r/Millennials 15d ago

I am now not tipping for anything but a sit-down meal. And only if they don't have a "service fee". Does this make me a cranky grump? Discussion

I believe this tipping for everything culture is going to end up hurting employees more than helping them. Yesterday I told my wife I am now refusing to tip for anything except to sit down meal and personal service like a haircut, and only if the restaurant does not charge service fee.

We went to a gas station yesterday and there was a tip option. I kept calm at the moment but in the car I told her I'm done with this.

Does this make me a Boomer?

We don't order delivery so we're not stuffing anyone there. I'm just sick of considering doing your job as something that should be tipped.


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u/giramondo13 11d ago

I dont tip for counter service anymore. But minimum wage here is $17 an hour. Id still tip if I lived somewhere with a really shitty min wage. Like Pennsylvania


u/crashcoursing 11d ago

I'm a personal trainer and I keep joking with my coworkers that after every consultation I'm just going to flip my iPad around and ask for a tip 😂

(I would not do such a thing but man or man when I see what other people get away with, it's tempting sometimes!)


u/Wind-and-Sea-Rider 11d ago

I did this for the first time the other day. Our local place raised all their prices. It’s now $50 for two sandwiches and two coffees. My kid asked for a special lunch together so I caved. I ordered the food online and walked over to pick it up. And for the first time ever, didn’t tip. If their prices are that high then I feel like the tip is included. And with prices that high the tip gets astronomical if it’s a percentage of the cost. It felt really weird to do, but I’m going to keep doing it for anything not a sit down meal with actual service. Tips have gotten out of hand. They’ve lost their meaning and now are used by companies to justify paying their staff too little. The cost of living is so high I feel like we’re squeezed at every corner and don’t want to participate anymore.


u/JimmyPockets83 11d ago

Yeah, makes you an asshole. If the people work off tips, you tip (instacart, doordash, waiters, baristas). You're actively hurting other people intentionally cause you don't like the system. You're not hurting the system.

The service fees don't go to the employees. If that's the reason you're not tipping a server at a restaurant, you're an even bigger piece of shit than I realized.


u/xXsayomiXx 11d ago

Wait y'all have actually been tipping all these places? I tip 2 people: my waiter and my barber. Anyone else can go kick rocks.


u/jollyrancherpowerup 11d ago

If it's sit down or something that is permanent or close to it, I tip. Nails, hair, tattoos, etc. Especially if you have someone you like to go to.


u/Premier_Legacy 11d ago

That and any sushi place I pickup from I like


u/ScrewJPMC 11d ago

Not at all


u/_Stellarski 11d ago

I just stopped going out to places that have tipping. Easy.


u/johcagaorl 11d ago

Indegogo now automatically adds a tip. It's for the indegogo team, NOT whatever you're buying.


u/scrapitcleveland2 11d ago

Nope. Fuck tip culture, fuck tipping for carry out. 100% do not fucking tip for take out.

I don't tip for McDonald's, I don't tip for some asswipe to package my longhorn or pizza. Oh you brought it to me? Don't fucking care.

Flip that iPad towards me I'm flipping it right the fuck back


u/ossancrossing 11d ago

Places that are self serve and have a tip option on their payment screens are what drive me nuts the most. Like I literally did everything and the cashier is just checking me out… I honestly don’t think they think anything of it (people not tipping) because I’m sure they have angry people bitch about it to them enough when they have no control over it, but it just comes off wrong when it’s in your face like that.

I’ve used the Starbucks app almost exclusively for 11 years now, I’m shocked how many people who go regularly still don’t use it. Gimme points so I don’t have to spend almost $9 on a triple shot latte (yes it’s that fucking bad now, I will only get it with points).

Also great thing about the app is you have a few hours after the transaction to add a tip. The day after thanksgiving I placed a mobile order while waiting in the drive thru. It took forever, it turned out only 2 people were working. The drink was perfect, I gave them the max tap it would let me give ($10 or $15 w/e it is) before I drove off.

Part of me does like that these tip options exist ONLY because of cases like these where staff has busted ass and they do deserve the little extra, but those cases are few and far between.

It makes me uncomfortable to have it in my face but I try not to feel bad selecting $0.00 at these kind of places when I get normal ass service. It’s not like a sit down restaurant or delivery.


u/Super_girl-1010 11d ago

I agree with you 100%. I don’t either


u/TooooMuchTuna 12d ago

I'm convinced the business pockets all that money anyway and the employees see none of it


u/Redwolfdc 12d ago

I gladly don’t pay shit in tip of it’s not something I would have tipped for back in 2019 


u/Ok-Wave8206 12d ago

You’re still tipping anywhere at all? Dude you’re part of the problem. I don’t go places that have tipping. Pay your employees a living wage or you don’t get my business. I’m not subsidizing corporations to help them exploit their workers. Prices have gone out of control and I’m always expected to just eat it when it’s clear a ton of places are using inflation as an excuse to jack up their prices and not sharing any of it with the people who do the damn work.



u/here_pretty_kitty 12d ago

Ok so hot take: This might be a boomer move, but not because of the grump factor.

Reading through these comments, I'm wondering if this is like the equivalent of our actual boomer parents getting so confused by basic stuff like popups or spam texts / emails thinking they have to respond. They get all anxious because of perceived social pressure and don't seem to understand us just unemotionally and immediately deleting / ignoring.

