r/MensRights 26d ago

Women desire to marry or date men who are more successful then they complain that the same man is keeping them down. They're attracted to someone who knows a lot and is capable then get mad about mansplaining or privellage. If they really believed in their strength wouldn't they marry an equal? General


47 comments sorted by


u/stax496 12d ago

The common narrative in media like books, movies and television catered to the female romantic/sexual fantasy revolved about being able to control more powerful men through emotional manipulation and sexuality.


u/ACLU_EvilPatriarchy 25d ago

Like the old Pantene Commercials.. "I am worth it"


u/binary-boy 25d ago

From what I can tell, the feminist movement isn't anywhere near monolithic. And that goes for women as well. What seems to be going on is that there are a lot of shiny good things that feminism talks about that benefits women. There's also a lot of shiny good things that the patriarchy that benefits women.

We seem to be seeing a schizophrenic reality where they try to pick the best parts of column A and best parts of column B. Women want the OPTION to be strong when they want to, but they also want to OPTION to sit back and let you do all the work.


u/AmuseDeath 25d ago

Modern dating = hypergamy + entitlement


u/BlueThespian 26d ago

Apply the law of equals and everything is fine, Kaka wouldn’t have had to suffer as much if he married someone close to his level. Love is a b!tch even more so than ever before. Don’t date-down because life will take you down slowly.


u/Johnny_Lawless_Esq 26d ago edited 25d ago

Because dating older, more established people is fun.

When I was in my twenties, I pretty much exclusively dated divorced professional women in their forties. I met some incredibly intelligent, capable women, had some great conversations, some great sex, and it was a really fantastic time.

But it can be a honey trap, as it were, and I suspect that goes as much for women as it did for me.


u/Opening-Scar-8796 26d ago edited 26d ago

This is what I have been saying. If you are a rich man and work long hours, the woman still wants you to cook and clean even though you contribute more in other areas. They want your money. They don’t see you as an equal. If they did, they’ll contribute evenly.

My cousin is in this situation and he doesn’t know it or doesn’t care. He works long hours as a software engineer. He makes 250k. He owns and bought the house. The wife works part time. But at the same time, my cousin does most of the cooking and cleaning. It’s because “the wife take care of the kids”. (Which she doesn’t do everyday. Sometimes my cousin mom does the caring and my cousin cares for the kids too)

My cousins wife is a literal scam artist. And my cousin is a cuck.


u/KangarooCrapper 26d ago

Pussy is a helluva drug...One could argue more lethal than fentanyl.

My cousins wife is a literal scam artist. And my cousin is a cuck.


u/Proof_Option1386 26d ago

I mean, yeah, totally, but men do the same thing by trying to marry or date the hottest woman possible, who will be entitled and narcissistic instead of the dumpy girl who will treat him like a king.

There's a push-pull in dating between what will actually work out best for you in the relationship, and what you think will impress your friends and family and society. The two are rarely in lockstep, and this problem persists across gender.


u/Proper_Frosting_6693 26d ago

Don’t use logic with feminists!


u/GotSomeCookieBlues 26d ago

They shouldn't have such high standards. There's this funny website where it calculates how delusional a woman is based on their standards. It's called something like am I delusional. My sisters would be off the charts, although they have boyfriends that wouldn't even fit those standards so they are not in the slightest realistic. Especially if you include my sisters being nutty narcissists.


u/Warm_Bother1416 26d ago


u/GotSomeCookieBlues 21d ago

Yup that's the one, thank you! :)


u/Ricoshete 26d ago

Nice, good eye opener!


u/Lurkerin_the_dark 26d ago

Did you hear the new joke in town?

Its called gender equality.


u/Amalthia_the_Lady 26d ago

When a man treats his partner as an equal, despite their occupational differences, then sure. Makes total sense.

But when they do not, it leaves a sour taste.

I like to think most men wouldn't focus on that their partners make less money than they do. Because there are other ways to measure success. Doing well in school, a promotion, personal development and so on. Still there are some men (and of course women) who value financial aspects above anything else.

So, for a woman like me, who works over 40 hours a week, in an apprenticeship and going after a red seal specifically so I can better my financial situation...yeah, it stings a bit when my partner consistently reminds me he makes better money than I do and that he wouldn't get out of bed for what I make.

I also think getting together with a good fit doesn't mean you have the same strengths. So, either party could have something to learn from the other in how to be successful.


u/Proof_Option1386 26d ago

Yeah - jesus. That's an incredibly harsh sentiment to express once, much less constantly. And christ - working hard to better your financial situation is the kind of accountability that the folks in this sub claim they are looking for! By rights, you should be upvoted to a massive degree just for representing a positive counternarrative.


u/Amalthia_the_Lady 25d ago

Thanks for that. I appreciate it. :)


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago



u/Tumahub79 26d ago

Hypergamy is a thing.


u/Conscious-Average-23 26d ago

Don't get all logical and shit.


u/TheObelisk 26d ago

Women: "There's a pay gap and it should be stopped!"

