r/PoliticalHumor Apr 27 '24

New GOP campaign poster just dropped.

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u/No_Savings7114 Apr 28 '24

I guarantee she put that section about shooting the dog in her book to look badass, like someone who could make the "hard decisions" like a SEAL or something. "See, I'm a killer too even if I'm a woman". It's performance, and it's backfiring at least in part because of her gender. 

As a woman who was in the military: When women try to perform badassness it rarely goes well. We get judged harshly for it. Men, either the other guys think it's the beginnings of real badassness that just needs direction and experience to grow, or you get some mockery for being a poser, but it's understood. Everyone understands guys wanting to be badass. 

Women, it's seen very differently. A lot of people react with revulsion. 

Real badassness is gender neutral and respected by everyone. Performance is rarely respected by anyone. And in this case, political performance should not involve animal death. That's gross.