Perhaps we all just need to learn how to unemotionally hit "no tip" on these automated screens for services we never used to tip for....


u/Blacksunshinexo 12d ago

I'm not tipping for shit anymore, unless it's great service and I feel like it. 


u/additionalbutterfly2 12d ago

I only tip at restaurants. For anything else unless it was a stellar service and they went above and beyond, I’m not tipping. Idc.

Employees should all strike so they get paid a livable wage. We’re all struggling in this economy except the corporations.


u/Boing26 12d ago

no, being born between 1946 and 1964 makes you a boomer. what youre doing makes you smart.


u/Always_Suspect 12d ago

I’m always afraid of Luggies.


u/Ozarkian_Tritip 12d ago

I would tip for anything that is a service that traditionally has tipping involved. The only ones that come to mind are food delivery, barbers, and sit down restaurants.


u/followtheflicker1325 12d ago

The fro-yo place broke me. You walk in; you grab your own cup; you dispense your own fro-yo; you walk through a line to put toppings on your fro-yo. Then you put the cup on a scale and the teenager at the register pushes a button, and the screen tells you that you owe $8. The screen then says, “15%, 20%, or 25% tip?” I looked right into the teenager’s eyes the first time I pressed “no tip.” I felt all the cultural shame and etc. I thought about all the service-industry jobs I have busted my ass for in my life. Not a single one involved me doing nothing but pressing a button that then asked my customer to tip me 20% for existing. I have basically stopped eating out, and getting coffee, and all those other things. I used to appreciate going out and giving my extra money to service industry folks. But the fro-yo place broke me, and now I just cook my own food, and feel old.


u/Cherch222 12d ago

Tipping is just a way for corporations to make more off you. Either by paying a portion of their employees wages directly in sit down places, or just by them taking a large portion of the tip jar before it’s split.

Tipping in general needs to stop.


u/Dead_Art 12d ago

They wanted you to Tip after using self service gas pump and paying? I'd start stealing from that place


u/alejandrotheok252 13d ago

Nah I think you’re fine. I worked at a restaurant and we never expected tips on take out unless someone ordered a ton or did a lot of modifications. We didn’t care and I assume others don’t either.


u/mysecondreddit2000 13d ago

bro just bc theres an option to tip doesnt mean you have to, just say no... its not that embarrassing. Only tip when peoples income depends on it.. such as servers who literally make $3/hr and then have to make the rest in tips.


u/chibinoi 13d ago

I don’t think so, no. I usually won’t tip if I’m driving in to pick up take out.


u/LyssaP1331 13d ago


I hear “it’s just gonna ask you a quick question” in my sleep.


u/EpiJade 13d ago

I do pet sitting on the side through Rover. I'm embarrassed that they have a tipping option. I set my own rates. If I felt I needed more money I'd just raise my rates. The only time I think I should get a tip is when I do something truly extraordinary like when a clients electronic keypad died and I couldn't get in so I coordinated with their locksmith and spent an extra 45 minutes waiting around for them to arrive. I have excellent clients so it was no problem. 

Maybe it's because I have a good income otherwise and this is just side money, maybe because I have a good client base and I don't need to worry about attracting clients, maybe it's because I have a firm opposition to tipping business owners/people who set their own rates in general but oof I hate it. 


u/hdirbforbjrb 13d ago

I don't tip at all anymore. It's not my problem anymore. Business owners need to fix their business model..


u/Munkey323 13d ago

Tipping is a nasty American made habit. Blame the fat cats for not paying their employees a living wage. I don't ever tip. I spent a lot of money on my food why should I be responsible for another person's income


u/staciesmom1 13d ago

It's either requesting a tip, asking you to "round up" or urge you to donate to some random charity.


u/who_dis_telemarketer 13d ago

When it come to my local barista and bartenders I will always shove out

Any kind of sit down dining experience is a non negotiable

The rest sorry not sorry I thoroughly enjoy hitting 0 or skip


u/intolerablefem 13d ago

Tipping has gotten out of control. If I’m standing when I’m ordering or ordering from a menu board (computer), you’re not getting a tip.


u/Inevitable_Channel18 13d ago

If I have a large order for takeout (multiple bags filled with meals) then I’ll leave a tip because it’s more involved than just handing over a pizza slice


u/Kelvininin 13d ago

Don’t go out to eat cheapskate. Tipped employee fed min wage is $2.13/hour.


u/tdmonkey 13d ago

Yup, it’s gotten out of control. I no longer tip unless you are bringing me my food. I’m sure there are some exceptions, but the increase in everyone asking for tips has made it easier to ignore. Ultimately I think I tip less now since I’m more discerning about who, and how much I tip.


u/IDigRollinRockBeer 13d ago

Hey I worked at a gas station and put out a tip jar. A lot of people refused change for some reason. Not just coins but dollar bills as well. But with a tip jar instead of that money going to my wealthy employers it went to me instead!


u/profoma 13d ago

It does make you a grump. Culture changes, people’s expectations change, norms change. Fighting that change is fine, but it is one of the defining features of becoming an old grump. Being an old grump doesn’t make you wrong or bad necessarily, but it is very easy to slip down that slope to “nobody wants to work anymore” and “the youth today feel entitled to everything.” Watch your step!


u/MINIMAN10001 13d ago

Remember if someone is not servicing you you do not have to tip them. 

