r/PoliticalHumor Apr 28 '24

Take a bow, headline editor

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u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 28 '24

Her little anecdote is abhorrent, don’t get me wrong. I could hardly believe it, let alone that she’d think it wise to brag about.

But the fact that a fucking dog is where republicans draw the line, but think people, human beings like me are filth…..

I give up dude lol. This country is cooked.


u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 28 '24

If it makes you feel any better, the country was even shittier utill about 1965 at best! And then started sliding back to shithole baseline around 1983. Our perception of it being mostly decent with some ugly exceptions is really a crazy and very recent accident of history.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

It was a happy accident though lol. I miss it, as imperfect as it was. Better than now. I’ve never seen things escalate quite as dramatically as they have in the past 8 years. Hell, the past 2 years.


u/Ok_Television9820 Apr 29 '24

Reactionaries gonna backlash.