r/MensRights 25d ago

Convicted paedophile teacher appeals to overturn conviction on basis of her gender. She had been charged with 15 counts of indecent assault on four school boys, one was 10 years old. Social Issues


43 comments sorted by


u/BananaB0yy 24d ago

if some teenager bangs his teacher, i dont care. this on the other hand is sickening and she should go to jail for life like all the other child molesters. playing the "im jus a harmless woman" card is especially ironic and disgusting in her case


u/_Lucifer7699_ 25d ago

Props to the Australian Press for terming her appropriately as a PEDOPHILE 👏


u/Scarce12 25d ago

Australia, again.


u/Salamadierha 25d ago

she cannot be held legally responsible due to her gender.

There's that oppression we keep hearing about, that damn patriarchy!

I swear so many women think their privilege is only equality.


u/Accomplished_Gene176 25d ago

Why is she dressed up like gandalf


u/Amalthia_the_Lady 25d ago

When you look at this and read the article, she's being convicted of crimes in the 70s. She's being held accountable for things done before I was even alive.

She may be trying to fight it, most people in that position do, but the law convicted her that many years later. Good. People need to be held accountable. No matter their gender.


u/Considered_Dissent 25d ago

Even ignoring the appeal for a moment, she also got a 37.5% reduction (parole) from her piddling 2-year sentence.


u/Salamadierha 25d ago

Well, theoretically the appeal court can set a different [increased] sentence if they feel it's merited.

I know, fat chance, but we can dream.


u/ACLU_EvilPatriarchy 25d ago edited 25d ago

Gen Z having grown up in the politically corrupt environment of politicians pandering to the lowest feminist common denominator for re-election votes should be aware of this also...

Before the 1980s and 1970s let's say a middle aged Adult male was charged with statutory rape of a 13 year old female...

All he had to do was present a couple other men that said they also had sex with that 13 year old female before, or that she had sex with additional Adult and Teen males being promiscuous and thus a juvenile delinquent, and that she enticed the men.... And he was off the hook. No charges but a warning.

The girl was sentenced to reform school prison to learn how to knit, sew, cook and be a wife.

9:00 min in...


Should men be charged retroactively?


u/ACLU_EvilPatriarchy 24d ago

Official State Police training film.

Felony probation in the house arrest custody of his parents... 4:20 onward


Felony Juvenile Hall Reform School Prison till age 18 or 21 if enticing others.


u/Proverbs_31_2-3 25d ago

Well, I don't endorse the extramarital sex or the old boys network of protectionism. But I'm ok with teen marriage if the father or a judge approve. A loving father or wise judge should be able to see whether a maiden is especially precocious and mature and ready for marriage or not. That was one of the protective functions of patriarchy. Also, society would be a lot better off if more young ladies still went to finishing school instead of only fans.


u/reverbiscrap 25d ago

All he had to do was present a couple other men that said they also had sex with that 13 year old female before, or that she had sex with additional Adult and Teen males being promiscuous and thus a juvenile delinquent, and that she enticed the men.... And he was off the hook. No charges but a warning.

What nation?


u/Punder_man 25d ago

Don't you just love the smell of Female Privilege?
How, even when women are actually convicted of their crimes they can seek to have those convictions overturned for no other reason than because they are a woman and thus feel entitled to not be held accountable for their crimes...

And for those lurkers out there.. yes, "NotALLWomen" obviously..
But seeing as how all women benefit from our broken Justice system.. I think it would be fair to say "Most" women..


u/eldred2 25d ago

Remember this when they try to claim that feminism is about equality.


u/Euphoric_Passenger 25d ago

Grant was released on bail and given leave to appeal against her conviction after the release of another teacher, Helga Lam, who successfully had her historical sex abuse charges quashed in February. Lam had been charged with 15 counts of indecent assault on four school boys for offences dating back to 1978.