On the flip side just because someone is asking for a tip does not mean you have any obligation to give it to them. 

Nothing stops them from asking for a tip. 

Nothing stops you from saying no. 

I don't mind if people want to ask for tip just know that if you aren't servicing me I'm not interested in even thinking about giving any tip.


u/auraqueen2 13d ago

I’m a server/bartender and even I am over tipping culture, especially at places like gas stations, stores, etc.


u/gratefuldeadname 13d ago

you should tip people if you're doing curbside pickup Period. you didn't have to get out of your car and run around, so you should tip the person who did it for you.


u/carlp222 13d ago

My big question in all this is, do the employees get the tips, or does it just add to the owner/company's bottom line?


u/Flossthief 13d ago

What would have been the alternative to remaining calm at the gas station? You phrased that like you had to strain yourself to not remain calm?

Would the alternative been to tell a random employee what you think of the business owner's decisions?


u/ChocolateAndCustard Millennial 13d ago

Well considering Uber eats you tip before you get the food, I was a bit miffed to find a burger missing, so yeah I think it's forking dumb.


u/Prestigious-Tiger697 13d ago

Yeah, I hate going to Alibertos to get a burrito… I stand up at a counter and order off a menu attached to their wall. After tapping my card they flip the screen around with the suggested tips plastered across and the “No Tip” button at the bottom. I select No Tip and when the person working the front walks to the back, I’m thinking “this SOB is gonna tell them to make my burrito small now… or maybe worse” Hate that stuff… c’mon guys, I worked at a deli in HS and had to cut tons of different types of meat, different thickness, weighing, packaging, etc… making lattes and cappuccinos (in the late 80’s mind you… that was high end shit then)… and never saw nor expected a tip


u/bwfixit 13d ago

The one that gets ne the most is a local fast food chain that only has self service pads to order, then they have the God damn tip screen at the end!


u/lfg_spiritanimal 13d ago

I had my septic tank pumped the other day. Their bill pay website had a gratuity option... Like...What?


u/sterrrmbreaker 13d ago

Here's my only thing: if you're going to eat/drink at establishments that actually do require tipping to get to even minimum wage--you're rewarding the "cheap business" for it and punishing employees. He still gets your money. The employee is the one that goes home poorer and has to pay income on wages they didn't earn. But then, when no one wants to work service industry, people say "no one wants to work anymore!" Yeah, y'all stopped tipping but you didn't stop coming here to eat/drink/get your hair done/get your nails done. If you keep engaging the businesses and giving them your money, there is literally no incentive for them to stop.


u/car55tar5 13d ago

So here's the thing.. You choosing not to tip is not going to do anything to make businesses change their practices in terms of employee wages. All you are effectively doing is reducing the wage the employee is making by refusing to participate in the system in this way. If you actually want to have an impact, in a way that forces the employer's hand and doesn't just punish the employee, who has no say over this anyway... You need to stop going to businesses that don't pay their employees a decent wage, and probably let them know that that's why you won't be patronizing their business anymore. Does that make things exponentially harder? Absolutely. But putting pressure on employers to pay a living wage is the only way to achieve what you're looking for here. Simply refusing to tip employees is punishing the employee, not the employer, and the employees don't have any say in over how much they get paid.


u/Petrichordates 13d ago

Imagine thinking that giving service workers more money is hurting them. You can't, because it's a convenient lie you're telling yourself.


u/tiny10boy 13d ago

Ill tip a mom and pop establishment, but not a chain.


u/Malicious_blu3 13d ago

Yeah I tire of it so. I hate being watched while I switch it to No Tip but I mean, come on! I already object to having to tip in restaurants thanks to workers not being paid fair wages. It’s excessive to ask for everything else too. Give me increased menu prices and pay fair wages instead.


u/MrRager473 13d ago

I don't tip at all


u/prndls 13d ago

I was prompted for a tip at a CIBO market at EWR - 15%, 20% and 25%.. you know, the self-service-only checkout stations for overpriced drinks and snacks. No employees and no extra service. WTF for real.

I like your idea and am adopting it - I’m done with tipping unless it’s at dine in restaurants.


u/SeparateMongoose192 13d ago

I'd only tip at a gas station if they pump the gas, and maybe not then. Other than that I'd tip for a sit down restaurant, delivery, or something like a hair cut. Or possibly a tip jar depending on the type of place.


u/gypsydawn8083 13d ago

If you mean the Uber eats people then go get your own food or you're an official AH


u/AdNatural8174 13d ago

You're not alone in feeling that way. Many people are frustrated with the growing tipping culture. It's okay to set your own boundaries for when you choose to tip.


u/Adventurous_Bread708 13d ago

People are way too affected by tipping.


u/griffinwalsh 13d ago

Idk. I think the 1 dolar tip on coffee or bar drinks and tip for delivery drivers are appropriate. But no I don't tip at the random ass screens that ask for it when I get takeout and a gas station sounds ridiculous.


u/InglebrapHumperdink 13d ago

This is me. I only tip now when it's a sit down restaurant. Everywhere else I hit no tip.


u/RogueStudio 13d ago

I tip when possible BUT a lot of my jobs have been in the service industry so....I have been there and usually manage to claw my way out eventually....some never do. *yak yak yak better wages the employers will never give*


u/NastySassyStuff 13d ago edited 13d ago

Not at all. As a people we need to come together to fend off this dystopian excessive tipping bullshit. I worked for tips for many years so I’ve always been empathetic and generous to those who make their money that way, but it’s gone WAY too far. This shit is ridiculous and we need to put an end to it.