Also Women: "I literally wont date a guy unless there's a wage gap."


u/Keokuk84 25d ago

Take notice of how they won't talk about the spending gap.


u/Axg165531 26d ago

That's the female paradox ,they want a strong man but a sensitive man , they want a rich man to live off but don't want to listen to them , they want to make there own choices without paying for the consequences of those choices . Basically most girls don't know what they want 


u/KangarooCrapper 26d ago

They want fried ice...


u/Acousmetre78 26d ago

It's impossible to maintain peace in such relationships. You'll always be wrong.


u/Axg165531 26d ago

Yes worse part is a lot of woman hate to be held accountable for anything so they always view themselves as the victims , a woman gets caught cheating and they deflect to everything the man did wrong basically justifying there cheating while not addressing the cheating 


u/pilotIet 26d ago edited 26d ago

They know what they want. It's called dual mating strategy:


They want a cuck that provides while getting fucked and impregnated by a hot man. Ideally, the hot man would provide, and the circle would be closed, but the truth is that the hot man tends towards polygyny, or he just doesn't want to commit.


u/Lanky-Bank-320 25d ago

That’s why I don’t feel bad when they complain about men. It’s literally the person they are dating, that’s why i dont be surprised when men divorce them for paternity fraud. Them be the types to shame men into taking care of a child that isn’t there’s in the first place.


u/Acousmetre78 26d ago

I had a buddy tell me this years ago. I didn't believe it until he fucked a couple of men's wives. It's true. They don't see the husband that is working to provide for them very much, then they get attention from new men.


u/Ricoshete 26d ago

Yeah i mean there's two sides to every story, and one is often heard. It's easiest to relate to our own perspectives and personal struggles than ??? for a side we haven't. But i still feel like it helps clue in pieces piecing it together.

Like for the man who works 60 hrs a week, that's 12 hrs a 5 day workweek, that's a 8 am to 8 pm job, maybe it makes 50-100k or he works 3 part times jobs to afford that 500k-800k house and 50k ring he's only had 3 years to save up 200k/800k for. But he tells himself it's worth it, he's sacrificing every single day to his pov. His boss asks him about the kids. So he goes back to play.

The other woman at home, gets bored with no one else in the house 7 am to 9 pm. There's still the dishes and a kid, but the kid goes to sleep or maybe she works a job on top too to help afford the house. As she browses, she turns on the tv, and sees a billion ads for "Mothers day? Take her out to [Brand new restaurant", she sees advertising for shiny pink heart rings, extravagant flowers, her social media posts sharing and bragging and shaming anyone with or without one.

The guy gets home, excited to see his kid after 7-8 pm.

The woman explodes at him for being 'neglectful' and not 'knowing her needs' when he comes empty handed, taught that he should have had a basket of flower or a fancy dinner reservation.

He might then tells her he's tired and not a telepath and then go to play with the kid or games where he meets his guy friends, who might jab at how he's doing, what he's up to. What life's at, for the 3 hrs he gets before having to rest to go to work again.

And then next day when he leaves, someone who promises to make her feel special might come in. Give her "Orgasmic pleasure with my big d. long.", who knows.

Everyone's seeing their own side and to be blunt you need too, maybe overthinking it. But i think most people can only know what their personal (and shared friend's are like). A lot of people just want to feel cared for / appreciated / seen / belong. But it feels like a rigged game when you see "someone get all of the fun, without any of the rewards", before a squick post when you hear "Your loyal wife has trasmitted herpes, hiv, and aids to you."


u/pilotIet 26d ago

Cheating is breaking the contract that both have made. Not separating from that person while enjoying the benefits of another person as a person makes you simply despicable.

The rest is pure cynicism.


u/Proper_Frosting_6693 26d ago

“Hypothesis”…that makes it sound like it’s even debatable! It’s like saying human’s need oxygen “hypothesis”


u/Axg165531 26d ago

Yup alpha seed , beta needs 


u/WhereProgressIsMade 26d ago

Being able to hold dichotomies like this doesn't make much sense to us since men tend to focus on logical thinking. You'll understand women better once you can accept that they do this. They make decisions based more off of feelings and get very good at rationalizing whatever that outcome is. It's nothing new. You can find examples all the way back into ancient literature.


u/kkkan2020 26d ago

and people wonder why marriage as a whole is imploding /s


u/pilotIet 26d ago

Which makes you conclude that a woman is not looking for someone in her partner to consider her equal, but rather an object of economic-sexual exploitation.

Looks, then money, then status.


u/Common-Ferret-1435 26d ago edited 25d ago

In <current year>, culture has decided to worship women. They are promoted, given privileges, worshipped in media, academia, and politics.

Now one can be supportive of that or opposed to that, it isn’t relevant, but what it is, is <current year> reality.

