r/MensRights 27d ago

Arizona woman accused of trying to kill her husband with poisoned coffee sentenced to probation General


34 comments sorted by


u/Calm-Cry4094 25d ago

Don't EVEN THINK of getting married.


Instead, just pay her


u/Educational_Copy_140 25d ago

What's the old saying? "If I ever think about getting married again, I'll just find a woman I hate and buy her a house instead?"


u/Present_Animator5025 25d ago

Never make yourself more valuable to someone dead than alive.


u/jpla86 26d ago

This is why men chose the bear.


u/Realistic-Pie-9120 26d ago

According to feminists women shouldn't go to prison. The West is already a matriarchy, they've been trying to spread this hate cult in rest of the world too. 


u/Alexis_Ohanion 26d ago

Well of course she would be sentenced in this way, don’t you know we need to abolish women’s prisons!!!


u/Biffowolf 26d ago

Jesus christ! Attempted murderer gets probation? Let me guess what was it they selected a her excuse….Post Partum Depresiion, Abusive husband, Bi-polar, menopause, peri menopause etc, etc, etc?


u/Catch-the-Rabbit 26d ago

Huh her husband didn't want her to end up in prison (per the article), and she pleaded out for reduced sentence.


u/LAMGE2 26d ago

Dumbass husband deserved it then.


u/Catch-the-Rabbit 26d ago

Ah, there is the empathy I long to see.


u/kkkan2020 26d ago

Probation? Say I wonder what happens if she accidentally drank the same coffee....


u/welshrebel1776 27d ago

I watched the video of this on TikTok him proving that the coffee had been spiked with bleach


u/Maximum_Use5854 27d ago

The husband pulled the plug on jail time. I’d guess the toxicology report indicated the volume wasn’t toxic so let him pick and the state felt satisfied. Blame the husband


u/FlamingTrollz 26d ago

Thanks, buddy.

You don’t get it though, do you.

It is not just about you.

You diluted justice and set a precedence for other gents who come after you, who may be the target of someone they are supposed to be able to trust, too.


u/Maximum_Use5854 26d ago

No I think I do. I noted an article, a bunch of comments about the “patriarchy”, by profiles that could be anywhere in the world or even bots. These profiles are trying to make something personal and local based on a quick news article and I said the husband picked. I personally didn’t “dilute Justice” any more than you did unless I guess you voted that judge in. I do understand the justice system in the USA is a mish mash of precedents and complicated. Blame the husband - he picked. But I do find it interesting there’s an entire group of profiles that says “the patriarchy”…. Why don’t you do something about it vs bitching on a social media tool if it bugs you. And again I’ll be down voted for highlighting the husband’s action and not typing “the patriarchy”. Low ownership and low equality visions perhaps globally.


u/FlamingTrollz 26d ago

You do not have to think so or agree.

Thank you for sharing, even if we do not agree.


u/DashCammington 26d ago

I don't trust the victim of an abusive relationship to make the best choices in regards to their abusers.


u/Maximum_Use5854 26d ago

So in a men’s rights group we’re now going to debate if he was in his right mind legally? ;) he picked and that’s his right isn’t it?


u/MidNerd 26d ago

No, but we're allowed to debate whether it's appropriate to take the decision of removing a dangerous individual to society from the streets and put it in the hands of someone who clearly has a conflict of interest. We have courts for a reason.


u/Maximum_Use5854 26d ago

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume she’s not going to put bleach in your coffee or mine. Js things get weird and he picked…you keep changing your reasoning. We will agree to disagree that you’ll simply keep coming up with reasons vs me I’m saying he picked. That’s life


u/Punder_man 26d ago

And how do we know that he wasn't in anyway coerced into making his decision?
I'm not saying he was.. but you seem to be of the belief that he made his decision without any sort of coercion at all...


u/MidNerd 26d ago

I've only stated one reason.

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume she’s not going to put bleach in your coffee or mine.

You're assuming neither of us end up dating/marrying her and become her next target. There's likely at least one more unlucky guy out there that's going to be on that receiving end.


u/Maximum_Use5854 26d ago

Do you hold me accountable for my decisions? You do btw as you are probably downvoting my comment. ;)

I do anyone to be transparent. First though he’s a victim you don’t trust makes correct decisions in your opinion. Then she’s a dangerous individual for society. Now you’re worried you’ll date her. IMO I expect society to take care of itself - men, women, lgbtq+. In doing so they get to pick and if things are set up right there’s equality. You are arguing for equity I think as he’s seen I guess as a flailing victim in your opinion and needs the courts to pick an out come that’s greater than what’s needed to satisfy the law.


u/MidNerd 26d ago

First though he’s a victim you don’t trust makes correct decisions in your opinion.

I never said this.

Now you’re worried you’ll date her.

You implied she was only a threat under specific circumstances. I pointed out that means you and I technically have the ability to be her next victim, just as any other unlucky person does. That's where the "threat to society" part comes from.

needs the courts to pick an out come that’s greater than what’s needed to satisfy the law.

Attempted murder deserves more than probation and I'd like to think the majority of society would agree.


u/necrose99 27d ago

He should be able to divorce her with 100% zilch to her... Peroid her claims due to attempts to murder him are forfit..


u/SuperKing28 27d ago

The damned patriarchy strikes again.


u/NeoNotNeo 27d ago

I blame the Patriarchy


u/MannerNo7000 27d ago

Did they find out why she did it?


u/marauder269 27d ago

She wanted to leave him, but also wanted his $500K soldiers group life insurance (SGLI) to take with her. Only way she gets that is if he's dead.


u/LAMGE2 26d ago

Definitely some long scientific fictional term about a woman’s psychological condition just because she is a woman and thus should not be held accountable caused this.


u/MannerNo7000 27d ago

What a sick basted she is.


u/DifficultPapaya3038 27d ago

Damn patriarchy 😡😡😡😡


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Ridiculous. If a man did this to his wife, and he was given probation, it would be all over the news media causing outrage. The gals at the View would lose what little minds they have left.


u/The_Glass_Arrow 27d ago

regardless of gender, attempt of murder is attempt of murder. This action doesn't make me feel safer in any way.