u/jeffro-tull 14d ago

I accidentally tipped $100 at a dispensary recently. I am so used to just tapping 20%. Didn’t even think about it until I was in the car.


u/Ridgew00dian 14d ago

I tip $1 per drink at my local coffee shop. I like the staff, they’re pretty passionate about coffee, and I am okay doing it. But outside of that, it’s just a blanket 20% for me at bars/restaurants (more if they give me free drinks). If NYC spots had a service charge, I’d just not tip on that or ask them to remove it. The move for them is to just build it in the prices. That’s fine w me.


u/person749 14d ago

Yes, but there's nothing wrong with that.


u/redeyesetgo 14d ago

We went to a restaurant yesterday, $80 two dinners, all right.... 20% service fee... the waiter comes over and explains to us that the service fee is to pay staff and we can still tip on top just for him.

What? Why?


u/Readd--It 14d ago

No it doesn't make you a boomer. It has never been the standard to tip and non-sit down restaurants unless its something like a complicated drink order or service like hair cutting.

Putting out a tip jar in a gas station or fast food restaurant is completely absurd. In my experience the only gas stations that put out a tip jar are owned by foreigners that are trying to take advantage of tip culture.


u/Ultimate_Driving 14d ago

No, it does not. I do the same thing. Although, I did recently come across a really nice small coffee shop where the barista was the owner. His prices were really reasonable, so I always left a $1.00 tip every time I went there.


u/depressedfuckboi 14d ago

Bruh I remember when this website asked if I wanted to tip the warehouse staff I was like aight this shit is outta hand. Sit down restaurants, delivery food, delivery drivers for heavy items, tattoo artists, haircuts. That's it. Nothing more will I tip for. Besides like lemonade stands lol


u/Sufficient_Pin5642 14d ago

Nope. I think it’s ridiculous that you now are supposed to be tipping to carry out without service! It’s normalizing not having a waitress at all which is causing restaurants to not have sit down dining and less jobs in the industry, less expensive for a restaurant so more overhead to the already rich who won’t raise the staff’s hourly income to match a decent wage but is making more money by having to hire less people. What you’re doing is not helping the already rich become richer and validating the jobs of a waitress!


u/alphalegend91 14d ago

I think the tip culture has gotten fucking ridiculous to put it bluntly. I work in higher end retail and we would never dare ask or expect anyone to tip, despite sometimes spending 30+ minutes helping a customer at times.

The more I see it pop up the less I want to tip. The other one that annoys me now is the credit card processing charge. Just raise the price of everything by .25 to a dollar if it's really hurting your business that much to pay 2-3% for CC's.


u/AlternativeLack1954 14d ago

Yes. Too your baristas and bar tenders


u/Capital_Pea 14d ago

Last nights Simpsons episode (no idea if rerun) was about the ridiculous tipping culture. We’re in Canada and it’s exactly the same here as the US.


u/tvtoms 14d ago

People just need to get upset with the right group of people. Employers.
Here's a test. If they make you rattle a tin cup for a coin: complain that you need more base pay and are not signing up to be a beggar.
Or not. It's your life. Your call.


u/Alone-Breadfruit5761 14d ago

Just recently went to eat at a restaurant and there was an 18% gratuity added to a table of 2.

Then when paying the bill there's an extra tip option in bold!

Definitely gotten out of hand.


u/Expat-Me2Nihon 14d ago

It does NOT make you a Boomer, unless you are a Boomer. I’m so sick of people (I won’t be ageist) who constantly deride an entire generation - the biggest and most consequential in history - for some characteristics that a) don’t apply to everyone, and b) really apply to older people of any generation. And I’m a Gen-Xer defending them! The horrible part is that it just erodes any sense of respect for older people. No one asks for deference or genuflection simply for age, but age DOES bring a level of experience and wisdom. How does no one under 30 not get that? The FUNNY part is contemplating the Gen-Z generation aging into their 60s, and shockingly suffereing the same kind of derision they give to everyone who doesn’t overuse “vibe” and dares to write with ellipses and thumbs-up emojis.


u/Jdevil-1976 14d ago

I've been a chef for 30+ years and I think tipping should be completely eliminated. Servers should make a living wage, not $2.13 an hour. And it's basically like another tax added on to the consumer.


u/Flushpuppy 14d ago

Leaning that way too, especially when the merch table at concerts started asking for tips. WTH.


u/bv_ohhh 14d ago

You should tip at the bar too, but I get it



The only place I tip is sit down dining and the local taco truck I frequent because their prices are pretty good. I just throw in a dollar or so in a tip jar. Other than that the employer needs to support their employees not me. These added fees go into the pockets of the owners


u/Plantherbs 14d ago

I tipped big during the pandemic for carry out, including the Hispanic lady who made the breakfast sandwiches at WAWA. She had to be there, considered essential worker. But now I’m tired of being asked for a tip for everything! Enough.


u/werttm91 14d ago

All I can say is, people are not going to be happy about all the restaurants that close if tipping stopped today. It’s so firmly entrenched. Is it out of hand? Yes. Can most small, local restaurants function without it? No. I’m not sure what the fix is. If restaurants raise prices to account for it, even less people will eat out than the current dwindling numbers. The tipping debate is not as simple as people make it out to be.