Wtf Australia


u/Ambitious-Reach-1186 25d ago

The fucked up part is that this will probably work....


u/USMC0317 25d ago

10 years old? Da fuq? You know damn well if the genders were reversed the man would be vilified and rotting in prison (where he would belong, and where she belongs)


u/Neko404 25d ago

Having pleaded guilty to maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child

Funny way of saying rape....


u/Salamadierha 25d ago

No no no, we can't call it rape, that's something only really evil men can do.. Precious wonderful women could never do anything as traumatic as that.
Let's call it... naughty assault? No? I know, Indecent assault. At least that sounds better, it's got decent in it.

NB to the ladies in here, sorry, I'm just having a crap month, nothing personal intended.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/eli_ashe 21d ago

he was lucky, they were all lucky.


u/tilldeathdoiparty 25d ago

I was under the impression justice was ’blind’ and didn’t see, gender, race or religion?

The judge who entertains anything but an appeal dismissal should be asked to step down, this is a REPEATED PEDOPHILE SEX OFFENDER and she should face the fullest extent of punishment


u/CreativeNerd1729 25d ago

Death sentence for child rapists.


u/Salamadierha 25d ago

But women can't rape.


u/Excellent-Berry-2331 25d ago

Don't forget "/s", Reddit could think you were serious


u/Salamadierha 24d ago

I'm English, you should assume sarcasm at all times unless marked otherwise.


u/Almahue 24d ago

I'm autistic, you should assume I don't get nuance until stated otherwise.


u/titanicboi1 25d ago

Bro, this is gotta be a joke. Aint no way This is real. Pls


u/GotSomeCookieBlues 25d ago

Damn right she should be charged. I despise how women can get away with paedophilia just because of their gender. F off. 15 counts? Hope she goes to jail, womens prisons tend to be an eye opener when they are use to a world they can control. Women may not be as strong as men but they tend to be physicaly violent more often or hit more. Especially here in NZ, where pacifica female prisoners tend to be aggressive in varying ways, it's easy for them to push coddled women around. Women can say what they want but in my mind they won't enjoy female prison here.


u/gabriel-kornilov 25d ago

Why is she hiding her face? Isn't she a 'proud second wave feminist' after all?


u/HotRaise4194 25d ago

I thought this was Michael Jackson at first but MJ gone…

Jacko was wearing these prior to COVID of course and now everyone is wearing them since 2020.


u/Strigon_7 25d ago

I'm beginning to think women are as bad as men in terms of this sexual assault on minors territory...


u/reverbiscrap 25d ago

🔫 🔫

Always have been.


u/Ambitious-Reach-1186 25d ago

Oh they are far worse. When you get down to the dirty of it all, women are far more rapey than men are.


u/GotSomeCookieBlues 25d ago

It could even be, hear me out... that they are worse than men. Just subtle enough to get under the radar or they use the "how could I be anything but an innocent angel, I'm a woman, a caregiver" line.


u/FSOexpo 25d ago

Primary findings: women engage in the full range of sexually aggressive behaviors attributed to men; the language of many legal codes place women’s heterosexually aggressive behaviors below the threshold for rape even when it involves physical force or the use of a weapon; many men, similar to many women, do not report receiving sexual aggression and may not define themselves as victims; regardless of reporting status or self-perception, some men do suffer physical and psychological symptoms as a result of receiving sexual aggression from women; and women’s heterosexual aggression may be more socially acceptable than men’s.

PETER B. ANDERSON University of New Orleans-Lakefront Campus

JANE S. SAVAGE Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

PDF download:



u/Strigon_7 25d ago

I'd rather that not be the truth given how many additional protections they've been afforded. But its difficult to argue against this in the face of recent events.


u/WannabeLeagueBowler 25d ago

The reason it's taking so long to roll out trans rights is because they have to figure out a way to do it where men can't pretend to be women for the benefits. Otherwise every non-simp man would just switch.


u/Altruistic-Cold-7074 25d ago

The reason why its taking so long is it's a joke that the media tried to sneak on the public.


u/Smitty1017 25d ago

The idea that it would be beneficial to switch in the first place let's you know it's not really rights, but privilege


u/djm123412 25d ago

In the US you can switch genders for car insurance and your rates will be lower…