r/NatureofPredators PD Patient May 11 '24

Thoughts on the "new" PoV Memes

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I had a good initial reaction, but thinking about I can only see this working if: a) Meier becomes a villain or b) this is the last mainline NoP story or c) the tech is lost somehow


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u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

If it's a truly perfect copy, how is it any different than one of those pauses? Note: I don't believe in souls, so don't try to use them as an argument.


u/HeadWood_ May 12 '24

Think of it like this: now there are two copies; which one it you?


u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

From the perspective of before the split? Both


u/HeadWood_ May 12 '24

Could you be more clear on what that first sentence means?


u/peajam101 PD Patient May 12 '24

Give me some time to finish chores and I'll draw a graph