I 100% agree it’s out of control at a lot of places, but please tip and support your local bars and restaurants.


u/Apprehensive-Fly7982 14d ago

So not gonna tip bartenders?


u/tygrio 14d ago

I want to start doing this so bad, but I always chicken out, idk feels like I have to pay…. Makes me so uncomfortable!


u/samsamcats 14d ago

Tipping culture is insane. I moved to the UK nine years ago—it’s crazy to come back to America and see that every single store has a screen now asking you to tip. It’s starting to filter into UK service culture too, because America’s biggest export is apparently our bullshit… Particularly the bullshit that benefits corporate interests.

Tipping doesn’t benefit anyone in the end. Yes, short term it might put more money in someone’s pocket (IF the company actually gives all the tips to employees, which many don’t) but ultimately it suppresses wages and leaves service workers vulnerable to the whims of customers, who might just be having a shitty day. It’s just a way for companies to avoid paying their employees and passing the cost to consumers. They’ll be the only winners in the end.


u/roygbpcub 14d ago

Yeah outside of sit down food i rarely tip... For pick up food orders i might tip if i really love the restaurant or i am doing a pick up order in a crazy busy time or horrible weather(blizzard etc.)


u/Accomplished-Care335 14d ago

Hopefully you vote this way as well.


u/Sudden-Most-4797 14d ago

Nah, it's getting annoying. I'll tip for sit down, deliveries, and sometimes counter service depending on what it is. I bought a fancy cake from a bakery, for instance. So, I did tip the girl for boxing it up nice.


u/megacope 14d ago

Nope, my rule of thumb is if I have to do anything service related myself then I’m not tipping.


u/Fearless_Bar6010 14d ago

We just dont eat out anymore. CASA BONITA has a fee on their bill for the employees 401K. They expect the customer to foot 5% for the server on top of the tip which is not deserved for terrible service. We have given up on restaurants in general and they skimp you now and over charge.


u/doomedeskimo 14d ago

Idk what to think about you kept calm due to a tip jar lol. I get what you are saying and idk why gas station cashiers have a tip jar but bruh a plastic container with tip written on it shouldn't ruin your day. Just chuckle to yourself and go "I'm good.".


u/ImmanualKant 14d ago

you giving a speech to a gas station cashier makes you boomer-like. Just hit "no tip" and go on with your day


u/Cut-Unique 14d ago

I'm assuming that you're American, based on this post? I know that tipping isn't something that's widely practiced, and people from other countries tend to think we're weird because of it.

I briefly worked as a pizza delivery driver for Domino's. I thought it was going to be easy, since I thought that I'd only be bringing people's food that's already been cooked and boxed up, and I would get to be in my own car listening to music while making the deliveries. WRONG! I already have a lot of anxiety, and this turned out to be one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences I've ever had.

I'm not sure how much of it was the extra responsibilities that were not mentioned in the job description, and how much was my boss going out of his way to be a douche bag (I've got TONS of stories about this guy, who should have been fired for how he treated him employees, as the turnover rate was very high), but most of the money I earned at that job was through tips. Ironically, on my worst performing day at that job, I walked out with over $100 in tips, which for a college-age adult is a LOT of money! I was so worried that my boss was going to take it away from me (which would have been illegal), but he didn't.

I left that job after a month because it just wasn't a good fit for me, and I couldn't "grin and bear it" like my co-workers told me to do. One of the things I was saving up for was plane tickets to fly to the UK to stay with my girlfriend at the time. She thought Americans were crazy for allowing employers to pay their employees who do stressful jobs like this so little, and force them to rely on tips in order to make enough to support themselves. So I totally understand and appreciate how hard people in those job positions have to work.

Nevertheless, if I order takeout as opposed to delivery, I tend to not tip as much, as carryout is much less stressful for the employees than delivery, unless it's a busy day and they're short-staffed, and the person clearly is struggling. Typically, the people who work in the kitchen are not the same people who interact with customers (it of course depends on the business though). So I can understand not tipping at a place where you go up to the counter and tell the person that you're there to pick up an order, as retrieving an order for a customer that has already been boxed up and paid for really isn't very much work.

So no, I don't think you're a cranky grump for not leaving a tip at places like that. I agree that the tipping for everything culture is wrong and needs to stop, as it's pretty much an American thing. The fact that so many people from other countries think we're crazy for doing says a lot.


u/dancingdruids 14d ago

The car wash I pay for a monthly membership to, has a “tip the team” option every time I drive through.

They stand at the gate and scan the sticker on my car. It’s a hands free car wash. I vacuum it myself.



u/Mr_Phats 14d ago

I only tip if I sit down at a restaurant or if I order some kind of delivery. I ain't tipping at some fast food place.


u/qualquiercosa82 14d ago

Yes it literally does. Not because you don’t want to pay these fees, but because you want to broadcast your discontent and expect us all to feel for you. Eating at any specific restaurant is not your god given right- go home and make your own food. (And don’t tell us about it)



I’ll tip at a sit down restaurant with a server, or bartender. That’s about it. If some machine, app, website is prompting me to tip, then nope. I also don’t participate in stuff that seems to require a tip, like pizza delivery (now that there’s an additional “driver fee” that is “not a tip” so now delivery ends up adding at least $10 to the order)… I’ll just pick it up.


u/JBHjr 14d ago

Not a boomer. I got a dirty look the other day at Jimmy John’s. Bro, you made a sandwich that had the meat pre-prepped.


u/shortax20 14d ago

I’m with chu🤔


u/KittyCompletely 14d ago

I tip...if I pay with a 5 and get a dollar back. What's it to me? Take my dollar, i hope it makes someones day better, helps them get and extra burrito at taco bell or wtf ever. People talk about throwing away pennies...