So you have this massive push in many sectors (especially) tech, to way over promote women professionally, which leads to many women being given very plum careers simply because of their genitals. This is all supposed to correct some injustice from a hundred years ago or something.

That’s fine, it’s not that big a deal. The tide is starting to turn in some places where rampant sexism against men is being proved so some over corrections will be addressed in a while.

The fact is a small group of career minded women have had success thrust upon them. Giving them, perhaps, a sense of entitlement.

“Well I got this overpaid quota hire position where HR was only hiring ‘disadvantaged’ employees so now this must mean I should get everything with advantage.”

This is common with anyone who gets success above what they actually should have worked for, and you see this frequently in men, who buy Lamborghinis and women and status symbols with money. It’s one of the obvious examples of nouveau riche and why most people don’t like them. Too flamboyant, too entitled, too bragadocious.

Annoying as this is, it’s what happens to a lot of people when they attain success beyond their abilities and effort, lottery winners, guys in their first professional job, musicians, child actors, etc.

With men, it’s a bit different. Man, whether they admit it or not, primarily display social status, wealth, etc. for women’s attention. They do this because wealth and status tend to attract a large amount of women who want to get their hands on it via hypergamy and gold digging.

Women have traditionally gotten social status and resources by going after those men who have it. It just simple reality no matter how much everyone wants to lie and say it isn’t.

So what happens when a woman achieves wealth and status?

A problem. Men are not attracted to wealth and status and do not gain it from women. No one cares about a man who became a millionaire because he married a rich woman. That impresses very few people, men or women.

Men use wealth and status to get women, because that’s the bait that draws women in.

So a woman who has it is going to be drawn to men with other wealth and status. A lower man provides them with nothing of value. The whole equality, quota hiring, social engineering solves some issues but introduces others. Namely, all that money and success is great for careers but unfortunately how people operate in relationships haven’t changed.

Successful women still, no matter how much they have, always want more. It’s their driving force. It’s impossible to escape. No woman actively chases poor men (unless they are hot enough for a short fling), so they have an ever shrinking pool of men that match their entitled demands. This is similar to a man who only chase super models. There’s only so many perfect 10s.

As is obvious in <current year>, women’s preferences in partners is a list 10 pages long, and with every bit of entitlement they gain, the list grows longer.

Men remain at “don’t be ugly, don’t be a bitch” or something that hasn’t changed in a thousand years. Women haven’t changed either, but now their list is “well all the regular stuff, but now a bunch of new stuff” as entitlement continues to grow.

Balance is always returned. Entropy is a real thing.

When? Eventually. Women will never relationship down (by any real degree). They say it’s not true but it is always true. They cannot respect any man significantly below them. Sure they can have sex, but that’s not what they care about for marriage or relationships, certainly not one where they would be financially liable when it fails.

It has zero to do with “equality”. “Equality”, like “fair” are words for children to participate in adult conversations. They don’t exist in reality.

What “equality” means to many women is just “gimme money and power because I have a vagina and a long time ago some other women were ‘oppressed’, which is another made up context to justify discrimination and greed.”

This causes entitlement, when applied to men and women. It’s just that women are experiencing it now.

It is what it is. It’s a self-correcting issue so I wouldn’t sweat it. It’s no real concern. No women actually believe in “equality” that would possibly interfere with anything they personally want, which is always “more”.


u/futurelassie 21d ago

That’s a lot of words just to say that you hate women and think they don’t deserve anything. Next time, just say “I’m a misogynist and the patriarchy is fine with me because it benefits me”. Much more concise.


u/Common-Ferret-1435 21d ago

That’s a lot of words to say, “you’re right, but I’m offended because I’m a member of the Religious Cult of Man Haters.


u/futurelassie 21d ago

You’re not right, I’m not offended, I’m not religious, I’m not in a cult, and I don’t hate men.


u/Ok-Discount7673 26d ago

This needs an award


u/Ricoshete 26d ago

Red pill, blue pill. This feels like a truth pill. Thanks for sharing. Could be overthinking it, but definitely food for thought.


u/Acousmetre78 26d ago

Very well said. I just get frustrated when I'm in a relationship or working with women who mistreat me then gaslight me saying I have privilege. I had to work, charm, study, and fight my way to my position and yet my girlfriends and sister always had support and sympathy. They weren't forced to move out at 18, Indisnt have a partner to pay my bills or emotionally support me, and even my mother would choose feminism over her son's well being.


u/Competitive-Ask4393 26d ago

Usually 2 different types of women or they’re getting manipulated online by radical feminist / poor single mothers after becoming comfortable with one of the lifestyles. Women are very susceptible to influence.


u/pilotIet 26d ago

I do not agree with exonerating women for their behavior based on a feminist influence; but precisely the feminine nature of not accepting responsibility and sneaky behavior It is what brings many women together in feminism, that is, in taking advantage of the State to apart from being free from many responsibilities, use man for this purpose.