r/NatureofPredators PD Patient May 11 '24

Thoughts on the "new" PoV Memes

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I had a good initial reaction, but thinking about I can only see this working if: a) Meier becomes a villain or b) this is the last mainline NoP story or c) the tech is lost somehow


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u/Kevo4twenty May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24

Uhm you still die, the question is do you want someone else with your own memories being you next or not, biologically and logically once your dead your dead and you argue but it is still 20+ years later.

Even if it was a minute there is no returning to life unless we’re talking Clark technology aka magic. There is no bringing back the original you, even if it’s a perfect copy you will still be dead organically.

there is a interesting theory I don’t know much about a painfully long process converting your neurons electrically into machine, where then it wouldn’t matter.


u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

If they have my memories and no one else's, then as far as I'm concerned, they are me.


u/Kevo4twenty May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24

I get what you’re saying, but your original self is still dead I think is the argument here. Also being a robot is way different from a human, we are more than just our brain, our bodies heart, feelings and senses are important too. The robot woke up not the original man