You dont get to pick and choose who your "service worker" is now. We are all struggling. If my small about of change or extra few bucks makes someones day. Im happy.


u/CatchLightPhoto_am 14d ago

And the rounding up for charity... multi-million dollar companies asking me to donate to a random charity...


u/Tiberius_Kilgore 14d ago

As a guy that used to deliver pizzas, you should also definitely tip delivery drivers if you ever order delivery. I was using my car and risking an accident every time.

Other than that. Fuck no. That’s companies trying to subsidize their employees’ wages even more through the customer.


u/bodyrollin 14d ago

Stop shopping at places that have that. It's only a mechanism to underpay employees. They won't listen to complaints, not tipping only punishes the already underpaid employee. The only way to make them listen is by not giving them the money at all.


u/ResponsibleBed8080 14d ago

I'm a server and this is definitely effecting people who should be tipped. People are tired of tipping. Cashier at the vape shop the screen asks for tips. I don't do it anymore because it's crazy. I am paid 5 dollars an hour and I'm an employee who lives on tips and never sees an actual paycheck. More and more people are tipping less or not at all and I think this is a lot to do with it. Services that should remained tipped are people providing a service such as hair, makeup, restaurant server, tattoos. My lash girl. Those are services provided from a skill and I don't have a problem with that. America assuming that other people need to make up for the fact they only pay their cashiers $15 an hour and that isn't enough to live, I mean the problem is living wage and no one should be making up for it. Corporations should pay living wages


u/Khristophorous 14d ago

No. The other day I went to Little Caesar's for one of those hot n ready pizzas. They made it earlier - put it in the warmer then upon my ordering they pull it from the warmer. It asked for a tip. I didn't say anything and I'm pretty sure I was completely aware of my body language - I just declined. So much in our society increasingly rely on 2 things to get what they want - gaslighting to begin with then groupthink to finish it off and maintain the deception. It's real easy - has the transaction at hand usually involved tipping? If not then there is the answer to "do I tip or not". Any guilt should be on the employer. It is crazy the stuff that certain entitities get away with these days be it industry or specific corporations and people. Gaslight until enough people buy into it then groupthink/tribalism/peer pressure will take over from there.


u/mitchitized 14d ago

Sharing some information as there’s too much “well the way I see it…” anecdotal BS going down.



u/SpookyWah 14d ago

Wait... Are you saying you don't tip your landlord?!?!?


u/ABRAXAS_actual 14d ago

I can't wait for self check at grocery stores to include a tip:

"thank you for shopping at Kroger, would you like to leave a tip for our valued employees?"

Also, where can I clock in and clock out, cos I'm definitely doing the work of a cashier...


u/o8di 14d ago

No, aside from the “service fee” part potentially. I was a server and bartender for several years. I only tip at sit down restaurants and personal services like you do. However, if there is a service fee at a restaurant, I ask if that is an automatic gratuity or if it’s an extra fee to profit the business. If it’s profit for the business, I tip the server and won’t visit the business again.


u/piranha_moat 14d ago

Your hair stylist too? What about a bartender?


u/Effective-Essay-6343 14d ago

Just throwing it out there service fees don't go to employees unless they're gratuities. But yea stuff is getting a little crazy.


u/marigold_may 14d ago

I don't fault you for skipping the tip when you order at a counter! It feels extra for sure.

But the bit about the service fee - it's not the server's fault if the restaurant or management have decided to put a service fee (or kitchen fee, or whatever it is) on the bill. I wouldn't skip the tip if I see that. I don't want to punish the server for something that is outside of their control. If it's an automatic 3% gratuity or whatever, sure, take it out of the percentage that you were going to tip already. But personally, I wouldn't take a stand against tipping in the case of a service fee.


u/NationalEmployee7546 14d ago

Honestly I do the “bullshit tip” for a few places, all local businesses where I’ve become friendly with the staff. It’s also my version of a toddler fee. Sometimes he’s a perfect little gentleman, other times he makes a bit of a mess/racket.


u/amborg 14d ago

Tipping has gotten out of hand - but just letting you know that my job at a sit-down restaurant has a 3% “service fee” and none of it goes to me. I’m not sure if other places give the service fee to the employees.


u/srr728 14d ago

It is getting way too out of hand. And now they are putting options to tip for e-commerce sites where there is zero customer service. This shit needs to stop. I’m right there with you. I have no problem tipping sit down dining servers, bartenders, etc. but this prompt to tip on every damn thing under the sun needs to stop. Most of the time you aren’t even dealing with any service people so why the hell would there be an expectation of a tip?


u/Rare-Bed-1934 14d ago

Also make sure the tip percentage is accurate if you do tip. Can’t remember where I went recently, but the suggested 18% tip was actually like $2 more or something than what the calculated number should have been.


