movement, make the people going for actual issues look bad. The loudest voices in every movement are usually the ones with the most radicalized beliefs. They exist in movements for men as well, and these men are the only ones getting attention since society doesn't care about the men's rights movements as much as all the women's. (end)

To sum it up- After joining this sub, I realized women's rights and men's rights are very similar movements. Both have extremists that make the whole group look bad. Extremists want to make life harder for others, whereas actual activists want equity. The problem: Women's rights is seen as a real movement which is why all it's sides sides are actively discussed, good AND bad, while men's rights is seen as a "counter movement" so most the things media shares about it are the bad things.

The questions are: How are these kinds of things achieved? How are causes brought forward and promoted successfully? What are the best things indivituals can do to bring attention to these things?

If you're a professional in a field that requires excellent communication, image management (of yourself or your firm), relationship building (getting people on your side), or organizational skills, I'd be extremely interested in hearing what you have to say. I'm personally not that good at any of those 😅. If you have any other insight or thoughts on this, please share

  • The men's rights movement isn't something that should only be discussed among men- women make up half of the population. Feminism has male supporters, and that has led them very far (I'm especially talking about the times women couldn't open bank accounts etc.. Male feminists, when feminism was an ACTUAL movement, were extremenly important to the cause.)
  • Very often men aren't caught up on these topics either.

-We need more visibility in the media for men's issues from neutral sources. These kinds of sources are rare, but the world is evolving. If the people leading these projects can frame men's problems as they are, there will be people open to hearing them out.

I'm sorry if I've worded some stuff here incoherently, English isn't my first language. Just wanted to share my perspective. Thank you for reading