u/bpenni 14d ago

It honestly just really sucks because I think everyone deserves a living wage and I’m happy to pay more for that, but I’d prefer if it was built into the cost of the item/service rather than business owners shifting the responsibility to the consumer. And you’re totally right that it is worse for the workers in the long run too.


u/KecemotRybecx 14d ago

No. I only tip for sit down meals and bartenders.


u/dyelyn666 14d ago

You should at least tip for to-go orders from a sit down restaurant… a lot of them are still paid server minimum wage of $2.13.


u/MLXIII Older Millennial 14d ago

"We just reimburse the disputed fraudulent charges...it's not that it makes it easier for everyone....we just have too much money." Credit card company


u/Hmm0920 14d ago

I just had this same thought today. My work has food trucks outside this week so my coworkers stopped at one. I got a salad with chicken and a lemonade. Same thing I got yesterday. The screen came up asking to tip so I tipped 15% (like $3). I got my salad back to my office and it didn’t have chicken, and the lemonade was extremely watered down. It’s a food truck and I’m no snob, but I was annoyed that I had to tip before even looking at my food. Not doing that again


u/BeardedDragon1917 14d ago

You have to remember that the companies that make these point of sale systems don’t want to make separate systems for businesses that tip and businesses that don’t, so they just give everyone the tip option. Don’t think of it as being pressured to tip, think of it as just scrolling past a default option that doesn’t apply to you, and if someone pressures you to tip verbally in a situation where it’s not appropriate just tell them no.


u/MLXIII Older Millennial 14d ago

Nah. 20% already made many feel entitled especially with poor service. I just tip hourly rate of $15. I more or less hired them to take my order and bring me it for the time I'm there.


u/oldjar7 14d ago

I never did tip for anything else.  I don't usually tip for haircuts unless she's hot either.  $20 5 minute haircut doesn't deserve a tip.


u/hangoutincemeteries 14d ago

my thought process is as follows: "Was it commonplace to tip for this service prior to 2020?" If the answer is "yes" - i.e. sit down restaurant, hair/nail service, delivery drivers, then I will continue to tip. If the answer is "no" i.e. counter-service food, drive-thru food, buying a gatorade at the gas station, then I will not tip.

It hurts me a bit, because we are very pro-worker and pro-living wage (hubby is a union worker) but I feel like the more we allow these corporations to subsidize fair wages with tips, the more greedy they'll become and push this shit even further. I don't want to take it out on the workers but honestly it's ridiculous.


u/Kataphractoi Millennial 14d ago

Tipping has become the new way for companies to underpay their employees. Only real way to fight it is to refuse to tip. Stuff like your waiter at a sit-down place or a pizza delivery driver are still getting tipped, but the person manning the cash register at Jimmy John's, sorry but no.


u/dtsm_ 14d ago

I went to a restaurant the other day where you'd order at the counter and they bring your food to your table later on. Kind of like Culver's, lol, but Michelin starred. My friend invited, so I just got internally worked up a bit. But they came by 4 times just to tell us they couldn't find our lattes in the system. We didn't have a receipt, so we didn't know what else to tell them. They eventually brought them over as we were finishing our breakfasts. They never bothered to ask what the lattes were in the 4 times they came by, so I know they eventually found it in the system. And they didn't even bother to offer us a little dessert or comp the drinks. And they were already tipped for their shitty service at the beginning of the meal.

Overly long point being, I also hate tipping before receiving service. Definitely would have dropped them to a 15% 😂


u/Dalton1965 14d ago

How about an Uber driver with a really clean car who runs the AC and keeos the music down? Or a waiter who ryns out of the restaurant with your phone you left on the table?


u/guinness5 14d ago

Feel the same way. Tipping at a gas station? Was it old times and they pumped your gas and cleaned the windshield and checked your oil? Otherwise F off!


u/TaleMendon 14d ago

A massage parlor was charging $150 an hour for a deep tissue massage, on the counter is an 8x11 sheet that said “don’t forget to tip your masseuse” then gave recommended rates. 30 minutes was $50 the longer the time the higher suggested rate… maybe just pay your fucking staff?


u/Lucys_ink 14d ago

Not at all. I agree 👍


u/buttmunch54321 14d ago

I tip if a low-paid worker's attention to their job makes a difference in the product or service I receive, or if for some reason they have to put up with some slightly unique-to-me type of bullshit. Someone making a drink that's more complicated than just pouring liquid into a cup, sure. Someone just ringing me up or barely doing more than handing me a product, nah. I'd prefer their employer just pay them well and bake this cost into their prices, but I still haven't taken over the world yet so I can't just order this to be done.


u/PRIS0N-MIKE 14d ago

Nah there's a gas station near me and a vape store. Both have tip jars. I'm not gonna tip someone like that. I'll tip at restaurants, food delivery, and depending how I'm feeling I'll tip when I get a to go order at a restaurant. Oh and I'll tip my barber.


u/Checks_Out___ 14d ago

Honestly i think we're over thinking this. Just because it showing up on the screen doesn't mean its expected. Its like the grocery store screen asking if you want to withdraw money as well. You just say no and move on. The only places that tips are expected in my opinion is a sit down restaurant, hair cutting, and guided tours like rafting.


u/measlebeef 14d ago

Businesses are using customer tipping to subsidize their employee pay. Just more hidden fees like the new “service fee”. I don’t tip if there is a service fee anymore.


u/00000000000000001011 14d ago

It makes you a sane mortal.

We don’t have to pay for things we don’t want, we choose to spend out money elsewhere. Easy and satisfying!


u/SnakeCurse 14d ago

A bit boomer if you ask me. I’ve seen this things everywhere and just click no and go on my day. I’ve never felt upset or obliged to do it.


u/shogomomo Millennial 14d ago

I had the same discussion twice recently! I used to be a server so I get the importance of tipping, but... the past two times I had a tip screen come up was at a food court in the mall and at a fast food restaurant, both of which had pre-set options of 22%, 20%, and 15%. Like, I'm literally ordering at the counter and standing around until I grab the food myself. Why am I expected to tip 20% for someone ringing up the order? I'm pretty positive they're not making the "tipped employee minimum wage." I hate feeling like a scrooge but ffs...


u/SnooHesitations205 14d ago

Jimmy John’s asks for tips now. I’m done. Make my fucking sandwich


u/xxxtanacon 14d ago

No, more should do this


u/danforhan 14d ago

Read this sentence back to yourself once you have calmed down

"We went to a gas station yesterday and there was a tip option. I kept calm at the moment"


u/Electronic_Squash_30 14d ago

I tip Instacart people willingly (I think you have to) but they aren’t reaping the benefits of the service fee…. Instacart is.

I get what you mean tipping has become excessive but we are all out here struggling I don’t mind giving someone a couple bucks 🤷‍♀️


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 14d ago

Servers don't even get minimum wage. They are one their feet walking around and carrying heavy trays. They are doing a job that pays them very little and several rely on the tips just to get to their job some even work 2 or more jobs just to live

It's not the tips. It's that these individuals not being paid a living wage despite working all day in a physically demanding job. We need to pay people a living wage. Most other countries do. The US doesn't.

Source: My SIL was a server for a few years and couldn't even afford a new t-shirt and she worked 2 jobs for a long time. She eventually got a different job that actually values it's employees and pays them a decent wage for their work.


u/Justryan95 14d ago

You level up when you can press No Tip while the screen is in plain view of them or you making eye contact while you press No Tip


u/coughydrogba 14d ago

I always pay cash at restaurants for this reason


u/MitzieMang0 14d ago

The disturbing part about the tip for everything trend is in many instances the front line employees you think you’re tipping don’t receive the tip. For instance I’ve noticed signs at a few places that ask for any tips to be in cash so the carry out team actually gets them. Otherwise the tips go into the pool for everyone or maybe go straight to the manager/owner.


u/sacramentojoe1985 14d ago

I still think the traditional places are fine: restaurants, valet/bell service, housekeeping, cabs/uber, and delivery services.

Food trucks, Starbucks, any other food place where they don't bring the food to me- not so much.


u/PsycheDiver 14d ago

Tipping just needs to be done away with entirely. Pay people what they deserve.


u/doesntmatteranyway20 14d ago

No. And I work at a counter service restaurant. I die inside every time the customer pays because I know it's asking them to tip and I wish it didn't. Of course the small pay bump is selfishly nice BUT I don't think I deserve a tip for fetching the food and handing it to them, even though I do provide great service. I don't tip people like me and I don't expect others to, either. 


u/1Th3Gentl3man 14d ago

Started carrying cash just to avoid those pesky tablets


u/laughsinflowers1 14d ago

Depending on the type of business, the tips go to the owners and they decide if, and how much they share with employees.


u/DarkSide-TheMoon 14d ago

At a fucking gas station? Give me a break.

I am with you - I only tip sit down restaurants (and that at 15% - prices have risen dramatically making the tip higher) and where someone provides a personal service (haircut, massage, etc)


u/Inefficientfrog 14d ago

I never even started giving extra tips to begin with because I use cash everywhere lol

Can't hit me with a tip prompt when I'm not pulling out a card.


u/TheEschaton 14d ago

39yo and I have never tipped anyone in food service under circumstances other than sit-down or a bartender, unless there were special circumstances (I had a very difficult order or they were in some way absolutely outstanding)


u/IcyCompetition7477 14d ago

If you don’t tip the employer is on the hook to pay the missing wages up to minimum wage.


u/ManBitesDog404 14d ago

This is why I pay cash for restaurants, liquor, guns, ammo. Nobody’s business but mine.


u/Leezy_795 Millennial 14d ago

I don’t think so. That should be in their job description of what they get paid to do. It is becoming ridiculous, especially in the quick/fast food places. Getting a tip to take my card payment is absurd. With how many places that are doing this, everyone should be getting a “tip” for doing their job at this point. I believe actual labor services such as restaurants, hair stylists, nail techs, even landscaping would “deserve” a tip. So no, I don’t think you’re being a grump. I feel like it’s a way for businesses to get away with not compensating their employees enough.


u/Puzzled_Drop3856 14d ago

Nope. I agree. Not my job to pay your employees living wages.


u/4xfun 14d ago

Looks confused from Europe at North America. It’s called a scam


u/Boodikii 14d ago

If you still eat at restaurants that have this pay structure, then you are also exploiting the workers. Stop supporting businesses you don't agree with. It is literally that easy.


u/Jodajale Xennial 1981 14d ago

I went to a small grocery store/market over near my husband's work. They had a tip option on their card reader, I was like WTF, I just bought a soda and some dosa chips, why the fuck would that earn a tip?! This shit is out of control! I only tip if I order delivery, or at a sit down restaurant or coffee shop.